THE LOCAL MARKETS. COTTON'. Best cotton today 11.3-4 ied 39 PRODUCE. The figures given her are prices paid by merchant today. They may da auterent tomorrow or next day. Readers are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on the day taey expect to come to market and set figures (or that day. Hens 35 Young chickens 15 to 30 boosters 20 Guineas 20 to IS Esgs 13 to 15 Butter . 124 to 20 Hams 15 to IS Beeswax 20 LOCAL AXD PEBSOXAL. Mrs. A. C. Johnson and children rill leave tomorrow tor Richmond. Mlsa Mirr Rlalr I. at T,rb inn Springs tor a long visit. Waaler Chi Del HIah uchnnl hmh. d yesterday with 105 students. Miaa Ruth Williams of rMhnrr Fla.. is visiting relatives in this county. Miss Laura Mar Rneor ing her brother, Mr. D. A ot Abbeville. Mr. Richard Realtor nr lint Springs. Ark., is visiting relatives in mis county. Mr. J Is visit , Rogers, MUs Neell. Caldwell Is at Mon- There will be a Sunday school pk- ln,c i .orutn Baptist church next Mrs. J. E. McCutcheon or BUhop-' Fridr- There will be an address In Wile Is here with Mrs. M. L. Flow the ornoon. The public Is invited I to rn s lih hid.i. Miss Eugenia Johnson Is visiting . , frit.nri in nr-la I MISS Peal Rodman and hmih w.vh ..... " , ... M: A R?dm. Jr.. left this morn- ii . . , , " r jiuuirau, me rorerunners or big barbecue and nirnio limriavl. ... " Jniv .. "17 unj. ine omera, JUiy zstn. I MMtn -i .... i . ' Mr. Rufus Armfield and children der frank Marshall and Prof, t'ar- snd Mrs. Ella Undsey have return-, " n "'ss Annie Saiiders will i au oaiuiutjr. ed from Rocky River Springs. railroad officer a tramp who 1. Til. man a -. . . . . m.,i . ' r?. ,ru,u ana ran. Tne ?T" O I C,r .V.rtook they grap- 8 PartAn .,, v... t,.i ' ... " , ' " . v !" ru- " nen """i 'o be thrown Vance toTnrtl. ZLZ ZZ" Col R V Bmnlti lne'r ncv Nr.Po.nUexter pulled hU platol and -.w - -J .'l HI.. I Mrs. Chas. H. Bovd and children L ,Tb,U moming railr of Thomasvllle are visiting Mrs. P'nd"'cr arrested a J. F. Laney. beating the train. Remember the "follrtw.trio- leader" game vou used to play vnenaias: ii jonnuy jones lumped through a hoop or acted "dead dog" you had to do the same. The act of one person acts in a suggestive way on oth er. Our fine line of jewelry bargains have been active "sugeesters" on hun dreds of people and they've all been satisfied. Duggcsw uiat you follow the sug gestion of this adver tisement and call in and see the money saving gems, jewelry, watches, silverware, etc., thst we are of fering. You will find it to your advantage to drop in today. Preslar Bro. The Store ot Quality Monroe, N. C. m Littleton College. For more than 30 years we have been training girls and young wo men for successful teaching and for usefulness in life. We furnish scholarships to young women preparing to teach and free tuition to all students who take In struotlon In our Practice and Obser vation School. We guarantee positions to teach ers who complete our courses , of study. For catalogue address J. M. RHODES. Littleton, X. C SALE OF 1UXKUIPT STOCK. Until Thursday, the 24th day of uiy, ishj, at is ociock, M., I will receive bids fnr th r s iimuinn bankrupt stock of shoes, at which unie me Dias win be opened and me biock win be sold to the high est bidder, subject to the confirms tion of sale by the Referee in Hank ruptcy. This Is a stock of shoes new throughtout, good sizes, nil bought by bankrupt In fall of 1912 Invoice Drlce of stork U ti7?i,a.i Submit bids either in