The Climax Lumber Company UAESHVTLLE, N. C. ft . MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS. SASH, BLINDS AND ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL. Estimates Furnished on Short Notice. G. H. Tucker, Proprietor. W. T. La whom, Manager. WHAT XOMIXATIO.X COST. la Wilson. Campaign. Horses, Mules, Buggies' and Wagons. If there is anything In this lino that you need, It is to Uie interest t,( your pocket btmk to investlgnto -ur price. We are ready to suit you la anything you want lu the stock line, as we have several ex tra fine brciod mares, some good road or work horses, and several pood pairs of mule. Harness Sale. Ve have a large stock of Home made wagon harness, that we will n II from October 13th to Xoveni her 1st at unheard of prices. This is the time to get yourself right In harness. This harness was made when leather was cheap, and we are going to sell it accordingly. We also do repair work to your harness cheap. FOWLER & LEE CO. Sale, Exchange and Feed Stables. HORSES and MULES Buggies and Wagons Car Load of Fine, Well Broken Horses and Mares Just In. They are beauties and every one a worker. Don't wait, but come quick, If you want to buy or swap, for will not stay In our stables long. E. M. Griffin & Co. MOMIOE. NORTH CAROLINA. they YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AND MORE. The L. C Smith A Rros. TYPEWRITER. BALL BEARING, WEARING. LONG J. E. CRAYTOX ft CO., Southern Dealers, Charlotte, X. C. We tell all makes of typewriters, get our price, Money Thay Was Sprat Taft and Roosevelt Before Nomination, New York World. Gov. Wilson's campaign for the Democratic nomination for Presi dent cost about 1214.000. Mr. Taft's campaign for renoniinatlon cost more. than twice aa much; Mr. Roos evelt's battle for the lord at Arma geddon cost more than three times as much, the total Taft expenditures !elng approximately H5.00o and the total Roosevelt expenditures $688,000, according to testimony thus far taken by the Senate com mittee. The Taft expenses and the Rooa- sevelt expenses ought legitimately to have been less than the Wilson expenses. Mr. Tart controlled the Republican uatlonal organization. and the whole power of the Federal maentne was employed to round up delegates for him. Mr. Roosevelt hud no Federal machine, but he had a large number of State machines. The Fllnn organization in Pennsyl vania, the Itrown organization in Ohio, the Stubs organization lu Kansas, the Johnson organization In California, the lladley organization In Missouri, the Glasscock organis ation in West Virginia and the Os- born organization In Michigan were all arrayed on Mr. Roosevelt's side. lth their armies of State office holders. Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Taft had been touring the country for years. making speeches In every impor tant State. One of them had been President for seven years and a half, the other had been President more than three years. In the course of their public careers millions of their addresses and speeches had been sent to voters at the. public's ex pense. Moreover, all the machin ery of publicity was at their command. Gov. Wilson, on the other hand, was little known outside of his own State when his cmapaign for Presi dent began. The rank and file of the Democratic party had never seen him or heard him speak. Every body knew something about Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt, but the A-ork of presenting Gov. Wilson's qualifications for the Presidency had to begin at the beginning. In addition, most of the regular Democratic politicians were against him. He had no machine support anywhere. Every Democratic boBS was opposed to htm; every Demo cratic organization was aiding some body else's candidacy. Yet in the end he was nominated by the sheer power of a public opinion that was not accelerated with money. Not a dollar of his campaign contributions or of his campaign expenditures re quires apology. Neither Plutocracy nor Privilege filled his coffers. No Perkins lugged Wall street contri butions to Armageddon for his benefit. Nothing better Illustrates one of the fundamental differences between the Republican and Democratic par ties In this campaign than the P re convention expenditures of their candidates. In the Republican side the admitted expense of Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt efceed ftl.163.- 000. In th. Democratic side the combined expenditures of Wood row Wilson and Champ Clark were only 1265,468. The Tart-Roosevelt cam paign for the nomination cost four times as much as the Wilson-Clark campaign. It is only Republican candidates who can command these tremendous sums of money. It is only the ben eficiaries of Republican legislation and policies who can afford to con tribute such sums. Cotton Stealing. Waxhaw Enterprise. Cotton stealing is becoming very popular just at this season. Mr. C. O. Stogner, according to the Lancas ter News, rounded up three parties at his cotton house one night last week. They were Charlie Gregory and Lee Helms, white and Sam Nel son, colored. They had visited Mr. Stogner's cotton house before and were going to take a bale this time. Before they got away with the goods Mr. Stogner appeared on the scene with a shotgun. The two white men "lit a rag," but the colored man, who wag on the inside of the house, did not care to take any foolish chances In facing a loaded run