Mt Fit the Job. Every young mao going out into the world to .seek employment must remember, that one of the most Im portant things he must learn is to make himself fit the job. There is nothing in the world re quiring energy and patience that really agrees with one at first. School days are pleasant only when they are a memory. If the moun tain will not come to you, you must go to the mountain. The business mountain, the Job. the atmosphere of the office will never rush to meet the beginner. It is up to the be ginner to meet the mountain. And he will have to do it quirk or some one else will step in and take his place. If you are willing to learn, willing to adapt yourself, then size up your Job, the atmosphere of the place, and try to make yourself at home as soon aa possible. Try to fit In. to become a part of your surround' tags. If you cannot do that. If you find that you will not fit in where you are, then be fair to your em ployer and still more to yourself and quit the Job. After a while you will find something that will you better and will find your place ana your work. Ex. Wonderful Skin Salve Bucklen's Arnica Salve is know everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Re duce inflamation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub lisher of News, of Cornelius. X. C, writes that one box helped bis se rious skin ailment after other reme dies failed. Only 25c. Recommend' ed and for sale, by English Drug I Cither there is too little money or too many people in the wrohl. WE HAVE IP Cheap Lots in the city that we want some one to buy and erect dwellings on. We need the dwellings for renters. 24 1-2 Acres in three miles of the city with a good four-room dwelling for 81500.00. Monroe insurance & investment Office In Bank of I nion Building. company G. B. CALDWELL, Manager. Our Store is very complete with all the latest and best medium priced and if there was ever a time when the young couple going to housekeeping Could furnish every room in the house to begin with at a nominal cost and such conditions of purchase to make it a real easy matter, it is NOW. We are in a position to give you the best in every particular, and.a com parison will convince you. Yours for business, T. P. DILLON. It Fills a Long Felt Want THE BEULAH All admit that washing on the old rub board Is the hardest work to do on the farm or in the city. But there are no more bard wash days when you use the Beulah. You can accomplish as much with this wonderful machine in one hour as you could in the old way in half to two-thirds of a day. The saving in the wear and tear of clothing alone will more than pay for It in 12 months, and wash-day will no longer be a dread. Remember that seeing is convincing; that dirt has to be washed out you can't talk it out. So let us know your wash-day and be convinced by seeing us do the 'washing for you. Eugene Laundru Machine go. COXSTAXTTXE, MICH. Local offices MONROE, X. C Loral Managers V. E. FCXDERBl'RK, rbone 324. CH the Schot.l-h us. SUFFRAGISTS SED POIJCE M G Progresslve Farmr. IST1UTE IsnMB. We are astonished to hear from . a farmer in one of the most progree- The Magistrate Was Suii k.u f sie communities in the South that i the 1'iukage and Drt-mlietl it in the principal of the school in his Water Oiiming. neighborhood has refused to let the' London. May H. A business-like Farmers' Union meet In the school bomb, addressed to Henry Curtis auditorium. It is a pitifully narrow Bennett, the police magistrate, was conception of the purpose of a delivered by a letter carrier at Bow school house and of a church build-; Street police court today. The pack ing to think that they are made' age was marked "immediate." but only for the preacher and the school dilsiklng the looks of it. the cautious teacher. Tbey are made for all the 'police officer, took It outside and people not for Just two individuals plunged it Into a pall of water, among the people. Both schools and When the package was optned it churches must become real communl mas found to contain a tin tobacco ty centers if education and religion box. bound with wire and filled with are to triumph effectually. gunpowder, shot and a cartridge. The church building should be Attached to the cap end of the car open to eVery meeting for civic, so-( (ridge was a nail, which, if it bad cial. or moral betterment; and the been struck, would have fired the school