Klre ia lVIk Brut. (tiarMlr Mow QW & FftmOUS RaitrO&d On last Thursday night fir In the laree stores of Belk Bros. In Charlotte did damage between $15.' Man Got His Fint Job. 000 and $11'0,0h. After a time thej Jas p Laying, who died in 1908 flame were subdueu ana since mai M th a?e o( gt.Venty.five year, time s'cck taking and readjustai-nr prcbjbly haJ tlMf longest unbroken of the stock has been taking place to determine the Use, which U co erd ilh Icsurance to the usual three fourth value. The Observer of Sunday murning published the following interview with Mr. Henry Delk: -Mr. W. 11. Belk I a philosopher as well a a good business man. Whtn asked at the Seaboard sta tion l ist night about the fir he stat ed that Hurt- was a bright side to it as well as a dark side. "1 have had hundreds of friends and even only those I knew only slightly to express thtir sympathy and interest and it is not so bad af ter all. True, there was a destruct ive blaz la our ca'ablishmcnt, and in the n-w store as well, but such troubles ar.1 to be expected in the sum-total anil aggregate cf life. I was cut in the cuutitry at a pop-corn party when informed of the fire, but it did no' worry m much. It was nrt our fault and we did all we could to abviate it and when it came thrre was inching more to do. Such misfortunes are to be expec experience in railway niauagement and operation of any man of his time, at leas any who held impor tant executive position. He began as a surveyor and ent out with the first party thitf began to survey the railroad which con nected Pittsburgh and Cincinnati with Columbus. Ohio. That was ta 149. and from that time until h retirtd. In 10. from active rail road service he was eintinously oc cupied with railroad cperratlon and management. For years l:e was sta tioned at Pittsburgh. From there he went to Chicago to accept high responsibility in the management of th? Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. When the Yanderhllts se cured control of the West shore Kail rroad Mr. leaving was calhd to New York. lk was appointed vic-prt si dent, and general manager of the West Shore, and he was the execu tive head of that company until, in UMiO, it was completely absorbed by the New York Central. Mr. Laying was also for years vice-prtsld'eiit of the Itig Four Hail ed in business as well as in other TMli Mlu.h of llig p..rsnal ex things "Mr. Belk did not appear worried perience had been in association with the development of railway In the least about the fire. He was svstems wst of Pittsburgh, across thankful that it was no wors and grateful that it came alter the hol- Ohlo to Chicago. Cini:inatl and St .outs. He was of tne company oi iday rush. He left last night for (x,u.rls Nvho maiK ,,,, of ,lt, steel Monroe to spend to-day at lus eld rails uroll!.nt ov,.r fnm l-.'nglat-.d by home."' j Edgar' Thompson when he was pre.-ldeiit of the Pennsylvania liail- Dovvn in the New 1! 'rue section road, the other night friends congregated It was at Mr. Laying's suggestion areuml .; in me to seretii'de a pair ol' that the English manufacturer- were r.ewlwveils. Some one in the house n jested to make certain changvs took a shoi at the s -lenad-rs with in the manufacture of the rails a rilie ai.d i'.i ball pass d t hrotuh . which would enable the trai l; l iver-! the collar of on.' of them. X-edles-l more conveniently to handb these to ; v lie s reiittding was at ;:'iMuavvy iirrtiiles. c:,l ; it is sale to sav that the I Mr. Laying w is also the inventor s r :.-.ileis "burnt the v.ir.l." lot' the apparatus universally used by the linemen employed by rail rroads by which they were enabled to cut out telegraph lines anywhere on the line and reunite them by very simple contrivance after the wires had been used to convey nies- ! sages from the field to the home office. I asked Mr. Laying one day what he regarded as the most esntial :part of his early equipment for I hi association with the railroads. "I will tell you a little story to! i illustrate that." lie said. "You may J n vt know hjw speedily th? telegraph! lines were constructed all over the; ccutrry after Pr f. Morss) made hU fiirst demon st rat ten at BilH- ' more and Washington cf the com m.rrclal practicability of this sys U This rapid development brought lirg tdegraph service Uito Pitts burgh. 