LOCAL AND rtKSOXAL, MUs Alice Crowder cf Pcachland is visi'-iug relative here. , Mr. Arthur Helms and Miss Alice Moore of Wesi Monroe were mar ried Saturday night by Esq. M. L. i'low. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chears cf Sanford are spending some time jit the home of Kwj. V. T. Chear in Luford township. Mr. W. C. Wolfe a'.trn;Ied the Grand Lodge of Mas ns ill Ualol-li Hi representative if the Monroe kdge. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Itchir'ssn have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mu. K. C. Barrett, cf Car tilage. Mr. T. I. Man. a sucewful lawyer of Concord, mm-i.i part of l.'t ee with relatives in Marsh all!" township, and enjoyed -ome i.iys bird limiting. -irs. k. r. snhieref wins-ate. who R'.is operated on iu Charlotte last 'edn-. ad.iy, is tloli.g nieely and ex pert to D- able to ccme home in iiiout ten days. Mrs. - V. C. Stack friends In Maxton: ii visiting All Odd Fellows, whether in gee s.n; Ing or otherwise, are request! to meet at the hall next Thursday nml'.t at 7:3. Grand Master M. I Miipmnn win be prist nt and !m P-rtant bu si. less will be trans.ic'ed. Mr. John Douglass, father of Mr. J. A. Douglass, was In a run-away accident last Thursday, which came very near being a serious affair, However, he escaped with a sprain ed shoulder and a few bruises about the head. A very interesting game of ha ket ball was played here last Frl. day afternoon. The game waa be tween Monroe High School and team from Charlott?. Both ski played well, but the score was 32 to 21 iu favor of the home team. Mr. M. C. OU and wife, who had been spending some time wL'h their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. II. Ilinkle left Sunday for their home In Ma con, (Ja. Their little son. William will' Btay with his grandparents for a few months. Last Tuesday the stockholders and directors of the Bank of Union mot and re-elected all the old di rectors and officers, declared a semi annual dividend of 5 per rent and aet aside $10,000 to the surplus fund, making that fund $60,000 in all. The United Associated Charities will meet Wednesday afternoon in the ladles parlor of Central Meth od ist church at 3:30. All the ladls of the town are Invited to attend The committee on empty stocking fund are especially urged to be presen. At the State Grand Lodge of Ma sons In session last week, Mr. W. B. Love of Monroe was the orator of the occasion. Those who attend ed say that his oration was fins speech and that it made a most favorable impression upon the luetir hers. At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Hank, held last Tuesday, the old board of di rectors were re-elected, and they in turn re-tJeotcd the officers. Tills bank by unanimous, vote of Its stockholders asked for membership In the Federal Reserve System, A s?mi-annutl dividend was declar?d at the close of the year 1913. and a litre sum added to the surplus fund. Mr. J. II. Beckley received a tele gram yesterday saying that his mother had died suddenly at her home in Baltimore. She had been sick seme time but her d etu h was net expected. On Saturday Mr. Berkley received a letter from his father saying that his mother was ga'ting along alright. Mr. Beckley's father Is 83 years old and his mother was 78. He left for Bnlti more li-st night to attend the fun eral. The friends of Mr.S.S.ttHiardaon will be glad to know that It will nil be necessary to ha vW hlsfoot am putated as was expected some time ago. Mr. Richardson, accompanied by his son. Mr. M. H. Richardson, and his nephew, Mr. Oscar Taylor, went to Baltimore last Thursday for an examination and possible op eration at John Hopkins Hospital. The surgeons there decided that his trouble was not cancer cf the bone as had been thought, and that while he was suffering from a 9vere di sease of the ankle Joint, it would not likely shorten his life. A brace! will be m n de to strengthen the an kle and Mr. Richardson will be home In a few days. Sarah, the little nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Rus sell, died at the hospital la Char lotte last Friday night. She was suffering with an abeess In the head and was taken to the hospital for an op?rat!on, but the trouble berime complicated with pneumonia and the little one could not Mr vlve. The remains were burled Sat urday, after funeral stvIci-s at the honu by I'r. Wtaver. Sarah was a bright r.nd Intercstlag child and h-.T death Is a rid blow