Special Notices, This U the place to tell your short busines story. What you have to buy or sell can be told to thousands of readers for a slight cost. IT PATS. People look to this column with eagerness to see who is bustling. Advertisements are Inserted at the rate of ONE CENT per word each insertion. Count the words In your adv. and send cash with copy. Each figure and initial counts a word. Xo ad. taken for less than ten cents. Send copy in as early as possible. An extra good milk cow for sale. K. F. Kriniminger, Sturdivant ex change, phone S. Dr. H. Smith is off on a trip to South Carolina and will be out of town for a while. Notice of his re turn will appear iu this column. For Sale Cheap $10o Fay Sholes typewriter quick sale J20.00 Stanley Helms. Lost Near Xoah Helms', watch and fob. Will reward finder. J no. W. Connell. I'nionville K.F.D. 1. For Sale Cheap Good threshing machine and 10 h. p. mounted gaso I'ne engine. (.!. M. Tucker. Wanted You to Get Acquaint ed with the Reliable Pressing Club. Phone 3J8. Trade with Preslar Bros, and get a free ticket to the picture show. For best steam cleaning. French dry cleaning and repairing, phone 165. arolina Pressing Club. The picture shows are at your service free of charge See Pres lar Bros. It's what comes out of the Relia ble that counts. Give me a trial for dry cleaning. Just call If you want the best Scythe cra dle made, you can be supplied by A. R. Mills of I'nionville or the Co-Op-erative Mercantile Co. For real cleaning and pressing phone 165. Carolina Pressing Club. We have the largest stock of rough and dry lumber iu town. Call cn us to fill your needs. Porter-My ors Lumber Co. Just received a fresh lot of job tobacco, going cheap. Tlyler, Fun- derburk 4c Co . All the latest magazines at The Union Drug Co's. Warm weather ts the best time to raise Indian Runner ducks. (I per setting of 13, white egg strain. 0. E. Schachner. 501 E. Windsor St. For Rent Six room house, near business part of town. Phone 314-R. For Rent Nice house with water Btd lights. H. E. Copple. We have improved our screens and are making the ben to be had. Will call and make measurements for you without extra charge. Porter-Myers Lumber Company. Talk your shoe needs over with us. It is our business to please you. Houston's Shoe Store. Good salt mullets for sale at Walcm' Market. This is a fine breikfi, dish. Dressmaking, bring your sewing to Mrs. G. O. Tucker. Over Tharp Hardware. Let us fill your prescriptions. We know how, and our prices are right too. The Union Drug Co. Phone 221. Best granulated sugar 25 pounds for $1.25; S pkgs. soda 25c; to bacco 25c. per lb. Co-Operative Mercantile Co. Just received a nice line slip pers and plow shoes; going cheap. Co-Operatlve Mercantile Co. Correct watch repairing at Rudges Official watch inspectors for S. A. L. Ry. Watch Repairing Xot the cheap est but the best. Rudge's. A lot of winter wheat flour go ing at the old price Co-Operatlve Mercantile Co. You pay for what you get and get what you pay for when you have your watch repaired at Rud-ge's. Wanted All the nice fat hens that we can get. See us about it if you have any to sell. W. R. Ou ten & Co. If you want a nice country ham. phone 145 Co-Operative Met. Co. Try a sack of Cracker mule feed a balanced ration for horses Co Operative Mercantile Co. Leave your orders for Hamburger steak at Walters' Market. We sell the ,ood kind. If you want your watch repaired right have it repaired at the right place. fudge's, official inspectors for S. A. L. Ry. Have your diamonds remounted at Kudge's. Ft,r eond ftteak. Dork chops, all pork sausage or fish, call Monroe Cash Market. Phone SI. We are the shoe doctors that can fit your feet. Houston' Shoe Store. Watt Ashcraft, Veterinarian Day calls 113, night calls 113. Hospital on Hayne street, northeast of court house. Monroe, X. C. Wa afnriv rnnr npeHa In the fthne line and can fill your every want. Don't tuy till you try us. Hous ton's Shoe Store. For Sale A nice pug-head Berk shire sow at a bargain T. L. Price at Co-Operative Mercantile Co. A good receipt book, well bound, with stub for 10 cents at The Jour nal ofice. List Your llty Taxes. Notice is hereby given that I will be at M. L. Flow's store until May 30th for the purpose of listing all taxable property of the city of Mon roe. The law requires all property to be listed in Mav. Hours, 8 a. m., till 5 p, ni. l. H. JOHNSON, City List-Taker. A Constat ( Liar. "I used to know a fellow who wui the most constant and consistent liar 1 ever saw," observed Uncle Hy. "but there wux this to say fur him, be always lied with the idea of pleasin' the feller be wui talkin' tc or the woman he wui convarsiu with. He never talked with a home ly womhan without givln' her to un demand that he considered