he Monroe journal PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS VL N-h M0XR0E' X' C- TUESDAY' FEBRUARY 1, Mlfc 0XE mLLAR A I : MIL THICK OlMMSKIl TO THK XKW KOAD H.AX. Kays the County I hie Sal Want the Chain Uag nl That the Town ship is the I nit fur Kfrad Improvement. would support it. That was some two niontha ago. I told him the pres ent law would not be repealed and ex plained to him that his proposed new law had no repealing clause and that therefore the present law would irtand. Now Mr. Green has had ani- .1 time to Inform himself fully but t b ..mi nleoii vlve me anace for so brief an article as I can write lie h not nd is laboring under a urder the circumstances In opposi- false Impression. Look at last week's tion to the proposed new road law. Monroe Knquirer. on the last page, i iu nanni f the rnuntv to nd you will see a long article bv Mr. fully understand what they are voting Creen advocating this law. Look on for and then if they want it all down h" double column article right so far as I am concerned, for ""d here "'arts off by saying: i ..in rhrriiiiv mihinit to the ma- The question is. are we able to ...,.. make the investment of the amount Tiwl .k.i. . pnnntv in- of tax money asked for which is only stitution in its Infancy In U96. 1 5 centa more on the hundred dollars was the countv representative in the worth of assessed property in the Wlngate IM-als and IVrswmjiU, Correspondence of The Journal. fkl'YWIIfcL' l.tl'V.... ...... ....... Tut.- ............. r" uuua gooa roadd ai nr. .i iiii fi.i..n. I maintain them lit.. . Wlnrate ln r I j V". V"'!'- inHd.il .'jii .."I"- , . " "L " t . : Mr. Pace k. H- vw.. c... . ,u !Y...VW ,aw .' . Don't let ;r;;r.-: "::.r: '." .n.i iw : -. .r z: : f '.u8-,n h' opo! bi :Vt ".r: one M s.jl..h .' . 7 m,,rr JOU "-on: making 8uP to il :tv" "t: " """"M m .;. . wir' ,,-M" "n" vote ronheiaw and T" "V. . . uwn ,,ul,e unM ,, .. " remeny tne little defects ater. Don favorable for its preservation. Doubt- Hon. Henry A. Page, member ofll'i'. i off. iesg many or the elderly people of this Jn Legislature from Moore countv. "You people of t'nion countv are section can remember the unusual farmer and all-round progressive eft- wealthy and can : tord to .uve gouJ warm spell in December anil January "sen, spoke vesterd.iv nn rood -.a rn:nls Tl.. iu . . , . I i M . . - .V " ' .'"-' I ...v. i.i ovfiuc I'll . KUUIi. lin ,rrs "K0 wnen nearly urt nouse to one oi the larg- cr the townships, with an assessed . iwi niuir ur less oi meir b"-huks ui us Kmc in tne his- vaiue or about 1700.000 that can mung meir en-1 j .ion ruuniy. mis remarks I'ay lor tne maintenance of roi.d tire stock . Thousands of pounds of tse and right to the point, and At the proposed rate of taxarion nne tat pork were hauled out and lne "owd gave him their undivided 00 will be paid for ihe maintenance """' mjus ana servea as 'r one nour. per year. Two men two mu'es iiMKi ior aogs and buzzards. -r. eo. Green introduced Mr. wagon and a drag can care (it Fixtv u i.iucr ig rrmove an aouot ana 1 "8D- "e or me necessity for miles of rnnita in . n, hot .nrf .t iho m-i.liM (ownsnin ana practically the same as . 'V""v near as aayugni ,.."". . our neignoorlng i.uuu ana drag 'em everv 14 dsn s KKiaiaiuic vi v w ,. . . , . . II will ft v in TaonwA kA - rni nl M nf U.l AMk..u ... ... . I .. 