The Monroe Jou EM PAGES ONE TO EIGHT. PUBLISHED TU AYS AND FRIDAYS. .HKS OXE TO EIGHT. VOL 21. No. 90. MONROE, N. O, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1913. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A Short Wlncate letter. Correspondence of The Journal. Wingate, Lee. 16. We h?ve ;un heard the tire tikrm at Monroe. V'e hope theie hu been no disastrous onflagra'i.n; mil we fh-li fel omi r.nxiety uu'il w, learn u.ore iil-i :t Mis Th.'nu Carroll. -Jvh-; illness lias been luvetoi'ire nokd, !ir friends will be glad to note has so far nvov ered as to be able to accompany her mother va their home In Sampson county. Her many friends and class mates wish for her a speedv and ear ly recovery and a return to her place in rriiooi. Hiss Alhe W infield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John WinKeld of Wadesboro. Is visiting Misses Loi; and Sallie Griffin of Wingate. Mr. Will Nash has recently return ed from Hamlet, where he has been at work for some time. Mr. Nash thinks he will go to Baden soon and see w hat he can see over there on the big job. The friends of Mr. Zeb Chaney whose illness was reported In the last issue of The Journal, will be pleased to learn that he is on the high road to early recovery. Miss Thelma Smith, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Faulks community, is prostrated with ty phoid fever. The latest from Miss Smith's bedside is that she rested well last night (Wednesday night). The babies of Mr. and Mrs. Cullie Pope and Mr. and Mrs. Frontis Wll liams are reported sick. What a pity the dear little things have to suffer as a result or our own ignorance When will humanity ever throw aside its old garments of ignorance and supersltlon and recognize the fact that disease and sickness are the di rect results of the violation of natur al law God laws? Mr. Andy Oudie has moved from the Jodie Stewart farm to Mr. H. F. illiams' old home on the Anson ville road, the old "Hilly Irvln" place, and Mr. T. Duncan has moved to the Stewart residence. It is a source of delightful pleasure to nor many friends to know that the condition of Mrs. E. V. . Cri'fin is ?tl" Improving, If only slowly. We a'l want to see "Cousin Mag" enjoying nor wonted health and good cheer. The basket ball team of the Win pate. School went to Marshvllle Tuos day and played with the Marshvilb school team. Result, 11 to 16 in la vor of the latter's team. Wingate Is looking for quite a num ber of college boys and girls home to spend the holidays. What a Jry these home-comings are! We will write-more definitely about It In due time. O. 1. TLUIST. TIIK INDIAN Tit AIL MOWS Correspondence of The Journal. Indian Trail, Dec. 15. Well. believe the first thing a fellow speaks or when he meets his friend is the weather. Correspondents and read ers, I do not come before you per sonally but I do come before you indi rectly, so I will speak a word about the weather too, been use it has been an agency in making news brief this week. People don't travel much when It is sleeting and snowing you know. Mr. Mack Chrlstenbury of Derita, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Broom last week. Miss Kate Tomhrelin, who has been sick, Is Improving at this writ ing. Prof. R N. Neshit dined with Mr. Billy Lemmond Thursday of last week at noon. In the afternoon he visited the school and aided some of the teacher's In the primary grades in their work. To the advanced grades he made an Interesting talk on the needs of the physical life to gether with the needs of the mental and spiritual make-up, in which thoughts and principles were Involv ed that which would not only be use ful for a while but If rightly lived up to would be helpful when the hand of death is touching the heart. