"THE UMOX COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS FT THE UXIOX COUNTY PAPER - YERYDODY READS IT OURNAt. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS VOL. 22 No. 67. MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1916. i.5o rat yj:ai: t asi. Monroe TT 'TjT"V" '" MR. WILSON IN COLUM BIA TO BURY SISIER VIMTS THF. MtAYKS OF UK l'AItF.XTS AMI OI . HOMI' Mrs. Howe. Only Sister, Who DUil Stii.et.iy .Morning Curieel Ycsie-rebiy Wa the Wnlow of Columbia l'h-i iun Ijitge- tinted Gallu-i But Stand in lUirctful SiU-iu-e, Colun:Lia tS. C.) Dispatch. 18th. Preside tit Wilson who came here today for the funeral of his only sis ter. Airs. Auue A. Howe. left at 6:15 nVI.K-k !,. Sm.,...er UI,.. It. ..... at Long Branch. N. J. live at West End. X. J. Hi will Mr- gnoiuy aim , 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and go by automobile to Shadow Lawn. j " " ', Zu fh. r...r. . 'i' .1 8 ll ' i " .uis. Howe, the President ilia: -.noon .n au.omni.il- n,i..i Alter 01 afternoon took an automobile ridt-i around Columbia, visiting relatives and the place where he spent geoac of his box hood days. He was ac companied by Mrs. Wilson, Miss .Mar garet Wilson and in. 11. f. Cruysou. the White House physician. When the l'lesident's special train pulled out late this afternoon several thou sand persons thronged the railroad ttdtiuu and stood sllentlv vilh bared . . . ' . MU'iiIu hu Pruoliloli I . ii ! fin -i I le I Ou his ride the 1'resident visiud Mrs. James Woodruw, ua aunt who wtlcotued him as "Toiumy" and rc niatkcd to Mrs. Wilson: "Since he took to writing books he calls himseh' Woodrow.'' Kits His Uid Home. .Mi', Wilson then visited the Colum bia iheologtcal Seminary, . :iere his lather once taught auu vaa snow a tile cnair and room Ubod by the cider Mr. llsou. He was told ot a plan to name a tibial pluuacd by Hie sen.iiiaiy alter tus latbcr. Alter-! wards lie auu Mia. Wilson auu Di. I, ,s.ill V.aiK.d to tile lluUC liai!Ueil au l huiit by nis part nt j and in . au li he iixeil K. mVii.iI years. Vhcie u talked witb lour suuul Uis 1 i ) no. Iie in tin iiou.se. i)r. v.l.iy.oii a.sktii one ct litem ll lie expicled 10 be i resilient. I'he bo s..:d ll' did lit t know. "1 would not uish iMitli.a, !:!; that on you," said the I're.ideiil. AH. iiMMt tilaiis to spend tomor row aiteltiooll and tiiglit nr.etly at Lung lii.tncu and on v edii' . il.iy will resume acute direction of his ciin paigu plans latei rupted by the ni ne? am) death ul Airs. hue. 1'resident Wilson today tjuietly and sauiy attended tl.e sunpie luueral at tue chuich aud x'-'n walked with relatives to Hie adjoining graveyard and stood with buwtd head and tear stained luce during the last simple i ties, The people of Columbia gathered ; nloiiK t lie streets and outside tin ihurch to see the 1'residiut but they it.pecud his grief and made no dem onstrations, liming the rule South this nioiniag tne platform ot ctery Million was crowded bul there whs no cheering. At several stops l!:nv c;s tiii'c put ab.iaal the liaia by seitool ciiildicn. Simple I in. ei al Set tii vS. The special train bearing tue bed aud members ot the tuueral pa.l arrived here t.iiurily bilote noun. Au tomobiles look the 1'residiut aud lneuibei J ol his fa'u.ily unecily to the l ust 1'itsbyterlati cliurcli. t lie i-ta-ttoli was suiiotnided by seve.al thou sand peisolis. At Ibe 1 res ltit l.l's pei -onal reiiuerii tne uty fciul state oi hciulH gave no olhttal recoguilloil In nts visa. in lite iiainedi.ite patty were Jo seph K. v il.ain, a broiber ol Mrs. liotte, aoiiii A. t ilsou, a cousin, Airs. Anne Cotniaii, a di.ughter, lieorge Howe and Wilson ILivve, soiu, Miss Aiar rarci tl. on, Die 1'i tsident iiu'ugi.U'i. and Dr. S. T. Grayson, the Whue House pliysuiaii. Tne 1-res.i-(Ictu and the oilier members of the liiiinediiue family were shown to siats in the lront or the chuich aud