THE MONROE JOURNAL '1'5' doe d' JorlsM ' 1Ie bJ as much pride m hi workmann.p Founded in 189 by the present in doing a job cf digging right as a owners and publishers. G. M. and great painter has in his canvas, and he worked without watching a well as when hi employer as standing hv. K Rev. Mr. Wiay's definition is SKETCHES By JOHN" BEASLEY. R, V. Beasley. R. V. WlASl.F.Y. Alitor rublUhed Ijith Tutelar end Fiiday. miiTTlllTlTIIIIIIII.IIIITllTtmnnttiiiiHiiinimttMttiiimTmiiiniTTTn Col. Vic. Redwine, after a prolong-; silt nee cf months, requests us to per Year. The Journal Building, corner cf to the humble c!J black i-.inwi m i t n-liet it is. Lncle ia John was a true man. and it is ..- that he is very much elated : rlea.-ure to pav this tribute;"'" luc 11 ""l -"- j . - , i . . ...... m-n who eiecuun. lie is i.ic iuu uuw nas sincere Jefferson and Beus'.ey Streets. Telephone .No. 19. Tt l.!AY, MIY I. 117. The I .inr l Kili ieiuy. never dreamed that ar.y say anything about hir.i when he dropped off. Lut there is & disposi tion to oveilook the humble, f.iith- oae would best board siae-e he was Alder man thirty-two yea:s ago. Dollar watches are famed the world over, but thilr usefulness to The .-Tory li.e Hermans have long been ll. ihe bodies of their dead soldiers to make fertilizer of 1 fn.i l-.nri ;hV to tt li.'ve and we .-hail ett announce Lis i fill iiieinhr i.f she race because ihv ones manKiau is iouuy utmeu uj mt. iy k uous. Billing.-by. One of Lis boys placed mmw.w i UI0 .MllUl ' .... . - v. MUIIHI Pardon ReliiMil Janie ih. movement k!ud. under his (Ky'g) pil Ualeigh. April 3-. tl.nernor Uick-.. ht , . k Mr BU. ' there are j many ctiv. i whose short coinings are con Ly J Cv p m 1 1 t.ffered. Tlie horrible things which l(.noe f ;r ,fl(? Jt,llth , N .n Crop-Jt,,. tmiuies at sintimenii I'osed To i : savages !t If C.enua:i Willi .:, ;u !.',i..t :a. i . ii of of:!' r. d f-ii : -1 1 t . . pr int !l ' K - i.. . , ... . ..... i I the Eliza-1 ,lai-!'uJ craieu mo ue u, ureu :md weary. Suddenly something coui- lenced to 'whack'." whack!" Ky t!ie criiiie ana io iri.u.- iuiw.i;. friuhten. d. He summoned. constituted one of the buest sensa- , . , tions in the criminal nan ius of the MP. but he was chargmed to learn . Sti-te. CoveiTor Hickctt reviews the that it was a dollar watch that had, fact that Governor case an.t ilecinii j to gram a paruon. clinins the pardon the r,.neinor re- j ''luivoc;l!y opposed to watches with; lets to the two trial.- and convictions j the dollar movement. j by jury and says the:e leave m room j , .or ivviewing the -v:deroe with none i v. -. .. -r d.o..-. i nnti it neve- have even lu wlv lico eted r''-, ' "t' d before , ".mi. i:e says ttie conclusion or gain ; ' p- j i trepio!n!ou.:'v surtaind be the fact i He is ready; waiting patiently with have been done beyond question are ev ssifnciint without believir.s thoe which seem incredible. So far as we have ever h ard no people have ever lived who did not hold a least their ua dead .-.iced. '"Let the carrion rot" has been aid nunc or less of Whether you want a Young .Alan's Model or a Conservative Model WE HAVE IT, in KEEP KOOL CLOTH, PAIM BEACH CLOTH and MOHAIR. Prices $3.93 to 15.00. r viewed the arousing his fear and disturb-1 ling his repose. Ihi caller, he is un- ;,ll until th-: mile: f ;. i!ij.ilio:i w ere stip- t. o v:i de.u!. 1 as i: nt de-truc-v.g dom- i: u- it i.-ial. i poi". V a - they . m- ive.- lo iai.-v.a-iur pi-oples of the ;;o ; r;lr. will pvr be thus d...-vc:-;'.ted ea fourv! l.iiu jaiiliy. The Oovcnor All the kinc's horses and all the kina' !;:dl I Tion, h; .v i' mt -t ! r n, ir i bave .-a.iw levstaa.i !': i wm Id. for .-in-' '.y their U.,d t.. after t 'ty ua 1 al. i;'eaif .