1 Hofr allow Hem. Dank Bolts, Correspondent. The Wild Onion school teacher saya in the business offices the ad ding machine takes the place of brain. Had everyone studied their arithmetic lessons more closely in stead of playing, sick or playing "hookey." there would not have been u.-h a demand for these machines tolav. The two Twins or the Calf Ribs neighborhood were in our midst this week, and before departing for home they bought some to-fer cigars. The Two Twins seem to enjoy one another's company more than they do anybody else's, as they remind each other of each other so much. Slim Pickens came into possession f a new derby hat while over at I Tickville the other day. The derby "d more particularly described and is too large at present, but Slim ex- denned as follows: ixscts to fatten up a lot this sum- First tract: Bounded on the north mr. by the lands of Elijah Simpson: on A good many attended the dis- the east by the lands of N. W. Bras cussion at Bounding Billows Thurs-, el': " the south by the lands of day night. The question was one Sarah Benton and on the west by that has never yet been settled, being the kinda of John C. Griffin and con entitled. "Ought a Man Get Mar- tains sixty-nine (69) acres, more or ried?" The negative side won, as ,1S?. nd being the lands as conveyed the Judges had all been married t w- Braswell by Joseph H. one or more times. I Braswell and wife by deed dated 1st The Postmaster, who was a staunch! August. 1907, and which said deed Republican up to the time of the 's recorded in book 40 or deeds on l;ut national election, and who eun-(l,aKe 521- Register's office. Union ningly changed his politics while no county. N. C. and by deed by J. H. one was looking, has decided to re- i Braswell and wile dated 1st . main neutral for a while yet. on the 190. recorded in book 40 of possible outcome of the election next t'?ds on page 521. Register's office, fall. i I'nion county. X. C. said above 69 Luke Muthewslu says ir some or l"''es heing in two lots when convey these old fellows you see sitting d to E. W. Braswell and for a more around on stumps now trying to Particular description of the same draw pensions had been in the reference is hereby made to the deed thickest of the civil war they could as made by J. H. Braswell and wife not remember so many tales to tell i to L. W. Braswell. now. I Second tract: Bounded on the Jefferson Pot lucks has a grievance north by the lands of C. H. Braswell; against the high-handed manner lnon the east by the lands of W. M. which the government does busi ness. He says when it began to lay out the parcel post system, it cut the country up into small units, and never asked anybody for a right-of-way through their farms. Ellick llellwnnger has been arrest ed for sitting down too hard on the front porch at the post-office. Slim Pickens has returned from a pleasant stay at Tickville, where he was a guest of the Jailer for a few days, on account of some slight punc ture of the law. Slim says he would not mind being in Jail if there was it little more freedom about it. Pants are worn by men who work for wages; trousers by those who draw a salary. Xo civilized man can get along without pants. , The law, public opinion and the clothing manufacturers demand them. Pants are made in all sizes. Just as are men, It has always been a mystery w hy the weaker and least durable portion of this garment la at the point which comes wholly in contact wiui the chair, so that If a man sits down it is expensive. Every pair of pants has money-tixht compartments for the conservation of wealth. They are always two pockets at the rear. One of these is frequently used for artillery and the other lor liquid ammunition. One is needless with out the other. There being no room lor a Bible pocket, that is carried n the hand There Is no need of It being concealed anyway All pants, Ike men. sooner or Inter bag at, the knees. This imperfection comes ' from a curvature in the thread In , t ,h g K f , the weave of the materia The con-, knTut the thread o become " ' ' ' "''"' county knees causes the thread to btcoii e, h property in 1910 by Ira Mul- t l: i! h fh v. th ' lla- surveyor for auction sale of Jan. knees made to work both ways there, 1911and runs with 8ajd edKe of would be no baggy pants. The man ,' . ' s dre8H alld 5 w who wears trousers generally hr.s !ald ; Sgtak ' k f,,rner two or three pairs, but the one who ,'eV, hiM T .tv,!....' .,. nn.. rn.i. r. r,in,.if i..i,w.0' lot 12. block 1, aforesaid; thence h. h.. - V .. ; w th the northory boundary of said ".k?"1'!" P" ,'lot 12 N. 80 degrees ,U 55 W. 150 while the others are being patched or pressed. Sometimes even this is not feasible, hence places where they press "While U wait." Stephen Decatur. Stephen Decatur, American sea man, was born in Maryland in 1779. At 19 he saw service against the French and at 20 was made lieuten ant. He gained great distinction in the naval wars with Tripoli and Tunis .. ,l kA - ...tw n t T..iniH i " lliv Will uirm uiiiuiu III 1812. He was killed In a duel with James Baron in 1820. Legal Advertisements. SALE OF CIXSE-IX KESIDEXCE IiOTS By virtue of the power or sale con tained ln a mortgage deed executed to Union county on the 17th day or 1 1. by A. Blacker, and on default made by the said A. Blacker and bis assigns ln the payment or the indebtedness secured by said mort gage deed, the said county or Union, mortgagee, acting by and through the Chairman or its Board of Com missioners, will at 12 m., on Monday, February 7, 1010 at the court house door in Monroe, N. C expose to sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, that certalq piece or parcel of land, lying and being In Union county. State or Xorth Carolina, and the town or Monroe, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the wes tern edge or Griffith street In said town, the S. E. corner or lot 1, block 1, an. shown on the plat or Wllgor Heights (county home property) made by Ira Mullis, surveyor, ln the year 1910 for the auction sale held Jan. 17, 1911. and runs with said edge of said street. S. 9 degrees and 5 minutes W. 50 feet to a stake. N. E. corner or lot 3. block 1, aforessld; thence N. 80 degrees and 65 minutes W. 136 reet to a stake In the eastern edge or Lancaster avenue; thence with said edge or said Avenue, N. 63 degrees and 10 minutes E. 67 reel to a stake, the N. W. corner or lot 1, block 1. aforesaid; thence with the southerly line of said lot 1, S. 80 degrees and 55 minutes E. 92 reet to the beginning, and being lot 2, block 1, or Wllgor Heights, more particu larly described on the plat aforesaid, to which reference Is hereby made. This Jan. 6. 1915. UNION COUNTY. Mortgagee, by L. R. HELMS. Chairman Board ef County Commissioners. Witness: M. C. LOXO. Clerk to Board. AiwBild Adams, Attorneys. NOTICE OF RALE OP LAXO AXI PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power or sate contained in a certain deed of trust executed April 1, 1915. by L. W. Braswell and wife to J. J. Par ker, trustee, to secure two certain bonds described in said deed of trust, default having been made In payment of same, I. J. J. Parker, trustee un der said deed of trust. On Saturday, February 12, 1016, at IS o'clock m.. at the court house door of I'nion county, in Monroe. N. C, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate and person al property, vix: Those three tracts of land lying and being In Goose Creek township. I'nion county. X. C. oeu; on me soutu uy ine lanus or i.. W. Mullis and on the west by the lands of N. W. Braswell and contains eighty-seven t 87) acres, more or less, and being the dower or H. R. Bras well. now E. K. Toniberlln. In the estate lands of J. F. E. Braswell. de ceased, the said L. W. Braswell's in terest in said dower being a one tenth of the same. Also one bay colored mare with a blaze In face, about 10 years old and 1 horse 'TIackney wagon. This 7th day or January. 