Local and Personal. Hon. T. J. Jerome of Salisbury vas a visitor to the city Wednesday. Mr. T. K. Fletcher of Kershaw was in Monroe Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Heath of Waxhaw is in the city for a few days. i Miss Beuna Bailey of Marhville is the guest of Mrs. Cunningham for a few days. I Mesdamss W. F. BiddeU and C. F. Ballard of Peachland were in the city yesterday. i Pr. J. W. Lynch of Athens, Ga.. will preach in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Roscoe Phifer and Misie Ola Primer and Linn Mahone spent Tues day in Charlotte. Misses Florence Edgeworth and Burnice Shannon attended the com mencement at Waxhaw Wednesday. Kev. It. H. Kennlngton will preach at Grace Chapel next Sunday at 11 "clock. Mr. O. J. Sikes of Albermarle is spending some time here with rela tives. Arch Deacon W. H. Hardin of Sal isbury is the guest of Mr. T. P. Dil lon for the day. Mr. David Fletcher and niece, Mrs. Horton, of Westvllle, were here Wed nesday to attend the funeral of Mr. J. C. Fletcher. A. G. Allen's Big Minstrel Show . will nnnear here Anril 2Slh nresent- ed under a mammouth water-proof canvas tneatre. Mrs. John Leak and Miss Eugenia Little of Wadesboro attended the funeral over the remains of Mr. J. C Fletcher Wednesday. On account of the annual sermon at Unlonvllle, there will not be the usual preaching at Ook Grove Sun day afternoon. Little Miss Eugenia Lockhart cele brated her twelfth birthday Monday afternoon. Twenty-four of her little friends helped her to enjoy the pleas ant event. Mrs. J. Y. Jenkins of Chicago ar rived last night to spend some time with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Fletcher. Mrs. Jenkins could not reach here In tl to be present at the funeral of her father. Mrs. E. N. Wood and child arrived this week from Richmond to Join Mr. Wood, superintendent of the Monroe Ice and Fuel Company, and will make this their home. They have taken rooms at Mrs. R. T. West's. Mr. W. D. Little, editor of the Al bemarle Enterprise, and Mr. R. L. Brown of Albemarle spent some time in Monroe Thursday. Mr. Brown is a candidate for solicitor of this dis trict, and has the endorsement of the Democrats of his county. Mr. G. T. Slattery of Hamlet came to the city yesterday to take his little son, Herman, home. Herman has been with his aunt, Mrs. Earl Shute, for some time while his mother has been in the hospital in Columbia for treatment. The friends of Mrs. Slat tery will be glad to know that she is Improving. Stanly county Democrats held their convention In Albemarle Saturday iuhI nominated the following offi cers: For representative, Luther Host: for senator. .? fi KflrH- fnr sheriff, Blnlock; for register of deeds, jioyte; tor clerk, Coggin; for treasure, Furr; for commissioners, T. S. Parker, A. F. Mabry, George Dry. Some of our progressive citizens who are usually interested in such things are making an effort to secure an up-to-date baseball team for Mon roe. They will compete for the State championship for the summer. The season will last six weeks. All of the players have not been chosen, but It is certain Monroe will have a strong team. A run-awny occurred yesterday morning in front of Dr. Kedfearn's residence. The horse, belonging to Dr. J. W. Neal, was hitched to a wagon and was driven by William, the son of Dr. Neal. George Blakney, color ed, was also in the wagon. The iorse became frlghtned in front of ir. Redfearn's and ran east, running into a post in front of Mr. Charles Iceman's residence. The impact threw both of the occupants out and demolished the wagon. The negro was seriously Injured, but the little boy William escaped.. Mr. A. J. Green recived a telegram this morning from the State Hospit al at Morganton telling him of the sad death of his only son, Thomas, who had been placed In that institu tion for treatment. This ended the sad story of a life.. Thomas was born in 1892, thus at the time or his death had Just entred manhood's es tate. He was a particularly bright child until his 13th year. At that time he was in the 8th grade. At this time he suffered a