lump sum or Percentage of invols-a nrlr-e win take pleasure in showing stock to anyone interested. V. V. STACK, Trustee In Bankruptcy .Stack & Tarker, Attys. If You Wish we will house vnnr nut, nnr. tnlro care of it for a small monthly rental, it your auto needs re Dairinc brine it around rn na and have the necessary repairing aone. we waste no time over our work, though we guarantee that it is well done and worth every cent we charge for it ALSO FREE AIR. Krauss Auto. Co. col. K. T. Bennett. I. hot .h. ..... .i ? . ". " ....u imuugu iue uiiuu, wno Mr. t D oln. .-j . 1U then armtul ....w. . ... o.uiusun ina msipr 1 ........ Helms of Vance townshi n -rA map, ried la Monroe Wednesday by P. H JnhnaAn Van Mr. J. D. ro,hv r i.,k.m k. ?:.V""R-.." -"cl? 0.-' xf0" Orphan Singing class movpd t Mnnr :h i.u 1.11. IV' ..' . "? mu,e n concert in Men tion with The Gordon Insurance &l . " wnM- "- August 4th. These Investment pi "durance & Mr ind Mp M Ren concerts are so well known to the Kl n ...... ine croweu ramny reunion will great many friends In Monroe who cnly newary to announce the date be held at Electric Park, Charlotte, regret to see them leave their old of thelr cniinR to guarantee a large on July 31st. A full attendance of home. audience. Don't forget the date, alt members of the family la rioslrnit I land remember that . h.n r n n m. -u v u. .v . . er" w"1 " 4 uasket P'cn'c at your money for admission you not Sir. B. C. Hlnson, who bought the 1 c-nsant Grove next Fridav the onlv et i- HIT . -L Wadesboro to Monroe and Is living iu t:"e aMernooiu. " ' KmMa ,n Committee on soutn college st. I ur. Howard Smith, brother of A cltlxen of Lane Creek ..' " .'""ul'eyon.' "p: H"? Sml" of Monroe, is very shin tella th Journal that Z Z? . "1. -H" . J. ul i " al nis nome at Black Moun couM h. mihH iK -j-eu ....e.Kui. er. Mr. rred smith, have returned ine county Commissioners have L, "B1 lu Ulm Bna report tuat County Suenrintendent Whl mil! ' . .... , . . hia recovery U H,ii,ifi mi., u . . - r, " i Bv.iu w uicrri. ine VUUltUlSSlOnerS Ot t r. , . ' vwvm.. .moa Dn- uul ufl id nia oiiirn next Karnmnv ut.nii . a i . .. ins amnn la with him n. o.ti. - - - - - 1 w ucviue on a sue ror ine . : oumu on account of the annual meeting of bridge which they have decided to U8ed,t0 com l Monroe a good deal the Tirtah Bible Society which he jointly build. " and la quite well known here. He will attend. 'la a retired surgeon of the U. S. M. Ti., i r. , anoacm uitiiau aim neoecca StaCK navy. been travellna Georela anrt other h-,. v,. ..... . Mr. W. V. Smith j mi., d... Southern SUtea for om tin.! U TT .?..u!.,uu"l. thla. Jan. A.Vh.T, m. ,.r home for a few days. He says that 'other places of interest in Eurone ,Jame8 ' the Olive Branch neighl luo peupie oi ueorgia are mignty oornooa, were married Sunday aft (luuuiy over crop prospects. I o. r unn, a Drotner ernoon. Kev. Mr. Craig was to There will h. famll ....n'r: " ' UUL" w """" "'elated, and Mr. G. M at th. fcm- ii. nT ."'o .T.TrTr D r"a. '. on ine inn. Tucker was to carry him out Sun- Lanea Creek townshln on Au.u.t ?,i'Z .SLJl ."S? ? naa aay arternoon In his machine. They r. . . . . .. : -"7 utou icstueui or r lonaa. I sianea nut nrnk. Hn.