THE MONROE JOURNAL Founded in 1SJ4 by the presect ownr ami publishers. G. M. and 2. F. i'.a.-.Uy. It. I". UllI.KY. Editor Published Each Tu-l; and Friday. $1.50 ht Year. The Journal Bi:iUiag. corner of .is.. a and Licasley Streets. Tt-lcphoue .No. 19. I Y. Jl I.Y I t. ISM7. The Vcrdiit. l.if-nr which luust mar Lis ':' li' But we feel that if h and his more ;:;:u::iV fiunls and r-l,tii uli 'hat th's was the best thins to : . our I-iia'.'y t h'.ui. if n ithlnsr ?hou!.i i;:.ike us satifie.I. A;''! aM fr.'i.i this, we eiiLr v the jintjrtnra! which - ; arrived ?t b those ' a iii'.ich t.-!?-r luvOK'". i hi n wv to .'I ! . . And ut :': rNk : coins too tar ia !'; cpiaio'i of of our own fi tends ;nd citU.-ns as sood as wo, we will say this: Mr.! did a sreivou- tJ iii. and wc no d-.uht that ca of his pu!ti-!::t-n? null be the in. -capable i'oii.i:nu.-'i-. that he has ma'iii 'd f.n li;.- a !il'ow mortal, disfutr.-.l a countenance upon which Cod Alm'htv d the :-!.ili!p of benevolence und mod will, and lair ed only by a technicality so to speak, placing upon hi- own brow the mark of Cain. Hut wr hope never to be to f rtet that ancer. however bet;. men. often nukes ti. n who have otherwise been good citizens do I SKETCHES By JOHN BEASLEY. 'ibis p., per has no disposition to ,o o-it its way to butt into a inat : i 'hat has already been adjudicated '. i. proceedings in a court of ,-i'ii;et( -iii jurisdiction. Such coin- Jhle .i tit is too otteii without rhyme or i-.i-oi. and Hilly half of it is usual ly ! act were broiuht out. or upon the have paid the penalty ..t.-e with which people who have no requires, it conscientiously adminis- r sponsibility in the matter find M1. tlle halance rests with them itroind tor criticism. However, since i''l Cod. and not with us. This pa- '!! has taken on so much the per has always be. n a consistent op- .hataoer of a public question, a lew pon.nt of lynch law rtmark may not be out of place. In tile tirst place, the matter ts a-e.l upon incomplete informa- 'hints which tiny may repiet the re , mi bias formed before the m.-inder o: their live, and when they which the law and somethings akin to that abom- are dangerously liable thins. Prof. Allen has made the best record for our school that we have ever had. and we suggest that the best way to show our loyalty and friendship and sympathy for him is 'lo.-ed. It has been closed in a man ne at;s;aetoiy to those who were nio.A concerned in se-in that public .'justice was done a well as in seeing that Prof. Allen should receive as flinch reparation for his greivous in-; to stand by htm loyally in his admin jury as it was possible to be made. 1 isttation of the school hereafter, and In the matter of punishment ana see that nothing else takes place to ABOUT MY BABY WHEN" YOU reparation two patties, and only two. 'give him trouble and annoyance. If SAID 'JOHN' HENUY.' " WE OF t.r rather two groups, were interest-! the community had heretofore show- COURSE PARTED GOOD FRIEND SINCE THEY HAVE PIT THE NEW UV ;:-:!;: ON THE AUTOMO BILES. IT IS MUIHTY HAKD FOR VK TO FIN: ON : S CAR. ES PECIALLY if on;: happens to OWN ONE OF TIIE MAKE THAT IS VERY A U CH IN EVIDENCE ON EVERY H'.CHWAY. THE NUM BERS. Of SEE. ARE SO BIG THAT IT TAKES MEMORY LIKE DOCTOR FLOW'S TO KEEP IT IN ONE'S HEAD. THE OTHER DAY. WHEN THERE WERE PILES AND PILES OF THE CARS IN POWER STATIONED AROUND THK SQUARE. I POI ND MYSELF IN SUCH A QUANDARY. I THOUGHT AND THoU;iiT. BUT I JUST WOULDN'T REMEMBER THE Bl.OOMI.V NUMBER. IN DESPAIR I MOANED: Oil. I WISH I KNEW the number of that 'john henry:" vann sikes. who WAS STANDI Nil NEARBY. LOOK ED AT ME THROUGH TERRIBLE EYES WHEN I SAID THIS. AND HE CLENCHED HIS FISTS. AND WALKED TOWARDS ME IN A MENACING ATTITUDE. "WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID?" HE DEMANDED. I BECAME FRIGHTENED AT THE MAN. AND HASTENED TO EXPLAIN THAT I HAD FAILED TO MEMORIZE TIIE NEW NUMBER ON MY FORD AND THAT I COULDN'T FIND IT. "OH." HE BREATHER IN RELIEF. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING 4 H H H M M H H 1 3 M H a H H X fc X X X X X X X X X H H H M a a 3 HiHHlIITnillUmHimiTI!TIHIIIIIMltTilll iiumn Warm Weather als in lace Cur tams,Curtain ScriinLef c Spec! yard Full Lace Curtains Vi yard Full Lace Curtains in White, Ecru and Ivory 2 i yard Lace Curtains i . 2i yard Lace Curtains in White, Ecru, Ivory, etc. 4Sc pair. 9S cents. $1.48. $1.98, $2.48. RIG LINE OF CURTAIN SCRIM, NET, MADRAS, ETC, for your .ewLurtams $y 10, 12, 19C. DOOR PANELS 132c 23c. w K i)U SHADES in all colors WINDOW SHADES in all colors WINDOW SHADES in Better Qualities 3 WHITE ENAMEL CURTAIN POLES 3 BIG ASSORTMENT OF MATTING RUGS in all sizes d. One of these is the public, which ed a willingness to take its own re bad the same interest in this case as sponsibilities upon its own shoulders it has in all others w here the law j they might not have weighed so has been violated 10 see that the : heavily upon Professor Allen. From law is vindicated in its true spirit j all evil some good must fall. Let our and that the rights and safety of so- good from this be the birth of a new citty ate protected. Any other in- and better attitude toward our school tr-st than this does not arise from and its duly constituted representa a desire to do justice and to conserve tives. .- iety and is generally born of a " Wire for revenge or mete vindictive- Snmethhitf On In I'einu.ny. uess. The court and tne prosecuting attorney are the properly constituted uitlioi iii. s to represent the public. and when they have acted in a con--cier.tiotis manner under their oaths .md wiihout ulterior motives, and ac vii'.liii :o their best judgment, we .iin-t prc-ume that they have done the prop' i tiling so far as human Juds .ilellt ;:oes. And it then little be comes any one with no such respon sibilities, to lightly criticise the re sult and to keep up a fire of carping fault finding. The batK of American ' life is Inability of the public to dis-' tini,uish between liberty and Justice j under law and organized processes I and that individual license and self! Hilled action which is neither liber-, y nor justice, but anarchy. ! .ti. T'ij:ht Mete we cannot retrain ;r. :! pointing the inevitable moral. fact that if people had had icspect. for law and onlcrli- to upheld their p! esef.tatives if i 1' f :i Hi COV.-tltltl e. iii:- th :. .1 .i :: 1 ; o . 1 ; h sho.i;.. in it - t.i- . have the liviiiaal d lleVt-f i' 1 ,i t 1 wh H niild W i-e-II lie Something serious seems to be taking place or about to take pl.ue in internal politics in Germany. A crown counsel has been held, the first one since war was declared, and they have suppressed a newspaper for saying that the people and not one man ought to have the right to de cide the question of peace. The chan cellor has declared that the govern ment cannot accept the dictim of the socialists that peace should be made upon the principle of no annexations and 110 indemnities. Signs that the German people are becoming weary of the war multiply, but the ruling class, determined upon conquest, stubbornly refuse to state what they are holding on for other than to use the old stereotyped phrase that her enemies wish to wipe the fatherland off the map. All demands for peace and questions ot the war have he. n an.-wered by the autocrats with the slogan. "Look at th- map." 1 ; ea I 1 ti theteby that Germany was A uv! i th" :;!', But live l.e-I'lhs of BUT VANN SAYS HE CERTAINLY IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT BABY'S NAME. AS HE IS GETTING MIGHTY TIRED OF FOLKS CUSSIV "JOHN HENRY." The "wuxtry," as Judge Pratt ca!l , ed the Wednesday's issue of The ! Journal, made Sam Warlick go to ibed that night thinking he lived in a city! Prof. Jackson Williams. Esq., the man who won immortal fame by driv ing the hogs out of Monroe, ha jumped into the limelight once nioiv .