Stale Drug's Have Little Power We Don't Use Them. HIIIKTIHimitllllTttttl rTTITTTTTXTTTIITTTTTTTTTTTI STANDARD DRUGS HAVE A STAN DARD PRICE AND WE HAVE XEV Fit noi'UIIT A MUG THAT HAS BFF.X OFFEHED TO I S AT A LOW PRICE. We have mTr taken chance with such materials in any prvM-ription and never will. We enjoy a good reputation for prescription work and we have due consideration for your heullh. mxxxxixniiiiixiimiiii frTTTTTTXTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTl ENGLISH DRUG CO. The Old Reliable Drug Store, Monroe, N. C. Invincible Flour BENDERSOVH Hf.? - v Ml mm MEIUM PATEN -3 In color Cream White. In Quality Goodness. Merely the wheat, its overcoat tak en off, the inside sifted through silk and packed in a fresh clean bag. It's ready for you. Scientific Simplici ty best describes our process of milling. Manufactured by Henderson Roller Mills, Monroe, N. C, and sold by Grocers. Invincible Flour TALKS ON ADVERTIZING IX. Some Falling Places to Consider By Henry Herbert Huff COPYRIGHT. 1009. BY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION "Mr. Business Man, I have examined somo of tho advertis ing of your merchants and presume you desire my opinion of it." "I would like very much to know its faults." "In the first place, you must advertise continuously. It takes a prosperous manufacturing company years to convince the public that its product is 'absolutely pure' The result is obtained by constantly hammering tb.19 truth into the public mind. Likewise in retail advertising it roquires several appear ances of an ad. before it really gets attention. It takes an added number to Interest. It neods still more to Convince the readers that the values are good aud to lead them to the store to buy, and if they are pleased with their purchases they will come again and tell their friends and continue to read the ads. and to buy. It won't be long before the advertising will bo paying nicely and a valuable good will be created. "Many beginners expect to jump from the start into the places of the old advertisers. This is unreasonable. The oak does not spring from an acorn into a tree, but accomplishes this by steady growth. A business must grow, and it takes timi to do so. Adver tising makes it shorter work and more certain. It is the firm that has been in tha papers for yaars that is trusted and patronued. Con tinued advertising foiters confidence. The beginner stands as good a chance if he will follow the regular course and wait. "Advertising performs no work of magic, is no substitute for energy or business skill. A morchant can't expect to ait down and watch it build additions to his Rtoro. He must do his port to help the ads. saceeeed. Do not attempt too big a business for your capi tal. And in starting an ftdrertLtin campa gn begin with small spaces and grow into bigger ones, the fellow who starts with big spaces usually grows the opposite way. Occasional advertising is money wasted. A steady stream of small ads. counts for more in the battle of business than a few big shots now and then. "Change ads. every issue. This is imperative. There is no more excuse for running an ad. without altering its makeup than to print the 6ame news each week on the other pages. If ads. are to bo read they mutt be interesting. No ono wants to read the same ad. twice. If each is different, the public will soon get into the habit of read ing them, impelled by curiosity if nothing better. But such crude, lifeless affairs as some of your ads. are and to think they go un changed for weeks at a timel Is it any wonder thoy're not paying? "The public is seeking information about tho poods it wants to buy. Tell it about such things. The problem of the city merchant is to make his existenoe known such things as who he is, what he has to Fell and where he is located. With tho country merchant how different I All these facts about him are already known throughout the community. There is no need of using space to tell them over again. "Another failing is that you merely 'try advertising. You go about it in a careless sort of way, with noconndence in its possibili ties, and expect to make it a success by mero luck. Advertising is for "the merchant of ambition who wants to extend his field for trade, to do a bigger business and to make more money. It is a game in which none but the hustler standi a chance." Tell your business points to the public through the cent a word column of The Journal There's nothing like it And it costs nothing hardly at all. SOME OK MARTHA SLAW- SOX'S PHILOSOPHY. Per nl iar-rarit ies. "Believe me, you don't know what you're equal to. an' don't you forget it. No