Jf The Advertising Bank. $ This is the column of The Journal where you put in a few cents and draw out dollars in results. Every body reads the column because there Is always something interesting in it. Somebody has found something and wants to find the owner. Someone has nuall articles for sale and tells about it here. Others have various .things to talk about and all or it is interesting. It is the clearing house for the buying and selling of small articles, for special notices, for bits of all kinds too small to go into the display advertising columns. One ; price to all one cent per word each ! insertion. Count your words and send money with order. Scott's Fruit Preserving Powder I will keep perfectly fresh all kinds of fruit, apples, peaches, berries, pears, I plums, tomatoes, corn. okra. cider, i wine. etc. A !5c. package for 15c. j at The Union Drug Co. : Farms for Sale I have several : small farms and some large farms The finest roads in the State. This section is building up fast. Write what size farm you want. Jonh B. Cameron, Sanford. X. C, U.F.D. 3. Good molasses for 23c. gallon. M. L. Flow. Call Arant for automobile service. Phone No. 379-J. Notice Certificate of deposit No. 1233, issued to me by the State Bank of Wingate on July 1st, 19U, has been lost, and all persons are hereby notified not to trade for said certifi cate, as application has been made for a duplicate thereof. Vernon Helms. Fresh shipment of boiled ham re ceived by express this morning. We cut it for you in any amount. Grif fin & Bivens. Lost A rather large cameo pin. somewhere in Monroe. Keward if returned to Mrs. Frank Stevens. Fine Duroc Jersey pigs ready for delivery. Eight weeks old and very fine. Price $5. Robert Yarborough, It. F. D. 5, Monroe, N. C. Mr. V. B. Keziah of Waxhaw R. F. D. No. 1. won the prize of (1.00 of fered by The Journal for the best answer to "Why I Read the Special Notice Column of The Journal." A number of good replies were sent in but many of them went beyond the 100-word limit. The reply of Mr Keziah which won, was as follows "If I lose something, I read it to find who has found it. If 1 find some thing. I read it to find who has lost it. If I want to buy, 1 read it to find who is selling. If I want to sell, I read it to see who is buying. And 1 read it because it is educaine, inter esting, and useful to me." Auction Sale Saturday, July 2" I will sell a lot of household furni ture at my residence in Wingate ut 2 o'clock. T. K. Helms. Howie Ganme. in MoCann building opposite F. B. Ashcraft's store, clean ing and repairing machines. We want to buy all kinds of coun try produce. T. C. Lee 4c Co. Those double-spooler, self-threading sewing machines at H. E. Cop- pie's are wonderful in mechanism and price. Iced Chero-Cola in bottles every where, five cents. Blacksmith We now have a first- class blacksmith at our shop who will do your work right and at a fair price. Try him. T. C. Lee & Co. Drink Chero-Cola there's nothing so good. See me for coffee, sugar and rice. M. L. Flow. For Sale A Maxwell roadster au tomobile, perfect condition and can be converted into a touring car. Monroe Bicycle Company. Everybody says that Chero-Cola is the best the best by test. For Sale 100 acres good land in Bladen county, near Garland, N. C. Consists of river bottoms, sandy soil and flat land, dark soil with clay eub-soil. Price $15.00 per acre; cash, i one year with legal interest, 4 two years with legal Interest. Write B. J. Cromartie, Garland, X. C., or W. D. Cromartie, owner, Altoo na, Fla. This new drink Chero-Cola Is good to the last drop. The Monroe Auto Transfer an swers calls day or night. J. A. Lin gle, proprietor, Phone 103 R. Brick for Sale See J. C. Win chester or Polk Bros. The road supervisors of Vance township will meet at Indian Trail Friday, July 31st, at 10 o'clock. All overseers will be expected to make reports to the board. J. M. Harkey, chairman; M. T. Stallings, secretary. One 3-horse farm for sale good land, well watered see Boyte & Cav lness, Glendon, N. C, Moore county. Dodson's Llvertone is guaranteed to take the place of calomel by the Union Drug Company. We are In position to sharpen your gin saws this summer. Give ua a tri al. Monroe Oil Mill. Folkks smile when they drink Chero-Cola. For Sale Twelve acres highly Im proved land fronting on public road and adjoining lands of W. C. Heath and R. B. Redwlne, formerly owned by Monroe Brick Company. One mile from town. Apply to G. B. Caldwell. Meet your friends at our new and up-to-date soda fountain. The best and coldest drinks in the city served here in sterilized glasses. The Un ion Drug Company. Call us for Marischino cherries, fresh lot Just received. Griffin Bivens. We are still in the well business. We bore in quicksand as well as hard rock. This is the cheapest, quickest and best way you can get a well. Hartsell Well Boring Company, Mon roe, N. C. Wat Aehcraft, Veterinarian Day calls. 