The Great All-round Store We have the complelest all-round store in Union county. Everything in a gen eral store we have. We have a full line of staple dry goods. Our stock of shoes cannot be beaten. We make a specialty of this. We sell bagping and ties, cotton seed meal and hulls. We buy cotton seed and seed cotton, and pay the best prices for all kinds of country produce, chickens and eggs. Try us for anything bought and sold. T. C. LEE & CO. Do you know that the best pleased people in North Carolina are those who hold policies in the Philadelphia Life Insurance Company? Ask us about them. GORDON IImMS CO. All Kinds of Insurance. Farriers & Merchants' Bank Bids. MOMiOE, X. C. 11 The Bank of Union Capital - - $30,000.00. Surplus - - $00,000.00. ' The FACTS and FIGURES show that we are still climbing and even the casual observer can see that we are much stronger as we go into each new year. We are not bragging, be it understood, but merely calling atten tion of prospective depositors to our strong position in the banking field. SAFETY IS THE PRIME CONSIDERATION - In depositing hard earned dollars, or any other good money. THE BANK OF UNION offers this induce ment now, and all the time. This is a GUARANTY not e be overlooked by any depositor. Along with this is tc be found SERVICE, and every reasonable ACCOM MODATION. People know this by EXPERIENCE .and to them we appeal for verification. In short, wend -your way to the bank in sympathy with your needs ", and able to satisfy every reasonable demand. By this cecpning you become a customer and a friend of The Bank of Union THE HOMELIKE TOUCH that is so much sought for is imparted by OUR FURNITURE. It is apparent at a glance that this furniture is made to be used as well as dmnred. It if fur niture that will wear a lifetime and be come an integral part of the home. It is furniture that pcorro fas worthiness with each succeeding yr. T. P. DILLON. STOP THAT FIRST FALL COl'CH. Check your fall rough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to se rious lung trouble, weaken your vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Tine Tar Honey today; it ia pure and haraletw ue it freely tor that fall cough or oold. If baby or children are sick give it to them, it will re lieve quickly and permanently. It soothe the irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the system a gain ft colds. It surely prevents cold germ from getting a hold, tluran- teed. Only :5c at your druggist. SALE OF INTEKKST IX V.U.I HUE LANDS. By virtue of a judgment of the su perior court at the August civil term 19H. in a civil action therein pend ing, where Love & McNeely and lled wine : Sikes are plaintiffs and Osst an Cameron and W. H. Bullen are de fendants, and more particularly by- virtue of an execution issued by the Superior Court of said countv of l'n ion and State of North Carolina now in my hands based upon said judg inert. I will, on Monday, the !!Hh day of tMiiln-r. A. !., Ittlt. expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Monrte, N. C. the one-third undivided Interest of Ossian Cameron in and to a certain tract of land in I'nion countv. in the State of North Carolina, fullv des cribed in a deed from D. J. Hemby to W. H. Dullen and registered in the office of Kegister of Deeds of I'nion county in book of deeds J9, page 587. and In a deed from Emma Hemhy to W. H. Bullen recorded in Hook 39 page 386, and In a deed from W. H Bullen to the defendant Ossian Cam eron and registered in book of deeds 3!, page 589. to which deeds refer ence is hereby made for a full des cription of the entire tract of land of which I shall offer to sell the one third undivided interest of said Ossi an Cameron. The said sale will be for the pur pose of satisfying the Judgment in favor of the above named plaintiffs against the defendant Ossian Came, ron. together with the interes t accru ed and the cost of said action. This 11th dav of Sept.. 1914. JOHN GRIFFITH. Sheriff of I'nion County, N. C. NOTICE. North Carolina, I'nion County In the Sunerior Court. Vance Plvler vs. Laura Plyler. Laura Plyler, the defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been rommene- ed in the Superior court of I'nion county to obtain an absolute divorce on the ground of adultery of said de fendant with Adam Mills: am! the said defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the term of the Sunerior Court of Tnion County to be held on the 6th Monday arter the 1st Monday of Sep tember, 1914, at the courthouse of Eaid countv in Monroe. N. C... nnd an. swer or demur to the complaint in said action, which has alreaily been filed, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 1st day of August, 1914. It. W. LEM.MOND, C. S. C. Fight For the PowftMon of a Little tiirl Mci klciiliitrg Sensation. , About three and a half years ago Mrs. Leander Wilson, of Steele Creek community, Mecklenburg county, dy ing of tuberculosis, gave her 8- months-old baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. I Tom Boyd, neighbors. Six months later Wilson, the father, tried to get the child, the lloyds refused to give her up and Judge Adaimi, who heard the case, decided the lloyds should retain the