Special Notices, Thi. U the place to tell your short business story- What you have to buy or sell can be tolU to thousands of readers for a slight cost. IT PATS. People look to this column with eagerne to see who is hustling. Advertisements are Inserted at the rate of ONE CENT per word each insertldn. Count the words In your adv. and send cash with copy. Each figure and Initial counts a word. No ad. taken for less than ten cents. Send copy In as early as possible. We have a new and an up-to-date line of trusses, suspensories, abdominal supporters, etc. We can fit any one. Couie in and let us now you. Prices right. The Un ion Drug Co. Don't forget to phone B. C. Hinson for nice carriages or bag gage wagon. We meet all trains. Phone ::?. Seven cans potted ham, 25c. cans sardines Jac. Claude Bruner. Canners, tin cans and canners sup plies at Tharp's Hardware. Falrview Poultry Farm for fresh eggs all the time. For good beef steak, cured hams cr fresh frish, also some nice sal ty niackeral, phone 91. -Monroe Cash Market. Go to the loion Drug Co. for the best fountain drinks in the city. For sale Mason fruit jars all g:zes. Prices right. Polk Bros. For first class goods and prompt delivery call 58. Polk Bros. Three (3) Registered Druggists are employed at The I'niou Drug Co. ia order to fill your prescriptions roinptly. Our drugs are pure and fresh. Our prices are the lowest. Give us a trial. The Vnion Drug Co.. A. M. Set-reel, Mgr., Phone 421. We will appreciate your business when In need of a carriage or bag gage wagon. B. C. lliuson, phone For sale A Second hand motor cycle, or will exchange for good beef cow. Monroe Cash Market. Let Preslar Bros, remount your diamond. 18 pounds of good rice for $1.00. Claude Bruner. Wanted Some large size chick ens. Will pay good price. See us. W. R. Outen i Co. 3 lb can Virginia fish roe 10c. Claude Bruner. Go to Fain-lew Poultry Farm for ciean fat chickens. Kggs at market price. West Morris street, one fourth mile from city limits. J. M. Douglas, proprietor. Buy your rubber goods from The Union Drug Store. They are all guaranteed. See our new Defender Bewlng ma chine. Guaranteed the eiiual of any $65 machine on the market at less than half the price. We sell them to you on the Installment plan. Tharp Hardware Co. 1 desire Immediate correspondence with teachers of either sex who de sire light remunerative work in their own communities during vacation. Address RBD, this office. 16 lbs. Carolina head rice for $1. Claude Bruner. Lost Small hound pup, white and yellow, black. $1.00 reward if leturned to Hayden Shepherd. For Sale 1913 model, motor cy cles and motor boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new ma chines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used motor cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich. Notice There will be an im portant called meeting of the Farm ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany in the courthose next Satur day, the 26th, at eleven o'clock. All members are urgently requested to be on band, as important changes In the by-laws are to be made. W. H. Phifer. President. School Books Would it not be a good Idea for the school trustees to let the parents have the names of the schoolbooks now so the children can be looking over their work for next year and familiarizing them selves with their studies? A Parent. Franco-American potted beef 10 cent size, 4 for 25 cents. Claude Eruner. Wanted Good second-hand up right piano. Give lowest price, name cl manufacturer and how long used. No thump boxes wanted. Address, "Piano," care Journal. I have two Dixie cook stoves. Will sell one at cost. On Monroe road south of Stalling. -G. W. Ritch. 2 lb. can of sliced apple for 10 cents. Claude Bruner. Wanted You to see us before you aell your chickens and eggs. Co operative Mercantile Co. Wanted To buy your chickens, eggs, butter and all kinds of coun try produce. Polk Bros. ti' know how to handle the most delicately adjusted time piece. If your watch is not doing right you'd better pass it over to us for our attention. Preslar Bros. New Store I have bought the stock of goods of Mr. H. J. Hinson, at the Doster old stand, and will be pleased to have the public call on Lie when in need of groceries, pro duce, etc. I will pay the best price for chickens, eggs, butter, etc.. etc. Come to see me when you want to buy or sell. Russell Rogers, phoue 6t. For Sale Beautiful eight room cottage, all city conveniences, large lot with out buildings. Located in best section of Monroe. If interest ed, address. Box 368. For Sale High Point buggy and harness, good as new. T. C. Horton. ROTH KILLED. Have the