1916. J. J. PARKER. Trustee. Stack & Parker. Attorneys. SALE OF BEAUTIFUL KEIDENCK LOTS By virtue or the power of sale con tained in mortgage deeds, executed by C. B. Laney to I'nion county, mortgagee, on the 17th day of Janu ary, 1911, and on default made in the payment of the indebtedness Tor purchase money secured by said mortgage deed, the said county of I'nion, mortgagee, acting by and through the chairman of its Board of Commissioners, will at 12 m., on Monday, February 7, 10 HI at the court house door in Monroe, X. C, expose to sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, these two certain lots of land, lying and being in the town of Monroe. ,., , Nm.,n CBroliniii em b , he foIlowln(? deK.r,pon: ginning at a glake ln tlle wwl . npil, ,. . ui,i feet to a stake in the liie of lot 15 block 1, aforesaid; theme with the easterly boundary of said lot 15, X. 9 degrees and 5 E. 50 feet to a stake in the southerly line of lot 10, block 1, aforesaid; thence N. 80 degrees and 65 W. 46.4 feet t ) a stake the S. V. corner of said let 10; thence X. 15 degrees and 65 E, 50.1 feet to a stake S. W. corner ' or lot 9, block 1, aforesaid; thence rt. 80 de gree and 55 E.. 129.9 fcl to the ... . . , , - Jk . R'"ln?',.n.?,..be.ln ? 10 a,,d " blocl; 1, or Wllgor Heights, as shown on the plat aforesaid, to which refer ence is hereby made for a more spe cific description of each. This Jan. 6. 1916. UNION COUNTY, Mortgagee, by L. R. HELMS. Chairman of Board of Commissioners or Union County. Witness: , M. C. LOXG. Clerk or Board. Armfield & Adams, Attorneys. .NOTICE OF SUMMONS Xorth Carolina, Union county, In the Superior Court. Fannie Hallsey vs. Charlie Hallsey. To the defendant, Charlie Hallsey: You will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior court or Union county to obtain a divorce rrom you rrom the bonds of matri mony. You will further take notice that you are required to appear at the term or the Superior court or said county to be held on the 6th Monday in January, 1916, at the court house or said county In Mon roe, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint or said action, or the plaintiff, will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her com print. This the 4th day of Dec, 1915. R. W. LEMMOXD, C. S. C. Stack A Parker, Atfys. XOTICE Having qualified as administratrix or the estate or John A. Garland, de ceased, this is to notify all parties having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly proven, on or before January 1, 1917, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make prompt settlement. Thia December 31, 1915. ANNA L. GARLAND. Administratrix of J. A. Garland, deceased. Stack ft Parker, Attorneys. Tla (Mate Tkat tm M Afliet Tat Haaf Btc of hi toaie livt luMIn effect, LAX A TI VK BBOMO OOIJUN8 i brUrth ordinary Qurtfra and doe mat at nmoawiea noe rfuvtoa hi bead. Dninawr toe toll mm and kMk k,r tat wgnaturt fcf E. W. CKOVfc. iic XOTICE OF SALE I the Superior Court, before the Clerk. I'nion County, Xorth Caro lina: J. E. Funderburk. administrator or Lula Funderburk, deceased and J. E.Funderburk as an individual, vs. Adam Little. Jonah Little. Myrtle Funderburk, Henry Green, guardi an or Adam and Jonah Little, and V. O. Lemmond. guardian ad litem or Myrtle E. Funderburk. I'nder and by virtue of an order or the Superior Court or I'nion coun ty made in the special proceeding en titled as above, the same being Xo. 793 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersign ed commissioners will. On the t.Vh day or Jan., 1 0 Mi. at 12 o'clock M.. at the court house door in Monroe. X. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of land, lying and being in Goose Creek township. Union county. X. C. adjoining the lands of V. E. liowell, the late Mrs. I.ydia Rowell. E. W. Belk estate land and others and bounded as follows: r.eginning at a bridge across Crooked Creek on the Lawyers' road and run said road S. 89 W. 9 50-100 chs. to a R. O. on the south side of said road. E. V. Belk's corner; thence with his line S. 64 W. 12 32 100 chs. to a stake, his and Lydia Rowell's corner; thence with two of her lines as follows: First X. 89 V. 21 51-100 chs. to a slake, her corner; second. S. 41 V. 9 50-100 rhs. o a stake in said line; thence S. 49 E. 9 50-lnO chs. to a stake in a held: thence S. 65 E. 14 81-100 chs. to a Spanish oak on the bank of said creek; thence down and with the va rious courses of said creek to the be ginning, containing sixty seven (671 acres, more or less, being the land conveyed by George McLelland to Harvey