THE MONROE JOURNAL x4 ' 1 'il 'i-i .'f 4 Founded la 1194 far the present owners and publishers, G. M. and R. F. Beasley. Arraeil Mr. Daaic-ls of Caaiag Kiul. PuhlUlieU Erery Tuesday. $l.uo per year. The Journal Building, corner of Jefferson and Beasley Streets. Telephone No. 19. Tuesday, Jnly 22, 1913. Last Friday night a riot broke out in Seattle, Washington, .In thich the headquarters of the So cialists and thot of the Interna tional Workers cf the World, a la bor organisation, were destroyed The mob was lead by sailors from the Pacific reserve fleet In the har bor. Mr. J oseph us Daniels, secre tary of the, navy, who Is on a cific tour, had made a speech at banquet the nlis ht before, and praising the flag, said that there as no place fcr the red flag in this country. The Socialists hav declared that the remarks of the Secretary of the Navy caused the sailors and the mob to break loose. Mr. Daniels denied even having In mind any local situation whatever, but said that he was but making tin- remarks m;iJe elsewhere. Those who know .Mr. Danils know that he would be the last man to advise vi olence and law breaking. However, he ought to give orders that every one of the sailors engaged in the outrage be found out and properly N Women on the School Hoard Iredell. Governor Craig has called a spe cial session of the Legislature to meet September 21, to consider freight rates and the proposed con stitutional amendments. What the Legislature will have to consider regarding freight, rates will depend upon what is accomplish ed at a meeting to be held today at Point Comfort between the Cor- punished poration Com minion and the traffic managers of the railroads. At a meeting In Raleigh last week the railroad presidents agreed to give a The Statesville Landmark last reaucuon or rates in this Statel expressed Its regret that no somewhat like the people have been! women were appointed on school demanding, and said that their boards in Its county, as follows traffic managers would take up the The county school boards of the matter of fixine these ratea at the tate dii ot fa" over themselves uieetinir to beirin todav Whether to aPDolnt women on the school meeting to begin today. u nether committees, as they are authorized mis win oe saiwractory or not re- to do by a law passed by the last uuuus to oe seen. i legislature. The committees were But the matter of amendinit the I "Pointed in the various counties last erni.tirntitn i. o ..i...i.. week. In a number of counties . . me women were apointed. but .uing. ana win engage tne earn- four was the largest number named est attention of the legislature when I in any one county, so far as The it meets. The last session of the Landmark observed. This paper is lH.i;.t.. on.,in.H ,.,, ii . nuch dlsapoiated that no women : . ,r ; . -""""'re named on the Iredell com u lne auierent amendments mittees. Iredell stands at the head that had been proposed, work them over, and present them for passage, amendment or rejection by the special session, which in turn will submit them to the people. The! will not be denied by any observant amendments will be voted on bv the IfWijen, that the work and Interest people In the general election of ,f. ,tne, .men U ln the ma'n P0? v . ...r . . , sible for the progress of the schools .uo cuiumuKiuii ami the educational advancement nas been working on the proposed and they should be given a larger o ninni ., . t ! ... nj I sh .1 r In thi IL-nrlr hv tt 1 :1 t n ix thani last Friday completed their labors. 011 ,he rommtttees Thefe are nu- Special lot of children's I5c Fancy Top Sox; sale .u wu..u v'v- tuis work aud much better fitted for amendments, stated briefly as fol- It than many men to whom It Is as- lows: signed. There will be more com 1. t Ani..i i mtees to apoint a year hence and . ....i ... , ..... vacancies to fill In the meantime; ..u o. -uus.iiu.uik me pnrase war alu, ,g hopt,(, ,he IlVlM, Let ween the btates for the words hoard will g(ve the women a show Insurrection or Rebellion Against 'tig. the United Sctes. : Answer the Call of Economy MORE BAY i Id which to Purchase Marvelous Merchandise at Mystic? Prinps ru i Look over this list of Sale Bargains and if you haven't been here come, come by al) means. Crowds of satisfied customers that have thronged every Department during the past five days prove the genuiness of this July Clearance and Reduction Sale Jelly Glasses Ic each Thursday morning 9 o'clock. Limit 5 to a customer. of the progressive counties of the State, in many respects and it was hoped that the Iredell school board would take advantage of this oppor tunity to keep the county in line. It New shipment of Ladies Hemstitched Handker chiefs; sale price ic each Yard-wide guaranteed black Taffetta Silk; sale pnee 48c yard 10,000 yards more of Domino Apron Checks at 3V4cyard Our Ladies' Best $2.00 Slippers reduced 51.63 Pce 9c pair Six pair to a customer. Ladies' Si. 00 blck Satteen Petticoats; clearance sale price 69 cents Thursday mornintf at 10 o'clock we will ll Ca bolts of English Long Cloth twt S0c bolt Yard-wide Sea Island Sheeting, not remnants, but full bolts; sale price 5C yard Get a pair of Men's 25 cents Suspenders at 15c DoiVt Over- 1 Anfl rf Bargain look the Big 02 dllU 31 Counters These are being filled every day with goods worth double the price. In many instances goods worth up to IS and 20 cents are placed on our 5 cents counter for final clearance. Coats Spool Thread 4c spooi . Amendment to Article I (new section), forbidding the prohibition of the use of the llible In public schools. o. Aincmluvnt ti:s Article 1'. Sec tion 1. initiative and referendum. 