DAVID ASD tiOlXUH. The Bible Story Tuld by BiHj Chicago Record-Herald. Evangelist 'Billy" Sunday. who has been conducting series ot re rival meeting in Wilkesbarre. i'a recently gave his version of the en counter 'between David and Uolatn an follows : and all of his sons except David e off to war; they left Da vld at home because he was only a kd. After a while David s ma got ..rridt she wondered what had heroine of his brothers, because they harfnt telenhoned to her or sent word. So she said to David. "Dave ..... on rirhr iiuun there and see . hih-r th.'v are all right." s. Dave Dikes off to where the war is. and the first morning he was there out comes this big 1.011am, a ,! Kt running fellow about 11 feet t-.u uh. runiiiiemed to shoot off liis'niou-h as to what lie was going Who's that bia stiff pulling up i-.it eime of talk?" asked D'Vid .11 hi brothers. Oh. he's the whole worn: ue s the head thees of the l'mii.-iius. Ho does thai I'.ttV si tint every day,'" -Say." said David, -you guys make iue sick. Why don't seme of j ou out and soak that guy? You let him get away with thai stuff." He decided to PO "l" :tIul Goliath where to head in. So Paul said: "You'd better taUe niv armor and sword." l'avtd put the m on. but up feit like a fellow with a Innil-me-dov.n-suit about iui,4 kvi l.iu for hi'.n, so he shook tlkat Wfl ShouUW r t f I-awyer W ho Freed Hub I.iiwm - St. Louis Dispatch. iv ..iint I an hoaest man. I w... in,i him ti vears and in all - - . .... w- that Urn 1 know personally m has been upright, inausinous. o ...i nf the best of character. This is a case of mistaken Identi ty The defended woum euro i ,1,1 ha ha a faithful wife and nine children who are a credit to the community. If you convict this man on this circumstantial eviueme. rob him of a sterling cuaran.-., t-mir un bv years of honest endeav or: you put the stigma of shame upon a dependent wue auu u n dren." Thus did Clark Hudson, attorney ..r Frederick Welkey. a negro, ap- w-al before a jury in Judge Kin .. v .in for the actiuittal of his with robbery. The jury was visibly affected. Ine pris nn.l rh'ldrell soblied. Not guilty!" the jury reported if?, r deliberating five minutes. u-uiu.v overcome wlfii apparent u..ri.n " crasoed his lawyers hand ind leaned up n his slunuuer. men .i.. ,mrii.t f..' : tor hs wa'cn. n w is aone. A baliff seized Wt'ikey a.- r.e was leaving the court room i : .v f .tit it. 1 rl. uati-h ill Wcikey s ptH'kct. CoitNtiiKitioil Cured Uv Kimr'a ev Life Pilis w'1 relieve consiipatioii promptly and get vour bowels in healthy conds ti.in .-nviln John Sapslc. of San- i,,,..,. p.i s:iv- -They are tli best 'nills 'l ever used, and I advise use tliem ur cousi .- ... 1 ..-.... .Iu n In Hp i .'vervOTie lo m'" .".,..,.,..!, . ingestion and liver com lroo K an l '-', i ? 'wni hell. you. 1'rlce ri.na mo ii ii i tut- v." 4 i in ... t - - - - hi sling, threw it and soaked Go liath in the coco between me iuiuis. and lie went down. for the count. David drew his sword and chopped his block off. and rest of the gang skldooed. , , Kvaugelist "Billy" apparently be lieves 'he plain people want rag time salvation. WHAT BEAUTIFUL HAIR! How often do we hear ti.at ex claniation about a certain womati'i or man's hair. A prominent scicnMst Kecatnm?iHled by English Drug Co. d Vn lX-iish L'rug v o. Siiriatrs t liw Atlanta for Their 1914 MeetiBX Place, Dallas. Tesas. May 1. After se lecting Atlanta as the 1914 meeting place over Buffalo. N. Y.. and Mem phis. Tenn.. and electing James S. McCandless of Aloha Temple. Hono lula, lmeprlal outer guard the Im perial Council. Nobles of the Mys tic Shrine, today completed its la bors and the thousands of Shrtners turned their weary camels home ward. The council granted a dispensation in the Mobile. Ala., temple and a charier to Mongomery. Ala. The election of an Imperial outer- guard, usually the only contest as the other members of the Imperial divan are advanced one office eacn year, developed nine candidates and an election was not had until the third ballot, wheu Jack Jones of Ok lahoma City, former Imperial ro te mate, withdraw In favor of Mr. McCandless and made his election certain. The Houolula man had ieu in the first two ballots but lacked the