LOCAL AXD l'EKSO.X'AU Mrs. Ranee Hunter of Chesterfield r-natjr di-l Sunday niornfcig. Mrs. Hunter was 42 years old. Mrs. J. J. Farker, who Is spend i'S two wetks with her mother In V.'Uuiington, will return heme the U'Ur part cf the week Mr. Birnes R. Plyler nd Miss Ad i Gordon were married at the r-iUtrfe of Mr. H. C. Sproaca at the U-emcrUe Mill SUuruay night by Esq. M. L. Flow. Mr. L. L. Harris, who is well known here, has moved fix m his f:irm la Chesterfield county to Mon roe. He Is at present with his san-in-law, Mr. Grady Nash. Miss Kstelle Horn h;s trn ap pointed deputy clerk cf the court to sue-ceed Mrs. Julian Griffin who resigned sometime agi to takv ef-i.-ot January firs:. Rev. K. C. Snyder will Iwgta n s rl.s cf linetini's a.: lit. Harmony nxt Sunday. He will b? asl-'te.l by Rev. J. L. Vlppertunn of Spencer. The public cordially invited. Sir. ane Mrs. G. I. McMamss cf Sindy Ridge t'-wnship have gone to Savannah, Ga., near which placs I'.uy will ens'se In hunting. They have been on several successful hunt ing expiditions there brfore. Announcement has been made of the marriage e.f Mr. Henry N. Fair ley and Miss Margu?rite Brtttaln of Salisbury, which Is to take place lu St. John's Lutheran church or Salisbury on January 14th. Mr. Lee R. Trull has gene to Lan caster to carry out a contract to move 8?vcral houses fr.r Col. Iroy Springs. He expects to be gone seme time and then may go to Wax haw to do some work. Lucy, the eleven year old daugh ter of Mr. J. Lex Helms, was taken to Charlotte last Wednesday where an operation was performed for an internal abscess. She Is now recov ering nicely. Mr. D. L. White of Jefferson spent last Friday with his brother. Mr. Hill White. He was on his way to re-enter school at Clenuton College, which is the A. & M. College of South Carolina, and has nearly eight hundred students. Mr. Y C. Saunders gave a twelve course stag dinner to a number of friends on New Years. Those pres ent were: Ney McNeely, Clayton. La ney. Hall Wilson, Boyd Copple, John Vann, J. C. Slkes. I. H. Blair, Fra.uk Marshall and Dowd Secrest. Mrs. M. Waller is tlsiting her pa rt w8 at Middendorf. S. C. , Th? infact daughter cf Mr. and Mr. Solon Trice cf Corinth dUl S'j'idiy. Mr. S. A. r.L-hardson of Lenlor sptnt Christmas with bis pirea.u. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Richardson. ; Miss Rosa Tallery of Kershaw Is vM'.-.r." Mrs. Uus.s-ll ltcgers this wet k. Special Notices. This is the place to tell your short business story. What you have to buy or sell can betold to thousands of readers for a slight cost. IT PATS. People look to this column with eagerness to see mho is hustling. Advertisements are inserted at the rate of ONE CENT per word each insertion. Count the words in your adv. and scud cash with copy. Each figure and initial counts a word. No ad. taken fof less than ten cents. Send copy In as early as possible. .Mrs. J. O. Fulenwider and chiJ-, ,f , 8!lOM w dren, accompanied, by her sister. )ou IUo..y-Collin. & Hargett. Mrs. J. R. Kelly, of Wilmington. . .are visiting In Stanley. X. C. ! Your eroctrv "Mil" will h less Mrs. II. G. Wrd of Columbia and if ou ,Ki,le ,th Vann Kuuderburk. Mr. W. X. Pc inter of Brooklyn.. X. V.. are visiting thMr parents, Mr. 1 Delivery's always prompt. , & Bivuns. After taking stock January first we find we have too many shoes and so we will sell some cheap Collins Hargett. 1 Pastime Theatre tonight, "An ac-1 Lee & Lee Co. THE LEADING Dry Goods. Millinery, Notions, Onthiiig, Bat and Shoe Store la MOMtOE. OKTU CAROLINA. In Our Corset Department Griffin eUUntal alibi." "Pink opera cloak"! land "French artillery Main ruvi rs." ! I and Mrs. E. W. Pointer. Squire M. II. Ri hards. n returned Lducation consists In knowing j Somtiliing for nothing U worth yosttrdiiy from a trip in the West- things know how a range Is niadej while IS. oo worth of ware for em part of the Stale. At Spruce inside and cut. Call at our store nothing U worth your time to Iines-: Pine Friday the snow was twelve during our special Majtstlc Range tigat?. See our big nd. in this pa- Inches deep, ten at AsheviUo, and daionst ration -week cf Jan l'Jth. p r. II, r.tli Hardware Ccuipuny. four at Rutherfordton. , Heath Hardware Company. I II..,,,,. I I.. , uii, . muni? iiiv.i.i .i--i o , ttrai 1 u.. j -Vann Funderburk. 