The Popular Store CwrifiM lUrt Sctuftuej A Mail Hamilton-Liles Company. Crop The profitable Irish potato is the fall crop. Get ready to plant them now and have them all the winter. We will have a supply of Fall Seed next Thursday. This is the cele brated Peach Blow variety, the best. Caisih StoFe Phone No. 178. itiHlriimiiii i M lillOliilil f WW W.v' AW. 1 where woman's tasks become lighter because much of the housework is done by the quick, easy and economical ''Edison-Electric" Way. The ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT the Nickel Iron-Alkaline Battery without acid or lead platei makes the home Electrical tad more comfortable lor YOU, do matter where you live. Stni fat Catalof M, which docrixt iht jQ fj 3 a l dq npir hplnc a nanacea for all ll - ' -- feminine troubles as anything on the II x Journal Advertisers are pleased with results. market" i. a g888 g isan Cerial time has come. Eat fruit and cereals forlbreakfast instead of meat. We have all kinds. Try a few of these: Post Toasties, Corn Flakes, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat, Wheat Hearts, Cream of Wheat. Pettijohn, Corn Puffs, Shredded wheat, Quaker oats and Quaker grits. Quality FroilS all the time. J.C. SMITH CO., QaaUty.Price.Service, Phone 33 For Hen's Clothing, Shoes and Furnish ings, off ers Cool Cloth Suits. New lot in pinch back and plain back models. Also New Nifty Patterns in Plaid Shirts. Newest Thing. Come around. FaJl Old Postoffice Building. It EDISON has done for the COUNTRY home: lie has made it possible lor even the most isolated home toenjoy the genuine Edison Electric Light identically the same as used in the largest cities. He has created "The Electric Household" hi aft; MARK The Edison Storage Battery if guaranteed to be capable ol devel oping full-rated capacity at the end of four years. Simple to operate tad maintain. No battery troubles, i Thomat A. Editon EUctrk Plant. . M. C. HOWIE. Electrician, Monroe, N. C. XOVIS HOMO IS STOIPEO. t'un't See How lieotiurmt of the National lUnk Can I Four Time Iho Amount of the Circulating Me dium. Correspondence of The Journal. Some months ago we were hearing a food deal about the "money trust." Recently we have not heard so much about ii. What has become of it? Hiis it been busted? It seem to me that when thia agi tation rgaiust the money trust was at its height it was charged by those ngnitng ,uul " a m Kreaie trust or them an. ana until u wa u,.rU betrayed President Madero tamed and bridled there was no use d dMatoria powers. It was to hope for any effective relief from ((,r HuerU., lhat Madero was the oppressive trust monopoly. nlurd,.riH,. u waa t0 confirm and If this taming and bridling has p,.,uate Hueru'f usurpation that been accomplished, where is thei Jhe Mtxican Congress was imprison beast putting up. and can anybody i, an(, he Jud(,ei of Mexcan court8 ride In m yet? I were dispersed. I noticed rulit recently that there ( Ther, ha9 bwn no chanpe fn Henry was a rapid increase in the Wilson. He boasts today, as of the National banks, comptroller ... . T ... . hj Williams announced that the increase troni .viarcn in 10 .uay i.-i aiuouunn to two hundred and iifty-six million dollars, and that this increase pushed the total up to MOKE than fourteen billion dollars. j Now. in the face of the fact tlu.t there is only thirty-seven dollars perj capita for each of the hundred million iiih:lil;inis ol these I'nited States., and this thirt-seven dollars nutlti-' plied by the number of inhabitants only aiiu'ui'M to three billion seven hundred million. How caa our Na tional banks possess resources to the amount of fourteen billion, nearh , four times t!ie total amount of cii-, ciiiatiiit meilium we have. 1 confess that this is a problem b -oini my poweis of comiireheiisioii, but it's a !lUiii nevertheless, that s.em.- to me to need some explana tion. How- can banks possess FOUR dol lars when there is only ONE dollar to be possessed? Is THUEK of these four dollars spurious? and is labor paying divi deuds on n.ur dollars, wlua there it onlv ONE dollar setvins it? If then there must be a money trust. Mr. Alexander, president of the Farm, is' t'niou of North Carolina, raised a kick on the rural credits measure passed by the recent con gress on the ground that the bill did not provide for any increase of "real monev." but only for what he termed "credit money." That is. the present percapita circulating medium would not be increased to the people. Hut the power of the banks handling this business would be increased to long dividends. In other words, the peo ple woud be required to pay dividends on the amounts represented by the land bonds" while the money with which to pay these increased divi dends bad not been increasing one cent. This i:: on ;i par with Mr. Zeh Croon's charge that dealers in com mercial fertilizers draw twenty, or more, per com dividends on nothing. He s.ns t'.uy buy the stuff on credit, pav for it aiter the farmer who used it "pavs diem and deduct their time price coi imis.