lander buck s:st many friends who knew Mrs. Howe when her husband wa Columbia's leading physician. The Presbyteiian luueral services were recited by the Hev. A. W. Hlockvvood, pastor ol the church, assisted by the Hev. Thornton Whaling, president oi the Columbia Seminary. The hist services took place inside an Inclosure In t.he shaded graveyard where are buried Mrs. Howe's hus band, the lather and mother of the 1'resident and several other relatives. A modest shaft marks the plot. All Hags in Columbia were at half mast during the ceremony and the church bell was tolled slow ly. All during the services, the grave yard, iuclosed In a brick fence, was surrounded by crowds. After the services Mr. Wilson re mained for a few moments to look at the graves of his father and mother. Merchants of Columbia offered to close their business houses and drape their buildings In crepe, but a n iiutst was made that they omit ti.ls murk of respect. Till: JOl :i.L l--0 per VILA 1 1 Willi this l.;sue The Journal bi-cnmca jl.&O per year. M.ist weeklies and nil Rei;,i-weel;li9 have gone to tliU pruv ;r more. Ti.e cor.tiaucj il.- ia the piicf id pii'tr and o'.lu-r ianterial make It n oiess-aty. That is the oalv explanation. Old st:br'-. ibers may rrnrw nn ti! (hU r the first at the old ..it" of one .'cllar per yenr. A'.l new si'b'.eiliitions fi'c.i this tiato ere Jl.r,0. AYaxliaw News. Correspond nee cf The Journal. Waxiiaw, Sept. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Kuy N. Walkup. Missis Ethel and Lola Hodman and Mrs. H. C. Hous ton spent last Thursday in Charlotte. Messrs. Carl Wolfe, Grady Massey, Freel I'lyhr and S. Archie King visit ed in Charlotte Friday afternoon. Mr. llnuy J'anlue o( Lane-aster visited Mr. aud Mrs. S. J. McGuirt 1 rulaj aud Saturday. Anss Ak.Uii' Oates of U k Hill Is visiiing he i aunt, Mrs. II. M. Nisbct. this week. Miss Mary Steele entertained the younger crowd at her home on Col "B" Bl" '"""J "'K"' " ' i .. . . t..i. i I, -whk: Moinui- waui ... ......I t.i.ii.i)ijiiii ,. .,-.,in n.i.l . ,.nt..v.i i.v :..i Alestlames H. M. Nisbet and S. J. Mu,rl entertained Friday nighi at ''" NlH't "n "Reek ,. . . ... ,, .... Ave. In honor of Mr. Homy Fa - due of Lancaster aud Miss Matiie Dates el Rock Hill. There was a huge trowel present. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Hoy Walkup enter tained at their beautiful home on North I'rovidence street Friday night in honor of Mrs. K. A. Shaw of laurinburg. Messrs Jc.ise A. Williams, F.ssie V"" r1'"" n"" ' ou" iiiav in Winpate. ..... r, .Mr. Joe McLaughlin of Charlotte i.-iid friends in town Saturday nij:ht and Sunday. Miss Mabel Hobinson spent the c k-ead in .Me a roe with her mother. Mr. Henry Sims of Keholieth cont inually spent Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. W. H. Collins and family and Miss Aiumy Baucom spent Sunday itfternoon in Charlotte. Messrs. John Futch and Hillia-d Wolte of Monroe visited friends here Sunday. .mis. A. V.. Shaw of Laurtnburg is vis iting at Messrs. I). S. and J. 1 Davis" this week. Mr. J. D. Simpson spent Sunday r.t his hntne ntar Unity. He was nc ciiupanii d hy Misses Neillie and Mar i'si i ' .McDonald. Mr. Fred I'lyler spent Friday morning in Fort Mill. News liny. I HUM M AHsm II.I.K TOWN I'leaseil With lis!iat Xevt S;du. day I'lay Day at the S h d Deum nt .Mis. licliiis. Il.y T. J. llettf ) Maishvllle, Sept. l'J. We assure The Journal's able corre' pon;lent. O. 1'. Tiiuist, that we appreciate juby t ne Hunt tilings raid ot .l,.l-tiv,lle in the last isbtte of The Journal. That Marshville Is growing cannot be do nied evidences of this are on eveiy side, and it is no wonder to us that people on the outside are taking notice. We iiiighl state here Unit it would be a pleasure to this writer to bee 1 1 lend O. 1'. Tiiuist get be hind tViugate and start a Ciiambe:' ol Coitiiueice there. Such an oigani zation