little one. Wilson again instituted legal pro ceedings and lat-t week lloyd was served with an order to produce the little girl in court before Judge Shaw on Monday. Monday lloyd appeared with his lawyer and a note from his grown daughter. Miss Arpy Boyd. The note was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. lloyd and their daughter Inform ed them she could not bear the thought of separation from the lit tle girl and she had taken her away, lloyd said he knew nothing of his daughter's intentions, didn't know she was gone until he missed her and after search found the note. He said! he was unable to find her and didn't, know where she was. Judge Shaw evidently suspected a1 conspiracy. He repremanded Boyd, told him to make further search for his daughter and the little girl and report next day at 2 o'clock. Next day lloyd didn't report and Judge Shaw issued a warrant for him. Mr. Boyd and his daughter are in danger of serious punishment for disobey- ng the order of the court. SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY Travel via Monroe, N. C, and Sea board Air Line Railway to and from all points in North, East, South and West. Chair car between Charlotte and Wilmington. Steel, electric lighted observation sleeper between New York and Birmingham. E lec tin lighted Pullman drawing room sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth. schedule in etiect April 12, 1914. The following schedule figures are published as Itforinatloa only, and are not guaranteed: TRAINS ARRIVE MONROE. No. 14 Charlotte to Wilming ton, local, 6:45 a.m. No. 12 Birmingham Atlanta to Ports, and New York, 6:10 a.m. No. 6 New York to Birmingham, 9:55 a. m. No. 34 Rutherfordton to Ral eigh, local, 11:00 a.m. No. 19 Wilmington to Charlotte, 11:10 a.m. No. 31 Raleigh to Rutherfordton, local, 2.25 p. ni. No. 30 Atlanta to Monroe. 6:35 p.m. No. 20 Charolttei to Wilmington, local, 6:40 p.m. No. 16 Rutherfordton to Monroe 8:20 p. m. No. 13 Wilmington to Charlotte, 9:65 p.m. No. 6 Birmingham to Porta, and Nw York, 8:45 p. m. No. 11 New York-Porta. to At- tanta and Birmingham. 10:50 p.m. TRAINS LEAVE MONROE. No. 14 Charlotte to Wilming ton, local, 6:50 a. m. No. 12 Birmingham - Atlanta to Porta, and New York, 6:15 a.m. No. 15 Monroe to Rutherford ton, 8:00 a. m. No. 6 New York to Birmingham, 10:00 am. No. 34 Rutherfordton to Raleigh, local, ii:io a.m. No. 29 Monroe to Atlanta, 11:16, a.m. No. 19 Wilmington to Charlotte, local 11.20 a. m. No. 31 Raleigh to Rutherfordton, local, z:3v p. m. No. 20 Charlotte to Wilmington, local. 6:40 p.m. No. 13 Wilmington to Charlotte, local, iu:uv p. m. No. 11 New York - Porta, to Atlanta and Birmingham, 10:66 p.m. No. t Birmingham to New York and Ports., 8:50 p. m. For farther Information call on or phone 8. J. Brigman, Ticket Agt., or John T. Weat, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C, or C. B. Ryan, Q.P.A., NorfoIk,Va. Thankful For R indites of Helpful Xciiihlxir. To the Editor of The Journal: Please hllow us space in your pa per to express our thanks; First, to the Tradesville Junior Order, and to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and help in the hours of grief and distress. They were always ready to administer to our wants. They stood by my husband's bedside to the last and Ministered to his wants untiringly to the end. We pray the 1-ord to bless each of their homes. Words cannot express the kratitude of our hearts to our friends for the favors they bestowed upon him in the time of need. There is a vacant chair in our home mhich cannot be filled: a voice we loved to hear is still. He cannot come back to us but our prayer shall be that we all may stand on the hight with him and hear Je sus say "come ye blessed of My Fa ther, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." One more act of kindness we wish to thank our friends for: When our fodder was ready to be gathered thirty-two men came in and pulled It for us, and when cured, ready for the barn, twenty-tive came back and housed it for us. For these acts of kindness our hearts overflow with love to our neighbors and friends for their kindness to us. May God's blessings rest richly upon each and evry one, is our prayer. HL'NTKR FAMILY. Shoes That Fit and Wear. A shoe that does not fit is an abom ination. A shoe that does not wear comes under the same classification. But shoes you buy HERE are bless ings. We will not willingly sell you a pair of shoes that do not fit We will never sell you shoes that do not wear well. I Our shoes r rich In STVT.15 In FIT. and In QUALITY, and our stock is LARGE. We have shoes to FIT EVERY PERSON and at price to SUIT EVERY PURSE. Just Received Today a Khipment of Men's Pants, price $1.13 as long as they last. The real value of these pants N from $1.50 to ftl.75. Don't miss these chances of real BARGAINS, at the Monroe Bargain House. NASSIFF & JOSEPH. Proprietors. CHAMPION KIDI; l:PF.KTS. Wheeler Itro. (inn Shows Hi plcte With limit Ktielrinii IVatuirs., The new and wonderful European arenie features that have been added o the Wheeler Bros. Shows appear ng here October lird are many and varied, but none stand out so prom inently in the brilliant galaxy of star eature