serviceable old buggy and wagon made over to look like new. Our skilled workmen can do wonders with them. Henderson Garage Co. B. C. Hinson can furnish you nice livery turnouts at any time. Strayed A black female Berk shire pig. Reward if returned to Ed Wager. For Sale Mason fruit Jars, half gallon, quarts and pints. Prices are right. Polk Bros. For first-class goods and prompt deliveries, call 58. Polk Bros. For cultivator plows, hoes, etc., ee our line. Co-Operative Mercan tile Company. All the grocers that are up to their business sell the famous Cameo. Ask yours for a package and follow the directions and see what It will do for you. You'll be urprlsed. All bicycle and automobile parts and accessaries ready to supply your needs. Our Dlace is famous for food and quick service. Henderson Garage Co. rip ir Smith la off on a trlD to South Carolina and will be out of town for a while. Notice of his re turn will appear In this column. Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. The range and cook stove house where you can buy them on the In stallment plan is Tharp's Hardware Co. Received today fresh peaches and prunes. Claude Bruner. Mr. Ti in Howard if Tlii fount) Mrrtt luotant Ifcatli in Pitd Kit 1 ami Alu kills His 0nuriil. Mr. Tcm Howard, sou of Mrs. Menha Howard of Sandy KiJae township, and a nephew of Mr. E. C. Wincheur of .Monroe, was kill ed at Montbrook, Fla.. last Friday morning, la the same pUtol duel he killed bis oppouent, a man nam ed King, of that place. Mr. Howard was paying attention t) the daughter of Mr. King. ho objected on account of the young lady's age. He was flagging on the Coast Line, and when hia train went Into Mont brook, the young lady was at t!e station and they began talking. Mr. King came up and fir ed three shots at Howard, who drew a pistol and fired twice at King, shooting him down. King thin raided up as Howard was turn ing away, and fired twice, one of the shots going through King's head and killing him Instantly. Howard leaned against a telephone post, and right away sank down, saying as he did so, "wire the boys." know. The body was brought to Monroe on Sunday and buried at the family burial place at Union yesterday morning. Mr. V. E. Cason. a friend of Mr. Howard, accompanied the re mains here. He was an eye-witness to the shooting and brought the particulars as above. Mr. Howard was 25 years old. and is survived by his mother and several brothers and sisters. He had been In Florida about two years. He formerly lived in Monroe, and was a quiet, likable young man. I.EPEH J. EARLY INSANE. Judge Beaaett Died Yesterday. . Items From Wlngate. I BEATS SIX SOLDIERS. Wadeeboro Messenger of Yesterday. Correspondence of The Journal ' Hon. Rlsden Tyler Bennett, in i Holt! Temperature at 1 p. m. Goldoboro Ma ;ive "Willie Boy" bis own words "stumbled upon Saturday, up to 103 in the shade. What They Demetl. death- this morning at .u o'clock, Crop are suffering from lack of Coldsboro Dispatch, 14th. after an illness of several weeks, rain and fruits almost a failure. j w Jones, a contractor of tifis He had been in failing health for. The handsome residences of fityi taueht a half doxen soldiers several years, but was confined to Messrs. J. J. Perry and Thos. Grif- down forehead City a lesson ves bis home only a few weeks. On fla are nearing completion. They terday that they will not soon for July 11th he suffered a stroke of will add much to the appearance of get para ysw. na ' " . .... .. Mr. Jone. went down to enjoy a nit naa nunc UY m lurvau, ui k-i l u. ic oauuj i as j wu . . . erful constitution making a strong an extended visit to hi. son-in-law. - "ZThi-z a fight against death. Saturday pneu- Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Kershaw. S. . J! by monia set in. and it was realized C. that the end was only a Question of, Mr. D. P. Austin and her two hours. utile girls are here on a visit to Judge Bennett wsa a son of Nevil ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. soldier approached Mrs. Jones, who was alone at the time, aud demand ed that she take a swim wlh him. i I j a. nnH k. fc.-toCWWW Mr. Austin cam. over" with Sff'J1" gJ ! h he ri. Bennett, and wa. born June II.! them but has returned to his home shecreamed and at this jfift vr&sxr e aboul ur ssm ,. visumg h,. ".s5!a From earliest childhood he gave mother. Mr Tin.e Mollis, and his Zr'tZin, " Z u " hlV wife rUpn f ih hrtehtnesa and tbe'sister. Mrs. Lee Chanev. ner. stating tnat ane was his wile r: .i n. n.,,.,!,... . t v.. . ana ne wouia not suomit to ner oe- sirengm oi memory umi nr v "' i " .,.