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Secrest of Un- lonvllle, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lemmond Thursday. On last Sunday, Mr. C. M. Current of Charlotte visited his little son and daughter who live, with their grand mother south of this place. Mr. A. J. Benton, ono of the en terprising merchants of this town, has abandoned his old store building and has occupied the building for merly the property of Mr. J. I. Orr. Mr. Scapegoat, I concludo through reading your good natured articles that you have learned to "butt" with such a marked degree of efficiency that the arguments botween you and The Student have been Interesting. "Keep It up Scapegoat, keep it up.'V The Student is still one or the fam ily and if the omnipotent power gives the prehensil of this feeble mind power to grasp a thought worth while he shell not cct miserly with it when It comes to argument. But remember, the imaginative powers of Sir John are limited to a certain extent along some lines of argument, nevertheless, he will join you on the affirmative or negative according to tho subject to be dis cussed. The Student leaves for his new home tomorrow. He has never been very rar rrom Indian Trail ror any treat length of time, so he has learned to like the climate and love the girls so well thr.t It will be like cutting his right ear off to leave, al most. The Student has done ror bis town, what no other correspondent could' hare done, that I knw or, in such a short time. We surely will miss him. The painting of the new Presbyte rian church Is now in progress. Miss Bliss Condor pent the former part or the week with her aunt In the Hemby chool district near here. SIR JOHN. . , ST1UNGKR SUFFOCATED IX FIRE HFItE W EDNESDAY F.xpress Olflce Huililinjt Partially Dew Mmyeu, nn narrow rx-ie i Other KiMmer lad Man Would Have Been Saved ly Simply He- Mr. E. Porter and family lived on have been dead some time when,. ; 1 have Dfn to ,iv ,nis 'Par iiainine In Hit Own Hm Many the second floor of the two story taken out. the last two being: one at Mrs. Km- Instniiiienu ltuiiied. building, the downstairs of which Is The tire had started in the cook ' "!aline Melton" on November 10. Mr. M. M. Coltharp. a traveling newspaper solicitor, lost his life by suffocation in a lire in the express office building near the Monroe depot Thursday morning. The simplicity or the tragedy was equal to an un loaded gun accident. Before the thing happened no one would have Detieved tnai a man couia nave lost nis lire unaer sucn circumstances. Mr. Coltharp was sleeping In a rront room with two large windows opening on Main street, on the second noor. a man nugin jump irom one of the windows and be wholly un- hurt. When the tire broke out he took time to dress rairly well and then left his room with the Intention of making his way down the hall to tne stairway, ano somenow oecame lost and overcome in the dense smoke. His body was found near the top or the stair, and lying in such position it was thought that he saw the light through the open door or the bathroom and window and at temped to get through that way. But this Is only a surmise. Had he remain ed in his own bed with the room door shut he would have not been harmed. WITH HEART AND VOICE, AMERICANS JOIN IN CONGRATULATING PRESIDENT WILSON AND MRS. GALT. rati v V". .St'- ?' : 'Si .- J u, ' I' J lv I lie Latest War ews The Austro-Hungarian reply to the nimru.-a i nun? u.i mo animus ui uiu Ancona s In the, hands or the Amerl-) can Ainnassador at Vienna hut the. The American note to France con- ed any or the gatherings for a num text has not been received by the cerning the removal from steamers ! ber of years. He also attended the State department at Washington. The 0f ,hft porto Uloo ine of Austrian 1 meeting of th hlirh Rrlinnl nrtnMnn l'j vuiiiruia ui .i imic. iivwc-i, n i- parently have been made public ln!ered to the French Foreiirn office. Berlin and other German cities, the ' comments or the German newspapers indicating that the Austrian Govern-j ment will not comply with all the de- mands of the United States b ut that i proposals are embodied in the reply j for an i exchange of views and that the i . States government is asked 1 to furnish proofs Of Its charges i against the commander of the sub - iimiiuo imii uciruj-cu me rtiitona, , With the lOSS Of American lives. Washington dispatches indicate that the United States will Insist on compliance with Its original demand, ; despatching a second note to Vienna. COst. It is thought that ir the in- the young ladies are expected to re ir the Austrian reply proves to be un- nmtes should rin thPtr nwn wnrlr hv cite. Thprp U'ill hp nlhur nnlaHfiln. sausiaciory ana men ir necessary, ; taking turns at the different duties breaking off diplomatic relations with I under the supervision of some com the Austrian government. . petent person that board will not By agreement between Bulgaria