) WHAT A PERFECT PEACH ot a. suit or overcoat you can boy here for surprisingly lee money than you can hare one of equal quality made for. Swell In appearance, distinc tive in style, exquisite In fit and finish, this apparel of ours has to be seen and compared to be properly appreciated. AH Hands are Eager to hae another pair of our Shoes after having tried them. They look so smart, fit so snugly yet comfortably and wear so well, that they be como the favorite footwear of all who try them. Our show ing Includes all the latest mod- m me cnoicest learners, we can '4 fit your feet und your purse i tun If vein l'Ivb us the chance. V TV V3' ..f WAI.KOVKK SIlOKS 1 Oil i"'V v.KX AM) WO.MKX. A Choice Line of Table Much, pleasing patterns. The l!est of (iiiikhams, Ked Seal, Uiilily for 10c. KI(Kiint Silk llus', all colors, sH'cially suited fur lleditlay trade. Full Line KAllO Corsets at $1.0(1 to ,;t.IO. And rciiiciiilK'r imr (Grocery Department which sells uocl thing at the lowest possible prices. AXYTIIIX(J YOU WANT FOK WEARIXti OK LIVIXU CAX 15K FOUND IX THIS UIG (iKXFHAh Sit) UK. :-: Grow Bros, casn store. We selected and registered thi3 trade-mark and it ap pears on the bags of all our fertilizers. It is your guar antee of 100 quality and protection against inferior fertilizers. Prosperous far mers all over the South are satisfied with results obtained from our fertilizers. Ask our agent. Thii Giant Lizard a land animal, weighing 25 to 30 tons, lived in South Carolina during the forma tion of our phosphate bedi. I look ron this k ON THE BAG I PLANTERS FERTILIZER" PHOSPHATE CO. CHARLESTON, S.C. TRADE j regTstere d KILLED HIS WIFE AXD OTHEIW. ISiSSlfr Lanterns For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Strong and Durable Conditions. Give steady, bright light Easy to light . Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington. D. C Richmond. Va. Norfolk. Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. C Charleston. W.Va Charleston, S. C Insane lltim of trf-crgi Went Wiiil and Emlaitgrrtd Many. Atlanta. Ga.. Jan. 1. Claude Jor dan, aged 43 years, a member of one of the most prominent families of Columbia county, this afternoon k:lled himself after having shot and probabbly killed a negro, shot a white man through the neck, killed Ins wife and terrorized the entire town of Grovetown, 14 miles from here, nearly five hours, by threat ening to kill any one who came near enouRh. Jordan has twice been In a sani tarium for insanity and. it appears that his mental balance gave way this morning about 10 o'clock as a result ef UU having shot a negro. Major Green, last niKht. It is generally believed that Green waa killed bu: his bedy has not yet hen found. ThU morning Jordan, who t a ro'h.r of the school comailsslcni r of C-.lumbla county, began noting iiue: riy about 10 o'clock. Neighbors noticed that he was drUH-ng up ana down his front ynrd wi'h hU if?. carriinc a shotgun over his sh'.ul- der. J. K. Healj, an mumai mem. who was supposd to have a 9troiisi influence ever Jordan, stopped, en isled the crazed man in conversa tion, giv htm a chew cf tobacco, .'nd started to walk away. When u had praceded only a few s'eps Jordan fired on him, part of a lead (.f buckshot tnking efrect in the back of the nook. Jon'a.n then coolly made his wife go in'o th:' hpr.se with him and In a Mien 'i shots and screams wore hoard. it was kii'iwn that two little chil dren were in the house with Jordan fn.1 his wife, and when, later, Jor ii again appeared in front of his lictue. it was b'li.'ve.d he had Kill ed wife nail both of thy chil li re n. BAl.KKD TIIK CKOWH. A crowd fre;m ths town formed and attempted to g-.