lA Big Bargain I Now on Hand. i We have Ju4 received thirty dorn-n of the fii.t imperial Au- tiian Une Table Oi.tcrs and Bureau Scarfs. If n an? Inler- jj c-ted. ia llii line, ronie ami inspect. It M he worth hik. We will alw tli lhi line in our Show Window. Tlie price are . an follows: Table Covers. 1 90x7; Inches. 12.00 value, at.. .. 51x54 Inches. $1.00 value, at.. .. 36x36 inches. 75c. value, a'.. .. m 30x30 Inches. 50c. value, at.. .. m 2x34 Inches. 50o. value, at.. Bureau Scarfs. . .. 48c. ... .. . . :we. P1.KAK lil K IS A CALL. K'T MISS THIS ;KKAT (U'ltHillMTV. Yours for business, 1 Monroe Bargain House, - XASSIIT & JOSEPH. Proprietor. TTTtTllIIIIIIIIlIlIfTIIUlIll HTTTtITTIIimlin W. S. BLAKEXEY, Pres. J. R. SHUTE. Vice-Pres. W. C. STACK. Cashier. R. G. LAXEY. Asst. Cashier. Tli6 BanK oi Union MON ROE. X. C. Capital $50,000.22: Surplus $50,000.22: For every dollar paid to stockholders as dividends since organization, this bank has put up two dollars to the sur plus fuad for protection of depositors. Xotice above. This protection is In addition to all the other resources of the bank. Does this record not convince the most skeptical? SAFETY IS THE WATCHWORD. Here you have It. The Bank of Union appreciates deposits and takes rare of the people's ntoney. Be one among those who know where to go. This hank always solicits new account. A WELCOME AWAITS ALL. KTTTTTTTTITVT.Ttm.rTTTTtlllllllllllllllllllllHII The Hackney is sold under strict guarantee. And is as good as a wagon can possibly be; Made in Wilson, the Hackney's say Unequalled in value, yet at no extra pay. When roads are rough and heavy, that's the time your wagon is put to the test that tells the severe test; it's when you make your wagon show the real stuff it's made of. You want a wagon that will stand up under the most trying conditions and at the same time is neat, well finished and sty lish in appearance. That's why the "HACKNEY has earned so enviable a reputarion in the vehicle trade. It combines just the features every buyer wants: good appearance good proportion good materialgood ironing and bracing good wearing qualities. But best of all, the "HACKNEY" gives you value which you will appreciate, and you will remember it's wearing qualities long after you for get the price. THE SIS G Monroe, North Carolina. Ttie Art of Ktppiag Cool. Keeping cool In hot weather Is no easy job. In fart, few people can Sold thai job v)wu o their own s.-i:iOciou. But li U a pro position tlt.-it we shall he u against f-r tlie next or four month. so ui )' as ueil try to make the iest ol it. Hre are ni valuable sucseM'ons have htlptd oth ers. They may help you. Firt of all. don't vcrry about the hot weather. It Is going to come. n.l all the denying you ci a 'Jo will nut ".uiiVe it any cool er. Reconcile yourself to hot weath er and nearly, half the battle is won. The next thing Is to dress for hot weather. Wear light colored lisht weight, porous clothing. Re- meniber that tight clothing anJ fght shoes. particularly in sum mer, are for a few women only. AH men and wise women will leave such thins strictly alone. Plenty of water U reallv the best thing known for hot weather, brink lots of it. Hath yourself in it inside ami out. Prink until you perspire freely. It Is not a disgrace to perspire. It is an aid to health and comfort. I'erspiration on your skin is nature's own way to keep you cool. Hegulate your diet to fit the season. In hot weather leae off tr.eats, fats, gravies, butter and other heat producer, and eat fruits and vegetables in abundance. By drinking an abundance of water you can keep your sewer system flushed out. Remember, you never will be com fortable, particularly In hot weather, if you are constipated. Enforce the law. Lenoir News. There Is not anything that cre ates a greater contempt for the law than the tax enforcement of It. Laws or placed on the statute books presumably for enforcement, and not for the purpose of display ing the erudition of a few legisla tors, who are paid to spend every whiter in Raleigh. The makers of the laws have no concern In their enforcement, except as private cit izens. Both county and town have paid officers whose duty it Is to see that the laws are obeyed. All these officers are very vigilant when It conies to enforcing little town or dinances against some poor fellow who happens to have taken a lit tle too much whiskey, and per chance makes a misstep or two in walking down the street. but who is at no time offensive or dis orderly. At the same time an au tomobile may come whizing around the corner at the rate of 5u miles an hour, recklessly disregarding the right of the public and endanger ing the lives of a score of citizens, and our officers look on with In difference, forgetting the fact that they are dally paid by the people to detect and bring to Justice those who by their reckless conduct, show no regard for the rights of law abiding citizens. I'usti r Shocks Church by IVcucliIng in White. Chicago, July 14. Rev. Authur