ii i i ii if nee imperii Now is the Time when Our Farmers arg Receiving Their Money from Their Hard Years Work. We have had the lean season, and now the fat. Of course the lean season will return. The prudent man will think of this and "lay by in store" for it. Put some money in the bank now to use later. If you want to draw it out any time you can do so, or you can leave it in for a time and let it draw in terest for you. There are many people who have not got a bank account. They should try it. Your money is safe and you can get it any time. We do not claim to do the biggest banking bus iness in North Carolina, but we do as safe and satis factory business for our customers as any in the United States. After all, isn't that what you are looking for? Try us. Con.li-i4 i.y ih National Woman' "r-.atian Tt-mpvrant I'nlon 71 , LIQUOR SELLER IS GREEDY , Industry It Not Only Non-Productiva wi uooo, oui rroauces Dangerous Class of Non-Productra. The Savings, Loan and R. B. REDWINE, President. S. 0. BLAIR, Vice-President. Trust Co. The liquor seller knows full well that were It not for the nickels and dimes of the worklngmen which se gregate In m year many more dollars than the spenders are apt to think many a saloonkeeper might shut up shop, many a grocery be turned j Into a grocery. It la the hard earned money of the day laborer, the me , chanic and the clerk which. Dourinc steadily Into the till of the liquor I seller, makes whisky trusts and beer syndicates possible, j And what does the liquor dealer give In exchange for the working man's earnings of which, with other merchants, he greedily claims a share? Food, clothing, shelter, happiness. Im provement? No. He gives In ex change that which robs him of all these. He gives his customer that which makes him poor Indeed. In that It reduces the capacity of hand and brain (as employers are finding out to their cost) and produces a mental and moral degeneracy which renders "labor" less competent to protect It self apaliist the autocracv of "capital." We claim that no Industry has a riant to exist which does not con tribute In some measure to the gen eral welfare and prosperity of the nation at large. As In a perfect physical organism every oran and every atom contribute to the health and happiness of the bodv as a whole so true economic science would de clare that every human being should be not only a consumer, but In some decree, at least, a producer, n con trlbutor to the well being of society as a whole. Now the liquor Industry Is not only non productive of good, hut It is an actual and an active producer of an enormous and dangerous class of non-producers. The saloon, the gain bling den, the brothel, the Jail, the poorluiuse, the Insane asylum, all fur nish their quota to the social discord, all add to the sum of human misery, and all are to more or less extent the prodmts of the liquor traffic. And still "the trade" bids unMushltigly for ltB share of the earnings of labor! A Dad Liver robyt''ergy. strength and ambition. To rid yourself of the burden, Uke SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDtX rOKM) L!ne Sfrenthening mK'ne for a torpid liver. The weakened organ Z3Z!F"W& ,U PJwerful rev,vin Mw It com-cu t stomk-h and digestion. Purifies and reflates the bowels. Drives out that languid halfsick feeling, makes you fed bright, vigorous and cheerful. Try it. Sold by Dialers. Price, Large Package. St. 00. J. B. ZriLIM & CO.. Proprietors. S. laals. Muaoart H. B. CLARK, Cashier. I. H. BLAIR, Ass't Cashier. BEST WAY IS TO PROHIBIT ai". P I vawi af ft l Ll ..aavaw I in t - Breakfast in a Good, Warm v Room People Never Go Right Until They Have Tried All the Ways of Going Wrong, Says Spencer. Herbert Spencer once said, "People never go right until they have tried all the ways of going wrong." I think this truism Is nioro perceptibly shown In the various methods men have tried in dealing with the liquor problem than In any other way. They have tried the unrestricted sale, and the regulated sale. They have tried low license, and high license. They have tried tho segregation of the salo to restricted areas. They have tried the dispensary. They have tried every thing in the hope of making the 8a- loon acceptable to the better class of people. And now. they are trying to reform it! Wo of the southland, along with thousands of tho best people north and west and east, decided long ngo that the best method of dealing with the liquor traffic is to prohibit it. Just as we believe that the best method of dealing with theft and arson and mur der Is to prohibit theBe evils. Silena M. Holman, president Tennessee W r. t. r. WILL BE A NOTABLE MEETING Smokeless j A "warm" breakfast