1 think 1 ra safe Li sayins t!i!'t tho tt It grai n on? of the eai. f factors at that tlm In the development of the railway system) west f 11 tburgtt and also of the; womb rfully suif: growth .f Pitts-j burgh its If. i "l mention this merely by way of intrcde.c'U n. I had mastered sur viving and .some if thi technical featuris cf railroad cons-ruction. ; a:-.! 1 thoimht that was sufi'icieiii to i give me an opening In one of the! railroad offices in Pittsburgh. FortifUd by my d'plonin and certt't'i l-'ters of recommendation I called upon the manager and applied for a plae. He asked me nil about in v self and when 1 had finUhcd tell ing htm he said: ' You are shy of o:ie absolutely ess-ntlal qualil'ica ti. n for a riHvvay manager. You don't know how to telegraph.' " 'It never cccurr.d to nie that it was in-eessary to learn that.' 1 replied. " -Well, it must occur to you now. for 1 have tohl jou so. Yell go to work and learn to work the key. Win n you have mastered it you come to sie me. 1 will give you a test. The ti I will tell what I will do with you.' "1 did go to work ,md 1 mister ed this key in about six months. 1 mean to say that I really mastered! it. Then 1 called upon the gener-J al manager again and he tested me' with the Instrument at a table near k f .. a.w i tti.AM t. .i .... - ' he said: I will give you a job.'t and In that way my railroad ra-' rcr b-.'gan. "How sound that advice was you can best realize when 1 te-11 you that In my entire fifty years of railroad ' management there never was a time, except when I was away from heme, when 1 did not have a tele graph apparratus on a tabla stand Ins next tu my bed. I used to dread to hear the call at night because I was always apprehensive that it was preliminary to an announcement that there had ben an accident some where on the line. Yet that dread announcenunt was made only two or threj times to me at nlt-ht after 1 had gc.ne to bed." Th? new twia-screw t Jrpedo baat destroyer Parker, the largtst cf Its class and called the "Destrcyer of Ih atrcyi rs," hns been formally turn m1 c.vtr to the government by the builders at the Philadelphia nivy yard. -The Parker is oji? cf the few oil burning drstrcytrs in the nay and with i s t:ins lo;-led to their capacity cf SOO tt.ns kt capable of 7, oni) mi'es :it cruising speed or S'JO miles at Its high, st velccity. John A. Oitingor, charged with' killing his wife, formerly Miss May Donalilsjn. has been arrestid l:i Mor ristewn, Tenn. Mrs. OHingr was foitv.J o:i th stre-et hi Ashevillo Chr? ttnas night seriously wounded and died Satun'ay. She nr.d Ottin er. b ;h deaf unites, were married in Ni v.e.ii on the -Oth cf Xovcmh r. Cakes, hoi biscui!, hot breads, end other pastry, are dully ncccssKfeo In the American taniily. Royal Cak ing Powder will ir.alic litem rcorc digestible, wholcsonie, cprc!iz!rc. I No AiutaNo LLso Pkcspbnt; While hunting near Stanley, Gas tan county, Wednesday, Mr. V. C. M.ivvd. editor and prcpricti r of the C'iarlete News. vis sprinkled wi:h slut but list seriously Injured. Gun i-i the hands of a bystander accl d.ntaily discharged. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 cr 0 doses 060 v;iil break any cs?e cf Chills & Fever, Colds & LiCiripp?; 'l icts on the liver b:t!cr th::n O.lcr.c! rr.iljc'ocs net itrha or s:c".:cn. Price 23c. '. u Holder, 9 years old. living ne-r LrxiiiK'on, he'd a dynamite cap In his left hand while a playmate struck a match and held it at the 'Ud f the cap to see what would happen. The Haider boy lost a finger and his hand Is badly mangled. A stranger pediUIn? spectacles, giving the name of W. M. Sullivan of koanoke. Ya.. was killed near Ox 'ord Tuesday night by Sam Tyler, a :n-;rc. Tyler, who surrendered to the officers, claimed that when he ret.ched hrme he found that Sulli van had forcd his way in'o his house and had built a fire In the kitchen, and. that when he ordered hire, away Sullivan approached him in a menacing