ICE SERVICE The predominating feature in the ice business is SERVICE. Good service wins and holds cus tomersbad service loses them. Appreciating these facts we have employed courteous drivers for the wagons and Dewey English to look after the ice house in general, to see that proper service is rendered, etc. So if we serve you agreeably please tell your friends; if we don't, then 'phone Dewey and give him a cussing Look for the grey wagons. Phone 177. N.C.English. ' 11? -To' For nearly a qoarfc of a century we have bn 8411n furtoture to Union county folk During this time, ad It la now, we strove to give satisfaction, and xre fetl that we have suecewlod beyond me&s irre. Yonr wlsmw are carefully look! aft. T. P. DILLON. At the same old stand. The lew lipmobiie Rare Beauty -High Duty Already noted for supremacy in performance, the New Hupmobile is coming in for worldwide praise in Its supreme beauty. The high duty ear is now rare beauty as welL We expect you to judge the New HuDmohile solely on its merits. We know what your decision will be. Ask us to send you the report of the United American Tour. Get the pictures of every capltol building in the country. IIUPP MOTOR CAR CORPORATION Detroit, Michigan. AUDREY DEAL Agent for Union, Anson and Richmond Counties. .ii. in i i " 1 l-f Small Farms. We have several Small Farms, 20 to 60 acres each, that we will sell for a Small payment down, balance on long time. On thwc tracts wo will build the parchaser an necessary bnUaing, deaf the land and plaoe it In working condition bo the purchaser can more right ou lho farm and raise a crop. Call In rod see abont lhls.'g,'J25Z'&iiJZi ' tf, 'r" Monroe Insurance and Investment Company. G. B. CALDWELL, Slanagor. Ell OF STATE " PLEDGE SUPPORT TO COOPERATE WITH STATE DEPARTMENT TO PHEVENT ACCIDENTS AND FIRES. STEP 111 BIGOT GS3EC1N Cow mtae toner Young Tells Women Awfl Fira Wstts Will B Greatly Reduced At tne annual convention tba Jvortn Carolina Federation erf Wo tzuDV CJub hoM at Durrani during tts Una wek lu May the unanimous mrpport at th organisation pled, ed to C work of lbs North Carolina Ismuwuv department In fire and sod d ant prevention. Ttts action tcOcrm ed an address br Ownmbsoooer James H. Toung tn whk-U be outlined tha plans tar tie department along Q lions of fire and aocMent prevention and txd of tto great need of co-opera w m rtv( mart of all civic organteav Oans in ewry town and dty ra tt St and eeuectanj tna co-oporsDOO of the vtyuen organizations. CotanrfaskioeT Toons espressaa mn mtt i Mirhlr erarmed at the seenr ancm of support gtron him and stated that be cacsidemd ine action uw Mnmffrn a stew tn the Heat dtreotton sod one vhlch is sure to bring splendid resuQB aj the cJttwgg and vW7 of Morth Carolina. A rrtJuorton of the awful flw jsaete In this country. Ocsmnlsaioner Toxrrrg sajs. eon only be brougit aboat along sduCTitlwml flnas and through tie oo oporettiuii and anstetanoe of ctUnwrs wfco are Jos beginning to reato Qm reHponrftfllty that rests on OttsT ahouldare because of acnAmmoem m the tec trf ordtnarr precnatlak EM7 ft is paid tor bf all Ore people. 31. Young says. Lawrence is colluded tram H and paid to htm no fca s fire; hence the man wlm tea a Bra iohsCinonQy or anrntontkmaUy takes manor f iwn ate notgMnra Bvesr frfr tn tfcls country C"B de rtro5 t6P0 dwtUnesv 10 mpot brrllrtlrw, M hotets, It scfcnoU 10 dharchoa. S lanse dBpartmanl stoma. 3 hob-pKaiv S S thoatsra, S patCc hails and I colleges. Eight thotwnnd persons ere wndflrod ham tern and nine persons ere bureeA to deoh OTrerykdar m Gw rw in the Vcitnt Steto Rnnaooahle case and preiwatlaBi woatd have piwauted a vast mnjortty Cf tlmao fires and accidents and Gm Federetlan ctf Unnan8 (Subs tn the state are to be annmeirfod far tfift posHDra Qkoy hare t&ken in tke fire provnntton cftmpttign. FIRE PREVENTION BRIEFS FTO BUSY PEOPLE Mouroe at WrlhUrvIlIe Beach. I Special to The Journal.) Wilmington. June 22. Monroe folks were in eTldence at the meet ing of the State Bankers' Associa tion and the Hardware Men's As sociation at WrightsTllle Beach this wek. Not only did Mr. W. S. Blakt ney preside as president of the Banki'.