4 4 .2 -J i3 - 3 3 n -.1 ; , "1 t .; , ,v i t ; !' V . , 14 - 1 TOVR MOXETS WORTH AND MORE. The L. C. Smith Bros. TYPEWRITER. BALL BEARING. MX WEARING. 3. K. C'KAYTOX 0., Southern Healers Charlotte, X. C. We sell nil in typewriters. is t our pihi TARIFF HAS HOT HELPEDFARMERS Senator Gardner Gives Reason For Supporting Wilson. NCW IS TIME FOR REWARD seeds wnion sogghbo. tUi Pedigree kind from the well known Landwth S.nd Farms 12Sth ye:.r in one continu-.us seed busiuo.-s. TIKMP SEED IS Standard S; . We call .our alt, uiM. I" the Fa.!, Red T..,. Gh.lv. .. -Laresize and rapid growth, unusually attractive and admired by all. A very much heavier producer than the other cany sorts. 151o.miN.laIe Swede or Kuta llasa Maturing in AnilHT iilolH' K.l Crovtiud 7." day. A selection from the older green crowned AMP.KK Cl.Oitl,. .he sinie in all valuable particulars, but more ornamental by reason of the contrast in colors of y-lknv and red. Immeasurably supe rior to the Aberdeen. Why Not pun-lia P.ditive Seed? (Quality i important. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store i Y Mm I The fire insurance policy that come from thin oft ice is ALL the term implie it is insurance that is tacked bv ample funds AND A KM' ITATIOX OF SQUARE PKAIAXti. Some compirs. even stronit ones. (MinMtimcs delay puymcnt of Just claims OIKS IMX'T. And. n incmlxr. m-elvin your Insurance money PROMPTLY imuns nuite it ileu I when you ate in hard straits liecntse of a fire. Monroe insurance and 1XSIRK THKl AXI UK SAKK. THIS AtiKXCY I nvestment ;. II. CAI.nWKM.. Manacer. Office in llnnk of I nioti nuildin". Gomnano. The Climax Lumber Company MARSHVILLE, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS. SASH, BLINDS AND ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. GJ.Tucker,Proprietor. W. I. Uwhorn, Manager. Too Long Have They Been Fooled by Fa'se Cods Rallying to Demo, eracy't Banners. The reason ' t9 enp;m d In BcrU-c.lMTul i-.:rsuit should sappott ,v,,,.r-vr V.ixidrow WtUen for Presi dent ere itronsly 't forth by S. nu:or lib. Jiah iianiuer cf Malae. la aa :-d-iirt i.8 to f:-niters. ScaAtur f.ardner is a practicd fa:m or one who farr.i his own farm, atd v. ,- ',-,l.'v In closer touch and gyn-pathy ith country li.e i-'aJ cRvin.nr-?M t'-ssn tny otaer ir.au rubl'.o i:f.. , . For tv..'ntv-five years Senator Gard ner has be.'n actively interested in the National tlranse and for ten years he was the master of the State Grant of Maine. A few years aco he cam within a close margin of beinp elected Coventor of the Vine Tree State. little less than a year a;;o. when Senator Kre, who had represented Maine in the Senate fur thirty y.-r. dU'd. Governor I'laleted honored Mr. Cardner. and recounted the acrtcul firil interests of the country by ap point ine him to the Tinted States Sen ate win-re he has made a nost credit r.Me reccrd. I'.evotirs pf rtlet'lar alten t'ion to the welfare of the pre;it rural l...! t tl... rnnntrv. lie is now t (Mi-diaa-o for reelection and will undaubtcd'v be successful. In his addr.-s-s Senator Gardner si;". i To tin- Farmers of the fnit.