Wilson Medlin by deed dated the 18th of February, 1909. See Book 46, page 43 in the Regis ter's office of I'nion county. Terms of sale: 1-4 rash, balance due and payable on the 1st day of Dec-ember, 1916, title retained until all purchase money has been paid, with option to purchaser to pay all cash, if he so desires, subject to right of present occupant to gather his oats and clover now growing on the land. This the 13th dav of Dec, 1915. A. M. STACK, F. ARM FIELD, Coins. NOTICE OF SI MMONS State of Xorth Carolina. I'nion cotin- tv, in the Superior Court before the Clerk : Anna L. Garland. Administratrix of J. A. Garland, deceased, et al. vs. Chas. F. Garland et al. The above named defendant, Chas. F. Garland, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of I'nion county for the pur pose of selling the lands of the de ceased John A. Garland, in which (he defendant. Charles F. Garland, has an interest as heir at law of said deceased, to create assets to pay the debts of said deceased; anil (lie said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Super ior Court of Union County. X. C. at hh ofllee in the Court House In Mon roe, N. C, on Saturday the 29th day of January. 1915. and answer or demur to the petition in said special proceeding, which will be filed within ten days of this date, or the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This the 31st day of Dec, l!Uii. U. W. LKMMOXD. Clerk Superior Court, Union County. Stack & Parker, Attorneys. NOTICE. . Under the authority of a Mortgage Deed executed to me on 3rd October 1914, by Riley J Outlaw to secure certain notes, and which said Mort gage Deed is recorded in Book A. S. in page 78 Register's office Union County, North Carolina, the said Riley J. Outlaw, having made default in the payments as required by the said Mortgage Deed, I will on Saturday, February ."4, 1910, at 12 o'clock M. sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in Monroe, N. C. the following described real estate: Beginning at a rock by a white oak J. M. Stephenson and E. W. Helms corner and runs with a line of Helms' survey S. 8734 K. 24.11 clis. to a rock by a Black and 3 pines; thence N. 58 E. 4.15 chs. to a white oak. Gilliam Helms' corner; thence with bis Hne S. 30 W. 36 chs. to a Red Oak stump by 4 Black Jacks. S. M. Secrest corner; thence with his line X. 85 U W. 15 chs. to a P. O., J. M. Stephenson corner; thence with his line X. E. 28.70 chs. to the beginning con taining 50 V acres more or less. Sold to satisfy the notes therein se cured as executed by the said Riley J. Outlaw. This 3rd January. 1916. SAM D. HELMS, Mortgagee. XOTICE. North Carolina, Union CountyIn the Superior Court. G. L. Nlsbet vs. C. D. McNeely. C. D. McNeely, the defendant above named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court or Un ion County to dissolve the partner ship now existing between the plain tiff and the defendant, which partner ship is engaged in conducting a news paper at Waxhaw, X. C, known as the Waxhaw Enterprise, and ror the appointment or a receiver or the part nership assets or said firm for the sale of the property of the partner ship for a final settlement of the part nership business and a division or the assets or said partnership; and the said defendant will rurther take notice that he Is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court or said county to be held on the 5th Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1916. (It being the 31st day or January, 1916), at the court house or said county. In Monroe, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court ror the relief de manded In said complaint. This the 1st day of Jan.. 1916. R. W. LEMMOXD. Clerk Superior Court. Stack Parker, Attorneya. ' SALE OF OXE OF THE FINEST TRACTS OF l-AXD I X JACKSOX TOWXSHIP Under and by virtue or a certain deed of trust dated the 11th day of December. 