- Insulted Th anlriie distinguish him in after life. It Is. position as saleslady with the Win- !" ?n" " e sol die said that at 12 years of age he gate Mercantile Co. Wat Ashcraft. Veterinarian Day rails. 113. night calls 113. Hospital on Hayne street, northeast of court house, Monroe, N. C. Don't buy a mowing machine un til vou have seen the Emerson new Standard. Henderson Roller Mills Co. Wanted Country hams; will tav highest market price. See me before selling. Claude Bruner. Xnt In all the South can you find a better equipped shop for the re pair of automobiles, bicycles, guns, Distols. wagons and buggies. The Henderson Garage Co. A good receipt book, well bound, with stub tor 10 cents at The Jour nal oflce. Wanted Chickens, eggs and but ter. Highest market price paid. Co-Operative Mercantile Co. Wanted: All your old hard Jobs of Jewelry repairing. PreBlar Bros. Chattel mortgages and crop liens 10 cents per dozen at The Journal office. The work clothing of men get Dretty dirty these hot days. There Is one thing that will clean them and clean them without labor. It Is Cameo. Call on your grocer for package and tell him you will take nothing else whatever. Looks like everybody In Union county will be washing with Cameo directly. It Is not a washing pow der, but a clothes cleaner. U saves jour back and your hands, and If you use It you can throw away your old was board. We aell everything needed for building a bouse sash, blinds and doors carried In stock and made to order. Highest In quality and cheapest In price. Monroe Manu facturing Co. Promptness, accuracy and skill: Our Repair department Is prepared to give you the best In each of these Preslar Bros. The Emerson New Standard mow- lne machine Is the best made. Let us show it to you. Henderson Rol ler Mills Company. District Soldier Under (iuanl in Washington State. Insanity has been added to the afflictions of John R. Early, "the leper of Washington," who was al ready suffering from what is per haps the most dreaded disease known to medical science. The pub lic health sen-ice received this an nouncement yesterday form the gov ernment quarantine station at Diamond Point, in the State of Washington, concerning the unfor tunate man who was detained here several years ago by the District health authorities as a leper, and who subsequently wandered, an out cast, throughout the West. Early has been acting strangely for some time in the little camp where he Is segregated with a small group of other lepers, the report slates, and has recently become vio lent. It has been found necessary to place him under strong guard. Washingtonlans will recall Early's case, much of which ran lt course in this city, as in many ways sen sational. About him and his afflic tion was waged one of the most stubborn medical and scientific dis cussions of modern times. Author ities of recognized prominence throughout the world examined his case u ml bitterly disagreed In regard to It. At one time the District was threatened with a suit by Early, who had at that time beeu pro nounced free from the malady for which local authorities had detained hnn nearly a year. Early, who served as a regular in the Spanish war, came to Washing ton In 111 health August 14. 1908, to make application for a pension from the Federal government, thlnk- n e thai he was suffering from some sort of tropical fever contracted dur ing service in Cuba or the Phlllp- nes. On August 21 lie wa ar rested under suspicion of being a eDer. and soon afterwards was pro nounced to be such by physicians. He was placed under guard In a tent on the banks of the Eastern Branch, beyond the quarantine sta tion, where he was later joined oy his wife and baby. The unusual conditions surrounding the case at racted attention throughout the na Hon. The suspected leper was kept In seclusion by the District authori ties till July 4, 1909, when, through the efforts of a New York physician who had examined him and main' tallied that he did not have leprosy. he was removed to New York for treatment. Here he was pronounc ed to be su'fering from an ordinary skin disease, and was later sal a to be cured. He was sent out ofWaan in if ton in a baKsaae car. For a while Early lived in Brooa- lvn. and later on a farm in Virginia. Earlv In December. 