-t Jordan, who thrs?atriifd the first who came wlih tn gunshot distance. Finally, when ha went within do'.rs, a number of people, armed with rifles, drew near fticugh to fire o.i th house ami st;od guard while Julian J. Z.iok arv crawled UD and discovered the fact that the two llttla ciilidren were alive. He enticed th-j little gir by.wt'ca it and 10, to hi in in the back yard, and Induced her to call the the smaller child out. The moment the children were out of the- way the crowd began firing into the housa and when no reply came the housi was ru.siiou in 3:UJ thU afternoon. Jordan was found lying in one of the rooms with one side of his Head literally shot away by a load of buckshot from his own gun, which lay bc-siih' h!.m. Mrs. Jordan's nude body, with a we.uml I'.i the stomach, was found hidden b-twe.,n two mattresses in one of the bed rooms. PaKelasd News. Pageland Journal. Mr. John Deese, died at his home in lower Anson coun'y Saturday morning under unusual conditions, and an inquest was held ovr the! body Sunday by Coroner Gretn of. Anson county. It sitms that Mr. Deese had been drinking, ant', while going along the road about a mile from his home on Friday af'-ernoon h? drt.ppcd in the road and was c:r rWl home la an. unconscious condi tion and put to ed. There he re maiued until his death early the next morning, and he never regained cmsciousniss. The inquest was be gun Saturday, but It was decldtd that the county pliysU ian should ex- j amine the body, and thi hearing wai pctpentd until Sunday. The phy-j sician aft;-r a careful exaniinatlan I wld he found no sisns of violence and that n? did not beli.ve he had b.-en struck on the head as had been reported. Mr. Deese was well known In this sH-t:en and was a sun of Mr. Amos IHnse. A wife and two chil dren survie. Mr. James Snipes and .Miss KIKn Jordan, both of L'tiV'S Creek town ship were married at the residence nf Mr W I. Thomas, the officiating ....... .. magistrate, Sunday rfteinoon. Mr. Snipes is a prosperous young farmer. and the bride is a daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. George J'.rdan. Many friends wish them well. I'eter Jolinscn was killed l:i Che- raw on Christmas day by ur.athcr negro, Joe Gadson. Doth negroes came from Moneks Conur in the lower part of t'ae Sta'e, ni:d thtre had been some trouble between them before. Gadson was drunk and he walked on of his house near the Seaboard tracks and find upon Johnson :ls ho and aaoJi. r n.-.tro cTinp around a box car, the bullet striking Johnson in the neck. An inquest wn.s held over the dead body Frld.-'.y 1: v Coroner Atkinson. Gad- si. n ii in jail await. ng the next term of court. Mr. J. M. A rant had a big nice wu'eniiehm for Christmas. It was a melon lie raised, and it had been lying in a dry room since it was pulled, lie says it was just as fine (it Christmas day as it would have bent the d:iy it was pull' d. Now, A llUKgins uf the -Marsliville Home speak. Mr. D. E. Clark will move hi stock of goods from Kuby to I'age- l:ina thii week ard will occupy the old I'nion Drug Co. building on Me- Gr;gor street, which Mr. Clark re ivnt-ly purehastd. Mr. Clark Is a goi.d citizen and he will receive a heart v welcome to l'ngelaud. Ills fanillv will occupy Mr. T. A. Kund-.r bark's house la Hkj westtrn pan of town. Man Who Once- lived II. re Mur-jTln hutwl Itui.l (1iur.li: What It ik-red His Wife. Charlotte Chronicle, Thursday. Crazed bv the effects of alcohol. James L Bolejack. a Co-year-cdd ' Mu-t Stand Kit. 1. The Church ircj stand for gocd farmirg. 