4. Amendment to Article 1'. sec lion is, Increasing compensation of members of the Conerul Awtmbly, o Amendment to Article 2 (new section , restricting local, priva'e unci special legislation. 6. Amendment to Article H, sec tion 1, fixing the day cf inaugura t ion of governor. i. Amendment to Article 4, sec ttinn 11, to limit the rotation of Superior court judges. S. Amendment to Article 4, sec tion II, to pr.vent delays In trials by providing emergency Judges. !. Amendment to Article 4. Sec tion 12, to enable (leneral Assembly Hon. K. J. Justice of (Ireeiislmro has nnnotinced that he will bo u c:in lidate fur the Senator next vear to m-ceed .seiia'or Overman. G nrrnor Glenn lias said that he will nuke m unnriinc!:neti! September first ns tu wh'Mn-r he will he a candidate yr not, while of course Senator Ov erman will stand for re-election. here has been some talk to the effect that Governor Craig might be a candidate. However he will not lie. Kev. Hraxtcn Cralu of Monroe is just received a letter from his biotlier saying that under no cir cumstances will he be a candidate. for the first time the next Senator will be elected by tli9 people, this amendment to the constitution of the I'nited States having gone Into effect. Of course a candidate will he nominated In a Democratic prl mury, like candidates for other offices. Sale Continues Until Saturday Night July 26. W. H. 13E1LK & OR. Monroe, North Carolina. Wholesale and Retail. to provide Intermediate appellate ouns. I Governor Crm will m.iku a four Amendment to Article 2, Sec- of the State from the Tennessee tlons 20, 26, 33, removing obsolete line to the ocean. In favor of good sections from Constitution. roads. He will sneak at eluhteen 1 1. MriKing out article 5. Section county seats, beginning the latter 9 of Article 7, and substituting part of the month therefore an nrticle Jo revise and reform the svstems i.f ri veniiB anriL K on biiturday Evening Post .nA.lll.Jll. 1 E.l 1 ! . I s cfiss uii lur is euureiy feasible, as was demonstrated at a ettlon I I. sulistilutlng words "War recent electrical exhibition given by L'etween the States for the word "r ,ne 1 nlversity of Illinois. The I All L'a . I .1 I. n.JI .... i,lii i vko mcic yixru iu BU UIU1I1UI V iiy ueiiiu,., I in.. .1 .u I :in, OIIU IUO irjIMR UHll win Amenameui to Article a, placed on a pile of cracked Ice on Soction 1, to nrerent special char Htchen table. Eggs were fried ten to corporations by the General 'V'' t"UKn it took longer tnan "urn u Biuve in useu. o wires were in sieht. The frvln. nan had 14. Amendment to Article nine, no electrical connections and could Section 3, to repulre six months ce taken up and replaced at will. public school term. , Lnder the table was the secret, ,, . . . . u eieciric inuKiiei. tven Wltn the The most Important measures sub- L,p. divullP,, ,rll.k iniueu are reiorm in tne tax laws, derftil enough, for between the the initiative and referendum, and 'lying pan the magnet was the pile the rrohlhilinn r.f the n.nklnir of 01 anu tne board table-top, neith ri ui wiiii-u hhi niiecieii, exceuunK (' the heat sent down from the frv ui 'iiu i-uumkis me not 01 mucn con-img pan. sefiiunce. such as the first and the A peculiar but simple principle of twelfth, which substitute the words e.ectrlcity was used. An electro magnet, as is generally known, is with coils of wire around each arm word rebellion in tne present con- a horseshoe shiiDed bar of Iron titution. Tne one saying that the of the horseshoe. Lille sluill not be prohibited from "npn a current or electricity Is 3mu uiruugn me cons 01 wire, ine being read in the schools Is of no importance since no one wants to prohibit Its reading. The amend luent saying that the poll tax for all purposes shall never be more than two dollars is good, and, ac cording to this amendment the poll tax may be omitted if the leglsla ture desires. Of course all of it must be vot ed on by the people, hence there li no danger one way or the other, aa the people will take what they want and leave what they do not want, . . - . i horseshoe becomes a magnet and will attract and firmly grip any bit of Iron placed near the ends of the arms, or poles. If, however, aa alternating currentt of electricity u sent through the colls, any Iron near the magnet poles hi heated by what are called "eddy currents." In the egg-frying trick the magnet was placed under the table, an al ternating current was sent through the colls. f There Is only one occasion when a Duslneea education U more preferable for a woman than house keeping ability, ' and that is when h has a husband to support. Health and