NOTICE BY OOUXTT BOARD OF ELECHOKS Notice la hereby fiTeo that at 1U meeting in Monro. N. C. on the J 7th day of April. 1511. the County Board of Election! of Union county estab lished the following new voting pre dicts, and established the polling places named therein, namely: Unlonvllle precinct. In Goose Creek township, beginning at a point in the western line of New Salem township at a point north of ana including Jan. C Baucom'a. and runs thence, cross ing the Morgan Mill road between M. C. Halgler and H. II. Baucom. the Love Hill road north of the former residence of J. C Williams, and the Slkea Mill road north of Atlas Rush tag's, all in a northweeternly direc tion, to a point on the Concord road just north of and Including the ten ant house on the place of W. G. Long; thence In a southwes'crnly di rectlon to the bridge on the :..iwyert road oyer South Crooked Creek. near the Ely Belk place, so as to in clude the residence of John Belk: thence in a weaternly direction, with the Lawyers road, the middle thereof being the line, to the ford on North Crooked Creek near the Jack Furr old place; thence in a westernly di rection, up and with the various courses of North Crooked Creek U the Vance township line; thence with the Vance township line, in a south ernly direction, to the point of Inter section of the Monroe and Vane township lines; then In an easternly direction, with the dividing lines of Monroe and Goose Creek townships, to the New Salera township line; thence in a northernly direction, with the western line or edge of New Sa lem township, to tho beginning. Polling place: Unlonvlllo higl school, Unlonvllle, N. C. Marvin precinct: In Sandy Ridge township. Beginning In the north ern line of Jackson township at its Intersection with the present division line of West and East Sandy Rldg precincts, and rum In a northernly direction with this line to the New Town road at the Dr. Redwlne place; thence, in a westernly direction, with the New Town road, the center there of being the line, to the eastern line or edge of the Marvin school district; thence with the lines of the Marvin school district to ths Mecklenburg county line; thence with the Meck lenburg county line to the State line; thence with the State line to the point where same Intersects the northern line of Jackson township; thence with the northern line of Jackson township to the beginning. Polling place: Eizell's Store at Mar vin. Change of Voting or Polling Places; North Goose Creek, to J. T. Helms old store. South Goose Creek, to Long's old store. Registrars In these precincts will attend at the new polling places as required by law. New Registration: In Unlonvllle precinct and Marvin precinct. All voters living wlthtng boundaries of newly created precincts are hereby notified that they must reglstar anew. Names will not be taken unless voter registers as prescribed by law. This Board urges the advisability of every voter In the county making certain that he la registered. Failure to do so may result In inability tr vote on the dap of the primary. This 27th of April, 1916. County Board of Elections of Union County, by W. 0. LEMMOND, . Chairman. Notice of Democratic Primary. Notice is hereby given that a Democratic Primary for Union coun ty to be held for the nomination of county and township officers, and for Representatives In the General As sembly, on Saturday, June 8rd, 1010, the polls In all precincts to be- open from sunrise to sunset. If a second primary Is necessary, same will be held four weeks after the first pri mary, to-wit:On Saturday, July 1st, 191 J, and the polls shall be open dur ing the same hours. The following persons, whose names appear opposite namo of pre cinct, have been appointed poll-holders for said primary election: North Monro--W. L. Howl, N. C. English, Frank Fal'lty. South MonroeDuncan Huntley, P. B. Blakeney, S. S. Richardson. Wlngato H. Kemp Helms, W. P. Griffin, Thos. Evans. Marshvllle T. C. Orlffln. A. R. Edwards, B. II. Griffin. Olive Branch A . A. Caddy, M. C. Austin, G. W. Simpson. Euto W. W. Pusser, P. J. C. EArd, P. W. Smith. N. Goose Greek H. M. Furr, 0. J, Clonti, G. A. Long. S. Goose Creek Lonnle Tucker, M. B. Baucom, J. M. York. Unlonvllle Boyd Griffin, Jeff Lit tle. T. L. A. Helms. Vance J. I. Orr, J. M. Tomberlin, J. W. Railings. E. Sandy Ridge Sam Redwlne, J. C. Huneycutt, V. A. Moore. W. Sandy Ridge J. D. Hemby, S. H. McManus, J. S. DeLaney. Marvin O. W. Sutton, Thos. Hud son, F. 8. Crane. Waxhaw J. M. Nlven, J. B. Mo Cam. L. M. Austin. Wilson's