Xererthelnw. a Profitable Sith-kly ; It Sounded That Way Chesterfield Advertiser. The cat settled herself luxuriously On Monday the county roiumis- in from ef the kitchen range and be ionere paid out $6,000 in interest gall to purr. Little Dolly, who due on railroad bonds. These bonds strange to the way of cats, regard are said to be in the nature of a sub- her with horror, idy to the railroad. It is neverthe- -oh. gran'ma. grandma!" she Ises, a profitable subsidy, aa the Sea- cried. "Come here quick, the rata board has just paid to the treasury begun to boil " 113.907 taxes. SOCIAL Liquor and Btorkaders I j Although the law allows only one Special Notices. Failed by Mrs. ltotK Ihifer, Aa interesting feature of week's entertainment, was the party given by Mrs. J. C. Fletcher. Thurs day afternoon, announcing the en gagement of Miss Isabelle Horn to Turn your eye up to the little label in the upper right .M. SSSXfSi . , (1, . .... . . . . , , by Misses Christine Marsh and Mar- hand COITier Of tlUS paper. If it IS not Up tO date We expect garet Tucker. Progressive games were piayea. .Misses uess Austin anu person every fifteen days, it is gen-! Highest cash price paid for coun erally known that some of the people try produce. S. K. Doster. ' i of Monroe and vicinity found various last ! means to evade the law. One of the For Sale A nice Angora goat. favorite means of evasion was to suitable for children to handle. have a quart shipped to various Phone 31 4-11. places out side of Monroe say one . to Wingate. one to Marshville and For Sale I offer my residence one to Waxhaw which would give situated on Everette street In Mon- one four quarts. The first cost of roe for sale. This Is an elegant new you to renew at once. If you make it necessary for us to stop your paper, don't blame us. It's up to you. We have been talking about going on a "cash basis," and now we are going, paper will have to either borrow, beg, or pay for it. would much prefer every one to pay for it. pigs. H. A. the liquor and express added to the bungalow, containing in all. thirteen livery hire In collecting the ship- rooms. Faces south and Is modern merits from the above named places, in every way. Mrs. J. C. Fletcher. j Mary Mewart scoring highest. Alter nits the boozers' pockets pretty hard. - the games a tiny gilt box containing Another favorite manner for evading! For Sale One car load of brick, a candle, a match and a slip of pa- the law was to take the train for See S. R. Doster. j per was passed to each guest. The Virginia and bring back well-filled - .candle was lighted and held" beneath grips. A few persons were caught For Sale A fresh Jersey cow. 15V me ena OI iniS monm We Will aone Deen lowing: "I. M. H. K. K. H.. Feb-, TheSanford Express relates an In- Monroe Koute 9. Fhone Helmsville , , i , . a' if ruar.T ine Druie-to-oe geniou way tne DIocKauera ot that AO. . gone there, and thOSe WhO Wish tO Continue reading thlS j as showered with good wishes and section have adopted for carrying on -T iur u-ii nr iiit-u uuu iu nt now tneir worn wnnout mierrupiton. ' vae registered Devon bull and e many words could be made from the They erect something like four or pure-bred Essex gilt sows for sale. 'word matrimony." Misses Beatrice five stills at a time and bury or in H. C. Hargrove, Canton, N. C. ; Pillion and Ola Primer made the some wav conceal them all but one. - L i i largest number and were given a which is put in operation. If this """ box of candy, which they presented still is captured by the officers, the ;to the honor guest. blockaders will bring out another , .Mrs. Fletcher served a salad course ore and often start up ner whore See us about that watch we are ,with accessories, also orange ice in the first one was raptured, thinking the bovs that fix 'em right. Krauss. 