-n .nH ...i I . ' Mr. S. A. fcrvant Snntnw and Mrs. S. S. Richardson. Mrs.' Krandfather of the bride, was J. H. Belk of Johnson City, who Clulea on an(1 untte1 tne haPPy has been visiting at Mr. Richard-, OUDg couple son s returned home this morning. Everybody Is Invited to attend and to go Drenared to heln nut with the big picnic dinner. The Fnrr tnwnshln 3nn,lov chnnl Convention, Stauly county, will con vene at Love's Grove church on. Sat urday, July 6. An Interesting pro gram has been arranged anH mrv. body is invited to attend. The friends of Ex-Sheriff B. A. Horn Will be elarl tn leni-n that h. has so far recovered from his long .Marriage of Dr. Watt A slur aft and Miss Wilson. Dr. Watt Ashcraft of Monroe and Miss Mary Viola Wilson of West in. 1. 1 ... , .. i ue lu&uuiu uroueriv in inn eitv .m no.. A .ki. . .. ... . . - . . according to ihe new list, TwhlcV street! C ' " UP! u lr Ve.n'arrle1. " th,e 16Ul lias Juatt been coniD eted aninnnt to '.". .c,Uy woll pluce a 11.764.283.00. Last year theL B' a recent change In rates made J?6 J10" of the br de aUter. Mrs. amount was $1,727,366.00. Fortv-!0 tne postoffice department auy ,Wc-oy. of Glen Jean, West five automobiles Last year the'. a went cnange in rates made " " " "l i. u, t MWl ;ir. 727,366 00 Fortv-!by the potoffice department auy ',' ,WtW. of Glen Jean, West were given In this ' arttcIe worth 25 or less may be iu- lr8,n,a- After spending sometime sured for the small sum of 5 cents ln tne niuntalns. Dr. and Mrs. Ash- year for taxation ReV. J. O. r.lllledira nmiUlct hv Rev. A. Marsh will hold a meetlnir - - ----- uvn Biuaii ine vaiue. a at tile Roanoke church the fnurtli I nmw i. r r hold meetings at the Ehenpzer ch ui tit ai -v.Hv jj ivt an. iiaiKiri . i Heretofore nothinir ha lmn in,ir. eraft came to Monroe, where they jed for less than ten cents, no mat- egan nouse kPlng at once. They ,ter how small the value. Artl.lea .hav received the hearty congratu- 0 I latlons of many friends since arrlv- old meetings at the Ebenezer . " II- Winchester of Louisville cr lurch the first Sunday ln August , ' here t0 vltllt hl father, Esi.M (slsted by Rev. K. M. Halgler J H wlni'l,e8ter. and to take a vaca- y Th, ..... k. . u, ... Ii!?.u ab0.ut August first. Mr. ta miions ot many mends since arrlv ! I II u hnt1a n Ml..,. W n . ,u. a ..l. Mr. H. H. W Inchester of Loulsvlllo cruft has lived much of her time ln lonroe for the past two or three ears, and has mmle mnnv arnnnln. tanccg and won many friends al- Tu ., . 0... .. . , , I""" uoui August nrsi. .Mr. tancei i.. .1 v T " . " imiutur litis ueeu luuuueer CI a readv S l will have a unnn u'ol. 'wil "tak knharat.nrb:L .-tablishinent In confesan VStof church at Cnionvllle ,n iitiVrHni 1 . ,' ,ret"nea 10 ac Monroe, both for her own worth Suit"?, begltr,,? at ?0 : oc ! "P. Ll.8 f ?!J' . t". . friendship felt There will be dinner on the grounds.' r .. ec """" "l "Wd ""TO" nusn&a- v i i.. . . ... . iQUltP well k nan. Hr 1inrjift ha tuwrjvuuy m mviieti to attend. . ; ari ij v jiniuiai iiisu u in ui i.iit9 n a d have been rearranced und t'nlon lit & LEE COMPANY, THE LEADINYl Dry Goods. MilUaery. Xotioma, nothing, Bat aad Shoe Store fa JiUAKUt SOKTH CAROLLXA. Specially Reduced Merchandise for this Week. In these days of hilarious sales, we 1 offer to the shopping public desirable merchandiseclean cut patterns, and perfect in every respect goods that are sought by dame fashion in all the lashionable centers of the world. 25c. Mercerized Flowered Voiles .. 2.V. Mercerized Mtriied Voiles . . . tr, locunama striped Crepes !Mc. Woven Kuwian Cord . . . , , , ) I'lain and liowered Crepes ) ' i Lingerie Batiste 40-Inch White Lawn . . Pajam Cloth . . White Goods. .. I.V. . ..I3c. Id S-3c . .. SiOc. .. .. . . . . .. . . , .... 