acts as the Leltoy - Sexton Troupe, now seen for the first time in America. These clever people are acknowledged the champion riding experst of Europe, and appear In what is classed as the only original equestrian act kuown to the circus for the past half century, Their sim plest feats are not within the range of accomplishment of the average equestrian, and their more heroic efforts are the bane of envious rivals. They are noted for their dextrous individual and conjunctive perform ances, which embrace a series of rid- ng nnd athletic stunts entirely new to the American arena, concluding with simultaneous bounding leaps from the ground to the backs of horses. The certainty of execution with which all their feats are ac complished gives a finishing touch that Is so frequently lacking in or dinary riders. The LeRoy-Sexton Troupe are not alone, however. In the Wheeler Bros. Equestrian contingent. There are many other riders of both sexes whose names are synonymous with the best and greatest In eques trian achievements and the majority of whom are progeny of illusrlous riding families, thus combining ac quired skill with hereditary genius. They represent every school and style of riding bounding. Jockey, somer saulting, hurdle, menage, and rare riders and heroic horsemanship of the frontier. A company of genuine Cossack Riders In native costume, give an ex hibition of Daring Whirlwind Rid ing, which has never been equalled. Positively the greatest act of Its kind ever offered by any traveling or ganization. Adv. Don't Hold Cotton! WITHOUT INSURING IT! Everybody will hold some, and the fire danger is always present. Make it SAFE and then set back and wait for the price to rise. Insure with us and get the lowest rate obtainable and in the best com panies. Insurance Department Savings, LoanS Trust Co. N. C. English, Manager. Announcement! To Well - Dressed Women: I take pleasure in announcing that the styles for the coming season are again favorable to the gentler sex styles which give that much desired simplicity, elegance and modesty. The loose floppy garment is a thing of the past, so be careful in selecting your fall suit. You can secure the correct styles only from a compe tent ladies' taylor. My reduced prices will expire Septem ber loth. You have only a few more days to buy a suit at a great saving while I have the advanced styles and splen did new fabrics and make your selection. J. Russo 6 Co., LADIES' TAYLORS, Charlotte, N. C, McKinnon Building. Corner 5th and Tryon St DR. R. L. PAYNE, Phjiici&a and Burgee, Monroe, N. C Office In Poetofflce Building, t (Tnion Drag Co. Office hour 11 U If a. tn., S to 4 p. m. Residence phone. 27S-R. I'soful Wives. Equal suffrage has not yet pene trated Africa's jungles. A husband will send two of his wives out to plant and care for rassada farm. Two more will be appointed to look after the rice farm, attend It, drive off the rice birds and animals, and. Anally harvest the crop. Two more will be delegated to the jungle, to chop and bring home Are wood. Another will be commissioned to carry water for the family. Another will do the cooking. Still another will shine her husband's sword, light his pipe and bring it to him, while he sits in the kitchen, and talks any kind of 'palaver" that his men friends care to quibble about. The husband works on the principle of "to every woman her work." The Christian Herald. Ready for To-morrow ? Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than other farm animals. In order to insure thorough digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your horses readier for next day's work, add to their evening feed a teaspoonful of DSC MED?CINE It will lessen your feed bills. It wOl Increase your profits. I im mint BeeDct STOCK MEDICINE wilb m horses rtinlirly and find it uvlni proposition on Ictd. it also nukes them nulthy, thriving and clean. Its Johnston, R P. D. No. t, O'Neill, Nebf. 23c, 50c and $1. per caa. At yoor dealer's. r. r. i DIZZY? BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED? Dr. King's New Life Pills will cure you. cause healthy flow of Bile and rids your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general sys tem. First dose will cure you of that . depressed, dlny, bilious and const!-1 pated condition. 2 Sc. alt Dru gists. Women's Ailments Tho ailments from which women suffer are many and varied so far as the symptoms Indicate, yet they are all dependent upon a disorder In the female generative system, and a remedy that acts on the cause of the trouble puts an end to all the distressing symptoms as soon as tho unnatural conditions are removed. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Is a Medicine for Women tt acts directly on the female organism. Quiets Inflammation, eases pain, strength ens the nerves, helps digestion, tones up the stomach and puts the body In Tine vigorous condition. It transforms a weak, nervous, ailing woman into one of jspsrkllng cheerfulness and vigor. It brightens the eye, revives the spirit and restores the rosy bloom of health to the cheek. ScU by DrvggUtt and DtaUrt. Vice ft.00 Ptr BottU. C r. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO ST. LOUIS, MISSOUBI