m .,: 1 i f4 fa I I 1 i w I ' 1 if I for WlkiJ ..; -.wv... . n. ; i -.I'll II r i this ft "HV-v. . V-". 'S 1 I I Victrola outfit Vidro!.! X (Mahogany or oak) . . . $75. Twelve 10-inch 75c JouMe-faceJ Victor Records (24 selections) 9. Perhapi you are surprised to learn that you can get one of the "cabinet" Victrolas, and a dozen double-faced records to t suit your own taste, for so little money. g y This style Victrola is much in demand, as it provides the mos; popular features of construction for a small outlay of money. 0. Come in today, have us play some records for you, an'? 'n- $ quire about our convenient terms. z Other styles of the Victor ana Victrola HO M $400 IMiiiW. J. Ri1?i CD. j Monroe, N. C. 1 ONE THING THAT MUST BE GOOD Everybody demands it, and justly so. FLOUR That is the kind this mill makes, INVINCIBLE is the thing. "Made in Monroe." TD6 Henderson Roller Mills MONROE, N. C. Perfect Protection. The Philadelphia Life Insurance Company has just issued a new policy embracing premium waiver and life annuity in case of total disability. To illus trate: If you become disabled while the policy is in force, all future premiums shall waive and the monthly annuity of $8.: per thousand will be paid for life. This is one of the most attractive policies on the market, and the rates are reasonable. For full information, see or write GORDON INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO. STATE AGENTS MONROE, NORTH CAROLINA PRESIDENT FLEDGES GREATER PROGRESS Laws Must Fit New Life. Hs Tells the American Pecple. HIS RECORD OF DEEDS DONE, Real Dry Cleaninfl In the Next Ten Days. Ladies Skirts f .75 Ladies Coat Suits 1.00 and 1.25 Ladies Princess Dresses 1.00 Men's two-piece suits 1.00 All Work Guaranteed. Tour money back unless we please you. RELIABLE PRESSING CLUB JOHN McCALL, PROP. 2t t . trcet . .. Phone 32!. American Right Upheld With Honor. Farmers Greatly Benefited, Business Unshackled. Labor Protected, Chi! dren Cat F rat Votes of Woman Needed World Peace Desired. Shadow Lun. N. J., Oct. 28 -To the Auierlrau pl Wowlrow Wilson to I day cave an accounting of bis oduiln ! titration as their President lie "Uil j aneed his books" so that the record ' stands clear. Promises fulfilled, great i deeds done: That, iu short, tells the story. And jet the story is not flu i isbcd. Other chapters In the great ' Book of Human Progress remain to le , written. It rests with you, American j Voters, to say whether the man who beg-in the book sIihII finish it Here, ui the President's own words. Is a plain statement of what be, as j leader not ouly of the Democratic 1 party but of the nation, bas accom plished In your behalf and of what be ' rlans for your future a statement . made not alone to the thousauds who i Journeyed here but to you and the hundred of thousands throughout the country who also celebrated "Wilson Day." Tha President's Speech, "My Fellow-citizens: This is tailed 'Wilson Pay' only be cause for sis years, first as Governor of Xew Jersey and than as President ' of the United States, I have been per- then a great national party along the ways of progress and of enlarged and regenerated life which our people had so long sought and so long been held back from by the organized power of selfish Interest, and because the great honor biu fallen to me of being chosen j once more spokesman and rcpresenta ! tive of the men who mean to hold the i-oniitry to these ways of peace, hu- manlty and progress. It Is of these I forces that I shall speak and not of myself, who am merely their servant, j "What are these forces? Whence do they spring? What have they aecom ! pllshed. and what is their programme and purpose for the future? It is plain . what they arc. They are the forces J of humane, righteous, and patriotic ' purpose which have sprung up In our I day in the "ilnds of those who per ' ceive the t-licrtcomlngs of the law as it has hardened in America and who look forward with purpose and convic tion to a new age lu which govern ment shnll be Indeed the servant of lib erty and not of privilege. "These are men who perceive that American law has not kept pace with American sentiment: that our law has been holding us rigid and Immovable, until class has begun, in free America, to be arrayed against class; until what was legal bas begun to play a more Important part In our thoughts and de terminations than what Is human and right; ami until America has begun to lag Instead of lead In reconciling what la with what ought to tie. Dawn of a New Age. "A new age had dawned upon us while those who were attempting to lead us were stumbling along with their heads over their shoulders, intent upm 'reserving the conditio!' of a day that Is gone. America has changed and the whole world has changed. Our toiiimeroe ami Industry had grown to such a bulk that the domestic markets of which our former leaders were al way "') solicitous were glutted and we .e bound, unless we were to burst our jin ket, to