J. French, pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Kdgewood, de fied church traditions yesterday by appearing in his pulpit dressed en tirely in white. There was almost a gasp from the congregation when he stepped on the platform. The preacher appeared comfortable In a temperature of DIl while many mem bers In "Price Alberts" and stiff Sunday gowns fanned vigorously. After the sermon Hev. Mr. French said he thought the convention al heavy black coat and stiff collar were "nonsense." He said yester day's custom permitted him to de liver three times better sermon In hot weather. KXK.HTS TEMPLAR TO DENVER North Carolina (iraul Comniaatlery Will Run Sperial fa ai W timing U m to Tritaaial Com hive of lira v r, Coh.ratlu. To enable each Knight Templar In North Carolina to attend the 32nd Triennial Conclave Knights Templar of the United states at Denver, Colo., in August, the Trien nial Committee has arranged for a North Carolina Grand Ccinmandery special train of Pullman cars to leave this state August 8th. the expenses to be prorated among the Templars and their friends who make up the party. There are 1,400 Knights Templar In North Carolina and it Is believ ed that by far the major part of the mtmbership will go on this special train to Denver. It is the ambition of the Masonic leaders to make the btvgest showing at the conclave of any Southern State, and Mr. Iee Griffin, Eminent Commander, of thU city, U confident that the Old North State will sit at the head of the table at this gathering from all parts of the I'nlled States. Invitations to Carolina Royal Arch Masons have been mailed during the week, stating that the expense of the special train will be pooled, each passenger bearing his proportionate share, which is not expected to ex-, ceed 1225 each. The itinerary includes Colorado Springs, likes Peak, Garden of the Gods, the famous Crystal Park.l South Cheyenne Canyon, Salt Lake City and a five days' trip through the world - renow-ned Yellowstone Park. As stated the special, con sisting of baggage, dining and Pull man sleeping cars, will leave Wil mington and Charlotte August 8th. over the S. A. L., and will go via Atlanta and Birmingham, over the Tllsco system to Kansas City by the Rock Island route, to Denver; the Denver & Rio Grande to Salt Lake, via Colorado Springs; Oregan Short Line to Yellowstone Park. Returning the special will go to Pocatello, Idaho, thence over the Union Pacific to Omaha, on the Northwestern to Chicago; C. & O. to Richmond, and over the Seaboard to Wilmington. The trip will be 5, 000 miles, aprolmately. Arrange ments will be r.ile for side-line au tomobile trips trom various points cf Interest in the West. Every effort Is being made to make this the most Important trip In the history of the Templar Mason ry, which was organized In North Carolina In 1821, less than five ears after Its establishment In the I'nited States. Plantagent Com- mandery No. 1, Wilmington, being the 28th Commandery In this country. The special will be strictly for the Knights, their wives and friends. though each one will be privileged to invite some outsiders. A special effort will be made to advertise North Carolina as the train crosses the States. Every car will have a banner on It Inscribed with "North Carolina." It will be a Tar Heel Grand Commandery on wheels. The Triennial committees having the excursion In hand Is as follows: Henry O. Smallbones, Wilmington; Orphtus W. Spencer, Salisbury; Cornelius M. Vanstory, Greensboro; Albert S. Guerard, Ashevllle; Jas. Braswell. Whltakers; Burrett H. Stephens, Wilmington. Arc You really capable of starting and building a bank account of your own? If you really WANTED to start and build an account could you do It? It's a question of some Importance to you a matter of a very vital importance to your future welfare. Certainly you could then why not do It? Why not begin at once? You appreciate the fact that a growing bank account has many advantages other than accumulating Just the amount you are able to save. You cannot get rich on small savings alone, but YOU CAN GET RICH by using your accumulated savings-to make good investments. No matter bow small your start, we shall be glad to have you open an account with us; be glad to help you in any way we can consistent with safe, sound banking. Farmers 6 Merchants Bank. CAPITAL $60,000.00. SURPLUS 9 8,000.00. M. K. LEE, President J. L. EVERETT, Vice President. C. B. ADAMS, Cashier. Marking Confederate Graves. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 15. A philanthropist who name has not been miirlp nuhlic recently donated money sufficient to provide bronze tablets to mark the graves of more than 1,000 Confederate soldiers In the cemetery here. The first of these tablets were Dlacd today. The graves of the soldiers have been un marked since the original wooden bead posts rotted away years ago. Confirmed Proof Residents of Monroe Cannot Doubt What Has I teen Twice Proved. In gratitude for relief from aches and pains of bad backs from dis tressing kidney ills thousands have publicly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. Resident of Monroe, who so testified years ago, now say the results were permanent. This testimony doubly proves the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills to Monroe Kidney sufferers. Mrs. Lester Privet t, Monroe, N. C, says: "I had become alarmed about my poor condition. I did not sleep well and often got up In the morning feeling all tint! out. There was a constant, dull pain in the small of my back that made me feel miseraable and I wan also annoyed by ll.y spells and headaches. Fi nally, I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, getting them from the English Drug Co. and the results were all I could have wished. The troublta began to leave one by one and be fore long kidney complaint had left my system. 1 willingly confirm the testimonials I previously gave rec ommending Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-.MIlburn Co Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United 8tates. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. "Ma! ma!" shouted Willie, "do my ears belong to my neck or my face?" "Why. what is the matter!" was the temporising reply, "Well, you told Mary to wash my face, and she's washing my ears, too!" 8acred Heart Review. Mr, Ira .Mullls (Joes to Yancey Coun ty. Lutiiberton Robeosnian. Mr. Ira B. Mullls, civil engineer. who for two or three years has had an office In Lumberton expects to leave tomorrow afternoon for Ilurnsvllle where he will have charge of the road engineering for the Yan cey county road commission. Mr. Mullls says that he likes Lumberton and us people fine and he hates to leave. Ihe financial conisderatlon Is the thing that is carrying him away. Mr. Mullls has a host of friends here who will regret to learn ol his Intention to leave. Mr. E. C. Derby of Fairmont, who for sev eral months has been surveying for the Beaufort County Lumber Com pany, lias accepted a position as as sistant engineer to Mr. Mullls. He will leave for Burnsville one day this week. Cotton Condition to 17th. Monroe. N. C, July 17. 1913. The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Cotton Is marking time, no pro gress having been made for a week. This has been due to coot nights, drying winds, and a lack of precip itation. Cultivation Is all that could be desired, but the plant Is exceedingly and distressingly amall for the time of the.year. A group of the best farmers of the county, discussing this feature of the situ ation here yesterday, agreed that the average height of the plant Is not In excess of six inches. Blooms are rare, even In the best fields. Condition to date, 77 per cent. Very Truly Yours, GEO. K. FLOW. A Peacemaker. Sr.Mirdr.y Evfnlng Post. The proprietor of the leading drug store in a small Kentucky town wis coming out of the front door of his place not long ago, when a email boy came tearing round the corner at top gait with his heVd down and butted squarely into him. "Hey., khl!" demanded the drug gist. "What's the matter?" "I'm trying to keep two boys from gettln' into a fight," pantfd the youngster. "W ho are the boys?" asked the druglst. "I'm one of 'em." Forty Years a Tater Patcli anil Htlll 4Ml. I Mocksvllle Record. ' Uncle Giles Howard has a small patch of ground In Irish potatoes. He says that the aame ground has been In potatoes for the last 40 years, and that the crop thla year Is the best he has ever raised, which goea to prove that the old saying- tnat the same crop would not do well on the same ground more than one year la a big mistake. Oxford, The Buggy of CLASS. We have a large shipment of brand new Oxford Buggies on hand, the famous Chase line. Strong, light running and classy, made of best material obtainable. Harness Tnat Can't Be Beaten. Also don't forget our repair department Get your har ness fixed before planting time. We still have some good stock that we will trade at a bargain. . FOWLER & LEE Sale. Exchange and Feed Stables. It Fills a Long Felt Want THE BEULAH All admit that w ashing on the old rub board Is the hardest work to do on the farm or in the city. But there are no more hard wash days when you use the Beulah. You can accomplish as rouoh with thla wonderful machine In one hour as you could In the old way In halt to two-thirds of a day. The saving in the wear and tear of clothing alone will more than pay for it In 12 months, and wash-day will no longer be a dread. Remember that seeing Is convincing; that dirt baa to be washed out you can't talk It out So let ui know your wash-day and be convinced by seeing us do the washing for you. Eugene Laundru Machine Go. COXSTAKTIXE, MICH. Local office: MONROE, N. 0. 2 . Local Manager: W. E. FUXDERBURK. Phone 824. Tills Is the best vehicle for very young Americans that money can buy. Come In and look at them and you'll certainly want one. Everything In SUBSTANTIAL, MEDIUM PRICE, and ELEGANT FURNITURE. T. P. DILLON

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