It V f v0 Keep Well Every man and womin should keen In touch with this drug store. It U the fountain of health and youthfulness In oM age. We can sell you the little remedies from time to time that kerp sicks away. It Is cheaper to preyent than to cure. Be Beautiful Any lady can Improve her person al appearance materially hy using our high grade toilet preparations, compounded by the most expert chemists in the world. Softens the skin, removes blemishes, restores that youthful appearance, and emphasizes the feminine charms that are so attractive to all people. Combs and Brushes Either singly or In sets, made of high grade material, beautifully mounted, and an ornament to any dresser. Sold at close prices and very attractive. ENGLISH DRUG CO. "The Store That Always Has It" Phone No. 39. Monroe, N. C. The Time to Put Money In The Bank Is, of course, when you have It. This U the money season with oar people. Every one should put away some while he can, to be used next spring, or to be kept longer If not needed. An ambitious farmer, who was farming on shares, determined to own his farm. He started a Bank Account. He stayed with the Bank and the Bank with him. He was a good fel low and his Bank wanted him to win. Just last week he was able to buy his farm and pay all cash for it. If you want some day to own your own htiaifiAs. wtav not start in to Bank with us now? The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. R. B. REDWINE, President. H. B. CLARK, Cashier. What la Killing Neutrality Slate Journal. When the war started this paper was so neutral that It was almost j pro-German; but after reading Gen eral von Bernhardi's book, in which he set forth Germany's plan of armed conquest, and considering the un disputed facts in connection with the conduct of the war, this paper ceased to be neutral and frankly so stated. It has since strongly favored the cause of the Allies. What killed the neutrality of this paper has killed the neutrality of other papers and individuals. The following two let ters, published in the last issue of the Outlook, explain why that publica tion is not neutral: Rochester Theological Seminary, German Department. Rochester. N. Y.. Dec. 16, 1915. Lawrence F. Abbott, The Outlook. New York: Dear Mr. Abbott Perhaps I ought to explain to you why I must request the discontinuance of my subscription to The Outlook. I have hesitated in doinR so. After sub scribing for a paper for seventeen or eighteen years it is no easy matter to give it up. Still, the attituda you have found it expedient to assume concerning Germany has utterly shat tered my faith in the reliability and equity of your editorial judKinent. I happen to know a little about the Fatherland, although I have resided in this country for well-night half a century. And I know your war edi torials have sometimes been hilari ously incorrect and always Intention ally onesided, if not actually viru lent and Incentive to espouse the cause of England on the part of the United States. You might have been pro-British without being anti-Ger man. I blame you not for your Eng lish sympathies. I deplore your Ger man hatred. So please discontinue my subscription to your paper until you see nt to recover your poise of Judgment concerning so noble and sacrificing and efficient a people as the much-maligned Germans. Sincerely, F. W. C. MEYER. Get the Nice Things Here. Fresh raisins, dates, figs, citron, currants, sweet and sour pickles and all kinds fruit. December 20, 1915. Rev. Frledrich W. C. Meyer, Rochester, New York: My Dear Mr. Meyer Your name has been taken from our subscription list in accordance with the request expressed in your letter. We cordial ly acquiesce in your right to cease subscribing for a journal with whose views you do not agree; we do not for a moment question your right to form and express the opinion that the editorial Judgment of The Out look are neither reliable nor equi table. We do, however, protest that it is both unjust and unreasonable' to ascribe motives to a man or a motives are substantiated by Incon-, trovertable facts. What facts have you to Justify your statement mat You've hit the right tobacco when you fire-up some Prince Albert in your old jimmy pipe or in a makin's cigarette. And you know it ! Can't get in wrong with P. A. for it is made right; made to spread- smoke-sunshine among men who have suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats 1 The patented process fixes that