house belonging to all the bomb and exploded its contents, people, should be open to any body Suffragists bombs were found to ot citizens for any purpose when- day in one of the passenger cars of ever it is not in other use. In a train running between Klneston thls enlightened and democratic age ,'on-Thames and London, on South it ought not to be necessary to western Raiiwav. This niakis the have such a law, but if it is neces-j third outrage of the kind in the sary. then every State should have same line within two months, on a law compelling the committee to the train's arrival At tvmrin (..,. open the school house for any body minus, the conductor noticed in one of citizens requesting it for lawful ot the compartments three parcels assembly. which aroused suspicion. On inves tigation two of them were found to contain tin canisters filled with combustibles and wrapped in suffra gette placards. No explosion oc curred and the bombs were handed over to the police. . ARSOX SQL'AD AT WORK. A militant suffragette "arson squad" destroyed a large untenanted residence, the Highlands, at Sand- nale-on-bea, near Folkston, on the English channel, last night. no-Sale of Valuable- Farm Ijnd By virtue of an order and decree made by the Superior Court of Un ion county, North Carolina, we will on SATURDAY. MAY 31. 1913. offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court house door In Monroe, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., that certain piece, tract or par eel of land lying and being in the county of I nion and State of Nort Carolina, New Salem township, on the waters of Zacka branch and ad Joins the lands of W. T. Griffin Jas. R. Gardner, Jas. R. Stewart and others and bounded on the South by a twenty-five acre tract deeded to S. L. and M. J. Mullis in the year 1901 and contains about 112 acres niore or less. This being a part of the same tract of land described in a deed from ti. Ji. Stewart and wife to W. H. Mullis and M. A. Mullis which said deed is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Union county in Book 20, page 29b to which reference Is hereby made for a more particular description. This tract originally contained 137 acres and since the -5 acres has been deeded, leaves about 11 acres, and being the lands of which W. H. Mullis died seized and pos sessed. Terms of sale one half of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the remainder on a credit of six months, the deferred payment to bear interest and the title retain ed until all the purchase money has been paid. Bidding to begin at $1,397.50 for the tract of land. The said tract of land has been surveyed and sub' divided and will be offered for sale first in three parcels and then as a whole. This 29th April, 1913. C. N. MULLIS, J. L. MULLIS, Redwine & Sikes, Attys. Comrs. W. O. LEMMOXD, Attorney-nt-Law. Office In Law Building, old Llbrar) room, Monroe, N. C. Will practice In all State and Fed eral Courts. Will give special at tentlon to collection of claims and settlement ot estates by adminis trators and executors. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office np stairs, Fitzgerald Building Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. DOCTOR H.D. STEWART PHYSICIAN, MONROE, N. C. If Ton dlr idt Hrvto. call m thronck Besiaence pnone ii t umce pnone 107. umce noun 11 to is, a. m ., no irom I :wo to . m. Office OTtr Union Drut Comnanr'i. & aence on Lsncuier svena. DR. B. 0. EEDFEARN, Dentist, Office one door south of C. W. Bruner's Store. Phone 232. Monroe ,N. 0. At Marsh ville on 1st and 3rd Mondavi of each month and Mat thews on 2nd and 4th Mondays Machine Shop We are now prepared to repair your engine and other machinery, do your plumbing and other work in our line. Shop near freight depot AlSTIX ft CORRELL. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe. N. C. Office in Postofflce Building, over union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence phone, 273-R. Dr. D. Fuett, Optometrist, CHARLOTTE, X. C. Xo. 80 North Tryon Street. Eye Examined. Glasses Fitted. Dp. E. S. Green, DENTIST. Office in Belk-Bundy Building, Opposite Belk's Store, Monroe, N. C. W. J. PRATT, Attorney-at-Law, Having been appointed prosecuting attorney In the Recorder's court. I cannot appear for the . defense In criminal actions. All other legal business entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Offices Rooms 21 and 22, Loan A Trust Building, TTONESTY. disinterestedness and good - nature ar indi spensable to procure the esteem and confidence of those with whom we live, and oa whose esteem our happiness depends. Never suffer a thought to be harbored in your iniad which you would not avow openly. When tempted to do anything in secret, ask younwlf If you would do it In public; if you would not. be sure it Is wrong. in little disputes with your com panions, give way rather than Insist on trifles, for the love and the approbation of others will be worth more to you than the trifle In dispute. Above all things, and at all times, practise your self in gooj humor; this of all human qualities is the n:cst amiable and endearing to socie ty. Whenever you feel a warmth of temper arising, chick it at once and suppress it, recollect ing it would make you unhappy within yourself and disliked by others. Nothing gives one per son so great an advantage over another under all circumstances. Think of ar d practise this;" th nvs and you will be rewarded by the love and confidence of the world. Jefferson. THINK OF IT .0M riMs Publicly Iteruiuuiend Our Kemedy. Nome are Moarue Over oce hundred thousand hive recommended Doan's Kidney Fills. For backache, kidney, urinary ills, Thirty thousand signed testimo nial:, Are appearing now in pub!;c print. Son e of tUtui are Monroe people. Some are published in Monroe. No other reiiitiij shows such proof Follow this Monroe woman's ex am pic Mrs. Pearl McCall, 505 Hayne St , Mouroe, N. t, says: "1 had ner vous and a. n: shells i'nu my back paiue-l mo. 1 -i.Hld it.i sleep well and moriiiiiss all tired cut. Fi nally 1 got iKjan's Kidney Mils of tl e Lugli.u Drug Co., ami they mada me entirely" The ac.'ve statement must carry cjiui Hon t.i t!,i miiij ui every read er. U.m't simply ask for a kidney rei'icciy ask (iij-tiniily for Doan's Kidney PiLs, ti-e s;.n.t that Mrs. .Mc Call had the Ktiedj backed by home tes'ln.ony. iue all stores. Fos-ter-Milburn Co.. '".vi., Buffalo, N. V. When your back Is lame Remem ber the N-iii-e. ' Fred Weimer. whose home and Ltaptist Orphanage ;! Handsome relatives are in Indiana, spent last art :f IjiikI. Christmas In the city of New York. Hendersonville, N. C, May 14. Christmas night he looked exactly W. P. Whitmire, a resident of this 118 cheerful as a hearse and not city, but formerly of Brevard, brings quite as joyful as an undertaker. he news that the Misses Victoria! "Does Christmas away from home " i .1 MH,. '..II.. . r 1 1 i mnl.A .mi Dn .i ,1 " .. f -i . 1 .. . I-. 1 cards addressed to the "dislionorahlZ ,!ona'd a tract of land valued at! him. Reginald McKenna! Home Sefre "e Baptist Orphanage at "Does it! responded Weimer. uuiiiuDi litr. j iir uruufiiy IS lucai-i "v" m iiuutmic uai:ie ia ar Hrevard. Including. rouoie, ana nil tninKing Cirler. coout 100 acres ot land. Mr. Whit mire, who is related to the .Misses Galloway and who was Interested in making the conveyance. Is authori ty for the statement that Jt Is the interested In the h an aux tary" were left about the premises.! 1 property is stcard bearing the :"'" " " "ear "-ru . nc not a poor There was a postc words "we hope this is widow's house." School boys are helping militant suffragettes in their reign of terror. Spveral "hnllthn" u-hlnh rin avan.Inn. tion. turned out to be dummies, havfl ."IT6 cf 'T? il,ieT been traced to the scholars. " orphanage work to establish Cutis Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst c. no matter of how tons (Undine, re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Ur. I'orter'i Antiseptic Hetliiif Oil. It relieve Puin nd Hetli at the tame time. 25c. 50c, 11.00 Striking evidence of the extensive operations of the militant suffra gettes and the bad effect on tha wo-, man's cause of the outrages com mitted by them was given today on the resumption of the hearing at Row Street police court of the charges against the suffragette lead ers. They are charged with the in l.iary home cn this property, where the doners will nently. be located perma- Jlany stories are In circulation connecting Mark Twain with his old home, Hartford, not all of which can be vouched for. This is one of the good ones. Dr. Doane, now blsh fringement of maliciuos damgae to ?p of Albany, preached an unusual- property acts, ly good sermon here one morning Those who'occupied the prisoners "d ,Mark heard, Stepping up to closurers were Mrs. Harriet Kerr, thf clergyman after the service. Mark en Miss Agnes Lake, Miss Kachael said: I "I have enjoyed your sermon this tnnio k-annv Mr. t.nnm i nj morning. I welcomed It as I would the analytical chemist, Clnvton. The Sn old. ufr end' . 