r : A Spring Poem Without Rime, but With Some Reason OtVTlTVTVlWnTVTwT1TVTTTvTwTTTvTlT,TiTV'TVTTC I LOVE my do! Lin, and 1 will tell you rhjr. Every ;rinK My mife. my aon and my daughter Have new spring coata. They visit the Ktorea, Select. And the coats come to them. I pay for the coata. INVERT spring. My doe Haa a new sprint coat He doea not visit the, stores Or select Yet the coat cornea to him. 1 do not pay for the coat That la why I lovs my dog! WMIiam San ford ia Judge. Those Happy, Happy Days WIULE the poets sing uf halcyon I " days. Of childhood days and May days. 0 We must r ?;ret That they forget Those happy dajs the pay days. 'piioruil pay days come and There ran-ly Is a tad one; The in!s, too. Would t U it y iu. Eut perhaps thry never had one. Josvpii r. llatiruliun in Life. pay .JT: HE PROVED S - His CASE arm k !:i!i! h I'la.'e f m:r i-lmir ns !nse a hastily iiumtor. T T was the ru!i hour in oi.o of t!i where you help ymirsolf mul ui tin' a tal'It". A man alUil for a i" e of j io and -lialr. Then. ivino:tilrrlns that he wanted i uffeo, I: put down III I'to and Isi1um1 over to the scrvh-tf When ho retuine-1 with his coffee his chair was occupied hy another hurry up diner. "Excuse me," said the first man, "but this Is my chair." "How do you know it is your chair?" de manded the occupant in a surly tone. "Because I cau " can prove it." prove it," stated the first man. "IIow can you prove it?' asked the occupant. "By your trousers," was the confident reply. "You are sit ting on my pie." borrower hits somk blows. jm.m'i III llll oTW MM I l AM) A OlWH- I I llll Ti i: mi:i cars in use tka. I III I I IF KA H ONE OF THESE ( "A US I I llll VVT AN ACTIE DKMONSTHA- I III I I TION OF I OKI) QUALITIES I I I strength, simplicity, lnhii I S llll Will. IIT. Ft ONOMY AM) 1F- I 111 I I PKNDARILITY THE ORDERS I I llll Wtil MINT Ft IMF IN SO FAST. I I llll MOST MF.N I.IKK TO JUDGE A MO- I I In TOR CAR BY WH AT IT CAN RE- I III I llll ' "ah prices f. o. b. Detroit. I I II HENDERSON II GARAGE & MACHINING CO., AGENTS, !j MONROE, N. C. Ill A SKIN LIKE VELVET, Hnootk, clear, free of wrinkles. U?e the exquisitely a fragrant cream of tho Tl 1 T T? beauty flower of India j Jjj ItJL M-J and lie complimented on your complexion. o'rSg'rii39'0 LLLAIA a a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a QBBSB8BQ1B Easy to Fill You car. easily tarn a forty-quart canof mi!k into the knee-high supply can of tho New Sharpies Suction feed Separator. This remarkable machine will skim as clean at 35 turns of the crank t a minute 3 at 55 turns. Any other ( separator would lose a great deal of fejiij rranm .ni.Vl tnfh uaria4 snMl. THE NEW SMASHES SUCTION-FEED Separator will soon pay for itself in cream saved. You can increase the capacity and reduce the time by turning faster. But turned fast or slow, the cream is always of the exact thickness desired. Come in and let us show you this new machine. For sale by Monroe Creamery, Monroe, N. C. IDDDD1BDDBDBBDDOD OB y.D.D O Mm n Thinks the IVvil Will Give roor K tertaiiuin'nt lo Stmie IV4iK W bj No! I "ray For Dry Wethr W ant Something IkHlfr in the Matter tl Taalkin. Correspondence of Tbe Journal. Those aristocratic people on the marooned trains at tbe time of the railroad disaster mentioned by The Journal some time ago deserve come mention. Traveling people who think tbe railroads should always be pre pared to furnish luxuries, such as ice cream, tlevtric fans, and cigars, and turn tip their noses at conditions in the South just because they happen to be caught in a daster. would do wtll to remember that they might be tbe Jonah on the vessel that made il seem good to him who rules to send the disaster on us and them. A people that cannot look with any degree tl sympathy for the railroad at a time like that and complain at not having luxuries served in time of distre-s will, when they reach their destina tion, complain mightily at the deil fur not having an ice cream parlor, a dajciit hall, electric fans and Ice wa ter and other luxuries such as they have in the North. But they will he gladly told by his saianic majesty that a bathing pool of tire and brim stone is the tt in his shop. 1 know no language that will give a decent expression of ray feeling for such cat tie. It looks r.s ii the praying people oi this water deluged fouttilana hnv. ost faith in ptayer. We know v. ry Weil that it a drouth had caused on- tenth the damate that the nun enn--ed the people all over these strick- u plates would have been holding piay- T-mec!i!is asKing mm who ruies i nj the needed t-upply of ram. II who rules has told us that when w need anything- to 'a sit lor it in fail1: und it sh;l be done lor us. .Now while the downpour of rain was