Special Notices. It ro just vne cret a word to tril the pevjd 't the whole county what )u bae to 'M or want to buy. Count the words and wntl Ue tah with the urJT. Pastime Theatre Come where the licensed moving picture are uuwn. The best Him made. They wul c?r tainly pleas? you. If you need glasses, see Dr. H. Smith. eye ight specialist, who fan be fount! at hi office In Monroe, N. C. regularly from this date. Our gins are doing the best work they have ever done. We do not have a new system, but we have new saws and brushes that are doing work that cannot be excelled for We iav Zi cent for seed. I whether we gin ynur cotton or cot. Let u show you. Monroe on Aim. For Kent -Four room hou.-e on Wimheur avenue; newly painted; city water Fowler k Lee. Fresh mince neat at Vaan Fun-derburk's. fiin Our new cinnerv at the R. W. A. Rogers plate is now Joins! fine work. Will also buy seed at tne Monroe price. K. V. Koers Bra. Wanted Green and dry hide. Top of market paid. Monroe Cash Market. For Sale Two set of single and one double wagon harness, and de liTery wagon. C. N. Simpson. Jr. Vou can Ret that fine old home made kraut at S. R. Doster's store. Taint! Taint! When you get ready to paint your dwelling, let us figure with you. We handle the old reli able Woolsey's, made of pure lead and oil only, and sold under a guar antee. Co-operative Mercantile Co. Globes for your electric lights, complete stock, all sizes, at Heath Hardware Company. Notice of Examination I will hold an examination for white teachers on Thursday, October 8. and for coiorea i teachers' on Friday the 9th. The ex aminations will be both for common (tchool and high school teachers. K. N. Nlsbet, County Supt. For Kent Five room cottage on Morris street. C. F. Cadieu. Diamond automobilo tires stand ard of the world. Tharp Hardware and Manufacturing Company. Lost A ten dollar bill in Monroe on Saturday. Leave at Journol of fice and be rewarded. J. S. Broom. Go to Crow Bros, store and leave your orders for lime. It can be se cured chM?ly in car load lots and de livered direct from the car. For Sale Cheap One 12 h. p. In ternational portable gasoline engine, good as new. Heath Hardware Co, Xotiee Have you any quilts that you want quilted? If so call on me. Price from 80 cents to $1.00. Jo Benhine Blount. 303 E. Church St. Wanted an tne seconu oanu coi For Kent Four room house, witli ton seed meal sacks that we can get bath room, on Washington street. Highest market price paid. Monroe Mrs. J. J. Moody. New Cash Store We have opened a grocery store on Franklin street, opposite the postofilee. We will sell you first-class groceries cheap for CASH. Will pay best cash price for country produce. Give us a trial Hill's Cash Store. Oil Mill. Repairing, timing and adjusting high grade watches, Jewelry repair- j lng' engraving and diamond mount ing a specially. j. rresiar. German and Brili-h Make a Draw on ea. London Dispatch. JOth, 11:10 p. m. There has not been a gun fired in the North Sea for days. so far as the British Admiralty knows but the Ad miralty tonight Issued bulletins of important encounters in far-off ma ters. Successes and misfortunes were chronicled impartially. The German protected cruiser Koenigsberg caught the British light cruiser Pegasus overhauling her machinery In V.-ir.i-bar harbor this morning and attack ed and disabled her. The German cruiser Emden rrpt n red six British merchant steamer in the Bay of Bencal in six days ar.d sank five of them. The Emden re appeared at Uancoom. possibly hav ing taken part in other exploits, as yet not known. On the British side of the score was the sinking of a German mer chant cruiser, supposed to hate been the Cap Trafalgar or the Berlin, by the former Cunard liner Garmania. familiar to trans-Atlantic travellers In waters which the Admiralty de scribes as "off the Fast coast of South America." The British loss was small, nine killed and 26 wound ed. The German losses is unknown. QUITE A HARMLESS "GHOST1 Good old home-made kraut Dos ter's favorite S. R. Doster. We have now plenty new cotton seed meal and hulU Monroe Oil Mill. Auction Sale -On Saturday, the 26th. 1 will sell at putilic auction a fine lot of household and kitchen fur niture on the public square, sale to be at eleven o'clock. This furniture' Is all in good condition, nice and clean. It is not a mortgage sale but is property of a family who is moving away and are selling to avoid pack ing ami moving. You will li.ie t!,e chance to buy some nice bargains.