-J he Monroe journal VOL. 20. No. 6. MONROE, N. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1914. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. ' IliL lTll ilk' MU J. II. UK1VKK. - OUVKII TK,,.S MHS OF TH.M.S. There tag Confedearie wUl- Her nusoaiia, jmi" I.KAT1I OK MKS. II. HAMILTON Ellen Broom. IkjtinH Willi Hie Sim.w and Hie Farm Lcyd ijroCni. Joined Wyatfs com- i . - - - , lit.. .1.. I..i.m..m null SUf'l ii'inv ortprtt-ariH ccuiDJnv J. 'ot" llll lilt!. IW IK'.'. - , . ,i.. ii,..u Kuiln:iid. I N. C. Volunteers, umy one --" annin t .n " - i Cciiimcnds lYrside-iit 1 ot a one legged or one armed L..J!er In It. Win. Chapman, com- sih N. C. inny fmi n 01 company E. 48th X. C Minor Short, pom nan v F. 4Mb N. I . are an 1 . . . .U. awn Mii and the " Coiifidiiaite S.il diers. Correspondence of The Journal. Dictl Suddenly I.-4 Tuesday ;f Apoplexy Hail lUtn IVifeetly Well llefurc Ufe ;f l"nuuul Sxicetiies ami I'm-fuliics IWnutiful Tiibute by Mr. Itriilun. Itt inaiiiH Hurled in Monti e. Perhaps the whole coun'y has htrA rre hU cf the sudden .death of Mrs. O. C. Hamilton last Tues day. I'nionvUle. Messrs. Charles E. Ham ilton of Jacksonville, Oscar K. Ham ilton of Wilmington, Spinks Ham IKcn of Charlotte, and Earnest Hamilton, who Is a student at the University. In 188S Prof, and Mrs- Hamilton came to th's couaty and establish ed th.'lr school at Union vllle. With the exeeptkn cf a short tlm- :ent in Mecklenburg eaunty that place has slnee been their Home and here their treat work was wrought to- mey pissm i u . 0 1 . 1 I... . i I ........ m in iiinr ii riu i; The number or people , , , ,IllaKslnB f.ilih ,,io i.v the event i --.. .: . i.,.-.i ivh -7 As I am anow- 0.-i.iira in sanilv uttine wno bound. I will drou you a tew iwes drawing pens'ens. woxnaw u n.no Keen niaue u )', - ,,,. Steklns to gratify personal am , - - ,t .. . . . f ........ .11.. nrira ru1llA I lit 11ICI " " " ..... i from the western siciicn oi l mu four co,nieiiraie soiiuers. v 's "" , i i inurhrd In bl!l( n. Dut character Dunning, in county. Dunns me una -auuyi Donald. 3a i... u. . pi " T the guidlns thr boys and gins wna c une the farmers la rea utnu pu'- x. c.. S. M. hecrcsi, :";" i'1 - t0 tnem and direclins :ntir uvvs v.. '- lives OI si' mi" . lf fi,ta nf r'r her living alUI lio- Was It a suc??s-t ures or asure. so that we have to measure such. the farmers la red utmi pir. i c.. S. M. secrest, iu .n.., mosi some good licks with Oliver chill- c. Steele, company B.. 26 N. C .. lives ed and Vulcan plows. The soil was T g'-stare, company V. 48 N. t-. M in gotd tilth iu.d our farmers are Grn Austin. c mpany U- ? N. I. o clu rs. nanimcn (lira uuum oik morning two Al eleven o'clcci th. J V,. - J figu , '"Ll"4l.S ti,,tliUfrVof gold to measure in pnmi Kiiuiit tur uuk wm ""-v i iiiin i i i u uivuuii . i Wooilrow Wilson fciiocKea ine uiu Marvin has one iwiruti.i. 3lr.