soGona-nana upnom Pianos in stocK AT PARKER-GARDNER CO.'S, Charlotte, NX. Wing & Son Piano. Ebony Caw. full Ue. price IIOO.OO terms 110.00 cash. S per month. Cabler Bro. Piano. Walnut Case, full lze. In fair condition, price.... $150.wo terms $10.00 cash, $6.00 per month. Siieff Piano, Walnut case, large size, in good condition, price f JOO.OO terms $20.00 cash. $10.00 per month. Arthur Piano. Mhg. Case, 4'10" high, almost new, price 200.0O terms $10.00 cash. $7.50 per month. Knabe Piano. Rosewood Case. 4T'high. excellent tone, case in very good condition, price f LOO terms $10.00 cash, $7.50 per month. Wegntan Piano, beautiful Oak Case, full size Vi" In splendid condition. price . ..; .mmki terms $23.00 cash, $10.00 per month. Milton Piano, Mahogany Case, varnish somewhat checked, full size O" high, price fcioo.oo terms $20.00 cash, $7.50 per month. Brewster Piano, Mahogany Case, only slightly shopworn, size O" price $23fl.M terms $20.00 cash, $7.50 per month. Parker-Gardner Piano. Mahogany Case, slightly used, size 4'9" high. price 173.0O terms $10.00 cash and $7.50 per month. Write for Our Catalog with Complete Descriptions The Homely KM "Grandmother, you must have been very pretty when you were a girl." "Indeed, I was not at all pret ty. .Now, I do not know as any one ever called me nice looking. What made you say that, dear?" "Because everybody loved you so. Uncle, says that you had Just lots of beaux and that everybody was your friend. 1 would give anything If 1 was pretty. "But, Virginia, you do- not have to be pretty to have friends. Think of the plain girls of your acquaint ance who have many beaux and friends." "But I' haven't, grandmother. Sometimes I feel that nobody loves me. There are so many nice things that I have not. All ray girl acquaintances know how to do something nice, and I do not know how to do a single thing well. The ability to learn was just not born in me. Beauty, and ability, well, 1 wish you would just listen to all of my shortcomings. Don't say a word, now, till I get through, please." "Well, dear, I'll let you say every thing bud that you want to about yourself this one time, and then I shall tell you what I think about you. Remember that I h.ive seen more of the world than you have and am old enough to know about such things. Go ahead, now, and tell me all about it." "Well, the main thing, I think, is that I am not pretty; my mirror does not show nie one feature that could be called pretty. You know I got the most votes In 'Statistics' at school for having the longest nose, and it does look a great deal like a pear. .My complexion is ex ceedingly red, and the school girls always called me 'Pingie,' .My hair is hay-colorrd and short, and there Is not a single kink about It. .My mouth Is twice too big, I've got a lot of wrinkles on my forehead, and, well, you see for yourself, and know that nobody could think that I was anything but a bad looking girl. 'Plain' does not describe me." "That much for that. New, you said something about plain girls be ing popular. That is because they can do something useful and enter taining. I can't do either. I can t play any musical Instrument, 1 can't talk entertainly, 1 can't make pret ty things with my needle, 1 can't Play all the popular games, and, when it comes to singing, I can't even carry a tune. 1 do not blame people for not liking me, for 1 am perfectly worthless. You see how it is, grandmother; I have none of the nice qualities that make a girl pop ular. Y'ou cannot find a thing ad mirable about me, now, can you?" "Well, Virginia, I admit that I am afraid you have not the quality that will make you popular. But you are wrong about all those things you have mentioned being the cause of your unpopularity. You may not be a beauty, but it does not take beau ty of face to make you popular. It is beauty of soul, my dear. If you forget yourself and try to do things for others to make them happy, you will forget that you are not pretty, and nobody else will think of it, for they will be thinking how sweet and helpful you are. Did you ever think of that? Try it, and see if It does not work. That is the way I made most of my friends. A pret ty face does not count for much in this world, and you will not have to get very old to learn It. "Then you say you cannot sing and play, and entertain socially. What do these really count