The Big' Chautauaua is Coming to Monroe WAR DECLARED. President Wilson Issued lroclumatlon Last Friday Aftcrnoi.n. The United States on Friday last accepted Germany's challenge to war and formally abandoned Its place a the greatest neutral of a world In arms. President Wilson at 1:18 (official time) signed the act declaring war and authorizing and directing the chief executives to employ all the resources of the nation to prosecute hostilities against the German Gov ernment to a successful termination. The act was done without ceremony and only Inthe presence of the mem bers of the President's family. Word was flashed Immediately to all Army and Navy stations and to vessels at sea. By proclamation the President an nounced the state of war, called upon all citizens to manifest their loyalty, and assured Germans In this country that they would be unmolested as long as they behaved thmselves. Or ders were issued soon afterward for the arrest of 60 ring leaders In Ger man plots and Intrigues. Complete mobilization of the navy, calling reserves and militia to the colors, was ordered by Secretary Dan iels. The War Department, already having taken virtually every step contemplated before the raising of a real war army Is authorized, waited on Congress. The President went over all of the great preparatory measures with the Cabinet, discussing what has been ac complished and dwelling. It Is under stood, upon arrangements for co-operation with the Entente Allies against the common enemy. Flans for co-operation are said to have taken very definite shape, though there will be no announcement on the subject for the present. The war proclamation Issued by Tresident Wilson follows: "Whereas, the Congress of the United States, In the exercise of the constitutional authority vested In them, have resolved by joint resolu tion cf the Senate and House of Rep resentatives, bearing date this day, 'that the state of war between the United States and the Imperial Ger man Government which has been thrust upon the United States Is here by formally declared;' "Whereas, it Is provided by section ,4067 of the revised statutes as fol lows: " 'Whenever there is declared a war between the United States and any foreign Nation or Government or any Invasion of predatory Incursion Is perpetrated, attempted or threat ened against the territory of the Uni ted States, by any foreign Nation or Government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of a hostile Nation or Government being male of the age of 14 years and upward, who shall be within the Uni ted States and not actually natural ized, shall be liable to be apprehend ed, restrained, secured, and removed, as alien enemies. " 'The President is authorized, In any such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other public acts, to di HANK AND PETE HBr may ef Alw roua y" -' 'j. ' ""' " "' ' ' ' ' 1 1 I .III. ,.1 - "II - H I "' -- I Coming on rect the conduct to be observed on the part of the United States toward the aliens who become so liable; the man ner end degree of the restraint to which they Ehall be subject and tn what cases, and upon what security their re:;idvn;e shall be permitted, .nI to provide for the removal of those who, not being permitted to re side within the United States, refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any such regulations which are found necessary in the premises and for the public safety;' "Whereas, by sections 4068, 4069 and 4070 of the revised statutes, fur ther provision Is made relative to alien enemies; Proclaims War State. "Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wil son, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim, to all whom It may concern, that a state of war exists between the United States and the Imperial German Govern ment; and I do espeslally direct all officers, civil or military, of the Unit ed States, that they exercise vigilance and zeal in the discharge of the du ties incident to such a state of war; and I do, moreover, earnestly appeal to all American citizens that they. In loyal devotion to their country, dedi cated from Its foundation to the prin ciples of liberty and Justlco, uphold the laws of the land, and give undi vided and willing support to those measures which may be administered by the constitutional authorities In prosecuting the war to a successful Issue and In obtaining a secure and Just peace; "And, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States and the said sections of the revised statutes, "I do hereby further proclaim and direct that the conduct to be observ ed on the part of the United States towards all natives, citizens, deni zens or subjects of Germany, being male of the age of 14 years and up ward, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturalized, who for the purpose of this procla mation and under such sections of the revised statutes are termed alien en emies, shall be as follows: "All alien enemies are enjoined to preserve the peace towards the Uni ted States and to refrain from crime against the public safety, and from violating the laws of the United States and of the States and Territo ries thereof, and to refrain from act ual hostility or giving Information, aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States, and