- n.m "r.,r- suce&rful. Indeed. cry of overproduction of th3 fleecy dl?P your humble scribe. P to every one oi ner stalldard by to stanle and no money higher than a v 2na N. c. Junior Reserves. The. morning, as if sme In.ultlon b.ia J kit Lmle Sm went to the banks. o!d a;)ldiors called them Jeff Davis bs.en BeB hcr of the comlnjc ter- ODcnca ins pocKet uwu, uu new issue. "" , " It rt here is the iuon -. Bie them what durlnjt the Dulgreen ra Kl. ihej ,he pos- office o mll hfUt of it Is worth. .Mr. WUrea. Ukc our savP(, Kinston i.nd Tarboro. I.U-U th.se lett ;rs mie f chat ta o. nu. ',h i. on the side of the un- washinttcn. Bellfield and the IV- lne way with neighbors pnd ruin d"r dee t-rsburc and Weldon r.ilroad In hI1R to her own Heme m an m- dor.,.1C.K- o ,.u ..l.-k nn his Wof. S OLtVKit. Lntlv nerfcot health. The str. k .h...r. BoIeViolU h-s can,; dually and .when the pajn TO SHIKK. hand, stepped across the Isthmus of UunsiiEKY. MVIWVM AM AIISOX. was f,,t in the back of the n:ini!i and niaile a big oner u the canal, and the French took mm I sti ire Kfwr at up. Now we have the ti'h wonuer .... .. . (( Awrnj ot the world lnsu-au oi mo I I 0 nllluo lftllF t he 1' inama canai is , . ..,,. f n;ri,prs ' . . .. . i inn ... liva lr Pr"stnn I.verlV Ot li.iuiis and the sue wu- - - ; . -- n, - d ,ast Tues- but it H througn i no .a. m .. , r"ut Th, , fnllowins stcry is rrjJ Sy S K;. tlaaHc.t,e Observer: rock. J iu-.t ine oiiur - ti. mr-i nrcbable explanation c Sam wanted a tuousuiu ,-, fm,H in the Sll3 lUnbeis' Junclbii that she was going to die. as one Kjir. rf hnr nro'neis nuu u-i, "k- Dl:xy. iniiuuemte The United Uiarities .sMHintnn Wns Fonmil to Make the Work More Diivct. Kfficlmt, and Ki sKinsive to Xicds. Xt to Kjoiisp Any One I'mni Iksinjc His Duty Siiid ill Your Heli. The United Charities Association formed for the purpose, not attention was nniy 0 putting the charity vcrk of head ; marked that she belWcd given hor and she complained cf the town on a mere substantial and no pain other than a coldness of effective basis, but In order to tho bedy and just awhile b.fore makc ilt eas'er for the peoplt' to road through Alaska. the contract - . ...,... i. . ,. ' .. , l ..!. a. uho rnw anil wttiseu auuu-. coniriDUTffl ineir melius m .n the roiin a lUtlo. way that they would bo used to the The funeral was delayed for the bost advantage where needed, wfh ..-i...,i , t ih. rhildren and took .lU-rlmlnatlnn ajid effrctivtne' s. la- sbr., ii , , f .. T SmitH- ... , ri.-,nia Thur?dav morn- fortnn.itelv some of our good people IO llllUK Ull WHC" , ...... . l I" -"-c .. .... L n-Sa . ...i.i Tnboi.i.v,!'. on-.. i:iar n c. i mi-ii!s u i tha (v hrviisT rnurcn. i"c sm opened his purse an am r : r-- ,;p robbers. Bur- " ;., . " ' . V r; ; , ,t ,V R?v. M. ; frmPd it rpl!eved them what you want. ".,. i.rrton l.verly In ' ' , .,, ll ia'r i-nd Rev. n. i,iiwatt,vn tn .In their duty. It alih Uncle S.im s purse f, v " 1 ' i i ' , ,f, killed .V .rTui, U. mnde " ,,r , 7 nf direct one hur-divd nmuon uum ... ' "r.V-. mi fled with ,r' i,;m;; nf the de- Jul J t the ax-lation pi e.il?. i o. .ih Mr Wilson in Ills m miration D(lU-y. HU'eracy siiould a small n at debar an immigrant. Johnson and miimmt of money taken . ,, i- nemton Is an old n i. ne.i where needed. A great " -- - l tv nhtu. iv. . I - v . , President from