and quietly surrendered. Next morning the two white men surren dered. They were all placed under a $500 bond. Some one lifted about ISO pounds of cotton from the porch of Mr. Spurgeon Walters' house, in the College Hill community, one night last week. Mr. Walters had weigh ed the cotton the evening before so he would know If any had been taken during the night, but next morning he didn't have to weigh It to see If any was missing as it was nearly all gone. It's strange that people of refinement and In many in stances people of means are fooled Into buying the cheap est kind of pianos at an un reasonable big price, consider ing the grade of the piano, through the practice of mis leading schemes. The Time-Honored Finn of CHAS. M. 8TIEEF .has never advocated the sale of cheap pianos nor allowed unbusiness-llke methods to en ter their business calculated to mislead their patrons. Our motto Is to "bMI pianos at a price that represent act ual values and thereby give the public a square deal. Chas. M. Stiei! Manufacturer of the Artistic htleff, Kliaw, anil St left Self Player Pianos. Southern Wareroom, 210 South Try on Street, Charlotte, X. C. C. H. WILMOTU, Mar. JACK JOHNSON AGAIN. Whit Mother Charges That He Has Her Daughter and Will Not He- leaae Hrr. Chicago. III.. Oct. IT. Jack John son, the negro heavyweight champ ion pugilist, appeared before Chief or Police McWeenr today to eiDlain his relations with UUs Lucile Cam eron, the 19-year-old unite girl. uaugnter or Airs, r . Cameron-Fal conet. of Minneapolis, for whom the police had been asked to search by me mother. In a dramatic appeal Mrs. Camer on-Falconet told of her failure to get ber daughter from the influ enees of the negro. She described tier anguish when khe learned last Friday that ber dauchttr u a frequenter of Johnson's cafe and how he made a hurried trip here to rescue the girl her Interviews with the pugilist who she declan-d In sulted her and flouted her plea wiai ne give up tne girl. Johnson, she said, told her' "he could get any woman he wanted." "When I found Lucile I pleads) with her to come back and 1 would go to any place with her and shield ner rroni criticism back home. She rerused to come, being apparently under Johnson's Influence. "Then I telephoned the pugilist. He said be would send an automo bile for me. "When his automobile arrived he vas In it himself, although he said It would be empty. When I entered the machine I drew down the shades so as not to be seen. This mettled him. "Oh, some of the best white wo men in Chicago ride in this car," is what he said to me. "I begged Johnson to give my daughter up. He said be would not and leered In my face. "We rode to a home on Sheridan road where Lucile was staying. She wept and told me she hud gone too far to go back. "I left her undecided. Finally she came to my hotel. We talked of how she could become disentangled. I was convinced at that time that the negro had a hypnotic Influence over her. "She went downstairs to use the telephone, she said, and never re turned. Johnson told me he would give every dollar he had to hold her." Johnson made an absolute denial of unduly friendly relations with Miss Cameron and that Infatuation for the Cameron girl was one of the causes of the suicide recently of his white wife. He declared the girl left 1 er position as cashier in his cafe for another position and that his wife had never seen Miss Cameron. Miss Cameron was taken into cus tody by the police, tonight after she had refused to leave her compan ions In Chicago and accompany her mother to Minneapolis. She was questioned by Police Captain N'oot bear and later taken to the South Clark street police station for the night. She was arrested on complaint of her mother, but va not booked. Death of an Infunt. Waxhaw Enterprise. William Sloan, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Harris, aged 13 months and 2 days, died Tuesday afternoon after an illness of several days. It was given the best of med ical attention, being under the care of iDr. McCain of this place and Dr. Neal of Monroe, and was also wait ed on by MIbs Wiseman, a trained nurse of St. Peter's hospital. The funeral was conducted at the resi dence Tuesday at 7:30 by Rev. C. F. Sherrlll, the interment taking place Wednesday afternoon at Bel mont. Besides the father and moth er, Mrs. J. L. Rodman, Mrs. Emily Houston, Miss Florrle Strange and Messrs. J. C. Steele and Lee Haigler of this place attended the burial at Belmont. William Sloan was a bright, sweet child and the bereav ed parents have the sympathy of many friends In the community. Stomach Sufferers Pay Nothing Unless Cured. Postal Will ment and a People. Rilng Trial Treat History of Famous MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets surely no end all indigestion and stomach misery and to prove it we will send a trial treatment, an Interesting booklet, and tell you exactly how to banish all stomach trouble and put your stomach In fine shape or not a cent to pay. Just say on a pos tal or In a letter "Send me free trial treatment of MI-O-NA" and you will never be sorry. Address Booth's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y. The English Drug Co. guarantees them. A Lor on the Track of the fast express means serious trouble ahead If not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appetite falls. take electric bitters quickly to over come the cause