1 l . . . . ' ih. nnio nr ih. rnnntv nH at the ' "w coueciea in .Monroe town-i:, ' um "-uuu,8, oianiy ana uoyi me roaa law now. nent'e zvauM T of large number of people niP " Tne bv Quotation is Mr. " ui"! JS. r!Ka to A?.? ?u": .rK" .'7 ,eavinlf s behind In the men. and remedy the little defects of Monroe township I took the chain wordn. Yousee Mr. .u"1 " " x J"- '"f.r5' now "a.a roa(,s are l'Ve uon t P.ut on, for when you gang off of the people of the county rren 8 n.,,8.'aK.en- and lr Mr- Gren V.7i--J K."'";.u,fl V e h-7J .1 ?JJ 1 ,n'8 count': oure. n?.ve ?a roads a"d ee the re tmrether with all DroDertv of every v"u s" Da"ea up- in tnis matter LL ", ' "u'uu,ru' wuo i iuui oenems oenvea. you will SI.! V.l , 1 E l how easy is it for so many of us to ha.t the old Aus """e was owned dlrff tax but an Indirect mud tax the value of my remarks t; . hlUU atlU Ksavvi a V w m um wvwtuuv . . . . - ltutlm t B n4 tn i . il ... . - " without anv consideration only to get gel n"l- The Tacts are. and he . re zs cents a me pons and vote for good roads wiinout any consiaerauon oniy io gei have known rmv, r.rn i. The warm days are makinr the 'on over bad roads for hanlinir next Satnrda v 6 stitution I was opposed to the chain of wonderful influ- ""'' "how off fine. We red to 10 cents per ton per At the completion of Mr. Tage's ranr a a countv affair and am od- ence ana Dy "Is one act wil ead "V 'v ' . " nne rrop ror tne guoo roaas. renmrKs. ne was warmly applauded nosed to It now.y I feel sure I was I "lanjr. Pe"80n8 astray, that the people H'L":... ..,?":.ronc,u!ed M.r. Green. I A call went up for John Vann and right then and know I am right now. ""payer, in mi tonBnips .rsp,,uuea. requested the peopl . - ..n ..i k. .h.i. omer man Monroe will Dav 75 cents r" """" i i-ianuei iasi wet K. I " i iiere tor matl'n give nue consideration tn ir gang Is . failure even now in Monroe P 1 cents more on prop- .m' f'y in f"n''. fcHf fanner, an inde- Page's speech and that he warned to township. If It Is a failure in Mon- han they n"w do r na' and sneakfl frnm nK. I tll them, aa a momKnr nf th a . r .t IIIN 11 BI 1 1 Lf . II 11 ID iailUI IU tuuir - Kilil.linn TL. . . , I SAnm t n. .-J i I . - roe townshln it will be a greater fall- lnree Umes 08 n,uc" 88 they nw are "u,,u"'s- ; association gave him a experience, ir one has aiive si.ie or the good roads question urln the c'ounty I don't want the P0'lK. and that In Monroe township a"d ex- "oUced the record of the past few that Mr. Page was not imp'ort.d ni chain fane as a countv burden, not I1"' wl" Pay a cenls on P i V "j! ' ",N""' 1 Zr' '.., ,nal. ,ne P"". ,u '8Ke ny special speech H plicated that the great mass pie can t understand h la so com- The Present law is not repealed nor "lonUlf ot tn "ew year. It's gone. Mr. Page began his speech bv eiv- m, ,as" of ped wi" 11 be lf thls new nn Copied. one f?vS "UH all its opportun- Ing raj Tto .the lawyers preachers cl I beMevS m " the a '8 adPted just add on Whatever we may have failed ,nd doctors Said I he: "Too man7 or basis for P"vWoii for raising taxes to the , ' .J ,?v" , e PP r living on speech-lnc ud- ' rent Iawh tne townsnip as me uuu or uaaia iur - 4 . -- -- --;---.-. " iav hiv. foll . j i. . i am muy rinvmceu -. .. .. ... "goinir hv" will nvr h . 1." " ,"' "wu 1 nere c , . id Th 'onnoi'i n . r- iV. , . "re V l,lany lawyers, doctors and r"""8"' icanr.j uispatch. Jan Sinn A M...t I n - ..,-u . shell. This new ... PvlHenl fr.m. ."?j:LTr!.a:r""" 1"".;' ed this way on purpose and Is c; r- ?d- The opportunity is lost. of Life Hy r kkmIs. California much less cost to the taxpayers by the '",'"BC "u 18 fer- --- X'j J preaoners tor tne economic demands county " ' . v : 'nre are t . Tk- -.Ji - :i uo u" url lQ country. We ought to have niarines has been sent to the flooded A detachment of United township system than by a county 'T"". r:"?.f ter durlne the n " .l.r'. "e ought to have n-arines has been sent tot I don't blame Monroe town- , "'" tr n i n iT.. -j ,..., '"a l,lese 800 more working men. uiay valley to chock lootin . .....o tunc l.come irom a