13c '.he Mr. Flti L. A us: In and Mis IrrnV Our three r.uisterd druggists Adam of Chnrlotle were m irritd are ki ot busv fill-m ur.s?rloiii !M. Christmas. Mr. Austin is a Monroe but they have time to take care of Try our Sunbeam com ooy who lias Ueeen living In t liar- ycurs in the very best and mcst c in. Griffin Hivens. lotte seme time. He is a sen of careful minner. Bring them to us Mrs. H. . Austin and a half broth- and we will give them the very besi ! Our fountain is 'running right I er cf Mr. Henry Austin of Monroe, atteinion. The li.iou Drug Co. j iilons just like summer time. This! . ii r. . i. i i Si llle popular place in town to buy ,riHrS-. i has,be.rVh For Salo-Duroc Jersey pigs. 4 your drinks. Meet your friends here. critical condition since last Ihurs- months M t court h T,le D fompanv. day evening when an attcck of ure- at b,. .,,.;,,,, Saturdav. Janu jinic pjisin set in hlie has been in ioth ut ,, a m sire and dam ! We wUsh all cur friends and cus- ST ??3 "onU1,ion- ,Mer trilAi of th.se pigs roistered and bred tonics a happy and prosperous i and family have grave fears of her from Missourl state dinners. R. U. new year. We appreciated your condition. Reelwlne. trade during 191 J and will also ap- Mr. Frank Lanev, son of Mr. P.i ; " ' Prelate continuance cf U In 1914 A. Laney of Uuford towiushlp. was rure soap i i-ni agent ior )- union urug company, a. m. secresi, married January the third to Misj !"0J' . V'Ko:ab le Soap, i al phone Manager. .Loula Joseph cf Salisbury, at the , "u ' later place. After spending a few days In Charlotte and Concord they came to Mr. Laney's father's, and ttte. G. E. Siames. The rural mail carriers' associa tion of Union, Anson and Richmond counties, met at Rockingham Janu ary 1st. The boys had a good time, and they desarved It, after the hard work of Christmas. Messrs T. L. Love, A. J. Green, J. C. Mills, and A. C. Penegar attended from Mon roe. Mr. ,.3YUlkipji Gulledge, c.f Chester "tie'd county, was dressing a hog some time ago and cut his hand, trom which blood prisoning resulted. Il bactm? necessary to cut consider able flesh from the arm In order 'o save it, which has br-en dona Airs. Gulledge contracted blood poi soning from her husband, but both are now improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Griffin of east Monroe township cn yesterday cele brated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage by having all their children present for dinner at the old home, where the fine old couple continue to live and enjoy the bless ings of peaceful age. There are nine living children, the youngest of whom is thirty, and, they were were nil prescivt. The friends of Mr. S. S. Richard son will be sorry to learn that he will be compelled to have have his r'.ght foot amputated. For some time there has been a disease of the bone about the ankle, and a few days ago he went to Charlotte and had an X-Ray examination made. The diagnosis showed can cer of the bone and he was told that there was no hope of preventing the foot being amputated. He U other wise well and expects to have the opreatlon done in a few days. Squire M. L. Flow, sitting as United States Commissioner, on Saturday bound over to the Federal Court for the April term at Char lotte, Chauncey Hildrcth of Anson county, on a charge of robbing the mails. The young man, who is on ly nineteen years old, was a star route carrier from LUesvllle to Man guin, and, was detected by postofflce Inspectors who sat a trap for him. He was placed under bond of $1000, and falling to give same, was com mitted to Jail In Monroe. Attorney T. L. Caudle of Wadesboro appsar el for him. While driving home last Friday n'ght wl'.h a had of lumber Mr. Dock Montgomery of Buford town ship, was thrown from his wagon when his team became frightened, and the rear wheel passed over his head. A deep gash was cut In the back of his head and one ear was ground off except a few ligaments of skin. Dr. Stevens put nine studi os In the wounds. He placed the enr back In position and bandaged it, and hopes that It will grow back in proper shap?. The skull was not fractur:d, but Mr. Montgomery had a close call. Prcf. Charles K. Roger, a brother of our townsman, Rev. W. J. Roger, was married Christmas aftertwn to Miss Kllse