cost over $7 per month. This will and ureece, a neutral zone extending two Kilometers on eacn side or tne uree ironuer nas Deen arranged, The zone was established at the In-; made on the board. It Is built to clubs In the eountv In a short while, stance or Bulgaria which an official accomodate any worthy, ambitious We already have a membership of communication from Sofia says de- young person who desires to obtain twenty-three and there Is still a num slres to avoid any possibility or accl-;a high school education. We want to her or parents who have not joined, dents between Bulgarian advance help the young men and yung ladies" , However, we hope to have them with posts and Greece rrontier guards. ! in Union county to become well us at the next meeting. Although the Bulgarians have halt-l equipped ror ruture userulness. We Mrs. H. L. Yarborough has re ed to the north or the Greek boundary . desire to give a thorough training In turned home rrom Charlotte, Her and have made no attempt to rollow intelluctual. moral and physical de- many rriends will be glad to know (he British and French rorces falling velopment so that they may be strong that her hand is almost well, back on Salonlkl. there Is a posslbili- for the duties or life and to be able Mr. I. A. Helms has been veri ty that the operations against the En- to accomplish these duties with wise! sick for sometime but is slowly im tente Allies may not long be deferred. ' efficiency. ! proving. Unofficial advices say that 60,000 j There will be an entertainment at Mr. S. A. Lathan is attending court Germans are now at Giegell, near the I Wesley Chapel high school on at Charlotte this week. Greek border and that others are ap proaching. France and Great Britain, however, continue to land additional forces of men and arms and ammunition at Salonlkl and a Salonikl dispatch quotes a high officer there as saying that the Entente Allies will not quit Salonlkl until peace is signed. Meanwhile the Austro-Hungartans and Bulgarians continue to push fur ther Into Montenegro and along the Albanian frontier. From the French rront come only reports or artillery and mining oper ations. On the Russian rront scarce ly any fighting is taking place. Bom bardments, interspesed here and there with Infantry attacks are in progress along the Austro-Itallan line. with no appreciable changes In the position of either side. The heavy artillery or the Allied troops on the Galllpoli Peninsula Is bombarding across the Dardanelles the Turkish batteries. The Turks at Kut-e'-Amara, In Mesopotamia, have j The fact that he left the room and the : windows can be explained only on the ground or the panic which seizes most persons when an alarm or fire is given in tne mgnt when they are asleep. , occupied by the Southern Express Company and Holloway Brothers as a music Instrument store room. The i oner lamuy too lodgers and on Wednesday night there were two men beside the family in the build- ing. Mrs. Porter was aroused by the fire about five o'clock, which was miming runousiy in the rear of the nouse. Her rooms are on the corner next to the depot, over the express office. On opening her door she at 'once saw that the way to the stair i was cut on oy snioKe ana neat, and after calling the roomers, who were In rooms adjoining, she rushed to the , rront window with her small chil- dren. covered with blankets, and was taken out by a ladder which Mr. uonnie tiuDanKs. night clerk at the express office, and others, had put! up to the window on hearing the ; cries. After Mr. and Mrs. Porter and their two children had been taken out through one window, the ladder was put to the window or the room which Mr. Coltharp occupied. Thelacter. His brother lives in Charlotte glass was smashed and the bed ex- amined. and It was found that he had tert tne room. After the firemen got TUB BRIDE AND GROOM OF I tili WHITE not resumed their attacks against the itritith Hinno their repent Hofaaf In wnicn the British t.eneral Townshead estimated they lost Tully 1.000. ann liprilllin aiimpptQ Ilia hnan rlo V. pmKrvsx at the Wesley ChaNl Kclmol Correspondence of The Journal. Monroe. R. F. D. 5, Dec. 15. The new Hormltorv at Veniev rhanoi school Is nearlng completion. It Is conveniently arranged for students' 10 study and also to take their meals, U s lorotP( near fho nrlnnlnol'a home so that he may have the over-, iKnt an(1 oare of ,R nnlntes. Some! of tho toprhor'a nlun uHll hnrH . n,t ' slpen in the .Inrmltnrv with tho st. dents. 