maimer. The neuro is in Jail. A good receipt book for 10 cents at The Journal office. x x x M x M x x X x x N x x x x x x Ital x x M X m X x x x Pel i X OF SAVE $8.00. As a special inducement during our demonstration weik only, with evtry Majestic ltange sold tpr;c?s always the same) we will give free cue handsome set of ware as Illus trated here. Kvery pl -ce of this ware is the best cf i s kind. Not n piece that is not needed, In every kitchen. It ciniHt possibly be bought for l'ss than $8.in. This ware is on exhi bition at 'iur store. DON'T FAIL TO SKK IT. JANUARY 9th to 24th ONE WEEK ONLY Which Shall It Be? Do you Intend to continue labor ing, burning valuable fuel and ile s i-uyin? high-priced f J"d with that eld wern-out coyk stove." Ycu KNOW that old s'ove ea's up n lot cf fuel each year. Vcu KNOW you hive trouble in Stettin ,i? it to bake just right, la fact, spoil a batch of bread every once and a while yen know it easts con siderable for yearly repairs. S op nd think and figure. Would n't It pay you to buy n gocd. range a range with a reputation TIIK (illKAT .M.VILSTIC Malcable ai.d Cliaiciml lit n ltange. Yon make no ni!s'ake in buying the GRKAT MAJKSTIC It's the range with the KKPITATION ask your neighbors. Then, too, U's made Jusi. rght nr.d (f th; right kind of material Malleable mid Charcoal Iron rivet .M togjther practictily air tight lined with pure asbes tcg parts be'ng malleuble can't break has a movabls reservoir and, an oven that doesn't warp that's hy the MAJKSTIC uses so little fuel, bakes Just right vFry day In the year (browns bread just right all over without turning), h:ats 15 gallons cf water while breakfast is cooking properly handled lasts a ltfctimo, and C33ts practlcaly nothing for repairs. Df.n't buy the range you expect to las', a lifetime "unslght unsen;" you'll be sure to be disappointed. Ccm ta our store during d?nmn s ration week. s?e the GRKAT MA JESTIC have its many exclusive features explained find out why the MAJESTIC IS 300 per cent stronger than other ranges where moat ranges are weakest. 23Sf,iifp &a&tfaf 1 8-itnjli w)j w w By yfc ON LEG5 IF DESIRED fSfL . ' .,. eflflJESTIC-rlEVEtt-BURn-COOUER- liil! j 1 j'i Ijifli E" " MEflVY-nTO3LEIZErjUtiirt5-Pnri EnrtiE'CiLEiiDER-flriD-bfliriEf I! ! : h; ! II i ifj), -m 'JlMa A iiMRSE-nEVER-BURn-wiREri' liEnvY'jTnmcEa-iRW-MfiRHLEiZEQ' isi 1 jij ; In ll.ili vf5--i, Q mppm pm-. 2-?uinii-nEVEa- lETTLEtl80Z-riLL-v:OPPE5l-TErlKCTTLE- Snl1 ! l,t5ul I1'1 fl !' ,V (Ii!,83a5 Bl'RniUIRf Q-DRIPPIflQ Pr1N5- SET OF WARE FREE! Children Souvenir Day. 150 Mffi,c FREE TI KSDAY, iNtvvcdi :t mid .1 1. M. The first 150 boys and K'rls who present to THE MAJESTIC KANUH SALESMAN at our store, between 3 and 5 p. m. TUESDAY, Jan. 20, writtm answers to the following questions,, will receive a "Canary Bird Souvenir" FUEE. 1 What rtinse is your nnthor now usirtg? - Do you know anyeno needing a new range? Who? 3 Why Is tho great MAJESTIC tho most durable range made? $1.00 Article Free! The one giving neatest and best answer to the last question may select any $1.00 article from our stcck, in- addition to the Souvenir. Don't b3 discouraged If you ore n:,t one of the 150 to get a Canary Bird Souvenir. You will get a MA JESTIC PUZZLE CARD. Something for the boys and girls. You can have worlds of fun with thtj MAJESTIC BIRD It Imitates the canary to perfection, IJ9 sure to have your answers ready to hand in at our store Tues diy afternoon, between 3 and C. Don't overlook the date. This is a special invitation to you and your friends and neighbors. SPECIAL. All during this week a sp?clal de monstrator direct from the Majestic factory will be glad to shew you "ALL ABOUT RANGES" "shew you why the MAJESTIC is the et range on earth at any price. V Come, if You intend to Buy or Not. EDUCATION lies In KNOWING THNGS KNOW why the oven of a range is heated KNOW how the water Is heated how the top Is heated WHY the MAJESTIC U:tes so 11 1 tie fuel KNOW Inw a range Is made inside and outside Thta education may arrve you In the future. DON'T OYKRLOOK a chance to KNOW THINGS shown by one who knows. Come. HEATH HARDWARE COMPAMY.