-.l Stits, lvi:nV.m':..f .. and for tl - (rroatof r:,r "f i.,V life h.tvlns been eay-d a i .' i.r i. ti' -til everv-tlay dutn s .if ny ' 'f 'n, ,vlrs been for 2S years P-t Sleiai v t w..rk lhr.mKh boar is of nsr I- cr ! vine served four yn ; (,l;tnwes. n ti'". ...... 1 r.,ni.. unit .-ei ml -It T o me .Miot'imi - - master ot ine . ....... . 1 1 ime ;.'l"e.l S5.MS memlw. am attained n power an.l tntluenro never hel.l I'" ? Ll t .m In n position to speak from !he Mao""o nt Von ,h ..kn.?.t. f. farmer una nis neenK. ami n -- - - - ."."" ,.f thl. that 1 m prompted to ad- drFo"r 'yelrs farmers have justly com. Ptnlne.1 of lwinK reuuired to pull at the ?hoA en.l of the yoke because of unfair inrt unjust --r1nnl "' and transportation, and at the V"" time the farmers are charted with bein the ei.uae f the With cwt of liyln hn Z n matter of fart t.iklnft collectively-- ?. . ... In Ik. i hutineRll. the hours devoted to hard labor, and even- thin ronnei-ie.i wim uio iin" -eultuml life they are. as a whole, the plNirV! "-imp". I" - - - try, white relatively the most Important. Farmere Have Been Deceived. .n ,ni I'M!, farmers hare iwm. "'";: ...n. ha. been rieen ioii mo n .... -...r, - - - theirs through the so-called proteitue tarlfT. anil yet to nnu a mnimj principal crops they have had to rnm pete In the markets of the world where he price Is fixed, nut suddenly It Is dls- covoreii tnei ine mn i -j for the hlrh cost of llvlnK. and what . TM... I . KiMt J tP Tft ft 1 Wl I n a total dlsrecard for the Interests of the farmers, aubrilts a p:an 10 open ui' " competition with tie farmers of the Fnlted State, the iro.!ucts of TanaiH t.ii- i -...a . nro..rve the tariff. nne i'piiih .mi-ii ... i ". : ' or more crivi tlv R.oaklnir the tax, on a'l the farmer hi-s to buy, which, as elenrlv as an'tnirc can. eii"e!. m. hypocrisy anil "hmnlmi'-cry" of the claim fiat tie- tarilT is nnv oineoi i" ""- tural as fotupare'l will! manual uire.i lii' t.. . .v the farnu-rs of thl ctumtry hivn nn op" irt'initv to l en. fa themselves tiiat s never atiM- r-.l w ittvn my recn a c. tlon. as th- I 'cm... r -tic p ,rtv has 1 -. compelled bv Ibe for..- ,.f public npinu.n to nominate a man for 'be preside;- who !. b. -'t e.tit.p-d f.r th-if Inirh cilice of nnv that have been nor.iinatcit or e.eci. e.l since Lincoln A nun that I vp- i!j of from n person.! n. .ti i ntance with and n kniovlci'e of his fitness a man of jrreat ritiinl alelltv. .t.vn.p.llv e.iucate, ni theor. tlcallv but praetleallv. a keenness of itllellect remarkable for Its BTiVP of everv c.n.'ltlen with whb-h he Is con fronted; Indomltch'. curetr" to .to .l 'itwit'ii .it! n i-re tt hroad ten ! encv with and nvmmmv tor nit mm tie will make one of th most acreslhle I're-il.lents ever In the Wl.l'e House. -,i,.l throuch wncp. none .vnt n. rcic-i hearlnw. however htoi.t.le. nor fall to re ceive tustice at his han.ls tie Is truly a marvel u- mrn rnd I wish every ;. -M.n In Hie Fnlted State, roni.i know him ne t know him. an.l sunplemePti.uT nil these nnallties l the ed.'ltlon that hl home ts one of perfect hnl.n.c one can meet the st.lcndld Mrs Wll. son and h-r three refined, cultured rtawrh. ters with their perfect niturnlnes. hot mi:st '-..1 that the whole 'imilv of Weoil row Wl'son wis especially nrep.ire.1 to fill a Croat need In ti e present crisis In th hlstorv of our country, as worn Washington, .teferson. ,'a.ksnn and Lin coln, nnd I would dvle the farmers upon mv remitntl.