find a free outlet Into the markets of the world. The time had come when our commerce I needed freedom and would be throt j tied t.y further restraints. I "We bad acquired foreign posses 1 slons. hud been drawn into the politics of the world, had begun to play a part j which could not be played by provln j rials but must be played by citizens of ! the great world of nntlons. And yet we bad not altered our policy or our point ' of view. The great European war bas served at least to show us this oue thing, that the world itself had chang ed; that It had become at once too big world and too little a world to sub nit its destinies to the hostile rivalries ' and ambitions now of this and again of that member of the great family of men; too compact, too intimate In its contacts, too universal In Its ways of Intercourse, to make It any longer pos slhle to limit the effects of any nation's action to a single separate sphere where the rest would be untouched. I "An inevitable partnership of Inter ' ests has been thrust upon the nations. They are neighbors and must accom ' modate their Interests to one another. or else disturb the lives and embar rass the fortunes of men everywhere, No wonder that In such an age men In America should be cried awake and feel once more, as they felt them In the days when their great republic was set up, the compulsions of humanity and o Justice! Squaring Laws With Life. "These are the freshening winds blowing out of the Ufe of mankind ev erywhere, that have brought on a new day In American politics. "We Have loefced enoe mare vary er'i leally at aw awn laws ad eur own praotlcew and have set about to square them with the actual eefiditians af eur life and the life ef the werUL "Four yeesr ago there were two par ties In Ike field whose programme was concetreS under the Influence of these LAND SALK By virtue of the provisions of a certain mortgage deed, executed tv W. K. Free and wife to the V. M. Perry Mill Company, on th 17th lay of June. 1912, and duly nsrign- ed to W. M. Perry on January 12, 1914. the undersigned wiP, on Moinl.iy, o cruller 2Hli, 1UIO. it 12 o'clock M.. at the court house door in Monroe, X. C, sell at public auction to the highest biddt-r. for cash, the following real property situated in the town of "Viugate, X. C to-wit: Peglnning at iron Ftake in North edge of street, V. M. Pog- can's corner, and runs w!tn his line North 3 V V. 169 feet to an iron stake in a ditch, Mrs. Lowery's corn er; thence with said dilch and said .owery's line S. "1 W. 120 feet to iin iron staKe in snuj uncii: tiicnce new line S. in K. 132 feet to an ion stake North edge of the street; iciice with said street North Sfi'i K. 12' feet to the beginning and he- it; the lot conveyed to W. H. !-ie' hy P. A. Parker and wife, on tho 201 h !' October. 1910. Sold to fntis;y the irovi-sions of said mortgage deed. This is a vcrv desirable house and lot, in a splendid community. Ue nu iiibei' the day of sale. W. M. TERRY. Assignee of Mortgage. TACK & PARKEK. Attys. greet forces of progreee and adjust- ojolI. the Democratic party and the Progressive party. Th!s year there ts but one, the Democratic party. In the presidential election of four year a;n tome fifteen million Totes were cast "Of these, nearly ten and a balf lull Uons were iat for the candidates of the to progressive parties, ouly three and a balf oillliotis for the candidate of the Kepulil.nu party, the party which lingered In the old avs and felt none of the new Impulse of a new d.y. More than two-third ef the vot ers of the I'niteil States favored thn. and favor now, a programme whose ob ject Is to serve the chauglng needs of buiuHiilty and progress. -The lHTiocratlc party was entrust ed with the task. Thei-e powerful force of the new age were put under Its direction. And under that direction m hat hae they accomplished? "They have put both the business and the Ufe of the country upon a new footing. Financial Credit Re'eeead. "They have released the financial credit upon which commerce and pro duction alike depend, from the control of small groups of financiers and bank ers at the speculative centers. "They have released the commerce and Industry of the conutry from the domination of those wto were building up their power by selfish and uufair methods of comictttlon. "They hav Mippllcd those who wished to couUin t their business In conformity with the spirit of the laws with friendly guidance) and delivered them from a nervous fear of the courts. "Tbey have released our foreign trade from the shackles of a tariff con trived In the Interest of special groups of laTored. producere, and hare created (Continued on page three.) Notice of Publication of Summons. North Carolina. Union County in the Superior court. Troy Marsh by his guardian, V. 0. Leniniond. vs. hlla Tyson and her husband, V. IS. Tyson, Edna Simpson and her husband, J. W. Simpson, John V. Marsh and his wife, Carrie Marsh, and Eniiiiallne Marsh. To Edna Simpson and her husband. J. W. Simpson, und John W. Marsh, and bis wife, Carrie Marsh, defendants in the above entitled proceeding: You. and each of you, will take notice that a spocial proceeding en- itled as above has been commenced n the Superior Court of Union coun ty by the above named plaintiff for he purpose of partition among the cnants in common of the William R. Marsh tract of land situated In Mar.