the cash drawer. student r.f Prof. Hamiltcn s and is mnny people who have not juineu Col. William Doctor burns, a pronnnf , one of the hunircs max tno associaucn nor wmnuu. .v u- L J,0: ,,nde cnsH marks cian of Upland, who walked - Mr8. Hamilton .and whose ap- thing to Its work seem to think -iroelr Buuuref A petty maid- from th.,t place, two miles Ula ant friendship were h e- ,hBt they have nothing to do except S to marry poor aft, r mlng the li.h! cf he t-ro f owk.K to the fact that the f3 8Md t0 u thoB In need of help i,dv wen- back em him on account i:wt night and who was tlrst to n wa, (lePply covored with Srnle think that they have done rr Sh Siu hJ Ae repented of discover the body, twtlfkd that , , wu:iln8 wcre to be thp,r whcJo duty en thry . h r ,'rt when he took the presldwi- blod In profusion had Issued fro , d , ,he Wtmr00 cemetery. l; ..Why go to the Charity Aesocla- iZ hnlr H Pril 18". Tarlton of wrunds In the skull, one of then duicel to hnva two sets of ttollf tUry help yen." ami corn- r Lh an. v at a dinner In Brtmlnxly made by a pUsjol bul ot bearprfl ono , i nionvllle and p!etcly forpPttlng that the Assrcla- tho Hnuisn aiui), ui . . . .'., ii. r.r nrles tu ot Union- j.. ,nnAV .nnt-l')iitLons ii nr.... v P threw the faot Ot lOI. I an J Bii!iiifi, tJ""'" " - Dn at .u on roe. : uuii irerai "'J Halifax. N. e.nrew i.n. i,,,n-,tnir r,nt from a "Y im.,, v I S'ic.reU. L.. .i., it n.nn.t hotn a.nvboi v. nnnr the. IMISC. WIVH'n npiri , . 1! ni8. u-,wh1,iL'trii, i teracy into me oi teet.li of ssme ladles who were evom- paint Dr. Whitley. I. A. One of the to "have 'been made with a blow f nl Uvilh'ford, C. 1. Benton, and Msx- B'..nec t tie skuu Ma liraverv. . .. .i . .. Tnrl- an ivn laelkMi potmen to " 7a , - of lCKe who .mov in at iiau ui'eu ni"c ""uii w.o ..- Now, the Association wants the heln r.t cverv one able no ncip. Hinder Price, tiicbo in aioarw- Tnere ere nunureus ui cu -u Mes rs. R. W. l.emmonu. i.. peeplo in town wno nac Itn.l i. v:;7 Vol Washington a' ed U from the heap ct asnes. u. j , c slkf.B u. cas.t. ci,ned. They want every en? .u. " the cowpena and mUd, imposeitlo to offer It to the jury J ,nd nr. H. d. Stewart. to wd join now, while the bad If tbr'a WashRtonaft make his a, evllence. but the physician and m?mUpr of rei,iVes friends weffh- maklns the nc-ed so nv,?k Tirlton flew "n?o rase and o?her wltaes testified to he came wkh the re- Rrcat. The ladies of the ssociation hu woV but one of hi elrciinisttuic.i and the Mood un- m9 t0 Monr0e, arriving here over t0 The Jcurnnl that they have inlrr oltMcers told him to put It consumed by the fire could still be da(j road ahouMhree ,ePn able tc supply demands so far fcn,0'.0,.l...e"i. ? ,iinin hb she a?, where the body had lain. ,,,,. .nd proceeding directly to but mU9t ,,ave more contributions h?d Town nit the proof. CKUTA1XL.Y LYKIILY. ,he Vmnetery. When the remains at TllPy wm receive money. Noan Weblter-s old blue back Th9 hciy wa8 charred beyond all had been laid, away the grave w as plothl g0ds. groceries wood or KnniU look tcld me when a boy '"H u that ot a large man. eivercd with a profuskn of th? ftny ,hi.ng else that can be tis.d. "hnt ve are sorry wln a good man VlS, Ud, although moat beautiful flowers y J All who will help may nhre . U., 1 was Vrry when 1 heard of ltl,f ,1 t,,tlcn wna of course thnn being cnt by friends frrm enry Laney Mrs. . 