-n n. n man. If yon want to rr-'tect your own Interests and tho-n of vour families; If you want to ren.'rr the ere" test possible food to your country and future eneratlons: If von want to contribute v-.ne part to the end that popular e-nvernmert under One1 . h-.lt not perish from the ce-th. then see that the Hon Woodrnw Wilson Is e'eeted President. . OAUDNKR. Court Calendar. FIRST WKKK. Mt.lncxlay. Aaintt 21. lli V..U-:U and R t S. X.W.Braswell 29 vs. S&P. and A..A.4A J. A. Austin. A..A.A. lcemorlee Cotton Mill 3' vs. R.iS. Itosa Hish. llavsle IliRh etal. S. & P. J. M. Falr'.ey 30$ vs. U & V. Fred and l-uu Rcdfearn W..I..& McX.. ..& V.. Urooks Cli max l.umlier Co. 3 1'ti vs. S & 1. I. V. Griffin. . A. ci A. The MeCaskey Res'.- t-r Co. 3.1 vs. S. & 1 Julius A. Cr..vell. K. cl- S.---C X. Siinv-soti. Jr. vs. S. I', -itobt. M. ilrtil A; Sons;. It. S. -- Mccklt iibiiri; Iron Works A.. A. & A. J. All.Tt tlu'.Udie. 1 hut-Miay. Auiiin-t ll. s. ii v. z. i: t.cuv. in SL'ii t. II. & S.-- Kich Ferkins. , A. A. R. II. Mowre 3.7 vs. Xash C. . Wright. R. & S. W. F. Moore ,;-.8 vs. S. & 1. and W.. I., t McX.-Thos. S. Kzoll. K. & S. W. F. Moore W., U McN.-- Sam Kr.z 11. K. & S. F. A. Kratis ot al 3 3 2 vs. S. ft I. and A.. A. : A - W. lien rv Collins et al. SECOVT WFFK. W W.. l.H I., and 1.-V.- :;:;t vs. U. & M. W. J. Hill- L. k V.-- X. S. Matthew :; i i s K. D. . haw. A. F. Drooks THE CONTINUAL GROWTH of this bank Is hut the natural outcome of clean, conservative lus lncss methods ami the lulpful srivlce fumlslufl our patrons. mol onnnviutc the iitlns-tuklnc care ami attention their accounts receive, the iwrsonal interest manifested In each Individual d. -sitoi whether his balance Is irKc or amau. Tour account will receive the mime curcful maniiKcnient, th same persnaal latci t st on t ur part that has assisted our present m trons in upbuilding their accounts. The amount of your first leHlt Is of lets importance than maklnff the start now. V.u cannot build up In a financial way unless you make the start. WHT XOT MAKE THIS I1AXK VOI R DEPOSITORY. VXITED HTATES DEPOSITORY. A.. A. A. Marsaret K l'hlfcr ota! vs. , - Julia K. Mttllis et al. l il ltt). AurusI 2;. HM2. & V. -Teliiha Huntley 337 vs. Is. Malcoin Huntley. K. & S. Crow Brothers eys VS. J. A. Oulledne. R. & S. R. M. Sanders 341 vs. 3. & P. T. M. Greene. W.. Is. d McX. U. K. Moore 34 3 vs. t & P. T. Kemp Helms. W., Is. & McX Sallie Trull 350 vs. Brady Trull. Telltha Huntley 357 vs. J, Malconi Huntley. K & S. Jack Thomas 377 vs. Lillian Thomas. , s. & McX. Boyd McManus 4 03 vs. Jessabel McManus. W., L. & McX. Gordon Cook 404 vs. .-Addle Cook. W L. ii. McX. Honio Altlrlch 4ti. vs. Bob A Id rich. U. & S.--Jack Thomas 4 1 vs. Lillian Thomas. Moaday. August 26, 101i L. t McX. J. T. Carter s.ii vs. U. t V. V. H. Collins. S. ft P. and W-UtMcX J.W.Smith SaS VS. R. 8.1. M. Privett. A.. A. A. Craig 4 Wilson 3$3 vs. UiV. Inora and Wilson Scott. , U McX. Walter McCain 359 vs. A.. A. si A. S. A. Is. Ry. Co. Vann and B. & C. Hiram Orr et al 3 ! vs. R. & S.