E Attitude ol t&e Parent Toward the Chad and the Teacher PKICES: Kiinnltoitt $:U5. Touring Car SttOO, Couplet So'to, Town Car $5!K, Sedan $013, f. o. b. Detroit WE on hand a fresh supply of Flour, Mill Feed, Cow Feed, Sugar Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, Corn and Corn Meal, and Salt. We buy in large quantities and pay SPOT cash. We sell at a small profit. We ask you to visit our store, look our stock over, get our prices and this will convince you that we can s&ve yo:i big money. Dca't forget our place, next door to Sikes Stables. Sikes Sanders Co. Young Men -AND- Young You are invited to open a Savings Account at this Bank. We have many other young people among our depositors, and would LIKE to have YOU. "Money in Bank'' gives you a comfortable feeling, a keener zest in life, and a greater earning capacity. One dollar will open a Savings Account with us, and your mon ey will DRAW INTEREST and CONTINUE TO GROW. The Savings, Loan and Trust Company It. B. REDWINE, President II. B. CLARK, Cashier. A rather critical old lady once Bald to Crawford: "Have you ever written anything, Mr. Crawford, that will live after you are gone?" "Madam." Crawford replied polite ly, "what I'm trying to do is to write something that will enable me to live while I am here." THE UNIVERSAL CAR r. wis n m zr. m 'H8 , Have bxti built and actually delivered to retail buyers sIimc Aiu. 1, 1D1C. There fij;iHvs 320,817 represent fhe actual number of cars niunuf.ut tir ed by us since August 1st, 1010, and delivered by our nctaits to retail buy ers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford ears makes It ncces:irjr for m to confine the distribution of earsonly to thoe agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to Mock tars In anticipation of biter spring sales. We are Issuing this notice to Intending buyers that they may protect them selves against delay or disappointment In securing Ford cars.. If, th'rcf ic, you are plaining to purchase a Fo;il car, we advise you to plate your or der and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay In baying at this time may cause you to wait several mom lis. Knter jour tinier today for immediate delivery with our nitthoUzed l rd agent listed below and don't be disappointed later on. HENDERSON GARAGE & MACHININE CO., AGENTS,' MONROE, N. C. : Women "I'm thinking seriously of starting up a movlng-plcture theatre." "Well, there's good money in that business." "It Isn't the money I'm after. But I would like to see my wife and chil dren once In a while." New York World. KEEP n J I AlTI.ICATiOX I'OK l'ARDOX OF : PLKAS KIZKK ArTi'cation will be r.icde to the I Governor of North Carolina for the i i pardon of rkaa Klzer. convicted in i the recorder's court of the city or ! Monroe in October, 1016, for the crime of larceny of the temporary use I of a mule and sentenced to six months i cn the chrln gang. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are Invited to for ward their pretests to the Governor without delay. This 27th day of February, 1917. VANN & PRATT. Atorneys For Applicant. NOTICE OK SALE OF CITY LOT AXI) BANK STOCK Under and by virtue of an order of Superior Court, made In the special proceeding entitled H. M. Houston et al vs. Daisy Youngblood et al., the undersirned commissioners will on Saturday, March 31st, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court horse door in Monroe, N. C, sell at public auction the following described lot of land in the City of Monroe, on the waters of Bear Skin creek, adjoining the lands of J. A. Crowcll, S. A. L. v ay and others, bounded as fol lows : Beginning near a corner of lot sold by J. ."!. Fairley to V. C. Carroll, and uns r westorrJy direction 180 feet to a stone: thence in a southernly di rection 136 feet to a stone; thence in r'i casternly direction 180 feet to a rtone on the street; thence with said street in a northernly direction 13( ft'pt to the heglauln?, containing 21, 4 So ff;uite fret, and known a the Walkup lot. Aiso ten fliares of the cr.pl'.r.I stock of the First National Bank or Monroe, N. C, and ten shares of the eapitnl Ktcck of the Savings, Loan & Trust Co. Term.s of F:ile of the Walkup lt, ore-hi'lt" cash, one-half In el'it r.'.orths, deferred payment to ber.r in terest from date of tale and to be se cured by adequate security to be ap proved by the court. The bank BtoeX will be poM for cash. Thi3 sa!e ia being made for parti tion. This 2Gth dry of February, 1917. J. C. M. VAXX. J. C. SIKES, Conim-s. WHAT IS LAX-fOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCAHA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND UVER TONIC Laz-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following old-fashioned toots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better than ordinary Cas- ! CARA.and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathar tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but Laz-Fos combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove Lax-Fo3 is invaluable for Constipation, I Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 50c. IAX-F0S Read at the Parent-Teacher's Meet ing Friday afternoon by Mrs. IL B. Uedwiae. Best results can be obtained in i-chool only by obiditnce. systematic work end ambition to measure equal to tr eupeiior to any ether in the c'.ass. 1 si:.-. 