THE XEW ASSESSMENT LAW. ty and municipal board of equallxa- tion shall have completed their du Bill in the Ia gllturr tlutt lrovik- ties, and every year therearttr. to that Awwumihms Mut U ISaisI submit to the board of county com bat lUte Ij.utnd. Iruissioners a statemtnt ot the total ' revenue derived from taxation for Whereas, present assessment of purp08e throughout the county property for taxation In North ( ar- or ,n any ,aj,ng AlMrlvt , the olina is Inadequate and unjust; a county for ,h8 year ,9, toKether vast amount cf personal property wh a statement of tne assessed bat not been listed real estate ha. va,uatlon of ,a prcperty. real and been Inequitably valued, and under, ln tne Mia county or , I'AtiE FOR EfOXOMV. this assessment the people bear the burdens of government not In pro portion to their ability and obliga tions; and Whereas, the rate of taxation Is too high and In many communities almost confiscatory under a strict fulfillment of the law; this high any taxing district In said county, and the rate which should be lev ied for the current year on said property, real or personal, through out the county, or In any special taxing district in said county, for the purpose of conforming to the brovisions of this act. and upon the late, together with inequitable vl-fuiuK of g!a,em;nt by ,h. Ba(d uation. Is largely responsible for concealment of personal property and under valuation of real estate; and Whereas, this General Assembly has determined that a just and equitable assessment of property frr taxation shall be made in this State; that personal property shall be list ed for taxation and that real prop erty shall be properly valued; that North Carolina shall no longer ap pear as a pauper State, but a State of wealth and progress, aa she Is; that every man shall pay a tax In proportion to the amount of his property and that the unjust dis crimination against the average man shall cease: and W hereas, we have determined that the present exorbitant rate of tax ation shall be reduced so as not to cause fear of confiscation and be a temptation to concealment and un der valuation; and Whereas, it Is Incumbent upon a ereat State, especially In matters hirh vitallv effect the life ana growth of Its cltUenshlp, to guard Jealously the equality of sacrifice which it calls upon them to bear, as well aa the Justness thereof; and Whereas, there has come forth from the people an almost unani mous demand that every child born in North Carolina shall have the "equal right to have the opportuni ty to burgeon out all there Is with in him: and Whereas. It behooves this General Assembly to grant unto the people that which they have Justiy demand ed, and. by right are entitled to re ceive; and to furnish to them the sintws with which that demand shall be supplied, at the same time seeing well that further and addi tional burdens are not unnecessarily laid upon those whose shoulders al ready bear unequal weight; and Whereas, the response to this ap peal from the people demands an annual appropriation from the State treasury of 8620.000.00; and Whereas, we have determined to place our revenue system upon a buslnesB-like basis that all properly shall bear Its Just burdens and that equity and fairness shall prevail; knowing that when the property is listed for taxation revenue will come at a much lower rate and suf ficient for the six months' school and for the obligations of a pro gressive Christian State; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That there shall be a the value of all real estate and personal property accord ing to the true and actual value In monev thereof, on the first day of May, 1913, to the end that the tax rate' In the State may be lowered nr,i nil nrnnerty bear Its Just and equitable share of the tax burdens ,.f tha State. ec 2 The re-assesHiiient ninde iinfl.r the Drovlslons of this act shall apply to and govern the taxes for Slate, county, townsnip, spemi tax district and municipal purposes to be levied and collected tor me year 1913, and until the next assess ment. Sec. 3. Except for the purpose of providing for six months' Bchool term throughout the State of North Carolina, the taxing authorities In ro taxing district in the year 19 U shall assess or levy taxes upon the poll and upon property, real or per sonal, assessed for taxation, which shall exceed the aggregate amount or taxes levlded ln year 1912. plus five per cent; nor In the year 1914 asses or levy ad valorem taxes upon the poll and upon property, real or personal, which Bhall ex ceed the aggregate amount of taxes on property levied by them In fhA vear 1912. plus eight per tne ih.iii Teacher- What does the word celibacy" mean? Class The state of condition of being single. Teacher Correct. Now, if you wanted to express the opposite of word county tax commissioners. It shall oe the duty of the board