--J.D .McRue. trustee J. I. Orr. It. & S. Willie Bass 3 SI vs. U & V. C. A. Scott. V.. 1 & McX. I'nion lisrlbut ins Company 3B3 vs. A.. A. : A. J. A. and J.H.Gul!ed;e. Tucday, August 27, S.tl'.-F.A.Marsh. ndm. J.A. Marsh, Z62 vs. - W. E. Marsh, guardian 1. T. Marsh, n. c. in. Y I.. & McX. lvice Medlin 3ti4 vj. Julius Purser. L. & V. C. B. Rogers 3tl5 vs. V., Is. & McX. Ruts II Rogers. Is. & V. Fowler & I.ee Co. Sttt! vs. S. i- P. M. W. Duncan. & P. Dixie Tobacco Co. 3tiS vs. W, U. & McX. Doster & Doster. !J. & S. John HaiKllton :;t;:t s. A.. A. ii A. S. A. Is. Ry. Co. Wednesday, Aujpi -t IUI2. W., I.. & McX. J. B. Mills 370 vs. & P. J. Hantp CulUaUo. It. & S. W. C. Cunningham 371 vs.. . . . . Jas. Z. Howey. IX. & S. Pfice-Hemby Co. 372 vs. S. R. & S. K. Z. Ford rump to. 373 vs. I.. & V. Mrs. II. D. Austin. Satiinlay. August 21. IIM2. It. & S. The Sikes Company 3 4 1 v s. A . A. A. I). II. .McGreKor & to H. & S.--B. F. Iloneyciut 313 vs. William Simmons. A., A. : A. J. C. Marsll A: Co. 34 S vs. J. A. Rogers. A., A. & A. Armfield Bros. 34 vs. t?. & P. W. E. Fuiidcrbtirk. E; J. Hays et al 331 vs. Itcese Haywood et al. W.. U. & McX. O. It. Helms 332 vs. S. & P. I). s. Williams. R. & S. Thomas Barrett 333 vs. Lewis Heili. S. & P. and A. John A. Austin r.r.t vs. It. & S.- John A. Mcfolitm et al. MOTION DOCKET. R. A S. R. B. Redwlne et al 30 Peoples Dry Goods Co. R. & S. The Sikes Company 38 vs. B. A. Horn, Sheriff. R. t S. The A. W. Heath Co. 141 vs. A.. A. & A.. W.. L. lu Ralph Barrett and J. W. Howie. P. p. Dorothea Parker !72 vs, Milton Hasty. S. P. Southern Cotton Oil Co. 273 vs. R. S. J. J., R. D. and EAV.Crow. Hasty iThomas . 22 vs. Bob Hinson. A., A. & A. T. B. Hamilton 314 ' vs. W l. McX. and S. & P. C. A. lAn et al. B l. X. t . t urlee et al !U7 vs. I- V.. and W., L. & McX Rcs:i Ann Cur.ee. R. S.--Downie & Wheeler 331 vs. .John Robinson 10 Bis Shows. A.,A.A. Indian Trail Supi-iy Co. 336 TS. W.. 1 McX. W. F. Tarrant and Mrs. Bettie Tarrant. R. S. J. R. Sanders 34 0 vs. P. Jonah Barrino. Indian Trail Supply Co. 312 vs. William Williams. U. S. D. B. Snvder, TrusUe In Bankruptcy, 3S7 vs. Thomas Sianics. R. S. Cliff Griffin 3S9 vs. A., A. A. 3. A. L. Ry. Co. 1, v. Fowler Leo Company 39 4 vs. R. S. and S. P. W. T. Brooks. P. Jas. M. Kezlah. 374 -L. C. Smith vs. -J. 1). Faulkner. It. S. W. S. Walkup MTK VS. Board of Supervisors of Jackson Township et ul. The Mitchell Clothing Co 378 vs. R. S. Crow Lee. R. S. Cudahy Packing Co. 379 vs. S. P. J. V. Cadleu. R. S. M.A. and J. V McCain 3S1 vs. L. V. J. M. Kezlah. TIiHiMla), August 21), 1IM2. L.V. and R.S. Harrell Bros Co. 3S2 vs. S. A. L. Ry. Co. L. V. Fowler lee Co. 3 S3 VS. S. Mc Willie Pollens r et al. R. S. J. B. Xash 3 H0 vs. & P. B. F. Manr-ut'i. It. & S. Lex Presley by ins next friend, Robert Presley, 3 ;i 2 vs. A., A. A IT. J. It. Jer.TT.ie. A., A. A C. W. Barrino 393 vs . P. Ellas Pusser. .v. umwrm, nf tl.a niiucles. whether in duced by violent exercise or injury, there is notlum; lietter than v hainncriaiu s i.miiuem. This liniment also relieves rheura-.it ic pains. For sale be all dealers. Farmers 6 Merchants Bank. M. K. LEE, President J. L. EVERETT, Vice Pretidemt 0. B. ADAMS, Cashier. r,OGOOOOCCOCfXX THE PEOPLE AND THE CUR RENCY. in deallne with the complicat ed and difficult question ot the reform of our benkinK