Bernhardt, at Pioner Mills, Rev. A. W. Plyler, ot Lexing ton, a brother-in-law cf the bride, officiating. Mr. nid Mrs. Roger will make their home in Concord at the Jackson Trainlmg School, of which institution, Mr. Boger was recently elected superintendent. Rev. Mr. Boger of Monroe was to have marri ed the couple, but the weather Wiw too bad for him to get out, espe cially since there waa another preacher la the family nearer by, i Just recived, a car of flour bought before the advance Collins Dog Lost Blue speckled female hound pup, with black ears. Re- See A. W. McCall for watch and & Hargett will make their heme in this county. c,tk WarInK- No,nl,,S but ear- .auteed material used. I T. L. Crowell. cltv tax collector. repots the following collections Some nice fresh pickled pig feet, ward If returned ta H. A. Winches ter the month of December, 1913 at Vann Funderburk's. iter, Lancaster road. Special license tax, $50.60; Miscel- 1 laneous collections, $293,12; Water Don't forget us if you want shoes We take pleasure In filling your and lisht rents, $2,044,65; tax book Collins & Hargett. orders for groceries. Give us a $7,967.46. Total collections. $10.-. call. Polk Bros. 335,73. I will offer for sale at my resi dence. 7 miles north of town, neari Have J. E. Preslar to remount Christmas day as Messrs R. W. P. C. Stinson's on Thursday, Jan. your diamond. Rogers, Charles 'Eubanks and Wiley 15 pair Strubler computing scales,' Davis wgre driving along the read shew case, desk, phone and line, New lot of Elgin watches, 16 size, not far from Trinity church In Bu- farming tools, grain drill, about 40 7 jewel nickel, at $5.50 at Rudge's. ford Township, their horse became bushels Cook's pure cotton seed, 50 1 frightened and turned the buggy or more bushels corn, one 3-4 wag- Twenty pounds of gocd rice for over, throwing the occupants out on, two buggies, oil tank, one mule, one dollar Vann Funderburk. and breaklne Mr. Roger's collar weiehn nhnnt 1101) nr.undst. anri.oth-l bone. . I it things too numerous to mention. , . , , , , Lee Yandle, Monroe Route 6. UiLAl weeK i ue juui uai iryvricu the fact that County Commissioner) atpayedA BmaU biack maie pig Brooks was s ck and In a very dan- T v Eubanks, Monroe Route 10 gerous condition, perhaps having cancer of the stomach. While he had been suffering for some time Strayed, A small red Jersey pig. Return to L. S. Medlln. Dr. W. II. Wakefield ot Charlotte Rogers. I will grind corn at R. W. A. Rogers' home place Saturday of ev ery week from this date. R. W. THE Plenty of heme-made kraut. will ha in Mnnrrta at Ttia fllnnnaa. I . hi, friends did m.t know tt. He was . o t i.w very active and was prompt In at-.da 0I,ly HUj practce ia limited Vann Funderburk. tendLng meetings cf county com- t0 th(J medlcal and Burglcal treat.; mtaslcners and attending to other ment of dl3ea88 of the eye( ear,1 We sell TrlpleU'e f'tiamnlnn PI nil r ..a.rs. aim s iie. e'y"". nose and tnroat, and fitting glasses, the best cn the market Collins & no one knew that he was suffering. Harcptt His condition is thought to be a little better. His son, Dr. J. C. Brooks' of Chattanooga, la stilt with him. Mil. I LOW 1IKI THIS MOIIM.VG. Oldest mill One of Best Known Cit izens :f the County Panned Away After Many Days of lllncsss I'u-iic-inl Tomon.w. T , .. ,,,.,., 1 1 I . . .1 I rooms; electric lighted; very rea-I Try a package of Dr. Legear's sonable price. Mrs. Sudie E. Howie stcck powd.er, a guarantee with ev Matthews, 605 N. Main street. Fresh lot of loose mince meat. Vann Funderburk. Faultless Brand squash lu cans. Griffin & Bivens. See us If you want a good flour at a low price Collins & Hargett. ery package. Co-operative Mercan tile Company. Fleishman's yeast cake. Griffin Bivens. $8.00 worth of ware will be given away free with every Majestic range sold at our demonstration, Jan. 19 one week only.. Heath Hardware Company. Mr. G. W. Flow died at his home 1 I M . . . . . . i monroe ac ociock una morn- 0ur customers tell us that our s. tie naa neeii conrwieni to the uI1B of uikt articles is the best in Just received, a car of "O. K." nouee for a good while with weak- .,.n o,,,i Q i.,iu..n it nurk ! nn. ,,. ........Mt.,, md . " , ttim uv, ,r ' ' - lift,,, r , ci j au iv f,uu,t,,cvu "u ness li ic deivt to extreme c d age, t0 