LEE LEE & COMPANY'S A Most Extraordinary Event. Begins Saturday, July 8th, at 9 o'clock a. m. Closes Saturday, July 15th. Seven Days of Rare Bargains. In spite of the undrecedented high prices and scarcity of merchandise that now confronts the tr&de, we are offering in this sale quantities of the most desirable goods at prices that will convince you of the superiority of our w&y of merchandising. The trade expects our Annual Clearance SaJe and for this reason we are sac rificing profits thsU are to be had for the asking, as we all know there would be no difficulty in disposing of the character of goods listed here anywhere from 10 to 25 per cent above prices quoted. SPECIAL SALE TERMS CASH. On opening o! sale for 30 minutes, we will sell 10 yards of 10c Bleaching for 70 cents, ten yards to a customer. , Sal. Apron Check Gingham, Value 7!c, Yard-wide "'ainon elulh. Side 1 Want Hul New Style Lawns, Value 7tyr, Sale , ;t Cukes Sweet M.iiiU-ii snii, value Lit., ut Tin t up, .oi over O lo i.siimier, Stile , i Gallon Tin Cup, KjiIc Price fan Talcum Powder, value JOc, Snle 3(i-ir.ch Hleoched Domestic, Special , ENGLISH LONG CLOTH. 30-inch Ladies' Choice l-oiiu Clotli, Value 12fc, Sale . . 30-iiuh Fine Nainsook, vulue l'iic. Sale Cavelry Cloth, value Vic, Sale , .... . . . Jt .... Sc. it- It: cncli ... 3c. , . . . So 10c. , .9c 10c. GINGHAM. Medium and Dark Colored Dress Gingham, value Sc, l ast Colors, Sale Trice Sc., while it lasts. licnfrows Yarn-dyed Gingham, value 124c, Special Sale Trice He, lllue Kihlmn Gingham, value i'iic, Sale Trice . . 10c. CIIAMDRY AND CHEVIOTS. Dcdanic Chamluuy, Fast Colors, value 12Uc, Sale lricc . . . 12'ic. Hlue Hells l ast Colored Chamhry BED TICKINGS. A. C. A. l eather Ticking, value 20c, at Yard-wide Heavy Sheeting, vulue Oc, at HICKORY SHIRTING. 10c 1(k . . . 7c, Hamilton Indigo Hlue Shirtings' ... 12 He, while it lusts, , f)c. 23c. . . . . . . u 73 v. lOfaC. SUITINGS. Sea Island Hearh ( loth, vulue lii'ic, Sale lYIce ., Itujars Heuch Cloth, assorted colors ,, Colored Piipies, value 25c., Sale lYice Silk Finished Toplin, assorted colors, 20c values, at PRINTED AND COLORED WOVEN LAWNS. Xcw Hcst Styles in Trinted l.uwns, vulue 7!c, Special Sale Trice .... Be, SUMMER LAWNS AN D NOVELTIES. Wexford Woven Stripe Tissue, Sale Hrclunnc Stiifcs, value 12i" Azalea Organdies, value I2'jc, Colored l.lnon Dimity Clunks, value 15c Ti'lncess Stripe Voiles, Sulc Trice Newport Striped Voile, value 25c, hale . . sale . . . 9c. . . . Oc. . . e. .. c. . . . Oc. .17H- DRESS LINENS. Pongee Silk Finished Linens, value :50c, at .'(Much Suiting, Special Mack Corded Check Muslin, value 10c., Sale Shepherd Check Katine Voile, alue 12!c, Hates Tlaid Crepes, value 25c, Sale , Hates Striped Crepes, value 25c, Sale lllack Voile, White Silk Strte, value 25c, ut CURTAIN SCRIM. 30-inch Itook-fold Scrim, Trinted llorder, value 10c., Sale .'((Inch Plain Heavy Bordered Scrim, vulue 112 '4c, Sale . . 30-inrh Plain Filet McVh Scrim, vulue 2Sc., Sale SILKS. 30-inch Shaming Pongee, Snle Trice , , Trinted Silk Toplin, value 75r., Sale , , . . Cree ile Chine, value 75c., Sale 30-inch Muck Tad eta, value $1.10, Special WOOL DRESS GOODS, 3i-inch (ir.iy and Tan Mohair, value 50c., Sjieclul 3M-inch Danish Toplur Cloth, Special ... 