- J. G. Koger..-, auctioneer. For Sale or Kent In the town of Unlonville, one new ten r i;n dwell ing, large r,f.v store, barn and other buildings, with fourteen acres of land in a fine state of cultivation, (known We can jar you with good results, Mason fruit Jars for sale by the Co operative Mercantile Co. Fresh farm Eggs Stamped and sold under a strict guarantee. Co operative Mercantile Co. Those double-spooler, self-thread-in? spwine machines at H. E. Cod- ple's are wonderful in mechanism, and price. We are still In the well business. We bore in quicksand as well as hard rock. This is the cheapest, quickest and best way you can get a well. Hart sell Well Boring Company, Mon roe, N. C. For Sale I" Tharp Hwde F. M. 30 touring L Mfg. Co. car. For first-class plumbing see Aus tin & Corre.ll. ps the Dr. Smith estate) Whitley. A. 1). X. For Kent Four close in W. T. Key. room cottage For Sale Appier seed oats. Best grade A. E. Little, I'nionville, K. F. D. 1. Notice We are prepared to change your last fall's suit to styles for the reason; also to give you low prices on new made-to-order suits, and all Kinds of cleaning and pressing, etc. Clve us a trial Carolina Pressing Club, Polk Bros., Proprietors. Stag Paint will save 23 per cent of your paint bill. Let us tell you why Tharp Hardware Co. We have a complete stock of all sizes of electric globes of the latest type. Heath Hardware Company. The Moon and Timber. It may be asked in all seriousness how much longer the superstition will live which ascribes to the moon an Influence over timber? This unscl entitle and unprovable claim has long held a place In the backwoods, where people were prone to accept the teach ings of tradition without much con cern about cause and effect; but it la rather late in the day now for edu cated people to attribute to the dead, inert moon an influene on vegetation If there Is anything certain it is that the moon has no observable effect on the flow of a tree's sap or on the characters and qualities of the wood. It can be urgued scientifically that it cannot have, and it has been dem onstrated in practice that It does not have such effect. Apparently there is some mistake in tJ statement that the felling is done by moonlight, or with regard to any phase of the moon. Accounts of modern mahogany-logging operations in America and Africa do not mention that custom. In some of the tropical regions hauling logs from the woods is done at night because the lieat by day cannot bo endured by the men and teams. Hardwood Record. Inoffensive Little Fragment Created Something Like Consternation in Section of Omaha. Even If aa official statement baa been given out that a mouse was re sponsible for ringing the bell In the s:eple of North Presbyterian church, the policemen of the district, as well as most of the resldeut In the neigh borhood, cannot quite figure how it was dune. The bell was disconnected at the request of Kev. Joha R. Mackey. pastor of the church, last January, and since then has not been ringing the hours as marked by the clock In the steeple. Even the lieutenant In the police station suffered from the "creeps" and visions of a phantom bellrlnger and a ghost In the belfry. When tele phone calls began to come Into the station he dispatched four reserves to the church. When they arrived they found that John Effener, the sexton, had made an Investigation and could find noth ing In the tower to explain the sudden clanging of the bell. Four "shaky" policemen and the sexton climbed the narrow ladder leading to the belfry and with police lanterns began an in vestigation. While they were looking the bell clanged again. Expecting every minute to see an apparition, the police kept at their examination and discovered that a cog In the clock bad been shifted by a small bit of hide, making it possi ble for the bell to ring. An examina tion showed that the hide was part of a mouse which evidently had been en tangled in the delicate clock mechan ism which controls the bell. The po licemen still are wondering, however. how