and cur rency laws It Is plain that we nnnht to consult verv many per sons besides thebankers, not be cause we distrust the bankers. hut harause thev do not neces sarily comprehend the busines.t of the country, notwithstanding they are Indispensable sertranU of It and may do a vast deal to make It hard or saty. No mere bankers' plan will meet the re- allurements, no matter how hon estly conceived. It should be a merchants' and farmers' plan as t, .1 , I r. I. h. Kafl, ft' thosa who use It as an indispen sable part of their dally busi ness. From Woodrow Wilson's Speech Accepting th Demi. cratlc Nomination. WOOD'S Special Grass and Clover Mixtures Make the Largest Yields of H&yand Pasturtge. Tl ..-.l.;. i n nrnnw nrfmAI. .- . .L. L-. ,.l,a (n.h Hiftr. non w ent soils fot which they are recommend ed. Wa use in these mixtures our Trad Mark Brand Seeds, which are beet qual ities obtainable, and tested both as to germination and pur.ty. Our euttomers report tne moat satis factory results, both as to securing excel lent elands and largest yield of both hay and pasturage. Wood's Descriptive Fall Catalog gives full information; also tell about all other Gratt and Clover Seedt. Alfalfa. Vetches and all Farm and Garden Seads for fall planting. Catalog mailed free. Write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. L. V. S. II. Crowell 2!!ti vs. p. J. II. Harkey et al. P. Waxhaw Rn-.I Estate Co. 3!t7 vs. R. C. Griffin. It. S. W. W. Horn 338 vs. . S. X. Wolfshriner et.nl. A..A. A Farmers Merch. Bank I"! II VM. R. S. and Parker W. T. Brooks. S. P. Southern Cotton Oil Co. 4m vs. Red foam Brothers. R. S. Crow Brothers 401 vs. J. A. Gullcdpe. R. 8. Kingan Co., Inc. 402 vs. J. V. Cadieu. Friday. Aunust ;!0, I "12. S. P. T. W. Huey 406 vs. A., A. A. City of Monroe. J! on roe Realty Co. vs. J. L. Sims. Monroe Realty Co. vs. H. J. Aycock. -J. E. Little vs. A. S. A. L. Ry. Co. M. W. Duncan vs. McX. T. E. Sinclair. -V. W. Horn vs. S. N. Wolfshiner et al. -Mary R. Broom vs. -Southern Express Co. -R. E. Polk vs. Cotton States Wagon Co -J. E. Stack Co. . vs. A. 8. A. L. Ry- Co. -Allsie McMillan vs. Harrison McLeod. Dick Russell s. 8. A. L. Ry- Co. . TTiat You MayKnow it is possible for you to have your clothes pressed in a SANITARY MANNER, we are making this an nouncement and reaching you in this way. I have Just finished a Special Course In FRENCH DRY CLEANING and have leased the Royal Pressing Club and am pre pared to do your worn in ine mosi up-to-date manner. We can also make alterations and repair gar ments of all kinds. If you have any work phone 263 and we will send for it at once. Royal Pressing Club, WELTON LANEY. Manager. D Au-to! Have one of our Automobile Poli cies if you own a machine. Insures you against loss by lire at any place the machine may be. Also insures against explosion and theft. For rates and other par ticulars, see N.6. ENGLISH Manager, BavlnRH. Loan and Trust Co. 407 A. &. A. 408 S. P 409 A., A. 410 W., L. R. 8.-412 8. P 413 R. S.- : 8. P-- 414 A..A.A- 8. P. 416 A., A. R. S.-420 S. P. I Nice Fresh Hams, 1 I BBaWaWas 1 422 Fresh Vegetables ot all kinds, Fresh Loaf Bread, Yeast for making bread Received Daily, Everything else good In the Grocery Line. M. WALLER