2. The Church must privlde, and white man. at 1 1:30 o'clock this " ?ry of en should control, organ- morning, killed his wife. The mur-re:ail.n in the whole coui dr took place at the home cf the J ''umi . c.uDle.. SIC Xorh Brevard s:r.eL " fi:t ihurch through its niein- and followed bet n mad Kipn-s- n .... iiiii i'mir ihnii f t'ie . Lusc!idutU,n cf the rural fired at the unfortunate woman. One'8,'lloos. d an attempt which had tfr wt a" influence in favor of by Bolejack to kill his imprrvtm nt of s.hojls, especially bullet fro.m Jhe .38 calibre revolvtr struck Its victim Just above the eye. A second took effect In the h-art. and death was instantaneous. 4. Ths Church should teach, as a spiritual and moral imperative, the il ( tine i n which the true or ganization of country life shall be The ( hurch should follow the verk of the evang list wi'h the aad ir'iuiip nil i i iisWeiiyie .News in the Waximw Sct-tioii. Waxhaw Knlcrpi ise. Miss Xar.nic l.re Walkup .f Mag' dalene Hospital at Ch'sier spent Christ inns night here with her pa rants, Mr. und Mrs. John L. Walkup There whs a reunion of the Walk- up family at Mrs. KUeit Wulkup's mar Tirzah Friday. There were present forty-six of the family con- li H'tion ur.d they spent quite an en joyable day together. Mr. S. J. Osborne who has been for seviral years at hr,ckhart, Ala. r; turned home lust Wednesday, ile will be nl hiMiie here next year with his mother, Mrs. .Martha Osborne. Itov. and Mrs. It. L. Walkup of Hrcokhnvtn, .Miss., visited rcl itiv.s liuv the past week. Rev. Mr. Walk- up pre:'.e!ird two splendid s:rinoiis in the Presbyterian church here Sunday. Mr. I.eamUr P. Gordon uTd at iiis home here at Mr. W. Monroe B'ythe's Thursday afternoon after an Illness of maniiy months. For sev eral yens he has suffered with pl lepsy and klndrid disease s, but until this summer was able to be about town. Late In the summer, how ever, he became worse and has since born confined, to his bed. For govern weeks past he has not known his friends when they called on li'tn. Mr. Gordo. n was about t!4 years old. The fun?ral wns conducted Saturday afternoon by Rev. W. F. Sanford and the burial w:is at Pleasant Grov church that afternon. Miss Connie Snrius, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Starnes, and Mr. Ike Brady, son of Mr. and Mri. K. Brady, were married Sun day afternoon ut the Mcthcdist par s'.nn.ge at Prospect by Rev. J. V. Postelle. This marrlnge while not unexpected was somewhat unexpect ed right now. Mrs. Brady Is a very attractive young woman and has many friends hero where she lived with her parents until they moved to tho farm about a year ago. Mr. Brady is a successful farmer. They will make thnir home In ths Walk ersvllle neighborhood. Muiiinge f Mr. Parks ami Miss Itowcy. Charlotte News. An event .f more than usual in If rot occurred, In II inks Presbyte rian Congregation when on the l.ust right cf the Old Year at the resi dence of Mr. George W. llowey, his daughter, Miss Gei.rgia, was marrti'd to Mr. Charles K. Parks. The home was beautifully decorated with ivy holly and rosts. (iursts were present from Pleas ant Valley, Waxhaw, Monroe, Con cord and Charlotte. The ceremony was p- rformed by Rev. Win. K. Mcll wain, pastor of Banks church. Tho bridal couple came Imme dlately to Charlotte and left on an early morning train for Jacksonville St. Augustine and other points in Florida. They expect to be at home to their many friends in the eaily days of the New Year. 'l'ir Fiiist Bites anil Cltaiiiud Skin 1 V-.r fr.i !it,pn ears, fiiiuers and tois; chapped hands and liis. cull hlalns, cold, sores, rvd und rough skirp. tli ri Is nothing t : equal Bui kirn's Arnica Salve. Slops the pain at once and heals quickly. In every home there should he a box handy all the time. li st remedy for all skin dismis s, Itching eczeiiia, tetter, piles, etc. All drugg's's or by mall. II. V.. Bucklcn A; Co. Philadelphia or SI. Louis. $ RUBBER 'oulVOOFINQ BirKiiynrenaiiiij notatrMiunor miucain. v Thciim rxitiiumolil through iobbcni. drumA mera and ret:ulrrfl tndcr well known lartnry bnod at on-third mn. V.c sell diroct to user. You piy bjl ore 1111:111 prniit over loclory cot. SP0TI ES RlirSSR ROOriNO. 