necessary majority. Hie wariu et contest of the day. however, ame with the selection of the 191 convention city. The report of a ,Htial e;mmit!te. recoiumen.ans I'u'.'I'alo. X. Y., was amended to in clude Atlanta and Memphis in the ,.tii,i in,! the Georgian city won handily on the fiist ballot, reviv ing 211 voies as against S3 for Hisf falo and 67 for Memphis. The con 1 toiiiuht with a grand ball at the "Gurden of Allah" nt Fair l'a'rk. ti... nf. wni-ili living is the 'He i ur uiv oi the man who works, ot tae man who strives, of the man who does. it the man whi at the end. can i, ok hack i-.Pd say. I k::ow I liaxe stuinbhd: but, as the s:re?iglh was a!ni me 1 strove to use it. 1 strive !j i,.;tv,. the world beii.r Mid not s. rse becausf I lu.ve livi ''1 Kx. CKOI I K SHOl I II til'AKD AG INST aiti-:micitis. Monroe people who have stomach and bowel trouble should guard acainst appendicitis by taking isim- bark. glycerine, e.c. the fa- md h.'ir ...... .i. ,....i,..ti. !. v males, una. nie hiicki Horn uam. g 'V """" "'."" ' ... ... .. .. I . "... i . i i v.l..r.i.k l has proven, that anv man or v-,as cuiupoiuiueii ... ..v. i invnri ini imtr b v ' i !ufin i n reiv.etlv which became man cau ii.nr iu.u. v.., --. irT using a fatuous prescription called , mous by curing appemlulUs. Jii 1'ARISIAX Sage. 0XE DOSE relieves sour stomach. PMUSI VN Sage is now made ami ! gas on the siomacu uuu i"i sold In America. English the druu-jtion INSTANTLY because this s.m gist is the agent in Monroe and the pie mixture draw off such a sur renders of The Journal can buy from prising amount of o!d foil matter English Drug Co. for only 5u cents; from the body. The English Drug a large bottle. ! Co. Adv. English Drug Co. knows that " PMUSUX SilE will beautify the. Groom the horses and mules n hair cure dandruff and stop falling least once a day thes? times of hard ri,.., rwim Kn ulish Uvoik The animal I lint works haid nair, mi ii ' ' . ... ".V. " , .,l,l he it umier a gii:uau- ;lti nay aim sr.n.- nvn.. . ni,in, .v Imi k rnee nmii henetlted b.v a m' - !i.... if Co.. Haifa-! pmc.1i nlaht. but it that is not done II II I'M 11 I 3. WIIV'IM f' ' ' - - lo, X. Y.. American Makers. Look to Your IMumblng. You know what hnprens in a liouse k which tl.s l-lumliiim is i.i poi;1; condition ewrvbodr in the Imuse is liable lo c-mt ract . . . ... i.. .1. . ... !.., .. Ill :i good brusning in uie miMus .. V .H .. ..1111 111 tiav. irv It reguianv un and be convinced.- Earmer. -The I'rogresslve Cough Moilicine for Children. tvphiudorMDieoiaeriexei. Too much care connot ne uwu ju k""' organs rrf"r,a '' N,l"1'"nc"r i" !i 1 a cough medicine for children. It should human Vo.lv a the pli.nibinir do fyr the tj uk( piin,ain no harmful sub lionse. and thcT shoul.J be kept m lirsl class , . eflectual. Chamherlsin ( condition all the t.ii;e. If yml have any Kemed meets Hi'? re(luireinentii trouble with your digestion tans ui.n-.--t j iss fiivpriu. ith the mothers ol rminft Iain's Tal.lels nd yml are certain to K4: I chilJrn erervwhere. For sale by U D quick relief. For sale by all dcu!ers.-Ad. j kn,tAjTert'iben,ellL vertisenient. ; An Aching Back and Bearing Down Pains Only suffering womanhood knows what it mea-s to struFE!e against the f"iyiZ Influence ol these symptoms. There is household worn that must be done and only a weak, nervous, discouraged woman to do it. It is almost a hopeless prospect. No wonder these poor women find life a dreary burden. There la help at hand, however, for those who Will use it. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Is a Woman's Medicine It la as pleasant to take as the juice of sweet orange yet it performs wonders. It puts an end to suffering, buiids up the nervous system, strengthens the appetite and acts beneficially on women's delicate organism, promoting regularity, cheerfulness, a strong vigorous body and clear, healthy completion. Sold by Druggitli and Dtaltrt. Price $1.00 Pr Bottl: C f. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Sold br THE UNION' DKUQ CO. Tti,.iiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinmiinu W. S. BLAKEXEY, Pres. J. R. SHUTE, Vlce-Pres. W. C. STACK, Cashier. R. 0. LANEY, Asst. Cashier. Trie Bam ol union SIOXROE, X. c. Capital $50,000.22: Surplus $50,000.22: For every dollar paid to stockholders as dividends since organization, this bank has put up two dollars to the sur plus fund for protection of depositors. Notice above. This protection is In adMtlon to all the other resources of Uie bank. Does this record not convince the most skeptical? SAFETY IS THE WATCHWORD. Here T it. The Bank of Union appreciates deposits and takes care of the people's money. Be one among those who know where to This bank always solicits new accounts. A WELCOME AWAITS ALL. to. TT....iiiM.iiiiiiiiirillllllllllIfHlllllUIgHfl M:m' Measure. tii i:u:Kiir' of a man is r.o' M waistband, but his hat-band. The uui'stion to-day is not how you pot hero, but what you r.- good cr. now you arc here. Winn I Iipmp ii younir follow DragniR iu'o what his grandmother did. I always wonder what the old man woum -ay if ho saw what the yount; I1 isn't doiiiis. I'J rather have a large apple on a small tree tli.m a Mi.all apple on u large tree, and iUnii. the time I begin heanns a man r. f t r lo the largeness of.' '.' ? I.earn your limitations and 'rust our convict ions. You may grind ii fool in a mortar, and you'll nev er get anything but a fool's dust. There's no help for any one till the of self-ooiHiit has beiii prlck and the hot air let out. Most n.eti and women have no conviction Tliev have prejudices, opinions. I i .ice asked a man what he thought inou; the divinity of Chris:. Ho -aid: "Ask tuy prearlur. We pay him $5.U'i" a year to settle such lUesMona for us. u wus oiui ... 1 .t ...11. too. hen uie man muui lion lives In the country ne mm about the postoffice because nature abhor a vacuum and when he's ...one titer's nobedy nrcund. U be lives in the city he loins a emu. i -me leople sit and think. Others sit He goes to the ciud ami sits vvitn a lot of other men. They i magine because they're nice and warm that something's going on. Mv doctor gave me a sweat the other dav for 2". M' grandmoth ei vvouid have sweat the whole i e.'-l borhood i v w enty-flvo cents She had conviction on the subject of sweating. 1 haven't. And when vou don't have convictions of your own. you have lo pay for other peo ple's. We're getting a little over civil ized, ami that breeds stupidity. In ihe town where my father was born, the soil's so thin they raise poi.i- oi-s in slices ready for frying, una shep's noses are I.Ke looin- icks. lVople hud to gel up m '. nd work late. Hut my lather nev- ktuvv what is was to be iireu II h w;us over tnty. i ne '.' I llA.lttlll orn lino a monern, r.iiu-iir...-- ouse is liviru tired and lies inou 11 the time. He h is growing pains. Ik- must hava his briaktasl in d. Well, the boys of an earlier eiieration had growing pains, nnu lu.v eiit rid of them liy getung iu at four in the morning to milk the nvv. The farmer who came irom country to city and won a fortune smiare-shouldereil. Ihe son is slnninir-sliouldered. When the bur- n i.r bus ness and weaun rum . . . - .knnliL from the tauiers minaie rs to the son's sloping sliouiuers tf Itei.rm on rolling. And then some other country boy comes along iind picks it up. rivllizatlnn is splendid when its a pedestal for a man to stand on md nok about him at tne woriu. Rut when It becomes a burden that bows hlra over till he can see only the ground between his feet, he'd better drop it and straigmen up. When things master us we're beconi Ing over-civlllzed. I'd rather have a bare house with no carpets on tnau m hav buffalo rugs on the brain all during vacation. illessed be nothing. You don't have to Insure ll. Nobody steals it. n eood to vour body, you may have the ambition of an arch-angel but if you waste your physical re sources in riotous living, you re no htter than a slave. Dr. O. P. unr (ord. in the Watchman. Notice of Bond Election in Monroe Township. Notice Is hereby given to the qual tfied electors of Monroe township. I'nioa county. North Carolina, that an election will be held at the sev eral voting precincts In Monroe Township, in Union county. North Carolina, . ON SATURDAY. THE 14th DAY OP JUNE. 1913. to determine the question of the Is sue ot $100,000 In bonds for the purposes mentioned In the following act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, ratified on tne tn day of March. 