for when you can do things just as helpful to others? Think of the busy care worn mothers in town; think of the girls who have not had the chance you have had to study. You can do very much to help these. When you said that you could do nothing well, you forget that you can cook, darn and sew neatly, and I know that there is not a child in the neighbor hood but would go to sleep in your arms If you would take time to cud tile him. "Such things as these really make the true woman. To be happy you must forget your shortcomings and use the powers you have to make 'others happy. But you must have a deep, abiding faith In the Father to be able to do this. You can get the unselfish spirit from no one but Christ; He is love, you know, and love is never selfish. This is my secret of happiness. 1 "I see from your thoughtful ex pression that you understand me. and I shall not let you say another word about yourself, but am going to send you over to help Mrs. Davis with that mendiug she was dreading so much this morning. Don't you want to go?'" 1 "Yes, ma'am. Thank you, grand ; mother, for saying all of these thinirs. 1 think 1 understand what you mean, and why you are always so happy, and I am going to try to make others happy after this. Help me to always remember, won't you, please." Exchange. India's Bejuzar is as Aristm-rat. Bt Medicine for Cold. ) 1 11 V M a umth' 1 ...... v remedy for colds, throat and lung 'troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery; "1 know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medi cine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold arter an ot fl ier remedies failed." It will do the 'same for you if you are suffering jwith a cold or any bronchial, throat i rr Inner rniloh k'oon :t hoftlft nil jhand all the time for eryone in the family to use. It is a home ! doctor. Price 50c and fl.uO. Guar anteed by English Drug Co. I . Straight at It. There ii no um of our '"beating around the bush." We might at well out with it first a) last We want ou to try Chamber lain's Cough Remedy the next time you liife a cough or cold. There is no reason w far ai we can tee why you should not do so. This preparation by its remarkabl cures baa gained a world wide reputation, and people everywhere sik of it in the highest term of praise. It is for tale by ail dea I era. A d ve rt uaaisut. One-fourth of the Anglo-Indian population la India la supported by charity. For the Anglo Indian thinka that work la beneath turn, and really at heart he is a born snob. It isn't drunkenness among the India, nor is It the seasonal trades, as it is sometimes with us. for work there ia continuous the year round. Neither is it the -monotony of a dreary home or daily toil that drive him to drink and tnen to poverty: for there is no part of Calcutta where there are people of one social grade, but the homes cf poor are interspersed with the rich. He Is a pauper purely and simply because he is an aristocrat. He has English blood iu his veins and he wants to live like the Eng lish, and the English iu India are the successful and the rich; they have their well apointed homes, their servants and every luxury. The Englishman who works nith his hands the men In the fac tories, the day laborers, the fron tiersmen, farmers are not found in India. The beggar snob does not know of their existence. He knows only the coolies and the Hindoos who work with their hands, and he will not lie one of them. He wishes to pat tern his life after the Englishman whom he knows. He wants to have a servant and to be waited on. and If he cannot he will not work. To dig with a shovel is a disgrace in his eyes, and begging is infinitely more respecta ble. So the Anglo Indian pauper is supported on a scale better than tnat Of the faithful workmen among the Hindoos and coolies, and the burden of the charity falls on the r'ch English. The wealthy Hindoos will take none of the responsibilities. They say that the Englisman creat ed this class and that on him falls the weight of support . There is another cause of this poverty also apart from this strong false sentiment, that Is the Insani tary conditions of life which cause the death of the father of the house hold at the early age. That r duces the family to pauperism at once, as the lines of work open to the Anglo-Indian women which she accepts are practically