Woman Producing Director XEW8IS CONDENSED FORM Items of Interect Gathered Over the Slate. From Vv-v. 4- rboto br Moffett, Cblc&ga KATHARINE . BROWN. TATHARINE S. BROWN', who organised and staged the rarlsn Players, wn. are to appear hem Chautauqua week, la perhaps the only woman produc Ins director in tbe United Stated. An editorial note in the Green Book Msgtrlne tenna Mlm Brown "an on questioned authority." while the Chleaso Examiner hailed her enjrncement at the Carries Theater, Chicago, by the Weatern Theatrical Productions Com pany as "the first ensnseuient in thi country of a woman producing director." The Chicago American said: "The dramatic world turned to Chicago today to atndy the work and already predicted success of Katharine Brown, atndeni artist and actress, who has assumed tho role of atace director the only woman Stage director In America. Close study of the art, philosophy and history of tbe drama niul excellent experience iu active stair work have placed Miss Brown In her present position. Nervous, rapid, propping an ensemble where another would become confused over details, Unis Brown lu every move gives indication of dramatic temperament" Writing of somo of Miss Brown's Siwkospearean productions, tbo dramntic editor In a Sunday feature pa?e of the Colnmbus (O.I Dispatch "aid, "By her Unusual success as a producer of plays sue has already made a place for her elf that is an enviable one to t!ioe who cannot emulate her in energy, ability nd thorough understanding of the rcijuircruouU of &c stage." O 0 Julia Clausscn Day at The Coming Chautauqua rr. J 4 n f iris mV 1 'iv; . ft ) j Pnoto by MatMtia, ChlCkCO. JULIA CLAUSSEN, EMINENT CONTRALTO OP THE CHICAGO GRAND OPERA COMPANY. rpHR freat musical climax of the entire Chantanqna program comes again this year on the closing night, when Julia CUnwvn of the Chicago Grand Open Company, whose aaccosaee of the recent opera seaaon have even nr paaeed her former achievements, will appear la a eencert She will be assisted by Pierre Benrotte, concert melater ef the Chicago Grand Opera Company, and Ifarcel Charller, also one ef tbe leading conductors tt Cblcage Grand Opera. A year ago, when Mlas Alice Nielsen tcrared the Redpatb Chaotanqnae, H waa then widely stated in the maslcai Journals that the Chantaaqaa opened a ew Held to the greatest musicians. The fact that another soch great artist as Julia Clanssen has been engaged for this season and that the assisting artieU are also well known in the grand opera world at once establishes the fart that the more to give the Chautauqua the greatest music was not a spasmodic one. but permanent I Journal Advertisers are pleased with results. Wilkesboro will vote June 20 on a proposition to issue $15,000 of bonds (or water works. N. E. Lancaster, a farmer who liv ed four miles from Clayton. Johnston county, waa found deaa on the rail road track near Clayton Sunday morning. Foul play suspected. The Southern Forestry Congrear will be la session la Ashevllle July 11-12. The Association of Eastern Foresters and the Southern Forest Fire Congress will meet with the Forestry Congress. Catawba sweet potato growers. who ship great quantities of sweet potatoes to the Northern and West ern markets In tbe spring, are dis turbed about tbe price, which haz dropped to about 30 cents a bushel. Governor Craig has issued requisi tion papers to the Governor of Ten nessee for William Mitchell, under arrest at Knoxville. and wanted in Davidson eounty for the alleged mur der of George Foota on tbe 5th of test September. Durham and Patterson townships. Durham county, turned down by a big majority a proposition to Issue $165,000 of bonds to build an inter urbrn railroad line to connect Bur lington and other towns in that sec tion with Durham. A movement is on foot to erect an addition to the building of the Ma sonic and Eastern Star Home at Po mona, near Greensboro. Masons of the State will be asked for $25,000 for this purpose. Several substrlp- tions have been made, and anion these is one by Mr. Caesar Cone for $500. The last addition to the portrait hall of the North Carolina Historical Commission is a handsome oil por trait of General William P. Roberts of Gates, one of the three North Car olina generals In the War Between the States. The portrait waa the gift of his family. In Salisbury C. P. FoBter attempted to start his automobile, but Instead of the machine backing Into the street, as Intended, it went forward across the sidewalk, crashed through a big glasa window and landed clear Inside an Insurance offlce, stopping only when It ran against a vault. Lit