1909. he was for the second time arrested in vaBn ington, and on December luth, was aeuln sent from the District in bauKane car. this time witn tne warning not to return. He return ed to New York, and was cared for by the scientists. Women Here. Mr. Medlln: Replying to your verv unfavorable answer relative to Woman In your hist communica tion. As we were not asking about woman beyond the grave nor were we asking whether they were given in marriage or not. We have heard the author in nts conversations harniug on Man and Preacher so much and not mention inn the woman, until we just want ed to draw him out upon this sub ject and find whether tie was going to sive her an even chance or not, We are very glnd that Mr. Medlln has explained himself so far. X r hurled several curse words and a could repeat the six book, of Virgil Our town is to be honored with E'K," ,Z LZLi in the original Latin. He was edu- the State Farmers" Institute to be !rnratm,1" icHor a short Hmf cated at Anson Institute and David- held on next Saturday, the 26th. Let L oZ't Zt lomlZJon son College, graduated in law at I- everybody attend and bring along put nUu out of 'n''iM'on banon Law School. In June. 1859. the good wife and all the boya and Going over to the bath-house. th He also studied law under the late girls, for these are the hope of the soldier gathered 5 of his comrades. Judge Thomas S. Ashe and the late county, and they especially, need d Immediately returned to where Johnson Hargrave. all the help they can get from ev- Mr. J one was standing on the In June, 1861. the young lawyer ery source. Then let ua older ones beach, and renewed the trouble, enlisted as a private in the Anson remember that we are yet In our striking him on the head and then Guards Co. C, 14th N. C. Regiment 'a b c's and that the little we know r about ten minutes It seemed as Later in the same year he was. we're had to learn in some way, and mougn a cycione naa si rue k tne that there Is still much to learn oeac.n, tor ouioumoerea as ne was, before we know it all. So let us 'x to one, Jones was more than a arall ourselves of the oport unity to match for his opponents, and soon profit by the experiences and dis- they were about as surprised a coverles of those who are competent, bunch as ever gathered together. Life Is too short and time too pre- one suffering a broken jawbone, clous to be spent by Individual ex- hile the others were nursing dis periments and Investigation. Then colored eye. and swelled noses, and let us economize time and talent at the first oportunity took to by cooperation in helping to make their heels. the farm home life all that It I Today Mr. Jones Is none the should be. H. P. ME1GGS. worse off as the result of the fight, other than a small cut on one side Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executors un der the will of A. W. Biggers. d ceased, this Is to notify all p?rsons having claims against the es'a'e of the said A. W. Biggers to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of July. 1914 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate settlement. This the 22nd day of July, 1913. MRS. C. J. BIGGERS. Extx. W. S. BLAKENKY. Extr. of the Will of A. W. Biggers, dee'd k Chimin nrofessnr sava he nev er kissed a girl. Is this the confes sion of an unworldly soul, or Is be advertising for bids? made quartermaster of his regiment. In 1862. at the re-organization of hia regiment he was elected cap tain of his company, and a short while later was made lieutenant col onel of the regiment, becoming col oml by seniority the sime year. He was then only 22 years old. Colonel Bennet was a gallant sol dier, and was thrice wounded, at the battles of Sharpsburg, Spottsyl vanla Court House and Gettysburg. At Chansellorsvllle he beacmae com mandant of Ramseur's brigade aft er General Ramseur was wounded. At the close cf the war Colonel Bennett returned to Wadesboro and devoted himself to the practice cf law and to politics. In both he was very successful. He was solicitor of Anson county in 1866 and 1867, was a member of the legislature of North Carolina in 1872. and a dele gate to the constitutional conven tion In 1875. In each body he serv ed as chairman of the Judiciary com mittee. He was elected judge of the Superior Court In 1880. and resigned to accept the Democratic nomination as congressman at large in 1882. After a hard campaign he was elected, and two years later he returned to congress as the representative of the district In which Anson was then. While In congress he was a member of the Judiciary committee, and the chair man, John Randolph Tucker himself famous lawyer, said his legal knowledge was superior to thnt cf any other member. It Is said that at that lime he could have had the nomination for governor, but declin ed on account of ill health. On August 26th. 1863, he, was happily married to Miss Kate Shep- hrd, of Wadseboro, who witn tnree daughters, Mrs. John D. Leak, Mrs. R. E. Little and Mrs. John l. Hen- nett. survives him. Twin sons were born to them, but died In Infancy. Letter to Cot (ton (iinners. This exchange has beeu notified