ttieio worklnj; in conjunction wiin the Alarrhvilie aud Alcuro.' Cluuubeis could be of untold value in tae dt t elopment of one of the bes t iouuties in the Slate. (Jtiite a large audience greeted Will D. I'pshaw at Hie llaptist churcli here last Minday uitertioon, and m .say that tviy one was pKasid h; putting it mildly indeed. Mr. I'p bhaw will lecture lure Wednesday evening In the high school audi Iti'ium, and it is l.uptd lhat a large attendance may be I. ad. l'rof. Mudge, of the high school, requests us to once more call alten In.n lo Flay Day, which occurs at tl.f high school building next Saturday, September 23. We arc quite sure a jolly good time is in store for all who lake the time and trouble to attend. Fni-iids ironi Hie country are invited to come and bring "well-filled" bas kets with them. And while this U a little iurrln" to the subject, we might state that In an emergency, we ti.lght be prevailed upon to take dinner vvi'ii some one whose basket ln.ppens to be "overly" lull. Oi ciu.ie tLis could in no v.i.e be taken a., a hiut." The fair management Is now dis tributing badges bearing the tlatt'j of the fair. We want every man in the county to eel one. and one can b- had hy applying at the Marsliviii.' Home ofiice. And wihle thinking about the fair, we might state that Interest in the proposition continues to grow throughout the county. Th-ie Is no doubt in the world but that the lair Is going to be art eye opener to every niiin.woman and child who ait, mi ls. Heibert Redd, colored, charged with a number of things not counte nanced by the laws of I'nlon county, was arrested here by Chief Turret t last Saturday and later carried to Monroe where he was tried before the Recorder there. We tindrstand that he was given a sentence of slxtj days on the roads, which will allow him ample time to retlcct upon the eirr of his way. We regret to announce the sad death of Mrs. V. A. Il'lina. which occurred nt her home rear town ear ly Sunday morning. Mrs. Ik lias ir. survived by her husband and ten chi! dnn. threa havii.K di.d, the kit -one bir.K t'ndefly laid away with 1U mother. The funeral nn.l burLl wi'i cunduit'd at Fnion Grvo church yesterday afternoon. Vtich nympa ihy is felt hero for thn.-p Kit in bere- avein.T.t. V.'ifn r. married rnt'p!.' 'irt.i along well, the roifhborinir v.omrn say "Oh, his wife knows how to mn:ur;e hint." rivrr t; itico ho v. : is for a ipptron nfll'ric l with in n ; i : I ; to cn to spjrp when it is li.ne to get up? TIIK rilYSUIAVS IIFAI Corr-inilent My It i as Valuable jik UK Medicine Chest News From Wingaie. (By O. P. Tiiutst.) Wingate. Sept. 18. Just ideal weather for harvesting the crops. Cotton opening to beat the picket . Fine time for making hay time to make the loafing patches pay. Lvery pound of rouchape that stock will eat should be saved. All concentrates wiil be so high in price that the most rigid economy should be practiced la the matter of feed stuff. Remember that a bundle of grass, of even a poor gr.uk ni.w. means a bundle of fodder urxi rpi iiij;. iui ii) hprnti iimv telling folks what they already know! No use to say much about tin? Win gate brawl. The law abiding ele ment of the town deeply deplores the !isv;iKcei'ul afl'air and none more than the writer. A smudge upon the fair name of our splendid town, several characters besmirched, aluable time wasted, friends changed into enemies, some hard earned cash parted with, etc.. And what was "the cause of it all?" The answer is simple and easy: Men were out of their proper places at the time of it. If everyone who had no special business en the street nt that hour had been at home em ploying tiieir time to make better and mote useful citizens or themselves there would have been none of It. Well, I'll stop. Have already said more than I aimed to. Mrs. L. C. I'hifer, who has been at the bedside of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Dud