1911 by and between Charlton L. Howie and F. E. Howie, his wife, to C. S. Massey. trustee, lor W. H. Collins, which said deed of trust was duly probated and register ed in the office of Register or leed lor Union county in book A. P. of deeds page 179, and application hav ing been made to me as trustee by the holder ot the bonds secured, and by virtue of the duty imposed upon me in said deed of trust, I will on Monday, the 17th Day of Jan.. 1WIH. at twelve o'clock, at the court door in the city of Monroe and county of Un ion and state of Xorth Carolina, offer for .'ale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following tract or land: Lying and being in Jackson town ship. I'nion county. Xorth Carotin, on the water of Twelve Mile creek inu described as lollows: Adjoining Wincy Robinson, Wallet Newell, J. H. Weir S. T. Ail.iui ami others, bounded as follows: Begin ning at a rock the beginning corner of the 95 U acre tract by a large hickory stump, Walter Xewells cor ner, and runs S. 554 W. 21.68 chs. to a P. O. by 3 pines. J. C. Shan nons and Waller Xewell's and J. II. Weir's corner; tlienee with Weir's lfiie S.rc, W. 46.20 ihs. to a pine knot by 3 pines; thence X. K5H W. 31. fiii chs. to a Spanish oak stump by 4 pines and slake, tbe old corner of patent Xo. 1234 issued to Win. Polk. 27ih Feb.. A. 1)., 17!)i; (heme S. 4' W. 1.87 chs. to a stake and stone by 2 pines and P. O.: thence S. M;Vt E. 32.25 chs. to a pine knot by 2 black jacks and pins on the W. side of road; thence X. 66 E. 20.29 chs. crossing a road at about 9.2." chs. to a pine knot by a pine and hickory in the old line of the 14'i acre trad: thence with said land 1 s4 W. 14. SO chs. crossing a road al 11.40 chs. to a stone on the south edge of the Monroe public road by two P. O.; thence with said road the south edge being the line. X. 84 E. 5 chs. to a black gum on the S. side of said road in Mrs. Wincy Robinson's line by a P. O. ; thence with her line X. Vi E. 16 chs. crossing a branch at 10.20 chs. to a pine knot by 4 pines, tlienee 86' E. 14.42 chs. to a pine knot by a hickory; theme X. 194 W. 19.46 chs. to a B. J. by two pines, a corner of the 14 acre tract in the old line of Hie 95'4 acre tract; thence Nj 2. .In E. 33.23 chs. to the beginning containing 1 1 1 ai acres, more or less. Also another tract adjoining the above described tract, J. H. Starnes and John Howard and bounded and described as follows: Beginning al a stone in a line of the above de scribed trad and runs with John Howard's line South 4. 16.20 chs. to a stone in a flat; thence S. 51 E. 3.37 chs. lb a pine knot in the center of the Monroe public road, the said Howards corner; thence up with said road, the center thereof being the line, as follows, X. 42 E. 5.85 chs., X. 4 K. 5.O.". chs. X. lit E. 5.50 chs. X. 66 74 E. 2.50 chs. X. 82 E. 2.G2 (lis. to a stone on S. side of said road, a corner of the above de scribed tract, thence wilh two lines of said tract, 1st X. 1 "4 K. 14.80 chs. to a stake, 2nd S. 66 W. 20.29 chs. to a stake by a pine, a comer of the above described tract; thence a new line X. 86 U W. 55 links to the be ginning, containing 31.53 acres more or less, and for more particulars see deed from M. 1. Rollins to W. 11. Rol lins reg. In book 45 page 425. Except from the above described tract 5 acres, more or less, deeded to J. K. Howard by W. H. Collins on Xov. 20, 1911, which is not included in this deed of trust. This tract of land is one of the best pieces of land In Union county. It lies ou the Waxhaw and Monroe road; a beautiful location, nicely painted home, good barn, well and out-buildings, and parties interested in a home would do well to see this property. This the 15th day of Dec. 1915. C. S. MASSEY, Trustee. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. Notice of tie-Sale of Farm Land. Under and by virtue of an order made by R.W. Lemmond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Union County, in n r.pecial proceeding entitled S. D. Helms, administrator of W.H.Glenn, deceased, vs. Hanna E. Glenn and other.!, I will on Saturday, January l.. 1911. at 12 o'clock M.. at the court house door of Monroe, offer for Bale to the highest bidder the following describ ed lands: Said land lying and bieng in Bu ford township, Union County, X. C, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stump hole. W. H. Glenn's old corner, and runs S. 84 W. 22 chs. to a stake by a dead tree, Cam Turner's