the mouse did the hickory-dick-ory-dock feat, for the works of the clock are several feet off the floor and are held up by supports. The clock was stopped last January at the request of Rev. Milo Bates, rec tor of the Church of the Intercession. The parish house of that church la across the street, and when Mrs. Gates was ill last winter the ringing of the bell annoyed her. and It waB stopped. The bell was not attached to the clock again because residents of the neigh' borhood said It was a nuisance. Omuha Bee. See F. B. Ashcraft for lime, sand, brick, cement, wall plaster.laths and shingles. The leading varieties of turnip seed at the Co-Operative Mercantile Company. Just Received A big lot of cotton picker's sheets take the place of baskets Heath Hardware Co. Porch swings and rockers at H. E. Copple's. Chickens, eggs and hams wanted I have several orders to fill for both fowls and young chickens. See me before selling. W. R. Outen. Dr. H. Smith, eye sight specialist, Ve want to buy country hams at will be in his office, Monroe, N. C, best market prices. S. R. Doster. regularly from this date and will be pleased to have you call if you have eye troubles and need glasses. Wanted To good condition. Larty. sell fine See Mrs. organ, In G. C. Mc- Please call at any time for hack ork. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. See S. R. Doster when you come to town to sell chickens, eggs, and all country produce. REPORT OF THH CONDITION 01' THE Farmers and Merchants' Bank, AT MONKOK, N. C, at the close of business Sept. 12th, 1114 RKSOl'ttCKS. Loans and discounts $227. 08 Overdrafts unsecured l.t'-if 3 Furniture & fixtures S.WUll All other real estate owned-. 1,134.11 Due from banks anil bankers. 13,310.65 Cash items. 1.128.05 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 425.18 Nationul bank notes and other U. S. notes 1.S74.00 Total liabilities: Capital stock $), Surplus fund 20, Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Bills Payable 50, Deposits subject to check 00, Demand certificates of dep.. 59, Due to banks and bankers.. 1, Cashier's checks outstanding. .$252,345.61 000.00 000.00 825.87 000.00 208.41 802.06 250.08 259.19 Notice My gins are in good re- Dry cleaning, dry cleaning, fault pair and I will gin for my customers less dry cleaning. McCall's, Phone for the fortieth, also will give each J28, Reliable Pressing Club, 201 man his seed without mixing, and Beasley street. will give you a neat hale. S. E. Belk. ; .! Let us figure on you Job of plumb See Tharp Hardware Company for lng. If the price Is not right, we will anything in rootling or building ma- not expect to do the work. Austin & terial. Correll. Total $232,345.61 North Carolina. Union County - ss. I, C. B. Adams, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. B. Adams, Cashier. Correct Attest: F. G. Henderson, W. S. Lee, W. M. Gordon, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of Sept., 1914. P. 11. Johnson. N. P. When you want to make a trip or Wat Ashcraft, Veterinarian Day take a pleasure ride, call Joe Griffin's calls, 113, night calls 113. Hospital automobile transfer. Careful driv- on Hayne street, northeast of court lng, day or night. Phone No. 263-11. house, Monroe, N. C. Leave your orders for lime and we will notify you when to come and load from the cars. Crow Bros. Bananas all this week at ten cents a dozen. Jump for these bargains. S. U. Dos ter. Since the fire I have moved my market to the Myers building on Main street, formerly occupied by J. D. Parker, and am ready to go right on serving you with good fresh meats and fine fresh fish. Same old phone number, (199). W. J. Walters. Call on F. B. Ashcraft fer alfalfa, crimson clover, red clover, seed oats, Head's grass, pasture mixture, or any other field seeds you want. Galvanized piping for sale Co operative Mercantile Co. Wanted Some nice pork and veal Walters' Market. Anything In sheet iron or tin made to order at Tharp's tin shop. F. B. Ashcraft can save you money on your crimson clover seed. If you are going to build or repair see us for shingles, rubber rootling, galvanized roofing, lime and cement. Heath Hardware Co. See the Co-Operative Mercantile Co. for clover seed. THE LOCAL MARKETS. Electric globes of all sizes may now be bad at all times from the Heath Hardware Company. Lime is the cheapest and quickest aid to legumes and grain. All our oils need it. The price has now got within reach. Farmers should call at Crow Bros, and leave their orders. For Sale McCormlck, Johnson, Deering, Wood Mowing machines and rakes Heath Hardware Co. T 4 I A .... lnot ,. famous George E. Nlssen wagons. 