tie damage except to the window, The steering gear of the car of Mr. C. Setier, clerk of Catawba coun ty Superior court, went wrong Sat urday and the car went down an em bankment and Into a creek. With Mr. Setser were J. C. Slgmon, a law yer of Newton, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Slgmon, Setter and J C. Sigmon Jumped and both sustained injuries the former a dislocated wrist and the latter a hurt back. The other occupants sat still and escaped in ury- Charles C. Latta. whoso charge! against the State Hospital at Ral eigh several weeks ago resulted in an Investigation being ordered, has been again committed to tbe Institution It was while he was a patient at the Horpltal that I.tta claimed to have discovered evidence of mismanage ment. The application for his read- mission was signed by his relatives. The Investigation of the Lntta charges were ordered for May 11 and it la said the investigation will br made, notwithstanding the charge waa made by an Insane man, as now appears. In Wayne county Saturday Henry Exum, a negro, struck Clarence Smith, a young white man, with a lead pipe. Smith was thought to be fatally lqjured and at last account a posse was searching for the negro and there was talk of lynchlsg. At Jonesvlllo a negro attacked and seriously beat Mr. Bradley Mathis. mayor of the town, when the mayor objected to the negro using city property. The mayor's asrallant wat released on a bond of J COO. KF.FP VOIU SKIN CLEAR AM) HEALTHY There Is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse tho system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine. 25c. at your Druggist. Worn Out? No doubt you are, If you nmer irom any oi ins numerous ailments to which aii women are sub ject Headache, back ache, sideache, nervous nest, weak, tired feeling, are some ot the symp toms, and you must rid youreell of them in order to feel well. Thousands of women, who bave been benefited by this remedy, urge you fa TAKE Oardui Hi8 Woman's Tonic Mrs. Sylvan ia Woods, ofCnfloo Mills, Ky., says: "Before taking Car dui, I was, at times, so weak I could hardly walk, and the pain la my back and head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles ot Card id, the pains dis appeared. Now I feel as well as I ever did. Every suffering woman should tryCarduL1 Oct a bottle today. E-68 From the Woman's Club. Two weeks ago our mayor Issued a proclamation for clean np day, but as yet no action has been taken and i nothing done to rid our town of the filth and rubbish which have b?caj accumulating for years. Chautauqc. is on and something must be done at once. What are yon going to do with the burnt district which Is disgrace to any decent city? And the alleys which are reeking with slime and miasma from the kitchen sinks and bath tubs. Shall we al low these visitors and Chautauqua workers nnd us In this pitiable con dition? Wake up. fellow citiiens and clean up our town within the next few days! Our main street, with Its trash, papers, chicken coops and rubbish, la an eye sore, not to mention tbe alleys and back streets. Ordinance No. 14 says: It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to permit to remain on any street or alley of the City of Monroe any buggy, wagon, cart, hand-cart, wheel barrow or any other vehicle under bit control or owned by him, or any farming implements or agricultural machine usually drawn by a horse or mule, for a longer period than welve hours. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine of five dallars for each and every day it shall be allowed to remain on such street or alley. This ordinance Is violated In hundreds of places all over cur town. A lady ran into a wa gon a few nights ago and had ti t-all medical aid. Ordinance No. 70 says: No merchant, or any other per son, Bhall place or permit to remain upon any street, sidewalk or alley of said City, any merchandise, coops, boxes, trash or rubbish. Any persen violating this ordinance shall pay Gue of five dollars. The citizens of our town have bsen notified of these things and asked to remove said trash, wagons, coops etc., and have refused to do it. Th Woman's Club will proceed to take legal steps to enforce these ordl nances, unless something is done within the next few days. (Signed) COM. FROM WOMAN.S CLUB. (J 1 1 THERE 19 OXLT OXK REASON WHY FORD CAR ARK DEMANDED RY OVER HALF THE CAR BUYERS IS THIS COUNTRY. THEY ARK BETTER CAR. THE FORD HAS DEMONSTRATED ITS SUPERIORI TY BY ALL THE TESTS OF TIME, IN EVERY KIND OF USE. THE DEMAND IS GREAT BECAUSE THE VALUE IS GREAT. Runabout .. .. MM Touring Car 9440 Couprlct KNW Town