I'hifer, for the past week, returned to her home In Wadosboro Friday. Mrs. Fhifer's condition evi dently does not improve much. These good people have the sincere sympa thy of their friends and neighbors. We were delighted to meet our n'w village doctor for th fust time lust Tliurd.;y. We aro favorably i:u p reused with Dr. Lovell and feel sure that Lis presence and his services among us v ill prove finite pleasant and will ba hiehly appreciated. '1 he v.ri'er wi.dies to ray in conneriion that there is a false minor ritual that the do. tor is here mre hi the Inter t:i oT the drttt; store than In tint of the p w I", l't jtitdice to the doctor I think I can say that this rumor Is without fou.iis.Mi ii i.iui is only a cre ation (if Imritiatlon and speculation as there Is nc.;!iins to warrant SU'"1!! a report. The doctor will, while en paged In the practice of his profes sion, carry a supply of tnirh medicine as is generally in licated in Cue com mon Ills of humanity and send pre scriptions to the drua; store only la special cases w here a special lueiliiine Is indicated. Let's treat the doctor with kindness and due courtesy un til hp proves himself unworthy of the same. After all, it Is becoming more and more apparent that there Is more virtue in the phyrtan's head than in his medicine case. Skill and knowl edge In the management of disease, correct hygenlc rules to be observed, ability to aanis", to encourage, to in spire hope invl faith and enthusiasm, etc., count fer much more these day than medicine; for after all, nutinc must do the curing If cured at all. Nu if said on this subject. It Is; said by those competent of Judging of such things t lis: t Mr. F; shav's lecture here Sunday morning wa.i a brilliant succe s. A good aud ience was present wii'ch highly en joy, d .Mr. l.'pshaw's talk. I'l iliap v.e shall be able to say mere cf this noted orator later on. Mr. L. C. Fhllor of V.Vdesbor.) spent Sunday afternoon and t.is-nt with his parent.', Mr. and Airs. Uud rill fer. Mr. Carl Pivcns returned the bi ter part of the week from a visit ta relatives and friends In the South western States. Mr, llivens says crops are poor. g.'ner..lly speaking. Airs. Addie Kason of Monroe left Friday ntght for Baltimore to visit her brother. Mr. James Agerton of that city. Our people p.ie delighted to rii.d Dr. J. W. Gale of Polkion able to re turn alter quit? awhile absent n lin ing n sore leg, and resume It's duties as pharmacist. Mr. Lrady Trull spent the la!t:ri part of last week anions t'rienda a .Matthews and Charlotte. Mr. J list iss Austin was; over f,o Itadin Sunday and visited his faiu'lyj and other relatives. Air, Austin h so well pleased that he conlentplates i, loving his family over t.heie shortly. Snys It is no trouble to r.et a good job at a good price. We had the delightful pleasure- of having a vhit from Mr. und .Mrs. Let ter Parker of Pagclar.d and Mr. T. K. Helms of incate Sc.niby ev-n:ag. Their stay was necessarily brief, just long enough to exchange greeting, express rympathy and good wishes for this scribe and to compliment his ef forts as a "Journal correspondent" The same clj strry: "Its th tna'n Kit u.e of the paper" to them and l always Prst to be read. Wonder why? Well It la about tint" tor Ine ear tier te he t'lnng. so I'll have to stop; besides I Mil lunch fatigue I and wu-i rest nwhil Will hold other mattes of ii'e.i - t for my next. Very DiflVivitt. London Ojanion. A vennilers German nobleman was courtinr rn American heiress. "Well, Is M"j coin? to buy you? asked a frieni. "Seme linirs I d'v.k ro i." h re-lIU-iL "hut rom dimes I dink she I- only shobbliig." Safety Fivsl. "You krow, a littl? lestriin; is a da- 'e-r: " i i':r-:." 'T Ptn't v citi'd." tCTiliri I'a-iPC-po-r'(".-'i'l. "T'' ; r. feasor ;".- J.ii lpn't even getting that much." ALFALFA IX GULFUKD COIXTY (Tut. With 2(i Members Has Iteen i:IM-riineiiliiiK end the Com liisioii That It's Woitli $HW lVr Aciv. Greensboro News. That alfalfa will bring and is bringing an annual gross inc;.me of more i:ian ?iuo an acre to manyj farmers in Guilford rountr was the! statement made yesterday a:tt ;aouii by E. II. Anderson, (arm deuuustra tor agent Tor Guilford county. Th assertion was mad" during a talk about alialfa. Mr. Anderson xplaiu ing that alfalfa hay U worm in the neighborhood of $Jj per ;on and lhat almost any held of alfalfa that has been given proper attention will easi ly bear rutting four times a yea.- ari that each culling will yield a ton. An alfalfa club was organised ir. Guilford county in 11)13 with ij members. Fach pledged himself ti sow not less than one ac:e and mr ny exceeded that, so that there s.re ap proximately 25 acres of alfalfa i:t the county today grown by these tl'ih members. At that time there v. ere a large number of Guilford county farmers to be found who were of the expressed opinion that alfalfa coeld not be grown at a profit in the coun ty and since the club members start ed their small fields, many of tin doubters have been convinced, so that at present the members of the alfalta club do not hate as many acres of the plant growing as have the lay farmers of the country. The example set to the neighboring farmers by these elub members has been one of good results affected by the formation of the club. "Alfalfa can be grown in Guilforu county profitably especially if proper care H ex. rch ed in the preparation of the land and good seed is used, and plenty of It and by saying plenty 1 mean r.t l. ;..-t C5 pounds to the acre." said Mr. Anderson yesterday after noon. "l'icnty of lime, from four to live tons to He aeie. should be used, for the member of the club who has achievtd the grc.mvt def'iee rf suc cess during the Initial year or his e''o; used the most lime. 1 have obserc ' that alfalla is like any other ctvp In that the better the land, the better the crop. "A few of the club members and other I'armiis sowing alfalfa durirc the past year have t-coud failures : a res tilt of their leaving it to the erne to do it all. These ranie men would not plant corn on poor land and ex pect it to grow and produce a profit without an amount of attention, y t this new crop has been handled -In n few instances In that manner. They have now discovered that oue canv.- t prow a new and bumper crop on ;. . land. Will Try to Protect .Newspapers. Chairman Hurley of the Federal Trade Commission made a statement Tuesday to a meeting of the execu tive committee of the News Flint .Manufacturers' Association in New York winch met to consider lite com mission's proposal for means to p.o ttct entailer newspaper publisdi"r who are dependent on the open mar ket for their print paper and who a. in danger of being cut off from th i,' supply. "1 cannot Impress upon you too strongly." said Chairman Hu:l -y. "the tritical situation now ct nfion. iiig the smaller dailies and weeklies who have built up n circulation o-' a few hundred or a few tho'.i a i l . 'l')-s-eribers on the basis ol an cut'-"- c: paper of from two to thiee c-;:t., a pound and who are n.nv ohlMgitl to pay in muny cues more than si cents. "In fairness; I shoui.l say that such unreasonable and burden o-,:i-prices are usually for sales tlnon-h jobbers who in some instances appear to be making excrasive profits. Ac- j .... i . I r c ... t'.iifij'.u iiir'.intlv r.u-n! v .n I ' IV. ,... ft IV IVl'.'M.. .V.,,,1.. the salesmen of one such hoti.e hat been urging publishers to buy at 5 1-2 cents, telling them that the price will soon be 7 cents and possibly 1" cents per pound." Seat Human Vultiir to Hotiiis I of Two Years. Judge Bond holding cot f al UciK-iSli. on Saliirdi-.y cni K. A. t'all, sawt.iill it, aa and a good-looking te!le.w, to the roads for " ye.r for living in criminally