'orange baskets and cakes. that the officers will not return to . Miss 'Horn is one of Monroe's that locality any time soon. Every-' For service Registered Holstein prettiest and most attractive young time a still is destroyed another one bull. Also registered Duroc-Jersey ladies. Her many friends regret that is brought out to take its place, boar. Spring Dale Farm, Monroe, her marrige necessitates her leaving Were blockaders and blind tigers to X. C. phone 324. .u on roe. stick to some legitimate business Mr. Hough is a successful business with the same tenacity they display,1 Fresh cow for sale. F. M. Van man of Chester. S. C. and has many n the making and selling of liquor, die. Stouts. X. C. friends here, where he formerly liv- thoy would make a howling success.) ! We are told that one I'nion coun-; For Sale Eight large Red Cuban ty moonsniner operates nis sun at game stags, guaranteed dead game. u ru awx- nigiit ana sinus it in tne nearby 11 each if taken at once. Geo. L. ana ana .mts. vt in urr or .viaunews creek during the day. Others have Hart. Monroe, N. C. speni i.untiay inn airs. j. v . lates. adopted various schemes to avoid de- Wanted Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required. Tools given. Weekly demonstration. Di ploma when finished. Write for catalogue. Richmond Barber Col lege, Richmond, Va. Rue's high grade, prolific, selected cotton seed. Large bowl, early, close jointed, easy to pick. Five bushel sack. IS. 00 J. E. Rue, Littleton, X. C. Lost A $2 bill between N. D. Sa leeby'a and Monroe Drug Co. 'a store Friday. Return o Jouranl office. Henry Helms. HORSES Registered O. I. C. Bolick. Hickory'. X. C. AND See S. R. Doster before you sell your country hams and eggs. For Sale Single Comb Black Mi norca cockerels front the best laying strain known large beautiful birds f 1.00. Mrs. W. D. Wisdom. Chipley. Georgia. Cabbage Plants Positively frost proof. Our plants are well harden ed, strong and healthy, and sure to plase. Will guarantee prompt, quick and safe delivery. Cultural direr tions if desired. Give me a trial or der; will guarantee entire satisfac tion. Early Jersey, Charleston, Suc cession and Dutch. Price 1.00 per single 1.000; 3,000 to 5.000 80c; 5,000 to 10.000 at 75c per 1.000. Prices on larger quantities quoted on application. W. L. Kivett, High Point. N. C. MULES Those Mules Are Here. A nice clean car load of them. Come e&rly and get your choice. We sell or swap and our terms are reasonable The Sikes Co. Tuesday, Jan. 11,1916. MONROE. N. C. Mrs. W. Charlotte. H. Phifer is visiting in 1 tection. Rev. Thos. 1 for Lancaster, week's service. . Trott left Monday S. C. to conduct a PARAMOUNT PICTURES -AT THE- Rex Theatre Always a good program. Clean, wholesome, fascinating plays, feat uring the best known stars in the moving picture world. Miss Ola Bruner left Monday for a visit to relatives in Atlanta and Macon, Ga. Mrs. J. A. Kidd left last night for Atlanta to visit relatives for a week, after which she will Join Mr. Kidd in Memphis where they will reside. Miss Annie Hardin of Chester, S. C. and Mrs. W. O. Xisbet of Charlotte spent the week-end with Miss Mary Crow at Crow's Xest. Mrs. R. W. Allen entertained the Weaver Philatliea Class Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. G. Faust was hos tess to the Weselyn Philatheas at the same time. Both held business meet ings after which a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. The Literature Department of the Woman s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Com mercial club rooms. Mrs. H. F. siient Sunday Houston in town. of Charlotte Today, Tuesday, Jan. 11, DANIEL FR0MAN Presents WILLIAM ELLIOTT In the Celebrated Stage Success "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY -ONE," A Historical Translation of Youth and Love IN FIVE PARTS. WEDNESDAY We will begin a series of pictures, "Who Pays'9 Portraying 12 vital questions of life in 12 powerful dramas. Twelve remarkable Pictures in Three Reels each each complete in itself. Better than a sermon: the frailties of humanity scorched by the light of truth-THE FIRST "The Price of Fame" In THREE PARTS, and Featuring RUTH RO LAND and HENRY KING. LADIES will be admitted FREE Wedneseay, Jan. I2th. LOCAL MARKETS. COTTON. Best long staple 12.60 Best short staple 12.40 Seed 67 PRODUCE. The figures given here are prices paid by merchants today. They