Car M40 Sedan $740 All prices f. o. b. Detroit HENDERSON GARAGE & MACHININE CO, AGENTS, MONROE, N. C. Doomed to Death, French Flier Took Enemy With Him. Paris Dispatch, May 1. Details of one of the most daring aerial exploits recorded during the war have been ascertained by the Matin's correspondent at the front ine reat was achieved by a young r rencn aviator above Muelhauaen In Alsace, on April 18 and has already been briefly mentioned in the official communiques. A large French aeroplane sound roa, which had set out to raid Muel hausen. was met by a German squad ron, wnich included one of the power ful new German "Kampfniegieuges,' which Is tho name given to tbe latest typo of the Kaiser's battle planes. equipped with a double motor and two machine guns. A violent combat ensued between the two squadrons In tho course of which the German battle plane's nia c'olne guns riddled ono of the French machines with bullets. One bullet pierced the gasoline tank and within few seconds the French machine was a mnsa of flames. The French pilot, realizing that ho was doomed to certain death headed straight for the German bat tle plane, plunging into it with full speed and force of his own machine, whose propellers entangled iu the plane dragged it along. Both ma chines. In flames, plunged to the ground. WHY DANDRUFF CAUSES BALDNESS. Get rid of dandruff if you have If and the sooner the better. Dandruff causes baldness by choking the pores of the scalp so that the hair roots do not obtain proper nourishment. There is Just one delightful hair tonic bo compounded that besides ending itching scalp almost overnight and stopping hair from falling, will remove every particlo of dandruff af ter Just a few applications. Ask your druggist for a bottln of Parisian Sage, a hair beautlfler, ton ic and scalp invlgorator that every druggists knows always produces re sults, thousands or women use It because they know that nothing else makes the hair so radiantly beauti ful ana ra&cinating. English Drug Co. always guarantees Parisian Sago. 1 s From Indian Trail Route. Indian Trail. Itoute 1. May 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dixon and chil dren of Charlotte are visiting home roiKs nere. Mr. H. C. Simpson has returned from Stanflcld and reports having a nice time during Easter holidays ov er there. Strawberries are now ripe. I had a taRte a week ago today, who else? . We are having big dust storms this week. Oats will be a failure If there Is no rain soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pressley left Sunday morning on a visit to friends and relatives in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Pressley have returned from an extended trip to Charlotte, visiting friends and rela tives. They have organized a new class at Benton's Cross Roads Sunday school. It is called the Baraca class. CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS HAVE DONE WONDERS FOR ME. "I have been a sufferer from stom ach trouble for a number of years, and although I have used a great number of remedies recommended for this complaint. Chamberlain's Tablets ia the first medicine that hai given me positive and last relief." writes Mrs. Anna Kadin, Spenceport, N. Y. "Chamberlain's Tablets have done wonders for me and I value them very highly." - Obtainable everywhere. No. 666 This Is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or tlx doses will break any caae, and if taken then at a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better tnna Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 2St The Store of Per sonal Service. This la a furniture atom that has its aim not qalck aaUa alone but peraaneatty satis fled customers. We want you to feel always that you can come to as far advice and suggestion. We will be g d to show you any of our goods, We are building this busiaaaa for all time and we know that service moans suecess. T. P. DILLON, DEALER L OiFurnlture, Musical Instruments and Undertakers Supplies. A Cm of Fine Horses and Mules Just Arrived. These are good animals and are well broken and Irst class in every respect. Come in and see them. R. C. Griffin & Bro. E.M.Griffia Old Stand. MADE RIGHT HERE IN MONROE. Coca-Cola "THE FAMOUS UNIVERSAL DRINK." Delivered in case lots to dealers in Monroe and surrounding localities. MONROE COCA-COLA COMPANY. F. X. SNYDER, Manager. Thone340. Monroe, N. C. GORDON CO. Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE. State Agents Philadelphia Life Ins.XJo. Office Second Floor, Farmers and Merchants' Bank Bldg., Monroe, N. C.

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