rnuntv Ihut State eavn rvmon 30. States snip to get rid of the chain gang, but f'v'nKth "earning This scheme for God sakes don't unload It upon I?edI..,?u ou- .Let It alone; (ho -A.inv Ahnltsh It and pet nn a uul ,ule agauisi u. g. United patrolling Kespectfully, J. N. PRICE. good sane and business law for Mon roe township and then you will have I Monroe township, in order to unload 1 Ho,,,e Wi"K. this chain sane unon the county you Gibsonville News. are asked to vote for a law to double At the home of her parents. Mr your taxes. So, In fact, you are still and Mrs. M. It. McLean, last Saturday going to have to help support it by auernoon, January 15. Miss Sybil Increasing your taxes 75 cents on poll McLean and Mr. Olin U. Delk of Kay r- n . i . . vw... ihmi luumj ujui n8 "lavru I'avuirvnien are umnwril, ooiu OI .Mal'SHVIIIO nana kill i.l . .. I , . " married Saturday ni.hi ih. Vtk k. . un wnii n ana nan tne per -ronauo stand and turning back Rev C J Black at Ills resldenrs n U,X ofIL?lon county. has People from the flooded district, he town of vi?- ii. w g00 roads' If 1 could U8t take yu The Morena da'. guarding one rlage w nuiel affair onTv ."" gentlemen to oore county and let unit of the San Diegoater system! iiHKe was a quiet analr, only a few you see our avstem of rumi i.,.h a rpnnvtoM hu k,i, rriends witnessine the ceremony, further argument would be necessary Reports reached here that Mexl y popular to convince you of the necessity and cans were looting in the devastated district, and Rear Admiral VVlIlia and 25 cents on tirooertv. Don't for get. Mr. Taxpayer of Union county, S. M- Rankin of Greensboro ofdciat- that the old law or the road law that ing. we now have Is not repealed nor will On account of sickness in the it be repaled adopted. Thin Increased burden let's see first be if this new sin nuntlne have to refer to the law Itself to see in a blue coat suit with hat and that I am correct. The taxpayers of moves to match and carried a boquet Monroe township are now paying and or Dtiae s roses. will continue to nav 75 cents on coll Alter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs and 15 cents on property under the "elk left for Kayetteville where they new law, if adopted, you will have W" mane uieir borne to pay a still further sum of 75 cents It is a source of regret to (heir on poll and 25 cents on property, many rriends that their home will be These young folks ate vei and worthy the congratulations of importance of good roads. u.eir many inenim. "According to mv minrt .h o... P. r..llman ..,.. """ .V. ' , It seems that since Pd,lni x-n. oj .. 7 . " r . io i onnc ..JL.t,, .... uu uoiiHi Kavernments nave de- reserve neet Iliimed late v nrdoroH marines to the scene from the war- voied 'tiiule ;".,," to etteville were quietly married. Rev. u"r 7e V h v n become all ter of good roads. Instead of spend- ships in the bay. Ing such Immense appropriations for Residents of Imperial Reach, a sub- ti. i .... . ir. i.ee iasn and MIrs Eu a VV t- ulHeni.. .' . " .i. -.u . .u' ? .":. I....U i... . .I" "mi mr IIUI IIUV1KH- U'U II UI Hie IMOlin Of Ilie Tn i "ingaie. were married ble by anything excent. rn.nh Jui.na river hnvo h .7. overflow ppermost Diego erfiow in- honest, imriht .i lnrf.;.".V.7.Jj .'",.''. ' ""-"" "noways me in- ''J;m.iP uomes nave been re- !- "U niuuoiiuuo HIMl I II I II 1 V I (I lltl 1 ftfillP U'fllllil hon menlr,. . I Pn VIfwH Irn.,, I ia -II.... i lady whom he won as his bHde. The I tii lnroout tne various coun- e.y eMima ed at 50. In the San couple has many friends to wish then, "Manv vears E. when , niiTl , ,Zt tX'Zn!? 15 Pll tn f'll'in nir t.... I Ko U 1 i i.. ,i - ... While we ar ., .h- ...ki. r l,m," MS so "c "isieua or 00. as - " iur ouuiriL in I Nil nil v iniit tifluvnoo i ... i ... . .. i nrar fiti xi s ,lln-,l..