PROM GOVERNMENT ROAD ITND r.Mox county tax get $5,000 m a 11 I "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes and I'll Give You Something to Make You Wisef Crisp, delicious cookies and never a burnt one! The steady, even flame stays putyou don't need to .watch the New Perfection. Twice as convenient as a coal 01 wood feature, tha reversible glass reservoir, range end costs no more. No coal or ijse wood to lug, no dirt, no ashes. A quick nniw croi miTV mi fire or a simmer, just as you like, and a ALADDIN SECURITY OIL cool kitchen all the time. a superior kerosene, for best results. Ask your dealer to show you the new It's always clean and clear-burning. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, EX C Norfolk. V. Richmond. W (New Jertey) BALTIMORE Ma Charlotte, N. C Charleston. U'.Va. Charleston, S. C I new pigpenopa J Greetings to Our Customers: Wo hare on hand at nil times skim milfc tor sale at ten cents a gal ion. The ice cream season finds us prepared to make better cream than over. We have recently purchased a cream separator, which onables uj to make cream for our customers at any time. And we are now ready to deliver cream on Sunday. Give us a trial, and we will give satisfaction. Phone 129 N. D. SALEEBY. To Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Green, North Monroe, a daughter. April H. To Mr. and Mrs. J. V. llendarsou, MoCauiey Ave., Monroe, a son, May Oth. To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Falrley. Washington. St., Monroe, a daughter, May 30t!i. To Mr. and Mrs. Albert II. Helms-. Monroe, U. F. D. No. 2, a son, May 30th. To Mr. and Mrs. E. B. StacU. Windsor St., Monroe, a son, June 11 To Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Helms, Monroe, F. K. D. No. C, a son. June 13th. T. L. Crowell. Registrar. Sikes-Sanders Co. ! We Pay Highest Prices for Chickens, Eggs, Hams, and other produce. SEE US for Flour, Corn, H&y, Oats, Mill Feed, etc. Sikes-Sanders Co, Place of Business at Sikes Stables. FOR A SAFE AND SANE FOURTH OF JULY -THE- Volunteer Army. To the last man, it is inspired by a desire for LOYAL SERVICE. The same desinf for service has animated us in the assembling of our perfectly matchless line of GROCERIES THAT SATISFY. It is a man-sized job to keep up a stock in condi tion to meet the wants of all the people, but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market-Hclean, fresh, satisfying groceries and provisions of every description. And at VERY MODERATE prices, considering the times. Try US next time. Well make good. Bivens Brothers GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone 255. Opposite Oil MilL Tb North OVoUna tfiporanqe De- nmtmeot suu toned a call to (filxm to marclmnts Cxi to city tod town efftcluia fin vwntug asaHsrt the care less uso and ta loot too tea to any manner of fire worto tn tbe celebra tion of InrierxKHtenoe Day, Jojy 4. The c of Ere works in Oils ceWbrattaa In North OawBoa tn the past baa not ten extensive but Gicro 8eoma. to ttave been a tantfoncy tn recent rears , to make more on of them, Tills dis play wftan fasndtod by the most expe rienced peraon ts daajreTota and tn the bands of Inexpartsnced ceotfa and of tiMMrem ta a custaoe to tooth Rio and ftropurty. temnanre OtTOmtaatorajF Voimg tn a rerent etatemnut said: "In this jwbt whan ovwy effurt looks to consemsdan end prepared ness tt eeanw to toe thai the paoplc of Nortn Carolina oogjl to refrain ra- Crly from the asa of toworta. Tha kind of praMotlsm North Cteollna and AinBrtrB needs this year la rot Cm kind