and curs our bite and parch. All day long you'll sing how glad you are you're pals with PRIME I1 : Y? '' v' 0 00S! 11 W'i It', an easy job TOMV ftf V ' tiJ0k colorof .mwUbteWuufc If), f ((Jtll I l Ml $ sshtfassit. f w M0fM f i impoMio to uni- II , V III; "" SmillL Lt tlx flavor ol Print II " i II II IamW' -y iTa1' Albert tob.ccol lb. Ill A i I III J Vrc'fcfir h-k- &"Fi"y&3s I patented proccMprotKM 111 I I I ill I Iv5"!; the national joy smoke You take this testimony straight-from the shoulder, mea You can smoke a barrel of P. A. without a kick! It hands out all the tobacco happiness any man ever dreamed about it's so smooth and friendly. It's a mighty cheer ful thing to be on talking-terms with your pipe and your tongue at the same time but that's what's coming to you sure as you pin your faith to Prince Albert! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C trvAffT tobacco i Id ' find Vine Albert awaiting yomr cheurfui uitit. Buy to in tappy W 604? Set tidy red tint, iOc; handaamm pound and kalf-pomnd hrnmi dor and in that cimy pound cryatml'glmM humidor mrith ipwift tMtfMr top that kpo thm tobacco fit I January Specials. Friends, I deeply appreciate your confidence and bus- Phone 3. THE OLD RELIABLE GROCER. prevent the shipment of munitions, , do not reflect on German efficiency on the contrary, these deeds have been terribly efficient but In our ! kS, German Cvi. and mil-, e7ncVa?er,esu.t It 'ourhatr1 k J"': : iness in the vears that are cone, and it is my hope and llevs in the rule of reason. Those v,. Ai T . P nnnfQi can-U in tVio fnhirp In control of Germany today believe , nrni Utliei UUU 1 may uc ui giwtci niw w.v nclividual was created for ; . .1 The outlook believes that 1 man in tne past. tofhe. ,.. ini,HV R,an(l!, for the' Tr is mv nlan to co-onerate with mv mends and ncign- Wa irrna v Ih vnll that tho ' ... . .. .... I " m" l I " man people have a history .nd hav. ; skiifuii; i bors in all their efforts for the uplift of the community, limuo luiiiiiuuuuiio iiTiiimuuii ,.,J .nlolu. Tlio Oiltnnlr hi"-1 .... .. oin mi . vm........ ... eniiiie mem 10 up cuueu or me oerman peopie ; 1 ... . ,he ,e of rea8on TnoKe , us to try to restate our attitude to-. ,h" ,,, wards Germany and the part she is 'J""1 ,o. 1 !f playinK in the present world catas- ? a which "noble, sacrificing too niunv InHtances they have been I "maligned" as a result of the pas slons and hatred engendered by the I war. But the fact remains that the ! great majority of the sixty-five mil ' Hons of the German people are not 'students of history, philosophy, or I logic. They accept with a pathetic faith the assertions of their political sirri ill in A OIU' lot V ' a 1 11 ...1 dim v j t and efficient." In .,, , ;,, f,.QO,i... ,.,n..r and virtue of the Individual. I This is 'why The Outlook Is anti German In the present war and hopes the Allies will win. Yours very truly. LAWHENCK V. ABBOTT. President of The Outlook Co. The conduct of certain German Tne Henderson Roller Mills MONROE, N. C. Are prepared to handle wheat day or night. Farmers of Union and ad joining counties can find best of service here. P, S. INVINCIBLE still remains the most popular high grade Hour on the market. turn. 1. otwrmt.m, - i"""' ; gvmpiUhlsers in this country is cal and military leaders.. By these lead- !; l .7 J j ... ,h i, Lri, n VI X,t TlTil -tralMT. So nnaefng had Wante uf T",,.r .' ru..w.a. '..:'! their crimes that tacked from without by a conspiracy of jealous and covetous enemies, and that she made war solely to defend the homes of her people. If The Outlook believed all this, it would be profoundly a pro-German President Wilson, In his recent message to C ongress, declared that "such creatures of pas- j siou, disloyalty and anarchy must be 1 crushed out." and the strong hand of ; the Government has been busily ,en- j gaged to that end. Whereupon the German Government denies responsl- paper I t believed mat iiermany mty morallv 88 W,U as otherwise, wished solely to develop her own civ- " " ' " '',", WM ilizatlon without encroaching upon the rights of others; to promote her own efficiency, education, and com merce; to prove, in accordance with the recognized principles of decent human intercourse, that her mer chants and industries are superior to those of other nations nnd she was rapidly doing this before the out break of war; if Tho Outlook be lieved that England, France and Rus sia, and Italy with the secret sym pathies of most