PES KIITIOX OK ONE HEIJJ IMOV IN l4t. . .... ' .i. v.. ntioa Tlv it nVWk 1 annnose OLD TIME FODRIH'O H-;Sn5 . . : . .;....,. jnrin the four hundred men. ' J.nA .bout night when he 'Preparation had been made with jr.8.mound to . thousand '.uitab.tand. for the reader ora meau auiounieo o . , in Mr. lUr Old MUMri,,, leered i PBd 7But being . drj country no ! Wilson', yard, beneath the shade of Clerk OihVe Ubkh TelN ot I?L (BUt 8 7 an aged oak. whose extensive bough ... vi..kil.. .1 uiUm't Old a. i . . . . w. -I., . n fill.l fnli.ire. assisted by a MoW Many Yr Ag,v ! Xn'de ".V by mal neahbor U tall Wust, afford- in tneciern soime air. n. ,-.trihuiinns among the neighbors eu snaay i re ota on 01 - . iIhnllt ioneT and UU IV vir MR. REDWIXE F1XDS SOME I.NTEKESTl.Mi OLD PAI'tll. without price, iue several contribu tors done each one his part, and all moved together in the uttermost har : mony. At night 4 or 5 white men assisted by 7 or 8 black men com menced the cooking by parboiling the ' tn ottr nrenare It for the roast. 1 aeam mnnd ha iltscovered a ra yellow foolscap paper which gives an account or a rounn oi juijt tlon at Wilson's Old Store, in this county before the days of Monroe. The paper bears no date and its writ er is unknown. It Is signed only "An Invited Guest." and i written in the careful nanuwnun i " f K,Ka,M- Squire Simpson has bf tel ne date of cook,ng nex, morning of the celebration as in 1SH or M.nMA that it nromised to be The manuscript is as follow: .hUerior to any idea 1 had of a bar- Kourth of July f ' ! bXe This was carried on near a Wilson's. Waxhaw. I nion county. . bv Ftood ,w0 long ta- Heing invited to attemi me ceie- th- KhaA(. ot oak forest i n r r- v , . ent directions, one with a pig. one " - omDanv of married and sin- lamb, others witn gooa iresu -- with a May we have your Patronage? No man who is human can fail to appreciate high quality in CLOTHING when it is sold at modest or medium prices. We are selling Summer Clothing of the finest quality at extremely Low Trices and you cannot help a feeling ; of ela tion w hen vou buy one of them..- Everybody who gets them does and nearly everybody gets them from us. Our HATS, UNDERCLOTHING, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, HOSIERY, etc., are sold on the same Low Price Basis. When you want anything GOOD, come to us. When you want something at Close Prices, come then. You always come out ahead when you buy Clothing and Furnishings at this store. Hamilton-Liles Company. the ..minv Music from the l nion band, and notice from Capt. Walkup. marshal of the day. invuea tne iau.- to take their seats beneath the vener able oak. and all the men to form a procession march a short distance and counter march to the stand - hn ih rpremonies for the day were commenced by an appropriate prayer from the Rev. Mr. Menon. uumi by the reading of the Mecklenbur Declaration and the declaration or the 4th of July, by James Massey. Esq., in a very clear and distinct man ner. Vo.i - the orator of the day. Samuel Walkup. Esq.. and he deliv ered an oration in its compoMtion w,,.;f,.i rh.istp and eleeant. and in style of language happily expre.-sea. His touches upon the painois ami lustrious men of the revolution were impressive, and with much abiin i tin ninrni niHun i I1 di liberations of the 56 apostles of M erty, Plant Fall Crop. The profitable Irish potato is the fall crop. Get ready to plant them now and have them all the winter. We have a supply of Fall Seed. This is the celebrated Peach Blow variety, the best. IBeotoim's Cash Store Phone No. 178. Old Postoffice Building. Just a word to you Mrs. Housekeeper. You are concerned in the appearance and wear o Your Curtains and Blankets. Wc are specialists on such household articles and use a process that makes curtains look fresh and hang true and gives blankets the look and feel of fluffy newness. ICEMORLEE Steam Laundry. Tbe Doctor's Card of I-etter tYtHit the ljte IYeident tirover Cleveland Had Constitution of Klu-Klu-Klan. While exploring through his desk, in mhi.