Old Store W. M. Mc Whorter, J. Harvey S tames, w. W. Norwood. Irby's A. M. Eubanks, Peter W. Plyler. Marvin Starnes. Armfleld's V. T. Chears, W. T. Osborns, Bunyan Grsves. Lanes Creek 0. C. Smith, M. L. Baker, S. E. Belk. J. C. M. VANN. Chairman, County Dem. Exec. Committee. NOTICE. North Carolina, Union County, In the Superior Court A. Z. Mills vs. Bertha Mills. The defendsnt above named will take notice: That an action entitled as abovs has been commenced In the Superior Court of Union County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and the defendant on the ground of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that sbs Is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday In July, 11. at the court house of said county, In Mon roe, N. C. and answer or demur te the complaint ln said action. This 10th day of April, 1H. R. W. LEMMOND, C S. C. SUck rajksr, Attya, NOTICE OP SALE. North Carolina Union County. In the Superior Court. County National Bank of Uncolntoa'w.rJ . I.7v ? .v . ' V'd 2 ti. M H. nawktna. vs. M. H. Dawklna. Under and by virtu of an execu- ,i i a . w .u- uuu imuvu iv turn VJ uiv V'cik VI mv Superior Court of Lincoln County. N. I C in the above tntitled cause. I wUl.i for ths Durnose of aatlsfvlnr the Judgment therein obtained and duly docketed lnthe office oi ' oVcierk of transcript thereof belnsj duly docket' a t th f.. w. rik . o.. nerlor Conrt nf tTnlnn rnnntv JnH. ment Docket II unllT uim tutinr SFSrffJ??!1?! nihlrte. bidder at 11 o.m on Vl Monday, the 8rd day of July, 1910. . .v. i;rtvl a J.. .- 'V n oMhVrlgkrutT. d intrrestf m! II. Dawktns In and to the following descrihed lands. Mid Hnri. Ivln nH oeina in LAnea irees: townsnio. un- . - . . . ion county. N. C. and described as follows: Beginning at a atake by a red oak, post and pine near Wallace branch, Jack Autry's and E. J. Rig gin's corner and runs with said Rig gins' line N. 43 E. 4.80 chs. to a stake Rlgglns corner: thence with said RIgglns' line again N. 10.5S E. pass ing Rlgglns and Wilson McBride's corner at 8.50 chs., 25.08 chs. to a pine knot by 2 post oaks and pine, Sam Baker's corner In Wilson Mo Bride's line; thence with said Baker's line a. 83.43 W. 19.16 chs. to a pine LeTaSam 'tbE. knot and stone by a black Jack, Thos. with said Lee's line S. 10.15 W. 24.24 chs. to a pine knot by a post oak. black Jack and red oak, Thos Lee's corner in J. L. Autry's line; thence with said Autry's line S. 81.30 E. 15.74 chs. to the beginning, contain ing 49 70-100 acres, more or less. Said sale la made to satisfy execu tion now In my hands In the above entitled cause. This the 15th day or May, 1918. J. V. GRIFFITH, Sheriff. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to whom these presents may come, greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenti cated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited In my office. that the Union Hardware Company, a corporation of this State, whose pr.n-, clpal offflce is situated In the town of Marshvllle, county of Union, State of North Carolina, (M. K. Lee being the agent therein and In charge there of, upon process may be served), has of, upon whom process may be serv ed), has complied with tho requ I re- entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I.J. Bry-. an Grimes, Secretary of State of the' State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 21st day of April, 1916, file ln my office a duly executed and at tested cousent ln writing to the disso lution nf said corporation, executed by nil the stockholders thoreof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file ln my said office as provided by law. . In witness whereof, I have hereto' set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 21st day of April A. D. 1916. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. NOTICE. North Carolfha Union County In the Superior Court McRae, plaintiff, vs. I. McRae, de-. fendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Union County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony ex- lotliw Katnraan tha nlntnHff and Aam fendant a vlncula on the grounds of adultery on the part of the defend- ant. and the said defendant will fUr- iXsm nW nA nn at n A la Pamt -a1 to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Mon day In September, It being the 31st day of July,' 19 16, at the court house of said county In Monroe, North Car olina, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In the complaint This the 16th day of May, 1916. R. W. LEMMOND. C. S. C. Redwlne k Sikes, Attya. for plaintiff. 