1 Board is to be given at actual be done under domestic science ar rangements bince the building be- loncs to the coiintv nnihlnir la m ha Thursday, Dec. 23, nt 7:30 p. m., eon-j Miss Lesie Plyler, who Is teaching slstlng of songs, drills, monologues, , near Indian Trail, spent last Sunday recitations, and a play, "The Spelling ; with her people here. Skew" given by the pupils. A noml-j The Infant son or Mr. and Mrs. W. nal admission of 10 and 15 cents will i P. Plyler is very sick with pneu be charged. Proceeds go to the monla. school. j The people here are very much in The pupils of the high school are, love with our new pastor, and wire, very enthusiastic over their basket- j Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Osborne. Rev. ball. They have an excellent ground ! Mr. Osborne, preached a splendid ser snd play the game now every day. Imnn here the first Sundry. The grammar grade pupils have! "Tommy," the pretty little dsugh- bought them a volley-ball outfit and have arranged an ample court tor that and play It with a great deal or enthusiasm also. The pupils are taking more inter- est In their studies, alco. Thero seems to be new lire inrused Into the school every day. uur scnooi is now tne largest that i it has ever been. There are two live and effective literary societies now which have programs rendered every Friday eve ning. Prof. Mendenhall reports the the fire subdued enough to get into the building, the body or the un- fortunate man was round as describ- ed above. He had dressed himself. and even partially laced up his shoes. He was not burned at all hut rnit room, burned a hole thronth the." WM J"" 'd that day and floor, dropped to the room below oc-1 cupied by Holloway Brothers, and burned furiously. The store room was so full of smoke and heat that none or the contents could be taken out. Seven pianos and eight organs were ruined, beside ohpr mod of lesser nature. Messrs. Holloway estimate their loss at two thousand dollars, with no insurance whatever. The building is much damaged except the walls. .Mr. i H. A. Shute, the owner, has two thousand insurance on it. This with the loss or bedding end rurniture bv the Porter tainilv was the sum or the material loss. The Porters saved nothing, escaping only in their night clothes. Mr. Coltharp, who lost his life, was a man of about 34 years or age. He had been here several davs tak- ing subscriptions ror The Atlanta Journal. Men who had known him j say that he was a man or good char and came down and carried the re j mains to Rock Hill, the old home, ror burial. He was not married HOUSE. ; Teachers' meeting at Raleigh the best i In niunv iovq rA ,.... ,l ,i , and he came back with iresh inspira i (ion for the work. He has not miss tu'n fl-iva haTnva thrt ft Dni. 1.1 The Professor helievps in n"viiinp himself of all the opportunities pos siblo ror Improving his equipment for teaching. PROGRESS. , Mt. lr..Mi..-,. vk. Correspondence of The Journal, Mt. Prospect, Jan. 17. The liler- ary society will give a public debatu Tnesdav nlirht riflcomhor 91 Hnorv "Resolved. That the I'nlted States Navy Should be Increael." The nmrnmtiv U'lll ha Messrs Rnhert Vnrhnrmmh nn,l r-orl Belk. ThP npirntivo hv xip.r I.athan and Brvan Nesbit. Some of ment. The public Is cordially in cited. The first meeting of the Better ment Club was held Friday after ; noon. Quite a number were present and much interest was manifested We hnnp tn hnva nnp nf h h0. iter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nesbit, is verv sick. Prof. C. G. Hodnes and son, Mr. Finnelly Hodges, will leave Wednes- day tor their home at Lando, N.C., to spend the holidays, Mr. Wade Postelle is spending a whU with friends here before go- Ing to his new home at Lenoir. SPRIGS. Give your rriend one of The Jour nal's $4.00 dictionaries for a Christ mas present. While they last, they will go for only $8 cents. What U Going On D"n in lluford Correspondence of The Journal. The season ror birthday and rami ly reunion dinners is over until ' n'x, s"'mer. w hich 1 very much re- there was a large gathering or her relatives and friends, all briiikinn ll-tillfd baskets of choice provis ions. The day passed very pleasant. May Mrs. Mellon live long and cele brate many more birthdays. The lasi one was given by Mrs. Catherine Presson on Thanksgiving. She was seventy-three years old that day. and is the mother ot nine children, who are living and also one dead: thirty live grand-children living. 