10S M- fwt rell. llb Nilli ud (must, tuirantecd SaUsfMlnr. 1-Flr.WrlRhlSJ Poancb, Itctl Itr. J-Hly, Tel;M S ro-j-ti. Bell $1 CI -Pljr. Wi;KI Ji I'taids, Uoll $134 Sliijnod quii-V frt-n n:;'hTnrnl;litlc Iri-ilit. Fn-e 8.up!isr.a.i NcwC-.tslct qaotint in nry pv:n?. fi-'-M en a.0 1 Arti tcs (or Homo, Kickl and Bhon. KvivyBoutht'inFarmorn.-pdi thii book. TII2 SPOTLESS COMPANY 'T!i aj'.'i Mill Order Haunt" r..r. -f-z m n r r- b h w Va. J ' Curat Old Sores, Cthsf Ramcdits Won't Curr. The womt eaten, no matter of how tor tandin are cured tr tlie wonderful, old reliable t porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relirvt Fala aod Hcala at the aamt time. 25c, 50c, III .New Vi.ik. Kvery forty seconds nn emigrant arrrlvps Kvcry three niimites t-onie one is arrrsU d. Kvery six minutes a child Is born. Kvcry seven niinutfs there Is a fail' nil. Kvery thirteen infinites a pair get married. Kvery forty-two minutes a new bu-.!;iess firm starts up. Kverv feirtv-elttht liiinutes a build ing catches fire. Kvery forty-eight minutes n ship leaves the harbor. Kvery forty-two minutes a build ing is erected. Kvery forty-two seconds a passen ger traf'i nrrrlvrs from sollU uliit out side the city limits. Kverv tMie and threc-mrir'er lioure some oe Is killed by accident. Kvery seven hours some one falls In business. Kvery eight hours an nt tempt to kill sc. ms one Is made. Kffii'iitfry. "Well, did he pay you?" nsked the wife of a Washington deMitist who had been to collect a bill for a set of falso tenth that he had madj fe-r a man almost a year be fore. "Pay, me?" growled, the dentl. t, "Net only did he refuse to pay inc. but h actually had the cfrrontery to gnash my own teeth at me." Pathfinder. An (rpM Huiiity nl l.t. The busybody was circulating n ptitien call'ng upon the powers Hint be to ab-jliah scniething or ot he r. "Ii will be presented nt the next meeting," he said, "rend a copy of it will br printed In all th pipers." Tho struggling young authtr mad has'e to sign. "What's it all about?" asket' a frlrnd. "Oh t don't know." ald the struggling young author; "but I couldn't resist the temptation to see my name signed to something that will appear in print." Judge. Holejack msi'e no effort to escipe! !ui!t. Farmers arc geirK to be or- and was f..und by local officers who ganiz?::; ttier icre, uie ciiure n ougui wtre summoned to the sccr.e by to b the teuher 'f the plul jieiphy n-ighbors. The body of his va-tem or organized otiwry i i . was found in lite kitchen e.f the home, where Ilolejack had followed hr with bis revolver, lie had pre-. ark of the pastor. vieuiy fired one shot at Hill, who' 6. R-liiious id'tcatien is of pr kneckid his a.ailant drnvn with a found and far-revichlng importance chair. Iliil ani his wife, and Wil-'amoin: country peopl . (if this the liani Yotng. a friend, were e ve-wit-, Sunday schtM.I is the nucleus und nefs of th- killing, which is one the tradition, but the tda-atioa ef of ih? niot heinous in the criminal the young in r.liuion is more im i.istcry of the city. jportant, and sh uld be hotter d ne When searched a' h".idiUtrtori. than education cf tile young la tin six bottles of lemon extract, a pn p- ' re pettine e f a living. ar.it ion containing f0 percent alco-' ". The prosperity f the country hoi, were found In the pockets of is a great core in te the country Ilolejack. who as