of the other civilized ' nntions of the world, had formed a j deliberate conspiracy to rob Germany by force of the fruits of her organlza ' Hon and skill, It would as contitantly I condemn the Governments of those countries as It condemns the Imperial Government of Germany today. What are the Tacts? For forty years Germany has been the strong est military power In Europe. Her philosophers, historians, university for their conduct. It would seem. however, that their lawlessness here is a perfectly natural consequence of the lawlessness which has ben car ried on on land and sea by express order of the German Government, s For forty years or more the doctrine of might has been taught In Ger of might has ben taught In Ger many, and the pro-German crimes in this country are but the harvest of the scattered seeds of that doctrine. and to that end I shall devote my energies to the establish ment of more economical distribution of merchandise and the formation of a more efficient and equitable system of credit in this community. J. W. RALLINGS, INDIAN TRAIL, N. C. Three Good Reasons For Our Water-Ground MEAIL Come to the Old Reliable Stand WeJ(Mmmm Have Thenu..jMsmf SWAMP-ROOT SAVES KIDNEY SUFFERERS, You naturally feel secure when you know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Uoot. the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Is absolutely pure an. I nontulnn nn harmful or habit professors, statesmen, and niilitnry . DPOduclnK druK. leaders have unitedly and persist-, The gume standard of purity, ently extolled the beauty, righteous- j MrenRtn allli excellence, prescribed ness, and material advantage of mil- b . y,. Kilmer many years ago. Is Itary power. There was no nation in n an,ane(i n every bottle of Swamp Kurope during the summer of 1914 that would have dared for a moment. ctt:nn,n.nnot u scientifically coin- to attack the German Impire single-' oun(lou rrom vegetable herbs. It handed. She was in no danger of at-1 ,g not a Btmulant and Is taken in tark; she did not have to act upon tea.nnnntn doses. It Is not recom- the defensive; she herself said that .-,.,, for everything. According 1. It is ground in the old way. 2. It is made of fresh country corn. 3. It is always fresh. Those who have tried it will take no substitute. Try it and it will con vince you, too. Phone us for a peck. FRESH CAR LOAD HORSES AND BROOD MARES JUST RECEIVED. Come and get your pick. Fine and sound stock that worth the money. Don't miss it by buying before you see us. R. C. Griffin & Bro. E.M. Griffin Old Stand. Phone 255- T. C. Lee & Co. there was no nation or combination to verified testimony it Is nature's of nations that she had to fear; she 1 at ne)pPr ln relieving and over- asserted publicly that Kussia was too , , kidney, liver and bladder . 1 . . .. ...... !.. nit 1. . n w rn i Ulnrul'ieu, UIUI rUK1"1 wan luw shoD-keeplng. and that France was too morally corrupt to fight. These facts seem to us clearly to dispose or the defense argument. Moreover, w hen Austria s ultima tum to Servla was issued England did everything ln her power to submit the controversy to international arbi tration; the documents show that the other nations consented to this plan and that Germany alone refused. Our unalterable conviction is that the war was a war of attack and not of defense on the part of Germany. This view Is strengthened and con firmed by the course of Germany dur ing the war. The Invasion of Bel glum, the acquiescent if not active participation in the Armenian hor rors, the killing of non-combatants on the Lusltanla and Ancono, and the destruction of American property to t roubles. If you suffer, don't delay another day. Go to your nearest druggist now and get a bottle. All drug stores sell it In two sizes fifty cents and one dollar. However, if you wish to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention the Monroe Semi-Weekly Journal. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 20 cents The Leading Fruit and Grocery Store. A FI LL UNH OF FKKKII (iUOCKIUKS AM, TUB TIME. HUaiKHT (iKAI)K OF PLAIN AXI) FA NO' CAXDIF.H. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF 1 IU ITS AND VEGETABLES. WE III Y AND SF.I.Ii TONS OF COLNTUY HtODlT'E. BE SI BE TO TBY I S WITH AN OIU)EK. WE DKMVEtt ANYWHEBE IN TOWN. I'HONE 120. ASK ABOUT OIU PBOFIT SHARING FLAK WITH EVERY ORDER N. D. SALEEBY Crow's Old Stand. Northwest et Courthouse.

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