going on week atter week. I was listening for some leliuious leader, the finve - nor ot tne Mate or some one in au thority, to issue a prcdanir.tion ask ing us all to unite in oao common cause ana asK ttnn who ruies to ioih on us in mercy and stay his judgment lest we perish. I can near him say ing, "Oh ye of little faith. e should remember that He wno senas rani in answer to prayer would cause the rain to cease In answer to prayer if we pray in faith. Then if we don't pray it is evidence of little or no faith. This being the case the first thing we should pray for is faith. Novus Homo, 1 can uo you no good on the rural credit system, l nope The Student w ill give you the figures. If Mr. Myrick is right. 1 can't count a hundred. But I will say that Mr. Myrick's plan for rural credits Is like the old woman who when her buy wanted her to buy him a fiddle. She said, "John, you can't play a fiddle; when von i;t to be a good fiddler 1 wiil buy you a llddle." Now .Mi. Myrick -as. gentlea'.en, when you own land euougn so you can oonov. momy anywhere at any time then you just iome to this government land hank and we will lend you money at just a little interest and we will pud Hi. wool ever your eyes and make you think we are giving you a young fortune. Mr. Homo, get Mr. K. r . Heasl-w to line tin with you on thi.i needed legislation, for you and he will be Hi the next Ueneral Assembly together: and you create a sensation by letting the General Assembly know that it is the poor that is in need and not the rich. What tho country needs is a sys tem by which all industrious laboring men can borrow money equal to his earning capacity. Now we know that some people are poor because they are no good. We are not asking that money be stamped and mailed to us by parcel post. We want every man lo have wh.it he earns and evuy man to earn what he has. How about it? In the sweat of thy tace then shalt eat bread. We want tiie people who are feeding and clothing the? world to have a fair chance in the wot Id. Homo and Beasley, ym know ih;.; when a piece of land Is sold und r the hammer that some old land shark that doa't need It can buy it (say for a thousand dollars) and give u in at MOO. no Kiting it lie idle, thur paying tax on two-filths of th.? pur chase of the land and also creating a demand f jr land by holding it wf the market. Vt u know, Mr. u. presen-tati-.e, that the rule ri;ht here in g ;.)d old I'iiion county is this: If a aian buys a piece of land for ?lo00 nnd noes to work on it and sell s i Lgg and navs tor it and builds a hi r o an nlatits a vineyard and fruit treis and makes himself a substantial citizen that the ofiicers of the law will come around and say, "Look her. my friend, vou must pay for such as this. We will double your taxes, sir. If you don't want to pay more txes, go fishing and let the world around vou nerish." Now. Mr. Beasley and Novus Ho mo, when vou go to the legislature, you make a fight for a law that will let the shark know when he buys land in excess of his home need, that he may know that the taxes will be doubled on it in his hands; while If a man buys it that needs it for a homestead that the taxes wilt be very light to him. Give a man credit for what he does here in the world and charge him up with what he fails to do. You see the point! Encourare home building and discourage idle land owning. If you see a man that has a few hundred acres and wants more just to monopolize the land bus iness and keep the land out of the hands ot the people that God made it for, you tell him that Borrower would like to have a private chat with him. 1 thick we have got a lot of good people that are serving the Devil nicely. Of courso they are serving him through ignorance. Remember that God has told us that he has taken the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and now if some sorter foolish fellow in worldly wisdom undertakes to lead you into a bit of light along righte ous lines, don't you fly oft the handle. Remember the text. I am not in pol itics except on election day. I will vote. I am trying to denounce pop ular evils and when you see that I am wrong please drop me a letter to Monroe R. F. D. 8. and Mr. Cox w ill put it in the box. Borrower. (Some men In North Carolina who see the evils in our tax system worked for months, making speeches, paying their own traveling expenses, and til ing all they cevald to get a constitu tional amendment that would permit the legislature to cnact just laws. The amendment was proposed, passed the legislature, nnd submitted to the people to do auopte.t in uie iau m 1914. What happened? The people voted dow n the amendment, thus say ing that they cither didn't know what they were doing or preferred the old wrongs. The Journal.) Wesley Chapel High School. This school now offers a course ia Mathematics, Languages, Science, History, English. Music, and Agriculture that will thoroughly prepare its pupils for business life or for college. There are no charge for tuitioa in the High School Department. Music. $3.00 per month, or two from same family, 5.00 per month. Board in dormitories at actual cost Summer term opens July 17. . . '. For further information address the Principal, E. P. MEXDENIIAIJU, Monroe, X. CM R. F. D. 5. I. Ivor Trouble. 