11 dead; and three great-grand-children. The people were very kind ror they brought out great quantities or the best or things to eat and we enjoyed the dinner very much. The day, too, passed off pleasant, vocal and instru mental music being an added feature. May Mrs. Presson also live to enjoy many more happy years to come. I had the pleasure of uniting in marriage October 10, Mr. Ben Laney and Miss Mannilla Montgomery, also on November 28, Mr. Jessie fhreatt and Miss Manilla Montgomery. May their pathway be strewn with roses and live long and happy. Mr. Will Dees and family of Lan caster S. C, motored up In this vi cinity a short while ago to visit rela tives. Mis Connie Laney spent the last week in Monroe visiting relatives. Mr. Carl Broom and Miss Bessie Reid Houston are teaching our school at Trinity. They are getting along fine. There will be a Christmas tree at Trinity Christmas day, afternoon. The most touching meeting that I have seen for a long time was on Monday, the 6th, at Monroe when the old soldiers met in the court house to deliberate on giving up their old flag to be carried to Raleigh to be preserved with manv other his toric relics or the Civil War. There were not a Tew that had dry eyes and joined in the sympathetic feeling the old soldiers had for the flag. Two of my brothers lost their lives under this old flag. J. c. L. XeuH Hems from Stouts Vicinity Correspondence of The Journal. Stouts. Dec. 16. We've had quite n spell of winter weather since mv last writing. We boys nil enjoywd it ery muci. as me sKating on our sidewalks was fine. Mr. Charlev Springs was a recipient of a very un- neattniui "bus" with terra firtna on m.tiwiig ins urst - sKeet," but wo are glad to say he was onlv stunned. Mr. F. H. Hayes and family have moved into their new residence east of here. Little Louise, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Hargett, Is on the sick list this week. Mr. Joe Haywood and Mr. and Mrs John Helms, arrived rrom City Point Sunday, where they have been for the past while. Mr. Haywood has been away for about six months and we were beginning to miss his good- natured joices. Mr. Bert Yandle of Monroe, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Clayton Yandle of this place. "I go to school to make a scholar, I wouldn't miss it for a dollar Our school's the school, rah, rah!" I am going to school now and hav ing a good time. Look out, I'm gon na write another "pome" some o' these days. nidersky spent Saturday nichf with hia nex" do" friend, Mr. Murphv Conder, and had a con (der) found good time. Mr. Milton Helms of Concord is visiting his uncle, Mr. Walter Helms. Sir. Oscar Sutton spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Walter Hargett. the well-known grocer bov Mr. "Jocks" Conder "dramied In" at the Charley Springs home Satur day night. Messrs. J. T. Hargett and T. L. Condor have purchased the land east and around here known as the Phl- rer estates. Mr. Frank Ballentine left for Ham let and Florence last week, where he w ill secure a position as railroad fire man. He has succeeded In passing the examination of the National Rail way association with an unusually high merage and we feel sure that he will make good. Mr. Wilton Springs spent Thurs day with his brother. Mr. Charlev Springs, or this place. Mr. Springs has Just been released from the army. He left Panama on the 1st of December and arrived in Charlotte on the 9th. Traveling some, eh? Come up and go hunting with m, some day. Mr. G. M., and we'll see that you don't get pinched. PADERSKY. P. S. We killed our hog today. Pad. Itahy Burned to Ionth Pageland Journal. George the 3-year-old se-' 'f Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner of Lanes Creek township, was burned to death on Tuesday night of last week. The little fellow's clothing caught from the fireplace and he was so badly burned before his clothing could be taken off that he died about eight hours later. The body was buried at Philadelphia Wednesday. LIVEN' I P YOUK TOKPID LI Y ETC To keep your liver active use Dr. King's New Lire Pills. They insure good digestion, relieve constipation, and tone up the whole system keen your eye clear and your skin fresh and healthy looking. Oaly 25c. at your Druggists. St. I .like l.mlirrun 4'liurvh W. J. Boger. pastor. Sunday. Dw. 19. 