may be different tomorrow or next day. Headers are advised to 'phone some responsible merchant on the day they expect to come to market and get figures for that day. Hens 35 Young chickens 20 to 27 4 Roosters 25 Guineas 25 Geese 45 Turkeys, per pound 15 Eggs 22 Butter 15 Hams 15.18 Beef cattle 4 to 4 Mutton 5 Pork 10 Corn K5 Oats 52.60 j Didn't Know What (iuano . i Guano Is such an important item I in running in this section, that one ( would hardly think that in the great I farming state of Kansas it is not only i not used, but in some sections there I are some people in ignorance as to what fertilizer Is. Mr. Clinton Wil liams, who worked at Wellington, Kans., two years ago, relates the fol lowing incident in reference to the Ignorance of some people out in that section on the merits of guano: . "We were busy unloading a string of cars one night when a couple of helpers came to four bulky, suspi cious looking sacks. There was a great divergence of opinion as to what the sacks contained. One fel low, who had the Job of carrying it into the freight shed, exclaimed Tgh: There's something deau in this here sack.' "I was so confounded and amused at their ignorance of what is a farm ing necessity in this part of the country that I reared back and roar ed. "When I enlightened them as to the contents of the sack, they were very curious as to Its Ingredients that they all gathered around the sack anil made a very minute ex amination of its contents." For Sale Angora goats. They are strong and healthy, furnish long neecy wool, that will bring a much better price than sheep wool. For further particulars write Mrs. C Herndon, Chapel Hill, N. C. We are still same good old Krauss. repairing watches work as usual. For Sale Fresh Jersey cow with young calf. Greene Whitley, Mon roe, K. F. D. 1. Need Not Give I'p Other Clulm There seems to be some mistaken ideas about the Woman's Club, which should be corrected. The old saying that "truth stays at home while error goes abroad," is again exemplified in the Impression that our ladies are required to give up their other clubs In order to become a member of the Woman's Club. The sole end and aim of the Woman's Club is the welfare of the town and community. tne btterment or conditions n our Registered Jersey Bulls Richly ored for sale. Prices reasonable. F. B. Gordon, Fort Lewis, Salem, Va Notice The road supervisors of Buford township will meet at W. G Griffin s on February 12, at ten o'clock. A. M. Eubanks, Chm. For Sale Fifty-live acres of land about one mile from I'nionville Terms easy. Dr. W. M. Love, Union vllle, X. C. For Sale A nice Angora goat suitable for children to handle. Phone 214-R. Wanted Apair of good farm mules, about nine hundred pounds F. W. Walters, Route 10 Monroe For Sale Farm of 40 acres, 4H miles south of Monroe. Four room dwelling, barn and other outhouses and good well. Twenty-live acres in cultivation. Convenient to church and school. Mrs. Dora Simpson Monroe, K. F. I). 5. Call on me when you want any kind of hauling done. J. Baxter Williams, at Williams & Benton's. The Spick and Span Pressing Club town, the beautifying of our town1'111 call for your goods, make them NOTICE OK EXECUTION SALE State of North Carolina. Union Coun ty: W. H. Belk Bro. vs. S. W. Yandle: By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned rrom the superior court of Union county in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, l!l"t Day or February, ll. at twelve o'clock at the court house door of said county, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said excution, the following tract of land lying and being In Vance township. Union county. North Carolina, and described and denned as follows: First tract Being on the waters or South Crooked creek, adjoining the lands of Charles Hall Davis, known as the L. M. Secrest land; con taining 29 acres, more or less, being lot 5 of the Cornier or Funderburk lands belonging to Elizabeth Wilson, deceased, and partitioned among her cniidren and heirs at law. Second tract Adjoining the above described truct, known as lot 4 of the said