none. Ex. GREAT REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION AND GASTRITIS A Postal Will Blind Trial Trent imnt and a llitory t.f Kuintut IVtiple. MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets surely do end all indigestion and stomach misery and to prove it we will send a trial treatment, an interetsing booklet, and tell you exactly how to banish all stomach trouble and put your stomach in fine shape. Just say in a letter or on ft pos tal "Send me trial treatment of MI-O-NA" and you will never be sorry address Booth's Ml-O-NA, Buffa lo, N. Y. English Drug Co. sells a whole lot of 50 cent boxes on mon ey back If dissatisfied plan. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The OIJ Stamlar.l grnrra! atrrnctheninf tonic, GKOVE STASTKLKSS chill TONIC, drive out Malaria and ruiiM up the ytrra. A true tonic and sure Appetizer. For ailulta and children. 5vc rate nrnni jjjjl LL IT How Are You Going To Cook This Summer? If you want cool, quick service use a NtWVtrfeciioti Always ready for use. No coal, smoke or ashes. Food cooked better, every body happier. Made with 1, 2, 3 and 4 burners. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Waaanftaa, D. C. (New Jerarr) Csartatte, N. C (briolk, Va. oil TTMrVfif CaaiUat W. V. Kicaaaeai Va, I CaafiaataaJS. C ' ' 1 ' 1 ... - Tharp Hardware S Mfg. Co. HARDWARE PAINTS OILS When You Paint Use PURE Paint ana Use Pore LINSEED OIL to add to it at one-balf tie cost of Paint PUKE PAINT Is with WHITE LEAD. ZINC and UNSEED OIL-that's the way UmL.AU. SEMI-MIXED REAL FAINT la aaade. But ALL the OIL needful to matts the L.&M. PAINT ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's pre pared for the Consumer who buys it. The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into i the Paint by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY. Therefore buy 3 gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. rAiN l and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than f 1.40 per gallon If Vio Paint as vnu nw it i not nerfectlv satisfactory " iiiv au j w www -w - - g- 0 . . . A. J - Iwuwl if f I inen return Uwnrrrr yam awr m-. w 7 , ,r r r V7 for the WHOLE oi Hi and the momey jw paid to the Painter. No Service Too Exacting to demand our closest atten tion. Your wants are stud ied; your needs are consider ed; the personal phase of each transaction is cultivat ed, so that we can give you the service that fully meets with your personal approval. English Drug Co. The Dependable Store. When You Have New Clothes to Buy ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTION'S. Where will I find the beat assortment Where will I find the newest Btyles Where will I get the highest qualities Where will I find the lowest price Where will I get the best fitting clothe. ' FLOW & PHIFEB'S, Is the Answer. V The reason our trade Is constantly Increasing Is because we give such big values. One satisfied customer tells a friend. Then he finds out and tells some one else. That" the way we keep getting more and more trade. Hundreds of people know from experience that It pays to trade at FLOW & PHIFER'S. They know that we always have what they want, when they want it. A Little lWtter Ouulity for the Monty than where. YOU COME SIMPLY TO UK)K. YOU'LL RE JUST AS WELCOME AS THOUGH YOU CAME TO UUY. FLOW & PHIFER The Exrlushe Men' Wear Store. The Buggy CLASS. Oxford If We have a large shipment of brand new Oxford Buggies on hand, the famous Chase line. Strong, light running and classy, made of best material obtainable. Harness Tnat Can't Be Beaten. Also don't forget our repair department. Get your har ness fixed before planting time. We still have some good stock that we will trade at a bargain. FOWLER & LEE Sale, Exchange and Feed Stables. Pay ay ear in ad vande to the Jour- na) and get a free premium. rv::w!m::K!K:xi::ii:: SCREENS Fly time is here. You need Screen Doors and Windows. It' all right to wat 'em, but the beat way i to let us creea your house. We make all sizes, all )lv, of Door and Windows, with either black, galvanized or copper wire. Rest material, work manshlp and price. Retter call us to-day to be In time. Monroe M&nQiactariog Company, I 8AS1I, DOORS,-RLIXDS, MILL WORK, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. N. B. In measuring for screen for window, measure the width between stops. tir.atii.:rji:.iJA: