SPECIAL NOTICES- THE f.MOX I-OIXIY FOKOI. One rmt per word for one inser tion. Turt' insertion lor tui yrii't Of two. CASH. Seed lYa-1-Mixed. $l.t0; 11 or Iron. !:h y mixed. 11.15; uir loor;!l. , 1 2i f. o. b. in sound sacks. II. F. Anderson. lunbartn. S. C. Fr Sale Cheap.- Five paeiiu;er touring ear in good eoudiii.t'i. tti!:' Vit!i ! I l.to socutltv. Kt-d I'oll c.m!e, ivr.-it siiu p, Luroe li'j. !!(N'k t'.ir-u 'or lease. W alter Taylor. .Siinull. X. i'. Nav.ey h.t'l pol.ito plants I1.V0 pi r 10-JM; t'.ii..k!ia Yams, - i;. II. Voder, lIuKory. X. C. AnylMMiy (Miti lo Talc a Hint? Marsh:ile Home. X :t in i.svii! yeirs has su'h a thing iHTurrvd u this ise. Men -veiy-l;ere are hiulily indignant. artl are i mpioyiiis every eorrceivable uttaRs lo aseeri.iiu tlie tails- therefor. The djn.lt mi . kery pi!l!iiu r in the coun try i. aroiwd oiue a inonh hen he receive I ii v ! cev el ins hi. riwi.t it's paiv h.iM-.-, vUlte paper. His ey- iK.ui.. Lino from tlnir sitrkils w Ufa he m ;!ie adv;.te in prices ttr t li -prei edinu inonln, i r hi lit art melt. witliill Inni w hen he think . the cash tieccs-aiv to pay thertfor, and is reminded that pel haps lie ha one. is n; two tr !ie Lundred sutiscrii ari ar ii:s ;M. ','.;, ih. market is ;tll shot to p.tve. that a couple a months ;.c.i . ptihii.-her J,"o.iio a ton i.ow nun ,.tn ,;i $.Vti a ion. Til.1 p.: pel !';.!; ,-t I he l ua l!..n:e a'.-at THE sill KU C A M H1DE. Tola-.,; resitf.ra;; Co., t,r.-- t'h in, i iis:. II. - Idle-W ld S. C. ellitihle to Live SUx k l'laiit j.".ir Muhlde land in early hpecklv or l"ti day Ve'vet beans. I'hea; r th:,n cow pea and more pro 1: it.. I ' u v diiect from slower ana X-t pure strain. $1.00 per bush. Alea;ui, r llros. t)wusa, Ala. I. For Sale Big bone guinea piss, eisht weeks old. Weigh about 30 pounds. IJrcd from same stock 30 years. Extra fine pigs front flue 6tock. Will please those who waut the best, l'er pig. $7.00 f. o. b. here, J. E. Monts, Little Mountain, s. C. Registered "Big Type" Poland China hogs. Pedigree with every pig, rite your wants. Satisfaction gua ranteed. Hicks Bros., Roberta, Ga For Sale One good milch cow. Mrs. A. J. Price, Matthews, N. C. R F. D. 18. For Sale A nice fresh milk cow. T. L. Price. I'nlonville. N. C, Kt 1. Two automobiles Lee Trull. for sale. See Bring your second hand cotton Seed me.,1 bags to Monroe Oil Mill and turn tin i.i into cash. iNv.- peas for feed and for land im prove! cut. I have fifty bushels of clean, sound. Whippoorw ill peas for salt, ;;t Si. 23 per bushel. F. M .Sutton, Monroe K. F. D. 5. See T. P. Uedwine for seed Irish potatoes for your fall crop. Wanted All the second hand cot ton seed meal hags we can get. Will pay 3 cents each for lots of 25 or un dor. and lots over 25, four cents each Monroe oil Mill. Wanted -A good second hand plaining machine. II. W. Killoagh, Matthews, X. C. Hopewell Lot For Sale One cor ner lot DuPont Annex, for sale. One block from Hopewell-Petersburg car line. The nearest sub-division to the big DuPont Powder Plant and In close proximity to the new $3,000,000 steel plant. Lot No. 30. block 13. Price $350. terms to suit. Address Baxter, 204 Mechanics Bldg., Petersburg, Va. W. 0. W. Clerks Get a new form, pocket size, receipt book at The Jour nal Ofiii'p. By mall 25ceuts cash. Copple's furniture store Is the best place to buy nil kinds of furniture. Bee him before you buy. Norton yam potato plants deliver ed atiywlnie at one dollar per thou sand, in lo s of one thousand or more. Cash wiili order. J. W. Railings. Indian Trad, X. C. Second hand cotton seed meal bags nre not worth anything to you but you can n il them for cash to Monroe Oil Mill. rota to Plants at $1 per thousand. Three varieties, Porto Ilica, Triumph and Jerusalem Yams. It. O. Quinn & Son, Titton, Ga. Reclenned Whlppoorwill peas at 31.25 per bushel. J. W. Kallings, Indian Trail. X. C. has seen its p.iptr bill ill. Ieae !:. lo s.,n dvdlara jr month ihe ',ir.- oi the year. 'I'li.i, d.i v,.!ii.:.r ii, it wo ar- r-ni:::iiiii. ivo. in the extieme rear ;.!nut their suli sriptions. We collider that v. h.w done our , it tow a'. I tt'.wii.'