Wilson lands said partition con veyed by J. L; Younts and wire to S. V. Yandle, containing 27 acres more or less. It belnj; the Fame tracts of land that were conveyed by the said S. W. Yandle to Joe Rogers on the 2nd day of May. 1914 and registered In the office of Register of Deeds of Union county In book 49 page 610, to which reefrence Is hereby made for a more particular description. The said conveyance to the said Joe Rog ers being made after the above en titled Judgment had been docketed. This the 10th day of Jan.. 1916. J. V. GRIFFITH. Sheriff. and the conservation of our forces both physical and financial. As yet we have only four departments, the Civic Department, the Home Eco nomics, the Literature, and the Social Service or Associated Charities, with a chairman and vice-chairman in each department. We have eighty members but this Is not enough. Every woman In our town must sure ly be interested in one or all of these phases of work and we beg them all to enlist and help push forward the good work. It is not necessary or desirable that any one give up the elub they already belong to, but Join some department of the Wo man's Club and catch the spirit of better civic and social order. M US. J. FRANK LAXEY look new and return them. Loca tlon opposite F. B. Ashcrafl's well- known store. Phone 68 Cam OK Sorts, Other bawdies Wool Can. The wont csks, no matter of how long irtanding , re cored by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter'a Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve fain sod Heal at the same time. 2Sc. Sue. Il.tX) Forward .March Written for The Journal. See the New Year marching on. With a lively step; Thinkln' not of time that's gone Up an' out with every dawn Marchin' stedy ever on. Hep! hep! hep! If you'd on to victory go You must keep the step; Thinkin' not of rain or snow Nor of chillin' winds that blow Steady ever onward go Hep! hep! hep! Time an' tide will never wait You must keep the step; Lest you find at victory's gate You've arrived but all too lute. Forward march, no lime to wait, Hep! hep! hep! ARCH HUXNICUTT. Notice to the Taxpayers of Union County, By an act of the Legislature of 1915, a collector's fee of 50 cents must be added to all taxes not paid on or before the first day of February of each year. This fee will not be collected unless the taxes be placed in the hands of outside collectors. I hope all who have not paid their taxes for 1915 will call in the Sher iff's office and pay. or write me for a statement and send in by mail before February 1st. I will be forced to place the taxes In the hands of collectors In the month of February In order to meet my final settlement. Very respectfully, J. V. GRIFFITH. Sheriff of Union County. Mr. James Stephenson, who Is in business at Oakboro, Is spending the day In town. Barred Rocks for Sale Hickson Old Glory strain for exhibition and utility. My birds are winners all over the South. I have a grand lot of even narrow barred to the skin cockerels and pullctts for sale at two to five dollars. Guaranteed to please or rerund money. R. R. Hickson, Cheraw, S. C. Land for Sale On very easy terms, sixty-seven acres In Carthage town ship, being a part of the Katherine Shaw lands, in Moore county Write Robert R. Taylor, Gatusville, N. C. Agents Try my metal mender; mends all leaks instantly In all kinds of household utensils enameled, tin. Iron, copper, brass, etc. 200 profit. Sample and terms 15 cents. H. W. Harris, Highland Springs, Va. Box 1136 A. Frost proof cabbage plants, Early Jersey, early Charleston, early sum mer and succession, 12 cents per hundred, $1 per thousand. (60 for hundred thousand contracts. B. J. Douglas, Box 45, Chesterfield, S. C. Come around to Krauss. next door to M. Waller and let us examine that watch. Phone B. C. Hinson for heavy haul ing, for auto and livery service of all kinds, day or night. Phone 227. The War Is Over In Europe. We clean them cleaner McCall's Relia ble Pressing Club, Real Dry Cleaners, Phone 328. Fifteen years experience In grow ing frost proof cabbage plants makes me know how to grow tho