-.e. t ,:'u i o. if the Olio! bodies llUVe I'l.M'V the bat.' i in trenches un:iiarh".d and ldo rccouniit d '.! n ve-sity made the o. it. Bu t-i ileliler ately luin.iie t !u ni wi'ii i:ur. hook-. throw then it:f scalding vats and already siuTer.d enougV turn then: iuui fe.liliz r urely Ger man cfiiciency has not itaclu'd this poi'it. that Wilcox d d not go in the vvir-;a j,); t;iat vvill in.-uri n-. st.m.i in in own iietin at ti: tt- j t'ai ; or trial, wlo n. i. innoi -r.t, ho ci -'ai:;-' , even nvtr the pr- rt o: l is conns 1. ; yottr.-u laen are makiri: efforts to get the s.-ci tii.d in the i:!,t of into the training c:r.::i at Fort Ogle- : lit- fact that a jury had already native county for service. his return to in case he 1. While othc d not have bet : thorp, Ca.. the St..-e arirv, l-..ti is bii.-iiies-, and kwepin guard, and the tnding to his a lookout for able to keep h'm off the witness sMnd ,a covple of Goose Cru k gourds. It is his intention, when the conscrlp- y tu.-.df the .-u- at the second trial had he nnv con- e at t'...'- bthesl -ei ius:n s of innocence. The man S ddiers' wh" IS ,,p,ir' bi "iii'cen; nothias l.'..i l.of !.! to ! ai'l bv tl:e 1, lut 1 lu.-t upon !,h.i-!ni . --vVi.,o)n.'i, The 1 Vrt -.1 whole-ale truth will shite In till. ir peo- in "us U'lce. say t'.e iiovcrnnr. and 1 coTiCHl.-iiii li.e ii'Viinor says U na open sug -jestea t.'itt tneri tion act gttr; him. to join the navy, and. to take along with him his twr Goose Cret k gourd.-. He will fasten eye-, and ring n Ma and if the boat ho is on is sunk, he'll float fafely bad; to Goose Creek. So. may have b. . n mi?' .atins ciiciini-! while his friends ure getting shot stances and that J a. .... Wilcox hasi.,... in iv,,,,,, i.mi be tmilillimr In M the water back for Goose Creek. (.e:iii:'.!i Hej.ciuiu . The Clt ti: is 'ii-her tie ir lead-:-direiw d i r ..ri. d iiu' to : , .-; e T'liilic I . -.1 ale 1 t oll Ii i id achieved ia ihe utter noftiics, pi .t'e-.-ir.g a iH'.eei' are !i Id)! r,,le'. il'.'.Ml4 S'.t. fs.dy 1 1 y- If there; were i.ny mitigating circumstances j James Wilcox is the only man alive I .vl'i knows what they were and lie i refuses t) e.p, ;i mouth. There is' no siicve-tion tint ih'ox l;a in any way repented of p.'s respon!bt!ity for death of Nellie Crop. y." is brewing over on sei,r.ti Ptrtuhh". I'ol' Ti'.iti-fcr of people. iiii; i: o na- .id .-ooa be tletoal of their to believe that Stormy went! the street east of the court house i where JuJ'-'e Warlick. C-.d. Peach and 'Chief Justice Flow have their head-' j ijuarteiv. This unsettled state is caused by the prolonged ntay cf( j Judge Kogct's, who perfuadod the : J tidcrv to suli-l '.e to him the store England v ill ,-oou he brotuht to her knees, Fianci' woiu out, iiii-sia quit, many and the Vnued .S.a'.i.s ignored. In 'M,rt lii omy Shii-i.. Washingt'in. April .li't. The- .- na :e tor.iul'.t lv a nnaniiaoii. v., to i :o:,'il a ! -,dutii.p providing for trar.ster i,f I room tuxt door to his side hospital title i ml po-:-es-i':n of eii'iay ships in which to expose tor s;.le the rcni ia American pw. and their us? in rants of the old auction house stock, coinir.erre under direction of the, ... ,, . ,, . . shinping hoard ! win!ch was partly destroyed in the Thorn are about loi) German and! recent $150,000 on Main street. Austiian ships in Anierlcan The Judge consented to this arrange-! all tlxMu.,-v.',"; wtwjj.i : :: f k M T.. T ' ; '.Trr"yR'' ;;,iii:ii!.:i;,!;i!ili;;i!i!i!::!;!i!;,i.!;!i:!i:1;i:: i '!'i',;ii.rrc SCT'.Hiiii1 iM . Si m li I.' .i mm r -i;li I' '.ii! l!l i i.l'ii'1!-. I"",; Nfr!t!'t!y;;:;i'!:!;l xiJ'l'1' . jjh: l ' ::i! ..i 'ii .T'T.i. ei Arrow Brand Shirts and Collars. Also the Newest Styles in Soft Collars. Prices remain the same. Men and Boys Summer Underwear. Union Suits 4Sc. Two-piece goods 25c. Men's Porus Knit Chalmers and B.V.D. in Unionsuits and Shirts and Drawers. 