1913. via: Aa act to authorize Monroe town ship of I'niun founty to lue bonds f..r i.ul.lie road and street improve ment. Tlu (ieneral Assembly do enact: Section 1. That the county commis I nion county acting for Monroe township, are authorized ana empowered to Issue bonds of Mon roe township to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent ler annum, of such denomination as the road commissioners hereinafier created shall determine, not to ne rreater than one thousand dollars to each and every of which bonds shall be attached the coupons repre senting the the Interest payable thereon, which shall be due and pay able annuallv until the bonds shall mature, which shall be forty years from their date of issue, and the bonds so Issued as a charge on Monroe township shall be consecu tively numbered and the coupons shall bear the number of bonds to which thev are attached, and shall declare the amount of Interest which they represent and when due and shall be receivable in payment of taxes ussessed for the payment oi the interest on said bonds which shall become due for that purpose by nr.y holder of the said bonds. Set. 2. That tne saiu uonus nimu allowed to use the interest on said sinking fund fir the purpose of keeping the rois n repair, ouua- ing ant repairing tnajti ana ut.-u other necessities ss nie lequired to keep the highways of said townnstp in Kood condition, as also to use any excess of anioucts collected annually from tates. which s5.nl remain after setting aside the amount of twenty- five'hundred dollars as sinung tuna each year: the sinking tuna loan ed ahait be loaned only on approver e-nritr nuil estate mortgages or Irish crada collaterals, sufficient In value and amount to assure the re nnvment of the money, when It shall be needed or demanded, and and loan shall be well considered before made so as to secure to the tax payers of Mohroe the benefit resulting from the Darment of taxes for road im provement. Sec. 7. That It shall be the duty of the road commissioners to cause the tubllc roads of Monroe town ship to be put In good condition, so as to make their improvement per maueut. and lasting as possible and in order that good roads may be se cured, they may lay out, alter. changes, grade, work, construct and macadamize or make or sand cia failures to work on the part of convicts, the sickness or injury of any convicts, escapes or attempts to escape by convicts. Tbe superinten dent may be discharged nt any urn by the road commissioners. Sec IS. That the road commis sioners shall use the machinery and other equipment for road work now employed by the "chain-gang" force In Monroe townsnip ror the purpose of working and building the roads of the township and shall have pow er and authority to purchase other machinery, mules, wagons and tooia or other needed appliances for tbe prosecution of the working and im proving the public roads, as they may deem necessary. Sec. H. That the road commis sioners of Union county elected at the last general elections, by the voters of Monroe township, shall be the road commissioners provided for under this act, and shall hereafter be known and designated as the "Road Commissioners of Monroe Township," and they shall perform all the duties devolving upon road commislotiers by reasons of this act. Sec. 13. That It shall be the duty of any judge of the superior court or other suitable material any and holding court in the county of Inlon all public roads in Monroe township and ot tbe recorder, to sentence all and for the purpose of securing such convicts, not punished by fine, to roads as economically as possible, work on the public roads of Monroe che road commissioners are autho- township, whenever such person rised to make contracts with per- may be sentenced to work on the sons, companies, tirms or corpora- roads under the laws of North Car lions' to construct or Improve the olina and such convicts may be sen roads in the township or section or tenced trom other counties, wlien paru ot such roads or they may ever the road commissioners shall work such parts of the said roads niake application for them to be sen vith the "chain-gang" or convict tenced to the public