.1 A. OUNCEME.VTS. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. N. PRICE. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. V. GRIFFITH. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myself a candidate for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. J. C. WINCHESTER. For Cotton Weigher. I am a candidate for re-election to the position of cotton weigher for Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. CHAS. B. BAUD EN. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic . primary. Your vote will be appreciated. JESSE J. LOCKHART. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the Democratic pri mary. BAilTLEY HELMS. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myselta candidate tor the office of cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. JOHN V. BROOM. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher of Monroe, subject to the rules governing the Democratic party. JAS. F. McMANUS. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby anounce myself a candi date for Cotton Weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. HENRY M. PRESSON. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the Democratic primary. O. WATT DAVIS. For Clerk Superior Court I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. R. W. LEMMOND. For Clerk of the Conrt. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of the Court of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. C. E. HOUSTON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. R. B. CUTHB E UTSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby annuonce myself a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JBCRRE C. LANEY. For County Commissioner. I am a candidate to succeed myself as county commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. R. A. HUDSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candl date for re-elcdon to the office of county commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary. H. T. BAUCOM For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic primary. O. W. SMITH. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candl date for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. L. R. HELMS. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner, subject to the Democratic pri mary. JOE E. THOMAS, Marshvllle. For Representative. I hereby annuonce myself a candi date for Representative tn the Gen eral Assembly from union county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. M. rAIRLEY. For Representative, I hereby announce myself a candi date for Representative in the Gen eral Assembly from union county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. W. A. EUBANKB. For the Legislature, I hereby anounce myself a candi date for sepresentatlve fsom Union county in the next general assembly, subject to the action of the Demo cratic prlmarr. J. DUNHAM DUND. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Representative In the Gener al Assembly from Union county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. T. a. muouk. For Representative. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination as one of Union county's representatives in the next Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. C. M. VANN. For RenmientAtive. Having been solicited by so many friandi tn allow mv nima to 0 be fore the people of Union county for Representative in the Next uenerai Mv I now submit, sublect to the Democratic primary,, and if elect ed, will serve to the best or my acu ity. W. 0. LONO. For Constable Vance Township. I hereby announce myself a can didate for constable of Vance tomn shpi, subject to the Democratic pri mary. W. H. STARNE3. For Coos-table. I hereby announce myself a can didate for constable of Monroe town ship subject to the Democratic pri mary. A. L. HELMS. For Constable. I hereby announce myself a candi date for constable for Monroe town ship, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. L. EARNHART. For Constable. I announce myself a candidate for constable of Vance township, subject to the Democratic primary. JAMES K. POLK. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of coroner subject to the Democratic primary. T. B. DAVIS (Butord township.) For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Coroner of Union county, subject to the Democratic primary. J. S. PLYLER. Waxhaw. N. C. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Recorder, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. LEE M. HOWIE. For Recorder. 1 hereby annuonce myself a candi date for election to the office of Re corder, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. B. ADAMS. JR. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candl date for Recorder, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. VANCE McNEELEY. For Recorder. At the request and solicitation of many Democrats and believing that I have arrived at suitable age and have sufficient knowledge of law to hold the scales of Justice properly and Impartially between man and man and enforce the criminal laws for the protection of society and de siring to receive the nomination at the hands of the democratic voters of the county, upon my own merits and Qualification to flu the office and not antagonizing any other candi date aspiring for the office by re sorting to Improper methods or by abusing or throwing mud at him, do hereby announce myself a candidate tor Recorder for Union county, sub ject to the action of the voters at the Democratic primary. The sup port of the democratic voters in the primary, for Recorder, is solicited and will be greatly appreciated. M. L. FLOW. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candl date for the office of Register of Deeds for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. M. C. LONG. Constable Vance Township, I hereby announce myself a candi date for constable of Vance township, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. F. VV. HAYS. For Constable in Sandy Ridge. I hereby announce myself a .candi date for con. table of Sandy Ridge township, subjeot to (he Democratic primary. MONROE C. REID. For Constable Sandy Ridge Township. I hereby announce myself a candi rtntn for nonstable of Sandv Rldee township, subject to Democratic pri mary. M. J. HAUKUX. rrosecutlng Attorney. I am n candidate for the position I now hold prosecuting attorney of the Recorder s uourt. R. L. STEVENS. Worn Out? No doubt you are, if you suffer from any ot the numerous ailments to which an women are sub lect Headache, back ache, ildeache, nervous- nu wiiak. fired feelinff. are some tw we symn toms, ana yourself of I (ofeel well, nl women. been benefited remedy, i you must na hem in order II Thousands I who hava II by ttalt II urge you to 1 1 TAKE II Oari I Hie Woman's Tonic Mr. Sylvania Woods, ofClifton Mills, Ky., says: "Before UklngCardul, I was, at times, so weak I could hardly walk, and the pain In my back and head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles of Cardul, the pains dis appeared. Now I feel as well as I ever did. Every suffering woman should tryCarduL" Oetabottle today. E-68 Invigorating to the pal aid Sickly Tti Old Standard trorral ttrrafthralnt teak. CSOVB S TaSTHLESS chill TONIC. drive Ottt Malaria .rartthn the blood .and bnilda ap th tra its, a um umic rot Malta ass couorta. U. 5. FLEE! AT VERA CRUZ 3 . TO SEA ANDJEETS INVISIBLE FOE Graphic Description of a Hurry-Up Test Eight Big Warships Maneuvered So as to Encircle Enemy for Crushing Broad sides New Signal System Evolved by Ad miral Fletcher Is Tested. Vera Crux. Mexico. "Put out to sea and Intercept a hostile fleet ap proaching from the east," was the sig nal that came to the New Jersey from the flagship at eight ono morn ing, says Juntus B. Wood, in Chicago Daily News. Instantly the big battle ship was alive with action. Captain Jayne, ho had been chatting on the quarter deck, hurried forward to the bridge, the officer ot the deck close r n , .;'.- V X I L 'rvr BJfasiesEacBaaCTisieraaHi Warships En Rout to 8a. at his heels. A messenger ran below tor the navigator. The bugles sound ed assembly, officers hurried to the bridge, and others below to tho fires and engines. The anchor chain, like a big black Iron snake, was sucked slowly In by some Invisible power. A swirl ot sand and mud showed where the gi ant teeth had held the bottom ot the bay. On each ot the "chains" at the 8 Id os two boys were heaving the leads and shouting the soundings. Others were frantically waving flags or hoist, lng long strings of pennants, signaling to nearby ships. The big ship was slowly getting under way. On the other ships of the Third di vision of the Atlantic fleet was sim ilar activity. The flagship Virginia, with Rear Admiral DeaUy, steamed out in the loadwlth the Georgia, Ne braska and Net Jersey following In the cohimn. After them oame the Sec ond division, under Rear Admiral DotrSth on the Loulehuia, which was followed by the Michigan, New Hamp shire and Vermont- Grimly and silently they moved out to sea 160,000 tons of floating Iron and steel, eight delicately adjusted en gines ot destruction, In a line more than two and a half miles long and as straight as If they were beads on a string. The order from the commander-in-chief had come as a surprise. The flres under the boilers had been lit, and some order expected, but nothing was certain. It might be a welcome order to go home or one to go to an even more desolate port But It was to go out and attack. That was all. The fleet to be attacked might be the two tiny gunboats of the Mex ican navy or a European power's dis play of dreadnaughta. Bailor-like, f f srf- "J V tip- IN l V - , J ; l Navigators' Chart Table. the squadron started and asked no questions. It was another day ot a week's mar neuverlng. Everything was to be carried out as It the ships were acta ally expecting to meet an enemy. The secret war signal books, thetT covers weighted with lead so they could be thrown overboard and sunk In case ot defeat were brought from their hiding places to the bridge. One of the one pounders was loaded and a man stationed at Its trigger ready tor any sudden signal Swinging a fleet or a squadron ot eight or even a division ot four bat tleships into action Is a feat which re quires da;s of drills even by men whose Uvea have been a study sod practise of the