1 ! County In McRae de- NOTICE North Carolina Union the Superior Court T.McRae, Plaintiff vs. I fendant To I. McRae, defendant, take notice: That on Wednesday the 14th day of June, 1916 , at twelve o'clock M. and thereafter In the office of the Sheriff of Chester county, In the court house in the city of Chester, county of Chester and state of South j missloner, and Notary Public, the un-, Sao Antonio (Tex-l Dispatch. 26th. derstgned will take the deposition of j More than 200 civilians were mur J. B. Smith, J. M. Furguson and J. ; dered between Mexico City and Cuer H. McDanlel, et als. to be read as 'navaca three weeks ago, according to evidence for the plaintiff In the above private advices received here, entitled action, which la now oend-l Rebels operating between cuerna- Ing In the superior court of Union county, state of North Carolina; and you will further take notice that If the taking of the said deposition Is not begun and completed on said day, the same will be continued from day to day until completed. This the 19th day of May. 1916.. T. McRAE, Plaintiff. R EDWINS A SIKES, Attya. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. . Having qualified as administratrix of the eatrate o( I. A. Helms, dee'd. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said I. A. Helms to present them to me, at my residence ln Buford township, du ly proven, on or before the 21st day of April, 1917, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment This April tl, 1916. Mrs. DELIA HELM, Admx. ef the estate of I. A. Helms, deed. Stack A Parker, attya. Even figures that won't He are sometimes incased in gowns. tailor-made Thoughts For Wives. I Judd Mortimer Lewis. In The Hous-J ton (Tex.) Post, I What would men do, we'd like to V' '.'"ul wive mey navei I V.Vr'-.v7 " 7 V . . ' . . J fl " u. . B ,D wm w,lB I muugui vi apreaamK saive. What -. , . . . -, . - !.d "ke t0 know, when 'f. !!? ,Zl h.ut ! 7 . - . . iV . ' rw JUM- on- .brldM of My' ,erl1 how t0 cook 1 ,ein now. 1 .uke n old cU' ' P'pe, ana a brick bat or two. and "ur. " w,ln a green paint brush and """ Irln tew- now to make a carrot good, and okra fit to make an Irish stew. Learn how to d. cultivate the loving touch w n st r mi sr as m niAk la w a I. " v ow vj-jv. Lscmt u 1 k t. Ji. IU..J-II as B . ,h u? U-UJU waan tnn fre of mud. and cook them ttmtf2l! . j . i w ln 'ourl Vv,v'. ",la yur u-iuionea range. jij i t.v. ,4 ii. A . ... luminal nv wilu i win mrn in nn :r .. flAW mfiH afranirn- Ins on at 11 1 a :r - 'I:' r J'JL. ,v. uu unura vi cum- ine Junes, aa eas stoves aiut & kitrh. en range can play entrancing tunes UDon vour hushand's ao..i till hn ' ; rise from where he Rat anri nleV hla - " teeth and write a check for you to buy a hat Learn how to make an angel-cake, with a slender wrist to rob the spring cucumber of all of Its ache and twist There's nothing tnai you cannot learn to coon if you will try. from shredded hay to cab- bage slaw, and from peeled spuds to pie. Ana your tusDana win pincn ffi'l"1 " and he will kiss you when you run to meet him at the gate. "To keep a husband, feed the brute," some an cient wise one said; we don't know who he Was but know be had brains ln his head. And what was true on yesterday is truer yet today, so learn to cream potatoes and to cook the new-moan hay. Don't fool away a bit of time upon the onion, hun, nor try to make it fit to eat. because It can't be done. Another Peril; The Rltch Man in Politics. Progressive Farmer. Another political peril la found ln the use of money by candidates In primary elections and nominating conventions. ' Every State needs not n'y ' 'ffiB' T&VJKS ffj ?g,'ttU h. ritLU.! M E . ? 2S aroused and righteous public sent! ment requiring the enforcement of such a law. As one thoughtful man, speaking from experience, said to us recently: "We must have a law limit ing the amount a candidate can spend or elBe the poor man will be out of compelling the observance of II VII I.r j.' .u iu utfii'r wuiua cveu wnero a yruu er corrupt practice law exists, there will be cases in which a rich candi date will htre an army of heelers and will arrange to spend large sums of money; but through one subterfuge or another will fail to report the to tal amount spent, as required by law. thus making it appear that he has spent no more than the law permits, when ln reality he has. Ea !