in a dajted con- church. This Interes. cannot be ditinn. So complete was his men- exhausted by the teacmng ci cnun a !:.litv'i.nt l.v tli ali-ohol. that h"' finance. The Church must teach. aopareiitly die! not realize the part; the community farm rinance. .. i. i... i . ..I i t thi,'iiiiiru inniiirtiiiit lil;it tli: f. Willi II lit- ii.lll Jim i-'io.nt i.i ...v . , a li'vie-ous killing. income be devoted to the Lord than pi;priaoflel ly a Chronicle re- that th niinis er's !ncome bv :u!e rorter a few mcm.nts after h'.s ii- quite to the minister. .Ministers and crcratii n, Ilolejack seiiningly had church people, three fore, in the m no remembrance of Hie killing, ai.d Merest of the kingdom of Cod. should was in a cj.uatose condition. In! study ctmditlons if c-untry life, reply to a que-rv about the affair.) esp; dally those about tthich farm he siid that he" had been arr.st-djirs care mos' and would pray most for being drunk and. diss:, rdeily. a ferv ntly. if tiny we re taugh'- stiil I. lent seemingly maile to tli". n line ly, t ne econuiuie ami .u liesl ol HIS euiisj-cr.izeu leiii-i" 111';-.!; :e. It Is th farm-rs Keleiie-k was until r.'Cntly in Hie employ of the l.uliln Furniture Co., iu'ing In ths capacity or c-ty sii"s man for the local e .ne rn. During the 'wo years which he had b;eii in the service of the company, of fieiiils of th firm stated this morn ing that he had rendered consci entious, si nice. It was some '. we.'Ks lu forj Chris'nias that Hoi -j. ck embarked, upon a spr-e which caus d his dl-mb-sal from the eni pley i.f t'.ie furniture concern, and culminated in tli horrlbl-' killing of this morning. Those familiar 'iih ttie n:,st his'erv ef the man who to il, iv sn rill hiesslv te)ok the life of his wile. sttit that he had bte:i a tot u abstniiu r fe r the p; st four vears. previous to tlint time Having drunk In avilv. (Seme vears nt-'O this man lived In Monroe and ran a fipa'.r shop In the old store In use of A. H. Crowe-11 ci Son. lie in irri-d her? and his wif 's bt-ily was br .tight lure fjr burial. 1 t,r. sts bv which the crnimunry lives or el'ies; en wh:-.!i the sel!'-re-spe-i and indi pi ndence of the couti irv family are depp. r.deni. U-V. Warren h. Wilscii, I'h.Ii. HUSBAND'S Hi lli.ys We I .li.e'. PIti'.ade iuhia 'public hedgi r. The boy who n 'ver makes fun cf old age. no matter how doscreplt or unfortunate or evil it may be, (joii s hand rests lovingly on the aged hevtd. Cheating is contemptible anywhere anil at any age. His play should H'roiiKtheti. net weaken, his charac ter. . , , The bov who never calls nnyocdy had names, n; matter what anybody calls him. Tha bov who is never cruel. The boy who never lies. Kven white lies leave black spois on the cl'iiraeti r. The bov who never makes fun of a companion because of a misfor tune h: could not help. The boy who never hesitates sny "No" when ask d to do wrong thing. The boy who li'vor quarrels The boy who never forge'-' s Cod made him to be a joy.i:s, lug, helpful being. that Idv- CONFIRMED PROOF Hesrdonts of Mi mine Canned Di.uht What Has ISieii Twice Proved. In gra'i: tick' for reliefs from ac'.i' S and pains of bad bucks - from dis tress! :ig kidney i!H thousands have publicly recommended Doan's Kiil ne'y Pills. Ilesielents ef Monroe, who so testified years ago, now si the results w?'re permamnt. This testinif.nv doublv proves the worth ot Doan's Kidney Pills to Monroe kidney sutierors. Mrs. Lester Privet t, Jlonrtie, .. C.. savs: "1 h::d become alarmed about if..v poor condition. I did not s!e:p well and often got up in the mornirg feeling all Ur.d out. There was a constant, ei.nll pain in the small of my back that made me f ed miserable ami 1 was also an noved by illay spells and heartaches. Finally, 1 began using in iin s ney Pills, getting the. m ircm mo Knirliuli Mrnir Coiinianv. and til'.' re sults weve all 1 could have wished. The troubles began to le-ave one by one and before long kidney com plaint had feft my system. 