-ions just as tnou;'ii they had invested some good hard ca.-h in the business. No wonder labor is calling for bread. The call is generally answer ed with a stlme. and if it calls for lish. it is more than likely they get a scorpion. Hut back to the bank question. Can tin body tell us why or how, bank r "sources can be four times as big' as the money that makes up these resources? I have sometimes wondered how Many men borrow the same hundnd dollars. Maybe there are four who do. If so, then the explanation Is ease. We will with A and let him go to his banker and give him ten dollars for the privilege of checking out ninety Borrower says this is the wav they work it. Now what is to hinder B from coming along and paving (en dollars more for the priv ilege of checking on this same hun dred dollars? It's still there, and if the dividend drawing power of the banks are four times as great iis the total money of the Nation would jus tify, how else could the trick be worked? It thru, this is the way things are goiti,'. is il any wonder win deposi tors' sometimes have to put up with tweniv - live cents on the dollar of their 'deposits when the institution "busts?" Is tiii? the rafest anil soundest pla" of iperaiioti our financiers can devise? If it Is. why not let some who ate not such gii'n d money liati-Ui ; tryihc'r hands ;;t tli" busi ness? Looks to n like somebody is ro- t.u: to ft hadiv hurl V. hen the prcvi ii. ..... ' l ilt regime runs us course. m ini call a halt before it strikes bottom. Mavbe. Ihouah. everybody engaged in the expects to he winners. If so who is going to pay lh" piper? ' If I have bitten df more than I can chew in this article, I hope some nno more jilted unraveler of ticklish tough--- v. ill chew it for me. I am vei king' information. Novm Homo. More t'olllilthlK Haider Arc llnng'od. Doming (N.M.) Dispatch. June 30. Four Villa bandits who participat ed in the Columbia raid, were hpng ed in IV county Jail here today. They were hanged in pairs, Ensevio Ret teria and Taurina Garcia being; put to death first ar.d then Jose I'.angtl and Juan Castillo. The men were calm. None would make any statement' except Garcia, who exclaimed as he was led to the execution: "I hope; God will forgive my enemies." ; This completes the disposition or the cases of the Columbus raiders. Prnhahlv a svmnathetic tear comes I H mlmmmmmm,mmmm' Mourning For Huerta. Nw York World. 1 we had recognized Huerta this trouble would not have happened." Such was the remark of Henry Lane Yi!son at the conclusion of a Ionic discussion of the Mexican situa- turn with Mr. Hughes. Such has been the tenor of everything that Mr. Hughes has had to say upon the one feature of our foreign relations on hich he speaks with vigor. Such in the plaint of Dig Business, the ranch-owners, the holders of conces- Hons and all the Jingoes. Hennr I-ane Wilson was President - AmbaMaJor to Mexico when , . on for nuorta. the tyrant. He is as contemptuous now as then oi - i . If... Y. Mr. Taft because he did not reeog - nize Huerta. and he has been criticis - ing President Wilson ever since be - cause In that res net-1 he has followed the example of his predecessor. While there are many who mourn for Huerta. Henry Line Wilson is the most inconsolate of all the sor - rovvine throng. lie not oniy iosi mi u. Innate iritnu wnen iiuena p.issvu away; he also lost a Ambassadorship used as no such office had often been used before in finis"', activities I which did much to promote ill-feeling ! between Mexico and the United i States. ) We are well accustomed to Henry Lane Wilson's grief and may easily ignore it. What concerns the Ameri can people at this moment is the more restrained woe ot Charles E. Hughes, the on-to-Mexico Republican jingo press, the gluttonous interests that are so friendly to every scheme of exploitation and annexation, and, lastly, the paid agents of the Kaiser in this country. Here is grief of that deep-seated variety which ought to melt a heart of stone. Huerta died In the custody of the United States with German money in his pockets, an offender against our laws. Let us suppose that he had been recognized as the lawful Mexi can despot when he set up his mur derous rule in 1913. He would have been an amiable neighbor In 1915 and 1916. would he not. when we were in the sharpest of controversies with his patron, the Kaiser? There is the Monroe Doctrine for which practically every American professes a willingness to fight. That Great tile consminionai prcsiueni uu waioi iimim. i uc iamtiuiu nm .