Why a National Bank Is Safe. The U. S. Government is, in a sense, a silent partner in the conduct of every National Bank. In granting a charter to a bank, it makes special inquiry as to the charac ter and financial standing of the appli cants. Twice a year, or oftener, it sends an examiner, who makes an examination of all records and business methods em ployed, reporting any irregularities to the Comptroller of Currency. -THE- First National Bank gives you a cordial invitation to deposit your funds in this Bank. We solicit your account on the basis of sound banking. R. A. MORROW. President DR. J. E. ASHCRAFT. Vicc-Pres. I). A. HOUSTON, Cashier. 3E 30 DC Special Notices. Copple's furniture store Is the best place to buy all kinds of furniture. See him bet ore you buy. Mr. C. C. Sikes is out west buying more slink for the Sikes Company. Car load will be in this week. CHAITACQIA WILL IiK HERE I Yebj terbuu Had Good Year. Mr. K. C. Griffin is in the West buying stock for our firm. Expect a nice lot of hones and mules the lat ter part of this week. K. C. Griffin k Lro. Wanted To hear from owner of , farm or unimproved land for sale. 0. K. Hawley. liuiuwin. wis. i For Sale. A fine farm on French ; Broad Valley. About 130 acres. Well improved. Fine stock farm. Write O. W. Clayton. Brevard. N. C. I The Republicans of Buford town- 'ship are requested to meet at Mount t'rospevt. Saturday nipht. April 22. at ! 8 o'clock. fr the purpose of puttinc I out a township ticket and transacting 'other business. James W. Kichatd- son. See.: Janus W. Fineher. Chin. I, i Tomato Plants Uedfield Beauty. Chalk. Karly Jewel. $1.50 per 10e0. Erin st Simmons, Wauchula, Florida. I For Sale- One Spanish Jack, cheap for cash. Box J. Kershaw. S. C. Sxveit Potato Plants Dooleys anil . Namy Halls; homo-proven. Also all .varieties of Cullman strawberry pi;-tits . Write for booklet and price. Cullman Produce Co.. I., ts. Dciison. Manaivr, Cullman. Ala. j F.sas for hatchiiifi. $1.00 for 15. .Genuine pure bred, full stock, best strain single lomb K. 1. Beds by par col post. S. G. Bay. Wake Forest, N. C. Boute 4. I For Sale One good mule, weight illiio lbs., age about 9 years; one ponv, weight about &00, age 8 years. P. P. Cox. Pure bred golden lluft Orpingtons F.ggs $1-00 per 15. Cooks strain, the best selected stock I can get and good layers. Mrs. J. C. Gordon, Wax- haw. X. C. Bermuda Hoots for Sale 60c. for 2 bushel sack full. J. C. Nelson, Mountville, S. C. THEY COME AND GO, llt'T THE Oi l) BKI.IABI.E IS ALWAYS ON THE JOB. WE iin IlKiHT AI.ONti I'BOM WEEK TO WEEK. MO.VTII TO MONTH. YEAH TO EAB, SllTLVIVti MONItOE PEOPLE WITH Satisfactory Groceries AND THE PEOPLE I.IKE Ol'lt ;ools, OI K PBICES. AM) OEB l.UK l'FLINJ. CO! I D AW MOKE BE SAID' respectfully, LVr. "Waller, Phone No. 3 The Old Reliable Grocer. If you are well, keep well by drink ing Lincoln l.li ma water, ir sick. get well by the same route. English Drug Co. has it. The Lincoln Lithia I Water Co., Lincolnton, X. C. For Sale litvbham peas, 85 per cent sound. $1,110; mixed peas, $1.10; corn in tii" Mini;. K,"h: Velvet beans. Si v I :! 'i ;!')!! seed. Chufas, Su (I. a .in melon scrd. I, ..;!. i raw $7.50 Otis I!i..iiu..ii'. aiiaic. S. C. II. E. Copplc's furniture store has a full line ef all kinds of furniture nnd it lays to call there before you buy. teirr-iilalive Wan in Monroe Ye I terday Making All Xec-arj A r i rangetuenu and Ticket Will Go on ."vle Soon A (mhhI lrtiram. The chautauqua has bet-n shrouded 1 in a veil of mystery for the past fern- weeks, and nobody seemed to know anything about it. But yesterday a representative was here making all the arrangements, and it will be here May C. and will run