- . . ... - , . I .., j;un.-i,6(; n arr-uilliuni nil UUS' I ii'ui t ru ... nuirriage. ! will State, In sib e. It was deer, snnrt n I h.. The hodio. nf .h.o . in ilia Kin . i w .-. I If this new Bcheme is unue imuy. me wedding was very ,-h, v:r.JL:" 7, "w pumic ounaings in towns nee ror their lives. The new law is only m omy me closest inenas of tne .... h ' lnf,r A ..7 L . . ee you nave one here') 'rom me Morena dam, the ti upon you. isow, vumne oeing iei inio tne secret. .. Yi . 7. , . '""" l,mn fllnroe. (Laughter.) OI 'ne mree units of the San what our road taxes will Mrs. Heik is the attractive daugh- .... p w. v" h "r uT a",u 11 tne general government would ap- water system, empties Its ov scheme is adopted. 1 1 ei oi .Mr. ana sirs. m. It. McLean . ..,,. ', . ", ' ,, . i"i'iie enougn nianey to erect a lo tne 1 la Jnnna river. . . , .. . ... ... a . .1 ... i.n. .....i.i .1 .. , . " uu "n . v. ri. it-ii ii iii i-ii ii ill i" i r uviium nr n.i ...... ..... 1. 1 .. L. . , . i i'.. ..... .. i .. l . , . lacis ana vou win oniyi" niiuu uav was uresseo i on poll aim a leius uu iruiriij, .j ......uo umi iiini iiiiuir tin oein!1ui., tl.f t,. ,. , , . ""V ""u,iuu. ...:i .....i J .- . in a Hlclnnl !.. M... H..11. PSMIlg that I'.Sq. H. K, Helms on been down nlnof fool . iiiunuiK a iuiui luiiu mi i.ii .iiwui ui7 1 .......v mis, ui-ih, nuviiiK i Uiifii.ii.,, . i . .: i: i.. m my ivuuw- township of $1.50 on poll and 50 lived here all her life. The best Mttii ?. "? . J lh! 1 ,lld llMW, b,w ""I cents on property or Just double what wishes-of a host of friends go 'with U nl,, V' . holy bonds of deeper It is than that. I live 16 miles vou are now naving. All other town- tnem. shins other than Monroe townshin (Mr. Belk Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. will have to continue to nav what 3. E. Belk of Lanes Creev townshin they are now paying which is 45 cents and has for several months held a on poll and 15 cents on property and position with the Upton Jewelry Co. in addition to this they will have to of Kayetteville. The Journal.)' pay 45 cents on poll and 15 cents on I property to support the chain gang Hurrah for Parker School. and to purchase that great mass of Correspondence of The Journal accumulated junK ana in aaaiuon o Hurrah for the Parker srnoo, ttll on noH a nil in Mnta on iron term UUght Mi8S Ett4 Prln- Called Off till Some $1 20 on po 1 and 40 cents on prop- olpa, an(, Misg Effle L assistant, time. artv noar v thraa I ( maa what vaii nav a., n. . . ... J I .7. Vj,.. . .k. " Ti un rtaay nignt. Mr. Tom Broom vls- k a I ""J." iu,l Mted the school and spoke on comm should know theae farta an thew ran 1 1 ..... ... ,,, "., . . Ti " r.jiv.7 " cooperauon, aiterwnicn tne com know- been found In the San Luis Rev sec uon. me cessation of rain is aiding me norn oi rescue. Names unknown to from Carthage, the county seat, and The San Diego and Arizona rail connubial bliss, . i r. ilie mnoe, Iwhen I had mimo l..,ul.,.,.. . ... ilrnnri l.oH kn k... . . . Mr. Ilruce Hartael of riot,!. i. , V":,1 " :"" V1 'li way ior vlsltlim I.Iq i. i .....j .,.v' " uay ior ifu m nan uiego coun of' i ,,. c'k . 'V ' iu.uer me 10 mane tne trip. Now, with our ty and San Diego bay is covered with " iiift" in i nuiM, I I 111 111 Prl mm Dvoaiti F tren.l J ii I U' ran lr a an ' m.. 1. J . MlS Hntheoelr of OoVk I. . i" n- "- "" "y '. u.oi, , . ,u , . . .. .. IX. imrru iniiiuies. '" "" i me umy oisasier ......... ,v .ui.