THE rXDLHWATKK. BOAT I s Captain Tells of lib Trip Prom lire nwn la Ualtiinotv. Capt. Koenig. ho startled the worm by arriving la Baltimore a tew days flLO With a mihi.rina niur..hit Ship from Germany, told newspaper EXTENDS THE GLAD HAND OF jrjuiit-ia ia uaiuiuore aoout me trip. 'Before beginning our Hip." said Captain Koeuig. "we had several weeks of practice In our vessel in the Baltic Sea. so that the numbers of This Invitation S Education-New Ideas ENTERTAINMENT Recreation-Conference we crew might thoroughly famaliar- w ... . - . o iut-iueie wan ner. we loll lire men without any ceremonies. Of Is Extended To All Southern Merchants rouse that was necessary, because me Toyage was to be kept secret. Outside of the owners and the admir alty no one knew where we were go ing except Mr. Free, the American consul at Bremen, from whom it was twessary 10 ooiain our bill or health. 1 am sure Mr. Free kept the secret r i 1 . R EiGSPTAOTY , ------ "' t i i i .-. alf 1 .t.jinwtiM i 'yi ii wn j r .i , wen. . , , ., i'v i - .. . - "Wh.n we got to II l .liind we de cided that It was bu-t to stav luei a little while. We could not be abso lutely sure the news of our depir lure nugm not rearh the Drilfch ad miralty and we thought it prudent to tarry and to fool the British ships If they were hunting especially for us. "During the time we spent In the waters 01 Helgoland we continued our practice and shifted the ballast and cargo to trim her properly for me long voyage. "Coming through the North Sea, we saw hostile destroyers, cruisers and patrol boats and submerged five limes, i do not think the enemy ves sels saw us. in the English channel we submerged six times in all and in the Atlantic four, the last occasion being when we sighted a United Fruit Company's steamer the day before our arrival at the capes. We passed her about 30 miles out. I do not be lieve the ship, which was flying an American flag, knew we were in her neighborhood. "When we left Bremen we had 180 tons of fuel oil aboard and there now are 95 tons. We had 20 tons of water when we started and still have ten left. "Our voyage proves that a subma rine of the Deutschland type can go anywhere In the world. She has a crusing radius oflS.OOO miles." Captain Koenlg was asked to ex plain what devices the Deutschland had for finding her way under water and avoiding danger. "We have two." he said. "One Is the microphone, the other a sounding apparatus. With the microphone you can hear submarine bell buoys six miles away and the propellers of i ships Mill further. By the tone of: the noise made by the screw of a ves sel you can tell her type. A destroy er makes a loud hum, cruisers is lower. t t "Th 1 sounding apparatus can be worked while we ore running sub merged and is let down through the . bottom of the boat throush a tube equipped with valves. In this sub-1 marine we can do everything under: the surface that can be done ou it. j We can drop anchor while submerge ed, cruise below the surface four, days if necessary, or lie on the bottom (until our food and water give out. And you can believe me. we carry a "large quantity of both!" I SECOND WEEK OF AUCUST AUGUST 7-8-9-10-11-12 ONE MUMJiUD URMS INVITE YGU THE PLAN VISITING MERCHANTS ARE ENTITLED TO REFUND OF ROUND TRIP RAILROAD FARE, when purihar, from members of Trade Ex tension Bureau, as listed, aggregate the auiounti specified in each tout. I 600 pwcliaMd, kf BitcliMli frM peats wilka IMailMof KkkiaoML 11.000 pwchawd. brmmhentsfrma petal btwa 141 ad ISO aultaef RtcnjMad. $1,500 pwckaMa. bf rtUali fraat poiata 2 S I ONE-HALF RAILROAD FARE WILL BE REFUNDED to merchant! whose purchases aggregate one-half above amounts in either lone. Hot It, Bank! 14 Nrwitiyfi NOT iacladr. Outline of Prosrram Thursday, August 10th, 8:15 P. M. Monday, August 7th, 9 P.M. Lyric Theatre, 9th and Broad Streets Keith's Vaudeville. Tuesday, August 8th, 8:30 P. M. Jefferson Hotel (Auditorium), Main and Jefferson Streets. Cabaret, Concert, Dansant, Refreshments. Wednesday, August 9th, 3 P. M. Boat Trip Wharf foot of Main St Down the Historic James. Stop at "Varina" Barbacue, Stums, Games, Refreshments, Band Concert Hotel Richmond, 9th and Grace Sis. (Ball Room) Lecture: "How to Speed up Turnover and Increase Earning Capacity of Your Business," by Frank Stock dale, Sys em Magazine. W. A. Clarke, r.,Secy. Retail Mer chants' Association, will speak. Subject: Organization. Friday-Saturday, August Uth42th. Picture Shows, Baseball and Enter tainment by Individual Firms. THE TRADE EXTENSION BUREAU OF THE RICHMOND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cordially invites you to visit Richmond during the week of AUCUST 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. 