1 wlling vlously gave reeommending Doan's Kidney Pills." For snle by nl! dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosier-MUburn Co., liuuaio, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. If l( Is Tliimiii g Out r l ull of Diiiiiliiilf, rsivl'iicisiiiii Sage. Most men are careless regarding t'.ie care of the hair not until it c. ms out by the crmbful elo they really take nutice'. Thtii it may be too late. v If your husband's hair is getting thin; "if he has dandruff or the scalp i'c'.ies or burns-- take immediate ac tion; do r.ot let him become a bald head. C.et from Knglish Drug Company a r.O cent, bottle cf Parisian Sage. Ru!) it well Into the scalp every n'vht. The first applle-.tion will re move dandruff. When the hair stops f illing and the new growth appears use every other night until the hair is thick mid abundant. ParNbn Sage is a d llghtful and invigorating hair tor.lc for men, women and, children. It is a scien tific preparation bused on a thorough knowledge ef what is need rd by the hair and scalp to keep them p-rfectly heal'liy and remove dnndrurf, step scalp Poll and fall ing hair. Surely try Parisian Sage. Wi iiili iful Cougli P.i ini dy. Dr. King's New Discovery Is known everywhere as a remedy which will surely stop a cough or odd. D. P. I.awson'of Kdison, Tenn., "Dr. King's New Discovery is Hie most wonderful rough, cold and throat and lung medicine 1 ever sold In my si ore. lf can't be beat. It sells witheut any H'oible at all, It needs no guaraitte " This Is true, because Dr. King's New Dis covery will relieve th" most obsti nate of c'.ughs at et, colds. Lung t Trouble quickly helped by its use. Ycu should keep a bottle i:i the house at all limes for all the mem bers of the family .Inc. and $l.o). All Drinri:ist or bv mail. H. K. Hueklen $ Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, Monroe, N. C. Office In Postofflce Building, over Union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Residence phone, 2T3-R. DR. B. C. REDFEARN, Dentin Office one dcor south of Pruner'g store. Phone 232. Monroe, N. C At Marshvllle on first and third Mondnyi of each month and Mat thews second and fourth Monday. Machine Sbop U' am now DreDared to repair fovr engine and other machinery, do rour plumbing and other work If our line. Shop near freight depot AUSTIX A CORRELL. W. J..IMMTT, Atteuney-at-Iw, Having been appointed prosecuting attorney In the Recorder's court, 1 cannot appear for the defense la criminal actions. All other legal business entrusted to me will re ceive prompt and care-ful attention. Office: Kooiiis 21 ami 22, Umn ft Trust Duilding, Telephone 88. Monroe. N. C. Dr. E. S. Green, DF.XTIST. Office Id Belk-Bundy Building, Opposite Belk's Store, Monroe, N. C. W. O. I.K.MMOM), Atttiney-ut-I.aw. Office In Law Building, old Library room, Monroe, N. C. Will practice In all State and Fed eral Courts. Will give special at tention to collect iein of claims and settlement of estates by adminis trators and executors. W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office op stairs, Fitxgerald Building, Northwest of CourtborjBe. Monroe, N. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralcia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cut3 and Burns, OM Sores. Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, csed in ternally and externally. Pike 25c.

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