-?i in int. 1.11 IIIV lir It PV I nOT imn mimn I. . ..I .. I .. .... ft'aB h.nn.hl 1. O.. M .... n . . J. KIIICK. Idonra of Ik. 1, . . kt- r...l..r.l .. i..iii . ' . ... . ... i v iiiiihii mute 01. kiiou i "j vuiuiin ilia r leisi'uii ann nr i'in- .Air. rioa Hraswell of Hamlet was road a. einnnti uho .,. .v.. n.. ..... n inu-n ttt,.r.l.. """'""' ci uic uuuu SI 1 11K- ......... . f..i w.... i en res Oil in an aeronhino llio fin unnonnl r ...r..., li. I ...i ... .......ii-. in. 1UN1IIK. I " " 1 ' ' nn imiiii ui u 11 1 ii v ill ii in, w. ulnar! - po i ana iu cenis on proyeriy n a gresslng nicely, having a successful for Marshville Satnrdav w " m Moore county got to playing i". " r i JHl KI ot fta,t Off nn runsi ntn irina a into rr i . . .. i j ,..v " i u'ltn t n a Onmi km n,ght 'a8 with the sand. He made a big hole. Lake Ci,Y' ,ne rm,Ppr mining mag- ...v,.c n,u.u.e ,Xed the sand with a little water vis- Mr. M. B. Shenin of the law firm Tit t e cl d .Dread ?Hf.M,"1! 8.?"in,0,.Conco.rd- S"n, found toayhls"surpPr;seead, nate. When derbis beean flrRt to and packed it hard. Then he got a noal lnt0 t,an I,ipK ba' Mr- FRei h- over it and "HMniinineii oy an aviation i .1 . i nurr inrnr Mutir ininH.i . i a. a . . . . - iuu u lij ii ik Hiirnriun i nut na hu n "l w iniuiiii li iii vh mi iifnip vote intelligently. Bear In mind that ',,-'0 m'un 7 lends nd relatives u Z ha,d SUrface road- We bl,ilt a dp'"n- , , 7 Hhlmi,1,e11,ne "00,led vall('- (hn nrnunnl laur nrn thA nraaant . S H VUIII Hiun liy lit I- 1 1 irmig ana relatives 111 ineate I t rntinn caoH TI,aM ...- . ... made One lam Ilir nnH lnrncl :il., 1 " nu, 1 nnv nnn IIIUl' 1 U . " " .. ..v , r,,i' ntuinn lw..l 1 - ... i. nrst lllPflePr rlPtn lc rt' tho h. 1 1"""""" w n uuuu mnuf Dj me coun-1 u 1 "uisinin . . . . , , . I ... - j w. nunivu n wiuiiiuiiiiy UVfl IlirilUO HUM the present road law and the 1 present terment Sorey- The folowIn com. and Mar8nVi luAitiiiiii iui nn iuu uniiiin I ml 1 1 ees were annolnted ? At ti.o ni.,.. . -. 1 - - i' ... . . Down in Dixie," remain as it Is whether this new scheme Is adopted or posed to any increase time for any purpose it would be a case of iy. me iae are now uurueusui ie Social Progress. Miss Hattle Boone, library. i-'?"' " "z'ns migratea rrom and I can't believe the people Mill Mlsa Letitla Walters. Mr. J n v.. u- n,i f.. n n , 1 n on- An8on "! Stanly counties stand for this sudden and enormous knnks : ' "r'e and we are glad to have them. Kven increase at this very critical time in After the organization Ihe mn.n.ii- f.e n . n 'm r , ' Wl T ? y l0. absorbing some of the the history of our nation, if you are tee was so en.huseu over the belter- and two rhi VdrVn .D.m. I."m.fr in 1 ni."" Why? it, bu we 11111K it nv inu-na una onn not. I am op- Lizzev Wahe a ' k 7 ' V.TV .. ." by one. until now the whole 'county of taxes at this Kafm Progress. A. l.n,. h 1 . r.nV'.'' V."' a?. 1 ls Interlocked by a system of good whatever unless n Walters. J. A. Matto ' hi..h ". k . . -'''.' "oa-. PeP"e wandered In. attract- extreme necessl- Healtn, Q. v R ,' I pn. ' " " - ed by the good ro-da. and then settled nnnni.ii to rn u in w von unon in vn to i . . . . . I . aiiu iippn hma t now o ia h .iri,.iu u. iu u .. "f'"',", - t. nieiu or ine community, tney dec dei tt n .Miss Thelma also Pan nnd mr. V v.,. nnu me , the election and vote and not stay at t0 et the school grounds In Khd h V1.1. ' L" home. The stay at home vote in this trees and 71 nice ones were set out k;,im.Z,ii,1 "UT ' attracted by our progressive measures election will not count either way. IZ I also derided to dTg a well and it' A Zn 11 .""r;'1 a"l magnlflcent aet of good roads. If there are only 100 votes cast In be cnVple?ed In a short ti ,e v at "?iPJ u t?Uttot Kthe J.' C- Today, not a man In Moore county the county and 51 votes are for this Th'e next ken was o get a i- d lv night Rev 