113, night calls 113. Hospital on Hayne street, northeast of court house. Monroe. N. C. Let us figure on you job of plumb ing. If the price is not right, we will not expect to do the work. Austin Correll. Porch swings and rockers at H. E. Copple's. Chero-Cola is the best carbonated drink on the market. Call phone No. 195 and say Tip Top and we will send you the finest bread that can be made. Griffin & Bivens. Chickens, eggs and hams wanted I have several orders to fill for both fowls and young chickens. See me before selling. W. R. Outen. We sell the celebrated Diamond automobile tires standard of the world. Tharp Hardware Co. Buy the Steel King Cultivator and you get the best. Co-Operatlve Mer cantile Co. Fresh barrel fine fat mackeral, 5c, each. Griffin t Bivens. Try that fine old vinegar I have for pickling. M. L. Flow. For first-class plumbing see Aus tin & Correll. rhprn-Cnla la coin? tike wild fire More than one hundred and fifty places in Union county sell It. See us before you sell your PrO- Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. The big sale of choice rrocpries is going on all the time at Griffin & Biv ens. THE LOCAL MARKETS. .. 15.00 . 14.12 .. .. 30 COTTON. Best long staple . . Best short staple Seed PRODUCE The figures given here are prices paid by merchants today. They may be different tomorrow or next day, Readers are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on the day they expect to come to market and get figures for that day. Hens 35 to 40 Young chickens 25 to 35 Roosters 26 Guineas , 20 to 25 Eggs 15 to 17 Butter ... 12 H to 20 Hams 15 to 18 Beeswax 18 to 20 Pork 11 Beef cattle 5 to 5H Repairing, timing and adjusting Dign grade watches, jewelry repair ing' engraving and diamond mount ing a specialty. J. E. Preslar. Best home ranner In tha wnrlrf Cans, solder and complete supplies at Mnarp s Hardware store. For Sale. House and lot situated on Talleyrand ave., McCauley Heights Luther Williams. T f Ha flit Vntll nroaitplnMnna TV. use only the purest and freshest J . . .. . n .. , . urugs. luree vo; registered drug gists. The Union Drug Company. A If 0..... Til J n . ml. iu. ocirtwi, uiauugci. x uuue hi Automobile for hire. Sare driver. Prices reasonable. Call phone 272. H. Lt. crowell. A fall stock of automobile tires, tubes, etc. Tharp Hardware Co. Bring us your chicken, eggs, butter,, hams, potatoes, etc., and get the beet prices. T. C. Lee Co. n. E. Copple's for high grade and cheap porch screens. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Union County, In the Superior Court. A. P. Phlfer ts. Neal A. Williams. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Lnion County In the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 8rd day of August, 1914, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Union county, sell to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said execution. the following property, as the prop erty of Neal Williams, to-wit: that lot or parcel of land lying and being In North Carolina, Union county, Marshvllle township, adjoining the land of J. E. Little, Will James and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake. J. E. Lyttle's corner, and runs N. 12 degrees 6 W. 1 chain to a stake, Will James' cor ner; thence S. 77 degrees 5 W. 2H chains; thence 8. 