DSffnOfi ENDER -RETREAT A LITTLE, .THEN MflGBT SOME MQRENmmm Eyerybody Reads Them Here If You Can't Do Big Business Do Something on & Small er Scale-Try a little Ad and help to keep things moving One Cent a Word. There are literally scores of things that may be advertised with profit in these columns. Second hand vehi cles, farm implements, machinery, furniture, seeds, poultry, live stock such things as many peopie nac and don't need and others do. You never know mho wants them or where you can sell them, without trying. And those who wish to buy articles may often save many dollars by advertising their wants. Many others may have just the thing you want and be anxious to get rid of it at a low price. Both sellers and buy ers can find profit in these columns. Count the words and send one cent for each. This is a cash column un less you have a regular account with the paper. Twelve thousand feet good second hand lumber for sale Preston Smith. Notice We will pay eight cents fcr cotton this week to all customers who apply tame oa account. Crow Brothers. Tickets for the Old Maid s Conven tion will be on sale at the i uion Drug Store. ! New home-made kraut tnade when the moon was right). Griffin & Biv-j ens. Don't fail to see the Emerson grain drill at Henderson Roller MUM Co. 'It's patented qualities are worth the price of the drill. Call us for home-made molasses. Griffin ft Blvens. We want to buy your cotton seed.' 27 cents a bushel. J. B. Nash & Son. Just received A car load of gal-j vanized roofing Tharp Hardware ! Company. I Second hand auto for sale cheap. ' J. M. Percenter, Jackson Mill, Mon Iroe. X. C. You do not have to wait at our gin, because our eight stand system does the work fast. We guarantee the seed market. Monroe Oil Mill. Don't sell your seed for less than we pay. Bring them to us and get the top. J. B. Nash & Son. Call and examine our line of heat ers: prices fl.50 up. Heath Hard ware Co. You can afford it Only nine cer.tsl a pound for Crimson clover seed at j K. B. Ashcrart s. j . . 1 Call us for home-made molasses, j Griffin & Bivens. (nod Advice to Youne Men About Smartness. Correspondence of The Journal. Wingate. Oct. 5. Miss Babel Cow an, a former student of the school, is spending some time with relatives in the village. Mr. I. A. Connell, who moved to Charlotte some time ago, has moved back into his residence in the north ern part of town. Mr. W. A. Free, who has been on the sick list for some time, made a trip to Richmond, Va., last week for the purpose of securing hospital ac commodations for treatment. He ex pects to return In a few days and spend a month in the Memorial Hos pital. We hope he will derive much benefit from the course of treatment. Mr. Eugene Griffin and little broth re of Ansonville are visiting relatives in and around town. A great moving picture show CONGRESSMEN ASK POK MONEY. The Cotton Meeting. Again the rain prevented a large Southerner Appealed to the Pre. I- turnout at the cotton meeting held dent tor Four Hundred and Fifty 'here last Saturday. A fair crowd of Millions But Nothing t omes of It. people came to the chow that day con- Washington Dispatch. 2nd. Southern congressmen appealed to President Wilson today not to con- ! sent to an adjournment of Congress until the financial situation facing cotton planters is relieved and asked that f450.000.000 in government funds be raised for loans to planters at three per cent Interest. The Presi dent promised to discuss the situa tion with Secretary McAdoo and with other congressional leaders. The delegation asked that money for loans be raised through the sale or $200,000,000 worth of Panama Canal bonds, the Issuance of $200, 000,000 worth of United States notes end the transfer to the South of $50, 000,0000 of governement money now When you are up street call in and let us show you. Griffin A: Bivens. Emerson Mowers and Rakes at fac torv prices for the next ten days at Henderson Roller Mills Co. Finest assortment chocolate can dies in town. Griffin & Bivens. Not a bit of use to pay high prices when you can get just as good furni ture at fifty per cent, or less, than the original cost. We buy lots of furni ture from arious sources where the persons have moved or merely chang ed their outfits, at rrices that enable us to sell within the reach of every body. We have just bought three car loadi from the Preshyterian College of Charlotte. In the lot are 02 wash stands, !'2 drovers, !j2 center tables, f2 Iron bed stands. 