to comply strictly with the regulations which are hereby or which may be from time to time promulgated by the President; ana so long as they shall conduct them selves In accordance with law, they shall be undisturbed In the peaceful pursuit of their lives and occupa tions and be accorded the considera tion due to all peaceful and law-abiding persons, except so far as restric tions may be necessary for their own protection and for the safety of tho United States; and towards euch alien enemies as conduct themsleves In accordance with law, all citizens of the United States are enjoined to preserve the peace and to treat them 'with all such friendliness as may be compatible with loyalty and. alle ' glance to the United States. LlrMe to Vc.str.Uiit. I "And nil alien enemies who fall to conduct themselves a m enjoined In addition to sll olhr tnaltles pre scribed ty law. shiH be liable to re straint, or to give security, or to re move and depart from the United States In the manner prescrlbde by sections 4$69 and 4070. of the revised statutes, and as prescribed In the reg ulations duly promulgated by the President; And pursuant to the authority vested In me, I hereby declare and es tablish the following regulations, which I find necessary In the premi ses and for the public safety: "1 An alien enemy shall not have In his possession, at any time or place, any firearms, weapons, or Im plement of war, or component parts thereof, ammunition, maxim or other silencer, arms or explosives or mate rial used In the manufacture of ex plosives; "2 An alien enemy shall not have tn his possession at any time or place, or use or operate any aircraft or wire less apparatus, or any form of sig nalling device, or any form of cipher code, or any paper, document or book written or printed In cipher or In which there may be Invisible writing; "3 All property found In the pos session of an alien enemy In violation of the foregoing regulations shall be subject to seizure by the United States; "4 An alien enemy shall not ap proach or be found within one-half of a mile of any Federal or State fort, camp, arsenal, aircraft station, Gov ernment or naval vessel, navy yard, factory or workshop for the manu facture of munitions of war, or of any products for the use of the army or navy; "5 An alien enemy shall not write, print, or publish any attack or threat against the government or con gress of tie United States, or elthet branch thereof, or against the meas ures or policy of tho United States, or against the persons or property of any person in the military, naval, or civil serrloe of the United States, or of the States or Territories, or of the District of Columbia, or of the muni cipal governments therein; "3 An alien enemy shall not com mit or abet any hostile acts against the United States, or give Informa tion, aid or comfort to Its enemies; "7 An alien enemy shall not re side In or continue to reside In, or enter any locality which the Presi dent may from time to time designate by an executive order as a prohibitive area In which residence by an alien enemy shall be found by him to con stitute a danger to the public peace and safety of the United States, ex cept by permit from the Preddent and except under such limitations or restrictions as the President may pre scribe; "S An alien enemy whom the President ehall have reasonable cause to Leli'.'ve to be aiding oi about to aid the tntmy, or to bo at large to the dancer of the public peace or safely of the United States, or to have vio lated or to be about to violate any of 2) ...y these regulations, shall remove to any location designated by the President by executive order, and shall not re move therefrom without permit, or shall depart from the United States If fo required by the President; "9 No alien enemy shall depart from the United States until he shall have received euch permit as the President shall prescribe, or except under order of a court. Judge of Jus tice, under section 4069 and 4070 of the revised statutes; "10 No alien enemy shall land In or enter the United States except un der such restrictions and at such places as the President may pre scribe; "11 If necessary to prevent vio lation of the regulations, all alien enemies will be obliged to register; "12 An alien enemy whom there may be reasonable cause to believe to be aiding or about to aid the enemy, or who be at large to be danger to the public peace or Fafety or who violates or who attempts to violate, or of whom there Is reasonable grounds to believe that he Is about to violate any regulation to be promulgated by the President or any criminal law of the United States, or of the States or Territories thereof, will be subject to summary arrest by the United States marshal or his deputy or Buch othe officers as the President shall desig nate and to confinement In such peni tentiary, prison, Jail, military camp, or other place of detention as may be directed by the President. "This proclamation and the regula tions herein contained shall extend and apply to all land and water, con tinental or Insular, or any way within the Jurisdiction of the United States." Drho Out Malaria, BuHrta Up System ThOU fitnndard frntl streniKtiefiine kmlc, OROW8 TASTKtKSS chill TONK, drl out MBlaria.Mirichi'n the blood. and buUdiup the tya tem. A ttuc took. Por adulu and children, foe. You need it Wp spII it fj I T Ji J. . w jjj The Lever Fills It! THE"POCKET 5ELF FILLING" Idea!) Founl&tfPen THE W. 3. ItUDGE CO., Monroe, N. C. dog, but b has no love M 0$ M I Ch&titauqtia fliir ill 05-7 from May 3 Misrule is bad enough, but Mrs.