-s" Association, but another man. Mr. J. J. Tarter, made one of the principal addresses. Af ter te various introductory ad-dres-ce. President Blakeney made bis annual address which created a splen did impression. He first told of the merit i of the association and recout menutd that the custom of having more than one Tlce president be chancel. President Blakey recom mcDtK'd more restrictions around the birth of banks and stated that he doubted the propriety of chartering any more banks of 15.000 capital or less. He touched upon the subject of exchange and said that he was in favor cf the middle ground an ex chanFi' that is fair and equitable to all. President Blakeney praised the FeK rril Reserve Act and the more re cency created Rural Credit System. The country, said the president, was never in better condition than now. War Increases the supply of mency, he said. The address was heard with deep Interest. On Wednesday evening before the social activities were formally open ed. Tresldent W. 8. Blakeney intro duced J. J. Parker. Esq.. of Monroe, who delivered an Instructive talk on the relationship between banking and the law He made a fine Impression. The Wilmington Star says: "Monroe was well represented at the various conventions at the beach yesterday, among those hero being President W. S. Blakeney. of the Bank of Union; and Mrs. Blakeney. President M. K. Lee. of the Farm ers' and Merchants Bank; President J. II. Lee. of the First' National Bank of Monroe; P. P. W. Plyler, cashier of the Carolina Bank; Edi tor 11. F. Beasley of the Monroe Journal and representative In the General Assembly from Union coun ty; E. C. Carpenter, general mana cer of the Monroe Hardware Co.; Fred Smith, of the Monroe Hard ware Co.; J. T. Griffin, of the Mon roe Hardware Co.. and Mrs. Griffin; W. U. Cole, of the Bank of Union; J. I. Copple. of the Fir9t National Bank; Amos M. SUut. cotton broker; J. J. Parker, Esq.. of the Monroe bar. and Mrs. Parker; Frank Hedfern, of the Monroe Hardware Co. "President W. S. Blakeney, of the Bankers, is a native of Chesterfield county, S. C. and came to Monroe In 19n2. He Is president of the Bank of Union which be organised In that year and which has grown marvelous ly. la 1907, In addition to its repu lare wml-annual dividend of 5 per cent, the bank declared a cash divi dend of 50 per cent His Immediate successor, In the bnnkers' cuRtom of promotion of the convention ofllcera, Is Mr. W. B. Drake, Jr., vice presi dent und eashler of the Merchants' National Bank, of UaleUh; and he, too, Is a South Carolinian. Their friends point out, however, that It was only after coming to Tar Heella that they grew Into the splendid stature they now have iftalned. Mr. Blakeney has served In the South Carolina Senate with the now Gov ernor Manning, who Is liable to come to the convention today." A German Submarine a tn otmntxr to 9uu m tern to hum m Tb Ttarvs Fire Oammasian oktoi "As Is the (Lft vat so muca bo the fire tax" Defective fines are reBpnrmQde for 13 per oaA of aQ Una What about the Cam tn your housef Tro nrwonitan fs maiy the 7p0 OHifcm at Cu slmnte rales af onmman some to Che plain bnro af "safety flwt" Thcrw tn santanco tn Latin to the effort that "a epwtt Deglocted has often raided a oroftngreitlon." This IB of eKpnnmi application during the dry grans soaiL Thorns P. Brophy, chief of the New Tbrk Duroaa of Fire Investlgv Can. snpB that IS per cent af garage area are caused by smoking. Is a hint to the wte sufficient! If yno haraw to sne Bronte or an tnci plant braise tn a plat of dried grass or olixwtirtro. stop and put ft out, or at km torentlgato it You may eero the cfty tKim a sorlotra fire. Ttwr oarnSofaooBS where Ere to in volved may have boon fortunately ovwrutad up to the proeont tlmo, trat be sore 3tt enonef or later the or expoctod will ovortao you. Abutf lOvOOO matrtw esre senrtched evorr soomd in this ommtry, each mstdi ooutolTiiDg the (derneuU at a posalbre fire. Is U to be wondered at Gifit oare 1b coednd cn ttandUng mat anas? The wf to twni'u towar traureaee rates) ts to hwo low firat. What t your ormtrrburioQ to Ota QoosGoa of Qrn prevontlrmT Are you da the tM of the aarelM or In the ranki of Che oararulf Arwajsi kiarp irm&9 snd grass aleaiMMl ufl. Th7 tteaoently make a tad &a. If tom a boy throwing a tall of txinrJAg yam In the grass at Atlanta, Oenrfis, tbet causal a fi,m.co9 em firo Facu. a twiei remit trotn Korrlstown. ft4 t8fl of a pecuHvr fire origin here tofore onrernrdod. A drug firm stored surplus stock of celluloid csndlsd tdnCh bruahsa a tbrtrm abova a mai radiator. AsDaraatlF wi trout oaosa othsr than beat trosn Che radiat or the stock of tociA brubhes bunt rrn flames scd vromnt discovery aloe wvrmted the AernixnOXn of th tor. lVelglan and HumsIuii MInmIoiin IfoiHr First President. Mount Vernon, Vs., June 24. Bel- glum and Russia