science of warfare. This week was to try out a new scheme of tactics and signals evolved by Rfar Admiral Fletcher. Naval battles of the future will be betwevn diets. The old days when shins lucked mats and, hammered each other until one sank or burned or Its decks were swept clean, live only In paintings. The engagements between single ships will be occa sional The real battles of the sea will be between fleets 16 to dO hurl ing shell and deadly exploding fulmln lte. The Japanese knew how to ma neuver by fleets and picked off the Russian battleships one by one and wiped out the czar's fleets. The Third division ships, which weigh 17,000 tons each and with good marksmanship could put a shell in an opposing ship six miles away, are be coming obsolete and are doomed to retirement The Second division ships weigh about 18,000 tons each, and might do as much damage al eight miles. They will last a little longer. Then, Just arrived from the ship yards, are the New Tork and Texas, each of which weighs 37,000 tons and can shoot farther. Their days are numbered, just as surely as are those of the New Jersey, which went Into commission only six years ago. There was a New York once before now she Is rechristened the Sara toga and classified In the naval regis ter as a third rater. In 1893, when she sailed from the yards at Philadel phia, she was the pride of the Ameri can navy. She had a siren, which was another novelty in those days. As Bhe headed down the Delaware somebody turned the steam Into the siren. Several hundred staid Quaker sV f. Stesrsman on U. S. Wsrshlp. City horses ran away as the ear pierc ing shrieks rent the air and half a hundred persons were injured. She never Injured that many again. In her entire career as a battleship. In a tew months the present New York will be outshone by the Nevada and Oklahoma, weighing 17,600 tons each, and now building are the Penn sylvania and No. 89 ot 8M0 tons. Every ton costs close to $1,000. Fleet tactics have kept' pace with the growth of battleships. Naval au thorities say that the commander who can "wind up" his enemy's fleet get It Into the center of his encircling battleships or overlap it so that his broadsides can rake the others one at a time will always win. That Is why the American navy Is maneuver ing, having target practise, going through drills whenever opportunity offers. Rear-Admiral Fletcher's system which is now being tried out prior to being officially adopted by the navy Is designed to reduce to a minimum the number of signals necessary to put a fleet through the evolution. In the smoke and excitement of battle the fewer signals to watch and In terpret the better. On top of each ship's mainmast Is a bearings Indicator, or flapper, as the men call It two yellow square boards on opposite ends of a long slanting arm which swings on a pivot In its center. The Indicator shows what formation Is to be made. A signal flag tolls how It Is to be made. When the two yellow guide-boards on the flag ship are In a straight line with each other to the captain on the bridge ot a following ship he is in correct posi tion. The Indicator on the flagship, as we steamed from the harbor, stood at what Is called the sero angle. It pointed straight ahead, and the other ships, their Indicators duplicating It followed tn long single column. Invincible Flour TTCNOERSOiT FT 1 In color Cream White. In Quality Goodness. Merely the wheat, its overcoat tak en off, the inside sifted through silk and packed in a fresh clean bag. It's ready for you. Scientific Simplici ty best describes our process of milling. Manufactured by Henderson Roller Mills, Monroe, N. C, and sold by Grocers. Invincible Flour Crow's Sale Continues. Our Special Closing Out Sale will continue till all Dress Goods are sold out, as we are not going to handle these goods any longer. :: Special Prices on Clothing and Low Cut Shoes for men, women and children. Grow Bros. Gash store. Come to the Big; General Store for all your needs. Small F&irras, We have cut the 838 acre tract at Baker's into small farms, rang ing from 16 to 50 acres. Also into building lots dose to the Station and schools. Any one can own one of these small farms, as the price and terms are RIGHT. Monroe insurance & investment Office tn Bank of I'nJoa UnUdinc company G. B. CALDWEkL, Manager. ft Calfmu Pnmnlnvlnn comwi from bilious ImpuriMes In the blood, kJtaaautv vjuiujiv;aiuu sodt -ft 1 tbe lault lie with the liver. It is torpid. SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE- POWDER FORM) b the greatest of all liver medicines. Its powerful purifying; and strengthen ing influence is at once apparent in an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy in the body. When the system has been put in order the yellow cast in the skin gradually disappears and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. Sold fry Dtalert. PHc. lorgi Packard $1.00. AJk he A mala tU tfct Sol Zjn dw Mid It foa caaM ft It na ta-ltS ir4 k kr ail tomtmi. Ilaana Um Sefabnr a pa tin la SaaM Hna tm tkox a ptrJa ft, rna tLWpn koctta. Look for iSr Set Z bbct I. B. triUH A CO.. rr.txia4.ra. St. UaU. MlMoaas

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