-inc. he made the claim the other day that he had a way to stop th' war. His plan is very simple. Sone months ago, he avers, he received a letter from the Kaiser which contain ed the request that he secure htm a nice, four acre farm, close in, for his occupancy. The Trofessor claims that he has located this place, which: adjoins Col. T. B. Moore's farm tnj Sandy Ridge. He now proposes to1 get the Kaiser over here at once; and. of course, with the departure of the Kaiser, the war will end. The scheme is all right if the Kaiser will come, and Col. Tom doesn't object to having him for a neighbor, fays the Professor. 38 cents. 45 cents. 48 cents. 10c; 3 for 23c. 29c to $2.68. NOTIONS. PALM LEAF FANS PALM LEAF FANS in Better Quality GAUZE VESTS OPEN AND SHUT FANS - OPEN AND SHUT FANS OPEN AND SHUT FANS with Beads BIG ASSORTMENT OF FANS 3 cents. 5 cents. 5 cents. 2 cents. 5 cents. 10 cents. 23c, 3Sc, 50c. PARASOLS CHILDREN'S PARASOLS MISSES AND LADIES PARASOLS in all colors ft 1 25c, 38c, 48c. 48c, 85c, 98c, $1.48 17 - Retail -17 Department 17 Stores -17 BEL SELL r llMDAiv 1 mix IT FOR LESS. 17 - Retail -17 Department 17 Stores 17 lIHIHIIIIIliriIITTt:illIIIIITITIHtTTTTrtlH,,tTt,,TTTTrl...... wWTWWrZ .1 . he j ! 11 U l:ie - uia'Jon to tile testre ot so many 1 -''li I'll 1 mi to sltM whims rather than to th- judgment and con- e of the school authorities, was . i.i the bottom of it all. There is lit tle ililfei-cnce between the spirit vb'nh would assasinate the school on -'vety occasion when our own little fin judices are Interfetred with and the spirit which would assasinate the fourt when they fail to respond to Hitting Up the fU'al I'nH'cedini;. -. a itiind" have no! Stan eu l.n-ia'1' he. I ;!lt. V. "I '' decla: ed to be Mi; ,- .,-n!. R:;t i' lias !.io:ti:ln pn-r'y M : M ; I all tile W li'lli Hot ll'f' ton'.- l-n-'d up. fifaitist tiet many, and t1 -e piople are bouitining to lose faith in th ' stories 01 certain victory whi.-h have been fed them, and which un'il now made the words, "Look at the map," seem to be sufficient. And when they lose faith in the war they will have lost faith in their rulers, and that Is the time we are waiting for. An I Family. C Offespoptldi-nce (if The 1; .M.mro,. l;t. ti. July l. :ir. Helms of ( harlii.ti' r . c . . t A I nit.i! with his ami!, Mr.-'. C. A. Al rs. Ft - d H' ihis ..lid e.:iV! a.;, ep ''!!. ( I' ;k. :i 'it ek i . A. i.l ins, : !"S !ict iren e IS what our own likes and dislikes sug gest. We submit this thought for the prayerful consideration of all of us and without the least desire to point the accusing finger at any one. So, all good citizens should feel that the ends of justice, regardless of our ow n likes and dislikes and pre judices and biases, have been con vened by our conscientious represen tatives. And feeling this, it is the part of good citizenship to let the matter rest. As to the other group at Interest. Trof. Allen and his friends, the mat- township last Saturday. .... .i.i v,.. i i.f. Meantime Norwood and sor Allen and his immediate family acquisred in the judgment, but hia chosen arbitrators, the school board, after mature consideration, and hav ing at heart the Interest of both Prof. Allen and the town and the school, and likewise his employed attorneys, if whose ability and conscientious motives tht-re can be no question. We that if th" school board, the in jilted man and his family, friends and attorneys, the Judge and the prosecuting attorney, cannot be re lied upon to secure Justice and satis faction, both for the public and for Pro. Allen, we shall have a poor re course in irresponsible criticism and individual or small group initiative. This writer was out of towq, when the terrible thing took place and has been out of town most of the time since. No one has a higher regard f r Professor Allen nor a deeper sym- Aii'i:i,i- p.-;it r. . i;: das I, v.i;h Mr--. Il.