roads ot Mon force under their supervision as ioe township. they may see proper or tney may sec. ie. inai tne poaru oi muij contract with any person for the hire commissioners of Union county shall of the convict fore to work on any not issue the bonds of Monroe town part or section of the road, but said ship hereinbefore provided for. nor convict force shall always be under shall any part of this act be in the charge and management of the force, except so much thereof as pro road commissioners, their agents and vides for an election by the voters employees, who shall be responsible of Monroe township, until a majorl for their proper treatment and care, ty of the qualified voters of Monroe Sec. 8. That for the purpose oi l toyvnstiip, at an eiecuou iu ue ucm be issued over the signature of the I, " ' -a1.,hiishliie. erading. for that Duruose. shall have voted chairman of the board of count) iworkln(5 or constructing any public in favor of the issuing of said bonds, commissioners witnessed by clerk road ln Monroe township, the road and it shall te the duty ot the of the said board and attested by t cou,niisioners or any one acting by county commissioners of Union coun- oifkial seal or tne regis.er oi ur (helr uuthorlty si,aii have the rigli of Union county. North Carolina, and tQ enter upon the lands of any pei uli.ill Ua unlil llV the road C jnillllSSlOll- ...i. l..v. .I,. mnv n:4t ers herein provided for at a sum nl!U)(j may proceed to open the road election to be held at Buch time as less that their par value. - and to use stone, earth, timber or the road commissioners may deter- Sec. 3. mat tor i ue puipv.se i" othpr necessary material, with as nt- mine as best tor ascertaining um Kiivinn the interest on said bonds as ,, j,.. , tho premises as nos- will of the voters of said township; it "oecomes due and of providing a ' Bn,ie f0r the opening, construction and at said election those voting for fund for the payment of said bonds . ',.. nf B,1(,h ro!lH nd shal the Issue of the bonds Bhall cast a at maturity, and for keeping the . ,. .v .. , nirrw, with the ballot on which shall be printed or roads and streets in said township, ' . .. , d for the damages written "For Good Roads" and those it shall be the duty, of the county ffored by reason of such appropri- voting against the issue shall vote commissioners of Union county tiation of jami and material and the a ballot on which Bhall be written lew and cause to be collected annu- ,, Blnii he certified r,r nrinted "Against Good Roads, ally, as other Uxe are levied and (j he boar do road commgaion. and if a majority of the qualified collected, a tax upon all taxable pro-wn0 6hall order the same paid out voters of Monroe township vote "For nortv in Miinron towiishio subject to,. , .j i., i ha vnt p.nnH Rnndsi." then the bonds here- taxation, not exceeding thirty cents ' (allure 0'f tne parties to in provided for shall be issued as on the one hundred dollars worth of vroperty and ninety cents on the 1 h of he partieg 8haj gelect an to all Its parts and provisions shall poll, but sufficient to pay the inter-j nrhltartor ,! these arbitrators be ln full force and effect: that the est on me oouus, uuu e" "J shall select a third aruuraior or county commissioueni ui . uw Ing fund or iwenty-uve uunuim dollars per annum and one thousand dollars per annum to keep the roads In repair, after the sum reiliz"d from the sale of the bonds l:.is been ex hausted, and the Interest accruing from the money set apart as a sink ing fund shall be used for the neceB :rv renalr of the roads and keep ing' them in good condition after the j th pUt)llc roluis of said town- hereinbefore provided shall be ex tvnendliiire of the principal sum In, ... lolr ,v, r,vwi-iied not n.n.id fnr road and street purposes. putting the roads in said Monroe,ieM than twenty-four feet and not the road commissioners shall be paid .,,- ih f,.tv fuel w i e one ill nu or ftnlil iunn one nunuieu uui- v hi,.h ahjil be macadamized or nrs eacn per annum in mu iw mm ullt of sand-olay or other material services under this act. ., ..,.,.,., ivnlnro nt soon US I Sec. 18. 