16 - Retail -16 Department Stores. i IK BIS, SELL IT FOR LESS 16 - Retail -16 Department . - Stores. a io under repail', 1 ni,lt.i fr,. ,.np a:,v hnt nlnrr .TnHfft the face of the tierce.,, bat.le of the in tCun a. the Unit-' 1,,rs and his auction gang have war which has new been going on pj states and Austria are not at 1 become firmly rooted to the spot, for weeks and in which the Germans war. there seems to be little prospect of do not even claim that they are ov- ' j cleaning the deck unless dynamite t-rcoiulng their esem,.,. tluir states-: V J"..;''.' a i fr nitroglycerine are brought into Judge Warlick is really wor- Marearet. need four, had eaten one men are making speech, s declaring of two boxes of berries that he moth-; Play. that peace and victory are in sight, er had purchased for company. Her ried. He had a hard time getting It is the old song that thev have "'her cried. "What would you do if j Dr. att Ashcraft and his valet, Jim, been giving all the time as every new rtZjSV' and he had Pa" to open a venture designed to crush their ent- "Oh, maniinal" phe 'oxclalaied little Joint there for the boys to loaf n ies was launched and failed. No eagerly. "I'd make her eat the other and discuss politics to their hearts fooner had one failed than another bo?;." The Christian Herald. 'content. His little plans are blasted it seems, as Judge lingers is deter mined not to leave his hole until Mursbville Township. every blasted piece of goods in his T. J. Tadlock's. Tuesday, May 8. i auction house are dinosid of. The LIST TAKIillS" AITOINTMKNTS. J. 11. IHvens' Wednesday, May 9. I V. Griffin place, Thursday, May; 10. Marshvillo .,, 22nd inclusive. t. . AMiLiiAt l, Liist-iaicer from vT5 dccldi.-d to be on font to cer tain "vktry. Meanwhile the trouble at lionio is becotiiing as the peopl ' more and tu .r demand to know w!...t they are lighting for ind are r,ore and more kept la the dark. Si .!;! in c.eriur.ny have eaased the g'-.-atrst uneasiness t!ie ;. : : is how long the people . ."at. continue to lie pacified with pro .n ises of victory tiiid peace. It true that Ambassador Gerard. Just returned from Germany, declare that we nenl not look for any inter nal trouble in Germany, but he may May 5 and . . hp mistaken. He also declared that Monroe. May 8 to 31. Prussian hatred cf the United States and her democracy is so great that tad the war been a draw in Europe, we would have been attacked any how. Cut surely the boasted intelli gence of the German race must some time be uudeciaved and there must come to knew why the nionaichy keeps them fighting and what it hopes to ; Attain. only lolution, therefore. Is for Judge Warlick to buy the goods, lie might Moiroc Township. Mt. Cariuel. Tuesday, May 1. Tindals, Wednesday, May 2. P.aker'f, Thursday, May 3. Lee's Lower Mill, Friday, May 4. Wingate, Saturday and Monday, the 12lh to the do this but he fears that Judge lingers might be included In the sale. Ia the meantime, Chief Justice Flow and Esq. Simpson are still arguing about which way the bean vine climbs. J. II. DOYTE, List-Taker. (Joose ('reek Township. J. Davis Helms' Thursday, May 17. W. F. Uobinson's, Friday, May 18. Clontz's Store, Saturday, May 19. Long's Store, Monday, May 21. It. Sell's, Tuesday, May 22. Unionvllle, Wednesday and Thurs- a time when they will demand day, May 23 and 24. Uncle John. Sandy Hidge Township. Colossas Mine, Monday, May 14. Mineral Springs, Tuesday, May 15. Clark's store, Thursday, May 17. Weddington. Friday, May 18. H. L. Price's store, Monday, May 21. W. L. Heniby's store, Wednesday, May 23. Marvin, Friday, May 23. F. C. EZZELL, List-Taker. Lnncs ("reek