0,cnr Blah. Mrs. tL fewws HfFa MISSIS 53Hfrf Em a RS: murder in the nm f d Lyerly'. Pf "discourage- , , ,01,d of fire wood. aiiany Mint Happy Occasion Wlirn Mr. After Many Wuks .r SiekntM the and Mr. A. M. t n.uell tVl.l.rate Kn.l Vm.' Saturday iKbt Tho Their Kin Mh AmtiveiMirj. "ly arriiil to Khk-tj. V.. Kr One of the most enjoyable socil! Inleiinnt iteautiful Tribute to functions that the people tf Mcnroe HeP Mfiinny. have wltn'sxed for a ler.jt time was j)ps jeIlnit, Weaver. ife of Rev. tint of the golden wedding of Mr. Ur j weaver, paster of Central and Mrs. A. M. Crowell, on the even jet,odlst church, died at sleven ing of February l5th. o'clock Saturday night. Her ill- For days d"ft hands were bu n.s extended over many w.- ks. preparing the Crowell heme for durjns which time she had beoa the glad oeeisicn. I'udFr the direc- trejlttd in a hospital in Riclimond. tion cf Mr. J. H. B-vkl-ty. ilonrwV por davs before the end it was noted florist and decorater, this knowtl t'nat ht-r death vs only a stalely old hon e was transformed ,,uestU of hours. Hie rnuias Into a scene of tasty elegance and were lo Knu ry. Va.. for in- exnuisite beauty. With (b-ligh'ful I,.rmeu.ti which took place sme artistic skill the color scheme gold (ijue yesterday. The boely was ac and green was carried cut in ml- company by Dr. Wear and bis nutest detail. n. They left, here o:i the 8:13 Receiving In the front hall w re lrain Sunday inorning. going by way Mr. nnl Mrs. T. P. DHlcn. Mrs. . of uos,jc. ..t the special reiuet I). Sikes, and Mrs. Edward Crew. o( he edi!or The Journal the Coming in f rc m the wintry blast pim! following beautiful tribute to the fast falling snow, the gusls were lmlnorv 0r rs, -Weaver wrs prepar- unmrittaT !y served wnu ut,i puin u ed i,v Mrs. J. Frank Knney: tiv MUsis Beatrice Dillon and Lena M" ...Mvc, u.n. i,,..... i,. .i,.fir- l.nderson. nr.d then were ushmU wr fa,hpri ato the parlor. Daniel Durkt tt, Is now living at the 1 the receiving line In tae ; pur- suth. IS51. She or were tatli-r ami nr.:u r i -'-, ,,..nni,v ......rird u; Dr. Weaver ell. Mr. and .Mrs. W. C. (rrwMi oi - . - ' . ..... !in. wl-h IMefcrd, Mr. atd Mr,. T. U trow- p.' Weaver, pres- 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S-iKts oi " . ., , ,,.,. Mcnroe. toother wbh the t wo ha;,,!- t o, . . . , -- o sne graiHtscr.s. A. e r, wtll, j . ind A. II. Crowell. four icveiy hi- .. .. .:.... .,. c nt ti, mst tie grand-daughters. ".'Hpniniinent and, influential women on and Lcu'.e Irowell Sikes H at e ....,. N,.,h .-urolltia Con- ri-e and Caroline Crowell. ar.J uev. havlng bem for years pre and Mrs. . J. Roger. . ,.!,, i,n- ,.mintr to Monrcr. s-l- A nc'itiirlv In'e! lTStliff li:t ei -.. " ..." , ,i, tu. P3raa,l h.stcry was here delicVely 7k V, tQ rem. and woven in'o te prosram. J u. acUve ym yiars tigo Mr. (roell. a ou.ig Uo WCrker in the cause, of m'.s- m furlough frrm the army Mmy en- Xcr'hern Virginia. pl-,ghteil h wrr!d.w)de touch troth to young Beatrice -ee In .hoy human II e" with such far- wrdlcck and again went icrui o , , vHrn, with such pi wer to s'and wl'h his brave cMnrades in re an d effect ive- ac.