1 hat an laws nnu the road bed is in condition for that clauses of laws in conflict with this purpose, and such bridges us are uct me hereoy reeaieu. L.lu. ci.nii ib built hv the road Fee. 19. That this act Bhall be commissioners and Ihe actual cost 1n force from and after its ratlfica- of such bridges shall be paid by tain. the county commissioners of Union In the General Assembly read three countv In the same way lis bridges times and ratified this the ulh day are paid for, when erected, under ot March. "HiJ. i.n .1 i-ofi un nf tne county coiniuio-i u. u.nurtiii..vui ne v...v.... . , C..,...li. sioners. res wa i h i 1(1 That it shall be the duty ur.uitvjr. . v.vj.u, of the road commissioners in ex- Speakers House of Representatives, nendinu' the moneys realized under .,, . . .. ..I. i i Thnna nii.iiriei eipciorn w uu ia- pruKui ...... " 1'7, . tinnH will cast a ba ot on which the damages then hereinbefore directed and this act as umpire, and the three shall assess ty Bhall oraer a new regisuo.ivm i. the damages, and if either party said election, so as to ascertain wiih laotiKfioct with th award rei'inintv the wishes oi tne voters, so' made, he or tl.ey shall have the which election shall be beld under right to appeal to the superior tne general laws remuus v tourt. where the matter shall be election of members of the General i,n . r.i ami determined. I Assembly. o That said road commis- Sec. 17. That until the money sioners. ln constructing and work- tealized from the sale of the bonus Kir the Weak and Nervous. Tired-out. weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, ener getic, full of life and always have a Kood annetlte. if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electric Bitters. Nothing better Tor the stomach, liver or kidneys. Thousands say .hoy owe their lives to this wonderful home remeeiy. Mrs. O. Rhlnevault, of esta! Cen ter, N. Y says: "I regard fciec trlc Bitters as one of the greatest of elfta. I can never forget what It has done for me." Get a oouie yourself and see what a difference It will make In your health, uniy 50c. and 1. Recommended by Eng llsh Drug Company. A few years ago I saw a farmer Plowing- his corn with a bull-ton gue plow. It was running about as deep as his horses could pull it. At each end of the rows he would kick off quite a bunch of corn roots from his plow. I tried to tell him that he was cultivating wrong, but he said he wanted to go down and bring the moist soil up on top. He was really robbing bis corn of plant food and destroying tbe roots. i J. Davis, ln Progressive Farmer. tnwimhln In eood condition, or the same may be used ln working and aking good roads as the principal .. - .... 1 ..9 III. sum realized irom me aiw bonds has been insuftlcient to do. s..c 4. That the road commission ers shall cause their clerk to keep record, in which shall tie eniereu the name of every purchaser oi u l.ond the number of the bond pur chased and the amount received therefor, and they shall asio c:ius? their clerk to keep a record of all bonds red"Hiied. from w hcni pun has ,.,i mwi the ii in mi nt Daid for Its pur chase and redemption, and nil bonds redeemed und recorded shall be ae stroyed by fire in the presence of the road commissioners by their clerk or one of their number. Sec. G. That the money reanzeu fr..m ih wile of the bonas nereiu directed to be issued and sold shall be paid to the county treasurer and hv him ror tne soie use uu p..rnr.sn of road and street improve mni in Monroe township of Union ,.n ntv Vnrth Carolina, and shall be piid out by him oniy upon iu wuc. of the chairman or me Doaru oi riu commissioners attested by the clerk of said board and no order for the navmnt nf money for the Improve ment of roads in Monroe township shall be issued except upon tne ai rant Inn nf t h board of road com rrissioners made in the meeting of the board by a majority of its mem bers. That before the money aris ing from the sale of the bonds shall be paid to the county treasurer, he shall be required to enter into a tnnA -it her narsonal or in a surety company, the expense of which shall be paid out of any taxes levied un der this act, sunicieni iu biiiuu..i and solvency of the Suritles. to safe le i-een anv and all moneys placed In his hands under the provisions c.f this act and to account, for the ame in the manner in wnicn couu . . . .....lining Tftr "Tin HHL tled.whlch said bonds shall be passed upon and approved, lr sutncieiu . .mniint and solvency of securities, by the road commissioners ana wneu approved shall De recorueu bonds given by the county treasurer and shall be filed wun tne cnirmu of the board of road commissioner, that the said bond shall De renew a.i nih.r hnnds of the county I reus v. V .. . . , urer are required to be renewed ami shall cover any an all funds raised ..4., thia act. wbetner ot principal. interest on the sinking fund, taxes levied and collected, the sinking fund or otherwise, that the .......