-n- shot in the back. He was critical of . ducted by the State board of health Buggies, Surries Harness Will Close July 5th. Must be sold. Come at once and get what you want. Over 150 to select from. In this lot of buggies that we are selling so cheap are the celebrated Tyson-Jones, Corbitts, High Points, Southern Queens, Browns, Baltimores, and other grades of buggies. Tine principle. simply stated, forbids extension by European monarchies phere. Would a little King or Em - ieror or Prince in Ecuador or N crasua or Bolivia be more a menace to our liberties than a rfri-han.rf.Hl despot next door in Mexico? v """'" ...a, " termine the result of the Presidential election. They epitomize most of the issues raised elsewhere, such as Am ericanism, democracy, monopoly, privilege, preparedness, and the In- trigues of aliens hostile to the Cov- 1 ernment of the inlted States. Let jail those Republicans, therefore, whose hearts are breaking for Huerta be as sincere as Henry Lane Wilson and wear their grief upon their sleeves so that Identification may be easy and certain. Commissioner Order Vaccination. Anti-Typhoid; Yesterday the county commission ers made the appropriation necesscry lor on ailll-ii I'lium inrr miiiinnu. This sten was made on the unanimous recommendation or tne county oonrj '. l.fc. t-u - i I.. ...... ; and will begin in a few days, just as ! soon as the arrangements can be J made. The treatment w ill be furnish- i ed at convenient points in the coun- j ty and is entirely free. t it will mea the saving of many valuable lives in Union county and; ; the board of health and the comis- sioners are 10 oe commenueu ior ine:r : siep. j Didn't Come to Fall In. i Louies - itome journal. A boy fell into a pond, and w hen man w ho was passing pulled him out, he said to the boy: "Well. Fon, how did you come to fall into the lake?" "I didn't come to fall In at all." re plied the boy with some heat, "1 came to fish." Worthless is the advice of fools. Latin. Wesley Chapel High School. This school now offers a course in Mathematics. Languages, Science, History. English, Music, and Agriculture that will thoroughly prepare its pupils for business life or for college. There are no charges for tuition in the High School Department. Music. $3.00 per month, or two from same family, $5.00 per month. Board in dormitories at actual cost. Summer term opens July 17. For further information address the Principal, E. r. MEXDEMIAI.L,, Monroe, X. C, U. F. D. .V OUR Reduced ON SIKES Co. the h he C 1 KTl! of uUCLIlXl lUUvCaS ; Lover's Sachet does the work. Try 1 a package, you'll be delighted. 10c j Hllliard Xovelty Co.. 908 Dora. Ala. . j JuiT pit cold ftorate seed ty- - itatoes. is.oo oer Jar-ei net cash r. o. L. Norfolk. NorfoiS Piaut Company, Maryland Ave., Norfolk, Ya. July plan! cotlards and cabbage Plants now reily. 100 .5c. 300 SI. Sot) $1.20. 10O fl.73. Tomat't plants that will produce fruit in a5 I Uj,ygij. 25P.t 4:c, 100 80c, 1100 13.45. S-w -t potat i plants- Nancy Hall, Triuuif h. Yellow Stem Jersey. 100 45?.. 500 $1.45. Prieea quoted include Kxpitss charges pre paid. Norfolk Plant Co., Norfolk, Va. , Lost Open face Hamilton watch on streets of Monroe Saturday m n n- Inr Reward for return P Tlavn Johnson ' pip.v mor .hat nri nnrn - J - j , stock like I sold you last year. Ev ' erybody is pleased w ith It and wants more. T. F. Tadlock. Monroe It. F. D. 3. For Sale Good second hand Pied- niont top buggy with rubber tites ! Apply to J. W. Laney or Frank Arm- i field. ; por gale rOne good milch cow. i Mrs. A. J. IF. D. 18. Price, Matthews. N. C. R. y , A nice fresh milk cow n T L Prit,e l nionville. N. C, Rt 1. Two automobiles Lee Trull. for sale. See Sow peas for feed and for land im provement. I have fifty bushels of clean, sound. Whippoorwill peas for sale, at $1.25 per bushel. F. M. Sutton. Monroe R. F. D. 5. I Prices

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