-h an accumulation of old pa pers had bet n reposing for a number of years. Mr. K. B. Kedwtne came across a card that nis tamer, me uir Dr. T. W. Kedwine. had distributed imriif that he had located for UUVUUl 1MB " h. nractirv of medicine III tulS I HI. f - county. It reads: -lr. T. W. Kedwine. iiiiin inratpd himself perma' nently at Samuel Huie"s. Union Coun ty, would respectfully tender his pro unui unii-M tn the citizens of the neighborhood and the surround ing country. Cases committed to his ..r miii receive nunctual and faith ful attention. His charges will be moderate, to suit the times jurf 1?th 1846" ir i';u.iinp also found a letter that he had received from the late fresident lirover Cleveland, ot wnicn he is very proud. It follows: July 4. 190 -R. n. Redwine, Esq. i na rr niiwh tileasea to read vom letter of June Suth; and I wish to congratulate you upon the appro- independence. Not loss happy was his eulogy on Uenerai jjckm.ii. - .. i,.., i.irtiml ice all were assembled. The orator pleasantly Intermmcled at uiiable periods, sweet toucnes remarks to the ladies, to tell them how much their presence was adding to the enjovmetits of the celehi uion. It occupied nearly an nour in i" ' liverv: during all the time the quiet attention of the auditory were re ceived. . ...... tl I have not witnessed a " July oration that gave more u.....- moua satisfaction. I nope .m more of the committee ot arrange ment will wait upon Mr. ""r . cm.v for nanmniei iuiina- tion for the reading of the boys and girls of Union county. b tv. enrwt old North State was then called for. when the young inen assisted by a nunmer oi ie . entertained the company. This was a sweet change. The aged men lent their ears In delight. The young men wished they could catch the melody as it dropped upon their nerves Irom the lovely voices of the girls. "The company were by the marshal to form a procession with the ladies in front, and march to the tables, where all soon arrived and found all things ready, meats of sweet savour and bread in bakers best oven. The long tables were nearly filled by the females, tne ma n attended to their wives, and the sin Kle men waited on the single ladies. All united in prawn the barbecue and how good the bread all fed and "... ...wt ,ii nis left. No alcohol. ei man.' w...... - no wine, no whiskey, or oranuj. .... company returned to n e ...... the reading of the regular toas m - i ivhM frnm delicate health and the fatigues of the day 1 found i i .... r .i ip:ivp i uavv iiv " an opportunity of getting : . -Py pO the toast. 1 nave uruu ebratlons, In towns, villages ..u iu try for the last thirty years and I have seen none more pleasant and suitable to the occasion than the present. It may oe sain hings were none uece....j - - der. Much praise is just y uue wi... Walkup. as marshal ot ine u.., .... m, nrHeriv manor in which he con ducted all matter and things. "In addition to tne enu.i.u.. ... nired bv the celebration at every re turn of our national birthday was now superadded that we weie .. in namos of patriots during the war of our independence, and as the birth place of one among he most illustrious names ,nd lovers of freedom in the present t.i.,e,t thp nhilosophy idea. that freedom is the nursing mother of generosity, that it Is in his sail aione nature may do enjojeu ... - and plentitude of her glory was tru ly verified today. "One word to me more gracious beauty I have never een anvwhore among an equal num- . i . rtW-m ber nature has taKen caie .u them lovely and personal attraction. wish the married Happiness, .... . inirle married to the boys of their hearts. An Invited Guost." This celebration was held at Wil son's Old Store the 4th of July 1844 or '45. Till: l-OCAI. MARKETS. SpecidJ Notices. Thf IVaih of Mr. Gerald