-cnsr cf h's loved Scutuiann. ; j anv hun anitarUn moven.cn.t. on this nfleth 7n,7.",.J,h,S who ciuld h-or a cry f human dl u:ilted jouniey. henorfd, ,u.s.fui mln our ,,hr farthest wvi and happy, they Btcrd urder en bHi lYhYM of such woman will over whfc-H burg th3 worn, s'aii- 'hn y r in .., worl.l ed and t.iHored flag of the 4th rrs- . V;,' cf n est .f us will llm,U ,f N-- - XVJl "rd r" h''bn loi.g tone and foramen, errd the s'itrs and stripe. . r.d r- educated in the b.vd schools calved the happy grrstin,s nrd lov- o"e was e Jn ln.1 ca'tgratulater.s of many fri-nds 'f,, ta of her time; but all lad r'lt;iveti. , omi0wiivjnts mid training fP-ted From ihe parler Mrs J II. Be'.K- n r e h(?r ley and Ml. Kv.lyn Vofe .Vrec'cd her not for 'ut.truslve th guests initc me uhimk '' 'nd ,.ffit.:,.n.t s.-rvic. She found which most ??. ,re pba,u,e in providing a home slvely expre sid the golden Idf pi of "Wiinderlnx Jew" th? e.c:-ad,xn. A beautiful bee eo - l to nd In all th haunts of ertaK cvotlald the golde n oa k table Xt'biTfe. Hut P w.-a not In In the center cf which W'as a j.oltl- friccg of missionary o hu en ped'l urmcuntrd by n g I o be ee cf " : br nn4 conftlntas coutitlesi go .1 f , b"P'st It was In her on home life. In turn were surrrurePd l m y busband. .n rrd grand narcissi and hya.nl ,a lie re the hb,rs Bm, f,lpiuls ,h:it gii'Hts v-cre rccelctl by Mr. am, Airs ,l0!eiit!;il for good. J. M. Fairley. Sr.. and AKs.iamis i. . krd ln nU B. Laney and .Minnie woite. uoni en . h(.r 11;,ble chris- n.i.n warn Kprveil nv ., ... I IT .1 Hi 11. AI tuftc - . Misses Beatrice Fairley anel .eiue Uney. . . , From the dim ins room Jiii:ir. C. N. Simpson, jr., ami nenry e ru led the guests to the rear na i wnt-. breaking of Mrs. JiUl--.ll unn.n ., w.rm the registry. Messrs. C. X. Simpson nci nenrj Crow tiK.t the nuists llpre ducted tium io uie - - . , . , rccm. where they were ,mu ; ' ; ' , . : d ,nem both feel for bereaved. hiKbaiHi ami today a tender sympamy wii.c.i wn. tia"ii husband, tender, pure and true. Linked as few pccpie in tins " have been Joined, tlnse two nouie. useful and helptul people nave u- ed a life fo dote, to nn. so u- Iv-P the Dreasing oi m tks between them by the him u h.mi nf iieath. leaves the cue whom time has left wiUi a tender and pe culiar claim upon the icve nunureus " one. Ana ,i of nn iruna ,.hP - -ht hPr out-how you kill one anu, iee . loaded, while , - rr. V will never know r......iv C.iiiinencrnient oath nor uttered a vu.gar .u t , condition, wmi ""l'1" Vie-id whose counsel and ' n 8"0f the county will be the Confederate army. oflt for the past year ana a,. u- ner a. - nrdav. March 14th. Tca?y Ar:I Vfed. of any mexnent patd ,"7. Varied him with fresh aTonK wh the Indus-rial men: to me . "" POSSIBLE MUincs. .." :; ,i, uav An.d many ,v onH nnnrstlc science work wYfe orex-Oo"vernor Holden s jou m I T ZT Jlor one in be inscribed cn '" far as Is known " " nlVh. advice and help- r .,tt will It Is taught In I.UI .vr.,. - lltr llu w..