7 . f: TOY TOYS TOYS! Santa Clans Headquarters. S! We have one of the biggest stocks ever shown in Monroe. You can get anything to suit the children. Come and look through the stock daid make your selections. You can find articles in price from one cent to five dollars. Give the kids a good time this year. ID IT RACE We are Going to Sell These Goods. If you don't believe it all we ask is that you come alom- to this store and see. Proof of the pudding is chewing the bag. Now is the time to make a little money go a long ways. We have decided to cut out this line acd will place all our dry goods, shoes, clothing and notions on the bargain counter. They will go so cheap that we hate to mention the price. We want you to come and see and if value is any inducement you will trade with us. From now on it is up to you not to let this chance escape you A word to the wise is suf it lio'ilu thn nuu-niiu ficient. Take advantage ot it. Search as you will, you cannot find FARMERS HARDWARE AND SUPPLY CO. SEF Stop Scalp Itch ; and Falling Hair ! ! Teoplo whose hair looks dull and lifeless and who And it growing dry. hrittle, splitting at ends and coming out fast at every conibint; nt'ed n i penulne scalp invienrator and should ' pet one without a day'n delay. A lit tle Parisian Sace rubbed briskly into the scalp with the finger tips twice daily will work wonders for hair of this kind. Just a few days' use and 'the hair becomes plossy and healthy ' looking, dandruff vanishes, scalp stops Itching and hair stops falling i out. Parisian Sage is more than a ; hair tonic. It is a scalp treatment ; and Its use means strong, beautiful i hair and a healthy scalp. English Drug Company and leading druggists everywhere sell l'arisian Sage. It Is , not expensive. I HOW TO (THE (OLIS ! Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat i right. Take Dr. King's New His- rovery. It Is prepared from Tine Tar, healing balms and mild laxatives. Dr. King's New Discovery kills and expels the cold genus, soothes the ir ritated throat and allays inftamation. it neais tne mucous membrane Next door to Snyder-Huntly Grain 8tore. 3BSZ3DDBB85 A Mighty Good SHOE The Great SAMPSON Shoe for Men $1.50 to $4.00. This is our star offering in Shoes. It cannot he beaten rnywhere. There are few places where it can even be equc11ed,certam1y not in this town. A High Grade Shoe at Popular Prices. BargainCounter assortment Oxfords for Women and Children 50 cents. CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO. I FOR SALE APPLE TREES Early Harvest Horse Apple Wine Sap PEACH TREES Mayflower Elberta Matthews Beauty PEAK TREES Kieffer PECAN TREES SHADE TREES Maple Umbrella GRAPE VINES Concord Catawba Moor's Early AU Other Kind of Trees and Vines at Reason able Prices. Flitch's Cash Store Phone 269. WEATHER AND THE SCHOOL Gold, Calm and Clar Day Shaw the Pupils at Their Oast. Teaching cbilJrvu is not the easiest thine la the world. It preseuts a I'ruu- tau complicated by many an J divers factor. Some of thee are wily now beclnntu; to I proHTly apprvclatt-d. One such I the iuflucuce of weather COUdltk'DS. Investigation has Khown that the state of the weather ha a marked ef fect Uxh on the chl'.dreu's ouduct and ou their mental and physical pow er. ThU m Art clearly brought out a few year ago by au American psy chologist. Professor E. (J. Ivster. b re researches xt ill are anions the mot exhaustive and informing th.it have leen made lu tub Hovel Bold of Inquiry. Professor Dexter, studying rondl tions In the schools of cities at se;i level, like New York. Boston and Phil nilt'lihht. and of other at bitti alti tudes, found that in the former the pit jilb were best behaved on cold, calm and clear days. Muggy days were pro ductive of the greatest unrullness. A marked tendency to tulstiehavlor was lso uotcd on hot day and on windy ones. In blch altitude schools, such a those of the city of iH-nver. where mugginess Is seldom In evidence, windy days were found to have the most disastrous effect on conduct Cold, calm and clear diys w're if,,n the days of lest behavior. With respect to working ability the anie results were observed. Both mental and physical tasks were best performed on cold, calm and clenx day. H. Addiugton Brace In New York Globe. Everything for Christinas At the 5 and 10c Store. BUY YOUR GIFTS WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST. DONT COME UP STREET WITHOUT LOOKING AT OUR STOCK. FILL THE STOCKINGS WITH LITTLE MONEY. Austin and Clontz. MACE OF THE SPEAKER. Ancitnt Emblem Used In th House ef Representatives. In one resjiect the bouse of repre sentatives surpasses the senate In dig nity. The senate has no mace. Now, a mace is not much In the way of fur niture. It b a sliver eagle mounted upon a staff uround which are bauds of silver. This mace Is always an emblem of the house of representatives. It Is the duty of one employee to look after It Just liofore n session of the house be gin he takes It from the olllce of the sergeant tit arms into the bouse cham ber, nnj us soon ns the nHukcr's gavel fall he Inserts it In a socket In a stone pillar