11 therefore tndt-avor to point out in a brief way the posi tion a parent should take with refer ence to the child's work and the toucher. Obedience id absolutely n- ressa-y, and if required at heme, fcm! the child ? tLorc'jjrhly taucht t'..t the s. n.e duty Is duo the teacher a-- 'a due the ptrtnt. and never t:i':e sii!.jr. ura'iist the lfnchtT thon th:s retuire:n ni fcns been mot. Kihtj tu'c tiu-uvb I v. ir.t to say I do n;t l.eiicve li blird obedience. I. think it i? due ts a fluid, by both parent and i te t her, to explain fully just wha ! should be done, r.nd as far as reason able, why these things are required. I do not suppose you v. ill find la eith er prammar or hi.ih school two chil dren just alike, so it requires dif ferent ways and means of brinpir.pl about as nearly as possible perfect j obedience. I most earni!y believe I that to obtain the best results from) 0. tr children, we as parents have to be very careful and discreet In carry ing out our promises. A parent or teacher is very much mistaken if they think they can deceive a child e pwinlly a Ley. They are always watching t3 Fee if you do as you have said. If you fail, you may expect them to do likewise. So it appears to ine to co-operate with teachers, we must be very busy at home, teach ing all the time obedience. It is a work divinely authorized and direct ed, and if we fail in this, we fail la one of the most important obligations t f a parent. Next to obedience, in my judg ment, ccmes system. As I see it, it is our duty to provide a time and place for ou.' children to prepare their lessons for e?ch day. At my home, we have study hours strictly from seven to ten not so late as ten if work can he finished earlier. Dur ing tlr.it time, there should be no In tel uption, and should there be which is often the case quiet should be Immediately restored. A.ll books should be brovght home every night so parents can sea them 1. r.d know just what the child is do I;1?. and certainly after seeing and knowing all thl.-s. Jc will 2ot be neces sary to call the teacher to know why children r.re not on the honor roll. If his r.ai'ie is not there, it is more like!;.- the fault of parent or child tnan the teacher. The teacher can accomplish very little for your child ir mine, without required obedience and system iu our homes. If a wrong" Is suspected or reported by the child to the parent, preat prudence and care should be observ ed until a full and lair Investigation 13 made; but In my judgment, where ever the fault may be, never let the child know his or her part ha3 bven taken. Take it up kindly with your teacher, and matters can be adjusted without the knowledge of the child certainly I am in favor cf n lull hearing of both sides. I believe It Is Lod Bacon who said, "It is folly and shame to declde a matter until you have heard both sides." Deportment comes as a very im portant item In the grades. Children who behave in school Umost al ways get high prades. Why? Be cause they spend their time studying. Below ninety should be considered terrible cn deportment. Playing ball and going.to too many parties also often have very demor alizing effects on grades, honor roll and pomotion. Now. I do not want to be misunderstood here. Certainly I do not believe In nil work and no play. Children have to play and have a good time, but there Is a limit to all good things. A game of ball on Friday and Wednesday afternoon Is helpful, but let the party be not otherwise than cn Friday ni?ht. A boy or firl who plays ball every af ternoon li too tired to do full jus tice to r.ii or he r evening study hour, and most likely goes to school next day und worries his teacher by i-yl'f-lrenco on class. To rear our i- dien admirably, and to bo phy 1", mci.t.-J'y, morally and splri' ; !i ; strong, tvoi'iros the most hearty c- operation with ftv.chers. Outside ol our licims, it is the teacher who chapes ard moulds the real character of fV'si vho a;e ro dear t us. Therefor.', our attitude to the feath ers of n:r children eau not be treat ed in a ear'.levis and lndlTferent way. Certainly we :tiu."t help th.-ni in thel effort to train our children, r.nd then if the children arc diligent and lm-, prove li.eir opportunities, they ) ;.ii toward ; honor and usefulness, but i; ; we parents negb'ct thh support. t!'e:i , the children neglect their opportuni-i ty In school, and idle away tlvii ! precious time. In the lanru.Pe of; Charlamagne, "They h but little good to expect at the hands cf t!:i:. world." 1 therefore urge a i.m t hearty co-operation. j The Old Woman Didn't (iet In. (Waxhaw Enterpilse.) The story is told on two physicians, well known, here, that a few years ago when an old negress of the low-1 er part of the township applied for county aid or admission into the county home on account of blindness, these two doctors were requested by the commissioners to go examine h?rj and report upon her deserts in the, matter. The doctors had completed : the examination and had determined tha she was blind and a proper ob ject of county aid. They had decid ed to recommend her admission In to the county home. One of them said to the other. "Well. Doc, it's about 12 o'clock; we had better start home." The eld woman then point ed to a craek in the floor and said that the eun had to get to that erack before it was dinner time; and Dr. B. then raid. "Dar now!" The old woman did not ret into the county 1 home. Some wirepullers are telegraph linemen and some are politicians. 1 Good Eating' IS HALF YOUR LIFE That being the case, it should have your closest attention in order that you may eat RIGHT. But you CAN'T eat right without the RIGHT EATS. ' And that is where we shine. We have a wide reputation for GROCERIES FOR THOSE WHO CARE. We handle the best to be found in any line. Of course we have cheaper grades in many lines, but our pride is centered in THE BEST. If you CARE, come to the store that CATERS TO THOSE WHO CARE. Bivens Brothers (Successors to T. C. Lee & Co.) GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone 255. Opposite Oil Mill. Efficiency fTjJj Demands a c""nfFR Good Bed. i' . iiil j Ij T. P. DILLON. At the same old stand. Old Tires Made Mew Don'i throw away those old tires just bring them to the Monroe Steam Vulcanizing Company All work guaranteed and prices are reasonable. Storage Batteries Repaired. No. 318 f'0n the Square." Next door to J. E. Stack Company. All Drug Store Articles. They are good when we sell them, and the price is always right. ENGLISH DRUG CO. MThe Store That Alwayi Haa It Phone No. 39. . Monroe, Nt C reparation for A good day's work begii.s at bedtime the night before. Tbe poorest way in the world to economize is to keep on using a cbenp bed with dead springs and a dead mat tress. Come in and let us show our line of Steel Denis. We have them furnished in white, vernls martin, oxidized, mahogany and Circassian walnut. ICt us show you the conven ience of the Foster trip-lock cribs.

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