30-lnch Novelty Checked Suiting, Special .((-Inch Novelty StrllK'd Suiting 50c Tannamu ( loth, value 75c., Sale Trice 25c. 10c. . 7c. . Oc. 15c. 15c. 15c. . Be. . Oe. 17c. 45c. 45c. . 45c 80c. 38c. 25c. 40c. 42c. 48c. EMBROIDERIES. One' lot Fmhroidcry, value 7c, Hale Be. I One Iit Kinhroidery, value 10c., Sale 8c. 1 One lot Kinhroidery, value 20c., Sule FOOTWEAR OF THE BEST KNOWN MAKES. FOIt WOMEN, MF.N, G1HLS, HOYS AMI CHILDHE.X. The Problem of Shoes is One That Confronts Fvery One. In These Days of Sky-Hlgh Prk-es for Leather We Should Seize Kvery OpMrtunity Offered I s to Save in This Line of Merchandise. This Great July Sale Mukes It Pos. slide for You to Save from 10 to 25 on Old Trices on Shoes. The Saving Will He Much More on Odd Lots. ODD LOTS IN LADIES' SHOES. One Ixt Indies Assorted Styles in Iow Shoes, value $1.50 to $2.00, Sale Trice One Lot ladies' Assorted Style in low Shes, values $2.25 to $3.00, Sale Trice One Lot Ladies' Assorted Styles in l,ov Shoes, values $.1.50 lo $1.00, Sule Trice Ladies' Vici Oxfodrs and Sandals, value $1.75, Sale Trice Indies' Talent Colonial Tumps, value $2.25, Sale Trice Ladies Tatem White Tiped Oxfords, value $.1.00, Sale Trice .... Ladies, Talent Colonial Tumps, value $3.50, Sale Trice Ladies' :;ini Melal Colonial Tumps value $3.50, Sale Trice Ladies' llronc Tuir.p, value $l.oo, Sale Trice LADIES' WHITE FOOTWEAR. Ladies' While Duck Tumps, value $1.50, Sale Trice Ladles' While thick Tumps, value $2.50, Sale Trice Ladies' White thick Hiibhcr Side Tump, $1.25 value. Sale Trice Misses W liile KuMicr Sole Tumps, $1.25 value, Sale Trice .... Misses (.mi Melal nnd Patent Tumps, vidua $1.50, Sale Trice Voting Ladles' 2-Strup Sandals, Tan, vulue $2.25, Sale Trice . . . .Misses Huster llvown Colonial Pumps, vale !?2.25, Sale Trice . . . One IM .Misses Assorted Styles, vulue $1.35 to $2.50, Saie Trice LITTLE GENTS' OXFORDS. One Lot Little Gents Oxfords, $1.50 to $2.00, Sale Trice Hoys' Luster Hi-own tain Melal Oxford, value $3.00, Sale Trice $1.00. $1.18. $1.98. $1.58. $2. INI. $2.50. $2.1 -8. $2.)8. $3.18. $1.25. $1.08. $1.15. $1.15. .$1.25. $1.05. $1.05. $1.25. $1.25. $2.50. MEN'S OXFORDS. One Lot French, Shi iner H I'rner Oxfords, value $5.00, Sale. Trice . . $3.50. French, Shriller l i ner Special, vulue $11.00, Sule Trice $5.00. Men's Palm Heuch Oxfords, value $:1.5o. Sale Trice $3.0(1. Leonard, Shaw &. Heau Tan and Gun Melal Oxford, value $1.00, .... $3.75. One l.t L., S. AID. Tun and Patent Oxfords, value $1.50 mid $1.00, . $2.08. One liOt Men's, Assorted Leathers, folds, value $3.50, to $1.00, Sale $2.50. PARASOLS. I FLOUNCINGS. I 45-im h Finhroldery FlonncliiR, value 50c., at 27-inili Fmhroidcry Flouncing, value $1.00, at .. 38c. . 05c I LACE. Round Thread and Filet Ijices, value 7 He., at Be Hound Thread and Filet Laces, value 10c., at TUf. ' IF..nn.l Tlitvnil nii.l l-'llel Ijlrps. value 1'2 and 15c at IOC. R lin5IPI?Ylin?lF!RY. ladles' III.K k ami vtiuie rtose, value ioc saie nc. it.Men' lllack, While and tiruy nnd T. H. Sox value at 8c. NECKWEAR. I ienls' Wash 4-ln-Hand Ties, value 10c., at Cherry Hros. Non Wrinknlde 4in-Hand Tien, value 50c at MerceriMHl Wash Tubular -in-Hand Ties, vulue 25c., at . . . Sc. . 