THE MONROE JOURNAL nJ rjak "r fhans desir - There was a fierce struggle in the Founded in 1S34 by the present house ever the Question of whether ;jVei Are THE SOUTH IS AGAIN" FACING WILSON SIGNED DONE DRY DILL IL VAST ATI NU FLOOD DANG Fit owners and publishers. R- F. Beasley. G. M. and It F. BEASLEY. Editor Publihed Iirh Tuej-lav " Friday. SI. 30 per Year. The Journal Luilding. corner Jefferson and DtusKy Streets. cf Telephone No. UK TUM'AV, MARCH i. t!H7. i idiic; h:l ( i iie.ii('.e.i e. tor Ka!tir;h. March The Ceer.rr.1 A.-soi!-l'y v!i: V.lwly ad'ourn for ftcI tiuaoirow nvr-t or Wednesday inorn inj. T'to :Mv p;.y days expired Sat urday but .;!: of ti e business v, sa not gi eminent end an absilutely ess. a comph-ud. i do not that any It L-bl.ii.uo ever was through ami -tuit at th the s-ity d:.ys. 1 pu the . . way if the Fn r.ble to pet exact end cf it v. ould be :t were - tv if il;.vj i t.';'. wind''!;; be:s the b-i.-iil' ty : per M C' who wi'.l e; 1 :i - . Th many eV fpc; the house. pid.Ks !: elites it with "Murphy is .-o p:oii so lerti'iu i-f Liiii-i t.ttia-; as to wht the matter c . i atii.imer that h? mali'v a pivsidir. gets bii.-iai "t ! The hers will have to stay i three days on their own we' . s;:; i:yr.;':5, A lew .iv always necessary for t E.-ough raei.i- ' st.,y I'Ver to attend to Ur. th. la.;; ; f th.' .'." (...!;. rends r.-vurd a I .1 . i-;:.i,aiii,vs c i me mVrs i e to :ay ;-t r r the pay ;:; l tie I us'- '. r ' . . t ;.. i ..".'. :.. Ta.: a . ."...ti who want to . ry point ( I everv sub- tii:. s a? po-:ble. lUit ..''! p.'axer .Uarphy. e---. .-'ouie' i; ,o-. it ex;i t!.e steani roller. Mr. Houx? I'.-lvxhI Resolution Deferring Out of ILtuk in Some It Fflettiveiie to July FW. r.'-e should be made br a ma- Stiltons Many Homeless ami President Wilson signed th post . .w, r MiK-fa Froiteiir Iteni.tce Ml Hoi- office bill carrying the Reed '"bone ju.uv rt. - v f.;s Ihiuu ; amendment Saturday night. majoiuy oi me votes mm. K;v1 S;,utll(.,n States. Tennessee.! Just before the bill a sent to the standpatter who always seek t .'Alabama. Ceorsii:. North Carolina white house the house by a vote of u.a";e it h:d as possible to make any and Vtrgmli. are threatened with 3S ! to M passed the Joint resolution -.-. r:,.M(i t.i ake it .dUaitroui .!.xds. :sui-nd:r until July 1. the opera ,"'.. , .w"' r,o: Kivers already ore over their tion of the "bone dry? provision. The a luiijomj vi af ,v . ' hack in east Tennessee, southem : rtvidution now goes to the senate whether they were interested, dead oei.;i;!a ad eastern Alabama with and if that body does not pass it be er alive. Cut the other side won and considerable property damage and fore adjournment the "bone dry it w 11 reeuire a r ajortty of ' hundreds boinele.-s in Tennessee. So clause which bars liquor and liquor . " ' ' " . far. no loss of life has been reported. . advertisements from entering states menu oi . iu .. . i Chattanooga and Knoxville. in Ten-, in Intestate commerce would operate uissioa f Tin cf fovt .ru:unt if i ! Best. and Montgomery tnd m the day the president af Used his Jesltes to have cne. .loosa. in Alalia bia. aie the cities ' s.nature. . .most t'irootlv threatened. Lowlands After a conference between South- t bn been done around the two Tennessee towns al-,e:n express ofucials and their attor p.vern! er.t will be cone tor na .s dnVt.n f,.,,,., vt,r ! 0,,.3. Suburbs ! sidertd the Keed amendn;ent to the and certain other local r.Cairs. This of Kr.oxviile are cut off by flood wa- po.-toifice appropriation bill valueless is a b e step forward in local self Urs. s-o lar as aiding in making prohibition l sides tr.a xenos.-e Kiver, the , states oor.e dry is concerned, ihe 1 .r.l in rlvif ia Avnoot.Mii.n.'ii.nt rnr. fnl trn ciitorjt tia! thin;: in t: y way o. thinKing in ,(M. t(J ro;u.h j tU i:e tomorrow. ; in every detail at the conference, ar- l.o puservatien cf this principle of piceoj Kiver has ovevflowed its i ur which the above opinion was giv el! tulo in local matter. I do not, banks. ea out. ... ,. a..,. ;u rf ill t''e mei-i Uivers ft flood stase In Alabama! It is understood that the express kr.o the d. t.ul.- of al t .ese me.i R,.ti ,,.,,,, ,., r,.ck Warrior. ! company will continue their liquor sures f r it has betn aosoiutuy ' :-; Tombipbee and Chattahoochee. Injdep-u in Atlanta. It was ansounccJ t s-il li- t . keep up with everything , tUt.r.-m, the Oconee. Oeinulgee and i earlier in the afternoon that the c.m but bv an.i by all will be known and 1 Chattahoochee are to be at flood j pany would receive shipments which The road bond !s!a!"' tomorrow, in .rrtn Larolna. had been ordered prior to the signing aneKi ana .eu.