- - "..-. .l-U. I n ,rrnt i ... . v. .. . nennn n Mil I ii i .......i i wnv wp iiiluiil rar v e. One coioreu had had one of make an aXi? hanaie.anu hart heen trying recipes she and nie ot n-r eraey is being ereueu. .i-mAt eo to Indicate a I r"LT- i.i. from his own ml- " ,ha likB. us make the at- In December passible motive for the killing other cr mIft akt8 nowise sought tempt t0 d0 thngB Bon this line 64 I entered General Hospital No. than robbery. So fa 88 wVdF. Raleteh, N. C.. on crutch" "Vli, m flr,d February 18o i was pi. hush, " i almost no cme- .ula,0 ,nat in8p!red him to cor- a formai way. we mlgh brought out b3fore t mistakes of the pai .an(1 deal of valuable time. . .. ,.. tnrv that, a negro sec- . , i Hii things. .,.i,D- .,1,1 ma she ha ..Ma One nioir..ng a Kv .-1 ene " - . i.h nie iu w - :, : .;.' i flnd a' lady and a colored er- tlon hand, whom ne naa P';"1, The last letter, written on me i." her boys to i anneared I at the doer wPh has- for false pretense made threats at , t0 her youngest on and that 8 ha lPP.heir arms The lady asked the trial of what he would do later ftft the news o f cooklngi ed a man vant keu on their arms, ine way ne ;"--.-' - k, the '""u"' ""V.. XIaV. "rfiln. him 1,- have a credit mo to show her me men . ujd an r 7-be sure and nvhihii of the general school iwiivr-vri . wises n-n-w, i . v. i .. .-. vomi nrtu i iir- v r i uw i,nlnff SHV 11 IB lliajv., - ...t. nnffen ll'Ofl I'll II II fl 111.111? I Mrslnmes Nerus C. English"1? and Henry Fairley. Here, all were shown the many and elegant prcs- et.,' by Mrs. Albert Miller, kihi .ves- ai-o i n .innnunn nntl it. nw.J'. During the entire r?ccption de I' .htf.ii 'niHsle. br.'h vocal and ln- crn...rntnl wna rendered by Misw Annio cnn'r.ders. Mrs. K. S. Green, MFs?rs. Frank. Henry and Archie Fairley, and Ueo. Lee. nn,trv Those who had cc?asl-n A very large numoer n . nijslit and early s ct tne ! .. .innht felt that I1JIV I 'v..n...j nun ii'.'p P"'. ... .... ..!J limn Ihov serve to draw th?ni closer toge.nvr in .the binds ef christian ioe. ,Our sainted "mo ner lived Ion-; and she lived ncmy, anu she sleeps in perpetual prtce. The- Coldist Oav Which? whir-h was the coldest day we have had during the lit? unpleas- hrave.fl Mm terror snow storm of the night .it, t Hiii so. nn r KoV" Wirr. irS F ZlXW I'M t. r9rber those a.TeYothicrM:r;h865. discharged from his job wh ing that 7f " t ift to meet Gen. Schotieiu the railway. . . , , .h BcsMe all mis umi operanen, ai u, . Klnctr? MaJST 12th and Gen. Prestcn Lycrly, though nr, of the th? achool nd ,t0 her commeacement a success. Per ur f f nBvUle March 1-th. immediate family, was a relative of A ghe arfl three sets of thfr partfculars, confr with Ual.h Sherman at u.mi.Jiisvinc . ,.Pi.. whn were brutally t llJ . ,ho nino.t of her T ;,.,T..n.a Vn m Monroe. N. C. 1KR5. There was a g hihett point owl wumi . ... tne .wj- , nearly c,11, ,rl '' D" " .. I- in- death . . mii aimn iji i ri n vioron mi. liius u'uu - . mA navo rn arrn tinu uu " Jackscn townsmp one. -. ,, '""" n in the Summer ot " '7u wh.n was 25 years ftne lUiu '""ivi.KliL JtaiD "rui . . il. i ii fr mumn " 'v " - .u- 4 win nn riiir-iii i i u Knnma t n n nini iit'r ui rt-a , i il LI . nllC ii fi iii R." N. X1SBKT, Co. Supt. U'n.hmr In 1 St. I. """ :v . . w.