corner; thence with Turner's line N. 8 E. 25 chs. to a corner of a lot No. 1; thence with the division line S. 60 E. 31 and 67-100 chs. to another corner of a lot No. 1 ; thence S. 6 3-4 W. 18 and 86-100 chs. to a stake by a black Jack. Turner's corner; thence N. 42 1-2 W. 11 and 11-100 chs. to the beginning, containing 45 1-2 acres more or less, and being lot No. 2 of the 78 1-2 acre tract of land of the estate lands of W. H. Glenn. Said lands surveyed November 1st, 1915. and Is a part of that land on which W. H. Glenn resided at the time o! his death. Said land Is sold to make assets to pay debts ror partition. Terms or sale. CASH. Bidding to begin at $410. W. B. LOVE. Commissioner. This the 27th day of Dec. 1915. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Bessie Love, deceased, late of Un ion county, North Carolina, thia Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the underslcned at his office In the Loan k Trust building In the city of Monroe on or before the 1st day of January. 1817. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate set tlement. This the 29th day of Dec. 1915. JOHN C. SIKES. Admnlstrator of Beasle Lore, deceased. MORTGAGE SALE OF SUBURBAN LOTS By virtue or mortgage deeds exe cuted to Union county by W. L. Earn hardt on January 17, 1911 and the power of sale therein contained, the said Union county, a body politic act ing by and through its Board of Commissioners, will at 12 o'clock M on .Monday, January 17. 1910, at the court house door in Monroe. expose for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder three cer tain lots described as follows: First lot: Beginning at a stake on the southern edge of Princess street. "00 feet from tbe south eastern point by the l.i'ersection made by Priuces. and Griffith streets and runs thenc with said edge or Princess street S. 80.55 E. 7K reet to a stake in a lin or the E. M. Griffin estate land.-.; thence with said Grifnn line in a south westerly direction 154 5-1' feet to a stake the north rast o;n r of lot 13. block X hereinafter describ cd; thence X. SO. 55 39 6-D f.i in the south eiist corner of lot 9, b!oi :: 'Judges for each precinct being as fol 8: thence with easterly line of sail l"s. respectively: lot 9 X. 9.5 150 Ret to Hie beei-i ! ning being lot 10. block S cf the Wii - gor Heights as shown on a plat there- of made hv Ira Mullis. survevor. in the year 1310 on tile In the ornce oi the Register of lieeds of Utiiuu coun ty to which reference is hereby made for more accurate description. Second lot: Beginning at a stiike in a line rui ning S. Ml. 55 E. from the easterly odce or Griffith street to the corner of lots 8. 9 and 12. block S at a point 250 feet from said ei!;.-c of said street and running thence with the same course as said line 8M 6-10 reel to the stake in the line of the E. M. Griffin estate lands; hence with said line in a southwest erly direction 154 5-10 feet to the north east corner or Annie street; ihence X. SO. 55 W. 51 6-10 feet to the, southeast comer of lot 12 block tlienee with th" easterly l.ounilary of said lot 12 X. 9.5 E. 15o feet to the beginning lot 13, block 8 as hown on the plat aforesaid to which reference is hereby made for more ac curate description. Third lot: Beginning at a stake in the east edge of Griffith street in the point where said edge of s;;id street intersects with the orgiiiHl di vision line between the county home tract and the E. M. Griffin estate lands and runs X. 9.5 71 80-100 feet with said edge of said street to a stake corner of lot 3, block 9; thence with southerly boundary of said lot S. 80.55 E. 150 feet to the south west comer of said lot 3 in the west erly line of lot 5 block 9; thence with said westerly line of said lot 6 S. 9.5 W. to a stake in the E. M. Griffin estate lands line; thence with said line 151 9-10 feet to the beginning being lot 4, block 9 as shown on the plat aforesaid to which reference is hereby made for a more accurate de scription. The said lands being sold upon de fault made in the payment of the purchase price thereof as stipulated in the mortgage deeds aforesaid. This the 17 dav of Dec. 1915. I'XIOX COUNTY. By