. have M,p,,li.',t ,,u w .ih r.. -.,, hll'k'.! i)l i u i s.- i'i.t ii ; t'e.-irt . siiir- ii it.-to con' tinted pi i's weekly i-il wlilioul pie test and v.1'- .Kuiiiail: tApetied ;.. u t pay lor it ,-ome time. Nw. in view el the rapidly in creasing paper market, it would seem that the tune to pay has come. You eertainlv cannot expect us to send you a paper free that cos's three times to publish what the subscrip tion rate stands at. The arrearages amount to a cotisideiahle thing in dollars. Every man knows or can fig ure out what he Is due by referring to his label. We appeal to the man hood of every subscriber we want him to think about the matter first then we want him to treat us exactly as he would have us treat him under exactly the same circumstances. Were you in the place of the editor and we were the subscriber, would you have us pay or would you not? As much as we hate to lose a sub scriber, and as unpleasant at it will be, we will be forced to discontinue all subscriptions that are so badly in arrear, unless some satisfactory ad justment is soon made. We cannot afford to buy paper at the present in creasing cost aa send It out without receiving the price of the subscrip lion, which is indeed small. It you think it is right, honest, it is you duty as a man to pay us or make satisfactory adjustment of your subscription. If you thing otherwise. there is onlv one other course to pur- ii. '. 1. t us hope that there are noli'1 of the latter . lass on our list Sttoitd I truth it the Ceult of the Murder of J:n";;e I .a tiler tf AU- ::t. Suciin" V."'m rt Phillips of Madison euuaiv. Al t., shot and killed himself at the county jail at lianlsville. Ala.. Fuday. the stvotiU suicide growing out i .he levent murder of Probate 'udv.c Lawlcr. The sht-ritf wa not confined in jail but l.vtd there as sheriff and jailer, lie had been known as a political iriei.d lo It. I. uvcrton, for whom a w an ant has been issued in connection with the Lawhr murder, and It Is .-aid ht the .-tieriif s friends that wor ij over ti,:kisM becuus he had not arrested Ot -rto'i had caused the sui i ide. Tli.:i the sheriff should have tho'ight h:mf' sii-prcted of the I '.wt r in ird r, howtver. was a fit a; sur;n-e to many ;.s that cau.-cd ! a lew .lavs t-:..ie. w lien s. I.. I'lea-v,,(iai.t- w.. U'i.t:d s- ot to death in his .',, c :i.r. Lav!. i ; ., i; 'to say i.lg he killed U". .. r i e'ir I t. ;!'' I: mi. - if at!-.' he ..'.. .-u.-pectod n nnr.h : ii. .'ad-e Lawlcr. The pro-e.-istioii de. lar. d tiii.t no suspicio l 'had t.e.M. .!;: .:. ! a...n.-t Pleasant.-. Mo ft! i -rt u ; rei'iiiy issueu a :et:t 1 ; ! '.;) lo el Uleisin l - ivei!ou had t ot l.-en arrestee lonrtte's Comiiiunity Sjiirit. Vjt conimutlity spirit wi:i ever pre vail. With feeling of good will or when troubles assail. We've been seized with that feeling that will never end. And it' hovering around each neighbor and friend. We bid you all welcome from all the the county side. Each mother aud kid. each father or briiL1. Our town is your town, our home Is your home. 1 ne streets and the square are yours to roam. Tis day of pleasure we want lo give you here. A day of happiness aud genuine cheer. day to be rri!iP!.:b red niinfl oi e.loe. W ith our fellowmen. 'luath the nay.d l!ag free. with us. and d as you ;ind living a it'g h4' v. as del:.'. to aj'l.i hi ..d h'i'l. i. .oi lew aid v,;s otV the sheriff asserted ali in I.i powi -ater w hen a $1 red for Overton neither ne nor Mi- iord. X. mi Th. ni'i lies mid T. II. In l ull Yoik IMspatch. June 2S. Charles E. Hughes. Kepuldican .residential nominee, announced to- ghl at the end of an interview with odore Roosevelt, which lasted for ire than two and a half hours, that he and the foimer President were in complete accord." Mr. Hughes issued the following statement : 'I was very much pleased with Colonel Roosevelt's letter of en dorsement, and he has expressed himself in a very kindly way with respect to my telegram to the