that the various transportation com panies handling cot t ton from ail torts have notified shipper that cotton of Irregular size would be penalized 11.00 per bale on all bales not pressed In the sianoara size press box. This box has been established for some years, and Is 64 by 27 Inchef inside measurement or the press box. It ! our desire to obviate any trouble from this source, and it Is with this purpose in view that this circular Is issued. We special ly recommend that all glnners win conform to these requirement, put A Cliurvh Without Member or i- of his face. Ict-thiiia, Your correspondent was a witness Christian Herald to the affray and It was the great- Wlthout sectarian Ideas or de- est fight he has ever seen a lone nomtnational teaching a Gospel man put up against such odds, all meeting is held all the summer six of the soldiers receiving a se months in the unique Boardwalk vere drubbing. at Atlantic City. This year the Friends have been joking Mr. fifth of the church's existtence Jonea today, demanding that be services are being conducted each challenge Jack Johnson immedlate lxrd's Day morning in the Bijou ly, but the "holy terror" only etnil 1 heater a room used usually for ed and aald, "Nothing doing." moving pictures. The Rev. Robert (The truth of this story has been El wood is the founder and pastor, denied. Jones and one man had It te a church without a choir, offl- b fist fight and that was about nil.) cer, or a single member and without) a collection plate. The business Hour Explosion Wreck Mill, men of Atlantic City, aa well as Christian Herald, the visitors, think It worth while That flour, the softest and most and maintain this Gospel lighthouse Innocent thing In the world appar by the sea. Ninety per cent, of the ently, the very staff of life, could audience Is new each Sunday. Peo- by any process turn to an engine pie gladly turn In from the Board- of destruction, wreck the mill that walk at the call for worship. The makes It and killing many people, audience Is reverent though cosmo- as It did in one of the large cities politan. One Sunday morning when of the country recently, would be a test was made, every civilized thought Incredible. But once In a country was represented In the long while, under certain rare con large congregation, as well as most ditlons, it docs act this way and of the States of the Union. Chris- becomes a terrific Instrument of tian Herald. Iruin. There Is a scientific rea- . 'son for its action. Gunpowder, dy- HaitM'll 4-'et Ten Year In State n a mite, and other recognrzed ev Prlmm. 1 plosives are all capable of sudden- Albemarle 1 ntemrise ly releasing enormous power be- Albemarle Lnterprise. oomblne.ln close proxlm- Court came to an unexpected close nnely divlde(1 carbon with exact Fr"day afternoon, the Hartsell case.',y the necesgary quantity of oxy whlch promised to be a long drawn Ke for lu eompiete combustion, or affair, being compromised without ag a chemlgt wouid gay, it8 oxlda teachlng the jury. , (lon Flour contain, these same The plea of self-defense was elements, but usually they are held thought by the attorney, to be together In safe proportion. But rather uncertain as to Adam Hart- once In a while the flour dust of sell and they proposed to the State the bin or mill is In such a condl to enter a plea of guilty of murder Hon that a spark, or evan. a Jar, In the recond degree, and this was will produce an explosion as violent accepted by the State, and a a and from the same reason as that compromise Alfred Hartsell, son of of nitroglycerine. Adam Hartsell, was released. Mas- . terful pleas for mercy were made by the atttorneys for the defend-! ant owing to the age of Adam Hart-! sell and the apparent provocation' on the part of the deceased. Judge SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY Travel via Monroe, N. C, and Sea- Adams sentenced Adam Hartsell to ten years in the State prison. I board Air Line Railway to and from Tho defendants were charged with all points In North, East, South and un their cotton In such size that noinoVine murdered Andy Yow last West. Chair car between Charlotte claim can be made; have all press October and the case was called and Wilmington. Steel, electric boxes made not over 54 by 27 lncn- for Wednesday of last week before lighted observation aieeper Deiweeu es inside measurement prior to Sep-jjd(;e Adams and a special venire New York and Birmingham. Elec tember 1st. 1913, a. on this date ot tw0 hundred men waa necessary tic lighted Pullman drawing room the proposed ruling will go Into ef fect. Further, as the weight and den sity of the bale of cotton Is now to be a factor In making the