1916 and partake of our hospita'ity on the oc casion of the fourth annual BETTER ACQUAINTANCE WEEK W. IU DK04imuN, Chairman tiecullve t'oiuiuilteo. Gkokiik Ainni.ik, M ayor. COI.KUAN WuKTHAM. I'rptlldfUt Cbaiiilwr of Cuiumurce. THK COSSACKS COME I. lit Ijist the Fierce Cavalrymen of KusnIu Get the Chunre to Fight. perlin Dibiuitch. July 12. Hupsia's Cossacks of the atennes kind their highly trained horsea are blaylnj? a startling role in the on- laugtits ot oen. Urusiloft's armies kipon the German and Austriiiiv lines In Southern vilhynla and Giilicia, iccording to desputches from the amern iroiu 10 me lieriin papers. The earlier despatches told of an- parently senseless chiuces of Con- hack cavalry upou the German barbed wire anil ninthine cun.i. It how appears that the Kusians have ttevlsed a new method of attacking ntrenched posilions, in which t!iev Utilize the speed of the Cossack orses and the skill of their ndert. o carry mem across open t.puce;4. 1 1...... . . . . u(nu liiura iwr v ; ims!I. The Russian Infantry work t leir fay forward by rushes and din tlu m-' elves in about 600 yards from the ermun or Austrian trenches. Mean while the Cossacks are brought for ward behind the front line, which hen opens out to let them ico irougn. At a signal the Cossacks leap for kurd. deploying at the gallop to a kridely extended formation, and rush in the German machine guns, every uany lying along the side of his torse and every horse coming at the ead run. Owing to their open order Ad their speed they are able to get lose to the German lines with fewer (risualties than infantry would suffer. ' Then, when they seem about to rush to destruction on the barbed i 'tire and machine guns, all pull up, i rop to the ground and open lire, the orses, perfectly trained, lying down form breastworks. The riflemen pen a furious fire upon the German ositions, under cover of which the ussian Nn fan try rush across the anger space and form for the real large. Sometimes the Cossacks, mad' with Ixcitenient, fail to understand why ey must halt in mid-career and not lish on in a charge such as their randfathers would have made, but hich is hopeless against barbed ire and machine guns. Keliure of Itiver Crowing. Cossacks also were used extensive in the earlier days of the present bmpalgn in attempts to seize river ossings. They still are used where tie crossings are weakly held, but e Russian engineers have devised mother scheme for better defended bints. The banks of many of the rivers Galicla and Volhynla are densely ooded, and under cover of the bshea the Russians build long, nar- pw rafts, as long at the stream is ide. At the proper moment these tfti are swung out from under cover, e downstream end being held and he upstream released, eo that the urrent swings them out across the ream. While they are swinging out ke storming columns pour out upon em. ' 1 I I j All Drug Store Articles. They are good when we sell them, and the price is always right. ENGLISH DRUG CO. "The Store That Always Has It" Phone No. 39. ' ' Monroe, N. C. Attractive totion ion in ps VIA mmrnmmmMmmm Southern Railway Let us tell you about our popular excursions to the Seashore and Mountain Resorts during July and August. Greatly Reduced Round Trip Pares To Atlantic City, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Morehe&d City, Wrightsville Beach and Richmond. Asheville. Hendersonville, Waynesville, Blck Moun tain, Lake Toxaway and many other resorts in the Land of the Sky Western North Carolina. Convenient Schedules Excellent Train Service Through Sleeping and Parlor Cars. Free information and details will be gladly furnished on applica tion, by