keep U that way. Everything that bought before the advance Collins uu.1. uj, , u i.: u,i, ago u was the ,.ldlrg nepd ca found nere & llargeU. not certain whether he might live ,, of a 8Uperior quality. The: u icw ufijs or everai wccks. lie, De- I h0m Drug Company came worse last Friday. At one o'clock this morning, Mr. Thomaa We are crowded with orders for chickens and are anxious to buy all we can get. Bring them right along Th opn it-1 1 1 lia ci mitat Ino- nt tlio Curlee, who was nursing him, saw stockholders of the First National ' to us and get the highest cash price. a -'"i"Lie juiu mpwi ciiange Bilnk oll tne second Tuesday inJan for the worse hnrt come. The fn- .. t. ioh hhj .. . i, -W. R. Outen & Co. nerai win be held, at the residence bank at ten o'clock in the morning i Fine watch and jewelry repalr- ui ura unui-ii iDinorow auenioon for ,he purpose of selecting a board lng a specialty. J. E. Preslar. oy nr. uurne. me interment will of ,iirpctors and transacting such be here. I other buslnces as may come before Judge Flow was bcrn in the Phlla- them D. A. Houston. delphla neighborhood of Mecklen- burg county on May 11, 1826. He A few pure bred White Orplng waa married In 1854 to Miss Crow- tf)n cookereis for sale L. H. Med ell, daughter of Michael and Jane n citv Crowell, and Bister of Col. A. H. Crowell,. who survives him, and Is Dr n. Smith, eye - sight speclal nowr strong and well at the age ot 8ti can be tound reguiariy at hla 80. He settled In this county and otHCe, Monroe N. C, from this date nierchandlsed with hU brother-ln- for BeVeral weeks. If your eyes give aw. Col. Crowell, In Goose Creek you trouble call and see him. The township, fourteen miles north of iategt ln everything optical. Monroe, and engaged In farming. Hei was prominent In the politics andj Call 68 for anything you need In life of the county before the war groceries. Polk -Bros. ana was one or me managers ot tne poor fund cf the county, which at Lettuce and Parsley for sale 3. that time was separate from other h. Beckley, phone 40-J. matters, in August, 1808, he was elected clerk of the court and In Try Cameo washing tablets. November of that year moved to Vann Funderburk. Monroe. He remained clerk of the court till 1874, and again from 3 it something to eat? Call phone 1876 to 1878, filled out the unex- 1 95. Griffin & Bivens. pired term of Col. S. H. Walkup. ' He bought the premises on which if yi;u want the best flour you he afterward lived In 1SC9, from ever bought for the money let us Ab?I Funderburk, who erected the you -o. K." Collins & Hargett. late residence of Judge Flow before the war. He afterwards engaged Make your hens lay by feeding in merchandising and farming. He them Dr. Legear's poultry powder, helped to organize the Monroe Tres- Satisfaction guaranteed or money byteruin church and was cn the refunded. Co-operative Mercantile coinmiiiee wun . 11. . Simpson aim C ompany. Col. Walkup, which bought the old building of the Methodist congresa- nrlng us your jewelry and watch- tlon which stood where the Presly-eg ror repair. Nothing but the best torian structure now Is, when tliei material u::ed. W. J. Rudge Co. Merthodist congregation moved, to the location where the old church j Cotton Seed Bring them to us. stod on the corner of Hajne and st of now scales. Co-operative Windsor streets. Judge Flow Isj Mercantile Company. survived by his wife and five daugh- . tors and five sens. They aref Mrs. Highest market price paid for H. Preslar, Mrs. J. E. Henderson, IccUon seed delivered in our ware Mrs. S. B. Hart, Mrs. S. L. Alexan-; house Co-operative Mercantile Co. aer. ann Airs. 1. a. mkcs nno Messrs. M. L.. M. E., 1). W., O. E., and Frank Flow. All the children are now hpre except Mrs. Slkes, who with her husband, Rev. T. A. Slkes, will arrive from Beaufort to morrow. The deceased was perhaps the old est man In the county at the time of his death. landmark In the county and Something New The wet wash plan, at 2 cents a pound straight. Give us a trial and see how you like It along with your shirts, col lars and cuffs. Call us up or ask the driver about it Monroe Steam Laundry. "O. K. " flour is our leader Col lins & Hargett. Weather hardened cabbage plants for sale. Early Jersey Wakefield. L. H. Medlln, City. Wanted You to see us