12 degrees S E. 1 chain to a stake, J. E. Lytle line: thence with his line N. 77 degrees 6 E. 2V chains to the beginning, and being half of lot No. 4. J. P. Ashcratt survey, containing i of an acre. This the 25th day of June, 1914. JOHN GRIFFITH, Sheriff of Union County. SPAN OF LIFE MUCH LONGER telenet Has Added IS Years Says Dr. Victor Vaughn Future to Class Ua as Barbarian. Atlantic- City. N. J. At the first gen eral session of the convention of the American Medical association Dr. Vic tor C Vaughn was ins tailed as presi dent, succeeding Dr. John A. Wtther spooa of NashvUVe, Tenn. Doctor Vaughn made The 6ervtce of Medicine to Civilisation" the sub ject of his Inaugural address. "In the last century the average of human life has been Increased by 15 years, and this increase could be du plicated In the next 20 years," be said. "If the facts we now possess were ef fectively employed. The further developments of medi cine, both curative and preventive, de pend on scientific investigations. The public is the beneficiary and should in every way encourage medical research. The federal government and the states should sustain and promote sclontlflo research. "We toast of a great civilisation, but this is justified only within limits. The historian of the future will have no difficulty in convincing his readers that those who lived at the beginning of the twentieth century were but slightly removed from barbarism, aa he will tell that the school, saloon and vice re sorts flourished in close proximity; that tbe capitalist worked his em ployes under conditions which pre cluded soundness of body; that 10.000 murders were committed annually In our midst, and that a large percentage of our mortality was due to preventa ble dlseasea "In each state there should be a hygienic laboratory equipped w ith able men supplied with facilities for the study of sanitary conditions and for the prosecution of sclentlflo reeearch." Carranza Kays He is Heady for Pear. Washington Dispatch, July 20th. General Carranza today informed the United States government he was ready to declare suspension of hostil ities against the government of Pro vsional President Carbajal pending negotiations with his representative for the transfer of authority at Mexi co City to tbe constitutionalists. The constitutionalist chief express ed his views to John R. Silliman. per sonal representative of President Wil son, and Consul Ceneral Hanna and Vice-Consul Robertson, who inter viewed him at Monterey. He said he would receive the commission of three appointed by Carbajal to dis- I cuss peace. I Secretary Bryan annuonced the re ceipt of the message from the Ameri can representative with the comment .that prospects for an agreement be tween the two factions now were ! l arv fivniaiKld IS LIVING LONG AND WELL Eeneror Depew Has Rare Gift to Grew Old snd Keep Pace With Progresa. New York. It ts, as Mr. Depew sug gests, no great achievement to live long In these days, but It is a good MAN COULD FLY A PIANO BOX lip i Practically Everything Depends on ths Engine, Declares Lincoln Beachey. New York. Any properly built bi plane which has a light, powerful en gine is stable when in the air. provid ing it is Intelligently handled. The chief reason I have been able to ac complish feats which other airmen never have attempted Is the fact that 1 have had a good machine and have known bow to fly It, Lincoln Beachey writes in Popular Mechanics. Give me a clearance of 500 feet from the ground, a place to land, and then let tblugs happen. If the aero plane upsets or slides, or the engine dies, and the airman is not asleep, It may be righted with comparative ease. The master of a good biplane should feel as completely at home in the air as any bird that ever flew. In my re cent flights It has been demonstrated that a man-made machine Is capable of things which no bird ever attempt ed. How many persons ever ssw a bird try to loop tbe loop, do back ward spiral or revolve like a top and sail earthward tall down! It is true that my latest craft was built . for the speolflo purpose to which it is being put But tor general flying a good biplane of the same fun damental type should be equal In sta bility. It Is only touching the extreme to assert that with an engine of suffi cient power an airman could fly a piano box. By that 1 wish to Im press the statement that the air man of today has absolutely every thing he needs with which to fight the laws of gravity. Because of this the aeroplane already occupies the place of a necessity, commercial and other wise, for the present and future day man. It Is only a toes ahead to the time when the aerial express will be no more a novelty than overland lim ited trains