nervous breakdown from which he never recovered. The best med'cal atten tion was given him at his home, until it was seen that it was best for all concerned to place him in the State Hospital, where experts could be constantly Vith him. He was taken there two years ago this com ing June. It was known for some time past that his mind and body was hopelessly Impaired. He was never violently insane, but suffered a gradual wasting away of the tissue of the brain and nerves. The end was not unexpected as the frail form was constantly weakening. Tommy Green, as he was known, was a good boy, and during his normal state was a constant attendant at Sunday school. The remains arrived here this morning at 5:40 and were carried to the home of his father at No. 503 North Main street, where the funeral will be conducted at 3:30 this after noon by Rev.Drs. Weaver and Gur-ner. O.-au l"p Pny. Thursday, April 30th. has been of ficially named by Mayor J. D. McRae as clean cp day. All citizens of Mon roe are requested to clean up light rubbUh from their premises, and place tame in ua accessible place to the btreets. The city will furnish teams and hands sufficient to do all the moving in one day. Everybody will be exepected to have everything In readiness for the street force to start hauling on the day named. Clean up day is a modern custom that has been adopted by all progres sive cities. Tin cans and rubbish heaps are execellent breeding places for mosquitoes, flies and other germ carriers. I'rotect yourself, your children and your fellow citizens by doing your part. All About WlniiJto. Correspondence of The Journrl. I Mr. John Roberson has lost a valu ble horse on last Sunday. The ani mal died rather suddenly from some cause unknown to the owner. The , horse is said to have been worth something like two hundred end fifty dollars, which means quite a serious loss. Mr. Uobcrson has the sympa- I thy cf his neighbors in his misfor tune. ! Rev. J. W. Williams, pastor of the I Methodist church here, filled his reg ular monthly appointment last Sab bath evening. Brother Williams Is highly esteemed and his services are well attended by our people. Esq. H. A. Redfearn has been con fined to his room for some days from the effects of deep seated cold con tracted some weeks ago. His friends hope for him a speedy recovery. April 1914 is nearly a duplicate for the same month in 1907. The records of your correspondent show that in that year not a cotton bed was made in this community till about the 22nd of April. There is one dif ference, however in that year the fruit was all killed, while the pros pects for an abundance of fruit this year is exceedingly fine so far. Mr. W. L. Foreman, a graduate of the Wingate High School, In a con test among the members recently, won the improvement medal awarded by the Euzelian Society of Wake Forest College. Hurrah for the Win gate School! They are prize win ners,' these Wingate school boys are. The friends of Mr. Henry Sherrin will be glad to learn that his condi tion Is fast improving. He is able to stir out a little at this writing. Mr. Boyce Sherrin, his grandson, is still watching over him and looking after his lntrests. Uncle Bob is well on his way toward his three score and ten mile post, yet he follows the fur row like a youngster. As a rule, the men of his day and generation are much stouter and can endure more hardship than the younger genera tion. Mr. G. M. Stewart, our genial and highly esteemed townsman, has been confined to his room for some days, but his health is improving some now. All Wingate wishes for him a speedy and complete recovery of bis normal health. Everybody come to the commence ment! The good things awaiting you will fully reimburse you for the time so pleasantly and profitably spent. Miss Fannie rounds, a maiden la dy who lived with her brother, Mr. G. W. Pounds, died Wednesday af ternoon. Miss Fannie's death re sulted from a severe attack of pneu monia following a case of measles. She was about 73 years old and was highly respected and loved by all who knew her. She had been a con sistent