I in u PKOf.UEHS TKI.I.S U. AUOlT WE.M.KY CHAPEL "I SAVE MONEY TOO!" "lO coal, gas or wood bills! I use a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. It only costs two cents to cook a meal for six people." A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove saves you time and strength. It turns on and off like a gas stovecooks anything and keeps your kitchen cool. The long blue chimney assures a per fect draft, a clean, odorless heat, and lasting satisfaction. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves arc made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Vi. Richmond, V. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. MD. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. 1rrs THE LONG t"nis l-ooWinj; Hue The S.'uml of hi mivMHT in the Mn.l hai the School K Coi re spoudence ct The Journal. Monroe y. V. n 5. Jn... i Mi tt". I). Hanld Las uur. h Dodge automobile and Mr. H. L. 1'riie has also boutht a new thkbn.l Uoth fcmilies set m to be eajoying Ihim.-eHes very much in r;.lini- in tuHr uevr machines while the road are iu buch good comhuou. fUe croi)s are looking tiae in ihi community now. siuee the gra.s.; ha i aooui oeeo conquered. The weatlur Las bee a veiy i.ruiiiioui tor the iarim r reetntly. The sound of the thresher is heard iu the land. Small grain is tuiuiiiK out better thuu w;:s at tiit expected. Id the.se da thev use Ba.soline tr.Bines us a luctive powu to (in ii the j;iti. how (IMlert nt trom the old time Hail used for iir.st Renins out ihu grain. Then it u;is an j.ii day iirocehs tu jM out a few busn. is. j now in a tew hours Mural hundred i mishtls can be threshed out. "The! woi id do move." ! Mr. and Mis. Orady It. ter of .Mon roe have been visit ir tr Mrs. li.isi. r's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Winches ter. I or several days. Kev. Mr. Richardson filled his regular annointments nt U'eiv Chapel in the inoruinK and at II, i.nm in the afternoon. Doth sermons were KOod. Mr. Richardson mutes rnur in a hurry in his new automohile Wesley Chanel Hieh S srhfifll nnpn) for the summer term July 17. This scuoot is now in a position to render valuable service to the rmmiv Tim teachers are all ejmerieneeH in their ainerent departments and college trained, mey are enthusiastic and In love with their work. Another teacher will be added this year, who win assist in the high school and intermediate fiennrtnient.4 Mnd, Will also be taneht hv a tli qualilied teacher. The new dormi tory is near the principal's house no that he mav be enahled. with the holn Of his Wife, to care for the Inmates One of the teachers will also live in the dormitory with the pupils. The DUDils Who live in the (Inrniitniloa will pay only the actual cost for board. There is no tuition to pay, it being a State high school. There are thousands nf lnt:inrr.s which show that wrong mental at titude is destructive to progress. The great thines in life seem to have hnn accomplished bv those whose ment.il attitude was correct. From this it Is a safe conclusion to tiiiike. Hint the mental state Is a verv stmni !.- termlning ractor In lite. Can there be any miestinn about it? That old truthful statement "As a man thinketh. so he le " slmnl,! iw flamed in gnld and liunir before tho eye of every individual who is aim ing to accomplish unything that is worthwhile. He should he t:mr ht to realize that this is not a mere saying to be passed over lightly, lu,t that it Is truth without which real pro gress Is impossible. Wesley Chapel High School trains Its I11 ti t Is to think unit In cpt the pur. reel mental attitude in life. To get the rittht nersnective fin nnr uvkm-. dav duties, at least two thine siro necessary. First we must get a firm El'asD of the treat Iden nf "service " Second, though a sane and thorough process or reasoning, we must con vince ourselves hevond rtonht that ue are rendering to humanity n valua ble service. When we have accom plished these two things then we have laid the foundation on which to safe ly build. We believe this school has this vision clearly fixed. I'umltt who desire 11 tlmrntitrli nc. demic training and to be inspired Willi a noble impulse tor doing things worth while, are Invited to enter this school. Progress. TWO II I XIKK! MKX MAT llU rt IM'ii .'lea Dll.V.ii.-,! Will IV Sent tir Hume lt t'i. Itileial .lllh.iii.-, r",l'J-"l ! V- u-r-iimiivM.,!,. "I Ott.M-M. Otii.crs nn, I (,. mivs 1. 1 tb Stoih1 Keimciit. Cam.i (.! -nr.. lipat.h. Jun,- "We bid you Cud hkiiI ami as sure you the protection of your tfu- banner ih.it the b--ond ngimeut of il.e X. C. National Ouard bti uuht into camp late this afterii'.o-i noiu homo stations. .r liv.il n t. additional twelve hun jlrcd n ii.. -r- men doubles the popu lation i.f t:- etjan:iiait.i and brings1 mou w.ik j ,, tj(. rganivrs ot ihe1 camp. t',,. ... wil.n V. Kodih.m.! romiii:.n,:.i, is.,, s.tvud Ueirinu nt. has bun in . s,i r:.i .i..tJ ...ii. ! :bist.!.iii i.ii uis.i; i.i( d t.ii fur th, ' , """I" r r' el hi. Acc.r.l i"gl. . m th- :r; .-.,. !,,, drilled ! fror.i th, r ears sliui-i. i.fi . i ' , oVliK-k. it tt..s to tnke up !.i. . s ia I compaiiv M.,-, is alreadv 1 nd out. I there Li t x.eik of ..ij. t. in j age. Failure u p;;rv ol th j, ,,: :ate to art a ..t Camp tllenn m tun- t f" :d .-;un. i:t I,.:,-, d j:.ir; of the :::...,; to resm- to t;lt. d.m ter.t. );-u :a i.ins wt re fort'M im:'t:g and mid. r i ;.sante. t weather con ditions th.- men began their first night in catnp. In the absence of lliigad'ter Cell-' eral Laurence W. Young who is de tained in Raleigh. Colonel Rodman: tonight assumed command of the bri- gade. the Third Regiment of l,i..h I will be in camp Saturday. Because of smallpox on the border order has been issued to the guard for vaccination of every enlisted man. The first batallion of the First Regi ment was today given first treatment of antityphoid vaccine. This also is compulsory. With the United States government bearing the expenses, men thus far rejected from muster intn ixc.hr service on account of physical defects will tomorrow be refunded to home Stations acconmanied h v nnn-cnmmia- sioned officers to assure safety of government Dronertv. Tvn t,,,n,i.-o.i and fifteen men. weeded from ten or ganizations compose the list. Forty men will eo to Ashpvllle fnri.-.nno to Winston-Salem, seventeen to High Point, thirty-one to Hickory, twentv nlne to Charlotte, thirty-three to Gastonia. twentv-one to Mmmt Atrv and three to Canton. I'nderslste and Underweight form n hirrn n:irt nf lh. disqualifying causes. ; 14323 wL Bcatitil'iil Bust Uiitl Shoulders arc possible if you will wear n scientifically constructed Dicn Julio lirassierc. The ilrigginff weight of an unconfined bust so strctcln'S tho auppoitiiig muscle that the ccntour of the figure is spoiled. BKUtm BRASSIEF&S pot the bust buck whrre It brlonjr. prrrrnt the full tmt from lnvirid the appenranre of flan binpM, rlimiinte the danirrr of ilrnvvinir mnwlM ami confine the flmh of the slionlilrr ivin a araceful line to the entire upper body. They are the dnintlctt and niont acrvi.-enblc Mr mrnta imaainnble come in all material and stylex! Cross Back, ll'k Front. Surplice, Band eau, etc. Ponrd with "Walohh," the runt 1cm bonint permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show yon Bien Jolie Braaalem, II not atockrd. we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to allow you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES SI Warren Street Newark, N. J Eg: AT THIS STORE Quality Will Please Vou AND Price Will Tickle You. Yes, that is a broad statement, but not one whit too sweeping lor either our goods or our prices, or com. uur gooas are too pure and wholesome for us to ever havo to "eat our words." Grocery Buying is Easy Here TOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE CHANCES OS THR ofat.itv rnn WE SELL ONLY ONE KIND HIGH GRADE THE KIND THAT PLEASES YOU AND CAUSES YOU KEEP RIGHT ON COMING HERB AND YOU KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT THE PRICE WILL TICKLE ANY ECONOMICAL BUYER. WHEN YOU WANT TO BE BOTH PLEASED Aim Timrr.Em mux ' coue to us. youta kkkp on v ommi, Phone 255. T. C. Lee & Co. X.'urn I'otind t;nil(v While .Mililiu (.inivileil Ciiut'thiiiiM'. K.ileiyh News and t)bserver. Will llliick. the necrn who cim takeii to Snow Hill'. Yesterday liimn- .ng on a special train, accompanied ly the iniliila companies of Kaleiuh r.iu r ranKinnon, was oroumit back to the city yesterday afternoon :H 3:30 o'clock, under the name escort and placed in the penitentiary with the death sentence resting upon him. With the members of the two mili tia companies surrounding the court house and all persons except those essential to the trial excluded from the courtroom, the negro was placed on trial on the charge of criminal assault on a small white child, and within one hour and forty-five minu tes lie nad been tried, convicted, and sentenced to die in the electric chair on July 21. The special train, Mhlch consisted of three coaches and a baggage car, left Raleigh yesterday morning at 3:15. Captain Albert L. Cox was in Command of the Franklin cnnmunv. Mhlch reached Raleigh the afternoon before. General Young accompanied the companies, and he and Colonel Gardner, of Camp Glenn, who met the forces there, were In command of the troops. MaJ. W. K. Moody, who acted as General Young's adjutant, and Lieutenant Walter Clark, who acted as Colonel Cardner's adjutant, also went on the special train from here. Took Every Precaution. The special reached Snow Hill at 6:20 yesterday morning. There was demonstration of the-people of Snow Hill, w ho seemed to be taken by nur- tulse. However, everv iirecnution was taken as reports were that trou ble was expected when the negro ap peared there for trial. Upon getting off the train rv Ti formed a hollow aminre and tho tie. gro was placed In the square. The marcn tnrougn tne streets was made In this manner to the lull. r. n was Dreceded bv three Ronnda nf Pn F, twenty yards apart. In the rear of the Kalelgh company there was also two squads of Co. F in the same formation. Each member of the rnmnnnle was provided with ?() round nf hnll cartridges and were instructed how to use them if the emergency arose. 1'roiu Wcddimitiiii. Correspondence of The Journal. Weddinirton. June 2' M Hood is visiting relalives in Chester. Mrs. Henry Huneycutt of I'nion spent th.' week-end at Mr. I). F. Short's. Mr. W. A. Short spent the week end in Durham on business. Mrs. N. S. Matthews of Monroe and Miss Iiessie Perry of Van Wyek visit ed Mios Kinma Hunter Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Flncher spent Saturday nicht with Mr. Fimher's mother in Providence. Miss Mae Gannon of Antioch Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Heniby. Mr. and Mrs. Kmselv Moore n ml family of Prices Mill spent Sunday at .Mr. w . A. Hem by 8. Miss Edith Thomas of Marshville Is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. K W. Thomas. Little Miss Luclle Petters nf Phnr- lotte. who has been vlslllnir her mint Mrs. S. D. Belk, returned home Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Short and Mis Jennie Trice left Thursday for Vn nesiille Mrs. Short will return home Tues day while Miss Price will he absent several weeks. Miss Emilia Hunter who taught nt Whitakers the past winter, won a free ticket for a trip to Canada and other northern points by getting the most subscribers to the Kalekh News and Observer. Mr. Tom Matthews and sister. Mi-s Kale Matthews, visited at Mr. V.. W. Klllouglis Sunday. Quite a number from here attend ed the children's day exercises at Antioch Sunday. There is no place like home to the poor man whose wile has nn Idea that tobacco smoke sticks to her lace curtains and he Is glad of it. Drives Out AUtarU. RolUn VnUvtm TSm CUA Rtanlrrf ..un t ai...-tl..ill. 4Mu GROVE'S TASTKLKSS chill TONIC, drim (MX Mtian,enrK bciuc Mood, aM bolMtap the iy Mb AtriKtoeic. For kdulu lad childm. 