10c. to 40c .7 . - 10c., 12 I -2c. and 13c. House Dresses. Light Colored I Viral Dresses, neatly made St OO Gingham Solid Blue, neatly made, . . J . . , . . . SI.OO.' Middy Blouses. F'ull Standard Sizes of Linen Finish and Galatea Cloths, Blue and Red colors. . . . 50c. and $1.00. Balkan Blouses. Large size. 16 years to 20 years, made of Fine Twilled Uwd"' - $1.00. Devonshire Cloth. Xew patterns Just arrived. These goods are guaranteed rast colors ew goods given for any that prove unsatisfactory. More durable than Galate. 7 All Summer Goods Reduced. 25 per cent Reduction on Straw Hats. Lee & Lee Co. THE LEADING Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions. Clothlnjr, Hat and Shoe Store la MOXBOE, SOUTH CAROLINA, a conmueraoie wind and hall "! cume-miie rrpuui- storm swept over portions of llu- tlon '" nls professoln, and is known .l I.. . j .til ha nllo nf tllA l,.at lnfrtnn,al mnn -- - mm luHUHuip aumurnay aiternoon "i ,.,v, county U now ln the thirteenth dls- Much timber and manv outbulliliima 148 we" 88 0116 of tne most success- Tmt instead or the e KUth, Judge were blown down, and In places the ful PraPtltloners. In V. J. Adams will preside over the corn was badly ahreded with hall I work 1,1 tne sta,e- the veterinary A. W. BIkkcin. On Thursday morning, July 10 cur town was shocked by the an nouncement that A. W. Illggers Inlon county court twelve weeks In t ...I.1.I...L...J thla " uisiiuuriiuuu ii was 11118 Jtar. I bad anrl nn nn thlu u-.v .n .k u'. -1 1 .. . i . .. . .. ' not irh hrtyhrvl I tk..i. .. 1. . . I mo tan ai minion to an advertise- . "ucnj ruum iu incut or Littleton PoiWb uhih Monroe township. nnnnu 1 ... I l . I ThU instUuUor'has had" a vev" el .hf! 0" ,,he ?. was at hU place of cessful rareer nn,i hi. ,,7,.H u H a ' . . . ' B""K ,or ,Iluraer. business on Wednesday, and ooked Z ? oSut.nH8,,r,Bftn- P.ei. The off I- the picture of health. He and F . VTir ,n irrofcterto1. z rtvS-'JS aaua 'iiiti. n II U III It I IV 111111111 l-M HI. Iinvas an nr h I ahnn hA ter they received the nieseage. on to be In better health or more hope- S II n H l- HA I A .- .1 .. . ....... mere win oe a Dig picnic at stew- me iuewaKQ, on to De in better health or more hope art's Mill. Vance township, on Sat- bund(,y. ne was located and arrest- ful of the future, urday, July 26th. Races and other d- Messrs. Laney, Griffith and I have been intimately associated amusements will be held In the fore- wade the arrest and he has with Bro. Biggers for three and a Libera Dr zea will lie itlven. ueen lurnea Over to the SOUth Car- half veara anH havo ever foiinrt In umoruies. hira a true and loyal co-worker in D r . .. r t it . . t ha M'littAr'a vJ n ova rA .. .1 ... ... I liinh hni. Kaah ..1.1 n Tl a Tt meeiings mis summer as rol oua.i " iu i mu. ois- There will be a famllv rennlnn ach to be a week, beginning on the 88 business man and as a ot the Winchester family at the res- date8 nan'ed: July 28, with Kev. E. cltlzfn- wl8h l 8?VU8 ff,w dence of Esq. J. H. Winchester in c Snlder a 0ak Grove; August 4. wor('8 abo,ut Christian life. He noon. Music will be furnished by Mill Grove string band. Everybody Is ln- viiea The Old Reliable Grocery Store Is still doing business in a satisfactory manner to the people of Monroe and sur rounding county. We al ways try to please by giv ing you good groceries at right prices and buying all your produce at the best market price. Ha WALLER