-e nivers are oi tne oin oy tne president an.: would r.c rapiitiy ana i.iay ovemovv to-; continue to deliver consignments of 'he sa:::e th! tvwr. in th l Li ? matter by an.i by . in working or .lor. ,!1 passed the cr.f which permit va:.tay.' vD theu ipt ; i!f. li s u-.cision, ! so unhes' ! be i'.r.f in ..: y p; act ice, : office:' who !'ett-e i.:ei:i vtr tv.o or t .'eien.'e and :!:c state to issue bends at tour per M.r'nv, while the upper James in li.nior in Atlanta ct at and lend the money to the j Virginia is threatening to go out cf; Fifty mail ordr whiskey houses in counties at per cent and thus let I its',anI,;s- , ., u .v Chattanooga, having a combined The iloods are the result of heavy I Mock exceeding in value cf one mil the extra one per cent pay tae,iins for ;e ,inst nveral days iin dollars, were put out of business ci; al lack in forty-one years. Of j throughout the South. Food staces.hy a stroke of the pen Saturday af ceurse r.o countv can get the ad- i in the 10 rivers are predicted on the I ternoon when the Ueed amendment thi without vot'ng it up- i l,r' ":' r,t rainfall, and "d.sastrous re-; became a law. Under the provisions .. - i e ' i ; ... . ,m. ia'?u!t!!" aie expected should the rain-1 of this statute the local bouses can V t . 1 Del.ev e tills IS it ,.,!,,., r.nvllv rnln nr irntr .n i. to be a revolutionizing thing la ; is forecast for tomorrow in the five State or even use the mails. The Ten- ti uction. j states ai.cct.d. tutt i:.:r weather is nessee law had allowed them to re- I promised for Tuesday. I main in business until July 1 to dis- ' Imuiiiural I'arade Was a Fatiioticl The threatened Mood apparently j p,se of their stock. Iietiu :istiaiio'i; Not a I'loK t-vsioii j cover a wider urea than p.ny flood.' The passage of the Heed ! reci ni-d in ine .-oi;.n in leceni years , nmenCmcnt, however, will amount ! and r.ll indications are that la some amount to a ctnHscation of the i places, partieuiatly in eastern Ten-j liquor stocks in Chattanooga ware ; nessee. they will be the most dis-: houses as has been asserted by a-trous In many year?. I tome. The dealers can ship their ! As the result of a meteoric rise in j goods to distilleries or warehouses the Catawba Kiver Sunday, the i in any vet state, attorneys for the ill tiit: without pay eatt !i up. to wait for the senate to V'..-huigton. March .". The inau gural parade was more than u nitre proce.ion as part of the ceremonies; it was a patriotic dem n:t!ation. A- tin- marching host of some "0. ooo trumped from the capilol to the white house before thousands of America-: '.he martiftl music and un mistakable note of national patriot ism recalled to many the days of more than 50 years ago when the federal aimies marched in review ov er 'he taaie route. The natim's lighting men who have fi tight the nation's wars and run who will be called to light them ir. the tuture all were represented in the Kmg line. Resplendent in gold and Hue and gray, they marched in review before the Pre-id-nt. Army, v pr;;p-'havy, national guard, cavapy. inlan- tiy. s:i:iors. souuers, marines; vet erans of the Civil War, Uoy Scouts land Hod Cross workers; all branches, Vhe p:'o;;i :'ii.eii lor any new judge? whatever was hille,!. Th-io will be no new ont ;. The advocates of r tli.-ti'itts. ami mule ju.ige- maut btrong repeahd aitemptj but lai'.ed. The house rtlita tve osition and i. .ashed ii !h;t. All wo man sutfrage pi ejects wire laid low. .'o increase of .-alaries has been per-j past, piese-nt and prospective, of mili- bridge at Mt. Holly utilized Jointly jby the riet!:r.ont and Northern lines ;r.nd the Seaboard Air Line, together i with. the toll bridge, a few hundred ; yards distant, went down before the (swollen stream, the toll bridge i crumpling under the strain at Slot' ;p. t:i., and the railway bridge collap jsir.g two hours later. Both wore iwooibn sti iit'tures which had been I built to replace the connecting links ! between "i.'o. klenh'irc and Gaston counties, carried away during the ewntful flood ol July, 1316. lnittcd except for the- governor, who w:u, given tome raise. The Farmers' Union request for iiii'iative and referendum laws died on a solid wall of staapatkiu on the committee on constitutional amendment;:. There lias been no thange in taxation me thods, as indeed then could not be. The bond isiie for educational and charitable institutions will go through, including half a million dol lars for public school houses. Tne most marked departure from form in legislative habits will be the laws regulating and establishing a new system cf prison management. It jojts into cj'.e:a',ion a sy.