Hygiene. Hid you ever get "chlgners" or red bugs?" This Is the open sea son now for these little pests. These tiny bugs cause some people almost untold annoyance, and some- timers the Irritation resulting from scratching causes erysipelas and blood poisoning. They bother chil dren, young ladies, and delicate or thin skinned people more than they do men, or people whose skin is more exposed to the sun and weath er by outdoor work. These little bugs are scarcely as large as the period used by the printer in this article. These harvest mites or "chiggers" fall olf bushes and shrubs on the bare skin, or crawl up on the an kles or legs when we happen to stand in their midst, or they crawl all over our bodies should we He down on the grass, particularly the grass along the shady edge of v. oodland or meadows or ln wet places. Once on the skin they bur row Into the sweat ducts, and In a few hours they begin to gorge them selves with blood and cause great irritation to the victim. The btst way to handle the "chlg- ger problem Is not to get any on in the first place. But sometimes It Is almost Impossible to keep from having to wade through tall grass or weeds, where they abound. The best preventives for the little pests Is ordinary flower of sulphur. The sulphur dust should be sifted down the underwear and stockings ln lib era! quantities. Ordinarily, If one does not lie down. It will not be rioessaery to use sulphur more than a short distance above the knees. If you get "chiggers" and take a hot bath, using strong soap, or rub strong salt solution over the parts liable to be affected within an hour or two, the "chiggers" will be kill ed and washed off. This remedy, however, does little good, unless It lj applied before the "chiggers" be gin to do business. Once In his skin, his honor, the chigger," produces an Irrttatting acid as he drinks your blood. It Ic the acid rather than the loss of blood that makes you scratch. To overcome this, the best thing known is to bathe the skin In a rather strong ammonia solution. That neu tralizes the acid. desired, every flattening tongue cut out and destroyed. Dr. Samuel John son used to say "of all wild beasts preserve me from a flatterer." The evil one himself is the king and masters of all flattery. Thus he induced our first parents to eat the forbidden fruit, and encouraged Human In his purpose to destroy the Jews. The flatterer is said to be "a beast that blteth smiling." He paints a virtuous side to our weak ening follies and bids us go for ward on our way, whether it be one of rice or virtue. In reality, he Is base and cowardly a traitor of the worst kind to our higher inter ests and truer welfare. "His smooth talk often proves sweet poison" which enters the system only to vi tiate, debilitate, and destroy. Let the flatterer curb his tongue and the flattered guard his footsteps. Mattery. Biblical Recorder. Flattery is one of the most nonu- lai of the rices of the tongue. It Is frequently bestowed and aeneral- ly welcome. Some one has called it a sort of bad money to which our vanity gives currency. Tet like counterfeit coin. It 1 the source of untold harm. , It was at work ln the days of David who KKKP CLEAN INSIDE. Deliberately Insult the man who starts to tell a filthy story In your presence by turning on your heel sucn a corruptions has no more right to steal your pure thoughts than to put his hand Into your pock et and take -your money. These retailers of filth are wbited sepul chers clean on the outside, but Inwardly filled with dead men"s bones. They are debauchers of clean minds, robbers of purity. You should never permit yourself to lis ten to an improper story a story you would not care to repeat to your mother or sister. The filthy suggeatireneas will soak Into your memory as spilled ink souks Into blotting paper. Allow no man to drag your mind through a sewer. Do sou know that there Is many a man who would sacrifice much today to be able to wipe from his memory some of the things he listened to when a boy? The man who will deliberately re peat al risque story in the presence of a youth deserves no respect. He Is an Incarnate devil of meanness. He Is daubing a course picture on clean walls. No gentleman will tell story he could not tell In the presence of ladies. Do you remem- oer what General Grant said to the officer who began to tell a story, remarking, "There are no ladles present?" The soldier quickly re torted: "There are gentlemen pres ent." Keep your mind unsullied. A foul suggestion may harden Into a hab it of thought that will lead you far astray. Keep clean Inside. It Is more a matter of importance that you should keep the dirt off your soul than to keep It oft your clothes. E.K, Mohr, in Presbyterian Stand Four Little Beauties. Here are the cuts of four extra good pocket knives that The Journal is giving to all its sub scribers who pay one year in advance. If it is not convenient for you to come in person, send the money and cut of knife you want and we will send it by return mail. We also have a big lot of large knives, scissors and razors.

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