at the right of the sHaker chair. The mace remains there while the house 1 in session inn is taken out and stood beside Its pedestal when the house Is In committee of the whole. When the house adjourns the mace b carried back to the olllce of the ser geant nt aii.is. This undent emblem has not n thin? tit tin with the order of business of the house save as one of the old time regu lations that are continued. When the. house is turbulent an olliier seizes the ninee nnd wall.s through the aisles. Only once or twice when the speaker fai'ed to preserve order, said a Wash-j iiiu't'in correspondent, have 1 seen an olheer sel.e the mare niul walk through the house, waving it backward and for- i ward. Possibly the sluht of it brought members to tl;e!;' senses rnd they re-j tired to their sc.ns. At all events, that ; b ii bout tl nly real use for the iniuo that I ever have observed. What a Toid Enjoys. There are few things more amusing than to wnteh a toad submitting to the ojierations of n back scratching. He will at lirst look somewhat suspicious, ly ot the twig which you are advanc ing toward hlni, but after two or three passes down his back his manner un dergoes n marked change, his eye close with nu expression of Infinite rapture, he plants his feet wider apart, and hi biily swells out to nearly dou ble Its ordinary size, us If to obtain by j these menus more room for enjoyment i Thus he will remain until you make some sudden movement which startle him or until lie has lii.il as much pet- ting as he wants, when, with a puff of regretful delight, he will reduce him self to his usual dimensions and hop away, bent oin v more on the pleasures of the chase. Fish In Former Timet. Men of former ages, unless they lived near the sea or n river, had print dilll cultles in gratifying their taste for flsli. The great houses had their tish ponds or stews, but sea lish, such as cod, bream, sturgeon, herring and sprats, were salted, and the excessive con sumption of highly salted Qsh In the middle ages b said to have produced leprosy. Fish was also baked In pies to enable It to be carried for great dis tance. A Hint ef Plagiarism. "And why do you spurn this child of my brain T asked the disappointed au thor as he received hi manuscript bock. "Because," replied the editor coldly, "certain familiar passages It routulus led in to suspect that It Is an adopted child," Birmingham Age-Herald. Different From Her Ma. He Why la It that there's never match In this bouse? She icurtlyi I can't make matches. He - That' strange; your mother could. Boston Transcript Equivocal Sympathy. He I feel nervous. Mb Sibyl My head feels so full! Phe Don t worry If your bead feels that way. Mr Pimp. There's nothing In It Baltimore Amer ican. The harvest of friendship I iratn ered only by those who hive owu th seeds of a kindly purpose and trust Keep Well. Every man and woman should keep In touch with this drug store. It is the fountain of health and youthfulness in old age. We can sell you the little remedies from time to time that keep sickness away. It Is cheaper to prevent than to cure. Be Beautiful Any lady can improve her person al appearance materially by using our high grade toilet preparations, compounded by the most expert chemists in the world. Softens the skin, removes blemishes, restores that youthful appearance, and emphasizes the feminine charms that are so attractive to all people. Combs and Brushes Either singly or in sets, made of high grade material, beautifully mounted, and an ornament to any dresser. Sold at close prices and very attractive. ENGLISH DRUG CO. "The Store That Always Has It" Phone No. 39. Monroe, N. C. Men in all Walks of Life Trade at This Store-Why? BECAUSE, first of all, we have the best merchandise to be booght anywhere, and BECAUSE we have the best store service in tWs sectien, and stand back of our goods to the limit; and BECAUSE, no matter whether you want an everyday stilt, a work ing suit, or a dress suit, no matter whether you want some thing fine or something low in price, you can find it here, STRONG IN VALUE and ia the qualities that count. YOU'LL FIND THAT WHATEVER YOU BUY HERE IS GOODs REALLY RELIABLE! ABSOLUTELY UT-TO-DATE. OUR GUAR ANTEE IS IlEHIXD EVERYTHING WE SELL, WHETHER IT IS A XEW FALL SUIT, OR A PAIR OF OVERALLS. OUK TRICES ARE MODERATE, TOO. Flow & Phif er. The Time to Put Money In The Bank Is, of course, when you have it. This Is the money season with our people. Every one should put away some while be can, to he used next spring, or to be kept longer if not needed. An ambitious farmer, who was farming on shares, determined te own bis farm. He started a Bank Account. He stayed with the Bank aad the Bank with him. He was a good fel low and his Bank wanted him to win. Just last week he was able to boy his farm and pay all cash for it. If you want some day to own your ova business, why not start in to Bank with us now? Tfr Savings, Loan and Trust Co. R. B. REDWINE, President H. B. CLARK, Cashier. Examine the label on your paper. If behind, move it up I ill

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