Oat btnars mpaay usetefily and andangcre praiparty and especially propenty w&ara ftwdstufl am stared. The patrioetea the wd const cow Is tha kind (hat nmkoB ft m1 tenJul and Ci oonawadoii at avwry anergy. Tbe kind that Vodka to tbo beading of (vary . ItoH irtrlrli tand errpport to the scwrriwtf ta tie wur ctf unlnown extant npon whfch tt tea entered. "I hope thai awy city offtctal tn KtKtt Oarotln a4U aw to ft Umt do firworta m Hd or oeed tot tno aMraOon of Cne raoSOx of AUy. And toa au way to da hte la to paee ordS sanoaa ta&MiBS Quit aaK Aba ttm Dear vtwa epary prooasUon nould tw ofwnivad to prerent firea. And tha bandUs cf grWOiU, bow avr oaraC&l may be tba oiarator. It tuodooB to Ufa and property." Bloat MMtart mold todlnantly ra avttlw abaraa that tbay tt not "psd Mnu" te Oe bardaa of proof vftSd ana to ha 00 Qmn ta tvgbt of fexrw onoand by WQnar E. )MOatl4L 8 W T Kaoaaw Krta-1 ffeaitf IU tadanrrttafa. oa fht omm AM ta t& TTnMd 8oum kr Aa pair IIQL vtiMi ate a total Cm km W KXM.s. atfjrteiabia to Dut too many men vork oS ex- AH TLat Ila. to be Ihn A'Vordine Sir. Ira It. Mullis, Is 'r Motinv uj ncc TfWT..hijn. to Kii. an l"a;.-a county good roil- : ,hu i; t3 arc-r much mcojra?. 1 S. day ovt-r t:n ennouncetafut 'i:..:;. fn.y !r. Ira B. iiulis, v.lo a !u loan that day, to the tCtct th:. Monroe end Vance t:.w!:;L:is fo- J i-ood claute of gettscs i-.i0' ' d '.i rroi.i tr.e Governiutnls highway fund if tbty would iu.ikt ii;.li..::oj for It. Marshville tonnslnji, hav.'nt' :iadt application fer l'A fro:a the fund months ago, will .-. . vi this aiuount. Mr. Muliiis. mho is a Union coun ty try. U an cr.piaH r u;: c.L'. J t tt!i s!ate Hiphv.ay C-ini3ii!iia. Jut zi ii;esr:i he Is Intertftol in the buiiii inc of the Wilminston-Cj.irlrtti' llibway, and h'.s visic !kti- S it.i l-. was for tbe purpose of r rnk-lng suf-fifit-nt cn!huiaiu auiuni; the ptupl..' to gt-t the road from t!!e M ir hvillc township iine to the MecklcLburs county line. To Ktt tbla aid from the Govfrn nieut. Mr. Mullis statil. the rcpe" tive road comiuissIonergT)f Monroe and Vance townships must put up an Miual amount, if not more, from their own funds to be applied to the erection of the highway within their borders. The proposed highway b-Kina at Wllmiigron, and ends at Charlotte, coming hy way of Lake U'aecamaw, Whlteville, Luniberton, Lnurinburp. Hamlet, liockinghani, Wadesboio. Marshville. Wfnsate and Monroe Work has already started on certain stretches of the highway. Mr. Mul lis predicted that work would soon start on the MarshTille township Part of the road, and he hopes that Monroe township will raise enoujre. money to keep the work on up aftrr it i. begun within thp county. The gttvornruent Is appropriating f2:.0OO for road -work in North Carolina for thla year. On the re quest of the War Department, t'.l. mrney U to be spent on roads lead- frna Inland towns to polnt-s oi the coast, which is the rrason the ef forts of the State Highway Commis sion arc centered on the Yilminirton to Charlotte road. Mr. Mullis feels almost certain that Union county can i:et at loa.-t $7,500 from the govern ment by making application for It. and by putting up an eqiul ai iount to be spent on the hichv.-r.y. No .--peciHe road building material to be rs-"d wr.s mentioned by Mr. lullis. From a convenatlcn Tin- Joainal irian had with him. it was gathered that It is the intention of the highway englueers to recommend ?.iate'!::l nuM suited for the soil In ach fp.itlcular township. Wiih the exiep'ir.r. of a few bad grades. Mr. Mulli.'