Harris. Mr. L. L. Harris got back: y ester-, d from Will's Point. Texas, where! he bad been called by the death of his Employment Service: write South- brother. Mr. Uerald Harris, wno iosieril Bureau. Box 2Z. Greensboro. . bis me in an auiomoone ctmcu. r July 4. The WiU's Point Chronicle . of July 13. said: I If you wish to better your financial The Chronicle last week made oner i condition we would like to talk with . i . nm .Ka aM.lil.Rt in m-hlCAl -v . v ir.tkU. w n.I.n.. u mention vi iue iniwu. u roll tnoul ll ni.tini dusiuvh. v Gerald Hams lost his life, full in- hare a few vacant counties in this ere at tne ume u iairi twenty one need appiy. uau on w. ress. It is not yet known exactly JR Anderson, our local salesman h .... it nni vt kmtun rxactlvln . - A n. y.vM. . . ' - I iv. Auurinfu, vu. how the accident occurred, out inei Monroe, N. C car lu ui.u ... . i j r r, iiirninir from a Fourth of July picnie turned completely over ouce and lalf way ovtr again, ine ac- riflent incurred about S O'clock in th iFri.oon and Mr. Harris died at o'clock that night. Mrs. Har ris sustaiued serious Injury, both hoties on her right arm and a little hnger on her left hand being broken besid about Uarria wind shield of the car and while be was given the best of medical at- For saie0ne fresh Holsteln milk tention nis injury was uiu u.. ulCow. One female Collie, well trained, 1 -J .......'Or la . 1 1 IV n.k. Lost On street Frldav afternoon. a package ot lace. Finder will be re warded for return to airs. v. a. Houston. For Sale One saw mill outfit J. L. Davis, Monroe Route 5. Wanted Contracts fcr building r on ner irn uu wanted coniracis icr Duuumg Jes being considerably bruised tenU at pleasant Grove compground. it the body. One side of Mr. cn furish material. W. C. Rape, ris" head was crushed in by the Monr0e, R. F. D. 5. j a K a Att anil m-hilA ht could not mover also one Collie pup, cheap. Root The r mains were brought to " 1158 Ramsey. Greensboro, N. C. ing the Democratic faith, have shown of your steadtast adherence to tin ti.,a-nnrcii tirincinlos of the party "The evidence you submit of es t.M tn to these principles on the part ot those who for a time lost their bearings, seem to reinstate their be lief in the saving reclaiming povi u Democracy. . "Yours verv cordially, -G ROVER CLEVELAND." "Buzzards Day. Mass." This letter Is in nr. cieveiunu . own handwriting and for that reason possesses unusual value. Mr. Redwine is also one of the few who posess a copy of the constitution of the Klu-Klux-Klan. He found it a number of years ago among me nnnprs of the ate Alex Jiciiwaine. of whose estate he was executor. He stored the paper away somewnere. but has not yet been nDie io nuu n. Toint for interment, which took place at White Rose cemetery Friday morn- vor Sale 7 horse power Indian ing at 10 o'clock under the auspices Mo( ,.e . firgt ciat!9 condition. of the Masonic lodge, ot wnicn ine j H Miu3f jionr0e, N. C. deceasei was an nonoreu lurmw.. The religious service was conducteo at ihn crave hv Rev. r. r Wanted at once by a couple with- , amea ui ouce oy a c Luker.l ou, chiijren. two rooms furnished . I. I . . I : . . for light housekeeping. J. u. u. care The Journal. .r ,,f the Wills Point Methodist church and a large concourse of sor rowing friends and relatives assembl ed at the grave to pay a last sad tri bute of love and respect to this gooU citi7nn Gerald Harris was born In t nester- field rou 24. 1873 ness education in a business college p. urcnes Bnd schools near. Perfectly at Nashville, Tenn.. he came to healthy. Address W. II. Robertson, as a young man, locating m mu. owner. Jesup, Ga Point. May 31. 