- v,ii Three iona k nn vnro fill lit! Ull I V Ul ..nlnnteercd wno heads Of xnee nv pv... vouniirer chllarcn ana re-ureu ......... Kfbh,aannkcCy.8 srSeem SoJfrom. their bodies . on , th. hc.r. were the three children v X, . nlrce leaving hcr rn'y on3. ?f,me nigni. nao, of l'rof. Hamilten y',H,'"i"- .:,r: asleep .3x?C2ith 1864. her oldest son GM,pl, ne.re.es chnrgw I lth lfld thfn her own children - four P ..nlfnrm. She prime were tKeil in -in i'"" , arvna nnd R X 13Ugniers. iu ' drnnea a uuieucm.v - .... - ... un- -..t wm in a?aon. i :.. .i... .u over io cave him her ast bianKei. mm mbujuuij outakl.rts was lost in Gen. Stoneman . k anKcd , a ffjlw. raid at Beuiiu. v.. . - -uU. u to not known " I M III 184 she ike the Spartan mother. by a mob. While u is not .n 2?m h-r acn pointing to hU whether Lyerly had any P"rt ,d ccme with I. when the bat- aven?lnK his V"'??! n shic.a, ccme wuu - ... furnishing a poss Wimnn and Three tnnonii - .) t.. ileum. nmta.ffton. Feb. 27. While In their country huhcr m" Haynes. a few miles north cf n,lnrtnn MaitKW liaroiu. Is, one Is leaa Q d grand80n were burn "What may not t0toond9eaStn Wednsday nljht wl ' ..A1u.al1 It rne near to know of their tragic tn think and fetl . An one gooa wuuiaii " .- ahp no rne .. u. oc rirlni? nil this sne I ibine hub " " " . o'clock Moore, nsmen. the lynchtaR " V, to ner to think that ahe ' ro hannened to pass along . . .u. nin . ".iii a. furnishing- a possiun- ., ,..i,inff etraordinary. " " : ," ji , the n ace. H la done, or on U irom ihb IS rev.ai. . - , f-lnd wa uujk ;j . n. the roaa iwu...!, f ..... 1. .hi nnt until 11 nehlivt wm Pf" thtX that ahe Verday when jean i uomiiinn wns horn at "at 11111. I.O.H.....'" - - ...A morviito Stanlv county. In I8i, and was married to Prcf. Hamilton old that the outside world learned of their aad end. Coroner John J. -.-...i ki. otiv. waa noMfleu in May.l8j8. She had been a ient nd made an, Invrstlatlon. He found i ui .honi Her maiden name wn Kirk and the sisters and broth' "s ers who survive hrr are: Messrs. V. T. Sherman. AM moUye through which some . rjvu i!1?. was tightening hi. Lf the Glllesplcs nought Le.rly; . rtf mPMnnth coll arourd the iar v, Confederate army un.atr -i.--K-. 35 jonnscn ai i'u.. " . - . . hr..i over 1 vears old. suica nn )" : Keeper oi in" " -- -is years . strars of v, ,ur t Ktnaton. fell or "s Srldge bix "and er.p belt and Sed from the bridge Into .he hi6 eT homeward ' He never lie , 5 th. bridge F ' Kirk of Oklahoma." Mrs John SJe.lTwil4" after "a'boat pas?d through, when L f Unlon vllle. Mrs, S.H Green 7r tin November 186- U?T' the accident occurred, of Monroe, ana Crn told our .egisureln - of De "V BU'cka; mAaftaffA 11 LIICIII V-' ' I r t Tlnn wa nil ftF . W Uri HO w " ... . nrl IIIXT. 