till May 13. Programs are being distributed, and If anyone has not got one. they ran , get them at the W. J. Budge Co. , All of the numbers this year are j now irpnt fha VWfithprwnv llrnfhnr I who have made two appearances in! Monroe already. But these fentle- j I men ill always find a warm welcome ; in Monroe, and many people will take pleasure in hearing them again. i I The great musical climax of the j 'entire Chautauqua program comes jagain this year on the closing night. ben Julia Claussen, of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, w hose suc cesses of the recent opera season have even surpassed her former achieve I ments. will appear in a concert. Last year, as is well know. Miss Alice Neil- , son closed the Chautauqua with a 'concert, and her admirers will be ;-;r:iti!ud to know that Miss Claussen oijual-i .Miss Xeilon, if she is nut bet ter. Mr. Will'am A. Telley will be the superintendent of the Chautauqua this year. For eight years he served as pastor, and has also served as ns-, sistant evangelist to Dr. Lincoln Me Connell in I'nion Tabernacle meet ings in Oklahoma City, Okla.. Beau mont. Fort Worth, Tex., and other, leading cities of the southwest, loiter he appeared widely alone in evange listic work. Mr. Tetley is a member of the Interdenominational Associa tion of Evangelists, and International Federation of Christian Workers. He Us a nephew of Silver Dick Bland of Missouri, defeated for nomination for president in Chicago National Demo cratic Convention by W. J. Bryan in :is:t. ! Mr. B. E.P. Kline will be the morn ; ing lecturer this year. He has ap peared us morning lecturer on the illedpath Chautauqua for three years.) His lecturers have been distinctly ac ceptable to Chautauqua audiences. I discussions are clear-cut, alive and provocative of earnest thought. Mr. Kline is well adapted and well train-; ed for the Interpretation and preseni lation of the world s best literature. ' For many years he has been a teach- i jer, reader and lecturer, and for eight j 'years taught retoric, literature nnd j vocal expression in two leading edu-! 'cationnl Institutions. In 1904 and' 1!MI5 he was secretary of the Nation-j al Speech Arts Association nnd since that time he has been a member of its oftieial board. For several years j.Mr. Kline has been the Dean of the jDcpntment of Public Speaking of the j Columbia College of Expression of Chicago. j Tin-re are a large number of big , features this year, which will be spok i en of later. Dr. H. E. Gurner, the pastor, and Prof. R. N. Nisbet left yesterday for Mecklenburg county, where they will attend the Charlotte Presbytery. With them they carried the report for the tis- al year ending March 31 of their church, and it is a remarkable report. The amount of contributions for all purposes amounted to $10,090, an av erage of $40.36 per member. It fol lows: Total number communicants. 150; pastor's salary, actually paid. $1,800; j incidental expenses and presbytery tax and contributions by Sunday school and church societies not be nevolent. $1.5(1: foreign missions. $1,950; Assembly home missions.. III. 00; Synod's home missions. $934.00; Presbytery's home missions. $3.