of county commissioners to thereupon fix the rate of taxation so as to conform in all respects to the requirements of this act. Sec. 5. On the first Monday In August, 1913, or as soon thereafter a the State, county and municipal boards of equalization shall have completed their duties, and every j tar thereafter. It shall be the duty of the mayor or other execu tive officer of every city or town ln the State to furnish to the board of aldermen, or other governing body of said city or town, a statement of the revenues derived from taxes on the poll and on property both real and personal, for town or city pur poses, during the year 1912. togeth er with a statement ot the assessed valuation of all property, real or oersonal. within the said city or town for the year 1912. and a state ment of the rate which should be levied uDon said property tor the purpose of conforming to the pro visions ot this act; and it shall be the duty ot the board ot aldermen, or other governing body of said city or town to thereupon fix the rate of taxation for the current year so as to comply In all respects with the provisions or tnis act. Sec. 6. Immediately after the first Monday In August, 1913. and every year thereafter, It shall be the duty of the county tax commissioner lu each county and the mayor, or other rvM-iitivn offices of each city or town to furnish to the State tax commission a duplicate copy of the statement made to the board of county commissioners for the coun ty or the board of alderman or oth er governing body of the city or town, together with the rate of tax ation fixed by the board of county commissioners of the board 01 aiuer men or other governing body of the citv or town at their regular meet in on the first Monday 111 August of each year as aforesaid. It shall be the duty of the State tax com mission to see that all the require ments of this act with respect to the rate of taxation so fixed, and the totjil amount of revenue to be collected, conform In all respect to the provisions set forth in this act with resnect thereto, Sec. 7. From and after the pas sage of this act no county tax com missioner, auditor or other officer shall place upon the tax list or du plicate for taxation as of the year !912 or as of any year proceeding said year, any personal property v hlch should have been assessed for taxation as of such year, out of which was not returned for taxation therein: nor shall such officer change ln any manner the valuation for the year 1912 or for any pre ceding year, of personal property re turned for taxation ln such year, any act heretofore passed to the con trary notwithstanding; and all acts or partB of acts ln so tar as tnej relate to the assessment and valtia tlon of personal property for taxa tion for the year 1913, or any pre cedent year, and In so far as me are Inconsistent with the provisions of this section are hereby repealed Sec. 8. All laws and clauses of laws In conflict with this act are hereby repealed Sec. 9. This act shall be In force from and after the date of Its rati f lent ion. for Sale. Having decided to change loca tion and business, I offer tor sale In the next thirty days my home place on easy terms. This place WAR DEC1ARED CATAKKH (Jeriiis Must Ik- Von uucrtxl or Health Will be Destroy. Ml. If you have Catarrh you must van ouish an army of persistent, de- omt' Provided, mat authorities ln any taxing district istructlve microbe before you can be believing that the maximum amoum , neaitny. You might as well choose your weapons, declare war ana aejxoy North Carolina Kt rvM nUtive Hem lug to tin Une ta .pirqrutioiis. Ilaleigh News and Observer. Whll or. mtirh ia hin hear,! ..'ctlibary. or singleness, what to the extravagance of Democratic I ould you use. majority of the House in approprl- Bright pupil Pleurisy. ating the public money for public!' - - ! - - - ?:!a'?h Valuable Real Estate riUIUCIIl, V UllftlCBSIIIUU IflftC, North Carolina, has hewn straight to the line of the economy pledges eu which his party made the last congressional campaign. Mr. Page was a member of the sub-committee ot the committee on appropriations, which drew the sundry civil bill the largest bill annually drawn by tl.j, .n, ... It t linDillM nf Mr i,uA-. ..i " ,. . ..." 