38c. ,15c. ! TOWELS. Hemmed Hurk Towels, Sale Irlce Sc. Hemmed Huck Towels value 10c, at 8c. Turkish Hath Towels value 15c., at 12c. piemmed Huck Towels, value 15c., at lOe. Mra Sire Turkish Towels, Siieclal 22c. Children's Tuiv.sols ut Misses Parasols, Sule Trice Misses' Tarasols, Sale Trice Ladies' Assorted Colored Tursols at Ididies' Assorted Coloml Parasols, value $1.50, at UMBRELLAS. Ladies' lllack Vmhrcllas, Special Ladies' I Slack I'mhrelliis, value $1.50 (cuts' lllack I'mlirella, value $2.50 COUNTERPANES. Large Heavy Crochet QuiU, value $1.25. at Crochet Quilt MurscillcsPntt., value $1.50, Fine Crochet Quills, value $2.50, Sale Fine Satin Crochet Quill, value $;1.00, sale Fine Satin Crochet Cut Coi ned, $5. (Ml, Sale SUMMER QUILTS. Dimity Striped Quilts, value $1.50 F.xtra Size Dimity Quilt, value $1.75, SHEETS. 72x90 Hemmed Sheets, value OIK'., al One Ijot I'nion Linen Huck Towels, slightly soiled, value :5c., sale TABLE LINEN. nicached Satin Tnlde Dauiisk, value :tOc, at 04-inch Hleached Satin Table Damisk, value ."Oc., at 72-inch All Linen Table Dumisk, value $1.25, at SMALL NOTIONS. Dress Tins, Sale lrlce One package of Hair Tins, Sale Trice While Hemmed Handkerchief, not over 10 lo customer Ladies' White Hemstitched Handkerchief, value Sc., at All Tore l,lnen Handkerchiefs, Special Ladies' Fmhroidcrcd Handkerchief, sale price Men's One lit Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at TFAI'.L Hl'TTONS Special Lot I'earl Mutton, value Sc., at . . - M . . . 45c. . . 5e. . . 80c. $1.20. . . 45c. $1.15. $2.00. . . O .V. . $1.25. . $1.05. .$2.50. . $:.SO. $1.25 .$1.40, 45c. pi ice 20c. , . .40c. $1.0(1. 1c paper. 1c. . 1c each. 2c. Sc. 8c. V. ,1c. MEN'S SHIRTS. Men's Laundered Dress Skirts, value 50c., at Men' Laundered Dress Shirts, value $1.00, ut MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. 50c. Men's Solid and Fancy Stried Chambroy Skill . . . .... :0c. ... 75c. 40c. GENTS' AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR. 25c Men's Underwear 2;lc. 50c Men's Underwear "lOr. BOYS' CLOTHING. Roys Natural and Gray Palm Heach Suits value $4.50, Sale Trice Hoys' D. 11. Knickerbocker Suits, value $3.50, Sale Trice Hoy' D. It. Knickerbocker Suits, values 5.00 and $(1.00, Snle Trice Hoys' I). It. Knickerbocker Suits, value $4.00, Sale Trice $(.00. $8.(K. $9.50. YOUTH'S THREE-PIECE SUITS. One Lol Youth's Suits, values $7.SO to $!I.OO, Snle Trice One It Youth's Suits, value $10.00, Sale Trice One lit Youth's Suits, value $12.50, Sale Trice , . . MEN'S CLOTHING. THIS F.VF.XT MAKKS IT IMtSSIKLF, FOIt YOT TO Iil'Y WOOL SI ITS T THICKS THAT YOl WOl'LD HAVE TO TAY FOIt COTTON OH MANITl- LATFD OOODS, HOI OUT IX A ItF.Ol LAIt WAY. tine Lol .len's Suits, Small Sizes and Somewhat off in Style, values $10.00 to $12.50, Sale Trice $.5o. One Lol Men's Suits, Small Sized, $15.00 to $18.00, SKt ial Sule Trice $9.90.' XKW I T-TO-DA Ti: "IIKill A I IT" SI ITS AT HIDl ( Fl) THICKS. IX THE I At K OF MUCH IIK.HI K THICKS WE HAVE PAID FOH FALL (iOODS OF THE SAME VALUE, WE HAVE THE XKKYK TO KEDUCK Ol H THESE XT LOW Pl!l( IS. Men's High Art Suits, value $15.00 $12.95. Men's High An Suits, value 818.00 $5.0O. Men's High Art Suits, value $20.00 . $!7!so! MEN'S FUR HATS. THIS IS AXOTlll l; I -OMODITY Til T II AS AD X( KD 10 TO 15u. Ill Y NOW AND S E MONEY. One Lot or Men's Hals, values $1.oo t $1.50, Sale Trice 75c. One Lot Assorted Colors, value K2.00, Sale Trice $1.25. Noname Hats in lllack and Colors, value $3.00, Specially Tilce fur Saie $2.50 STRAW HATS. EVFKYTHINO FHOM THE CHEAPEST TO THE It EST MEDICED. Hoys' .lap sennit, value $1.00, Sale Price eik: Hoys' .lap Sciiiiilt, value $1.25, Sale Price ' 95c! Men's Light Weight Java, value $1.25, Sale Trice '. . . , . 