&ut; Christian education and min- i islerial relief. $92.00: Sabbath school extension and publication. $(1.00; schools and colleges. $305.00; Bible cause. $15.00; orphan's home. $199; I miscellaneous benevolence. $341.00: ! total. $10,090.00; average per mem ber. $40.38. Are you pay ing CASH, for your groceries IF SO JUST LOOK WHAT YOU CAN SAVE BY BUYING FROM US. Special This Week (Subject to market changes) 98 pound sack Patent Flour $3.10 25 pound sack Granulated Sugar $1.80 11 pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00 Fine Roasted Coffee 15c pound Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee 18c pound 1 pounds Fancy Head Rice 25c 2 pounds Keg Soda 5c Domino Matches (the best match made) 10 boxes for 5c Sour Pickles 5c per dozen Sweet Mixed Pickles 5c per glass Pure Wheat Bran (cleaned for food) 2'c per pound IN FACT, WE SELL EVRYTHING FOR LESS. ASK US FOR PRICES ON CANNED GOODS. WE HAVE SOME FINE HOME-MADE KRAUT. T. P. REDWINE Phone 239. Cheapest Store in Town. Angus bull rep.dy for service for Immediate acceptance, price $100. Duroc pigs t& each (good ones I. Ev erything registered. Nice fall grown Irish potatoes $1 bushel In live bushel lots or more f. o. b. Rockwell. Write your wants. Geo. Y. Kluttz, Rock well, N. C. Selected Webber lung Maple and v -rl Me boll short cotton seed i. I. o. b. Belmont. N. C. . . . r, York, S. C, Route 8. i Plants-- Nancy Hall .: !,..! iui o Villus, $ I.fiO thou sand, ready for shipment about April 15th. C. S. Hurling, Starke, Fla. Special EASTER Excursion Huff Orpington Kpps-- I ).il; r for fifteen. tMissI Gertrude Hardy, JelTress, Va. -TO WASHINGTON, I). C., RICHMOND, Va., NORFOLK, Va. THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 191G. VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY CO. Tickets good on all Regular Trains. LIMITED FIVE DAYS. Call on your nearest Ticket Agent for information, or ad dress the undersigned. JAMES KER, Jr. T. P. A.. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. l'roston's 1'lants.-- Sweet potato, ll.lio; tomato, $1.2"; onions, $1.25; pepper nnd cr:g plants. $1.5i; fresh cabbage plants, 75c. per loot). Illus trated catalogue free. Tied M. Pres ton. Pine Castle, Kla. Tor Sale My hoin pli're of 4 8 acres in Ilitfonl township. Near good church and school, on mail route. Resilience, oie tenant hou: out building'! and good well. Will give poh. isslon after lain crop U gather ed. W. C. Griffin, Monreo, N. C. R. r. i. i. me Henderson Roller Mills MONROE, N. O. Are prepared to handle wheat day or night. Farmers of Union and ad joining counties can find best of service here. , P, S. INVINCIBLE still remains the most popular high grade Hour on the market. I liaise I'.eluian Hares, mink, civics, ( frocs, Miuahs, etc. Make $1.10.00 monthly easily. Send for free par ticulars. Tells where to buy and Kcll your stock. Advertising Service, iiox 70. Durham, N. C. j LOCAL MAIIKLTS. i COTTON. 'I'.e:t l..nR staple 12.50 Rest short staple 12.00 Seed 60 , rnonrcR I The figures given here are prlccfc i paid by merchants today. They may be different tomorrow or next day. Readers are advised to 'phone pome responsible merchant on the day they expect to come to market and get Cciin-t hK that day. Hams 12H-16 Hens 05-45 Kkrs 15 to 16 Younrc chickens 20-35 Roosters 25 Guineas 25 Geese 45 Turkeys, per pd 15 nutter 1JH to 25 Iteef cattle 4 to 4 H Mutton 7 Pork 10 Corn 85 Hm Qulnlm That Doe Not Affect Tha Hsid I!fiie of III tonic ami Imntivt rtlrct. LAXA TIVE DKOMOQU1NINKU beltrt th.n orilinurr Quinine and doc not nm ni-rvo i.nr. nr ringing in hend. Rpmraibrr the full name .nd look twr Iht signature ( K. W. OKOV1.. tie. 1A . mmmm? We will have a mixed load of Horses, Mares and mm i;iyu VI mas to comemmmm in the last of this week. Watch our ad in the next issue. See us before you buy your new buggy and harness. The Tyson & Jones, High Point, Hackney, er and Cor- bitt are the best. Tine Salkes Co. mMMmA lviay April 11th, 1916. MONROE, N. C. Fresh Cabbage, Tomatoes, Celery, and Spring Onions. All kinds of Cereals, Canned Meals and Vegetables. If you want Quality and Service this is the place to get it. J. C. SMITH COMPANY, Quality, Price, Service. Phone 33.