Pro gressive Committee. I wanted to talk with Colonel Roosevelt fully with respect to the issues of the iinipaign and asked him to dine w ith me so that we might have that opportunity. He dined with me to- nitht and we had a very delightful int.rview. We talked very fully over 11 matters and are in complete ae- ord. The evening has been a very asant one." It Is unlerstood that Colonel loosevidl told Mr. Hughes that he oi:ld co-operate heartily with him any of hi plans, even to the ex nt of making a speaking lour it Ir Hughes so ilesired. Colonel Roosevelt called upon Mr. highes at the nominee's invitation ind th.v remained together for rive than two and a half hours. Love tnav h blind, but the girl's father and the dog seldom need the service of an oculist. 1.600 Acres Finest land In Cra yen county, Xorth Carolina. Xine miles west of Newborn, on Norfolk Southern R. It., bordering state high uav and two countv roads clay sub noil, black sandy loam top suitable for tobacco, cotton, corn, etc. T. P Hammer, Franklin Bldg. Norfolk, Va For Sale 128 acres of good land on Davis Mine road, opposite tract of Monroe Insurance ft Investment Co. Lies mile ana a quarter of railroad station at Baker's and a One tract o land. 23 acres cleaned for plow that will make bale per acre It. F. Beas- ley. Watt Ashcraft, Veterinarian Day calls, 113; night calls, lsi-u. ur fice on Harne street, east of court bouse, Monroe, N. C. N. C. strain of Single Comb White I.echorns. Bred to lay eggs at re duced price, 15 for $1.00. N. v. Poultry Farm, Norlina, N. C. II. E. Copple's furniture store has a full line of all kinds of furniture and It pays to call there before you buy. Fpringtime Is here. It will pay you to see us and save money on your repairs. We rubber tire and paint buggies and wagons. All work a-uaranteed. Oeneral repairing and horseshoeing. It. H. Walkup at rear of Shute's gin. Fleas call at any time for back work Henry Lily, Phon 268. We have a special order for chic kens, eggs, and bams and can use all yon can bring. Lathan ft Rlcbard-on, Call pbons S(7 for auto, anywhere at anytbD. Helms Aato Transfer. Other Special Notice on page I. The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better T han the Weak Old neocle who are feeble, and younger people who are weak, will be sttengtheced and enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. 50c. his deputies would share in it if the arr sled Overton, which he reiterated they were making every effort to do, The sheriff's dead body was found in a cell in the jail. A note, addressed to ins wile, saiu he a mi nis son, Mar cus, went to serve a summons In the vicinity of the place where Judge Lawler a body was found and that this had caused him to be suspected of the murder. "It is more than I can stand to live under this," the note continued. "The man I thought a gentleman has fooled me. I don't want the stain on my children. I can't stand to be accused of such a crime. The note did not name the man who "fooled" the sheriff, but added "I liked Judge Lawler, even though I worked against him. and I was fool ed." The note then referred to business matters and to the rearing cf the young children, and added: "I can't afford to live here and be looked on as a murderer, when God knows, I am as innocent as the angels In heaven Soul herit state-. Nearly All Have Their Tt.miis in Concentration Camp N. w Yoik Dispatch. June 28. Mobilization of the National Guaru of the Southern Stales, called out for Mexican service, virtually was com plete tonighi. Hccotding lo informa tion at headquarters of the Depart ment of the Last. I nited States army here. All the units called in Virginia, South Carolina. Tennessee .Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana were in camp, while the last of the Georgia troops were expected at Ma can tomorrow and the North Carolina troops at Morehead City Saturday Approximately 20,000 soldiers. In cluding infantry, cavalry, Held artil lery and signal and hospital corps, were under canvas at the nine State camps and several thousand of these were about ready to move to the bor der, part of the Virginia and Florida troops being expected lo get away within a day or two. Plans were for all the others to move as soon as they were ready and troop trains were being assembled at several of the camps. Recruiting stations have been op ened in all of the States and the work of tilling in the various units to war trength was proceeding rapidly. In several States the Governors have is sued calls for volunteers and recruit'' were being moved to the mobiliza tion ramps almost daily. It was ex pected that when the troops got ;ew:iv lor the bolder most units would he near the maximum strength in isplte of the number of guardsmen rejected for inability lo pass the medical ex amination. THROUGH PULLMAN Car Service TO Charlotte, Rutherfordton (CHIMNEY ROCK) AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, June 15, 1010. VIA Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. TRAIN' 31. Leave Raleigh 8.45 A. M. Leave Sanford 10.10 A. M. Leave Hamlet 12.30 P. M. Leave Wauesboro 1.25 P. M. Leave Monroe 2.20 P. M. Leave Charlotte 3.25 P. M. Arrive Rutherfordton . . . 5.30 P. M. TRAIN' 31. Leave Rutherfordton ....7.00 A. M. Lenve Charlotte 10.10 A. M. Leave Monroe 11.15 A. M. Leave Wadesboro 12.07 P. M. Leave Hamlet 1.00 P. M. Leave Sanford 3.15 P. M. Arrive Raleigh 4.42 P. M. The only Railroad operating through Pullman Cir Service between Itai- elgh and Rutherfordton (Chimney Rock). The Rest, (leanest and Most Satisfactory Senrlce. JOHN. T. WEST, D. P. AM Raleigh, X. C J AS. KER, JR., T. P. A. v Cbartette 5. 0. Lady Appointed Governor's Private Secretary. Raleigh News and Observer. Miss Mary F, Jones, who has serv ed so efficiently as executive secre tary to Governor Craig since he be came Governor, was on yesterday ap pointed Ills private secretary by the Governor. The Governor also an nounced that he had appointed Mr. Joseph J. Mackay, Jr., his executive secretary. Miss Jones Is the first woman In Xorth Carolina to hold this position She occupies a unique distinction as possibly no other Governor in the United States has a woman for pri vate secretary. The only similar rase that can be recalled is that of Governor West of Oregon, who at one time had a woman for his pri vate secretary. The Governor said that Miss Jones deserved the appointment on account of her long and efficient service in the office, and her peculiar knowledge of the business of the office. "I have examined the statute," said the Gov ernor, "and I am satisfied that this appointment is strictly in accordance with the law of North Carolina ai Interpreted by the Supreme Court. The Assistant Attorney General con curs with me In this opinion." t':'-.:e tarry please. Spend hours of pleasure at ease. . tut it you Miouiti grow lonely, caus ing te irs or a sigh. Remember Monroe and tht Fourth of July. We are all one family, we're all one kind. We should live for each other. never changing our mind Do away with all malice in this land of the free. And hurrah tor our flag and liber ty. T. B. LANEY. The optimist enjoys the fruit and the pessimist slips on the peel. University of North Carolina CHAPEL HILL, X. C. Maximum Service to the People of the State The Summer School for Teachers June 13 July 28 Able Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Rates Credit Courses Delightful Environment excursion Kate lickets The Summer Law School June 15-August 25 Regular Session Opens beptember 14 (Write for complete announcement) Students who expect to enter for the first time should complete their arrangements as early as possible. Meredith College One of the few colleges for women in the South that confers A.D. and D. S. degrees representing four years of genuine college work according to the standard of the colleges belonging to the Association of Colleges of the Southern States. A Junior college diploma may be had nfter completion of two futl years of college work. Diplomas are awarded those who an complete the course in the