-. .hu he allowed such comrcmslons as the board of road commissioners shall anow mm. no. .vrceertinB one tenth of one per cent on receipts nnd one tenth ot one per cent on disbursements. n Thmt It shall be the duty kf the road commissioners to lend money provided as a sinsing muu . . .... r interest not less that SIX per cent, payable annually, and after the one hundred thousand doll" v.. v... a nan ii tut on the roads, tbe said road commissioners shall d . . . ..i, ,ni.n i nnun win cusl a good condition ana.uey s. . rewritten or nrinted "For into consideration tne puunc u n :v, d tnoae votlng ways and streets in the city of Mon- fnstRt0haed8l83Uettn0df theZ.ds shall I"?61 ,andn htndeTe to them I vofi a baUot on which shall be writ-, the township, and give to them a " nHn,OI, ..Aeuinst Good fair and Just part or tne moneys re- alized from the taxation of the prop- Koaa8; ,B.ra,lon of ai TOters erty and polls within the corporate AjMll" limlU of the city or Monroe, anu - tha wUh. other corporate towng aioresaia . 7."- and the liability or sucn P'Operiji nurtioee of registering all and polls for the payment of the J the 01 fa S.ald TtZ'XX 0 Ihe following registrar, are work on the roads of said township. R'f"ar,:,rT.. R. Blm. Rm. but all roads shall be kept in gooa - condlUon by convict abor or . Registrar. labor as may be hired to ao tne . ' - necessary work for that purpose. May sin. chalrmaI1 Sec. 12. That all taxes heretofore county mnera. STth? mineralized "from "S Notice to Creditor , of E. M. Griffin heretofore used for road purpose. In g5ef fvlvlng part said township. . of the firm of B. M. Griffin & Sec. 12 a. That the road commis- hB tn no(lfv Dergons hav- slonera may employ such agents or ,n clalmg against the partnership assistants as shall be necessary to neretofore existing under the firm secure the best results in road mak- of E M Griffin &. Co., which claims ing in said wonroe lowiieuii. uu were ,n exBtence at tne lime 01 order to secure the preper location th death of the E M Griffin, and grading of the roadbed and to whch .ju,. on March 20, A. D. ascertain what amount of dirt, rocK 101J tQ exnlDlt tne same to the cr other matelral has been removed underglgned R. c. Griffin, surviv or aupiacea or nueu iu vj jn nartner, on or Derore tne iota tractor and such other information of Apr ,914i or thl, notIce as shall be neceaaary to enablej tbem b pleaded In bar of their re- to nerform their duties with Intelli- v 1 . .j anora fnflVI rf . gent anowieuge vu o-- . i xil persons inaeDtea to tne e cmploy one or more civil engineers, 1 uu of E M Griffin & Co. will as may be neeaea, wno iii f ma(ie immediate payment or ar- form such ouuea as mj " ran.emenU wHh me. ..1 r.t him. And they may also em ploy a superintendent of the convict This the 15th day of April, 1913. R. C. GRIFFIN. Surviving part force, who shall have the Immediate I er o th; f,rm of M Qrlina m and personal oversigui iu ui:...- Co slon of the convict force and of their Redwine & Sike, Attorneys. employment ana " iw 1 .nrf traditment and SUCb I suoerintendent shall have charge of The planter who Is found next the property used In road making, winter with a crib full of corn, a tools machinery, and other property mow full of hay, smokehouse full of aa well as oversight ot the camp potatoes, turnips and pumpkins and nit nlace of their detention. The au- some cotton to sell is the man that ni.nd.nr anaii rennn 10 tun iwu wi 1 m uiunmriiuHuv. . v". .... www commissioner any irregularltiea. any dan. in The Progressiva Farmer.

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