'T vi rlT" ftrumbles over his road tax and would new scheme and 49 against It then it hrary ror lhe school which we hone p rt nolti.t ' k l 6 of ,h, "ot turn bark o the old methods for is adopted and will become at once to hav on h Pe ! .I"'P"S .church of Monroe will mo8t any Inducement. of the lower Otay dam. Uno of the freaks of the flood wns the carrying away of a nonderoiiR santa re locomotive which was swept out to sea. Ten thousand dollars has been pledged here for relief work. OLD SUBSCRIBER. effective and you will have to pay this Increase of taxes this fall. The leg- A.. ...111 .. A ... A till I isiaiure win 1101 meet uu January, mate rr liuod Itonds Smaking. 1 11 1 7 ..J IKawa ... 1 1 1 L. ..... J .. I I A ii a 1 . aiiu iiiciv win uu irnicii till then. So now is the time to use the remedy. Don't wait till the pa tient Is dead and burled too late then. Let me warn the people to In form themselves as to this proposed scheme. Don't depend upon the leg islature to correct our mistakes. You will find It mighty hard to get it re pealed or even corrected by the leg. Islature. Now Is the time not next year. This Is a dangerous scheme and Is heavily loaded. It Is worse than a German submarine. I have given these facts and I ask the voters to study them and the proposed Inw carefully and when you do this I fully believe you will defeat this scheme as It so richly deserves to be, In proof of my contention that the people of the county do not under stand this scheme I want to any this: The last time I saw Mr. J. Z. Green of Marshville, who everybody knows to be an enlightened man, I had a talk with him on this very matter and he argued with me and believed It, that the present law would be repealed if we adopted the new one and Intimated to me that If the present law was hot repealed de didn't know that he Wednesday. February 2nd, Trinity scnooi nouse, Uuford township, 7:30 P. m.. s. H. Hogers and J. C. M ann. Cool Springs school house, Lanes ireek township. 7:30 p. m., R. W Lemmond. Plney Grove school house, Goose Creek township, 7:30 p. m., W. O Lemmond. Thursday, Feb. 3rd, Pleasant Hill school house, Goose Creek township. r.sv p . m.. J. c. M. Vann. Alban's school house. Goose Creek township. 7:30 p. m.. . B. Love. inaian Trail. 7:30 n. in., j. 7. Green. Feb. 4th. Friday. Walker's si h-ml- nouse, Jackson townsliin. 7:30 n. !ii.. u. m. vann. IVr Township SiiMiliitendfiit. We hereby nominate Mr. S. A. Lathan for rond superintendent of Bul'ord townshin to be elected net Saturday under the new road law to be voted on that day. Mr. Lathan is one of the most practical and level headed men in the county and will make an Ideal officer. BUFORD CITIZENS. to oil Li 7 7 k . " 06 free don,t knw whether or not it to an who desire to hear It. true of Vnion roun, but lh ' to vo , lire U ?oKuo,,n lukle oeen my experience to note that most to jour lile, if you would be happy, counties mse whit u m,,... . 0. P. T1MIST. la Vonrf honao i-iiii. rino .viut..i 1.. t llll Mil.lroH lu l k... ... ..... ""." ""-.V "I'liuseu gOOd ......v ...'.ivu m in uri 111 ni, 111 in 1 faoiii lint u-a . rr.!.,..,,,! 1 .. . ,.1. 1 , . I f ui " c 11 1 t'iv.-t ( Po hT " , . re 0"i 8 dazzle. I suppose there is the usual to her standing marked on a deel- nreiudice Misting hntumm h mal scale. One hundred Is perfect and sixty is pretty serious. The other night while saying her evening pray ers, her spirits, alwavs hlirh. were actually Irrepressible, and her Deti- uon was punctured with snickers and Rlggles. ' Do you think the Lord will like that kind of a prayer?" asked her mother reproachfully. "Nope." re turned Mildred, glibly. "Not much! lie 11 gimme 'bout sixty on that! Jack Shultz. who held down a loh on tne m. i.ouis Browns under Chris von der Ahe. claims that the follow ing always gets a laugh when he tells it: An Irishman and a Scotchman were making repairs on a wharf Mhen the Scotchman lost his balance and fell Into the water. Sandy shouted to Pat: "I sav. Pat drop me a line, will you?" 