11 have a boc fl case against "General" Mrs. Flora that contai118 every ord ll Drumniond was postponed until July. ... ,. . , owing to her Illness. ' W hy that can't be. Mr. Clem-1 Letter carriers and postofflce of- m!8;. ,r,fplied hf doctor ftnijio T,,i o , ,k ,1 All the same. It is so," said Mr. age done to the mails by chemicals i ,.m,mf, , , ,j , . 1 and other fluids poured into the let- W'H; t.rlnly, ,lke, ,0 ter boxes. Isee that boolt' rejoined the doc- The former business manager of . .; J'T" y: . . .. 1 The Suffragette testified his """ , i ,i ' cca were dispelled with by the mili tant DAolutW liAiti i ua MoT a L'nimollnn iih "vv i wr n ubc ii,d iiiiliciiiiirr ry , . . , . . , . , Parkhurst thought it better that wain s compuuiems a a.ctionary lng Dr. Doane received with Mark only women should conduct the pa per, v THE SUFFRAGETTE LOSS. As to the loss of circulation by The Suffragete he told Mrs. Pank- htirst the decrease was due to the letterbox raids but she said that could not be possible, because when the women were more militant they were most successful. Archibald Rodkln, treasury coun sel tried to elict from the account ant who audited the books of the Womun's Social and Political Un A Philadelphia lawyer and con noisseur was describing gome of his experiences in search of curios. I "I once entered a Wardour street shop in London," he said smiling ly, "and the salesman pointed out to me a dilapidated chair. I " 'Thnt there chair, sir,' he said .impressively, 'belonged to Louis Crosseye, King of France." I " 'Louis Crosseye?" said I. 'Why there la no such person.' "'Oh! yes, there i, sir!' said the k- lun. what became of the so-called 8al" ", "V!'1 h.e ho)v,ed n,e a ,U' secret service funr of $l,2..0,0on, of et malKe" Louls xl- Invincible Floor. (High Patent). Golden Cream. (Fancy Patent). Baker's Choice, (Half Patent) Graham Flour. (Absolutely Pure.) t Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that is actually good as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia Wheat For sale by all dealers. Henderson Roller Mills Company which the newspaper, The Suffra gette, announced $9(HUHo had been, raised. The accountant was unable to tell. i A receiving order was issued by the bankruptcy court today against Frederick Pethick Lawrence, a prom Ineut and wealthy suffragist, who recently severed his connection with the militant suffragette's society. The order was made on the applica tion of the director of public prose cution, because Mr. Lawrence re fused to pay the costs of tho prose cution of himself, his wife and Mrs. Lmmeline Pankhurst on a charge of conspiracy last May. The outstand ing amount Is $3,040. The court appointed an official receiver to take charge of Mr. Lawrence's af fairs. Notice of Ixnd Sale. Under ami by virtue of an order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Union county. In a special proceeding wherein Flossie Moser, Keep Vcur Money. Progressive Farmer. A new fake consumption cure is SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY Travel via Monroe. V. C. nnd Sn- F. M. Vandle, et als are plaintiffs, board Air Line Rnilw-nv to and fmm and S. 11. Crowell, Lewis Conder et all points in North, East, South and als are defendants, I will i West. Chair car between Charlotte ON SATURDAY,' JUNE 14th, 1913 and Wilmington. Steel, electric at noon, sell at public auction to the lighted observation sleeper between highest bidder at the Court House New York and Birmingham. Elec door of Union county in Monroe, N. tic lighted Pullman drawing room C. the following described tract of sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth, land lying in. Vance township. Union Schedule In effect April 27, 1913. County, North Carolina, on both The following schedule figures are sides of Crooked creek and bounded published as Information only, and as follows: Iteginning at a Syca are not guarantet d: more on the north bank of said, TRAINS ARRIVE MONROE, creek, Daniel C. Robinson's corner No. 14 Charlotte to Wilmlng and runs with his line N. 73 1-2 ton, local, 5:45 a.m. E 14 1-2 poles to a pile of stones, n0. 