idlimute re lations with Mary Hutfines, a pretty country girl who was flattered into (he liascn with the sawmill man. They were in court making their de fense nnd lister.ed to the biters which Solicitor Monis trad for a full hour. Wall's letters were in evi dence. There was none from the girl. When the testimony was com plete, A. M. Pollard, a farmer of ge.od reputation, told the Judge how he and his wife as the foster l arenls of the pretty girl had taken a:s much Interest In her as though she were thier own. ln til the old man came u;t the r.l ri had listened unhlus'alniiy to the sor did recital which she lead firsthun-J fiom Wall. Wall, the eviietice went, began his deception of the woman by taking one meal a day at the Pol lard house, then moving the number up until the fellow deserted his wife and six children and claimed the pre ttier woman f r his wife. On"- of t!i sentences that convulsed 'h.- court can be printed.: "Wc enn d. tie. we plea e bat ve must be c- fill what we wrili," was tl'e lenaa'a that made the cottr. cave-in. Then followed Inter that won' I have c: V .t .1 thel l had !! ' e t ;e-. V.r. pol'.trd ri-de i h- no -1 I- d-ivva and ' e-; v. i h.ij v 'iei he told Hi" story, f n l!tl and he s,-id : ! " c:-,i:''" ' ' V P.-tt oi e ii : e ,' t! - through the letters. He calltd her darling in every sentence but abbre viated it vtiy time, save one. Judge Dond sent the girl back to the pitlh.tod home and put all the law that he had on Wall, who tot! I be fifteen years or more her s utor. Wall did not appeal and will go di rect to the roads. It Is understood that cortespondence is. censored al the camp and the fellow will haidly have time tor such saial a.-tit s as the other absence from his wife and children gate. Al.s. Wail vu aol ptest i,t at the yoti: i;y mail Mi. liiyan Says FaiiiMi-s Arc ul a Ilis.Kltrfi.lage and Should lie .11 loucu la Send Tiieir ballots by ll Ufa I vlitei). As ctery new crop biings out sola new insect pe-t lo. wicn a reiu tly must o sought. i;o eveiy ne- r.-lorm detiloos ualorseen abuses or evils thai ned to be corrected. The p:; iiiary system, correct in pi, r.t .lie ami noce..uy Itr l lie protetiion el ptui tic.-, t roi.i the hot, has given !-. tii citu. greater relative i:;.ue a. e than ilu y .oin.es'y i er:ee. m t.: makii.g oi noh.ir.utie.rs. The re asm. tor tins is obvious. It is easier f r the tov.'ii voter lh;,:i Ut country vo: er 10 cxetciM the right el uiiiia... The' lot iuer Is iu. r his jm llin; p'- i aud can vote without los:, of t and regardless oi v.eaiher. No' so with the country voter, lie is ai a disadvantage whether the weatiu r h good or bad. If n is good, his til.. is valuable aud it is a pecuniary lo .s to leave his woik lor the time neces sary to make the trip to the polling place and icuim. 11 the weather i bad. it may be diliieult for him to gei there at all. Voting, iherefoie, pu: a tax upon the rural voter which the city voter does not have to bear. No one would think of imposing an unctual tax on the voters I! it were s,n eiacally btaied in dollars tents. Fur instance?, a law rempci ling a farmer to pay a dollar - tio privilege of voiing while only twenty -live cents was required of the my voter, veoilld llol be tolerated .or a inoiner.t. And yi t the actual if. of tl.e pres t-.tt system i. to ce-!:. . .' ; lar-.-ir pietitiiary sacrilice of'tii," :i sal voter. This ought to b-' cotrect e i. , iiy not employ the rural .al tar plan for the eoUeclion e -e - ' If the lederal government can af ford to carry a postal card mip-s in to the country, the state ought to be able to afford to collect a ballot. If the federal government cau afford to carry the mall to farmers every day, the state can certainly Afford to. col li ct bai;.i two or lliie; tin"- v m S .Ho' KM.i'-'ly i l.suld !. appli"-! :.t one;1. 