nearest Agent or It. II. DeBUTTS, Division Passenger Agent, . Charlotte, N. C. Effort is being made to brfak the will of a man who was found to have l lils will tattooed on his back. The jhrirs probably allege a skin game. t uiuingion uispatcn. JNEd:son Storage Battery - aouse l,wimiv riant win make your home more comfortable. safer, more attractive to your friends will keep the youni? folks at home will onerate many utilities and utensils as well as the lights and the cost is much less than you have imagined. In fact, the cost per candle-power hour is less than that of any other reliable, system, if you use one of the Edison Storage Battery HOUSE LIGHTING PLANTS Villa, like Mark Twain, (lories the stories of his demise. And you really can't blame him. Kiu.'.ou Free Press. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard gieral strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives oat MaUrL, enriches the blood. and builds up the sys tem. A trot tonic. For adults and children. 90c. For Sale Three yearling heifer J. T. Tarbrough, Monroe R. F. D. 6. ICTRTU'ICATK OK PISSOLITIOX The Edison is not only the mail reliable of all house-lighting sys tems, but it is ABSOLUTELY relia ble. That means that your lights will never fail because the battery is guaranteed to be capable of devel oping full rated cajiacity at the end of f jur years, and in actual exper ience it has always exceeded and outlived this guarantee. Let us give you a price on a complete Edison plant, including installing. The Edison is the only nickel iron, alkaline battery (no lead or acid.) S simple rules are all you need to follow. No complicated instructions because there is no ne cessity of periodic testing, no taking to pieces for cleaning, no annual renewal of plates and parts, etc. It hat no "battery troubles." WRITE US FOR LITERATURE 4 M O. HOWIE, Electrician, Uooroe, S. O. Journal Advertisers are pleased with results. To all to whom these presents may i come Greeting: Whereas, it ap pears to my satisfartlnn, by duly au thenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dissolution thereof! kir lha nninln...,. .. ..II .L.. w.v. uimuiiiiuuu vi'unem ui ail mtr stockholders, deposited In my ofilce, that The Unionville Manufacturing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office Is situated in the town of Unionville, county of Un ion, State of North Carolina R. T. Presson being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom proce.. may be served), has compiled with j the requirements of Chapter 21, Re-1 vlsal of 1903, entitled "Coipora-i tions," preliminary to the issuing or j this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I. J. Bryan Grimes. Secre-: tary of the State of North Carolina, I do hereby certify that the said corpo-, ration did, on the 7th day of July, ! 1916, file at my office a duly executed J buu .umicu vuustMii in writing iu lutf i s dissolution of said corporation, exe-J which said consent and the reeord of I the proceedings aforesaid are now ou ! file in my said office as provided by j law. In testimony whereof I have" here unto set my hand and affixed my of ficial seal at Raleigh, this 7th day ot July, A. D. 191. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. KIDNEY REMEDY A safe, reliable treatment for disorders of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract which regulates and assists these organs in per forming their natural junctions and aids in the elimination of Doisons and waste matter through the urinary organs. A non-secret, palatable, stable combina tion of well known diuretic agents of known value, long the favorite prescription of leading physicians. Its use is indicated for such well known symptoms as pain and weakness in the back, scalding, burning, suppression, discolora tion or insumcient secretion of the urine and for dropsical conditions. b 1 1 J " HZ t&ss eoHTTMTi KtlSMl Sold under a positive money-back cuaranteo of satis faction the same as all other ANTOj preparations. IVIonroe Drug Co. GORDON CO. Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE. State Agents Philadelphia Life Ins. Co. Office Second tfloor, Farmers and Merchants Bank Bldg., Monroe, N. C. -