-' rule Is worse so a married man ' says. , If It w asn't for the mistakes they ( make some men would never be heard J of. ! NOTICE OF tTTY PRIMARY Notice Is hereby given to the Demo cratic voters of the City cf Monroe that a Primary for the purpose of nominating a Mayor and five Alder men of the City of Monroe will be held at the court house In said City on the 8th day of Ajiril, 1017. The polls will be open from 7 o'clock, a. m., until sundown. If a second Primary be necessary, same will be held on the 5th day of May, at the same place and during the same hours. Any person challenged shall, be fore voting, be required to make oath that he is a duly qualified voter of the City of Monroe. To meet the expenses of this Prl-! mary. each candidate is assessed one j dollar, payable to the undersigned Secretary on or before the 26th day! or April, 1917. j City Democratic Executive Committee P. II. JOHNSON. Secretary. ! W. J. PRATT, Acting Chairman. NOTICE OF SI MMONS AXP WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT State of North Carolina Union County la the Superior Court. W. S. Clakeney, administrator of J. M. Porter, deceased, vs. W. II. Porter. The Defendant, W. II. Tortcr, will take notice: That on the 21st day of March, 1917, a summons In the above-on-tltkd action was Issued against said defendant by It. W. Lemmond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Union coun ty, N. C, plaintiff claiming the sum of $775.00 due him for money had and received to his ure w defendant, which summons is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of Union county to bo held at the court house In Monroe, N. C, on the 9tn day of May, 1917. The defendant W. H. Porter will also take notice that a warrint of attachment was Issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court o the 21st day of March, 1917, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable to tho next term of the Superior Court of Union county, N. C. at the time and place named for the return of the sum mons, and said warrant of attach ment has been levied by tho sheriff upon ten shares of stock of W. II. Porter in the Lake Land and Lum ber Company and upon all moneys and dividends to which the said W. II. Porter may be entitled to by rea son of his ownership of said stock. The said W. H. Porter will further take notice that he Is required to ap pear nnd answer or demur to the complaint at the term of court above mentioned, or the relief demanded will be granfed. This the 23rd dav of March, 1917. R. W. LEMMOND. C. S. C. Stack & Farker, Attys. for Plaintiff. roa cats 1 By KENKLING 3 V to May 10. Whenever Ycu Need a Crsrxir&l Tonic Take Grove's Tbs Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Touic is equally valuable as General Tonic becaus it contains the wellknown tonic properties cf QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up tbs Wliole System. W cents A dime in your hand Is better than a dollar in the pocket of the man who owe? vcu. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PI'PARTMEXT OF STATE Certificate of Pk-solutkm To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, t'aat the Porter Myers Lumber Company, Incorporat ed, a corpoiation of this State whoso principal office is situated In the city of Monroe, county of Union, State of North Carolina (G. M. Tucker being the agent therein and In charge there of, upon whom process nr.y be serv ed), ha3 complied with the requlre fents of Chapter 21. R-Ual of 1905. entitled "Corporations," prel'mluary to the Issuing of iU-j Ccrtldoate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the Sute of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on tbo 29th day of March. 1317, file tn my ofifce a dulv executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, excutel hy all the stockholders thereof, wr.Sch siiid consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on lilo In my office as provided by law. In Testimony hereor. I nave hereto set mv hand anil affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 2:uh day of March. A. D. 1917. J. DliYAN CRIMES. Secretary of State. NOTICE North Cardial. Union County la the Superior Court rtio Hurt vs. Cleveland Hurt, Cleve land Ramsey The defendant abnve-nanW will take notice that an action entitled as cb ive has been commenced In tho Superior Cr.urt of Uiiion county by the plant::! to obtain s.n absolute divorce from the defendant on the ground cf fornication ind adultery en the pnrt cf defee Jaut; and said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Union county to be held on tho 9th Mon day after the 1st Monday In March, 1917. Fame being the 7th day of May, 191". at the court house in said coun ty, In Monroe, N. C, and anawor or demur to the complaint in fiald ac tion, or th plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 17th dav of March. 1917. R. W. LEMMOND. C. S. a Stack & Parker. Attys.

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