111- -rn- n hi. dA- 1X1. r. M. v" . V ' . u I 1 A T T Hamilton Cl U ... . t... ttchf frrm a defective fnie . . . . . . rtnh'i 111 V hUrll- and mat ney k-- T. V" Kirk of Jacksonville. Vuhoat ever .waking from their W. F. Kirk of Washington City. mberfc He deemed an Inquest unj necessary. The three Persons be-" The e, Mrs. S. H. O'8"!" the woman were all boys. The M- ",Mln.ewere burned almost to a crlfp. nt ""' , ..f ;.mc. limo thev had their resnects to the oecnsicn anu " Pi. ,., s,,. to shake the hards of Mr. and Mrs -er " '. Crowell. both of whom are now in (b l0 T! tirZ S s?iarig .Voundl.koa wild -on. i,jkfj "' - -, -- . - , ,i Of all tli" C0K1 weainer c i.." expresskn f frlendahlp and good Of all th com will of so many friends. "a '.'J ,h9 thermomcter stood 7 .. .. ... ii i.n Wednesday was r... u Thankful fer the t omul niei u. . n9 .,,., At '( .'..'i-i.e Journal and paying for . . " . l ... ra. eurv l. in nciv.tnoe ever f " " i,i0 ,iliv. 2.' member, dripped In .Saturday. 1 'T " riinfall for the ncn'h of -Well." said he. "I P ' f J r r v i'a ! three a nl s'xty-nine d liver some cotton nere io n..j. , ',rpi,fh. in(.,ug. All h?3 althcugh I hated to leave ne i ru - frcin Hi. govern- ri.o rani ni s me. yam mt- i ' ... i.n ... .. . . .......... lll.t 11. trr "nf the HtcrV Cl me liejiiu " V. ii'iin. lillllllt IO "'"' '"" ... ... . .... Iah I ...... I . .... n.oa D.bnH ir no nHd i-iiai'r ii i iumren .ih.-im . . j I .... . . . . ... . . no A I j dDllars. 'Xo, bes.' saw me iin.. uttle Valley. l .. r n. a .., t alnt got d-? ehalnge, bur is uimn Cynthia Btifriim, cecnvntui ci niur uuct tn v for de compliment." Li in tho first d?iree fur poison H.,t Mr. Braswell net only paid hpr husband and snteticed to tu nnmn minn;. DUl ne P"u u. cvirvlr cu ed in. pru. iiiine .u. . ii advance, and. added an- u... hrr f i v sena early today unit. - - ... ,K. ,, " - , ,, u. other compliment uy " " Nana but r rancis. ase n. would be alnd to g3t two 0d anv urlef nt parting, m i uui.i u. , ho nldn't cee what there ,,. nnffnm was rtarttd en her ....1,1 h. i-ft to nut In the last one , th. ricath house r.t Auburn ofter the first had come out each AU durin3, night the pale week, faced sullen woman had been ear?- fiiv ff.inrneH In her c'U to prevent Miss Mary Andersrn, an aged wo- hpr attenipting suicide, but hor man who Hved alona In Caldwell ,roa nrrve remat;ied unbroken. Pa- i foil in the fire recently and b a riilns her counsel, will was badly burned. To extinguish ask the f0urt 0 appeals, to order .u ri.mM which had Ignited her . n.. .Bi iiuir.. .h. mn into the yard and I Tu ,ini nf Krnst Frahm. Mrs. nu. .....I, ... - - - ...., .. ----- ,. , lay down In the snow, as Buff urn's alleged accomplice m of this exposure she contracua pneu murder. wUl begin to a tew aays. monla and this, witn tne oun., , result fatally. I ..... ..TrK...ir. Cnm- HHwsrjr SSsS H-IHk Eir- we v it. tAinh. "Now. Tnomas. asnea un w - . ,.. ..Rttt . what Junction U , fl wn0 WM i-.. . Ini.. frr.ni Itself." H nc- Llre Hntitmth IleaOins. "Louie. I really cannot permit you er me !; t-: v - . 8 I.;: I': I.. for them when