1U05. For a number of years he was employed as a arug CommendN Start Made by Mr. firiffith We wish to commend the action of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen in employing Mr. Paul Griffith street overseer and general supervisor i street cleaning. Mr. Urirntn nas ai--,i. ,.,nHo ii fine start and we are ... iut kia a-niU will nrove of great hnnont to the town.. Mr. Griffith is . ..., t ,nn uhn w III enter lie.inu. !., tha unik which he has under- taken and is capable of giving us a splendid service in cleaning up uu- town and keeping it ciean. MRS. J. F. LANK . President of Woman's Club. A idiinteerS Lament. Correspondence of The Journal. Wav down in sunny Panama. Just near the Culebra slide. With thirty thousand soldiers And one railroad there to ride. One soldier says it's lonesome. While others think it's bad. So I only wish I'd bought out With the numey that I've had. Mv reasons for being here I hardlv do not know. tint I miller think it was My girl, or a pretty movie show. I have only been lu re Just a year ago in Jiaj, So I guess it's only Two more yd to stay. My girl has been married. Since 1 have been alone, And says she Is living Quiet in a peaceful home. v... T n. nnlv thlnldne Over letters that the used to write . ,i ..nn ..l-ilnlv understand 111. I in f w , Why the dates were never Sunday night. Of course we nil have stories Which we once can relate. But this is from one u'tti, tu.n l,,nff vflnrR to wait. Robert P. Yarbrougn. uuu ora, v.u- nal Zone, Panama, V. S. Arm. Mother and the Truth. gist with the Bruce ft Human Drug Co. In Wills Point and was marrieu io Mi.-s Carrie Burnett in this city, T ihw .ii. I, .n five children were h..m four of whom survive, soon u nor their niarriace Mr. and Mrs uarri. mnvpit to McCauiey. wnere Mr u-nri has since been engaged in the drug business and winning the h in mH PRteem of his neighbors in his western home as he had during ...iiisnrt nf aeveral years in Wills Point. He was a hign-tonea tons- tiun van tiomnn. a devoted nu'-o. and father and a loyal citizen. A frinnH tn ovcrvtinp. his friends were numbered only by the extent of his acquaintance, indeed a goou r,r.. frnm us. and everyone feels a personal loss in nis oeparnuo en- c Un Evtim:iinv lor ine u.-.e...... i w f family. v..iulviirLViMMlell Hi- v-iri.v u .will n :ird and Miss I.c- ii.. acwi.i. ii werp married yesterday I i vrri'tinv .m .i ..... . , ii.,., .Univ., aitemoon at the home or tr.e oimo mother in West Monroe, hsq. .m. u. Flow olticiating. Mr. Woodward Is a 13.25 1S.00 COTTON. Bed lone staple nKt short Ktpole PRODUCE. ihrMior and midtllinta . . Io to i Eggs il Irish potatoes . .... 6" w"rn "" i.oo tWlO !!- Ii lni Cli" Wanted Some hay or oat straw. 0. D. Hawn, at Monroe Creamery. Farms Cut to suit, from fifteen- j iiari.a uu. (arms tut 10 suit, irom nueen- uniy. South Carolina, March nun(ire(i acre lot. Near Redland. Ga. 3. After completing a busl- Gray top soi clay gubsoll. No washes, acation in a business college Churches and schools near. Perfectly ..ill.. I a k a irk A Irt T-Vas mr 1 Tl.l Other Special Notices on page 2. For Sale! VI i One Ford Touring lu Car, 1916 model, in good condition. Bob Houston. FIRST OF THE SEASON to H"W.nV. . , ' . h.r d. and is I Wl LMl.Vt.TON (Wrightvlllo Heach) BUU Ul ..... . a voting man who is ingniy oMeemeu by both friends and neighbors. The .:. ... iu .. in-liter of Mrs. Maggie UlltD" if v, and Is an attractive anu worthy young lady. Tlie Fall ot the IJrldno i'h i . I,, iw observer. n... ,i..i 111,1 inn of cious by tne u "v v - . .... i... storm will undoubtedly prove u bum- ingnam, nnnuei, ous item to tne people ot a large sec tion of western and pleduioui .oiiii i nrolina. but the money loss entail ed ou counties and corporations by the washing away of bridges win .iiiiKtiiuto a more serious matter. The falling of tho railroad bridges over th Catawba is but an incident, mere is to be considered In connection with this the sweeping away of many via SEABOARD AIU LINE KAII.WAY TUESDAY, JILY, 23, 1916 from Charlotte, Monroe, Wadesboi'o, Rock-I I.aiirlnburg. ton, Lumberton, Councils ami Inter- mediate Agency Stations. with this the