the kind that sends you out ready braced for a good day's work should be eaten in a warm room. You lose half the good of the meal if you are shivering in discomfort while you eat it A Perfection Smokeless Heater makes breakfast a cozy meal for the whole family. No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Easily cleaned. Easily moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luxury in the bedroom; a necessity in the sewing room or the bathroom. Dealert everywhere; or write for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C Ninth Triennial Convention of World's W. C. T. U. to Be Held in Brook lyn In October. A notable meeting will be that of the ninth triennial convention of the World's Woman's Christian Temper aiice Union in the city of Prooklyn, New York. October 23 28, Inclusive. The World's V. C. T. V. was organ ized by Frances E. Wlllard in 1SS3 ! Mrs. Margaret Ilrlght Lucas (sister of John Bright, the famous British statesman) was Its first president, Then Miss Wlllard became Its leader afterwards Lady Henry Somerset, and tho present president Is the countess of Carlisle. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens of Portland, Me., president of the Unit ed States W. C. T. l, is vice-president. Conventions have been held In Boston (two). Chicago, London, To ronto. Geneva, Edinburgh, Glanjrow. The World's W. C. T. U. has sent out 22 round the-world missionaries, w ho have carried the gospel of Christian temperance Into fifty different coun tries. These countries have national organizations and most of them will send delegates to the Brooklyn convention. A LEADING BOARDING SCHOOL R U B-IY1Y-TISI71 In t IU4.IU. t.Ubll.ktt MM. rnpvM f.r OIIf, SulMM.TauklSf.wforLlfo, ulU. Okartctar t.k.1 tnala. Wm aatraaai. Till tlSIORASLI SATES lack S4m rawtm aw mat Mtaatlaa. Iilnl I, m Imuttn. a. 0 l Far laaattral euiw vi.wi at., aaanaa U. rraalaaav W. T. WHITSCTT, PH. D. WMITSITT. NORTH CAROLINA Will cure vour Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Come In and see the handsome premiums the Journal gives you. ItubUr Tire. A courageous nnd iovful nitlimia toward the difficulties and trials of lire is often more Httmulatlng and helpful to others than we I A littlo six-year-old boy, talking re cently aoout a sunny visitor who had JiiHt dennrteil. snH nf hop age and cheerfulness amid many tri als, added this striking comment: "Yes. I like her; she Just goes over bumps an though her heart hurt rub ber tires." Kx. Unfit Physicians. Dr. F. A. MacNichnls, vice-president of the American Medical association, says In his address, delivered before that body at Atlantic City: "A call was recently made for young phy sicians to enter the United States army. Eighty per cent, of those ex amined were rejected as physically unfit." He then asks this thought productlng question: "When four fifths of the most representative men fh America are pronounced unfit for war, what shall we say to their fit nets to father the next gcneratlonr Do you want 'V i r i iii Don't want 'em? Then why don't you make them skiddo ten cents will do the work. We have the best remedy known. Takes away the corn and takes away the pain. Only ten cents for the job. Buy a box of Kick's Corn Cure and follow directions: Apply with match stiek a thick coating and let it dry on. Apply for three nights on retir ing and so;ik the foot In hot water on the fourth. ENGLISH DRUG CO. THE DEPENDABLE STORE, MONROE, N, C. Drink a Bottle OF Coca-Cola Delicious and Refreshing Now put up in Bottles and ready to serve in a Moments Notice by THE MONROE COCA-COLA COMPANY ( oilier Stewart and Ilaili-oail Street. I'l e Xo. 310. F. N. SNYDER. Mgr., MONROE, N.C. WE ALSO W)TTI.K A 11 IX I.I.VIC OF SODA WAT Kit. Everything For the Fall Trade At the Big All-Round Store. Glad to See You even If yon don't think you need a new suit or overcoat just now. We want to show you our latest arrhuls in these lines any way and. we weleoni9 comparison with any rloililiig of similar price anywhere. Slop in and liao a look. Vmi can Ret nil jour iioviIh serrl lierc nothing-, lty ImmmN, Shots, Huts, ami in fact cveiytliinn you muiiI. t ome to we u.. Examine the Style and Quality of our shoes and you'll find them fully up to the standard. You'll see they are hij;h class shoes in every respect. Hut when you learn our prices you will be iipt to doubt your own judgment, except fur the fact tliat our guarantee Soe with every sale. See us for shoes for all the family. And reiiieinlM r our (.nicer) lewiHiin lit which M-ll rimn! tiling t t!ie lowest Miw.ililo prices. AWTHIXt; VOF WAXT I'OIt MKAKIXti OK IJVIXtJ I'AX 1SK roiXI) IX THIS l!l; tiKXKIt I. STOKK. :: Grow Bros. 6asn store.