0.' bed spring, H2 bowls and pitchers and "-3 chairs. This furniture has been used only by the young ladies of the school ami is in perfect sanitary condition. We will sell it thus: Dressers that cost ?12 to $14. going at $4 to 11.50; wash stands from 50c. up; Iron Bed stands from $1.50 up. Other articles at like reduced prices. Remember, too, that we carry new furniture and can save you money on that, too. Yours for bargains, P. P. Cox. Frt e One box of Old Dresden lin en paper with a 25c. jar of Peridixo, the original peroxide cream C. X. Simpson, Jr. Tork Wanted Highest prices. Walters Market. Don't fail to see George Belk for all kinds of Bicycle Repairing at the Monroe Bicycle Shop. All work is guaranteed. For Sale At a bargain, the II. M. Ulmer horse and buggy W.J.Rudge. Buy the famous "Harmony of Bos ton" toilet articles at the Union Drug Store. Fresh breakfast bacon and hams. Griflin Bivens. When you want to make a trip or I -U., 1l I.. r.lfRn'i "11111 laae a pieasuir nur. ... -uo ...... ... ,,,..., u.ii nn ,. Tnos.lav vn automobile transfer. Careful dm-- bu ow ((J the iers be made for periods from nine to Ing. day or night. Phone No. .fcj-k. , . aerator decided to keen' twelve months at three per cent in- hw urlnra nlf lh screen Wp hnne ! lereM vn couon ai no one was severely disappointed. It is the habit of the writer to en deavor to say something nice about Lime Is the cheapest and quickest aid to legumes and grain. All our toils need it. Tho price has now got within reach. Farmers should call at Crow Bros, and leave their orders. Try McCall's Reliable Pressing Club. They clean clothes cleaner than the cleaner that cleans clothes the cleanest. Phone 328, Reliable Pressing Club, 204 Beasley street. billed to exhibit its wonders in the i deposited In national banks. It was ! proposea mat me loans to tne piant- an average price of ten cents a pound. The delegation conteneded that un der the national bank law banks may every one whose name appears in his Our line of Enamel and Alluminum i ware is complete. Heath Hardware Company. If you need glasses, see Dr. II. Smith, eye sight specialist, who can be found at his office in Monroe, X. C, regularly from this date. paragraphs. There is one class, how ever, whose rude. 111 manners and un gentle habits seem to eclipse all the virtues that go to make up the true gentleman. I speak of that class of young gentlemen (?) who in an ef fort to be "smart" and to make a display of their wit (which is only the ape of wisdom) are ever ready, whenever possible, to change the real meaning of any proper and legit imate word or expression Into a vul- vauf nrr fnr lima n,i wp i garisiu into low down black guard Wat Aahcraft. Veterinarian Day calls. 113, night calls 113. Hospital ou Hayne street, northeast of court house, Monroe. X. C. will notify you when to come load from the cars. Crow Bros. and Wanted Green and dry hides. Top of market paid. Monroe Cash Market. Kree With a 25c. jar of A. D. S. Peroxide, the up-to-date cream, one box of Old Dresden linen w riting pa per. C. X. Simpson, Jr. Please call at any time for hack work. Phone 268. Henry Lilly. Dry cleaning, dry cleaning, less dry cleaning. McCall's, Thone 128, Reliable Pressing Club, 204 Beasley street. suggestive of sensuality, and that in the presence of their superiors and inferiors alike (if it can be said that such have r.ny Inferiors). Now, young gentlemen for I want to addres you as such whoever you I fault-'1'10 ""d wherever you may be, let one who has, in common with all good and ploim and intelligent christian people, a profound interest in your I i.tn. -? ;m. 't ui I r, f u 'rmmiMi vu lu We have just received a car load at once and forever abandon this con- of best No. 1 shingles. Heath Hard-, lempunie ana low nown, ruinous nan be authorized to act as fiscal agents and trustees of the government and under this provision the government and not the banks would be responsi ble for the money. The Southerners declared that if $450,000,000 were available the situation would be re lived and a smaller amount would be actually called for. As a precedent for sending money to the South, the President's callers referred to the deposit of govern ment funds In Dayton after the flood. Representatives Lever of South Carolina and Hardwlch of Georgia sidering the bad weather, and the number at the cotton meeting waa aa large as could have been expected. The