1.1 'can be made a beautiful home. It " ft ' a oiauu 1 V. 1 . u II VI III J n u II I .... v by Congressman Sisson, of Mississip pi, in the following, when the bill v, as before the House yesterday: 'I do not at this time care to enu merate the various committees, nor do I care to reflect upon those committees. I want to make these remarks in defense or the three Democrats ot this com mittee that brought In this sundry bill. They are the gentlemen from North Carolina (Mr. Page), and the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Sher ley. 1. The gentlemen from Illinois stated that the minority members were milling that the majority mem bers make up this bill. "The last bill that they brought into this house saved $33,000,000 over the 1 1 42.000.000 urovlded bv the last ReDUbllcan committee. Tbi:i lot iv x bill was criticized on the floor by some Republican members as a cheese-paring measure for the pur pose of election, but when this bill comes before the House after the election It comes with $6,800,000 less than the former bill, and yet no man can say that anybody or any department In the public ser vice has suffered by the treatment it has received at the hands ot this committee and its distinguished chairman, who has worked almost day and night out of 30 days en deavoring to carry out the pledges ot the party, they ought to receive the commendation of every Demo crat here. "I do not believe there Is a more iolent enemy to extravagence on the floor that I am. I voted against Hie river and harbor bill, I voted against the public building bill, and I will vote against the naval bill unless it is reduced ln amount. Not only that, but I have voted against the pension bill. I deserve no credit for that because there are veiy few pensioners ln my district, bui 1 should have done so had there been ln my district. 1 am not criti cising the men who voted for It, but I do say that no criticism should be made ot the distinguished chairman ot this committee, who has perform ed, such valuable services for the public and for the country." Health work Is no longer a mat ter of sentiment among a few wo men, or a hobby of certain men, but It Is becoming one of tha biggest problems we have In the State. Pub lic health work can stand on l's own feet already and justify its ex istence beyond the shadow of doubt. It Is by all odds the best paying In vestment the State has ever made. The truth Is that the work has real ly Just begun. In a few years North Carolina will have her deaths from preventable diseases reduced to a minimum, and then when we spend less money for flowers and funerals we can afford to lavish It upon health and homes. Consumption is spread by the spit of one who has the disease. The germs of the disease comes from the I u nt: s and are discharged In the sputum. They are carried In dust In Infected milk and diseased meat. The consumptive's spittle should be uroniDtlv burned or sterilized. One who is careful, clean and does not spit promiscuously Is not consider td dangerous. of revenues herein provided will not i.a ...ffiniont fnr anv year, may sub mit the question of an additional I this army of Catarrh germs right Uw in the voters of sucn taxing now Au,riMu and if the majority of the Booth's HYOMEI. a pleasant germ votes caBt thereon be In favor of destroying air breathed over the en rich inrreased levy, the taxing au- tiro membrane will Kill caiarrn hritir mnv lew the same; no levy germs. to he made In excess, however, of. Booth's HYOMEI (pronounce It the rat provided for In the next Hlgh-o-me) la guaranteed by En succeeding section; And, provld- giish Drug Co to end Catarrh or ed further, that the State tax com-, money back. It surely ia fine for mission, upon application of a board Coughs, Colds and Croup. If you of county commissioners, the mayor own a little HYOMEI hard rubber and board of aldermen of any town pocket Inhaler get a separate bottle or city or the board of education 0f HYOMEI for only 60 cents. If of any town or city, after notice to you haven't an Inhaler secure a the voters and upon a showing of complete outfit for only $1.00. Just the necessity thereof, may fix a breath It no stomach dosing. greater sum to be raised by raxa-j . tlon for any lawful PU'P. ! Fresh air. sunshine, rest, good may make and fix such W" food and proper living will cure con levy not in excess of the limit pro- r Tided by law. sb will be necessary ( to produce such greater sum; the provisions of this section to be In California Woman Seriously Alarmed full force and effect throughout the "A short time ago I contracted a avers stnte mid to govern all taxeB levied cold which settled en niv lunsi and canned for State, county, township, muni-, me a great deal of nniiovunoe. Iwouldhavti clpnl or special tax district purposes baa coughing spell.