'What for?" said Pat. "There ain't any postoffices where you're going." try people and the town people the idea that the proposed road law is favorable to a certain section of the county. Gentlemen, this is the most liberal road proposition it has ever been my pleasure to witness. The town opens wide its arms to the coun try people. The way I understand It the country townships will dominate Monroe township eight to one. The country townships will have the whip in their hands. This road proposition will be carried out like you farmers desire and iut by and 'court house ring." Macadam roads have proved a failure. Mecklenburg erected a sys tem of so-called permanent maradam roads. For about five years they lasted fine, then one fine morning they awoke up to the fact they had no roads. When you vote for good roads, inject the maintenance clause In it. for there is no such a thing as permanent road unless it be con crete roads and that is out of Ihe Zeppelin Killed 24 in Pnrls. Paris, Dispatch, Jan. 30. Twenty four persons were killed and 27 injured in the Zeppelin raid over Paris Saturday night, according 10 an oinciai statement e ven mil to. nay. Ten severely wounded were placed in Hospitals. mirty I'rench aeroplanes searched ine remote air regions above Paris iasi nigm ior a Zennelln ra der. ol whose appearance warning had been given. By the time it had reached Ihe edge of one of Ihe old quarters or me city, sevcra of the uirmen were able to mark out Its pale yellow snape n.uuu reet rrom the earth Frightened, doubtless bv the mini erous war planes rising toward It, the Zeppelin wheeled and drove at full speed northward, dropping in Its trail inlo darkness a cargo of about ihree and half tons of bombs. Then con tinuing its flight at a great altitude the airship vanished. Parisians had been warned half an hour before by Are engine., lushine through the streets trumoetlne the call know n as "stand to arms" of the presence of the raiders. The electric street lights went out and policeman lauuonea careless nouseho der to cios their shutters and darken their windows immediately. It was still early in the night, close to ten o'clock and many persons were In the Btreets. the cafes were open and the moving picture theatres and playhouse were still entertaining their spectators nnd audiences. Then in all parts of the cilv could he heard the whir of numeroiia anro. plane propellers, while everywhere people went upon these balconies to watch for Zeppelins. White Man and Colored Man ItaHy I'Ut A victim of knife wounds, inflicted by either Walter Shaw or Buddy ihaw. Boggan Cook lies in a Char lotte hospital In a serious condition, with little hope entertained lor his ultimate recovery. The ch brothers are in jail waitine the n..t. come of the injured man's wounds. ' The affray occurred Saturd.iv ait. ernoon. about dusk near Mr. Tom Broom's mail box on the Lancaster road, about a mile from town. This is the point where the hn ...... out from the big road to get to thei home. They slopped at this point and waited for the approach of a sur ry in which Iioecan I (Mi IT r n.l ert Starnes were riding in the front seat and John Brady, colored, was riding in the rear seat alone. When the surry reached the k.. words were passed, culminating in one of the Shaw brother. ...i Cook. When the affair rearho.1 h: ... S.k .aD.d.k0ne of tne Shaw hrotherti Botoutof their respective buggies