L. R. HELMS, Chairman Board of Commissioners. Witness: M. C. LOXG, Clerk of Board of Commissioners. Arnilleld & Adams, County Attys. LAND SALE IN GOOSE CREEK TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of (he authori ty conferred upon us in the last will and testament of A. W. II. Price, de ceased, duly probated and registered in the office of Clerk of the Superior court of Union county in the record of wills, X. 4, at page 126, to which reference is hereby made, we will on Monday, the 24th day of Jan., 1011, at 12 o'clock at the court house door in the city or Monroe, county of Un ion and state of North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash all of that tract of land lying and being In Goose Creek township, Union county, North Carolina and bounded on the north by the lands of T. L. Price; on the east by the lands of It". W. Se'gars: on , the south by the lands or H. I. Haig- ler and W. E. Baucom; on the west by the lands of S. C. Chaney and G. Union county, and by said J. W. and B. Halgler and containing 117 acres, W. L. Outen transferred to the un more or less, and known as the home dersigned, I will sell at public auc place of the late A. W. II. Price, de- tlon. for rash to the highest bidder. ceased. Sale will he closed and not left open for raised bid. This the 21st day of Dec. 1915. T. L. PRICE and J. R. Price. Ex's. of A. W. H. Price, deceased. Redwine & Sikes, Attys. , n in, . IIVK ii i i i n By virtue or the power or sale con- tallied in a mortgage deed executed to the county of I'nion on the day of Jan., 1911, by A.W.Boytc de ceased, filed In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Union county, the said county of Union acting by and through its chairman of the board or commissioners will at 12 o'clock M. on Friday, the iHth day of Jan., 1910, at the court house door In Union county. North Carolina, expose to sale for cash at public auction to the highest bidder lots 4 and 5, block 4 u , i,Ku, '"'"' "V"": t ll.ll. . I 1 . 1 r.Y, t n .....,... Un.A -,,K uiTiMii.ii ui-nr nit- i-iiiMuimr " the town of Monroe. North Carolina. Union county, dercribed at f-llows: Beginning at a stake where tl f line of E. M. Griffin's estate land cio-s.s the western edge of Griffith street and runs with said Griffin's line X. 86 W. 151 9.10 feet to a stake the south east corner of lot 6. block 4 of Wllgor Heights as appears from plat made by Ira Mullis. surveyor for I'nion county in the year 1910, on file In the office of tbe Register of Deeds of Union county, Xorth Caro lina; thence with the easterly bnun- dary of lot 6 X. 90-5 E. 104 reet to n stake the X. W. corner or lot 3 block 4: ihence with the southerly boundary or lot 3 S. 80-55 E. 150 feet to s stake in the western edge of said Griffith street; thence with said edce of said street S. 9-5 W. 100 feet to the beginning. The said lots are te be sold on ac- count of default in payment or a part or the purchase money. This, the 23rd day or Dec. 1915. L. R. HELMS. Chairman or Board of v omnusBiumrs oi i mun coumj. Attest: M. C. LONG. Clerk of Board. AratltU k Ataats, Cuty Attyt, XOTICE OF ROAD LAW ELECTION FOR INIO.X COUNTY By virtue or Chapter 68C. Public Laws of Xorth Carolina of 1913. en titled: An act to provide for making roads n Union county and dragging the public roads of the perspective townships of said county, and upon petition presented to us, we. the Board of Commissioners of Union county, have at the regular meeting for the month of December, 1915, or dered and do hereby give not ire of an election under the act aforesaid to determine whether or not said art shall be adopted by the voters or said county and to elect a Superintendent or Roads ror each township in Union county, to go into office in tbe event on an adoption by said county of the aforesaid act. It is further ordered that said election shall be held on Saturday the 5th day of February, 1916, be tween the hours of sunrise and sun set, at the usual polling laces and i the names or the Registrars and r'f Monroe Town-hip W lngate precinct H. K. Helms. registrar; J. . Bivens and E. P. Stewart. Judges. South Monroe precinct J. W. Richardson, registrar; P. B. Blake