1. i.r.y ollor pia is b, tier, li t it be adopted, but rural deiivr Pas pi oviil ; lleh a Ml. e- r s tl,.,; r w.su'e stem worth while to try lh idea in tl..' collet lion of ve'.-s. ' W. J. BRYAN. Le.t',1 I'oanil Ly ulluvi-s, Marion Dispatch, Sept. 17. Ireil Iliit. t!ie wi-.ite lean who ran nmiuk here Sundtiy, one h !; ago, ,.rd rhot live p-ople, was found dead in the woods today, Icps than a in.lt- from the rcer.e of the shoot ing. J. M. Ilomit. about noon, at Iractetl by vtilUtres. began lo sva-'h for the object (if their prey u'o! .".in 1 lint's body in a decaying condition. Dy his side lay a laliine Reniint: ton ri:!e. a taaor, picket knife, p. n. il and a small botile of s-tiyei nir.-' tablets. The direct cause of lii.i ileal h i:: l no,.r,. but is vupposed to have te suitod from po'isor.ing. llloodhounils and officers followed what was thought to be Hint's, trail Icr many miles ar l it was t'i o:i'., he was still a fugitive from je.u.e until his body was found and Iilen'i !ied today. The body teas Ir.rieil by the shot iff, w ithout a coroner's in dtiest. The Pndine of IiuU's body brines an end to one ei' the most noted cri minal record in the history of Me Dowill county. Butt, while in the arn.y, murdered the captain tf his c'liipatiy and has bee-n Involved in many other sheet ir.v du'is. The t.v triple wounded ly hitn last Sn-: d:r wlil nil reiover, eiier! hit wife, who is In u critiinl condition. Ne till Carolina liil.ildroeii Ot'.lel'e-I to Bordec, The North Carolina National Guard, numbering about S.lOti men, has been ordered to the Mexican bor der and the War Department an nounced that all National Guard or ganizations held at State moMlizi tion prints are schedule lo start tor the border soon, probably within two weeks. The North Carolina troop.i hive been at Camp Glenn since the mobi lization of the National Guard In June. The troops will be moved to the border as soon as transportation facilities are arranged. The waiting will be brier, as the War Department months ago mapped out the course the various regim . would follow. One regiment at least will go by th." Southern Railway, via Raleigh, Char lotte and Greensboro. The others; will pioljab'y he sent over the Al lar.iie C'.a-t Lin and Seaborn d Air Lln Y:th Fc'radier General Lara-eve W. o:.ii'r i-oi n:i i:i ling the .'orf Ciroi'ti.i 'roe's nu.elier 3,1 fto i(nn. t hey ,i:- ia thac regit :eiiis of In fant'. v. two tviopi of cavalry, ot; In -pit-il te-'i's and one am bi'J Hi'-,.-i omaa;iy. nxperier.ee raiy be a great e;.. ; er. but a mm experience with o v ' s.li'.'.t t-relics him goc.l .-en mil n:iu: has alfalfa ,H;t M.il It Thrv Tim.s TUi Siii.iiiM-r Mm b Xe-s AIhuk Wev- ley 1 liaM- Sil...l I....I the IHality , Corre-spontlt nee of The Journal, j .'loir, e :;oule 5, S; pt Is. Our seileiol has j;i.-l closed t!; mo.t pres peious summer term :ht it l.,.s .ur ihad. Tluie were a l..ige numb;: of boarding pup. Is iu il..- dormitories and the community. loard is m.w .given to young people' Horn 1 liuii jeouiny ut actual co. ll bei-.jj a I Slate i.-'r'i ! .".tl, no f.iiti iseiia. g jed pupils in Die hirh ...iio-d dera.l i lueut. The leaehe.s or U.is depart-jtsie-nt have t.iauy yea?' successful , ;e ri. ace-, i he b .... t t! ii!s ate caretully looked after by 1're.f. Meu- detihall and his wile. Mr. Earl Price is ai home oa a vis ...o,, ,i i,i,..., i,,.,.,- m char- I Hev. Mr. Shinkle lias b-ea ducting a pit.tia.ieil mt.tin ;.t con- Sief t:..-1- !W... ..s.t Vs. k. Sevens! I ei ei'. e ii in th". e :. n-. w nseiiibts: such :i Sun- day. ' .ir. i e.-cl: .'iai.-ii t .n I'i ice r t lis. r T: to,. . .!.!;, s .-. Tl.,s past ; is, hiss - Guil- IIIIIICI o T;:es- t in I two r.ioi y;..r tl. :. Mr. I .ml ie,.iea':.iil hit i iotd Coll, ge. This is hi. year il-. n . Mi. J;.im. HawlieM ! -ve -day for Jelietson Medical C-i) l'h. lid. lehia He has compl. . . years work !ti his tiietiie.il v.: our Fniversiiy and will no.. .;, it more at Jeileison College. 