member of the Fatilks Bap tist church from her youth. She is survived by three brothers and one sister. The brothers are George, Benjamin and John Pounds, the sis ter is Mrs. Emaline Tadlock. The re mains will be laid to rest In the cem etery at Faulks church this afternoon and the funeral will be conducted by Kev. E. C. Snider, the pastor. Mrs. O. P. T. is the possessor of n rather extraordinary hen Old Spot This hen has been a faithful con tributor to the egg basket for at least eight years, has reared at least one, and frequently two, broods each year. She raised one family of ducks of which she seemed quite proud. She is now brooding over a dozen I. R. duck eggs with delightful anticipa tion. Old Spot is not one of the 'hlghferluten' educated hens that "sits," but Just a plain old-fashioned, five-toed, hen that "SETS." We are expecting a multitute of people out to hear Kev. Bruce Benton Sunday. Doubtless there Is a rich and rare treat in store for his hear ers. We are also expecting something fine from Mr. McRae on Monday evening. O. P. TIMIST. Men Like Sweet Things in spite of their denials. The proof He3 In the number of male customers for our candy who have never been known to give any away. We despise their stinginess, but admire their taste. So will you if you taste some of the candy It is simply delicious. Nice line Fruits always on hand. N. D. SALEEBY Phone 129, ... . MONROE, N. C. Special Notices. It rttst just n crnt word to t-tl lite pevple of the w hoWl count v it hat ju have to sell or want to buy. Count the wotIm ami st-ntl the cash with tlm order. Pure honey in the comb. Griffin t Bivens. Call me for Monroe Creamery but ter and buttermilk. Yann Funder-burk. Wanted Spring chickens. See me b 4 you sell. Claude Bruner. Rubber Goods Every piece Is guaranteed at The Union Drug Co. Just In A fresh lot of asparagus tips. Yann Funderburk. For Sal Good Jersev milk row E.R.Starnes, Mineral Spring No. 1. For Sale Good two-horse wagon. Uosser Wolfe, phone 236-K. New goods arriving daily Yann Funderburk. Fresh pound and raisin cake.- Griffin & Bivens. For Sale A fine young fresh Jer sey cow. W. V. Tucker, route 9, tel ephone Helmsville, No. 2. If you want right watch repairing see J. E. Preslar. For first-class watch and clock re pairing see McCall. Three cans good corn 25c. Claude Bruner. Yalencla and Naval oranges and other fruits all the time. Griffin & Bivens. Wanted Some large spring chick ens. Yann Funderburk. Dr. H. Smith, eye sight specialist, can be found at his office, Monroe, N. C, all this week, till Saturday, the 25th April. Will be absent several weeks after this date. If you have troubles with your eyes, call and see him. A. G. Allen's Big Minstrel Show A show that was Just as it was ad vertised and pleased everybody. Post, Houston, Tex. KInghan's reliable hams. Best cured, 20c per pound, every week. Claude Bruner. See our new line of medicated and bath soaps. We are sure to please you. The Union Drug Co. You get high grade groceries and prompt service at Griffin & Bivens. Call me for a good country ham. Yann Funderburk. Lost An automobile hood, be tween M. K. Lee's residence and Lee's mill. A suitable reward for return to J. L. Everett. For Sale Good oat straw and meadow hay, baled. Sam D. Helnu, at Shiloh. For Sale On reasonable terms and nt less than half Its value, a com plete brick manufacturing layout, all machinery in excellent condition. Heath Hardware Co., Monroe N. C. Don't full to soft .1. V.. Presiliir fnr fine watch repairing, engraving and stone cutting. Buy your coffees and teas from us all the leading brands. Griffin & Bivens. Twenty-five pounds fine granulated sugar for $1.10 Helms & Huntley. Wanted To sell you your grocer ies and produce; telephone 58; prices right. Polk Bos. Porch swings and rockers at H. E. Copple's. Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Charlotte will be in Monroe, at The Gloucester, on Saturday, April 25th. The doctor limits his practice to the eye, ear, nose and throat troubles and flitting glasses. For Rent A nice, convenient, up- to-date cottage near Graded School. H. D. Stewart. Good tobacco at 20 cents a pound Helms & Huntley. Call 58 for fresh vegetables, buns, loaves, butter, eggs, and all kinds country produce. Polk Bros. Don't forget that god old Melrose flour at Tlyler-Funderburk & Co. For Sale Good two-horse wagon. Rosser Wolfe, phone 236-R. For Sale Two mules, six years. T. J. Price, Monroe. For Sale Half acre lot on Ben ton heights. W. J. Rudge Co. We are constantly Improving our King Patent Self-Rising Flour. Ask your grocer. Henderson Roller Mills. "Best by test," is Henderson's King Fatent Self-Rising Flour. On A II a hafriA aril mi ij-v duce. T. C. Lee & Co. For first-class plumbing see Aus tin & Correll. Wanted Two good men to work at photograph business. Apply at Haynes btudio, Monroe. Wanted By 15th of May good. sturdy boy or man with some expe rience in fancy groceries and general mercantile business. A rood oppor tunity to the right person. Address, Mercantile, care Journal. Do you buy Tip Top bnad? You should try it. Griffin i Bivens. See me for fancy groceries. Yann Funderturk. Buy your flower seeds from Griftin k Bivens. Wanted Spring chickens. See me b 4 you sell. Claude Bruner. Our toilet goods are the best we caa buy. Let us show you. The Union Drug Company. Our record of the past a guarantee of the future. A. G. Allen's Big Miustrvi Show. McCall euarantees his watch snd clock repairing. Don't fail to see him. For Sale One good pressing ma chineCarolina Pressing Club, Mon roe, X. C. P. O. Box 431. Three cans good corn 23c. Claude Bruner. Fresh barrel sour pickles and sweet pickles. Griffin & Bivens. For Kent Six room house on Stewart street. Cal 314 R. Money Found April 4th, sum of money. Apply to J. S. Broom, Min eral Spring, R. F. D. 1. A. G. Allen's Big Minstrel Show Those who have seen It are its big gest boosters April 28. 10 and 20c. H. E. Copple's for high grade and cheap porch screens. Wanted Salesman to sell monu ments and cemeterv work. Salary or commission. Our prices are the best in the country. Apply Charlotte Marble & Granite Works, Charlotte, X. C. Let us figure on you Job of plumb- lne. If the nrloe Is not rlpht w will not expect to do the work. Austin & Correll. Guano Distributor Buv the Av ery. Co-Operative Mercantllo Co. Bloodhounds. I keep four blood hounds to be used when needed. These dogs run perfectly and have never lost a trail in a trial race, from two to seven miles. Persons needing them should call immediately after a crime has been committed. Phone 22 Rural, Monroe. George S. En-score. The Union Drug Company has one of the best prescription departments In the State,, Three capable regis tered druggists are employed. Their prices are right and they appreciate your trade. Let them fill your next prescription. Phone 221. Dr. H. Smith, eye-sight specialist, can be found at his office all this week till Saturday, April 25. Will be absent several weeks after that date. Let us show you the New Victor Talking machines. The W. J. Rudge Co. Call Carolina Pressing Club for first class cleaning and pressing clothes pressed while you wait. F. M. Yan dle & Son, Pproprietors. Phone 165. Our wagons haul anything for regular or transcient customers. Call phone 34. C. D. Meacham. Bring U8 your Jewelry and watch es for repair. Nothing but the best material used. W. J. Rudge Co. A full stock of fountain pens Waterman and Conklln The W. J. Rudge Co. Find 204 Beasley street or phone 328 John McCall'a Reliable Press ing Club for best dry cleaning. Hring us your chickens, eggs, butter,, hams, potatoes, etc., and get the best prices. T. C. Lee & Co. Everybody likes it. What? King Patent Self-Rising Flour. Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. Til .-w.l or.