more do I. "We ain't done up in baps, like seven pounds o' sugar.we human be ing s. so a we know that we're equa to. The heft of us comes out, accord m to the things in life we got to measure up to. When I was married firstoff, I thought I wasn't equal to uvin with my mother-in-law. an puttin' up with her peculiar-rarities. But, laws o man: I found I was. "An' what's more. I found I been equal to one or two other little things since, worse than her, by a good sight. "What helped me some, was real! nn' I got peculiar-rarities of my ow other folks has to be equal to." You Can't Scrtih (lean With Dirty iv ater. "Did you ever scrub a floor?" she asked at length. "No, o' course you didn't. Mostly, ladies thinks scrub- bin floors is dretful low work. Well it ain't Scrubbln' floors'll learn you a lot o other things, if you let it. "In the first place, there's a right an wrong way to it. same's there is to tonler jobs. If you're goin' to be- grutch your elbow grease, an ain willin to get down on your niarra bones, an' attend strictly to business, you am t goin to succeed. "Well, we'll say, you scrubbed spot, good an clean. That ain't all You got to keep goin' back on your self, scrubbin' back over the places where you left off. else there'll be streaks, an' when your floor dries on you, the streaks'll show up, for all they're worth, and give you dead away. "As I make it out, it's Just the same with Uvin'. "If you begrutch takin pains, an keep your eye out, all the time, for fear you'll do a little more'n your snare, why, you can take it from me, you re goin' to show tracks. You bet ter never done it at all, than done it so s it 11 be a dead give-away on you "You can't scrub clean with dirty water, an" you can't live clean, 'less you keep turnin" out all the messy feelin's you got in you, an' reflllln your neari wnn rresn, same s you would your water pail. llut, even when you ve done your Job right, oncet ain t goin' to be enough. You couldn't keep clean with one scrub - down, no matter how thora. It's got to be done over to morra, an' the next day, an' so on If a body don t like It, why, that don change the fax any. " Happiness. "People have the right to make their happiness out o' every last thing comes in their way. Every Inst scrap n drop they rind anywhere about Same's you'd make a perfectly good pakh-nuilt out o the rag bag, an Al soap out o drippin g. ' Any general housekeeper nt five dollars per, can make a roast out o prime cut o beef. Any fool can be happy, if they re handed out happi ness in chunks. "Hut It takes a chef-cook to gather up all the sort o' queer little odds an ends in tho pantry, an' season'm here, an whip m up there, an' put'ni on a uisn, garmsneu wun parsley, or smothered in cream, an' give'm fancy French name on n menoo-canl so's when they come on the table.vou smack your lips, an' say 'dee-licious! an' feel you got your money's worth.' Julia M. Lippman's Making Over Martha. Children With Any Mlvtino of Negro Itloori Fxcliidcd. The Supreme Court decided ad versely to the plaintiff In the Wilson county case, In which J. S. Johnson sought to have his four ehildren ad mitted to the white school. The chil dren were excluded by the county board of education on the ground that they had negro blood. It was admit ted that it was less than one-sixth and the Superior Court Judge held that the children should be admitted to the white school; that since the State constitution legalized the mar riage of a white person to one who had not more than one-sixth negro blood, the Legislature exceeded its authority in specifying that children of such parents could not attend the white schools. However, the Supreme Court holds that while the constitution did legal Ue the marriage of a white man to a woman with one-eigth negro blood. It did not intend to abolish any of the distinctions based on color and social relations as distinguished from pure ly political equality with which the constitution was dealing. Therefore, children with any mixture of blood can t be admitted to white schools. Carranza Takes Over Mexican Hall way. Confirmation by Consular Agent fciliiman at Mexico City of the re ported taking over of the Mexican National Hallways by the Carranza government interested officials In Washington. No action will be con sidered, however, until the interested American bankers and bond holders have been heard from. General Carranza claims his action Is warranted because the Mexican government owns a majority of the stock and that a large part of the minority is owned by Mexicans. Foreigners in the United States. There were 3.515.886 norsnna of foreign birth, 14.7 per cent, of the total population, In the United States in April, 1910, the Census Bureau announces. All v. era white except 170,341, chiefly Japanese and Lninese. The number of forelen-hnrn white males more than 21 years old In 1910 was 6,646,817. Of these 3,034,117 bad been naturalized, 670,772 had "first papers" and 2.266.535 were alieas. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard C rove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable ai a General Tonic because It contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININB and IRON. It acta on the Livrr, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blond and JJuildJ op the Wbolt System. 90 cent. Notice to Farmer. We can supply farmers with lime at 3.50 per ton. provided it la de livered from the cars. Lime is bad ly needed by most soils ic this sec tion and there Is no cheaper and bet ter aid to crops. We want to make up orders In ear load lots and make special orders so that when the cars come they may be side tracked and unloaded right into the farmers' wagons. This is neces sary to save handling so that it can be obtained at this low price. Farm- era who want to use lime should see us and leave their orders so that we can notify them when the cars arrive. This Is ground lime rock and Is the cheapest form in which lime can be secured. CROW BROS. PJXGLIVU (UMTS IS ANNOUNCED. XO LOOKING HACK I V MONROE. World' (.'rratt-t Show and SjHt-ta-; i cle iviiomiin and the Jn.-en of ! New Evidence Constantly IVinf I'ulili.-hed. Since the Ions succession of Mon- i SlM-ba" Now on Way. 1 ' Official information confirms the roe reports were first published in announcement that on October 5th ' lne lofal press there has been no Ringlinx Brothers' circus will give ; locking back. Monroe evidence con two perforamnces in Charlotte, j tinues to pour in. and better still I Many uew features have been ad-;,nos whose reports were first pub !ded this year, the most notable f lished many years ago, verify all they ! which Is tho swcttcle "Solomon and 'said in a most hearty and unmUtak (the Queen of Sheha" This colossal aul way. Read the experience of production is presented with a cast j Mrs. Lester Privett of Monroe, X. C. ,of 1,250 people, a ballet of C00 danc-! She says: jing girK 735 horses. 32 camels and j "I had become alarmed about my a tirin lod of scenery, costumes and ' poor condition. I didn't sleep well pmperuies on tue biggest stage in ; and often got up in the morning feel ithe world. j ing tired out. I was bothered by a RHEUMATISM TAINS STOITFI). The first annlicatinn of Sloan's Lin iment goes right to the painful part it Tjenpfrataa m-lthnnr vnhhlnir it Flops the rheumatic pains around the Joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today! It is a familv medicine for oil nalna hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neu ralgia ana chest pains, prevents in fection. Mr Chii If Wantwnrtk California, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, nain is eone as soon as I apply it. I recommend it to my friends as the best Liniment I ever used." Guaranteed. 25e at vour DruglsL I Following the spectacle, a circus j constant, dull pain in the small of my i program of unusual brilliancy will back that made nie feel miserable and I be presented, including an array of , I was also annoyed by dizzy spells ana American acts new to, and headaches. Finally I began us the circus world. The menagerie ing Doan's Kidney Fills, getting them contains 1.003 wild animals. 41 ele- j from the English Drug Co.. and the phants. five giraffes and a "baby : results were all I could have wished, too." The circus is transported on j The troubles began to leave one by 89 double length cars. Special ar-1 one and before long kidney rom rangements have been made by the j plaint had left my system. I willing railroads to accommodate the crowds . y confirm the statement I previously that will visit the circus from this , made recommendinc Moan's Kidnev Pills." Frice 50c. at all dealers. Don't city and the surrounding country. t ..t .1 A al. r. t 1 .1 .ur.Brw..s iu riug man jicijr simD,y sk for , kidnv remedv-p. The OM Standard general strengthening tonte, Doan s Kidney Pills the same that GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TUMC.dnrea out frs Privett had Fnstpr . Milhnrn MalarU.enricheMheblood.andbiiildauplheay- lr8' ' rneU "a!J' , U'Durn te". Atiuetouc. I-oradulta sad children. Sue I CO., Props., Buffalo, N. 1. Adv. 1 mm m TUT UIUU WAIT FOR NO OTHER SHOW! THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING THIS YEAR WILL EXHIBIT IN SmI OCT Street Parade 10:30 A.M. mm ll&W mm 1 ?J affCTCT