weepnR " """' agent or address bridges over the highways in all the Tickets will be on sale for all trains July 25th with final limit to leave Wilmington on any train up tinui no. 13 leaving Wilmington j:a p. m July Z7tn, iit. .'nr mt..s etc.. call on your local a.. I. Am laA. tri.hihl UraM. Imr Na twal Tr ymt ol ma im Mothpr taufrht me in my youth, That when I came to be a man To always tell the plain truth. For nothing use wouiu bihu. Mother whipped me when a lad, it ...., i. .it a ii wit tiers fine. She didn't whip because she was mad. She was trying to regulate my me. Mother thought so much of her boy She couldn't let him be spoiieu. t.i iirt hntpht of her iov. To raise a character never soiled. nut mother's rone and I'm In the world. , , , I often think of what she said. Her efforts would some day be un furled. I think of It more since mother is dead. Oh, if I could live this life again! I would not grieve my mother, I would shield ber rrom an pain As I would no other. Truth crushed to rise no more Will some day, to our surprise, When we meet on the ofher shore, Stand up and look us. in the eyes. Ellis Goodwin. TIM QidnlM Hut 0ol Not Aftsct TN Hi BrciaM ol Iti tonic and laxative f 1flrct-V, . T1VK BROMOQUlNINKu belter than ordinary (Minlo. and doei not mum "7?n"! "51 ro.f.1.. Io bead. emnb the Ml look lor tat lignatur ol K. W. CKOVK. JX. counties west of the Catawba to the Tennesspe line, these counties era- hraeinu more than a fourth of the state's territory. A tremendous drain has been Imposed upon the treasuries of the various counties and for a time there must be endured the disadvant age of the practical wreckage of the good roads system In this section of the Stute. not alone by reason of tne destruction of bridges, but In the washing away of road bed, sliding of enihiinkiiients and of "blow-outs at culverts. It will be many days before the Kertion of North Carolina that felt the sweep of the tropical visitor will have been able to put iiseu in order again. (Jood llece of Itoail Work. rnrresnondenre of The Journal Some members of the Methodist and liuntixt ronereeatlons at Hebron and Corinth wanted to do something practical the other day and they de cided to have a better road leading tn their rhurrhes. beginning at tl. il clllna' and leadine out to the Doster ,,m,t This Kertion Is about a mile and a quarter long and was In a very had condition. The boys ten io wors on her Tuesday with plows, axes, shovels and ditch cleaners ana u. h.a.1, rna,i ar-mnA and drag, tiy VVo.lneuHaV at twelve O'clock It W8S graded from end to end so that any vehicle or automobile can travel h. The parties who were on this Job were H. II. Collins, Hanan Dees, Tom nioharHann. J O. Moore. L. M. Gor don, Welton Keziah and Jim Bigham, tan Andrew I.evlston nod Henry Presson, colored. It was a fine piece of work and nobooy nun. com munity Well Wisher. P.. PLEASANTS. T. P. A.. Wilmington, N. C .tamps KF.n. Jr. T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C To The Public: As a matter of fact there's very lit tle common sense In the world most of it is uncommon. DELECT0 CHOCOLATES inwnftv'x fftlftlirated Chocolates 60, "801.00 per lb. On ice all the time. Try our Medal of Honor package. It is the best dollar package in the city. It consists of peach orange and Pineapple cordials, nugatines. nut clusters and Brazil nuts, belmonts and glace nuts, H.'h.,t .Wd at the Panama Pacific Infrnatlonal PSftSE,"'''1 ' Hn0r- h'Ve " v atiottment It you want the bed come to ice u. J. C. SMITH CO. Quailty, Price, Service. Phone 33. WE HAVE ORDERED NEW EQ 11 I'M ENT FOU OCR IlAR- 11ER SHOP, AXD IT IS NOW OX THE WAY. IX THE MEANTIME, GIVE Z A TRIAL AXD LET VS DEM ONSTRATE OCR ABILITY Td GIVE YOU A FIRST C!.AS SHAVE. Whitley and Collid BARBERS MAIN STREET, rirat Door Above T. P. .Redwine Store. tew CREST CHOCOLATES i lOOapound

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