ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi dal for the office of Sheriff of Union count, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. N. PRICE. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. V. GRIFFITH. For Cotton Webber. I announce myself a candidate for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. J. C. WINCHESTER. For Cotton Weigher. I am a candidate for re-election to the position of cotton weigher for Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. CHAS. II. BARD EN. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. Your vote will be appreciated. JESSE J. LOCKHART. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the Democratic pri mary. HARTLEY HELMS. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myseUa candidate for the office of cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. JOHN W. BROOM. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher of Monroe, subject to the rules governing the Democratic party. JAS. F. McMANUS. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby anounce myself a candi date for Cotton Weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. HENRY M. PRESSON. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. O. WATT DAVIS. For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. R. W. LEMMOND. For Clerk of the Conrt. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Court of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. C. E. HOUSTON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. R. B. CUTHBERTSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby annuonce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JERRE C. LANEY. For County Commissioner. I am a candidate to succeed myself as county commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. R. A. HUDSON. For Connty Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-elctlon to the office of county commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. H. T. BAUCOM. For Connty Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic primary. G. W. SMITH. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. J. E. THOMAS. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner, subject to the Democratic pri mary. L. R. HELMS. For Representative. I hereby annuonce myself a candi date for Representative in the Gen eral Assembly from Union county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. M. FAIRLEY. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Representative In the Gen eral Assembly from Union county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. W. A. EUBANKS. For the Legislature. I hereby anounce myself a candi date for representative from Union county In the next general assembly, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. DUNHAM BUND If. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Representative In the Gener al Assembly from Union county, sub ject to- the action of the Democratic primary. T. B. MOORE. For Representative. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination as one of Union county's representatives in the next Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. C. M. VANN. For Representative. Having been solicited by so many friends to allow my name to go be fore the people of Union county for Representative In the Next General AssemDiy, i now buddui, Buojeci 10 the Democratic primary,, and if elect ed, will serve to the best of my abil ity. W. 0. LONO. For Com. table Vanre Township. I hereby announce myself a can didate for constable of Vance town shpi. subject to the Democratic pri mary. W. H. STARNE3. For Constable. I hereby announce myself a can didate for constable of Monroe town ship subject to the Democratic pri mary. A. L. HELMS. For Constable. I hereby announce myself a candi date for constable for Monroe town ship, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. L. EARNHART, For Constable. I announce myself a candidate for constable of Vance township, subject to the Democratic primary. JAMES K. POLK. For Coroner. I Uereby announce myself a candi date for the office of coroner subject to the Democratic primary. T. B. DAVIS (Buford township.) For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Coroner of Union county, subject to the Democratic prjraanr. J. S. PLYLER. Waxhaw. N. C. For Itoronlor. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Recorder, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. LEE M. HOWIE. For Recorder, i hereby annuonce nivself a pa nil I. date for election to the office of Re corder, subject to the action of the Democratic primarv. H. B. ADAMS. JR. For Recorder. I hereby announce mvself a candi date for Recorder, subject to tho ac tion of the Democratic primary. VANCE McNEELEY. For Recorder. At the request and solicitation of many Democrats and believing that I have arrived at suitable age and have sufficient knowledge of law to hold the scales of justice properly and impartially between man and man and enforce the criminal laws for the protection of society and de siring to receive the nomination at the hands of the democratic voters of the eounty, upon my own merits and qualification to fill the office and not antagonizing any other candi date aspiring for the office by re sorting to Improper methods or by abusing or throwing mud at him, do hereby announce myself a candidate for Recorder for Union county, sub ject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. The sup port of the democratic voters In the primary, for Recorder, Is solicited and will be greatly appreciated. M. L. FLOW. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. M. C. LONG. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar courses leading to degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. Free tu ition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and other information, ad dress JULICS I. FOI ST, President, Greensboro, N. C. should be "nipped in the bud", for it allowed to run unchecked, serious results may follow. Numerous cases of consumption, pneu monia, and other fatal dis eases, can be traced back to a cold. At the first sign of a cold, protect yourself by thoroughly cleansing your system with a few doses of WORD'S BLACK DRAUGHT the old reliable, vegetable liver powder. Mr. Chas. A. Ragtand, o Madison Heights, Va., says: "I have been using Thed ford's Black-Draught for stomach troubles, indlges-j tion. and colds, and find Hto be the very best medicine I ever used. It makes an old nan feel like a young one." Insist on Thedford's, the original and genuine. E-67 Whenever You Need a fJeneral Toole Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds np the Whole System. SO cents. EATING FOR HEALTH. Practical Rules of "Flrt hert-m LM Dow n by Mr. Fletcher. Editorial Note Eating too fast, too much, and not chewing what we do eat. is a crime against nature for which many of us are suffering or will suffer. We call our punUhment indi gestion, dyspepsia, stomach trouble, etc., instead of acknowledging that we have been bolting and gulping down our food Instead of chewing it as Nature Intended. This abstract from Mr. Fletchers article in a re cent issue of The Ladies' Home Jour nal contains some more excellent suggestions on healthful eating. At forty, Mr. Fletcher was refused life insurance on account of 111 health, after which he began following the rules of eating laid down in this article, and now claims to be in bet ter shape physically than he was twenty-five years ago. When, about five years ago. I gave The Ladles' Home Journal the story of my feeling younger at sixty than at forty. I did not realize that I could f-H'l still better at sixty-five than I did at sixty, or at fifty, and most certainly better than I did at forty. Tor It wat at this latter age that I stood practically at the edge of the grave, vciih my friends alarmed at my nearness to the human scrap heap, with the insurance companies giving me the cold shoulder. It was then that I discovered what has so universally become known as "Fletch- erlsm." Since that time, and patieularly during the last five years, I have seen one friend after another of my forty-to-fifty-year period go out of my life, friends who, compared to nie were vigorous In health and alert In mind; whilo I am hero more de cidedly here than ever and I yield to no one in my declaration that I consider myself the most fortunate man alive. I am fortunate because I have personally tested my theories of eating and have translated them into actualities, and I have seen them adopted by thousands of others who have during these years written and told me of the efficiency of the rules In their case. I consider myself fortunate be cause I am splendidly well: I rarely have headache, never without know ing the cause. I never feel tired. I can do better work at sixty-five than I could at fifty, and I can relish and digest anything my nature calls for and my appetite approves. Of course It Is needless to say that I continue to believe in "Fletcheriz lng" more than I ever did, and that I live by those rules. What are those rules? some ask because new read ers constantly come to a magazine, and I suppose there are thousand of these who may read these words who did not see my article five years ago. Well the rules are simple. Here they are: 1. Never eat except when "good and hungry." 2. Never eat when worried badly or angry. 3. Eat only what really tastes good to you. 4. Exhaust all the good taste from all food, liquid or solid or mushy, before swallowing. Don't swallow any food until first It is like a pulp In your mouth and has been fully tasted. When this Is so the food will swallow itself. 5. Leave a little bit of the appe tite as a "nest egg" for the next meal. 6. Eat always somewhat less than you can; but eat what you do a lit tie more, and so get far better results In the way of both pleasure and nu trition. It isn't how good, It is how you eat what you do eat. 7. If you have only five minutes In which to eat, and do not expect to have another chance for a long time, don t hurry. Be Just as dellb erate as if you had an hour to eat in. Taste completely each morsel that you do eat. Remember that taste Is the best aid and assurance of dlges tion, and digestion is the measure of nutrition. A small amount of food thoroughly masticated Is better than much more which is swallowed un- masticated. That's nearly all. but not quite all. Mental conditions which are under easy personal control have much to do with digestion. That's what Is generally called "Fletcherlzing." Do not believe folks, please, when they say ' t letcherlzing" means that you must count forty or fifty when you put a morsel in your mouth, before you swallow It. Or that you must chew each morsel forty or fifty times Don't eat by such a yard Btlck; use common sense. This simple rulo, I repeat, is all you need. Don't swal low anything until it is first a pulp in your mouth, and the taste there is in It has been fully exhausted. So really, 'Tletcherlsm," as applied to nourishment, is summed up In this very convenient rule: Eat what you like and when you like; only eat It right that s "r letcherisni." . Of course this Isn't all there Is to health. It Is a large part. Yet no aniout of "Fletcherlzing" will do you much good if you go to the ta ble with worry on your mind. You must be cheerful while eating. Bet ter miss a meal or two and let the mental fog clear up, as it surely will do If you starve it. Worry, anger. etc., will disturb digestion. But, re member that these emotions start In the mind, and can be and are con trolled by the mind. So here are two rules, and these do mean the whole of good health: 1. Mind the mind. 2. Mind mastication. And believe me, nature will do the rest. Appetite will then be able to act in normal manner. Nor does It make the slightest dif ference how old or young you are: "Fletcherizing" Is as good for one as for the other; and for the rich as well as the poor. Ilmklen's Arnica Salve For Cuts, Hums, Sores. Mr. E. S. Loner. Marina K v writes: "I have never had a Cut! uurn. wouna or sore it would not heal." Get a box Of rtllrblon'a Arnl. ca Salve today. Keen hanriv at all times for Burns, Sores, Cuts, Wounds rrevenia lock jaw. 25c, at your Druggist. Adv. HELP THE KIDNEYS. Monroe Header Are I -earning The Way. It's the little kidney ill.- The lame, weak or aching back The unnoticed urinary disorders That may lead to dropsv and DripM- disease. When the kidneys are weak. Help them with Doan'a Kidney Pills. A remedy especially for weak kid- Doan'a have been used in kidney troubles for 50 years. Endorsed by 30,000 people en dorsed at home. Proof in a Monroe citizen's state ment. Mrs. E. MeCorkel, 505 Haynes St.. Monroe. N C. says: "I suffered for years from rheumatic twinges and other symptoms of disordered kid neys. My whole system seemed to be filled with uri poison. I heard of Doan'a Kidney Tills and getting a box from the English Drug Co., I us ed them as directed. They brought me more relief than anything else I had ever taken." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. MeCorkel had. Foster-Milburn Co., Proprietors, Iluffalo. Ny. Has Your Child Worms? Most children do. A coated. Fur red Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains; Circles umler Eyes; Pale Sal Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sal low Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams any one of these indicate Child has Worms. Get a box of Klckapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the Worms the cause of your child's condition. Is a Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Sup plied in candy form. Easy for chil dren to take. 25c, at your Druggist. Adv. How To Give Quinine To Children. PEBRILIKR I the traitt-mark name ginn to an improved Quiniue. It is t Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and ntm know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot lake ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness norringinc in the head. Try It the neat time you need Quinine lor any pur pose. Ak lor J ounce original package. The same Ft BR1L1NK is blown In bottle. 25 cent. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of James A. Pate, deceased, this is to notiry all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceas ed to present them to the undersign ed before the 10th day of July, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to the said estate are notified to make prompt payment of same at once. This, the 14th day of July. 1914. Mrs. M. A. PATE, Administrator of James A. Pate. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of W.J.Pigg, deceased, late of Union county, N. C, this Is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of July, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This June 80, 1914. W. O. LEMMOND, Administrator. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN WAXHAW, N. C. Under and by Judgment of the Su perior Court of Union County In S. P. D. No. 674, entitled Harry Black- man et als vs. Calvin Federson, et als., which is a proceeding to sell land for partition among the heirs, I will on Saturday, the 1st day of Au gust A. D. 1014, at the court house door in the city of Monroe, county of Union and State of North Carolina, at twelve o'clock, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder all of that house and lot being in the town of Waxhaw, N. C, and bounded and des-' crlbed as follows: Bejdunlng at a stake in J. W. By rum's line by one pine and one P. O. pointers, and runs with the said J. W. By nun's line about N. 77 E. 80 links to a stake in the. said Byrum's line by one R. O. and "one P. O. pointers; thence about N. 8V4 W. 4 chs. and 8 links passing the corner of the Dun ham lot to a stake the said Dunham lot, corner In the G., C. & N. Ry. right-of-way; thence with the said G., C. & N. Ry. right-of-way about 81 , W. 80 links to a stake In said line; G., C. &. Ry. right-of-way; thence about S;. 8V E. 4 chs. and 14 links to the beginning, containing ,i and 12 poles of an acre of land, be the same more or less. Being the tract of land deeded by J. W. Price and wife to Harry Yarbrotigh January 25, 1894, and registered In book 24, page 821 of the office of Register Deeds for Union county, to which reference is hereby made. This the 24th Bay of June, 1914. JOHN C. SIKES. Commissioner. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. NOTICE. North Carolina, Union county, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. The Sikes Company, Incorporated, vs. Dorothea Foer-Hasty and her hus band, Milton Hasty. To Milton Hasty, the defendant above named, take notice: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Union county to sell the house and lot on Windsor St. known as the Joana Poer bouse and lot for the purpose of partitioning among the tenants In common, to-wit: The Sikes Company and Dorothea Poer Hasty, and you will further take no tice that you are required to appear at the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Union county In Monroe, N. C, on Friday the 31st day of Jjy, A. D., 1914, and answer the complaint which is to be filed In ten days after the date of this summons, and you will further take notice that if you fail to answer said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. This the 29th day of June. A. D.. 1914. S. W. LEMMOND. C. S. C. Redwine ft Sikes. Attys. Invincible Flour 0 In color Cream White. In Quality Goodness. Merely the wheat, its overcoat tak- EMiRj5Sfc en off, the inside sifted KolJ-hliUil 1 trtrniirrri silk anrl noVa.. n fresh clean bag. It's ready for you. Scientific Simplici ty best describes our process of milling. Manufactured by Henderson Roller Mills, Monroe, N. C, and sold by Grocers. "oraOB iM- Invincible Flour Crow's Sale Continues. Our Special Closing Out Sale will continue till all Dress Goods are sold out, as we are not going to handle these goods any longer. :: Special Prices on Clothing and Low Cut Shoes for men, women and children. Crow Bros. Gash store. Come to the Big General Store for all your needs. Small Farms. We have cut the 838 acre tract at Baker's into small farms, rang- ing from 15 to 50 acre's. Also into building lots close to the Station and schools. Any one can own one of these small farms, as the price and terms are RIGHT. Monroe insurance & investment Office In Bank of I nion Uullding. Company O. B. CA1J)VELL, Manager. CiUi-avar Pnitinlavlnn come from bilious imintrit in in the blood. fcJalllUW VUUipiCXlOIl and Ute fauU lie with lb liver. It is torpid. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THB POWDER FORM) b the greatest of all liver medicines. Its powerful purifying and strengthen ing influence is at once apparent In an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy in the body. When the system has been put in order the yellow cast in the skin gradually disappears and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. Sold by Dealer. Price. Larre Package. tl.OO. Aas tar tat iraqlae vha tto Sc4 Zjoa tbc label M of mii toxfiu. tiara Utti Hcrnbtw ti w tb. . Itgw tons k tboar vto tfcx II rav aunot m It rmk at, wt vfll tmi 6 rite SL00 sac Wont. Uoa to tar Ha X Ux. J. b. team co., rroa4o, s. uu, Mu