are now. CANINE HAS $200 FUNERAL Chauncey Depew. gift, and a rare ene, to be able to live long and keep actually In touch with progresa That Mr. Depew possesses that gift nobody will deny, aQd It has served to make htm one of the most popular men of his time. CHURCH IN CLOSED THEATER Pastors In Oklahoma Town Take New Methed to Close Sun day 8 how. Law-ton, Okie, A large i : iber of the churches of Lawton have Joined In union service, which began in an alrdome, to continue during the sum mer months. A eouble purpose wss attained In the selection of this open- air playhouse for these church serv ices, first that of a comfortable place of meeting, and, second, of closing this theater on Sunday. The Fort BUI military band gave a concert opening the exercises. Different preachers will occupy the pulpit each Sunday. 8lxteen-Year-Old Bull Terrier Burled In Cypress Hills Cemetery In New York. New York. Wreaths of flowers cov ered a handsome oak coffin In which "Tuck Lents Crawford,' a sixteen-year-old bull terrier, was burled In Cypress Hills cemetery. Nearly two hundred dollars set aside ten years ago by the will of Harry Lenta, at one time a New York sporting man, was used in defraying the cost of the fu neral. Tbe dog had been Mr. Lents' et The burial was supervised by Mr. Lenta' sister, Mrs. Carolina Crawford, owner of Crawford inn, Paterson. She tried to have the animal Interred on her property, but the Paterson health authorities objected. She then pur chased a grave In Cypress Hills and took the coffin there in an automobile. RUB-r.lY-TISn Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cots and Bums, Old Sores, Stings of Insects I Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in jternally and externally. Price 25c. WHEN THE EXCLUSIVE SILVER ANNI VERSARIES COME ALONG, WE ARE READY WITH THE GOODS TO SUPPLY THE OCCA SION, IN SINGLE PIECES, PLAIN AND SUB STANTIAL, ELEGANT AND SERVICEABLE. LARGE PIECES, SMALL PIECES, AND OF ALL AND VARIOUS SIZES. BUT EVERY SET OR PIECE IS IN AB SOLUTE GOOD TASTE, AND YOU HAVE ONLY TO CONSULT YOUR OWN FANCY. FULL DISPLAY NOW BEING SHOWN. DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST. COME NOW, HAVE YOUR. ORDER PACKED. The W. J. Rudge Company. The first cost is the biggest cost of the Ford and the smallest cost of any oth er car because of the after expense. The Ford is the one car you can drive at less than "horse and buggy" rates. Thousands drive the Ford at less than two cents a mile. It's the "cos Mo-keep" that counts. Runabout $54:5; Touring Car $593 f. o. b. Monroe, complete with equipment. THE HENDERSON GARAGE AND MACHINE COMPANY, Agents, Monroe, N. C. f m vii nam Out on the Porch or inside the house our reed, willow or wicker furniture will add a lot of summer comfort. Come and see the easy chairs, rockers, settees, etc. In every line they spell coolness. Not expensive, either. Our prices &re always the lowest T. P. DILLON. Why Not Own a Farm? We have organized an association with the purpose of making It possi ble for every man who farms in Union county to own a farm. You ran buy a farm with rent money. Let every young man who is going to farm and every farmer who doesn't own the land he works come to see us and e will help him to get one. Any one who has farm land for sale at "live and let live" prices will do well to see us. Union Farm LotMi Association W. B. LOVE, Secretary. LOVE McXEELY, Attorneys. MOXROE, S. C. Seashore Excursion TO WILMINGTON, N. C. VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway Tuesday, July 28th, 1914, FROM Rutherfordton, Shelby. Lincolnton, Charlotte, and all stations up to and including Hamlet. Visit WrigMsville, Southport, Ft. Caswell and Other Resorts. Leave Rutherfordton 7:00 A. M.: Charlotte 10:20 a. m.. July 28. Rates and schedule from other points: Monroe .' (13.23 Wtngate 8.00 Mai-Mhville 8.00 Peachland 3.00 Polkton 3.00 Ruftnellvllle 8.73 Wadeflhnro , 2.75 Lileeville 2.73 Pee Dee 2.73 ...... Rockingham 2.50 Hamlet 2.50 ARRIVE WILMINGTON , 11.20 11.30 11.40 11. SO 11.57 12.03 12.13 12.23 12.33 12.45 1.00 4.45 M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. Returning leave Wilmington 8:00 a. m. Thursday. July 30. Children under 12 years half fare, under 5 free. JOHT T. WEST. Division Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C.