united today at the tomb of George Washington In pay ing hotiiRRe to the American patriot land to the spirit of liberty and free jdom which his memory Incarnates. I The official diplomatic missions froi Belgium and from the new Russia democracy pledged themselves and their countries to every effort for the destruction of autocracy and the sare ty of democracy. The two missions, accompanied by members of the cabinet and other high government officials, went down the Potomac on the pre3ldenfal yacht Mayflower. Secretary Daniels Introduced first Baron Moncheur, head of the Belgian mission, and then the Russian special ambassador, Boris A. Bakhmetioff. Each made a brief address of tribute to Washington and of reconsecratlon to the Ideals he represented. Baron Moncheur, aided hy Lieutenant Gen eral Leclercq. and Ambassador Bakh uietlefl aided by LleuCenant General Roop. placed floral wreath3 on the tomb beside similar wreaths laid there by Foreign Secretary Balfour of Great Britain, former Premier Vivian! and Marshal Joffre, of France, and the Prince of Udlne, of Italy. Tin QahifM That Does Rot Affect The Head Becatn o Its tonic unit laxative effect, LAXA TlVKBROMOQLl'INKUUtrthn ordinary Quinine and doc not came tvervmiineM nor ring-intf in bead. Rememt thcfull nni an.1 look tor tht aignature oi li. V. CUOVK. ttc The men who know the situation best have told us in no uncertain terms that unless there la food con servation In hundreds of thousands of homes there will not bo enough food for the world until the harvest of next year. Do your part FftKl Cured !VtIl7 Tmrr viO rata mUF- t)1iw5. HjtU nrt-niC aola;y. The world looks to the United States now for food ships that are to save us and the rest of the world from tyrannic rule. The housewife can serve her country with finest patrlotUm by eliminating all was,te In food supplies. NOTICE OF ADMllllRATION The undersigned, haTta1 been ap pointed and duly Qualified as admin istrators of the estate of Mrs. E. E. Blvens, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notlfl ed to exhibit the same before them on nr kefrtre the SOLh da? of MaT. 1918, or this notice will be pfaad In bar of their recovery. All persona inaeDiea to-said estate wi!l plsaee make Im mediate payment This the 29 th day e Hay. HIT. J. T. B1VEN3 and 1. O. BIVENS, Administrators of Mm EL E. B1t ens, deooased. i W. 0. Lemmond, Atty. ' is not half so dangerous as the drug clerk who tells you he has something "just as good." 'KTE NEVER SUBSTITUTE. What you call for at this store that you receive. What your prescription calls for, that It con tains, -..c That is the iron-clad rule upon which our en . tire business rests. Come to the store that sella what you want ENGLISH DRUG CO. The Store That AJwayi Hai It" Phone No. 39. Monro, N. G, Big Buggy and Harness Sale. We are offering for sale at once something over ISO busies. The prettiest and best lot of buggies ever of fered for sale In the Carolinas. All kinds of top and open buggies, runabouts, basket seat buggies, all kinds of painted buggies. In this lot of buggies you will find such high grade buggies as the Tyson-Jones, Corbitts. Southern Queens, High Points and other grades of bug gies. Money saved by buying a buggy at once. Come soon and select what you want. TheS akes Co. The Largest Buggy Dealers in the Two Carolinas. The Home of Better Groceries c In these days when ALL groceries are high in price the poor as well as the good the real choice is in Quality. Good groceries cost very little more than inferior ones, but they go a long ways further. QUALITY IS OUR TRADE MARK. It Is stamped on every package, or bag, or pail, or bas ket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve both your health and your pleasure by buying groceries from us. We give you the SATSFACTORY kind of eats. Come to us and bring the whole family. This store is distinctly THE FAMILY STORE. Co-operative Mercantile Co, Perfect Protection. The Philadelphia life Inauranes Company has just issued a new policy emBrsrfng prerpjuia' waiver and life annuity in cas oi total dlaib&ty. To IHtra trate: If you Become dlsahbd wnile the policy is in force, all future premiuxai ihall waive and the monthly annuity of $8.33p thousand will bo paid for life. This is one of ta raort attractive policies on the market, and the fltrs are rwaonaWc. For full information, ru oa writs GORDON INSUBAflCa & INVESTMENT CO. STATE AEHn8 MONROE, FORTH CAROLINA

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