-, W V. tiv ..., t.n..A a ft - cl.ass blacksmith at our shop who win ao your wora rigni ana ai a fair price. Try him. T. C. Lee & Co. Those double-spooler, self-threading sewing machines at H. E. Cop ple's are wonderful In mechanism and price. Vnr Sale flnv nld sin trio rrnnh - J " O-w irtittA lni.hr.rn rHlrba alar, ad era trT hatching 11.50 for 15. C. P. Polk. Matthews, n. v.. Route 28. What kind of a fountain pen do you use? Is It a Waterman? See the line at Rudge's. Let us mount your diamond. The W. J. Rudge Co. My large young jack, "Black Jum bo," has proven himself to be a suc cessful breeder, and will make the season at my farm in Buford town ship. S. A. Lathan. The Stewart lack can be found at E. Purnay Stewart's farm, 2 miles North of Wingate. Buy your cough syrups, cold tab- lots, croup and pneumonia salves from The Union Drug Co. They have the best. Phone 221. W'a am aflll Ka Piltir.ar1 Inftnae- tors and do all of their repair work. i ne vv. j. uuage uo. Wat Aahcrnft. Veterinarian DaT calls. 113, night calls 113. Hospital on Hayne street, northeast of court house, Monroe. N. C. If you don't sleep, you need a good laugh. See A. O. Allen's Minstrels and get the laugh, after that the sleep will come natural. April 28th. We want to buy all kinds of coun try produce. T. C. Lee ft Co. LET US SHOW YOU Oil: MANY SMART. HANDSOME NEW STYLES IX SUPPERS. K WANT TO SHOW YOU THESE SHOES IX A WIDE VARIETY OK STYLUS AND LEATHERS. FOR WE KNOW THAT IN l.l DI D AMONG Til MM IS JUST THE STYLE THAT WILL SUIT YOU THE REST. THEY ARE AS UOMFORTABLE AS THEY ARE GOOD TO LOOK AT. LADIES' SLIPPERS ranging in price from CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS from $1.25 to $1.00. 5k- to $2.50. Have you seen the ALL WHITE BUCKSKIN PUMP for Misses at 2.50? F., S. 6 U. Shoes for Men. Oxfords of the better kinds, Quality built in, not rubbed on. in a variety of Styles and Leathers $,". m to fetf.OO. Leonard, Shaw & Dean HIGH GRADE OXFORDS FOR MEN. All Leathers in the new receding English cut balmoral style, also in high toes, blutcher and button styles, ijki.So, $4.tM, $5.00. SOME 1X)TS OF SHOES TO C LOSE 33 1-3 OFF. . THIS IS YOUH I'HAXCE TO GET HIGH CLASS GOODS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S COST. Lee & Lee Co. The Leading Dry Goods, Millinery, Notion, Clothing, Hat and Shoe Store in Monroe, North Carolina. Neckwear Novelties and Dress Accessories. Invariably the well dressed woman Is particular about the little things, the touches that tell In her dress. It may be a soft, sheer collar, a hair or nament, a shopping bag to match her costume, or any of the other trifles which are so Important to the latest fash ions. You will be delighted with the endless variety of charming ornaments and necessities In our accessory section. All new and distinctive and pleasingly MODERATE IN PRICE. Be sure to Inspect the new Neckwear. Its soft, simple lines are bewitching and be coming to almost any woman. Monroe Bargain House. NASSIFF & JOSEPH, Proprietors. P Get Ready For This Event The best and Surest way to save is take B. and L. Stock. The twelfth series of the Peoples Building and Loan Association will open Saturday, May 2nd. Anybody can carry some shares and everybody should carry some. Join in the line and help build more homes. Call at Gordon Insurance & In vestment Co. for particulars. New CHy Ordinances. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Monroe do ordain: No. That it shall be unlawful for any person to loiter upon or use as a playground any of the lots be longing to the City of Monroe or to Interfere in any way with the prop erty of the City of Monroe on any of Its lots. Any person violating this ordinance shall pay a fine of fifty dollars. No. It shall be unlawful for any person to place on the public square on which is situated the courthouse In the City of Monroe, any personal property for exhibition, or for sale, or to place any article thereon which will in any way Injure or damage the grass, walks or gutters. Any person violating this ordinance shall pay a fine of ten dollars. J. D. McRAE, Mayor. G. S. LEE, Jr., Clerk. 1.700 house. I am going to sell anil if How does that sound for a 5-room cottage and building lot adjoining in one of the best sections of the city and a 3 minutes walk from the court that figure does not sound good to you tell me what does. The property is on one of the best residence streets in the city and ha a 124 sewerage frontage. C. F. C ADIEU.