- "lu " " uiuuttomi, . v, I k1 lio a. mann pert, men Irnnwn in hA clean nn 1 1 1 . V. - - 1 1 A 1 hound's teeth, is a peril we must be vu gu.iu ftgaiiioi "a yviu t. ii ii u una uivugiu outturn lu inula tuau uuc vucd i ' proud commonwealth in recent years. I Look out for the candidate whose boosters are men known to be out .,0f "!ere ,18 ln It for them." Aarf alalia thora'a tin nimn at all why we should not elect a rich man to office if he stands for some high nrtnnlnla Klcrffar ition tila tiftrlr At.hnnlr I the people must be continually on guard against the rich man who, hav ing no fixed principle or policy, runs 8l,mP'y bea"8h,e Wiut3 Lhe g'0ry f office and thinks be has money enou8n 8 u. Notes of Protest For French and HritlMli. Identical notes renewing the pro test of the United States against British treatment of neutral malls on the high seas have been handed to the Brititsh and French ambassadors at Washington. The United States reiterates In more grievous terms Its objection to the feizuie and detention of legiti mate moll matter bound to and from the United States, and insists, partic- ularly, that Great Britain stop the practice of setting vessels on the h'gh seas and taking them into port to subject mall aboard to local regu- lations. I The note was given to the repro ;eentalvts of !. rtii France and Great ilruain. because Finnce formally con curred ln the ll:'vlsh memoraud i a replying to the first merlcan p,btut. Over Two Hundred Civilians Mur. dered in Mexico. vaca and Mexico City attacked a train ou which government employes were being sent to Cuernavaca to assume the governmental work In Cuerna vaca. On the train were many wo men, wives and daughters of the em ployes. Almost all of them were re ported to have been subjected to in dlginlties after which a few of them were killed. I The rebels attacked the train south of Tres Marias on a heavy grade, ov-' erwbelmlng the little guard and pour- j ed Into the cars a heavy fire. Those . who leaped from the doors and wln ' dows were shot down as they at tempted to escape. Only one man the express messenger was left alive, according to the reports re ceive dbere. I The rebels obtained a conalgnment of ammunition said to be two million cartridges and three million pesos of the new Issue of currency. I Perfectly Calm. Angler (In deep water) "Help! Helpl I can't swim!" Country Gentleman (on shore) "I can't neither, but I ain't hollerln. about It." Harper's Magaaine. the law nr elqe the honest man will I r aiuury icnieu Bei h i Ai tt wlUDoan's Kidney rills the same that Card From Mr. Green. To the Editor of The Journal Sir: Does anybodv know wnv a dlf- ference ferenc Pacing men ln :rr lul .umiuiBirauT oiuces in important administrative "u C0UIJ " it is a good thing to elect the sheriff rorliiw of Heada ... " clerk of court, coroner and county fmj" y PP!r vote, why " aooa uung to it outr board of education and upertntendent of schools by popular npt from the application of the fundamental principles of democra cyr Can anybody give Just a llt- Pr reason why our educational.?. L7. . v eana- system ha. not Iillnd t!l. JiU . f.or. ton weigher at Monroe. cratlxed to the extent of electing 1U1UDJ'C, 10 a a. . & . n iguyj(iui aa uiiDiBirmuTe oincen dt . . ' popular voter I J. Z. GREEN. Bis Bandit Killed. eV ?r wn offlciala regard as one of the most important .. . . - arcom- niiRnmanta nf h a amavIabh n I j .iH.. . m . . r. -icui- :u " .lerea. rea.cnea iub war Department maay rroml r.n p.Khin. . '.A i C.ndelario CeVvan.. TT.H, HunAit i.. .ui - " - .vnuci w iiw ffai miiaicu 1U iu rnliimKn. ..u i i. lim.j - w.mmimmb aaiu, 11 d 11 UTTU ftlticu UCBI Cruses by American troopers. In his report Cen. Pershing said: i "Cervantes was without doubt the most desperate and dangerous outlaw in Mexico excett Villa himself I h- lleve his death will expedite capture of others, being second only to Villa and principal leader in the attack on Columbus. Cervantes was positively on and by several natives.' NO REASON' FOR IT When Monroe Citizens Show a Way. There can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tor tures of an aching back, the annoy ance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fall to heed the words of a neighbor who has found relief. Read what a Mon roe citizen says: Mrs. T. J. Price, 500 N. Main St.. Monroe, says: "Four years ago, I had a general break-down in health. My back ached pretty badly and when I got down. I could hardly straighten up. My kidneys were weak and the kidney secretions unnatural. I had dizzy spells, too. and was irritable " 1- My head ached and I naa dl" 8Pcl"- miserable ; ?he ' b Pills, procured from the Union DruK . Co. The first box gave me relief and before long, my kidneys caused me less trouble and my back felt easy. I continued taking Daan's Kidney Pills until I was improved ln every way." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't t..i.. . i. , 1. 1 .i . ... . I Mrs. Price had. Foster-MUburn Co.. Props., Buffalo. N. Y. The Lenoir News says Mrs. D. F. Mast of Valle Crucls, Watauga coun ty, went to Fayettevllle a few days ago to net up and give Instructions on the old hand loom. Mrs. Mast is one of the few North Carolina wo men who are pastmasters ln this work. She enjoys the distinction of furnishing the Blue Room of the j White House with hand-made rugs. WhHa llnnu with t ets to President Wilson. v Saleeby's Cream, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT IT IS THE BEST? WELL, IN THE FIRST PLACE, WE MAKE IT SO. IN THE NEXT PLACE, OUR CUSTOMERS SAY IT IS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CREAM, IN BULK. OUR mXtCK CREAM OS THE TALK OF THE TOWN. PHONK 18 YOUR ORDERS. N. D, Saleeby, West of Courthouse. Phone No. 120. 1 REDUCE RISK OF n Protect human lives, prot- erty and live stuck, by using the to light produced by the ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT No Lamp to upaet Electric Uibt has no name. tha GENUINE EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER. Writ lor Cauluf UtSalDS L C. HOWIE, Electrician, Monroe, If. 0. S. B. BIVENS, DENTIST, MARSIlVn.I E, N. C. Office; Carolina Bank Building. ii ii lasas i "v i ii MM LfC Vtll Ail MRU. 4 II Ml ffl ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce mvself a eandl- aat for county commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary W.L. HEMBY. For County Commissioner unruj uuuunrt myscu a canal Z, "w. Ik S!fV ' ,u,bject1 t0 tni ' the action of HELMS. For Cotton Welsher. I hereby announce myself a candi- BISHOP L. CLARK. For the Lrgfadalare. I hereby announce myself a candi date for representative from Union county, subject to the Democratic pri- oitrr. UEO. S. LEE, JR. i - For County Commissioner. t herebv annminro mv.lf a i . ne.reDJr announce myself a candl ?"e.i0' f0"n L Usloner sub- 'V lu ,u OI ne "emocrauc Dnmirr O. B. CALDWELL. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for election to the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. C. STEELE. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary. G. W. DAVIS. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Recorder, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to be held Saturday, the 3rd of June. 1 appreciate the big vote the good peo ple of the county gave me two years ago and expect a bigger vote and the nomination at tbelr hands for Recor der on Saturday, June 3rd, 1916. M. L. FLOW. For Representative ln Congress. I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of Union county that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the House of Repre sentatives in Congress from this, the Seventh Congressional District, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held on the 3rd day of June, 1916. LEE D. ROBINSON. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the democrat ic primary. JOHN THOMAS HELMS. For the Legislature, 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the lower house of the Gen eral Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. A. EUBANKS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. R. B. CUTHBEUTSON. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. T. BAUCOM. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for cotton weigher at Mon roe, lubject to the action of the Democratic primary. HENRY M. PRESSON. For Commissioner. 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. C. LANEY. For Cotton Weigher at Monroe. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Cotton Weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Deinocratia Primary. LUTHER WILLIAMS. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Recorder for Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, June 3, 1916. J. D. M'RAE. For Recorder. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Recorder for Union county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. W. O. LEMMOND. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher at Monroe, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary. J. II. BOYTE. For Cotton Weigher. I announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher for Mon roe, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. C. B. BARDEN. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Union county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. V. GRIFFITH. For Register of Deed. I hereby annonnce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Register of Deeda for Union county, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary. M. C. LONG. For Representative, I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Representative for Union county, sub ject to the Democratic primary. W. O. LONG. For Cotton Weigher. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the position of cotton weigh er at Monroe, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. P. P. ROSS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. O. W, SMITH, 8R. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratie primary. J. C. MORGAN. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candl date for the office of Coroner for Un ion countv. aubtect to the Do primaries. T. B. DAVI3. For Surveyor. I herebv announce mvaoir dldata for I ha nfna nt Ject to the action of the Democratie primary. R. W. ELLIOTT. For Congrats. I hereby announce myself a can I hereby announce mvself aa a raa. dldate for Conaresa in the Seventh Congressional District, subject to the Democratic primaries on June 3rd. T. U. UNLET, Wilkesboro, N. C. For Prosecuting Attorney. I herebv announce mvself a mndu date in the Democratic primary for prosecuting attorney of Recorder'! eourt. R. L. STEVENS. For Prosecuting Attorney. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of prosecuting at torney of the Recorder's Court, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected I v'U move to Monroe so as to give i'uil time to the work. J. C. BROOKS. For Surveyor. I herebv announce mvcnlf a -anrii. A lltl In, IV. nf flu. rr wmw ivt v. vim, VI ouiTCJur VI Union county, subject to the action w Wit? IWiUUVI ttllV LMJIUillJf, K. E. HELMS. For Coroner. 1 herehv annnnnpe tnv aplf a anHl date for r-lprt1nn In (Iia n'flfo nt coroner of Union county, subject to the Democratic primary. J. S. PLYLER, For Road Commissioners. We herebv annnunre nnraelvea a a candldatea for road commissioners of Monroe townshio. subioct to tha in tion of the Democratic primary. F. M. SUTTON, W. D. BIVENS, C. C. SIKES. For County Commissioner I herebv announce mvself a eanrfl. date for county commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. PHILIP WHITLEY. For Constable. I hereby announce mvself a candi date for the office of Constable for Sandy Ridge township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. M. J. HARKEY. For Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. N. PRICE. For Constable. I hereby announce myself a candi date tor the office of constable for Monroe township, subject to the ae tlon of the Democratic primary. ROSSER WOLFE. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. J. M. NIVEN. For the Legislature. I am a candidate for the legislature from Union county. I refer voters to my platform already announced iu the county papers. R. F. BEASLEY. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for county commissioner. J. W. RAWLINGS. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candl for the Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JOHN A. AloTlN. Dr. B. C. Rcdfearn, Dentists Office one door South of Bruner'i Store. Phono 232. MONROE, N. C. At Marshvllle on nrnt and third Mondays of each month and at Mat thews second and fourth Monday. DR. R. L PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, MONROE, N. c Office In old Postorflce Building, over Union Drug Co. orflce hours 11 to 12 a. ui., and 2 to 4 p. m. Residence Phone, 273-R. W. B. HOUSTON, Surgeon Dentist. MONROE, N. C. Office up-stalra, Fitzgerald Building, Northwest of Court House. W. B. LOVE, Attorney - at Law, MONROE, N. C. Rooms 14 and 15, Law Building. DR. G. M. SMITH, Physician and Surgeon, MONROE, N. C. Office over The Union Drug Store, Monroe, N. C. Calls answered promptly day and night Phone 221. W. O. LEMMOND, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Law Building, old Library Room, Monroe, N. C. Will practice in all the State aid Federal Courts. Will give special at tention to collection of claims and settlement of estates by administra tors and executor. EXPERT PLUMBERS. PHONE US FOR ESTIMATES 03 ALL rLUMRI.YU JORS. Lowest prior and best workmanship. We repair all kind of machinery iw first cUm manner. Phone 104. AUSTIN & CORRELL,

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