-liville township, 1'nion county, X. C; and each of t he snid defen dants will further take notice that hey are required to appear at the iltiec of the Clerk of the Superior Court of I'nion county in Monroe. X. C on the 14th day of November, 19 1C. and answer the complaint filed hy the pluintlff in said proceeding, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This nth day of October. 1916. R. W. LKMMOND. C. S. C. VAXX & PRATT. Attys for Plaintiff. JOURNAL WANT AOS. ONE CENT A WORD FOR EACH INSERTION Z3 STAXDARD BRED Barred Plymouth Kocks an exceptional opportunity to obtain a pen of mated dependa ble breeding fowels at a very mod-j erate price, for Immediate delivery. II. E. Cam. Troutman. X. C. CLOTHE.-? CLEANED cleaner than the cleaner that cleans clothes clean. Try us this week. Reliable Pressing Club. John McCali. Prop. FOR SALE Modern 7 -room house. Water, lights, etc. one of the best locations In city. A bargain. See K. L. Payne. WILL BE CLAD to furnish dressed hens to the ladies In town.as we are prepared for the business. W. U. Outen, phone SI. SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Reds stock and eggs for sale, bargain In some prize winners. Cedar Rock Poultry Farms. Pickens, S. C. box ', DR. H. SMITH is out of town for a few days. He will give notice of I rof ii rn in thia r- j - , IF YOU want a farm home write Dr. j Wimberly. Lumpkin, Ca. ! ISO ACRES 2 miles fine bottom I land Richardson CtwV 3 nuui ton. ant bouses and outbuildings. On public road. 10.00 per acre, cut to suit. Extra good land, lies well. Postoffiee Box 295, Monroe, N.C. FOR SALE 53 acres, 55 in culti vation, balance wood and pasture, good 6-rooui dwelling, barn, good well, close to church and school; easy terms Post Office Bo 295. FOR SALE Elchty-slx acres rood farming land nine miles of Rock ingham, four miles of Ellerbe. Thirty acres of open land, and six room bouse on the place. Also about one hundred thousand feet of standing timber. Will sell on easy terms. Adds Clacde Gore, Rockingham. X. C. SMALL FARM and other property for sale. Write and see what a bargain I have to offer you. A. Hodges. Hlllard. Fla. VIRGINIA FARMS Store and land cheap. Reasonable terms. C. Wetiuer, Nottoway, Virginia. SPECIAL BARGAIN 400 acres- stock, corn, grain, hay and grass farm. 250 acres cleared, all fenc ed and nicely watered. 100 acres bottom land. Good 10-room dwel ling, 3 tenant houses and necessary outhouses. Only 2 4 miles on Xa tional Highway from splendid school and business town of 2500 people. In a progressive and first class community, a farm that you will want on sight. Write for com plete description of this and other good bargains. Free list, farms of all sizes and prices. H. Frederick sen & Co., Blackstone, Va. BIG LOT Leap's prolific seed wheat. Hancroft.W inter Gray. Rust Proof, Fulfhum. and Appier seed oats. F. B. Ashcraft. SEE W. R. OUTEN at Lathan & Richardson's before you sell your turkeys, chickens and eggs. Will pay highest cash price and can use the in all. WATT ASHCRAFT. Veterinarian. Day calls, 113; uight calls, 191-R. Office on Hayne street, east of court house, Monroe, N. C. WE WILL save you money on your shoes. Collins at Hargett. H. E. COPPLE'S furniture store has a full line of all kinds of furniture and It pays to call there before you buy. WE WILL buy your cotton this year, also your cotton seed, and guaran tee you the highest market price. Bring along the cotton and the cot ton seed Cooperative Mercantile Company. IF YOU burn good coal phone 65 F. B. Ashcraft. The following Is the act requiring delinoutit ta:: - pavers in I NIOS COUNTY to pay an additional fee of fifty cents to the tax collector: Public Local Ijtww of North Carolina, Session 1915, Chapter 5.18. AX ACT TO FACIIJTATK THE COL. LECTION OK TAXES IN KOBE SON AND OTHER COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Car. liaa do enact: Section 1. That any and all per sons, firms or corporations In Robe son county who fail or neglect to pay their taxes on or before the first day or February of any year shall pay in addition to the regular tax a fee of fifty cents, the said additional feo to be paid to the officer collecting said tax and retained by such office as compensation for his services in col lecting delinquent taxes: Provided, that this act shall not apply to rural policemen in collecting delinquent taxes In Robeson county. Section 2. That this act shall ap ply only to the counties of Robeson, Bladen and I NIOX. Section 3. That this act shall be In full force and effect from and after the first day of March, one thousand, nine hundred and firteen. Ratified this, the 6th day of March, A. D. 1916. THIS APPLIES TO riTV TAT THE SAME AS COUNTY TAX. NOTICE. Xorth Carolina. Union County, In the Superior Court. C. B. Williams vs. Sallie L. Williams. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Union County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant on the grounds of adultery; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday In March, 1817, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 3rd day of October, 116. R. W. LEMMOND, C. S. C. Stack & Parker, Attys. DR. R. II. GARREN, PITYSICIAX AND SUKGEOX. Office over Hamllton-Lilea Co. Store. Office Phone No. 258. Residence Phone No. 13-J. MOXKOE, X. C. SEE US for Roofing, Rubber and 1 Galvanized. Collins & Hargett. ! MRS. JULIA R. PRICE REGISTI'UKD NURSE, MOXKOE, X. C. Address TOO S. Hayne St. Phone 08-J. WANTED Addresi of produce deal ers. Poultry a specialty. D. C. Mac!, St. Petersburg, Fla. PLENTY CRIMSON and Red clover seed F. B. Ashcraft. FLOWER POTS Shipment Just re ceived. F. 1J. Ashcraft. DR. G. M. SMITH, Physician and Surgeon, MONROE. N. C. Office over The Union Drug Store, Monroe, X. C. Calls answered promptly day and night Phone 221. SEED OATS Car load of Texas Rust Proof Just received, the best seed oats on the market. Co operative Mercantile Company. WE HAVE something special the barn-yard shoe. Come and see It. Collins and Hargett. Ordinance of the City of Monroe, X. C, 1 ixlng Licese Taxes. 30. Upon each and every auto mobile used for carrying or trans porting persons, baggage or other ar tides for hire, J 10.00, provided, ni person shall be taxed more than 10 under this sub-section. That every person receiving from the City of Monroe a license undet this section shall attach In a con- spiclous place on the vehicle the tag showing the number of the license and the year of its issue, which shall be given by the City of Monroe with the license so that the number may be earily peon. Any person falling; to attach the tag or plate furnished him shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined $50.00 or imprisonment thirty days. Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to carry on any business hereinafter named.or to do any of the actn or enjoy any of the privileges mentioned in this ordin ance, shall, before doing so, apply to the City Tax Collector for license to do the same and shall receive such license by paying the tax necessary for such privilege or right. If any per son, company, firm or corporation, shall exercise any of the professions, trades, callings or businesses or do any of the acts licensed herein before paying such license tax, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for thirty days, for each offense. Sec. 15. That thla ordinance shall be In force from and after the date of Its adoption. Adopted this June 6th. 1916. JOHN GRIFFITH, Mayor. G. S. LEE, JR., City Clerk. PLENTY GRASS SEED for pasture mixtures. Call In and talk to us about It F. B. Ashcraft. ELKIN HOME made shoes for the whole family. The best shoe made for winter wear. F, B. Ashcraft. COME TO see us. We will sell you shoes same price as last year. Collins & Hargett. JUST RECEIVED A lot of flower pots. Collins & Hargett. WANTED To rent a two or three horse farm. Have three plow hands and fonr hoe hands. John M. Deese, Belmont Drug Co., Char lotte, X. C. FARM LAXDS For bargains In mid dle and south Georgia lana write Middle Georgia Realty Company, Sandersvllle, Ga. W. B. HOUSTON, Surpeon Dentist. MONROE, X. C. Office up-stairs, Fitzgerald Building. Northwest of Court House, S. B. BIVENS, DENTIST, MARSHVTIXE, N. C. Office: Carolina Bank Building. DR. R. L. PAYNE, Physician and Surgeon, MONROE, N. C. Office In" old Postoffiee Building, orer Union Drug Co. Office hours 11 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. Residence Phone, 273-R. IF YOU want to buy your shoes at the old price, see us. Collins & Hargett. PLEASE CALL at any time for hack work. Henry Lily, Phone 268. WE HAVE shoea at the old price Collins HaigetL ABRUZZI RYE Just getting la a big shipment. F. B. AfhcrafL FIXE FARM for sale Located In Randolph county, J miles from Whitney, from Denton. 27 acre. 140 acres in cultivation. Level, good soil, fair building. Will 11 at a low figure. For par ticulars write P. L. Shore, Lexing ton, N. C. Route 4. Dr. B. C. Redfearn, Dentist Office one door South of Bruner'l Store. Phone 232. MONROE, N. C At Marshvllle on first and third Mondays of each month and at Mat thews second and fourth Monday. V. B. LOVE, Attorney -at -Law, MONROE, N. C. Rooms 14 and IS, Law Building. W. 0. LEMMOND, Attorney-at-Law. Office ta Law Building, old Library Room. Monroe, N. C Will practice- In all tie State and Federat Coarsn. Will five special at tention to collection of claims and setiemsct of eertatea by administra tors and executor,

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