best. For a limited time I will deliver In North or South Carolina by parcel post Ear ly Jersey Wakefield plants at fifteen cents per 100. or 1.25 per 100. post paid. Special prices on five tn one hundred thousand lots. W. P. Plyler. Monroe, N. C, It. F. D. 4. Please call at any time for hack work Henry Lily, Phone 268. For Sale Beautiful solid Red and Splashed Belgian Carneau pigeons. mated and banded; some now on their first eggs. Prices reasonable West Pigeon Loft, Leesvllle, S. C. Strayed or Stolen Black setter bird dog. Answers to name of Pitt. Reward for information or return of dog to W. E. Cason. If your watch needs repairing, get the best. Krauss. Strawberry Plants Send 11.80 for 1,000 plants Klondyke, grapevines, fruit trees, etc. Cabbage plants at $1.25 per 1,000. John Llghtfoot. East Chattanooga, Tenn. For. Rent Lease or sale, fully equipped farm, 1,400 acres, suitable for cotton, corn, truck and stock raising. For Information, write to Wm. Reyserling, Frogmore, S. C. Save one-half by buying your blan kets from us. United Distributing Co., Lcaksville, N. C. Strayed or Stolen White noodle dog on last Friday. Reward of $5 for return to Mrs. It. W. Rogers, Mon roe, Route 8. For Sale Fifteen hundred acres of undeveloped land In Williamsburg county, S. C, In the cotton, corn and tobacco belt; near railroad, churches and schools; well stocked with quail: also 1,500 acres adjoining above tract. Would lease shooting privi lege for ten years. W. D. Bryan, Bryan, S. C. Cabbage Plants 2.000,000 best varieties. Express, $1 thousand. Par cel post, 15 cents hummed. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Sprlngdale Farm, Garrison Medlin, Mgr., Alonroe. N. C, Phone 324. Watt Ashcraft Veterinarian Day calls, 113; night calls 113. Hosnltal on Hayne street, northeast ot court house, Monroe, N. C. Boys and Girls Earn a watch bracelet or necklace by selling only 40 packages chewing gum. We trust you. Order today. Leonhardt, Lowell, N. C. For Sale A vacant lot In the citv of Monroe, on one of the best resi dential streets, 100 feet front on south Hayne street, 200 feet deep, with fine shade and fruit trees. Also NOTICE By virtue of a mortgage deed to me. executed by Isaac C. Long and wife. Jennie Long, on 22nd day of February, 1910, duly registered In office of the Register of Deeds for Union county, X. C, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public saie on 11th day of Feb., 10! fl, the tract of land described in and conveyed by said mortgage, which said land lies In Union county on the waters of Duck creek adjoining the lands of W. S. Long and Jessie Helms on the north; W. S. Long on the east, south and west, containing 144 acres, more or less, and known as the Elizabeth Long dower in the lands of her deceased husband. Jacob Long, a more particular description of which Is contained in a record of the allotment of said dower, regis tered in office of the Register of a. iiuuBe un ioi un naiiio street, u Deeds of said county In "Record of room house on corner lot; good barn,; Deeds No. 10." page 678. reference large lot. For Information address to which is hereby made for a more Opportunity, care Journal. particular description or said lands. - The minerals In and upon said land Wanted Position by young man will be excepted from said sale, and as clerk in retail store. Can give , to be exeentwl in tha tt . v. uox tne purchaser at this snle. Sni n.-.i,. good reference. Address P. 71, Cerro Cordo, N. C. For Sale Fine farm of 214 acres. Union county, S. C. Good improve ments. One-half cash, balance to suit purchaser. Mr. Homeseeker, this Is worthy of your attention, dress Box 22, Donalds, S. C. to satisfy debt secured by said mort gage. This 11th day of Jan.. 1916. C. N. SIMPSON. Mortgagee. Dollars and sense make & rrei Ad-1 team, but neither will travel far In single harness. 915 We wish to thank our friends for the splendid patron&ge extended us the past year and hope that each of you had a pleasant Christmas and that the year 1916 will be full of Happiness and Prosperty. J. C. SMITH COMPANY, Quality, Price, Service. 1916