Township. B. F. Parker's Thursday, May 15. J. A. Pierce's Wednesday, May 16. Henry Itayfleld's Thursday, May, "It's faithfulness that makes the little Bervice great," said Rev. Mr. Wray In his sermon Sunday morning. How good it is that this is God's standard, because all too often It Is not man's standard. One day last week old Uncle John Simonds did a faithful mornings work In Dr. Stevens' garden and .r.Lt a 1 1 ilinnnr at ta'plvn n'rtnplr 1 ' ",' ,. . . ' . , ,,,' C. B. Walters' store, Fralday, May and died. Uncle John had been work-, j 8 Ing for Dr. Stevens and others in the kf.h,. Thomas Saturday. May 19. nelghboilmod for a lnng time. It, Hours, 7 o'clock a. m. to 5:30 p. ni. never occurred to him to ask more; W. L. THOMAS, List-Taker, than one dollar per day for his work) Jwiwon Township, and It never occurred to him that i Henry McWhorter's, Tuesday, May there was any other way for a man 8. to work than to work all day end: do every job exactly as his employer ( wished it done. And Uncle John j was a man of principle and pride, j Ills white heart was covered by a very black skin and his mind had no A Simple TiunsMsitioii. Little four-year-old Uessie was put ting on her shoes for the first time and got them exchanged. Going to her mother, she said tri umphantly, "See, mamma, I got niy shoes on." "Oh!" said mamma, "but you have them on the wrong feet." Bessie looked down doubtfully and said, "I don't see how that can be. These are all the feet I got." The Christian Herald. W. A. NVal's, May 9. J. II. Wirr's, May 10. V, M. Walkup's, May 11. Waxhaw. May 11 and 12. ttehobeth, May 11 and 14. Waxhaw, May 15 to 22. J. T. WIEIt, List-Taker. other training than was given him as a boy in the field under a master whom he honored as tne man who taught him to do his simple work .thoroughly. And Uncle John never uttered any boast greater than this: Vance Township. E. J. Byrum's, May 14. P. C. Stinson's, May 15. Stout, May 16. Mrs. J. J. McLendon'i, May 17. Indian Trail, May 18 and 19. J. E. BROOM. List-Taker. A Steady Job. "Can you tell me," said the court, addressing Enrico Ulfuzzl, under ex amination at Union Hill, New Jersey, as to his qualifications for citizen ship, "the difference between the powers and prerogative of the King of England and those of the Presi dent of the United States?" "Yezzir," spoke up Ufuzzl promptly, as report ed by the San Francisco Arguonaut, "King he got steady Job." Chautauqua Week May 3 to 10, and while here be sure to see our line of APPLICATION VOli PARDON HAM I MULLIS OF Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Hamp Mullis, convicted in the Recorder's Court of the City of Monroe in August, 1915. for the ..I,,.., nt (.nn.On.r ..lit.!,.... f. and sentenceel to twelve months on the chain gang, capia3 not to issue for 15 days. Under the terms of this Judgment and according to orders of the court the prisoner left the State. According to his contention, on a re cent return to the State to visit mem bers of his family suffering from sick ness the prisoner was captured and taken to the chain gang. Hi3 appli cation is not for absolute pardon, but is a prayer that he be given another chance to leave the State and stay out of it. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are Invited to forward their protests to the Gover nor without delay. This 28th day of April, 1917. J. C. M. VANN, Atty. for Hamp Mullis. We have just placed on the floor of our Display Room t big lot of up-to-date Babcocks at $1151 to $1251. We also have i variety of Summers, Cortland, Parry, Indiana, Frankiin, Hickory and Taylor and Canady. Our line of Harness is complete. MONROE HADRWAEE CO. Main, Hayne, Franklin and Morgan Streets.

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