11 a. m.. sermon "John's Testi mony concerning Himself and His Mission." John 1:19:28: 7 : Hii .. sermon "The Old Testament Law ' Concerning the False Witness.'" Deut. 19:15:21; Sunday school, p. m., J. K. Counts, superintendent. A nristmas service, Hail to the New Horn King." will be given Sat urday. Dec. 25 p. m. and a flirist mas tree. Everybody welcome. Special Notices. Just Received Another shipment of solid gold Christmas j.'wciry. Come and make your selections now. J. E. Preslar. Decorate for the Holidays. Large box or beautiful galax, ferns, sprays, etc. assorted. Five beauti ful flowering bulbs, lilies, violets, all for 50 cents to introduce our line. Collection or flowering shrubs, bulbs, perennials and Terns. Beautify your yard for $1. Satisfaction guaranteed. Appalachln Nursery, Spear, N. C. Car load or good hard brick. No. 1. first class. See me before you buy. S. R. Doster. Wanted To rent a one horse rarm on halves. Good worker and can furnish recommendations. John Luts, Mineral Springs, R. F. D. No. We serve meals that are cooked right, served right and priced right. De Luxe Cafe, W. G. Nash, Prop. Attention Woodmen! Get a W. O. W. memorial chart tor a Christmas present. Every Woodman should have one. I will send one to any sovereign postpaid for 75 cents. Reg ular price $1. B. II. Robinson, agent, Indian Trail. R. F. D. 1. Oysters Our N. C. oysters are better to eat than any Virginia oys ters, and we can furnish them to you at lest price. Send us your order any quantity. Geo. N. Ives & Son, New Bern, N. C. When in Doubt Make it jewelrv. The gift of gifts. J. E. Preslar. Wanted To buy all kinds of pro duce. Turkeys, chickens, eggs, geese, especially wanted. See mo before you buy. S. R. Doster. For Sale Pedigreed Duroc-Jer-seys, 12 shoals, ti mouths old, $20 each; 14 pigs, ten weeks old. $10 each. J. E. Craig. Lancaster. S. C. For Sale Nice mulberry posts, all heart timber, straight and uniform In length, seven feet long, in cents each f. o. b. Hagood. Joe Kvaternik, Hagood, S. C. Lost A horse colt. St raved from Monroe last Friday towards the south. Bay colt, weluhs filt pounds and is 18 months old. Return for reward to me. H. A. Starnes, Mon roe. For Sale Finest truck dairy and poultry farm in Stale, hair mile from Sanford, 44 acres. Three dwellings; every convenience; only $3,500. Less than value Improvements. .J. F. Gonella, owner, Sanford, N. C. If you would give presents that will last give Jewelry. Don't fail to see Preslar's new line. For Sale Good Southwestern Ok lahoma Improved, corn, cotton and alfafa farms, easy terms, bumper crops, gome exchanges. Box 338, Mangum, Oklahoma. Seed Corn for S.iIp U'p a ro limit. dating our business, therc'ora offer our seed corn at a very low prie-i. $1.50 Der bllshpl. Uo h.1VD o hurrl corn which makes 40 bushels to the acre without fertilizer during r. dry season: no telllm? tho tioi.'i would bo with good seasons and fer tilizers. uwi commercial, Quincy. Florida. One by one the neonle ore lo-im. Ing to go to the most popular cafp in town, w here eats are served right and priced right. De Luze Cafe. Wanted Man and wife to keen house. J. I. Helms, Monroe. Route Two farm bargains, one of !fin acres, the other 340 seres Fnitr equipped with splendid team, ma chinery and implements. One with in two miles of National Hlchunv the other divided by macadam road on the National Highway. Extreme soutnern portion of Va. ohout 100 miles west or Norfolk, Va. W. H. Russell, Clarksvllle, Va. For Sale Beautiful solid Rd end Splashed Belgian Carneau pigeons, mated and banded; some now on their nrst eggs. Prices reasonable West Pigeon LoM, Leesvllle, S. C. Buy your Christmas apples, I have -S. R. oranges and nuts rrom me. fine ones to sell you right. - Doster. For Rent Six - room dwelling Windsor street, water and lights. Near Presbyterian church I r Stack. Lost Near Polkton. onn snottcd pointer dog with collar. Notify Ike Martin, Polkton or W. J. Rudge, Monroe. Found A nalr of shnM Owner can get them by describing and par- mg tor an. . u. Laney, Monroe. It. F. D. 8.