to her pa rents. Ouly last May th'-y lest their little sen, and thh s-cend and ter rible affliction, coming so soon, makes the hearts if their friends go out in sympathy fcr the afflicted parents. The well-known mercantile flnn of Heath k Company, of Ma.tthc.ws, formerly Hcafti & Kc'.el. has been changed to lleih & Paxton. The firm was cstabl'slwd and operated for many years by the late Mr. K. J. Heath, who was the head of the concern The Knights of Pythias will in stall offk-trs tcnifht and all mem bers are requested to be present. Don't forget that the S'nu-s trches'ra will play tonight durirg the whole performance at the Rex. Esquire acd Mrs. C. X. Simpson re. umrd Thursday from an estend d list to their son. Dr. M. B. aimpscn. la Arkansas. Air. Theodore Watts, who w-rk (-r the Ser.buird. get hi hand s vrrely mashed yesterday while as- s.-Mig l.i raisins a car ca the vard Th injury though painful, will not -e serious. Mr. J. Z. Grren will I Rural Co-operation this week as toi lows: .t the John Love mill Frida at 1:30 p. m..; ut Unit-mil!? tU-u lay at 2:Oii p. m.. and at Pbasan Hill Saturday night at 7:uu. -Mr. T. C. Long and Mis Florcnr uMen were married Sunday at th residence of the effiriatin? in.-i-ls irate. Ksq. K. B. Purser, in Xe sale iu otwnship. Quite a number of rrii-n.ls attended the wedding of the popular young couple. .r. j. r. toenail, son or Air. John Ktziah, hi:s bought the barber shop cf .Messrs Sell & Arant. H? has had much experience in the busi ness In Atl-.ir.ta and other places. Messrs S; II & Arant w til continue In the s'tcp with him. Mr. M. L. Sh!pman of Raleigh Grand Master of the Independent ureter or Ud Fellows cf the denial of .North Carolina, will visit the Monro I-odge Thutsdey niht. an all Odd Fellows are requested to te present. Mr. J. D. Bivens has sold his pa per. tne htanly hnterprise, publUht at Albermnrle, to Mr. W. D. Lit tie of Oklahoma City. Mr. Little s a native of this countv and graduate of Wake Forest College Mr. Bivens was last year appointed postmaster at Albermarle and his brother has been editing the paper, The friends of County Commls fioner A. J. Brooks will be sorry o learn that he Is no better and 1 is feared that his condition is really- worse, his son, ur. J. C. Brooks who has been with him samatlme. was compelled to leave last week to look after some business In Chat tanooga. . However, he was tele graphed for and came back yester day. Miss Sarah Jane Richardson, who lives with her brother-in-law. Mr John Uncher of Buford township either fell, or voluntarily went down into an old well Sunday. She went up to the old home place nearby, and not coming, back, the family be anie uneasy and went to look for tier. She was found sUtwic waist deep in the water of the well rest ing on a rock with her feet braced against the opposite wall. After considerable time was taken in se curing a rcpe, a man went down Into the well and tied the rope about her bony and had her pulled out. The water was some twenty feet deep and this leads to the belief that she climbed down In the well during fit of mental disturbance. She refused to talk about the matter, "The merciful man regnrdeth his beast, or words to 4hat effect. Abou twenty-five years ago Mr. J. B. Nash bought a colt from Mr. Hurley urirrin. When the colt became about fourteen years old Mr. Nash traded her, and his neighbor, the late Mr, K, W. Austin, knowing what valuable animal she was, secured her, and kept her till his !eath leaving Instructlrns wi'h hli family to continue to take care of her Some time ago Air. Nash said. "Let me have old Nat-.cy and I will take care of her as Ipng as she lives ehls was done, and today old Nancy suiiMtH around in Mr. Nash's lot and occasionally hauls a light load by way of exercise, and will have a stall and plenty of feed so long as she lives. Ohce Mr. Nash made a wager with the late E. M. Griffin that Nancy could pull more than a certain mule he had.. One was to give the other a dollar a pound for every pound that one animal might pull more than the other. But be fore the test was made they began thinking that that kind of a wager mlgth run Into a good many dollars one way or the other, and both backed Cut. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK of UNION, at Monroe, in the State ot North Caro lina, at the close of business, Jan. 13. 1914. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $477,311.66 Insurance premiums, 1,421.20 Furniture and fixtures 6,177.69 Demand Loans 19,959.2) Due from banks and bankers 27.3K4.72 Cash Items 7,9(15.56 Gold coin 1,372.60 bilver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 1,826.23 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 6,428.00 Special Notices. This is the place to tell your short business story. What you have to buy or sell can be told to thousands of readers for a slight cost. IT PATS. People look to this column with eagerness to see who Is hustling. Advertisements r Inserted at the rate of ONE CENT per word each insertion. Count the words in your adv. and send cash with copy. Each figure and Initial counts a word. Xo ad. taken for less than ten ceuts. Send copy in as early as possible. Buy rang.s and cook stoves en' Shces! Shoes We r.re si'II sjII the Ltstallutent pUi'. Tharp Hard- lag s'loes cheap Collis Harge-t. Just received - Ci'rlca J barb wire. electric weld. hcg. field and poultry roe, X. f. leure. marp Hardware Co. Charlotte cctton seed iu?al just la J. B. Xash Son. For Sale Good medium sited farm mule -J. T. Junderburk. .Mon- You can buy Estridces home. tar i ground m -nl from Luther Williams,1 ll'I.M.r i Funderhiirk Co., Williams '& B.i:i:ii. V'lllM L"llll,l....llVl. k..ll. H- ...III . .... , '. a tniiiviiiuin, I UIK .. ... ..,. juii uiumy on jiuir nros., !. uten. Crow & Co W II grccer.es. Co-Operative Merear.- Hanis. Jo; IKath. Every pound U guarantied j Just r.ieivul a lot ef Galvanised roofing CjIiIus & Harge.t. Renumber the number, 377-lt. when you want Saymon s o:-p - the tlu- best on ear'li for the mor. :. I After taking stuck January first 'e find we have too many sho.-s and so we Mill s;-ll some tiieap 1 Collins v Hargett. I Lee & Lee Co. THE LEADIXQ Dry Goods Millinery, Xotions, Cludiing, Bat and Shoe Store la MONROE. XOKTU CAROLLXA. Found i'air of ladies black kid Sloves on stre-e-t Sunday nlght-Mrs. ii. W. Lemmand. Wanted -One million dcz.n -Vann Fiinderburk. egvts. Stair paint and Lewis lead. Tharp i m i ii ware icmpany. ornge naileries charged U youi X th e- Saving hanks nav Interest rirrhB? .f r.U" tUln h ,Ve U Cn '': 'P" Ask hoi we pa re-charged - L. B. Stack, Monrae. , lntert moy youd T TZ . rr''1 Our ingle credit, checks i.-I,?r) ,h n i i i T7Ve. 6 aro p'!tl tf u,,e as wh'-i'dk Bros, ai.op.ed the celebrated Ingle Sys- m , - i.1., .w ".. " .a"i..U ftnd Mu'"-oe. a Masonic ring. Lib- " reward.-M. B. Vandle, ri- 7 .r0Uru?"-rhOu"8e neHr!Mr' Ja- KIjh- ' continue -nttliis sta.es. . T. Key. wlth ,... ,. .ho ,lllainttQ .,,, ha . . . . " pun right along as before. We want hone Est ridges wood yard when to thank our friends for their liberal you need wood We sell galvanized roofing C-I lins & Hargett. For Sale A few choice buff white and red Leghorn cockerels, price i.bu eacn. T. P. Dillon. For Sale A good farm and drive horse, age 6 years, will work any- wncre. i want to sell at once be cause I am overstocked. Eliza Hough, Waxhaw, X. C. Xo. 5. Wanted Pupils for short-hand and typewriting. Mary S. Futch, 14 s. Crawford street. Sweet cucumber pickles, 20 cents per dozen. Vann Funderburk. Our wagons haul anything for regular or transient customers. Call phone 34. C. D. Mencham. Dressmaking and Sewing Coats and suits remodeled and retrlmmed. Mrs. W. K. Mahone, phone 161-H Cotton Seed We want them. Pay the highest price J. B. Nash & Son. Oak ami Pine wood for Sale. II. B. Clark, at The Savings, Loan and Trust Company, Education consists In knowing things know how a range Is made Inside and out. Call at our store during our special Majestic Range demonstration week of Jan. 19th. Heath Hardware Company. If you want roofing, galvanized or rubber, see us Collins & Hargett. Our three registered druggists are kept busy filling prescriptions, but they have time to take care of yours in the very best and most careful manner. Bring them to us and we will give them the very best attention. The Union Drug Co. For Rent Eight well furnished rooms; electric lighted; very rea so nnble price. Mrs. Sudie E. Howie Matthews. 