30c NOTICE OK SALE I NDF.K VEX. FX. Slate of North Carolina l'.,i.;n county. Wiilia A. Maize et al vs. E. E. Leonard. In the Superior Court. Hv virtue of n Von HIMinnl Py Donas directed In Hip iinderlen.i from he SllDerior Court of I'nion county in tne above-entitled action, i win on Moiidar. .'list nf Jnli. mm. at 12 o'clock noon, at the' court house door or Lnlon county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Yen dittnnl Kvniinau ull the right, title and Interest which the said wiiita a. Marze. the plaintiff, has In. the following described real estate, to-wit: In Lanes Creek township, I'nion county. North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a rock in the Miller road 13fl chs. from J. A. Ashcraft's corner and cor ner of Ashcraft graveyard lot and runs three lines of said lot S. W. 4. 3.60 chs. to a rock; thence N. 70 E. 2.78 chs. to a rock; thence N. 20 W. 3.60 chs. to a rock in said road; 12.70 E. 1.60 N. 60 E. 6.75.N. 67 E. 6 N. 70 E. 5.65 rhs. to st. by small W. O.. B. 1). Kushing's corner; thence with liU line si l :t V 11 Kn chs. to P. O.. thence S. 3 7 W. JI.72 rhs. to W. O thence S .17 V X chs. to P. O. stump by W. O.; thence S. .ill Y. X l II rha In sr hv II ! & 11. O.; thence N. 67 W. 16.50 etis. to staRe in C. E. Morgan s line, corner of E. E. Leonard's tract; thence with his line to said tract N. 33 E. 18.14 chs. to a rock In the Miller road: thence with sold road N. 70 E. 6.66 chs. to the beginning, containing 65 acres and being the tract of land allotted to Wiilia A. Mar be by J. N. Sturdivant and others cora'ra by report recorded in book 51, at page 99, to which reference la hereby road for mot complete description. This the 22nd day of Jon. 1916. J. V. GFIFFITH. Sheriff Union county, N. C. We Hear a Good Deal About .nasi order houses. When you order from a mill order hcue you p.ot only send away ihe profit v. ! ich the hone merchant should make, but also send away the first cost of the article. Now, v, h?p. a thing is made in Monroe and sold in Monroe wc keep at home both the cost of the manu facture and the profit of the retailer. Our ice is made right here in Monroe and all the money received for it is kept here and spent here. ny reason to "order on" for ice w hen ycu can get a better quality at home for the same price? MANY GOOD CITIZENS THINK NOT. Monroe Ice & Fuel Co. The Gseensboro Daily News Cash with order, to new subset iUrs from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book thtit )ou will find invaluable, containing mnny Important facts, statis tics anil figures for which you have frequent use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this special price. Itemember thisls campaign year and we handle the news impuilially. Greensboro Daily News, UKEEXSUOIIO, X. ('. Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women ia Paris do. They regularly use ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUININE the wonderful French Hair Tonic. Try it for your self. Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world over use and endorse this famous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. Buy a 50c bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Oflices for a testing bottle. Above all things don't neglect your nair. PARFUBEEKED. PLNAUD, Dept. M ED. PINAUD BIfr, New York. ttmm 7 'V w.v' 3O.0OO WOKKMEX IX THE I'OIU KACTOUY AT DETKOIT EACH MAX COXCEXTKATIXU OS HIS I'AKTN TEAK JOB. THE MOST IMI'ltOVEH WOKKINt; V O X I) I TIOXS. (iOOP PAY FOK KEASOXA HI.E IIOl'KS AXI) A WEI IIIAI AXt'EI OIMJAXIZATIOX. EXt'KI I.EXt'E, STKEXtiTH AX It THE SIM KIT OK SEKVK'E AKE lil ll-T 1XTO THEM. Runnltout Touring Car I40 'outclet txm Town Car fl40 Simian 9740 All prices f. o. b. Detroit. HENDERSON GARAGE & MACHININE CO., AGENTS, MONROE, N. C. GORDON lN3gg CO. Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE. State Agents Philadelphia Life Ins. Co. Office Second Floor, Farmers and Merchants' Bank Bldg., Monroe, N. C.

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