c. .... mi., i. , ,. u-tth p.. t a m. ....... . was indeed ouuu muge iiownsn.p on r riuay, ... " "" u, . . - c .7; , : ... t. t K.. .. Pononn., A,.r.. in(k nkii.i.. his was a beautiful eharneter nuguHi. mi, io wnicn an tne reia-. : .""1U"1 lvlu VL """n i , "... : ii, , . lives and friends are Invited. A olc August 18th, with Rev. M. D. L.I In ear y life Bro. Blggera made nln rftnn. win h -v.j ..j .v. ITeslar at Macedonia. Aummt 2Sth a proiession or rattn m tnrisi and who go are expected to help make'wltn Rev- E- c- Brooks at New Lon- 0u thereafter united with the It a success i don,, Stanly county. .Baptist church and was an active I and consistent member until the Dr. Ray Adams of the Mercer I Last Friday was the hottest day day of his death. For a number of Hospital of Trenton, N. J., Is here In the past 25 years, according to years he was a faithful and beloved to spend some time with his pa- the official tabulation of the Unit- deacon of our church. He was rania f nnJ If If T, , -1 Ail C.n.A- lt'.,k.. I, .. .. .. A -. . ..... vuuo, mi, uu iuis. xi. rj. Auaiiio. i earner oureuu. ne- prr reuy 10 any tasK as- Dr. Adams has had another flat-' ginning at 3.15 P. M. the thertnom- signed to him. terlng offer but has not yet decld-leter remained over the one-hundred Bro. Biggers was greatly Inter ed whether he will remain In hos- mark for almost an hour. Although sted In the Sunday school work, pital work or go into general prl-' this was the hottest weather we hav3 He was especially interested ln the vate practice. I had In a quarter of a century, so younger members of the congrega- I far no fatalities In this section Hon. He rarely ever talked or Iext Saturday will be a day of en-, have been reported, they were com- prayed in public without mentioning joyment for the children, and older mon In other parts of the country, our young people, and his last ones. too. at Smyrna In Buford One man in Charlottte said that the prayer was for our boys and girls, township. There will be exercises thermometer In the motor room In that they might be saved, and that by the children after the order nf h i...n.u . ... , ...... .i..i.. u. ... u - - - 7 : uuiiumg rni iu iu ue- iiieji iingui no useiui tnuri:ii iiieui- chlldren s day entertainment, and grees and would no doubt have gone bers. at address by Rev. Mr. Hugglns of further had the tube permitted, but Bro. Biggers wag a devoted hus- niarshvuie. and a picnic dinner on It happened to be a small one and band, a loving father, and a devout the grounds. The public is Invited was not graded anv further than Chrlathin. He Inavea to hi famllv to go prepared for dinner. 130 degrees. a priceless legacy, for "A good The Charlotte Dltrlrt Conferenca mnn ,s. .rathep l0. be chcspn ,1,an Bt at Indian Trail last Tuesday f reat f , nM' a.n" " nK favour ra i:ian silver ana goiu. B. CRAIG. At Hex Thl Week. Tuesday "The Other Girl: "The Sheriff;" "Fishy Affairs:" Bangville There will ha a nnMlo tnha(. c Snyder's school hoi.RA in Ijinea met at Indian Trail last Tnesilnv Creek fnwnahln th. flrui C,,niv. morninir. T)r I l( Smp.. nui... night In August. Query. "Resolv- Ing and Rev.. W. F. Sanford score-i, v n o, ".'o ed. That Woman SuffrHir ShnnM tary. The chareea In the riUtrlrt ,lonrw. Juy -1. l8l be Permitted In North Carolina.", ere all represented and the reports The debaters will be: affirmative, showed that good work is being II I . . i ... . , . iMcsnni. neuuen niiiKon, .ewion "lu, rineia)f aiiernoon was Kezlah anH John Parker- neiratlva given Over to the lavmen. anil Tlr I f,nor r ..... ....... .7' v i.