by toning up the stomach and curing the Indigestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb. had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good di gestion. Only 50c. at English Drug Company's. Here Us woman who speaks from per tonal knowledge and long experience, viz, Mrs. P. H. Hrocan.of WiTimn. P.,whostT, "I know from cx rienc thatCliamherlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any outer. For croup there is nothing that excels IL" For sale by all dealers. Of The Hen. Cincinnati Enquirer. The eagle Is the bird to soar. The hawk Is king of the woods; The mocking bird ran slug the score, But the hen delivers the goods. Farmers Merchants Bank of Monroe. N. C The Officially Designated Depository of the United States Government, respectfully solicits your account Mid calls partic ular attention to the SAFETY. SERVICE and CONSIDERATION afforded. Compound Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit. & We Buy or Sell Real Estate. Farmers 6 Merchants Bank. M. KL LU, President J. L. EVERETT, Vice Preside. 0. B. ADAMS, Cashier. After the Doctors Call Bring Your Prescription to Us. The effect of the prescription of the U-st doctor in existence is lost unlewi the medicine lie orders is proerly prepared. The druggist Is just as iniKirtaiit as the doctor. Bring your prescriptions to us and know that tlit-y will be filled with the right drugs in the right way. Each drug we diseusc is pure and of correct medicinal value, and our work is according to the highest scientific standards. It is certainly true that here no chances are taken. Our drugs and our work produce the best results. These things you should know. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. JuHsi Received A full car load of Pianos and Organs going at prices never before offered in Union county. Pianos $125.00 to $1 000,00 Organs $10.00 to $ 125.00 Why we can sell cheaper than other people. we represent the largest factory in the world; ca pacity Thirty Thousand pianos and organs annually. All we ask is to give us an order, and be convinced we have saved you money. You can see these instru ments at our place next door to express office, near the passenger station. Come and see them and let us talk it over with you. Hollaway Bros. Phone. 372. Monroe, N. C. Business and Professional Director!. Dr. El. S. Green, DENTIST. Office In Belk-Dundy Building, Opposite Belk's Store, Monroe, N. C. E. W. B. Love. GET NEXT The did best stunt a dime ever was to buy a shave at a SANITARY BARBER SHOP. E. O. FAUST. Next to English Drug Company. Polite, Quick Service and PROMPT DELIVERIES are building a BUSINESS for POLK & HELMS, Phone 58. Grocers. C. Williams. Ncy McNeely. WILLIAMS, LOVK McXEELY, Attorneys and Counselors at Iw. Practice in the State and Federal Courts, Make a specialty of the set tlement of estate, for executors. ' .ilmtnlat.atnM .iia.illand Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to them. Offices 11, 12, 14 and 15, Loan and Trust JBullding, Monroe, N. C. W. O. LKMMOM), Attorney-ut.ljm', Office In Law Building, old Library room, Monroe, N. C. Will practice in nil State and Fed eral Courts. Will give special at tention to collection of claims and settlement of estates by adminis trators and executors. Machine Sl)op We are now prepared to repair your engine and other machinery, do your plumbing and other work in our line. Shop near freight depot. AUSTIN & CORRELL. Sick headache it earned by s disordered atnmach. Tke Chamberlain s Tahl.ts and correct that and the headaches will diiep pear. For sal. by all deakus, DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office In PoBtofflce Building, over Union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence phone, 273-R. W. J. PRATT, Attorney-nt-Law, Having been appointed prosecuting attorney in the Recorder's court, 1 cannot appear for the defense In criminal actions. All other legal business entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office: Room 21 and 22, Loan & Trust Building, Telephone 88. Monroe. X. C. R. J Lemmond and J. C. M. Vaun, Attorneys-at-taw, will practice in all State and Fed eral Courts. Special attention giv en to the settlement of Estates by Administrators, Executors and Guar dians. Offices, Nos. 2 and 3, Loan and Trust Building. Phono 29. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op stairs, Fitgerald Building, Northwest of Courtbonpe, Monroe, N. C. DOCTOR H.D. STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE. N.C. If yo dntr my p.r!w, rail tnp throUKli a.'.1rno 'phnno 141 . (ifllot 'phnn jf.T. Offlcf hnom 11 o U. m.,nd frooi :Mol ft n. Oflloe over t'nloo Dm Company'!. Be. dno on lnialer too DR. B. C. EEDFEARN, Dentist, Office one door south of C. W. Bruner 'i Store. Phone 232. Monroe ,N. C. At Marshville on 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month and Mat thewi on 2nd and 4th Mondavi. J. W. Copeland, of Davton. Ohio, pnr chwed a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kenedy, for his boy who had a cold, and be fore th. bottle was all used th. boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sals by all dealers. (imsl Advice. 1'ageland Journal. ScHool has opened hero, and the rnral schools will open soon. Let every child cf school age go every day. They are entitled to thla priv ilege. Do not deprive them of It.

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