and began fighting. Cook had sh.. a beating him when the other Shaw Jumped out of his buggy. oDened hi. knife and began stabbing and cut ting Cook. Starnes then got out of his buggy and becan imnin.i.. .1 Shaw brothers to desist, but couldj not stop them. John Rradv ih. ored man, then got out of the buggy and began attempting to part the hlrti 7 , u n JumPed on and t il CUtblch 01,6 of th Shaw brothers did the euttin not ... nitely learned, an thev hoth a., .v.. charge. Starnes then broueht the two in ured men to Monroe, where the. were given medical attention. Cook'a wounds were so serious that nr ens decided to carry him to Charlotte, 1 " u uu lne eeven o'clock train. Cook had several knife o....i on his head; a long gash on his right shou der; cuts on his left arm. and his right chest was penetrated to his uu aim neart. Brady's wounds were not an uri. 011s. They were dressed by Dr. Creft iaini .urn ne was stabbed an inch and a half on the right side or his back, and a cut two and a half inches long on the left i.i back. Dr. Creft 6a i ti that n fa a 17 condition was as well as could be ex- I'ecieu and prophesized his ultimate "u'ery unless complications set in. 11 is 8.11a mat tne Shaw brothers ad been drinklne. Whether or there had been any old quarrel be. iween the two could not he 1. Cook bears the reputation of a hard- ninRing man. The affair caused a senration in town Saturday nnd on Sunday after noon a large crowd met the Charlotte rain to hear from the bedside of the Injured man. The Shaws are sons of Mr. A. B Shaw, one of the county's best citi zens, and both are married. Cook is a son of Mr. Jeff Cook, who lives about six miles from town. Both parties were on their way home from Monroe. concealed assault nnd bt- ealed COII- Itecordor'N Court. The following rases were disposed of In the Recorder's court during the month of January: Alex Pusser, violating ordinance 80; costs. Bud McCorkle. hniiu.hrenki.,. ... larceny; discharged. Mr. Uaucom, assault with deadly 'capon; $20 and cosis. Luke Lincoln, escr.ne from rhf.. gang; 60 days on roads. John Niven. keeni 111? U.'Mk'lrAif f.. sale; $40 and costs ' r John Niven. 1 . $10 and costs Clarence Parker, violatim. n.fn. nance 1; costs. Clarence Pai-lrer nasi..! .i.i ,, - """.mi Willi deadly weapon; $20 and Costs. Babe Tomberlin, assault with dead weapon; $10 and costs. John Belk, carryins concenin,! ,. pon; costs. Rufus Itivens, carrvlne ""imiis; COSIS. Nook Cauthen. tery; costs. Ney Latharp, rarrvine rnnri.i weapon; not guilty. en la min Latham nirr, i .......I . r-aiMiu; not guilty. Kugenin Caudle, usr.ault and bat- 11 J , IUM8, costs' ClJburn aasa,llt an,l battery; sn'J? MfMiI,fln- violating ordinance 80. 25 days on roads. John McMillan, currying concealed weapon; 60 days on roads terv"h?''Minen' ns,,ault and bat tery 30 d?.vs on romia 1 Coi. ... begin at the expiration of sentince in above case. ) J. W. Church, assault; not guilty, r. V. Broom, assault; costs. Reece Russell, gamlilinir- tin . costs. Ben Helms, violatin costs. Will Smith, la roads. " ' " Jess Stewart, larcenv: n on roads. Son Wilson, felonious breaking and larceny; 6 months on roads fon Wilson, larcenv month. .... roads (sentence to horin ........ tion of above sentence.) Dock Yow, assault and battery with deadly weanon- ?n ......'1 and 60 days on roads. Bond for an. perance April 1st to begin sentence. ouuei urimn, larceny, costs Ross Kvans. 5 days on roads. J. V. Williams, aapnnlt .itk b. ..... uvnu weapon; costs. Some cheap people exnert ct rui.- to pass them through the pearly gates because they once paid 50 cents for a Is cent supper at a church social. r 4' ' ' V'-' '. 1

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