505 N. Main street. patrenage in the past and hope mey win continue to come to see us. Charles Sell and J. B. Arant Barbers. Something for nothing Is worth wnne $8.00 worth of ware for nothing Is worth your time to inves tigate. See our big ad. in this pa per. Heatn Hardware Company. Elba meal we have a car Nash & Son. -J. B. Our fountain is running right along just like summer time. This Ii the DODular Dlace in town tn hnv your drinks. Meet your friends here. The Unlen Drug Company. If you want to save money on lour flour see us. We bought be fore the advance Collins & Har gett. We wish all cur friends and cus tomers a happy and prosperous new year. We appreciated your trade during 1913 and will also ap preciate continuance cf it In 1914 union Drug company. A. M. Secrest. Manager. Try my corn trustier. It will grLnd corn, and cob and make good feed. 11. S. Estridge, on Benton Hill. Have J. E. your diamond. Preslur to remount Find 204 Beasley street or phone 328 John McCall's Reliable Press- ng Club for best dry cleaning. 5c-New Laces--5c Special values in The "H" Torchon Laces. A new perfect re production of hand made laces. So strong that it will outwear any garment on which it is put. Benutiful medium and wide patterns only '. 5c the yard, Real all pure Linen Torchon Laces, neat and dainty patterns, 5c. Round Thread Val Lace Especially suitable for underwear broad, attactiive styles, 5c. Valencines Lace Many 10c values, big: assortment, your choice 5c. Long' Cloth. 12Jc Values, 12-yard piece, special 1.25 (For cash only..) New Dress Goods. "42 inch Wool Poplins, assorted colors $1.00 Flowered Crepes, the newest fabric 50c. 36 inch Broched Wool Good3 50c. New Ginghams, all colors lOc. 12c Renfrows yarn dyed Ginghams, special 10c. 32 inch Palmers yarn dyed Ginghams, special 12 Jc. Special values in Bleached Domestic 10c. Londals Mills Cambric i2'c. The Latest Word in Ladies' Skirts. t Shepherd Check Peg Skirts, Satin Ruffle Top... $5. 00 and $7.00 Other styles in Plaid Skirts $3 50 up. LEE & LEE GOMPflNy, ' TUB LEADING Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, aothinjc. Hat and Shoe Store is MO N HOE, NORTH CAROLINA. You women who want a model that emphasizes Jithe- S3 ness, the keynote of the new fashions, and yet need a medi- 1 urn bust corset, should see the s We are still selling "O. K." flour to Iwat the band Collins & liar gett. New lot of Elgin watches, 16 size. 7 jewel nickel, at $5.60 at Budge's Try a package of Ur. Legear's stock powel.er, a guarantee with ev ery package. Co-operative Mercan tile Company. I am running a public dray and can do all kinds of hauling at any time. Call's left at Howie's store, next to Gloucester hotel, will be an swered promptly. J. L. Overcash. Come clean you know John Mc- Call. For the best cleaning and pressing phone 328 Reliable Press ing Club. What it lakes to fill your orders for fancy groceries, we have . Vann Funderburk. Lynchburg plows. Tharp Hard are Company. First class guaranteed watch re- pairing. A. W. McCall. Our cus'omers tell us that our line of toilet articles Is the best in -v.n, and we believe it. We work to keep It that way. Everything that the ladies need can be found here, and of a superior quality. The I nlon Drug Company. Total $548,786.76 LIABILITIES: Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 00,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, taxes paid. 649.68 Dividends unpaid 2.678.0O Time certificates of deposit, 192,460.23 Deposits subject to check... 24l.:iT5.W Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,4.'!2.6'J Certified checks 210.31 Total $348,786 76 State nf North Carolina, I'nlon Co. I, W. C. Stack, cash! r of the above named bank, do selemnly direct in e swear that the above statement is hia true to the best of my knowledge death a year ago the business! has ." Deiier. w. l. MACK., Casnier A few pure bred White Orping ton cockerels for sale L. H. Med lin. City. Dr. II. Smith, eye - sight special ist, can be f.iund regularly at his of f ee, Monroe N. C, from this date Tor several weeks. If your eyes give you trouble call and see him. The latest In everything optical. $8.00 worth of ware will be given away free with every Majestic range sold at our demonstration, Jan. 19 one week only..