95c! Men's Tollo Hican Hats, value $1.50, Sale Trice $1.20. Men's Florentine Tauamas, value $2.50, Sale Trice ! $1.95. Men's (ienuine Leghorn Hats, value $2.50, Sale Trice $1.95. Men's (ienuine Panamas, value $5.00, Sale Trice $3.73. MEN'S PANTS. COME ALL YOl LAIiCiK, SMALL AND LOXtJ. WE CAX FIT YOU AS NONE HI T A "CHOWX" THOl'SEH CAX FIT. Waist 28 to 50-iiichj Length 28 to 38-im h, in HeguliHX Stouts nnd Slims. Men's Casimere Tunis, value $2.00, Sale Trice $1.05. Men's Worsted Tunis, value $2.50, Sale Trice $2.25. Men's Worsted Tunis, value $3.50, Sale Trice $3.00. Men's Worsted Tants, value $1.00, Sale Price $3.59. .Men's Worsted Pants, val.ie $5.00, Sale Trice $1.30. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR. Ladies' Kool Kloth Suits, value $10.00, Sale IViee , Ijidies Navy Silk Suit, value $25.00. Sale Trice Ladies' Navy Toplin Suit, value $18.00, Sale Trice . Ladies' Sand Toplin Suit, value $12.50, Sale Trice SPORT COATS. Ladies' Plaid and Corduroy Coats, value $0.00, Sale Trice Ladies' lllack Tatlela Coats, value $8.00, Sale Trice , CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES. Children's Colored Dresses, value 05c,, sale price Misses' tiiugham Dresses, value $1.00. sale price Ladies' House Dresses, value $1.00, -tale Trice , Ladies' Amoskeag Dresses, value $1.25, Sale Trice LADIES' SKIRTS. Ladies' White Oahcnline Skirts, Sale Trice One Lol Ladies' Wool Skirts, values $.".00, Sale Trice One Lol Ladies' Serge Skirts, values $3.00 and $3.50, Sale lYiee . WHITE DRESSES. Ladies' Cord Crepe Dresses, value $2.50, Sale Trice Ladies' Voile Dresses, value $5.00 and $0.00, Sale Trice LADIS' SPORT SHIRTS. Ladies' Stripe Madress Smii shirt, value $1.25, Sale Trice Ladies' While Soiselte Spoil ShiUs, value $1.25, Sale Trice Ladies' White Organdy and Voile Waits Ladies' Plaid and Embroidered Voile Waist Ladles' Striped Voile Waist MIDDY BLOUSES. tallies' Cambric Midd, blue and red trim, value 75c., Stccial Ladies' TepHivd Drill Middys, value $1.00, Sule lYIce LADIES' GAUZE VESTS. Mallne tJau.e Vest, Sta-l p shoulder Strap Maliue (iauze Vest, Extra Si.e, value 15c, at Mallne Gauze Vest, value 13c., at . $7.50. $17.5(1. $13.50. . $8.25. $1.93. $0.50. , 45e. .85c. . 75c. . 95c. . . 95c. $3.50. $2.50. $1.95. $3.50. 90c. 90c. 95c. 95c. 48c. 48c. 90c. . Sc. 10c. 12c. $3.50. $2.98. $1.25. $3.50. UNION SUITS. Indies' Maline Union Suits, Sale Trice Kuynee Union Suits for Children, Sale Trice Men's Union Suils. vim- 8 1. HO Men's Union Suits, v:.l..e $1.50 . . MTT.T.lMF.nV Avn PAVrv rnnnc Children's Straw Hats, value 25c., at Children's Straw Hals, value SOc., al x n mi n n s straw Mats, value $I.OO, at All Ladies and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats I ueaucea ior i nis sale. . . 4.V. . . 45c. . . 75e. $1.23. 20V. Se. 75c. LADIES' CORSETS. Indies' R. & U. Comets, value $1.25 at , $1.00. LEE & ILEE CO,