. pt.ited. an excellent road could Le hulit from the Mur'::iv!!!o township line through ilonroe town ship i.t an expenditure of omy a lew hundred dollars a mile. He .-.poke la high terms of the stretch of cravel road running from Mr. Archy MeClariy's to a distance of aboat a mile on the Wlngato road, lie recom mended, if I'nion county saw fit to build its share of the highway, that gravel top-eoil be spread over the red clay roads, which would make an ideal roadway. Mr. Mullis would al so Inaugurate a better system of road grading. The plan was thoroughly eicplaln ed to, Mr. F. G. Henderson, who is one of the hlphway trustees, by Mr, Mullis. He also found time to talk it over with one or two of the Mon roe township road commissioners. He is very eager fur t'nion county to seize this opportunity to improve her roads, as he has high regard for his native county. To secure aid from the govern ment, as has already been pointed out, the commissioners of Monroe and Vance townships must appropri ate at least $2,500 from from their own funds. It would not do any harm, Mr. Mullis stated, for each township to raise $5,000, as the mor attractive, were tho Inducements of fered the more likely the townships would be cf receiving governmental aid. To Cure a Cold tn OnoOoy TafctlAXATrVBBROMOOuhihie, It stop tht Oqoka and HftidAche and wortBCH UK Cold, nnicgteta rcftmd moeey U It far) to core. &. w, OROVb8 tlgaattre on acn nun. NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad mlnistratrlx of the estate of V. C Stack, deceased, this notice is given to all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the un dersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the 8th day of June, 1918 or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make settlement at once. This Kth day of June. 1917. P ATT IK L. STACK. Admx. TAKE ROTICE I will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court houso door In Monroe, N. C. on Mon day, tho 2nd day of July, 1917, the following property, rli.: All the right, titlo. Interest and es tate of John 0. Etaraes In and to tbe following described real estate lying and being in Union county, N. C, be ing lots No. 11 and 12 la Block 17 of tbe I. C. Trlplott lands and being the same lots conveyed by Lugcnla Wormack to John B. St&rnes by deed dated 6th cf April, 1917, and which said deed la recorded tn Boole 52, page 393 Register office Union county , N. C. and for a more par ticular description of eald lota refer ence Is hereby made to the doed as made -to John B. Statues by Lcgenia wormack. The property above des cribed was levied on by V. L. Earn hardt, Constable, on the 2 6th Coy or April. 1917, by virtue of an attach ment at the Instance of M. A. L. C. ft J. S. Polk, trading as Polk Bros,, Issued by M. L. Flow, J. P., and now being sold under YEN. EX. Issued by tha Clerk of tho Superior Court of Union county, N. C to satisfy said exeaution In favor of M. A. L C. A J. a. Polk, and agnlrat John B. Starnes. Get Your's ugmgA Opinion He kno .vs cofTees has mixed thenj and sold them for years. He knows Luzianne. , Ask him what he thinks of it. Ask him what most of his customers think of it. Luzianne will stand or fall by this test If the re port is favorable, take home a can and try it yourself. Make up a pot, ac cording to directions. You have nothing to lose, for the guarantee assures your money back if you don't like Luzianne. Buy a can today. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. ;M k r r tx Tbe Lczbase Guarintee: If, mfter using tha contentt ofm can, you are not smtiBfied 'n every respect, your gro cer wilt refund your money. The ReiIyTaylor Company, ATew Orleans A ' The Best Store to Patronize, especially during the Pre vailing High Prices, is the Strictly Cash Store. This one carvies a .stock sufficient to supply your wants, guaranty's ev ery tu'.ticlo wdd to lie a represeuUMl or rcru'.uls entire purchase price, to getlier with any amount uf(lclent to cover any expense or Inconvenience lucui'ie I on any and all transactions, aud docs It gladly and without queit Un, one that realizes tiiat SHOUT, lltE PROMTS OX QUICK SALE'S HkXI'S UOTH UV R and SLLLER, aaid one thru renllces the Importance of PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SER VICE. In other words: PATRONIZE A STRICTLY CASH STORE ami let It 1)0 one able to Mipply your needs, one that appreciates your patronage to the extent that they strive nt all time to make you a better satisfied : customer. : You will find such a store not AT WAYS THE CHEAPEST ON EVERY i ARTICLE, such Is au LMPOSS1BILI TY, otherwise there would soon be : hut one store in a community, now ever you will Cud them cheaper in i nearly every, and by paying cash j jou will buy only such articles as are needed. ! We are dolns onr best to opwnte Just such a storo as catlined above ' and our tok consists of everything In the groocry line, together with country proud nee and sls of all va I i letles. We make a specltlty of feed i .st u lTs such as com, oats, mill feed, ; swet faed, rice meal, cotton seed nieal, hulls and timothy hay. Phone i us your orders. BENTON'S CASH STORE, PHONE 178. THE STORE THAT APPRECIATES YOUR TRADE. II IIlllTOl OAK RIDGE, K. C T.t WniTAUEB. PRESIDENT. An ol(1-fshlfiii.-i Frtttihrra f iiool rtatliiR from iri3. In Its lonp hl loiy n nas uurr.ll"1 tliimsaiulsfnim tiio r&rulliias Hint o.iioiiilrit. Jin.., n'-nr --.....I-.. . m ui ivi in ti uiuit'i t irritiiiinR nrr 4 im tan... x...i..H tiii!i'lliig . h.Ciim ln-ti taint showi-rs. I.lbrnry. Actlvo i:urr" noimin. jlul. ucii'sslblo Idi aiii.o near i.rornsliuro, Moro n tliiniMi d (not Bitot earn li-voU 8:tnn, ir.o-il fn!lin.iicu. lnirsc tlioronrhly ccTcrliiir llMraturo, srt fm'ii. Uia-hln. U'Mkki'eitim: tiud !i.tri;i!iniinn'l 11 ijif. AthUv!ci(ivi'.tir'!Ml. All malPloarh- ;, i'lt-litlinn mill) Vut nno. Cists reas.wabla, (i- for the yoar. Fall srioti 1 !iinsSoplci! i, IA:. V ri te fut Illofiialcil ciiniitetio. AUJrasj lui- Oak KMgs Institute, Oak Ridge, N. C .1 Corn Meal AND Graham Flour Our mill la now taming oat same good hotaatrnirnd meal fmm the best corn tha nutrfcat affords. It Is wfcade aomniij wia&e twm bono-dry corn, which tnahew Itparfactly safa to handla. We are also supa-lf tng uar rostamai wish taaaa toux. Doetora iwomnftond tals as a hsry, aad atMhtg . El ta taa We have 00 hand a supply at wkaae-aaand tor food me Henderson wm Mils KOIEDOB. The Globe Nurseries RRJSTOL, . TEXSVA. WHOLESAIJ AND RET.VJL GROWERS QV GENERAL NTTtSERY STOCK. ORGANIZED IN 1903. CAPITAL ajwnnn. NO EFFORTS SPARED TO SATISFY OUR CXSTOMiUiS. AGENTS WANTED, SALARY OB COMMISSION. READ THISi Rlohmond. V- Mar tsl 10 IK The Globe Nareerles, Bristol. Tean.: Gentlemen I had the very hast auooess tn all my daRmias al all pointa. The people were ao wall plaaaed that ! did not bar a Hr&a ob Jeotloo. Yon know that this la remarfcabla, do faolt to Cad to user 100 drtrer1M. The trc8 wre ail tn Bioe aondUlfaL Tons tmr. . V. - i . i I i. I Thlfl 3nd day of Tana. 117. J. V. GRIFFITH, BharUf. cusaa a reaao&a.

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