--Heath Hardware Company. We are crowded with orders for chickens and are anxious to buy all we can get. Bring them right along to us and get the highest cash price. W. It. Outen & Co. Fine watch and jewelry repair Ing a specialty. J. E. Preslar. -Something New The wet wash plan, at 2 cents a pound straight Give us a trial and see"how you like it along with your shirts, col lars and cuffs. Call us up or ask the driver about it Monroe Steam Laundry. Weather hardened cabbage plants for sale. Early Jersey Wakefield. L. H. Medlin, City. Wanted You to see us before you ell your chickens and eggs. Co operative Mercantile Co. Dr. H. Smith, eye-sight special ist, can be found regularly at his office .Monroe, N. C, from this d,ate J. C. C. Eurekcx. It gives perfect poise and proportion to the woman of 1 average figure without discomfort and interference. The i long lines of the front, hip and back give the fashionable ap- 1 pearance so much desired -one of our corset sections best I values at $1.50. ' Our line of other corsets sensibly priced $1.00 to $6.00, 1 full of the newest models vonr atvlp nf fiem-a hna 1 1 responding models and easy fitting size. 1 ou 11 Hn it here. w iMoQroe Bargain rjouse, I NASSIFF & JOSEPH, Proprietors. fc3 One Dollar Bottle of Globe Tonic for 50 cents at English Drug Company's. We are now In shape to handle all the chickens and eggs we can get, and give you better prices. W. R. Outen Co. opposite F. D. Ash- crat t store. All bicycle and automobile parts tad accessaries ready to supply your needs. Our place is famous for good and quick service. Henderson Oarage Co. For Sale or Swop One 0 h. n. boiler and engine. W. L. Hemby, Matthews, N. C. Uoute No. 18. Just ree-elved a shipment of In- for several weeks'. If your eyes give dlan ,Rlve" oranges. They are fine, you trouble call and see him. latest In everything optical. The Mako your hens" lay by feeding them Ir. Legear's poultry powder. tvittsractlon guaranteed or money refunded. Co-opirative Mercantile icmpany. I.rst C( Id chain nml Masonic em hlein with whistle Leave r.t Jour nal office. try them. All kinds of nice can dy and fruits. Apples from 5 cents a dozen tip. See us before buying. W. U. Outen Co. been verv ablv conducted by his son, Mr. Henry Heath, who has displayed the same keen business ability shown by his father. Mr. John Paxton, a well known and promising young business man of Matthews, will be associated, with Mr. Heath Ln the firm. Correct Attest A. M. Stack. E. C. Winchester, T. C. Collins. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this. 17 day of Jan., 1914. M. L. FLOW, Notary Public. Bring us your Jewelry and watch es for repair. Nothing but the best material uned. W. J. Rudge Co. Have the serviceable old buggy and wagon made over to look like new. Our skilled workmen can do wonders with them. Henderson Garage Co. Pleas call at any time for h-ck work. Phone .68. Henry Lilly. Wat Ashcraft, Veterinarian Day rails, 113, night calls 113. Hospital Not In nil the South can von find! on Hayno street, northeast of court a better equipped Rhop for the re-huse. Monroe. N. C. pafr of automobiles, bicycles, guns,1 . pistols, wagons and buggies. The! A good receipt book for 10 cents Henderson Garage Co. , ,at The Journal office. THE LOCAL ALIRKETS. COTTON. Best long staple 14,60 Hit short -tape 13,25 Seed 40 PRODUCE. The figures given here are prices paid by merchants today. They may be different tomorrow or next day. Readers are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on the dav they expect to come to market and get figures for that day. iTllI'Lova ... J . . . ,.i.Umi .. i i- io is !ens 35 to 40 oung Chickens 15 to 25 Roosters 25 Guineas 20 to 25 J" 25 Butter 12 4 to 20 D'inis 15 to 20 Reeawax 18 to 20 What It takes to deliver your Cure for Toothache- One quarter gnceri s at once, we have got it. f a pint of best atcchol. one half Vann Funderburk. ounce of chloroform, one naif ounce of arnica, one quarter ounce oil of Sps the red ribbon stalk cutter, doves; mix ami apply with a ploce Tharp Hdw. & Mfg. Co. 01 absorbent cotton; rub also on. the gums and upon the face agaln.?t the tooth. A sure cure for toothache. H. A. Winchester. Will make you feed out of your com cobs and corn. Try KstrWge's com crusher. j Don't fall to qee J. E. Preslar for, A full stock of fountain pens watch and iey repairing, Waterman and Conkltn The W. J.' ,,., -,,., ... . . " Rurlea Ca Victor Talking Machines and rec- Kuage L0, ords at Rudge'a. Why He Ve.t. He was a hard-looking ruffian, but counsel. In a voice husky wl.th emotion, addressed the Jury. "UentlcmeMi." said he, -my clint was driven by wan of food to take the small sum of money. All he wanted was sufficient money to buy food for his little ones. Kvldence of this lies In the fact that he did n't take a poekptbook, containing fifty dollars In bills, that was lying in the room." The counsel paus?l for a moment, and the silence was interrupted by a sob of the prisoner. "Why do you weep?" asked the Judge. "Because," replied the prisoner, " didn't see the pocketbook."