her one uv the handsomest females he'd ever been acquainted with, and he seem ed to be so much in earnest that be really made the woman believe he meant it and she wui pleased about it. even when her lookin' glass told her the man wui a liar. Why ,he could take a rotten orange from the box and make believe it wui from a select tree in the best part of Floridy. He never went to hear a preacher without taklu' the opportunity after the sermon wux over to tell the preacher it wui one the greatest sermons he had ever hearn in his life and that heann it had done him a wonderful amount uv good. And the preacher went away pleased over that lie as much as if it had been true. Xo matter how sorry a team a farmer drove this liar would manage to make the farmer believe the hosscs were crack animals. So it went. That feller told more lies than you could stack tip in a week with a patent stack- et, but every lie he told was calcu lated to make some man or woman feel good fur the time bein.' Now what 1 can't determine in my own mind i this: Did that feller's lies do any harm or did they do good? Generally speaking, 1 hate a liar, but that feller wui an exception. Everybody liked him and listened to his lips with pleasure, even when they knowed that he wui a ly In' faster than a 2:20 hoss can trot. He would tell you everything so it would dazzle. Durn his hide, he wuz such a finished liar I liked to hear him talk." Exchange. INTERESTING BITS OF NEWS. Copenhagen. Denmark, school teachers gel f 320 a year. Arizona, by the new law. excludes aliens from public employment. Germany's machine tool Industry employs sv.uOu men. Thirteen states have boiler in spection laws. Baltimore school children will se lect names for the public schools in that city by ballot, Spokane's dog pound gives away dogs every Wednesday to persons paying city license fees. MON ROE 1T1U.IC SCHOOLS Wanted You to know that the place to buy shoes is Houston's hoe store. Eggs from prize winning White Plymouth Rocks, remainder of sea son, 15 for 75 cents Henry Myers, Monroe, X. C. See Preslar Bros, for free tickets to the picture shows. A new line of fountain syringes and rubber goods Just received from the factory. Come in and in spect them. The Union Drug Co. Buy your shoes from the store that makes it an exclusive study. Houston keeps only shoes and can give you what you want. 10 cents per dozen at The Journal office. The rules of the Hoard of Trus tees of the Monroe Graded Schools require that any person, to have ap plication for a position as teacher considered, must be either a gradu ate of some college of recognized good standing and have at least two years' successful experience in teach ing, or be a graduate cf a good normal college, with a satisfactory record as a student in said normal college. BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. New Bicycle Shop. Wa have oneneri a RICYCLE RE. PAIR SHOP in the bulldine In front of the Henderson Garage, and are prepared to do all kinds of Bicycle Repair Work at Reasonable Prices. GIVE I S A TRIAL. Some good second-hand bicycles for sale. Chattel mortgages and crop Hens IfAtifAp Rl'rVrb fnmflAllV M.VU.VV SSIVJVSV vvuiutsji Old hats made new in three min utes by using our straw hat clean er, price 10c. The Union Drug Co. Lone Star, that splendid animal known as the Vernon Griffin Jack, will make the season of 1913 at my barn one mile went of Indian Trail. 112.50 will be charge lor a guaran teed foal. Lone Star ft 5 years old, 16 bands high and weighs 1.000 pounds. J. F. Thompson, Indian Trail. N. C. Warranty, mortgage and deeds at The Journal office. trust Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. Joe Griffin and George Ilclk, Proprietor. We sell everything needed for building a house smth. blinds and doort carried fn stock and made to order. Highest in quality and cheapest In price. Monroe Manu facturing Co. Old Soldiers Reunion Round trip rate to Chattanooga, Tenn., on ac count of Old Soldiers Reunion to be held there Is $7.95 dates cf sale May 24, 2S.26.27 and 28, final limit unless extended tlckest will be void alter June 5. Any one wishing in formation will please see the Ticket Agent or drop him a postal card or call by phone. Seaboard Air Line1 Eailway, S. J. Brigman, Agent. i The Old Reliable Grocery Store is still doing business In a satisfactory manner to the people of Monroe and sur rounding county. We al ways try to please by giv ing you good groceries at right prices and buying all your produce at the beat market price. fil. WALLER You ami Your Wife. Herald and Presbyter. There is alwaja danger In t.x trenies. This law applies to the af fairs of married life as truly as It does to our several habits and in terests. Even in the case of husband and wife there is