- i... ..' . 7. PC mi' mtuwiR. inv riinann. u a Han. i. nei . hv iPHnpr in. ina in., an a ru nn. n-u . ..t.ii. iiMiFin. -,.i,i,i i 1 pdncsday "touth and Jeal mm vFiiii x.rin. i lie uuuuu is .v., iiaiv,,:U. nru.'ris were " , . . . , . , rorrtluiiu in, 1..1 .n.nj , th Hlptf t.iHai r.i. s , .My Lady s Boots, and , . .euu. .-... .rio r...,r,t tmm !,. Mali." Prenaratlon. k.i. m,,,. , .'2. I nr2J Th,.rsday-"The Children of St big barbecue and picnic in connec- Ing meeting, great teal being shown. '.u e. , U lo.v? 8 ry of Hon with the Farmers' Institute at Dr. Kerr is an earnest worker and he. i reole '.lfe ,n Lout8'ana- SP U'litinv Mnniti. tatt, n . -.1.. 1 .1 -. ,. ..rial feature in two reels. .. , ... v... ..... . wu,j mo. 11. t.c- u wiw mufr. lr. r pw. nrM nam . sides the attraction offered by the of Trinity College, and Dr H K .. .Frlay7" 7ne Bternal Sacrifice;" Institute, which alone Is enough to Boyer, superintendent of the Chll-'. geK. , the Canyons," and "Told Oraw a good crowd, thpre will he dren'a )lnm .r. i. tr I ln onnaence. . , ' . . . ( . . ft. t V ...4 I . .IJ 1 . , , , music bV a bra Ha band, a rama nf II Swiff .nnV. . .v.. 1- i-.j - - -- , o - -- -''' -ft-0 , r vuw injuiftll UCTl base ball, and other attractions, nesday night. Dr. J. H. Weaver Mr. B. F. Price tells The Jour- preached a fine sermon Thursday nal that the-fatted calf baa already' morning. The meeting was one been procured for the barhviia - - - - s euvu huuivodtb UKTIUK mat tnose wno attend will carry been made and plans for larger v-ur wu luiugi w suppiemeni tne worr outlined. The people at In- aforeaald Calf, and that Waxhaar la'itian Trail .ni.rt.l..j .k. expecting to have a big day. jenca well. SPEND YOUR SUMMER :IN- The Glorious Mountains : OF Western North Carolina. "The Land of the SJty" "The Sapphire Country" Where There is Health in Every Breath-The Climate is rerieci me iear Kound In Spring and Summer the Region is Ideal. Reached by Southern Railway. Soll'H ThrmiO-Vl Train Snn1ni1inn PoU. r U.i n.u . Asheville and Waynesville via Raleigh. Greensboro and Salisbury. Other Convenient Through Car Arrangements. Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale until Sept. 30th, 1913. For Complete Information Apply to J. D. JONES, T P A Raleigh, N.'C. J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., Asheville, N. C. R. H. EeBUTTS. T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. LITTLE SAVINGS COUNT ! Saturday A two reel special. "A Slave's Devotion," a Brocho feature; "Shoe on the Other Foot," a great comedy. Cartl OM Swis, Otter Rmmm Won't Car. Tb wont caw, ao aaltcr o bow loot tUadlac. sra cared by th woadrriul, eM rtllaMe Or. rortcr'l aatiteptle HtaliDf OIL Untie rala tod Heal (t tbt saat llmt. 25c, 50c, i Savings You can point with pride to your saving bank book. One allowing icKuliir entries, even if miiuII, la the best rcoiiiiiiciulMtinn for thrift niil Rood nouse u can show your employer. The Savings, Loan and Trust Co, will oicn an account with yon even If you have no more than a dollar to start with. Think it over. , Loan &. Trust a n. 8. O. Company Rod Ine, Blair, V rrealoYnt. ice-rresldent. H. B. Clark, Calihr. L H. Blair, AssUiant Caaliler. BINGHAM SCHOni 'c central BnrMaa for 120 Mva ),.. ,.,. . Phone No. 19 for Job Prlnting-Tlio Journal

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