- and my lungs were 10 of every nature wnaisoever, noi-.sore sua munnicu 1 organ 10 ot aeriuusij withstanding the provisions of any alarmed. A friend recommended Chsiuber act of the Legislature, special or, lain' Cough Remedy. saying ilia had used general, authorizing any special or it for yesrs. I bought a bottle and it re lieved my cnugn tne urw oigni, una in a week I wm rid of the cold and scren- of mv lungs," writes Mis Marie Gerber, Saw telle, Cl. For sale by all dealere. Advertisement. An aid negro who had seen Cur tls fly approached Mm at New Or leans and asked timid.; If he could feel his nrm. "Surely." said the puzzled avia tor ns he Btretched forth an arm. Tiic. old darkey tan his hand up and mow the blce.u ture'Ully, then aid ifivpprtDtedly "Taint true. ou aln t got no no' wing-sprouts than I Is." "No," said Curtis seriously; "but I always make it a point to eat a pint of birdseed before I take a flight." is located just outside the city limits ot Monroe 800 yards North west of the court house, near a good school and convenient to churches on the highest point on Bentonville. The dwelling is a good 9-room house, lighted with Acetylene gas. ln a large oak grove of about two acres. Three good wells, one 100 feet bored well, fine water and plenty of It, a good gar den, fruit trees, grape vines, etc Barn and other buildings. Thla lot la facd on three sides by Walnut, I'ine and Cherry streets. I also offer one good business 160 feet, adjoining the store lot of Benton-Crow Co. Also 10 lots 50 x 150 feet. In a square facing the Concord road and Walnut Btreet. Also 18 nloe lots of various sizes facing good broad streets. Several of these lota are Ideally located for business or machinery, being con venient to electric power. All of these lots are well located as will be seen by referring to map and survey on front page in book 44 In Register of Deeds office. I also offer a good farm of about 140 acres lying on either side of the Secrest Short Cut public road, 2 1-2 miles Northwest from Monroe. About 1-3 of this farm is In timber, balance ln very good state of cultivation, rod clay sub soil. There are two very good tenant houses and barns, two good wells and several springs. This farm Is nearly surrounded by run ning streams, has about five acres ot meadows, good orchard and some fifteen or twenty acres of tye, oata and clover. This place can be divided Into three small farms If desired, aa there are sev eral nice building sites. For a bargain, Bee me at once. J. H. BENTON. When You Have New Clothes to Buy ASK YDl'ltsELf TIIKSK i)l HsTIONS. Where will I find the best assortments Where will I find the newest styles Where will I get the highest qualities Where will I find the lowest prices Where will I get the best fitting clothes HiV & I'HIKKK'S, Is the Answer. The reason our trade is constantly increasing is because we give such big values. One satisfied customer tells a friend. Then he finds out and tells some one else. That's the way we keep getting more and more trade. Hundreds of ptople know from experience that it pays to trade at FLOW & PHIFKK'S. They know that we always have what they want, when they want It. A I .it He Ifetur (Juulitt fir the Money than KlM-wliert. YOl" COMK SIMPLY TO MK. YOf'l.l. ItK JISTAS WKMIIME AS THOU. II YOl" I'AMK TO Itl'Y. FLOW & PHIFER The Exclusive Men's Wear Store. Clearance Shoe Sale COMMENCING? Saturday, February 15tK 1913 at- Houston's Shoe Store We will make prices right on every pair of Men's, Ladies and Children's Shoes in our stock that will surely move them. No job lots or odds and ends to offer, but good, clean up-to-date stuff. If you need Shoes now is the time to buy. Houston's Shoe Store, MAIN STREET. MOXKOE, X. e. eeneml lew. or fixing any tax rate. Ip all cases where the rate of tax ation has been fixed by the provi sions of any act of the Legislature or voted upon by the people under authority of an act of the Legisla ture, the rate Is hereby changed so that the total amount of revenue Arc You Constipated? If bo. get a box of Dr. King's on. nnrnoiw shall conform to New Life Pills, take them regularly the requirements provided for In and your trouble will quickly dlsap thls section. (pear. They will stimulate the liver,! Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of Improve your digestion and get rldj the county tax commissioner on the! of all the poisons from your bb flrst Monday In August. 1813, or as tem. They will surely get you well soon thereafter aa the State, coua- again. 25c at English Drug Co. Invincible Flour, (High Patent). Golden Cream. (Fancy Patent). Baker's Choice, (Half Patent.) Graham Flour, (Absolutely Pure.) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that is actually good as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia Wheat. For sale by all dealers. Henderson Roller Mills Company iniTnitnmiiitiilllllmiimiIIII Ctnnoimcement lTTTTIIITTTtITTII tTTTTTIT ITIIIIIIIITTTTIXt JTTTTTTTT1 We beg to announce that we have moved our Harness and Vehicle De partment from Main street to the building formerly occupied by the Cotton States Wagon Company. We have greatly increased our stock, which embraces the best makes of Buggies and Wagons, and are now better able than ever to show them to you and explain their good points. Heretofore we have been crowded for room for this department, but the new arrangement gives us all the fa cilities for showing them. We cord ially invite your inspection. Respectfully, HEATH HARDWARE CO. WHOLESALE MONROE, N. C. RETAIL