12 Birmingham - Atlanta by three pines, D. K. Orr's corner; to Ports, and New York, 6:10 a.m. thence with his line 8. 44 1-4 E.I No. 5 New York to Birmingham, 4(1 poles to a stone, corner of 27 9:55 am Ral- , ri7 rtheVT iV5lh3f4UW,in6e08i , ?J "-"fordton to taid a sucker is born everv minute . the 8nme'lst s- 45 3-4 W. 60 elgh, local, 1 1 : 00 a.m. Supply and demand In theTe ! two ?,: "J cek ,' 'l : "-Wilmington o Cha sa Supply Instances seem to run a riot. The supply of unfortunate consumptives and the demand for these false cures" are rivals. The race is nip and tuck. But how are we going to heud off such a race? Pure feed and drug laws get an occasional faker but it Is only an occasional one, scarcely a drop In the bucket. With all "con sumption cures" founded on fraud and flourishing on fear, the ever hopeful but susceptlbile consumptive harlot t a. small reu oass, iuu B. ou .' 11:10 am. 22.40 poles to a stone. 3rd, I No. 31 Raleigh to Rutherfordton, S. 3 1-4 W. 32.40 poles to two small local, 140 pm S Gums, 4th S. 27 3-4 K. 13.80 1 No. 30 Atlanta to Monroe, 5:35 poles to a stone, a corner of the p.m. school house lot and runs with tho No. 20 Charoltte to Wilmington, same four courses as follows: 1st local, 5:40 p.m. S. 39 W. 8 poles to three W. O. No. 16 Rutherfordton to Monroe, (row down); 2nd S. 34 3-4 E. 119:00 p.m. poles and three links (11.12 poles) No. 13 Wilmington to Charlotte, to a stone by a P. O.; 3rdS. 37 1-2 9:55 p.m. V. 20 1-2 poles to the centre of i No. 6 Birmingham to Ports, and the school house spring; 4th 8. New York, 9:25 p.m. 50 1-4 K. 3 poles and three links to No. 11 New YnrU-Pnrt. tn At. It. .nkiul hla ..... ...... n.l .Al.timl 3 llu III HID 1..UIK-J UII , J. J ..., I tL. I . , . . " ' " of his chance of life. But what care t." T' 7. " . .. L .V. . ! lanla "na. ""mmgnam. id: 50 p.m. ptlon cure" companies? X" " VV,.' 'i kaws lea k monkoe. xo. it cnanotte to Wilming ton, local, 5:50 a.m. the "consumption It is good business. The only prevention . u wholTsare'Vobbe'ry Is education. V ioVT v "T111 ' Uan,a ,0 lust that. Education will banish .1f,'A.8I . " ,P t? 1. .a Port8- New York, 6:15 a.m. S. 37 3-4 W. 77.80 poles to a stoop ing persimmon, l nomas Hemb s just that. Education will banish the old superstition that for every ailment there is a "specific. Edu cation will teach those having con mac jaca stump on tne . w. Side. v0. 15 Monro (n Hnthrfnrrt. of a road by three small P. O., and ton, 8:15 a.m. two persimmon pointers. 2nd N. 4 1 No. 6 New' York to Birmingham. JirlSL IJT: d .r H.S; 1 NRutherfordton to RalCh. corner and running with Andrew local, 11:10 a.m. Rtarne's line to a B. Gum, tHe No. 29 Monroe to Atlanta, 11 : 15. Starnes, Dec'd corner, passing a.m. Starnes and Robinson's corner andl No. 19 Wilmington tn Chirintta for a cure lies In their Btrict obedi ence to the laws of hygiene, with nlitnited fresh air, rest, and food. When this Is done, why there will be no more demand for patent med- Irlni. consiimntinn cures anrl thi runn,n lth Robinsons line to the local 11.20 a. m. icine consumption cures, ana tne Kp-in-in- n.inin j-o t. x. . beginning and containing S3 1-2 acres. Ru(m I. 1 I 1 .. -.1.. ( v.. ,,.Cv.w,c., f-awiij. f'nnrlflr AaranaaA dastardly business will. slop. But e must educate, and the only way health departments, and state. It Is well that we do not always know that we are skating on thin Ice. Piles Cured la 6 to 14 Days Tour dniesit Vlll refund money If PAZO I OINTMENT falli to cur iny cie ot Itching, TftlonhoDM RM um. V n. KBIInd.SlllByrPro(riidlnPIIiln6tol4ly.. - ie ve rwia towns, county dower , th(, ,;nd of her hugband William Conder. Terms of sale, one third cash, bal ance In 6 months. Title to be re tained until all of purchase money has been paid. Deferred payment to bear Interest and to be secured by adequate endorsement. This May 10th, 1913. J. J. PARKER, Cora. Staok & Parker, Atty's. . i gives Sara tui Rett. SOc, No. 31 Raleigh to Rutherfordton. local, 1:45 p.m. No. 20 Charlotte to Wilmington, local, 5:50 p.m. No. 13 Wilmington (o Charlotte, local 10:05 p.m. No. 11 New York Ports, to Atlanta and Birmiiham. 10:65 p.m. No. 6 Birmingham to New York and Ports., 9:30 p.m. For further Information call on or phone S. J. Brtptnan, Ticket Agt.., or H. S. Leard, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C, or C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., Ports mouth, Va.