freight iiefnro th tiiir waa made uo. sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth. There U a division of public sent- Schedule in effect April 27, 1913. Iment over the disposition of the The following schedule figures are case, but the prevailing opinion published aa informaflon only, and seems to be that In view of the are not guaranteed: rat tt la nf the highest Importance rlr-nmBtBnrp that lustlce has been TRAINS ARRIVE MONROE. that cotton should not be under 475 meted out and the majesty of the No. 14 Charlotte to Wllmlng- lUs. and should average 500 ids. or iaw upheld ,. "ca. &:4& " more per bale. . I No. 12 Birmingham Atlanta We heartily recommend the A farmer of York county has to Ports, and New York, 6:10 a.m. adoption of these suggestions and rgghed 928 bushel, of oata from No. 6 New York to Birmingham, earnestly ask your co-operaJlon, a nine acres. It Is estimated that 9:55 a.m. irregular sized and under eightjgome parta f tn9 field ran at high No. 34 Rutberfordton to Ral es 125 bushels per acre. eign, local, n:uu a.m. I No. 19 Wilmington to Charlotte, 11:10 a.m. Ilecorder's Court. Harrison Lowery, colored, assaault and battery: costs. B. A. Tarleton, larceny; not guilty. Mag Davis, colored, keeping dli orderly house; not guilty. Homer Wooten, using profane language on train; $ 5 and cost. Hopewell Reunlt n. There will be a reunion of pres ent and former members of Hope well Baptist church In Goose Creek township. Friday August first The following is the program: Begin ning at ten o'clock, welcome by Rev. Sam Long: History of the church, by Rev. J. L. Bennett; ad dress by Rev. Bruce Benton; din ner, roll call, address by Rev. James Long, short talkh by former pastor. Warranty, mortgage and deed, at Tbt Journal office. trust cotton will suffer In price. Yours Very Truly, NORFOLK COTTON EX. Norfolk, Va., July 15. 1913. Towing a lK-omoMve. With an Au tomohile. 1 Scientific American. 1 The average automoblllst. who does not realize fully the enormous power of his car, would perhaps have a better notion of this If he had been a witness of a rather unu sual test In Colifornla. A 40 horsepower touring machine weigh ing 4,000 pounds, was attached by means of a strong cable, to a 110 ton locomotive. The cable ran from the axle of the car to the cow catcher of the locomotive. The start was made from a dead standstill. For some time the motor car groan ed and vibrated to no avail. The vhui rofnaeii to find a purchase and slipped around and around. Fi nally, half a dozen men were puv Into the car to do duty a. ballast. This additional weight had the de sired effect. With slow reluctance the wheels of the car began to re volve and the automobile had achieved the seemingly Impossi ble task of drawing to tremendous a weight. No Injury to the car resulted from thl. great and unusual strain, snd for some distance over the rails the mass of Iron obediently tagged nfter W. puny pilot. The demonstration wa. made by an automobile agent to ahow what a really powerful machine the motor car is ot today. It coat, leea to buy a screen door than to get sick and lay off for a r:on:h. 1 Invincible Flour. (High Patent). Golden Cream. , (Fancy Patent). Baker's Choice. (Half Patent) Graham Floor. (Absolutely Pure.) Buy flour with a reputa tion. Just good, plain, hon est home-made Flour. A flour that is actually good as can be made from selected Valley of Virginia Wheat For sale by all dealers. Henderson Roller Mills Company No. 31 Raleigh to Rutberfordton, local, 1:40 p.m. No. 30 Atlanta to. Monroe, 6:S5 p.m. No. 20 Charoltte to Wilmington, local, 5:40 p.m. No. 16 Rutberfordton to Monroe, 9:00 p.m. No. 13 Wilmington to Charlotte, 9:55 p.m. No. 6 Birmingham to Ports, and New York, 9:25 p.m. No. 11 New York-Port., to At lanta and Birmingham, 10:50 p.m. TRAINS LEAVE MONROE. No. 14 Charlotte to Wllmlng ton, local, 5:50 a.m. No. 12 Birmingham Atlanta to Ports, and New York, 6:15 a.m. No. 16 Monroe to Rutherford ton, 8:15 a.m. - No. 6 New York to Birmingham, 10:00 a.m. No. 34 Rutherfordton to Raleigh, local, 11:10 a.m. No. 29 Monro to Atlanta, 11:15, a.m. No. 19 Wilmington to Charlotte, local 11.20 a. m. No. 31 Raleigh to Rutberfordton, local, 1:45 p.m. 1 No. 20 Charlotte to Wilmington, .local, 6:50 p. m'. I No. 13 Wilmington to Charlotte, local 10:05 p.m. 1 No. 11 New York - Ports, to .Atlanta and Birmingham, 10:65 p.m. No. Birmingham to New York and Ports., 9:30 p.m. I For further Information call on or phone 8. J. Brlgman, Ticket Agt., or ;H. S. Leard, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C, or C. B. Ryan, G. P. A., Ports mouth. Va.

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