concensus of opinion among the business men and farmers pres ent was that the only thing that could be of permanent help would be the growing of home supplies and cut ting down the cotton acreage by each individual farmer. All speak ers opposed the idea of passing a law to regulate acreage. A committee was appointed to make further plans for an organiza tion and to call another meeting when they are ready. This committee con sists of the following gentlemen: W. C. Heath. T. J. W. Broom, J. M. Tom berlin, R. B. Redwine and George W. Smith. Recorder!. Court. The following cases have been tried up to date: Tom Howard, selling whiskey; $60 and costs. Willeford Lytle, ordinance 80; costs. X. B. Ayres, assault and battery; costs. Lonnle Griffin, ordinance 80; costs. Bogan Crook, ordinance 80; costs. J. D. Smith, ordinance 80; costs. Ray Lingle, exceeding speed limit; costs. G. R. Grubbs. Jr., gambling; $15 and costs; forcible trespass, costs. Joe Brewer, gambling; $15 and costs. Henry Thomas, ordinance 80; costs. Herman Barfleld, ordinance 80: sought Secretary McAdoo's support costs. for the Senate amendment to the Hoyt Howie, assault and battery; nann law to aumorize state nanus to costs. issue extra currency under the Yree- land section. Mr. McAdoo, however, i reiterated his opposition. Freh fruits and candles alt time. Griffin & Bivens. the All kinds of cakes and crackers and anything you want for lunches. Griffin & Bivens. Just received a fresh shipment of nice evaporated peaches and apples Plyler, Funderburk & Co. For Rent Four rooms, with bath room, on Washington street. Mrs. J. J. Moody. ware Co. Pork Wanted. Walters' Market. Xotice After Saturday, October 3, 1914, our business will be run on a cash basis. Polk Bros. Taint! Taint! When you get ready to paint your dwelling, let us figure with you. We handle the old reli able Woolsey's, made of pure lead and oil only, and sold under a guar antee. Co-operative Mercantile Co. It and henceforth, for your own sal;es and tbe sake of your father and Dr. II. Smith, eve sight specialist. mot tier ana Sisters and all civil peo- will be in his office, Monroe, X. C.'lde, and for God'R and heaven's sake, remiariv from this data nd will be let your word be pure and chaste pleased to have you call if you have eye troubles and need glasses. l.00d,f.l tt 1, hl"eih'. I " Morris street.-C. F. Cadieu. ! order. We will sell you a good axe with handle for 65 and 75 cents. J. B. Xash & Soa. Rexall is the equavelent of sup erior things in the drug line. The Union Drug Company is the only Rex all store in this section. For Rent Nice new 5-rcom house with electric lights and water II. E. Copple. Do not wait to get your cotton gin ned, but drive straight to the Oil Mill where they are never rushed. Sell us your seed and get the top of the market Monroe Oil Mill. Go to Crow Bros, store and leave your orders for lime. It can be se cured cheaply In car load lots and de livered direct from the car. We have just received a complete line of guns and ammunition and will be pleased to have you call and exam ine same. Heath Hardware Co. Rooms for Rent Private family on Washington street will rent one or two rooms, furnished or unfur nished. Suitable for light house keeping, couple without children. Address "Mrs. A. B." care this paper. Pork Wanted. Walters' Market. We want to buy all kinds of coun try produce and will give you the top S. R. Doster. Do you want a ham. or Is it break fast bacon? We handle the best. Griffin & Bivens. For Rent A four-room house w ith City water, also a five-room house with city water. J. C. Helms. That good now on hand.- old home-made kraut -S. R. Doster. Sow Crimson clover for fertilizer. Only nine cents per pound, at F. B. Ashcraffs. Fruits and Vegetables new can ned vegetables coming every day. Griffin & Bivens. Our busines is to please our cus tomers by giving them the best ser vice to be had. Everything In an up-to-date drug store Is our line. You are Invited to Join the procession of pleased customers who stay with us from year to year. The Union Drug Company. For Sale Saw-mill outfit, also pair mules. S. H. Crowell, Indian Trail, X. C. We have just received the largest line of silverware in the latest pat tern the Patrician at prices to suit the times. Heath Hardware Co. Repairing, timing and adjusting high grade watches, jewelry repair ing' engraving and diamond mount ing a specialty. J. E. Preslar. Our gins are doing the best