before you ell your chickens and eggs. Co operative Mercantile Co. Dr. H. Smith, eye-sight special ist, can be found regularly at his office .Monroe, N. C, from this date for several weeks. If your eyes give you trouble call and see him. The latest ln everything optical. Have the serviceable old buggy and wagon made over to look like new. Our skilled workmen can do wonders with them. Henderson Garage Co. Just received a shipment of In dian River oranges. They are fine. He was for years a try them. All kinds of nice can it countv and was dv and fruits. AddIph from 5 cents known by sight to practically ev-'a dozen up. See us beforS buying, ery cne in the county. I W. R. Outen Co. Don't fail to see J. E. Preslar for watch and jewelry repairing. Not In all the South can you find a better equipped shop for the re pair of automobiles, bicycles, guns, pistols, wagons and buggies. The Henderson Garage Co. We are now ln shape to handle nil the chickens and eggs we can get. and give you better prices. W. R. Outen Co. opposite F. B. Ash crut s store. A full stock of fountain pens Waterman and Conklln The W. J. Rudge Co. Please call at any time for hack vork. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. All bicycle and automobile parts nd accessaries ready to supply your needs. Our place Is famous for lood and quick Be-rvlce. Henderson Oarage Co. For Sale or Swop One 20 h. p. holler and engine. W. L. Hemby, Matthews, N. C, Route No. 18. For Rent Five room cottage. J. W. Richardson. New Nemo Duplex $3.00 SELF-REDUCING CORSET Marks the Extreme limit o! Value-Giving. Detailed Description of the New Nemo Duplex Self-Reducing Corset. It has the improved Self-Reducing front. The front steels are slightly curved inward at the lower ends, thereby giving unusually firm abdominal support from underneath. No. 327 has Low bust. No. 32S has Medium bust. Both models have very long skirt, which reduce upper limbs. It is made easy and flexible by its construction in front, and by the broad bands of semi-elastic Lastikop Webbing at the back. Sizes 22 to 36. Material Fine White Coutil. Suitable for all stout figures or for women of medium or full figure who desire reduction all around, below the waist. LEE & LEE COMPANY, THE LEADING Dry Uoods, Millinery, Notions, Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store la MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA. m I You women who want a model that emphasizes lithe- j " ness, the keynote of the new fashions, and yet need a medi- 1 i urn bust corset, should see the U J. C. C. Eureka. f It gives perfect poise and proportion to the woman of average figure without discomfort and interference. The g 1 long lines of the front, hip and back give the fashionable ap- g 1 pearance so much desired one of our corset sections best I values at $1.50. P I Our line of other corsets sensibly priced $1.00 to $6.00, H I full of the newest models your style of figure has its cor- responding models and easy fitting size. k You'll find it here. g m m I 1 MoQroe Bargain hjousej NASSIFF & JOSEPH, Proprietors. ::ii:;!;a;i!:iB!::a;:::ii!!::n;i!:;E!;;ii!::!i!:iB One Dollar Bottle of Globe Tonic for 50 cents at English Drug Company's. k M mi h i m If-? 1 o This Premium Razor, given by The Monroe Journal to subscribers who pay one year in advance, is the best value ever offered by a North Carolina newspaper. It is equal to, any razor you pay a dollar and a half for. It is manufactured by one of the best razor-making firms in the United States. We have Just re ceived a new lot and the manufact urers write us: "This razor Is forged from high grade, high carbon English steel made under our special formula for our own use. "Earh and every blade la careful ly tested and Is worked undrr hoat.8 governed by pyrometry and ther mometers so we have nn absolutely uniformity of hardiues and temper on these blades "As this razor progresses through (he factory, It is subjected to spe elal tests as it passes each depart ment, consequently when the blade la finished it leaves It in excellent Rhnpe ot give pi-rfect satisfaction." THINK OF THIS OFFKR: The Monroe Journal one yrar and this razor, all for $1.00. Send In renewal and It will be sent postage paid. THE MOXROE JOURNAL.

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