schools of Art and Music. Library facilities xcellent. Systematic training in physical ed ucation. Courts for tennis and bas ketball. For catalogue, quarterly bulletins. or fuller information, address CHAS. E. BREWER, President, Raleigh, N. C, DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, MOXHOE, x. c Office In old Postoffice Building over Union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 4 p. m. Residence Phone, 273-R. Dr. B. C. Redfearn, Dentist, Office one door South of Bruner's Store. Phone 232. MONROE. N. C. At Marshvllle on first and third Mondays of each month and at Mat thews second and fourth Monday. S. B. BIVENS, DENTIST, MARSnVILLE. X. C. Office: Carolina Bank Building. Tube Rose Satisfies Th Crn Label An f Good For Pnmiums c If your dealer won't supply you, send us 5c for a li-oz. can, or 60c for twelve. MovviirujMtmTouccfl eo, W. T, - mm t iIM,g. c W. 0. LEMMOND, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Law Building, old Library Room, Monroe, N. C. Will practice In all the State and Federal Courts. Will give sneclal at tention to collection of claims and settlement of estates by administra tors and executors. W. B. HOUSTON, Surgeon Dentist. MOXHOE, x. c. Office up-stalrs, Fitzgerald Building. Northwest of Court House, W. B. LOVE, Attorney at - Law, MOXHOE, N. C. Rooma 14 and 15, Law Building. DR. G. M. SMITH, Physician and Surgeon, MONROE. X. C. Office over The Union Drug Store. Monroe, N. C. Call answered promptly day and nlgbt Phone 321. KIDNEY REMEDY A safe, reliable treatment for disorders of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract which regulates and agists these organs in per forming their natural function! and aids in the elimination of poisons and waste matter through the urinary rpns. A non-secret, palatable, stable combina tion of well known diuretic agents of known value, long the favorite prescription of leading physicians. lU use u indicated for such well known symptoms as pain and weakness iu the back. scalding, burning, suppression, discolora tion or insutltcient secretion of the urine aud for dropsical conditions. L. IX E Y: A Sold under a positive money-back guarantee of satis faction the same as all other SAN-TOX preparation. it . ! KTCWEY REMEffl i E Ofri twwt if Monroe Drug Co, ONE THING THAT MUST BE GOOD Everybody demands it, and justly so. It is FLOUR That is the kind this mill makes, INVINCIBLE is the thing. "Made in Monroe." TH6 Henderson Roller Mills MONROE, N. C. The Store of Per sonal Service. This Is a furniture store that has Its aim not quick sales alone but permanently satis fied customers. We want you to feel always that you can come to us for advice and suggestion. We. will be g d to bhow you any of our goods. We are building this business for all time and we know that service mean success. T. P. DILLON, DEALER IN Furniture, Musical Instruments and Undertakers Supplies. (MR tHBE lasted fl J? r OAS RIDGE. N. C. T. E. WIIITAKER, S.,TrM. it t, n ,d-fVj'oB(l Southern whool fluting from IR.VJ. In iu ton hlstorr . '- ,,,,'" " """"" innn in. t nroiiiL and diolnlnir out.-n. I're pravi..ii uiHj oihiiu ilia w,tr to butiriricruaiillhiiiunti In o Hinge, budm-m. nt t i.Twino. t.,.m YU,'.rnJ''t'0 tro:""l- orcbanli ind farm. Modern h.ol biiildli Ks. Bto.iu bi-at and bowra. Library. AcUv. literary kh-Imim. Ilr.iihful acceiuiwe locution oeuOreeDnbi.ro. Mora than a tliouaand feet abova . fcaue. moral Influeuci-i. rottrri thoroughly roTrrlng lltorntura, aclenro teaching, biilnew. mu.-ic. and alhlellr. All male teacbrra. Iliplin mild but firm. 'wt raun ablp. U75 for Ihe year. Kali awMloo opeua Hrptcm br. 191S. Write earlf for Illustrated catalogue. Address OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE, Oak Ridge, N. C "1 MADE RIGHT HERE IN MONROE, Coca-Cola "THE FAMOUS UNIVERSAL DRINK." Delivered in case lots to dealers in Monroe and surrounding localities. MONROE COCA-COLA COMPANY. F. If. K AIDER, UMuujer. Thone 340. , Monroe, N. C. 33C i

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