work ever. We are never crowded. High est market price paid for seed Mon roe Oil Mill. We are still In the well business. We bore in quicksand as well as hard rock. This is the cheapest, quickest and best way you can get a well. Hartsell Well Boring Company, Mon roe, X. C. Your prescriptions will be filled promptly and accurately and with the best material at the Union Drug Store. While colton is down you want as much as possible for your seed. We pay the top. J. B. Nash & Son. and undefiled. Remember, dear young friend, that every thought and word and deed are daily and hourly being woven into character and that these thoughtless and seemingly In nocent habit" constitute a component part of the t.'bric and will mar Its beauty and lessen its strength just in proportion as you make use of them in the process of weaving. There are at least two reasons which have prompted the writln. of this article: First, the necessity for some one to call the attention of the young to the evils of this and similar unmanly and detestable habits. The second cause that moved the writer to pen these lines is the pro found interest that he feels in the young men of today, who are to be our leaders of tomorrow, and In the hope of helping, at least, tomo to loftier ideals and to a plane of purer and nobler manhood. If only In a limited degree It Fhall accomplish these ends the author will feel amply repaid for his feeble elfort. "A wise son maketh a glad father, but a foolish son Is the heaviness of his mother." Prov. O. P. TIMIST. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To rt the cenulne. cull tor full unit, LAXA- TIV'U IiKOMOOl 1NINH. Look lot it!t)tiireol K.W. GKOVE. Cure Cold in Unr Day. Stop cough and beidacuc, ami workt ott cold. 23c. THE LOCAL MARKETS. get figure for that day. Hens 30 to 40 COTTOX. I Young chickens 15 to 35 Best short staple 7.C5 Roosters ........ ., 25 SeeJ 27 Guineas ra . . - - - 20 to 25 PRODUCE. Eggs .. .. . ..25 The figures given here are prices! Butter 18 to 20 paid by merchants today. They may Hams 20 to 22 be different tomorrow or next day. 'Beeswax .. 18 to 20 Readers are advised to 'phone some Pork 12 responsible' merchant on tbe day Beef cattle 4 to 5 they expect to come to market and Mutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 to 5 For first-class plumbing aee Aus tin & Correll. Bring us your pork. We will give you the top for it. Walters' Market. Fresh raisin cake, also plain cake. Call us. Griffin & Bivens. We want pork and must have it, will pay 12,,4c. per pound for 150 pound size. Phone before you kill. Monroe Cash Market. The H. M. Ulmer horse and buggy for sale at a bargain W.J.Rudge. Appier Oats Recleaned seed oats for sale at 75 cents per bushel. T. L. Trice at Co-Operative Mercantile Co. Call us for all kinds of vegetables. New canned goods coming every day. Griffin and Bivens. Let ns figure on yon Job of plumb ing. If the price Is not right, we will not expect to do the work. Austin ft forrell. Levy's Steam Pressing Club. Suits.' Overcoat II H Tht Big fa7off AtUta Phone 308. No Uu than $18 Aomore than$20 No otAr rar can dupllef thttt ! nnitt $25 to $30 l'hone 18. A PRACTICAL JOURNEY to our store in search of Pure and High Grade Groceries will result in your com plete satisfaction from every stand point. In variety, in quality, and in mod erate prices, we easily beat all our compet itors and satisfy the most particular purchasers. We solicit the favor of a trial order and know that we can give you ev ery satisfaction. J. C. SMITH CO. THE QUALITY CORNER Phone 33. Monroe, N. C. WHEN the exclusive Silver Anniversaries come along we are ready with the goods to supply the oc casion, in single pieces, plain and substantial, elegant and serviceable. Large pieces, small pieces, and of all and various sizes. BUT every set or piece is in absolute good taste, and you have only to consult your own fancy. FULL DISPLAY now being shown. Don't wait till the last. Come now, have your order packed. The W. J. Rudge Co. fTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT TTT TTT TT T TT T TTTrT 1 TTTTI TXXTTTTXIXIXj Still in the Market for COTTON, The time in which we were to take cotton at ten cents expired October 3, 1914, but we are Still in the Market. We want our customers to come and see us and we will do the best we can by each. RAYMOND C. GRIFFIN 5 BROTHER. T,tTttniTin iitmimiiimiiinummnn

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