1; at two Miss Mildred Mendetih;.;' week to enter the Stale ; la?' .na.l at Greensboro. These younr; people are ail uvcri cr-dit in co!!e-;e entrance ire. a certi licate for woik doii - in Wesle. Chap- e! high schot l. They are t:;,,i' ..; high ; stand r.t enlle'se. J Mr. J. N. Price is putting b;u k tin; ; root' whieh was bli.wtt ef.' ly ,. .stortii ' re'cently troi.i his st.n- , i Two ai.tt mobile load ! A'r. W. I). . L. Price "s Friday over er p unt at iter. They ncorl aud a pleasant. ! Il.iWi'ield's i rid Mr. Ii j :.u.iiiii ,s teoK a t : ip !.i 'to the new elettsi.. , jliiidin on tin- V.iiltir. 'returned by way of j Charlotte. Th.y r ;.. , trip. i All. la!e' M.apson, Ktliel Datiss, ! I 'eree ilegi i s, Aiitriie and .Myrtle- Winehestel. Me. -SI'. Hoi- lirooin .a have i.ii.l Li..ll.le Hell. is. ail o. w i betn attending stheol a-al hi here, have returned lo the..- v.rding homes for vacation. Farmers are having favorable weather to pet a fine quantity of fod der, pea-vine hay, and meadow prases stored. In their burna foa winter -use. for which to should be grateful. j With price of cotton at 15 cents ; farming should be very encouraging. 1 am glad to see, too, thai ,e a.a learning the valuable less ai of di 'versilying our crops, so thai we can have more eil the products that are necessary for a living g.s.wn on our own taiiiis in: tead of having to buy it from the vest. I'nlo-i county has soils suitable f, lie- grown of about, all tl.e (dings we need t.-r home i ou siai.ptiMt ai.il I ilia Sii.e tee will be more pio.(...ois as a ): o le l,i the ele. I! we 'e,'..t,.e a ('. v(;.-i;y. Il is ! Intel es. i. tti no la. :. ; : !;- yoti-.g mules, heises-. eatlle, she. ,, and ho- raised in our county than tcrnietly. We are finding out also that we caa prow many iliiltitnt kind f grasses. ! Mr 1 V P, ... .:,.v. . ..1 : 1 .1 the (last yv.ir and has .:. wid it this2 spring and siii.iiner t'uee lino .' at el will get another ti.owiiir i.. ''in i fro, t. ! It gets better as ii ;,.(, , I aot 'siitlslied from this e:.p ii .re ihat all.ilia e ii n be gf iwi) v a,, s -r.-ct al ly in our eoiiidy. ll 1" i,e of tl'O. richest and best feeds-, today grown. The soil is suitable 1 1 -r ii heie, iC .i k tlii.e- i. i:. : ' ii. it in ;i perennial phft also r.nd la ts a ru; i ber cf years irom on y iw iat1. Your correspondent has star it crovn suc cessfully In several other coiinlies of our Stale. Let's grow n: re (,f it. -Progress. Durham Policeman Kiilcd a Valuable. I 'eg. One- of the most unusual civil ac tiotis in the history of Dm ham civil ly, has bee-n star' id by C. ol. Disk-er.-on en behalf of his wife, against J. W. Iteaveis, pHtro!tiii..i of the lo cal police department. Mr, Dicker son In his complaint, according to his attorney, will allege that the officer over the protetalion.s of h's . i!'t who nt the time was in an extremely delicate state of health, shot and kill ed a dog that had found a hiding; place under (heir home. The shoot ing so frightened Mrs. Dickerson, the complaint will claim, that serious complications set in from the ner vousness and wrecker? her health. The city may be included in the com plaint, provided the fact can b- es tablished (hat it was with authoritv or city officials that the officer shot the stray elog. The amor.nt of dam ages to be asked has not been decid ed upon, although the attorney de clares it will not be less than $3000. Till: JOFitNAL $!..-( or YFAK With this issue The Journal becomes l.f(i p. r ye ar. Most weeklies and all s: ii we eklies have gone to (his price or more. The continue-) rise ia Use pi ice of la;'tr and other make it necessary. Tl,. cnly explanation. tdd subseril.ers may a til October tltn first at rate cf one dollar per y new Ptibsetiption.-' from : are fl-60. ."erUI is the IT 11!) - t'ae oid "r. AH h'r date I I

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