1 Jleath Hardware Co. I COTTON. Best short staple 9. 00 Seed 24 PRODUCE. The figuree given here are price paid by merchants today. They may be different tomorrow or next day. Readers are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on the day they expect to come to market and Bet flzurea for that dav. Hens 30 to 40 Young chickens 20 to 30 ( Roosters . . 25! Guinea ,. . 20 to 25 ; Eggs 25 to 28 Butter ........... UH to 20 Hams 18 to 20 Beeawaz . . . . IS to 20 1 Pork 12 Beef cattle 4 to 5 Mutton 4 to 6 Pastime Theatre To-Night "The Dance of Death" In two reels. "End of the Umbrella" WLDXF.SDAY: "A Darktown Wooing" In two reels. "Adventures of Kathlyn" No. 7, In two reels, "PERILS OF PAULINE" An episode shown every two weeks. Next episode Oct. 1st. Licensed films shown. The best pictures made. They will certain ly please you. Woman's Lena Doa SIM Trla. The cold and frozen Arctic had no particular terrors for Mrs. J. I. Bond, wire of Captain Bond, who has re turned to San Francisco with her hus band and the Thirtieth regiment ol Infantry from a two ears' slay in Al;;t-ka nt Fort Gibbon. Mrs. Bond entered enthusiastically Into the sports of the region of the midnight run, snow, and perpetual ice, becoming an expert skier and somethinj cf a ir.usher. The longest and most perilous trip which the took was made with her own dog team In company with Mrs. It. H. Pearson and two expert guides from Fort Gibbon to Fairbanks, then to Chena Hot Spring and back to Fort Gibbon, a dis tance of 650 miles. The thermometer stood between 40 and 50 below zero during the whole of the trip. Mrs Bond says she enjoyed every mile ol the trip and refused to admit that there was anything hazardous in it. They were well provided with food and covers. Flies Disliked In Denmark. On the billboards of Copenhagen, appears the sign. "The most danger ous of all animals Is not the Hon, the tiger or the reptile, but the fly." This Is the means Herr Falck uses in waging a campaign against files. Herr Falck Is the bitterest enemy the fly has In Scandinavia, and his one ambition is to see a flyless Denmark. To preach his new crusado he has or ganlzcd In Copenhagen the first com plete fly exhibition In the world. It contains every kind of weapon yet In vented for trapping, poisoning or smashing files. Most of these con trivances come from the United States. An old superstition that Herr Falck hopes to rid the people of Is that a Christmas fly brings good luck. A Christmas fly, according to Herr Falck, Is the potential mother of 193, 312,500,000 descendants In the course of the summer season. .D a nini UJLO We will give ten cents a pound for good white cot ton until Saturday night, October 3rd, when same is placed on your note. Bring it along. Raymond;c.Grif fin 6 Bro. September 21, 1914. MONROE. N. C. fin . . ft ' fi Corpses Poison Water. Parisians were warned today that because of the battles on the banks of the Marne, which Is the largest tributary to the Seine, the water of the river must not be used for drink ing purposes without being boiled. Philip Kader, an American volun teer aviator, who has just returned from tho valley of the Meuse, says that corpses lie heaped upon the banks of the river. Filipinos Play Baseball. Paseball Is now played In every part of the Philippine archipelago, and the number of persons actually engaged In it Is remarkably high. Practically every school in the Islands has a team and some more than one. Thir ty or more provinces have their pro vincial leagues among the schools, and these are supplemented by inter provincial leagues. In Manila, where the chief offices of the government are located, there Is an lnterurban league running scheduled games throughout the season; aa Industrial league composed of teams from tb employes of the various large Indus trial companies of the city, and the Manila Paseball league, a professional organization. Mica Nothing. I Redd The Sarnla (Ontario) Cana dian aays that "Thomas Collins ol the first concession of Blddulph township, who is ninety-nine and one-half yean old, has Just commenced taking muslo lessons. ' Greene I hope some one will call Thomas' attention to the tango. 