a peril in too close association. There is a delight to be found in thfir chumship which ex ists in no other relation in life, yet it is necessary that they should ex ercise a measure of common sense in the enjoyment of these pleasures. When a man finds more real enjoy ment in his wife's companionship than he does in that of others when he derives genuine pleasure in din ing out with her when he prefers to make his associates in his little excursions instead of electing him to go with some other "chum" the foundation of their happiness is laid so firmly that there is small danger that serious disaster will ever over throw the structure. When a man and a woman who have married fall short of becoming chums, the fault usually is that of the husband. Occasionally, it is true, there are women who become so engrossed in the management of their home that they feel they have no time to devote to the small friv oilitles of life. In most instances, bowever.'the wife would be only too ready to participate in her husbaud's Pleasures were he to show a dlspO' sition to desire her company. And this is the right spirit that she should display. Tito slightest ten dency in this direction on the part of the husband should be promot ed and cultivated most ussiduously, for there is more safety than we sometimes suspect in un intimacy of Interests that extends beyond the lour walls of the home. Instead of permitting her own carts and re- Donsibilities from deterring nor from accepting his Invitations, there fore, she should endeavor to make her own plans subordinate to his program, und, during the time when they are together, she should also spare no effort in making the hours pass as enjoyable as possible. I' is only by avoiding every note that may be suggestive of discord that she can inspire him with an earnest desire to repeat the experiment. Attractive as all this may seem. however, there Is another s'da to the picture a danger that this companionship may come to play so vital a part in the mind of the two that the chumsip may generate into a galling system of espoinage. Love confers many rlghst rights that are Intuitively recognized and gra ciously accepted by both but the right to dictate the life of the oth er la not one of them. When companionship between hus band and wife is so genuine that they instinctively become chums there is much happiness in store for them, but let either become too exacting let either assert the right to the companionship of the other to the exclusion of all other inter ests and associates and the end to happiness is as certain as the sue cession of day and night. Because the husband enjoys going about with his wife, she has no right to in sist that she be his companion on all occasions or expect him to de cline all invitations where sh can not accompany him. If the wife is ! willing to play the "chum" for her husband when he desires it, he should be grateful for her company, tut he should not wish for her to throw all other interests overboard .that she may live her life exclusive ly with him. Montreal expects to see about $40, 000.000 worth of new buildings con structed this year. Booza Is the name of a beer-like beverage made in Russia from mil let. It has a plea set nt taste. New Y'ork now has a branch of the National Health Association of Ireland to help fight tuberculosis in Erin. Swiss chocolate exports last year were 15,000,000 pounds, against 12,- 800,000 pounds in 1910. About 400,000 bicycles are stlil manufactured in Great Britain ev ery year, iwo-tnirds are usea at home and the remainder exported to many countries. Members of the Syracuse fire de partment have found a unique way of converting leisure time into prof it. They make fine Shetland shawls on a large wooden frame. The first shawl completed, was as sott as silk and perfect .y made. Three more ire now under way. London sewage has l's main drainage out falls at Barking and Crosness; the average daily quant ty dealt with is about 260,00,000 gallons, collected at Barking and Grosness is more, than 2,500,000 tons. It Is an interesting fact that a newspaper is owned and adminis tered by the city of Dresden, the property having been bequeathed to the municipality. 