'T am bothered with liver trouble about twice a year." writes Joe Ding- man. Webster City, Iowa. "I have pains in my side and back and an awful soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlin s .Tablets ana tried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain." Ob tainable everywhere. If might doesn't always make right it seldom gets left. A HACKING tonal WEAKENS THE SYSTEM. Don't suffer with a hacking cough that has weakened your system get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, in use over 40 years, and benefiting nil who use It. the soothing pine balsam with ta heal the irritated air nassaces soothes the raw spots loosens the mucous and prevents racking the body wiht coughing. Dr. Kind's New Dicovery induces natural sleep and aids to cure you. THE TOWN SLOUCI1 Bv F.t.US M. CLARKE. a - a a DP REDUCE RISK OF 1 '51 Prnrpct human lives, prop- prtv and live stock, by using the tofe light, produced by the CMtma(Xdi . MAD ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT No Lamps to upset Electric TJirht hna do name, uct the GENUINE EDISON ELECTRIC UGMT AND POWER. Write tor Csttlof uncssnnao M. a HOWIE, Electrician, Monroe, 5. C Vill aon.' ii K II .11 vim tttatau Whatever Cy Cawkins Is, Nature Did It. Ht Never Helped Any. As ccrtnln fls sin, It's a pcnulne grin Shown Vv lie who wins fortune or fume, But there's more or less gullo IP tn Ulan tiiuli tti tniilu Of th' feller who's losin' th' game. Can th' man day's work? on a nlsht shift do a Uoosevclt ia In favor of bavin' plenty of national heirs. Just the Tliinir for Dlanlioen. "About two years ago. I had a se vere attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," w rites W. C. Jones, Bu ford, N. D. "1 became ro weak that I could not stand upright. A drug' gist recommended Chamberlain s Col ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea .Remedy The first dose relieved me and within two davs I was as well as ever. Many druggists recommend this rem edy because they know that it Is reli able. Obtainable everywhere. University of North Carolina CTUPEL HILL, N. C. Maximum Service to the People of the State The Summer School for Teachers June 13-July 28 Able Faculty . Complete Curriculum Moderate Rates -Credit Courses Delightful Environment Excursion Rate Tickets The Summer Law Schoo! June 15-August 25 Regular Session Opens SeDtember 14 r Students who expect to enter for tne nrsi unw Btiuum cumyicic tucu arrangement! as eanyjui powp.q. Your Money . Draws Interest When it is in the Savings Department of this Bank. It earns nothing when car ried around in your pocket. The Savings, Loan and Trust Co. R. B. RED WINE, President. H. B. CLARK. Caekler. ONE THING THAT MUST BE GOOD Everybody demands it, and justly so. It is FLOUR That is the kind this mill makes, INVINCIBLE is the thing. "Made in Monroe." TH6 Henflerson Roller Mills MONROE, Ji. O. AT THIS STORE Quality Will Please You AND Price Will Tickle You. Yes. that is a broad statement, but not one whit too sweeping for either our goods or our prices, or both. Our goods are too pure and wholesome for us to ever havo to "eat our words." Grocery Buying is Easy Here YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE CHANCES ON TI1K QUALITY, FOB WE SELL ONLY ONE KIND HIGH URADR THE KIND THAT PLEASES YOU AND CAUSES YOU KEEP RIGHT OX COMING UfcKS AND YOU KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT THE PRICE WILL TICKLE ANY ECONOMICAL BUYER. WHEN YOU WANT TO -BE 110 Tn PLEASED AND TICKLED, JUST COME TO US. YOU'LL KEEP ON COMING. Phone 255. T. C. Lee & Co. Eight Along With the Season Our new line of staple dry goods are rolling in and and we can please you in quality and price. Our line of shoes are unsurpassed. We handle the great Sampson brand for men and women and they are good ones. Clover, vetch and all seeds for fall sowing now coming in. Ask us everything about seeds. We are prepared to furnish you the best agricult ural line we have ever seen. Come around and see sample. The price will be right CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE CO. Same Stand. Roland Williams, Manager. Journal Advertiser! are pleased with results. n4