8oaked. Freshman Why dont they wear watches with full dress? Dormite No one could get them both at once. "Oh, Come, Come!" She Cried Wildly. and vital on his fingers. A fine spirit of resolve set her countenance aglow. "You may count on me for action on my own part, If I find circumstances warrant it. I promised not to marry Alan because of the feud between our fathers but not to stand by and see hlra sacrificed. Tell me how I may communicate secretly with you and let me go as soon as possible!" (Continued In next Issue.) Look. Look! ;ooi MI SIC. HKTTCK Ml sir, XKYY MI MC, HY TIIK Monroe Orchestra FRIDAY X It; I IT nt the Rex Theatre. I'llder the Direction of PROF. V. S. S( II Altl'KXHF.lMJ of (Khkosll, Wis. Prof. Scharpenbug conies to Mon roe highly recommended. He was for several years violin soloist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Thomas Orchestra of New York; also concert vlollst with the Lyceum people. Mr. Scharpenberg Is a grad uate of the Steine Conservatory of Music, Berlin. Don't forget to come out and hear some good music Fri day. DOXT MISS TIIOSK WOXDKKI'l I. MOVING I XIVKKSAI, PICT I IIKS AT Tin: Rex Theatre THIS WKFK. ltcKrt of the Condition of Tho Savings, Loan & Trust Company At Monroe, X. C, at the close of business Sept. 12, 1914. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $135,797.27 Overdrafts 1,498.37 Insurance Investment 1,(HK).IK) Furniture and fixtures 1,830.00 All other real estate owned 1,750.00 Due from banks and bankers 5,94o,16 Cash items 6i4.00 Gold coin 15.00 Silver coin and minor cur cy 112.17 Nat'l bank and U. S. notes. 1,341.00 A Tremendously F.ntei-talnlnu Show Kadi XlKht. Total. $149,862.97 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund .ow.w Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes.. 1,982.78 Bills payable 35,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 31.301.88 Deposits subject to check... 22,253.65 Savings deposits 15,249.25 Cashier's checks outstanding 62.82 Trust funds 11,512.69 Total $149,862.97 State of North Carolina, Union co. I, H. II. Clark, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. II. B. CLARK, Cashier. Correct Attest: D. A. Houston, S. O. Blair, W. C. Heath. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 22nd day of Sept.. 1914. James B. Copple, N. P. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Barj Tow Teftt wtll rrnod sooner OINTMENT Ml to cor nr cae ot Jtchkie BIM.Bkwdtnrov Pratmdhn PflM6to layt. rttt ant applioatiea flics Ku sad KtiU Soc TONIGHT. J. Warren Kerrigan in "A Twenti eth Century Pirate," a wonderful drama that is sure to please. "The Lost Arrow," an Indian le gend; a stirring one-reel number. "Lost by a Hair," a screaming comedy. WEDNESDAY. "The House of Discordant," feat uring Bob Leonard and Hazel Buck ham In a thrilling romance of love and adventure in two parts. "The Crash." Siss! Bang! Boom! Bow! Wow! It's Ford Sterling In the most spectacular comedy ever produced. Don't miss it. THURSDAY. "The Ragged Knight," a charming heart-Interest drama in two parts, witu Florence Lawrence, that won derful movie actress. In the lead. "Universal Animated Weekly, that highly entertaining current event picture. See It every week, something new and different every time. FRIDAY. Look! Extra! Look! Good mu sic by the Monroe Orchestra under the leadership of Prof. F. S. Schar fenberg, violinist. Also good pictures: "Snow Drift," a heart-interest drama of the north west featuring the beautiful and charming movie actress, Babara Ten nant. "Tick, Tick, Tick," a comedy up roar. Don't forget the music. SATURDAY. Extra 5 reels, S. "The Lady of the Island," featur ing. Alexander Gaden and Dorothy Phillips In a heart-gripping melodra ma of today. "Capt. Kldd's Priceless Treasure," a huge comedy spectacle with May Asher. Also two other splendid reels. Visit The Rex Theatre, Monroe's meat popular amuse house. A high elass performance Is always assured. They show those famous Moving Uni versal Pictures. They Please.