-lms' . i. ;'. Mi S VI eM , The la', illy of Mr. Ci'.s Willi who lives abiiut oae and a halt i if. .in Maker's, has heu otey at e.l. Mr. Williams lo. . two ciill in about three weeks, ml his vi in bed cal sick. His neighbots went lo his home last week and w : ked out his crop for him. Mrs. Charles Hamilton and chil dren of Winston-Salem are expected at Mr. J. T. Hamilton's tonight to spend some time. Mr. Vann Secrest nnd Mrs. Ina Iteam thave been employed to teach the summer school s.t Shiloh. Mrs. Heain taught here last year. School will begin next Monday, the 16th. Mr. George Home had quite an experience last Sunday week. Mr. Home and wife and daughters were (From the Waxhaw Enterprise.) The celebrated case of Norwood vs. Massey was compromised Satur day. This was a case wherein J. K. Norwood asked damage of D. Sam Massev, colored, charging that the driving in a buggy and on meeting an defendant's cow had trespassed upon automobile the horse became fright his corn patch and the crosses in his ?ned nd 'n 90'"e y sot In the way front yard. The case was called r the niachine. The horse was some two weeks ago before Justice knocked down, the buggy upturned Sistare. Defendant Massey demand- and tne occupants thrown out. but ed a Jury trial and also requested fortunately no serious results were removal to another court, alleging experienced. The horse had a lame that he could not get justice here, shoulder for several days and the oc Accordinglv the case was removed rCupants got a general shaking up. and ordered to be heard before Jus- Mr- J- Williams reports having tice Bieham at his residence in the co,,on blossoms on the third day of juiy. Massev's Quit 800(1 dpa" of blackberries son had compromised the case by . nave Deen Baveu In in19 community,! Massey delivering to Norwood a but thpre 8ee,n!' ,0 be a warclty of. half sack of flour. So far as the oth"T fruits, no one having more than nrlnelni'.ls In IhwViiso wei-p ronrpin- mey neea ai nome. ed this settlement was satisfactory Such was not the case with Deputy Constable Irby, who presented a bill of costs and asked payment. Neither party to the suit was willing to in vest any more in it. So Irby tiien de manded that it go on to trial and his costs be collected. ( onsiderabie interest was numifes- Messrs. M. A., J. S. pnd L. C. Polk motored to Charlotte Sunday to see Mr. Tom Polk, who Is seriously sick at his home there, Mr. Polk Is a brother of Mr. M. A. Polk. Misses Minnie Lee and Dovle Helms of Monroe visited Miss tfara Williams Sunday.. Mr. Arthur Helms visited his sIr- ted in the case -.nd numbers of w it- tPr, Mra- 1 "1K- jesiernay. nesses were subpoenaed for each Miss Sara Williams went to Wax shie. The hour wa.i to be at two , haw Tuesday to spend soni tin e, o'clock at Justice nigham's residence. M"- M- I'l'r Is visiting her But shortly before t.u.t time satis- '"auKnier. .mis. i.. k. roiK. -- liusy fi.rtoiv rronnrnitiisp ltn turma nf Dee. which have not been made public, was effected and thf rme win .lU-i coining else ntgntens a lutitl missed. so Hefort marriage a girl wants a man to write love letters, but after mar riage nothing but checks will do. When a woman begins to notice Nothing else frightens a much as his wife s dead sib nee nfter he has failed to do the proper thirg. It Is like a stone wall with barbed wire on top; he can't get around It nor see through It nor walk over It. Humanity is unequally divided be tween those who can t stand prosper- every act and word of a man she hanitr and thnp whn nn'i tn party for him In the fearful disfigure- begun to either 1ot9 or hatt h'Bi. ;aid. On Buggies, as well as in other lines, there has been a tre mendous advance. However, we bought early in the year and FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS can offer your at old prices BABCOCK FRANKLIN SUMMERS HACKNEY VIRGINIA TAYLOR and CANADY PARRY GUILFORD DURHAM EMMERSON. A clean, well assorted stock in TEN DIFFERENT MAKES. Now is the time to buy and save money. MONROE HARDWARE CO. THE LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. HAYNE STREET. a

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