7 he worlds' whaling Industry in 1911 resulted in obtaining about 600.000 barrel of oil, which was almost double that of the year before. Parties sent out by the French eovernment to explore the Sahara Desert have reported that the ob stacles in the way of sand are not so great as was supposed. Brockton. Mass., people are com plaining that most of the cats of the town keep themselves in an intoxi cating condition most of the time by feeding on brewery waste. One of the first acts of the French President after his election is to pose before the official came ra, reproductions of the photograph being sent to every prefecture and town hall in France, Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time." The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; flOO Per Cent Digested - Bread made with phosphate powder; 681 Per Cent Digested Bread made with alum powder; T67 Per Cent Digested These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. ' ' Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. The North Carolina Lutheran Syn-' od will hold its next meeting in Burlington. At the meeting at St. John's church, Rowan county, last week, five young men were admitted to the ministry as follows: J. B. Moose, B. E. Petrea. O. O. Ritchie, Ii J Rum and P. D. Brown. The first three were reared In St. John's congregation. Having; noo need for a lock-up. which had held but one prisoner in six months., the municipality of Kingston Mo sold the town prison and applied the proceeds to street lighting. The Sennte Cf the New Jersey Legislature has passed the Jury re form bill advocated by President Wilson, but it is to bo referred to the people for adoption. The Museum of Natural History In New York, has recently received a specimen of the giant forest hog of Africa, which lives in the desert forests, has been seen by very re persons. In the lost few years Moscow has been Increasing morn rapidly than at any time In a century, and if the present rate Is continued it will have more than 2,000,000 residents in 1918. Recently 60 Pittsburg preachers tried to bend their knees and toucn their finders to the floor. The great majority of them failed. The controversy over the election of a superintendent of the State Hos pital at Raleigh was settled Wed nesdny by the withdrawal of Dr. J. L. Picot, the superintendent, who had claimed that his term had not expired. The board unanimously elected Dr. Albert Anderson. We all eat too much and it is lit tie wonder; there is so much to eat. And we all talk too much, because there is so much to talk about. Ideals do not grow; they or born big or forever remain little. Don't think too long without act ing. A good healthy mortgage never loses iu Interest in the old home stead. Freddie' Kxanilnutlon Pinter. Woman's Home Companion. The people who live in the un inhabited portions of the earth are mostly cannibals. Geometry is that branch or matne matics that deals with angels. Longfellow was a fullblooded American poet. He wrote the Sal mon of Life. The Pilgrim came to America so that they might persecute their re ligion in peace. Electricity Is a ourrent of very strong stuff. Sir Isaac Newton Invented gravi' tation out of an apple. An axiom is something that Is always so even if it isn't so. The Fly and Typhoid. State Board of Health. Make a renewed effort to fortify your home against the deadly house fly. This is the season of the year when typhoid fever is becoming prevalent, and the fly, as one of its cheif carriers, is corresponding more dangerous. During the warm summer weather most flies are content to remain outside In gar bage cans and filth 'deposits, but durina the cooler weather they stay in your homea in Increasing number just when they are most likely to be reeking with the germs or tne most dangerous diseases. Miss Mittie Wilson of Newton 20 years old who was studying to be a nurse at the Charlotte Sanato rium died there Wednesday morn Ing of pneiinienia. following an at tack of measles. He remains were taken to Newton for bifrlal. Will Gardner, the isogro arrssted nt Winston a few days ago. cnart eri with many t in Salis bury. Wlniton and oun places, was rnnvlcrd In TUwan Superior Court ttila vmIc. and sentenced to the State prison for 15 years. nnnnrtunitr may knock on the door, but sh doesn't carry an alarm clock. Dr. Erwin E. Smith, plant pathol ogist nf the national Department of Agriculture, haa been offered a po sition in the department of medi cal research at the Rockerfellor In stitute at a salary of $10,000 a year and has declined -it. As scien tist for the government he geta $4. 000 a year, but he seems to prefer the present job a less than half the salary. Rev. L. M. Kerschner, a Presby terian minister, died suddenly Wed nesday at the home of his daugh ter in Spencer. He was 69 years old. Your Life is Iusured when you use one of our Vehicles its built in the job and under the paint. You don't choose a doctor be cause he is cheap. Your life may depend upon your choice. A ve hicle often holds the happiness of your entire family. Th0n don't gamble with a poor one, but buy a Corbitt, High Pomt, or Ty son & Jones. Use a, HACKNEY Wfcgon. We can make you close prices on Timothy Hay, Corn, OdtS and Mixed Feed. i Youm truly. TIE CO. Monroe, North Carolina.

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