-tvi.i of honor t.J re,vaij an.) holds out induc--utntS Calculated to give j risone-'-s rr opportunity to forsake their evil lary service and many thousands of citUvns were represented in line. lied, Wh'te nnd Blue Displaced All All Other Colors in iH'i-oratioiis., March 5. The Red, White and L'iue displaced all other color? in th? scheme of decorations lor l,revid"nt Wilson's Inaugural. The grtta and white, and the mixture of gay colors ef other years were en tirely submerged in the display of national colors. From every stand they fluttered, from every public building. The folds of the Hag rippled from the crowd ed stands along the line of march as if in answer to the salute of the the same colors borne by the march ers. The Hag hung or drooped from balcony, window pnd housetop. It fluttered In the hands of cheering .'poctators. It hung suspended in stately dignity at thousands of homes . i . I. 1 : .. . . . . i. a Y. - I : ways and become good a. embers m,"'" ""' ul a " ' , , , ! of march, everywhere, the city dis- arouad tii-.i legislature ami ovt ' played the flag. the State like a flood in consequence (f the article prepared by I.oy Traywick and the subsequent investigation of them. His charges were found to be substantially true in detail and wholly an'! accurately t:ue in general tone, description and conclusion. The has boon something of n night mare to those who have heard it all. I have ha 1 many mute appeals from prisoners sent in round about ways, and many open ones from men who are Dot now prisoners. With the new l.iws and with the- certain at-'ri tention that Governi r l.'ickctt wili five ti-e prison nlfa'tv fur th" nrxt four years, I believe th:it we shall noon have a revolution in this m;.t ter in our state. It has bon too long neglected. With the State prison put on new methods the county chain gangs must follow ;;uit. Cut even with all the exposures nr'd dl i'le evidence of rudeness and ignorance "Am I good enough for you?" sighed the fond lover. "No," said the girl candidly, "you ace not. but y ..u are too good for any other girl." New York Times. TOX1M.1NK IS HEAFTV AID. AXMH'.NCF.S SPECIALIST to Mildred Louise Talks of Interest Women. As hcaUh Is a first aid to beauty tills story, told by Mildred Louise, i.kauty Spe-cialist of Boston, Mass., 1j of unusual interest. "I can recommend no better health ?r than tonoline," said Mildred Louise. "I was for many months a victim i f stomach trouble and nervousness. I had suffered terribly from pains that followed eating. Headaches al to would add to my worries. Poor digestion finally brought on nervous ness. "Kelief came, however, when I took the advice of several women who said, 'Tak? tonoline. 'Not Ions after I started the tono- Death of Mrs. ,1. W. Fowler. Mother has been called to leave us, .she's passed to another sphere, She's left behind her loved ones, To her so precious and dear. Her thoughts so pure and noble, Her life the brightest star, And has been a beacon to our world, We see it now afar. She's gone, but still she's here, Her memory is with us still, The path she trod is before our eyes, Her power, her stre ngth, her will. She was truly a flower of God's mak ing, A breathing, living guide; And the world has lost Its sweetest gem, Untarnished, true nnd tried. Gentle hands will take her body And place it neath the sod, But the soul has took It's night And is now with it's Cod. Now at peace, peace, blessed peace, And rest, eternal rest, Where' there's no bickerings, there'J no fears, With the humble and the blest. T. B. I.aney. dealers declared this afternoon. Major Stcdiiiiin Will Hot ire. Major Charles Manley Stedmr.n, Fifth district North Carolina repre sentative In Congress, announced Saturday that he would not stand for re-election two years hence. He be gan bis fourth consecutive term In Congress Sunday. Major Stedman as signs some private, personal matter that he desires to attend to which would interfere with his work tn Congress as the reason for his decis ion. The Fifth district representative Is one of the four remaining Confeder ate veterans In Congress. The other? are General Estophinal of Louisiana. General Talbott of Maryland, and Judge Rucker of Missouri. He is popular in his district, having been returned to Congress at the last elec tion without any Democratic opposi tion. His home Is in Greensboro. IRex Theatre King-Murray-Jones MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Here all the Week. Pretty girls, good singing and nifty costumes. Be sure and hear the male quartet tody. This is the best at traction ever here. Pictures Tuesday The Big Paramount Star PAULINE FREDERICK . -IN- "Nanette of the Wilds" A story of the Canadian Northwest. WEDNESDAY "The Great Secret" Francis Bushman and Beverly Bayne. THURSDAY Martyrdom of Phillip "The Srtong," The Story written by Rev. Chas.M. Sheldon, ALL STAR CAST. A Wonderful Photoplay. Open 3 P. M. Adiu. 10 and 20c. Births. ! To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Mon roe township, a son, Feb. G. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Conley A. Folk. Monroe township, a daughter, Mary Katherine, Feb. 13. j To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson, Mon-, roe township, a son, Franklin Moses, ; Feb. 15. To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Preston, We?t Monroe, a daughter, February : lfi. ! To Mr. and Mrs. John Crook, Mon-' roe township, a daughter, Feb. 18. j To Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Itauconi,, Monroe lloute 2, a t'aughtt ;, Feb, 25. j T. L. Crowell. Kegistrar. line inent niv tintrona hecnn to and Indifference that have b?n fx-;,.em!nd cf tnf improvement In posed there were still plenty of men my condition. And because health is who regarded it nil as mere sent!-! the quickest way to beauty, the Im- i ... j a n .improvement was particularly notice- good things in the law thr.t we wish ed but we got enough the new principle. Every night now the sessions are held till eleven and twelve o'clock. Some very important legislation has been prepared which has never before been necessary by any other legislation. the constitutional r-mendments able In my face. "What tonoline really did for me to establish ' cannot r-r.y. I am so grateful that I am verv willing to recommend tono I line pubiirly." Tonobne is a purely vegetable preparation which goes to the seat of common maladies stomach and constructive kidney trouble, catarrhal affections of ti e mucous membranes, liver ail ments and Impurities of the blood rnd cuickly restores proper action. As a result of .Tonoline Is being explained daily to pro- many people at Lnglish Drug Co. - . : . . . . i : I .1 fcihttinir he lrul-l-tiire from oaisinz' notice. nn; i a wouuei- nibiting the lcgi-l..tuie irom passing bulldpr u snould not be special laws on certain subjects, gen- j taken by Bny f,ne not wishing to in- eral laws were required to be fram- crease his weight ten pounds or more. ed upon the subjects and these have ! Although many reports are received . , . ,ii.iii. r., f from those who have been benefited presented great difficulties. One of . hy lonMM ,n caspg of Rtoniaoh the most important of these was the , troubie and nervous dyspepsia, one to bestow felf government upon chronic constipation, etc. towns and cities. The legislation will put North Carolina to the front on this subject They proviae machinery whereby the people of any town may hare any kind of government they want at any time they want to get It They can Initiate the thing, tote It 50c IIOX FREE FKEE TONOLINE COUPON Americnn Iropr1etory Co., Boston, Mass. Send me by return mail a 50c box of your celebrated Besh build er. I - enclose 10c to help pay postage rntlpnckln?; Inaugural Hull Abundiind l or Find Time Slnee the Year 1S77. Washington. March .". President Wilson's opposition to the time hon ored Inaugural ball has been main tained over all the pressure brought to bear for such an event, and there was no reception or other social af fair to tak" its place. There was no ball at the rresl- de-nt's inauguration in 1913 and thr.t was the first time since 1877 that such an event had not been the cli max of the ceremonies ef the diy. In 1S77. the Hayes-Tildcn contro versy upset all Inauguration plans. The final vote of the trlhunal which cnfi tA PrAcMunt 1 vca u na vt rt an nounced until Mtrch 3, nnd there : was no opportunity for arranging a ball. Don't forget that we have a big, clean line of "IVIcGraw and "United States" Automobile Tires and other accessories. We are sole agents for these two hranrls buy in large quantities and caai give you very attractive prices. I8 I 181 U THEATRE FRIDAY "RIXIvMI, CJAMULER" A reel Feather Photoplay in 0 Acts. Featuring RUTH STONEHOUSE In the role of Nellie Gleason, Detective i COMING SOON "THE LIFE OF O... SAVIOUR" Seven lleeU In Natural Color. : .r IP. 1 ... -O- "-' .r- " ' ... . 'f ' - - ,.i f t rr-f '- , 1 Jl Monroe Hardware Company Franklin, Main, Hayne and Morgan Streets.

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