ney and S. S. Richardson, judges. North Monroe precinct W. L. Howie, registrar; X. S. Ogburn and J. T. Bivens.judges. For Ijuics Cwk Township V L. Thomas, registrar; Martin Baker and James C. Moore, judges. For Itiifonl Township Armfield Mill precinct T. C. Eu banks, registrar; Ward Laney and M. R. Pigg, judges. Irby's precinct E. Ii. Stamps, reg istrar; Marvin Starnes and G. W. Montgomery, judges. For Marshville Township Marshville precinct Rommie L. Grirfin, registrar; W. H. Braswell and Frank Haney, Judgeo. For Vance Township Indian Trail precinct J. E. Broom, registrar; J. M. Harkey and W. E. Lemmond, judges. For Jackson Township Waxhaw Edwin Xiven, registrar; W. H. Collins and H. R. Eason, judges. Wilson's Old Store Mack Harkey, registrar; Henry Starnes and Mack McCain, judges. For Sandy Eidge Township East Sandy Ridge B. R Clark, registrar; John A. Secrest and J. C. Hunnoycutt, :ul;;-. West Sandy Ridge - S. H. Mc Manus, registrar; C. O. Howard and J. S. DeLaney, Judges. For Goose Creek Township Xorth Goose Creek II. M. Furr, registrar; I. C. Clontz and I. R. Dun can, judges. South Goose Cr".t - A V. Aiiftln, regisuar; H. M. Brocks ma C. C. Love, judges. For .New Salem Township Eulo precinct M. S. Smith, regis trar; T. C. Braswell and E. P. Pur ser, judges. Olive Branch H. D. Fowler, reg istrar; A. A. Gaddy and L. A. Siaton, judges. And it shall be the duties of said Registrars between Hi" hours or 9 o'clock a. m. and sunset, on each day (Sunday excepted! Tor twenty days preceding sunset on the 2nd Satur day before said election to keep open said books for registration of any electors residing within his precinct and entitled to registration and on each Saturday during the said twen ty days to attend with his registra tion books at his respective polling places for the registration or voters. At said election those who ravor the adoption or said act by the coun ty or Union shall vote as follows: "For Road Law"; and those who op pose the adoption of said act shall vote as follows: "Against Road Law." L. R. HELMS, Chairman or Board of Commissioners or Union cunty. M. C. LOXG, Clerk to Board. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a mortgage deed given by T. M. Green to J. W. Outen and w- L- Outen on January 5. 1915. and registered on page 201 or book A U, in the office of Register of Deeds of at the court house door in Monroe, N. C, at 3:30 p. m. on Monday, the 14th (lay of Feb. 191 6, the following described real and per sonal property contained ln said mortgage deed: Lying in Marshville township, Un- ln county, on the waters or Zack ". adjoining lands or J. C. ,,. ... ' fln . . . ..,.. ,j ' ,'.... ' . . scribed as follows: Beginning at a rock on the south edge of Monroe road, a rock In J. R. Gardner's line, thence with said road 3.75 chains to Jas. C. Austin's corner; thence south 37 E. 5 chains to a rock in old hedgerow a red oak and pine; th?nce X. 68'! E. 3.75 chains to the begin ning corner, containing 2 and .76 acres, more or less, being the land conveyed to T. M. Green by J. W. Outen and wife and W. L. Outen and wife. Also one switch board known as the Fairfield switchboard, and all phone lines owned by T. M. Green j ij . l.,u t. and connected to Join board, and all fixtures of said board, tools, etc., to gether with all rents collected by T. M. Green for phones connecting at Central. Sold to satisfy provisions or said mortgage deed. This 6th dav or Jan., 1916. R. M. SAUNDEDS, Asslgnfe of Mortgagees. Notice of Sale. I will, on Monday, the 7th day of Fehmarv. 19 1 6. sell the rlrht. tttla and nteregt in and to. two houses and olg Jn the town or Waxhaw. N. C, adjoining the lands or Mrs. J. T. Black, D. S. Davis. J. D. Adams, Whlsnant McC.lll. and others, contain n one fourth of an acre mnr. nr Levied on by W. L. Earnnart. constable, under an attachment nro- cedinr issued in the ease of R. M Sandera ts. J. W. Morrison. Sale to be at the courthouse door ln Monroe. n. C. at noon. Under iM h .n , tMUed t0 me by the Cierk of tn superior Court of Union County. , This the 7th dav nf Jnn Itll t v. Griffith sh.Htr .

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